SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 16, 1916. il;f(iiKu " MtoS-lined Bags I I U :. yV 1 1 ' One Pound GUu Humidors --sJ LAWYERS 'Abstract, examined. Corporation Law. financial Agents. Trusts, Escrows and Accounts. Estates probated. Collec tions, Deeds, Mortgages. General practice In all courts. Correspondence solicited. Prompt attention. Bank references. Fourteenth year. ' LOANS PLACED ON PORTLAND PROPERTY rbsessohn & Mosessohn IT14.TlS.nS Chamber f CwnwM Bids. PORTLAND, ORIOON IT WAS MEAN OF WALTER London, Aug. 111. Minn Patricia Burke, l.oa Angeles beauty who once rejected a peer aud declared she would marry nn American, became t tie briiie todny of the Karl of Cottenhnm, whose first wife wan aoricleiitnlty shot through the heart whilu hunting three yours ago. The ' ceremony wan performed In St. George's church. Walter Vinans gave the bride away. If Threatened With Tuberculosis you muat par proper attention to diet nd living condltinna, and get plenty of reet and Creah air and good food, Many a life claimed by thla affection might have been saved by timely at tention to these matters. In many cases, however, a rundown ayatem needs assistance, tinder these clrcum stances, try Kck man's Alterative, a lime treatment whloh baa the unique iiuallty of being saaily assimilated by the average peraon. Oive Nature every chance, but atrengthen your own chancea by ui Ing thla preparation, which oftsn haa nffected boneflelal results. No undue claima are made for It. but It haa helped in many cases. And It is safe to try. for It contains no opt. J taa, narcotics or habit-forming drugs. from your drugglet i Jficauaaa Lakeratery, PkU4elkia, Nature Baffles Science! "THE dumbest oyster can make a ' than the brightest man. The Nature methods. NATURE says smoking tobacco is at its best after two years' curing. There may be quicker ways and cheaper ways to cure tobacco. But we believe in Nature's way the VELVET way two years' mellowing in big wooden hogsheads. Just fill a pipe with VELVET, and draw in the cool, mild smoke that's so fragrant and rich that but what is the use of trying to describe a taste? Take our word for VELVET, long enough to try a pipeful, and you won't need to take anybody's word after that Pointed Out the Only ! Dead Place In City! Nnu Frnnelaeo, Aug. Ill Tourists who clnmliereil into one of the bin sight (toe ing buses on Market street today won dered why it didn't xtnrt on time. The announcer looked vniuly around for the driver and then called up the offices of the Lincoln Sight Seeing company and nuked for n new chauffeur. Hurry Thompson hiulu't appeared, he said. A new driver was sent and SO minute Inter the announcer held up the megaphone. "To your right is llio city morgue, the only dead place in San Francisco," he snid fncetiniiHly, Inside lay Thompson, a suicide. He was found dead in ins room, He left this queer note: "Tell father I love him and that I am going. Tell sister I am not nuts. I'ut mv body lu the cemetery next to Jim. 'a." CONDUCTORS WOULD STRIKE Chicago, Aug. Iti. rnssenger train conductors on the Colorado and Nebras ka divisions of the Union l'ncifio will not go out in ease of a strike, accord ing to a message received here today by Oerrit Fort, passenger traffic mali nger, from President K. K. Calvin, of the road lit Ornnlia. Calvin dec In red the passenger con ductors at a meeting in Omaha Inst night decided upon the same action of of Union Pacific engineers, "in that they would continue to perform their regular duty iu event of a strike." OAFFENE TRIAL BEGINS San Francisco, Aug. 16. With four jurors to be selected, it is expected that the opening arguments will be made to day and the taking of testimony in the trial of James Oaf I'ene, accused of kill ing Hiugvio Villurdo 11 years ago will begin. The death of Villnrdo e rented a sensation In 1905. Tho police worked for years before (laffenc was arreBted. better pearl oyster uses - f. To Report Findings On Wheat Speculation Chicago, Aug. Edward N. Hur iley, chnirmnu of the federal trade com I mission, who has been- here in cornice- tion with an investigniion in rises of flour and wheat prices from the indus- trial standpoint, planned todny to leave I for Washington tomorrow. He will lay I what facts he has obtained hero before I government officials. It is not be j lieved his present, action will - recom : mend legal action by the government. As a result of the jump in wheat yes terday, bakers grnrto flour was selling half a dollar higher today at $7.25. What the Boys On the Border Feed On San Antonio, Texas, Aug. 111. This is what each American soldier on the bor der consumes in one day: Fresh beef, 18 ounces; baking powder, .08 ounce; beans, 3.4 ounces; potatoes. 20 ounces; prunes, 1.28 ounces; coffee, 1.12 ounces; sugar, 3.2 ounces; pepper, .04 ounce; cinnamon, .014 ounce; lard, Igill; flavoring extracts, .014 ounce. I T . . i . , .. . . .a 1 . i Aii uiie tiny a uorse eais i? pouuus oi ' nntn find 14 nnunilii nf hnv. This average is subject to change at nnv time. BIO RUN OF SALMON RUNNING IN ROGUE M'arshfield, Or., Aug. lit. Fishermen on ltugue river are getting the best wanes thev have mnde in years, due to I the largest run of fish in recent years land to the liberal prices paid for aal- mon. K. I,. Maeleay, of the Wedder burn cannery. Increased the price for salmon to $1.50 each. John Conner, who operates a gillnct, made $112 for one night 'a work and se'vernl men have run over $1000 in less than three months. Journal Want Ads Got Results. ' SportNews TEAM WORK PLACES BROOKLYN IN LEAD Has Three Games to the Good and Manager and Team Are Confident By H. C. Hamilton (I'nited Press staif correspondent) New york, Aug. 16. Again team play in baseball stands forth aa the most powerful force in a club's fight for the top. The Brooklyn National league club 'started its last swing a round the circle today in the lead by a margin of three games and it's ail due to the co-operative spirit the spir it that knows no defeat, with every man trying his best to do something that will help get just one more run across. Tiiis is the secret of the Brooklyn club 's success this year, President Eb bcts snid today. If a player becomes injured or is removed for Bome other reason, every man in the club is eagor to tul; his place. Wilbcrt Robinson, has made a real baseball club out of n collection of athletes who formerly just played ball. . Kbbets has confidence in his men. Ilefore his club left Pittsburg today he told the United Press he expects the Dodgers to return from the western trip still in first place. ' "My men are confident," Ebbets said ' " However, do pot think we are over confident. We believe we can win and we're going to keep on hammering away until we do it. ."All tie players are in fine condi tion with the exception of Jake Dnu bert and wo expect him back in the game within a week or ten days." Daubert recently slipped u bone in his hip and its pressure on a nerve has been giving him considerable pain. He is under the care of a physician. While Daubert is .out ' McCarthy is playing first and doing a good job. Welsh Trains Hard Denver, I'olo., Aug. 111. Freddie Welsh started his second day of the training grind for the scheduled 20 round championship bout between Charley White and the present title holder at Colorado Springs, Labor day with another twelve mile road jaunt to City Park and return. After a rub down the champion rested until this afternoon when he planned another long hike. Freddie declares he doesn 't need much indoor work, but wants to make sure of his wind in this altitude. He plans to continue his road work daily until he winds up training. " White will have to be much strong er, hit harder and move faster than he ever has done if he intends to keep up the ce I intend io mako," Welsh declared today. Charley Woite has not yet started his training. He is now at Colorado Springs arranging for training quar ters. When this is settled White plans to buckle down to real work. An army of carpenters is working, on the huge outdoor arena where the contest will be staged. The structure will be second ouly to that built at Hcno for the Jeffries-Johnson fight. Ping Bodie Peeved Snn Trnliciscn. Anir 16. Tronlde is brewing between "Ping" Bodie and the management of the Sau Francisco Seals. ReiiliinfT that TTcnrv Berrv can sell lii in for n Int-ire uiini. Rnilin una de clared that he must get a part of the nnrcltHMP ftricp nml lie antisficil in ev ery respect before he will approve any .leal .Manager vtoiverion may mane. Tmliiv lliim-v llorrv ilncrepil thnr Bo- die would not get a penny of the pur- imihho iirii-i ir ill. Hind nun v ill VHrinii repented the statement. According to i...i:.. i'..l u:. 1.a would "get his" if lie was sold, but noiverion ueiucs nv ever mune sucn n roimsc. M iiriwv-iir. Ilia "fiii.A hunter hns been peeved at Horry for some time, llti aiiva llci-i-v iii-nmiwiiil him flu Dlltil. mobile last year when he refused to join tho iSew lork i nnkees. Want Kirkpatricks To Beat the Babies If the Kirkpntrick Stars defeat the Pnbv Beavers at Portland next Sun. ibiv thev will have fiftv bucks in good Salem money in ndditioa to the gate receipts. Manager Ray Buker of the Lojus lias sent the purse to Secretary Lewis of the Interstate league, with lastructions to deliver it to the Kirkpatricks in the event of their removing the scalp of the Rupert bunch. By agreement be tween the managers of the Kirkpat ricks and the Baby Beavers, the game nt Portlnnd Sunday will be played "winner take all" and the Kirkpat ricks aro expected to play the game or their liwe, . Their success will simplify to a con siderable extent the "if" proposition which now atands between the Lojus and the winning of the pennant. The Salem bunch is confident of its ability to take care of the Camas ag gregation, which, conies to the local grounds Sunday. Also if believes that it will be equal to the job of beating out the proud ami arrogant Bcnvers on 'the Sunday following. While there's a chance, there's hope. This is the favorite maxim at preseat of Salem fnudom. OEOROINA IS STRONG Boston, Mass., Aug. 0. Iu a strength test of men and women who attend the Harvard summer school of physical education. Miss Mnbcl Oeorgina Furry, physical instructor nt the Queen Anne high school, Seattle, attained a total of 459 points, the highest number scored iu the women's division. , Watching the Scoreboard Pacific Coast League Standings W. L. Pet. Los Angeles ; 72 51 .585 Vernon 73 OS .557 San Francisco 68 02 .523 Salt Lake 60 60 .508 Portland 5,1 - 01 .465 Oakland 49 83 .371 Yesterday's Results At Los Angeles 3, Portland 2. At Salt Lake 11, Vernon 8. At San Francisco 1, Oakland 6. STANDING or THE TEAMS National League W. L. Brooklyn 63 38 Boston 59 40 Philadelphia 61 42 New York 52 50- Pittsburg 46 55 Chicago 46 60 Xt. Louis 47 64 Cincinnati 43 68 Pet. .624 .5(i .592 .510 .455 .434 .424 .387 American League W. L. Boston 63 45 Cleveland 02 48 Chicago 62 49 St. Louis fil 52 Detroit 60 53 New York 57 52 Washington 52 56 Philadelphia 22 83 Pet. .583 .5(14 .559 .536 .531 .523 .4S1 .210 If Oakland would just cop a few more games Walt McCredie's Beavers might succeed in their evident ambi tion to achieve the basement. Portland snoozed tnrough eight in nings at Los Angeles and roused Itself tardily in tne ninth to knock old Char ley Hall off the hill. Lowdermilk held the Angeles to foar hits Portland got eight and played errorless ball, yet lost i to 2. JIarry Wolverton took n crack nt the unit tor the neals and the pitcher hit him. Harry always figures to get to first some how. Oakland beat San Francisco 0 to 1 The whole Oak aggregation played at top Bpeed and mowed the Seals down in brond swaths. Bunny Brief of Salt Lake batted four times, garnering n homer, a double and two singles. All the Saints swatted hard and the Bengals lost, 11 to 8. On two oeen sions building Tiger runs were ruth lessly slashed by ehalu lightning Salt Lake double pluys. Yesterday's big league hero was a tie iiionosition. Walhe 1'iiip ami Hog er Peckinpaugh for the anks each whacked out a home run and a single, giving the Yanks an even break with the Mack men. Dick Rudolph, in downing the Dodg era, won his eighth consecutive vic tory. Konetciiy was a hitting demon. The Braves first Backer cracked out a iir of doubles and a triple, cncli one ot the hits figuring in the ran getting. Deiunre upheld his reputation as (iiaut killer when he detcated his lor mer team mates, 1 to 0, allowing only three hits. Babe Ruth, Red Sox star, put it over Walter .lohnsoii in a 1.1 liming pitching duel. The hose won 1 to 0, on three hits in t no 13th after two wero out. Jack Barry mnde the winning run for Boston when (lordlier got Ins third hit of the afternoon, a single. Two hard fought games went to the Pirates, St. Louis losing the first 1 to 0 mid the second 2 to 1. (Continued from Page One. to this port in the next few days. The collier BrutUB will arrive nt 7 p. m. today, the cruiser Colorado will drop anchor in the harbor next Friday, and the cruiser Milwaukee, flagship of the torpedo flotilla, and the destroyers Hull, Hopkins, Truxton, Whipple, Pre ble, Stewart and Paul Jones will sail from La Pas on August 18 for this port. The flagship San Diego, with Ad miral William B. Caperton on board, will arrive August 25 and will prob ably be followed by most of the re maining vessels of the fleet in a short time. The seven bluejackets, suffering from malarial fever, who were on the Brutus, recovered sufficiently for transfer to the Milwaukee at La Paz. The Journal Does Job Printing. . . FANFARE "Arrow Soft -yet Starched Wafer Thin COLLAR 15c each 6 for 90c CLUETT, PEAB ODY & CQ IfifC NEWJTODAY FOR SALE Hop stove used 4 or 5 times, and 10 hop sacks, (ieorge Swegle. auglS SO - NEW TODAY - Each insertion, per word lc One week (6 insertions), per word....5c One month (26 fnsertions) per word 17e Minimum charge, 16e, , PHONE 837 For wood saw. tf RUBBER Stamps made 165 S. Coml tf HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 768. septS WANTED Experienced cook. 461 N. High. auglO TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour nal otnee. ti FOR SALE Small potatoes 15c bu. Inquire 2349 Cherry Ave. aug!7 WANTED Moderu five or six room house furnished. Phone 175. augl6 BIRD DOC For sale, 5 months old. Phone 1366, after 6:30 p. m. aug2l FOR SALE-r-Fine Estey organ, or will trade for cow. 1541 South High. aul9 WANTED To trade heifer for. male hog. Address M care Journal. auglO FOR SALE Second hand Studebakcr dump wagon. H. Pohle & Son. a tig Hi WANTED To rent, a dairy farm of about 75 or 100 ajyc3. Phone 65F3. au.el7 WANTED Bartlett pears, cash on do- l:...-.. T ti m:.. til... ri!1?iii incir. u. hunger, x Hunt; uox .... augl9 PURE BRED White Wyandotte pul lets and cockerels for sale. 155 Nortj 21st St. augl6 14 PICrS For sale from two t three months old. John D. Doerfler, route 2, box 129-A. anfclG FIRST CLASS House dresses made for $1.00. All other sewing according. Phone. 663. auglO WANTED Women and girls to pick beans, lc pound, good camp ground. Phone 49PJ. augl6 WANTED To rent piano for few months, best of care given. Address 34.T care Journal. auglO EXPERIENCED GIRL Wanted for general housework. Call mornings. 274 N. ('filter. J. L. Stockton. auglS LOST Leather hand bag, contained .$2.50, a pair of eye glasses in case. Mrs. C. E. Spoir, state hospital. al7 A MAN Of 3d yrs. wishes to meet lady of suitable age. .as company at first. Address XXX care Journal. . auglO ROOM TO RENT To gentleman, nil modern conveniences, prices reason able, call mornings. 274 N. Center. augl8 FOR SALE Body oak wood $4.50 per cord; grub oak wood $.()() per cord. Skvline Orchards, R. F. D. 3, Phone 3(iFll. augl9 FOR SALE Agate Beach lot, $250.00, terms or cash; near hotel, facing ocean, between Bowersox house and fir grove. A us 40 tare Journal. FOR SALE Two fine young, large trosh cows with Better calves, one Jcrsey-Holstein, one Jersey-Durham. First St. east, 2nd house north asy lum. tinglT FOR SALE Four room house, large ensfc- front lot, 50 by 278 feet. On car line and paved street. Purchaser to assume street assessment. Price $575, $275 down. See A. Kittrman. 275 State St. augl7 A BAROA1N A neat 5 room house near school, is modern exept for fur nace, has cement basement, is 3 blocks to car line aad store. Price $1350 on the pavment plan. See J. A. Mills, 384 State St. augl7 FOR SALE 10 acres of good soil, B acres under cultivation, balance ash timber, close to school. niilc from railroad statioa, 5 miles from Salem, Price $1000.00, $100.00 down, bal ance to suit at (1 per cent int. This is n snap. See E. B. Orabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. augl7 WHY DO YOU RENT A farm when you can buy 160 acres for 10 dollars an acre, 30 acres of this has been plowed. There are no buildings, but good spring water nad creek, 3-4 mile to school, and miles to post office aud store. $600 down and the other thousand at 6 per cent. See J. A. Mills, 384 State St. nngl7 IF ITS EMPTY FILL IT UP Capital -Journal FOR RENT ad will do the job. It only costs lc a word, and you can't worry for that amount Just Phone 81 FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floof 491 N. Cottage. TRESPASS NOTICES FOR SALE at Journal office. FOR SALE Choice dill for pickling, 370 8. 24th St. . auglS FOR RENT SIGNS Far sale at Cap ital Journal office. if FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaao . line engine. Phone 451. tf FOR SALE Large young team. Mrs. E. Thomas, Marion, Oregon. - auglT TWO Good milk cows, giving 3 gat per day each. Phone 1F13. augld WANTED Lady solicitors to work ia Salem. Apply at 770 So. Commercial St. ... tf BARGAIN HUNTER Here's your pi ano. R. F. D. 3, box 242. Phone 40F21 augl8 8IX CHIROPRA6TI0 Adjustment $5, worth more. Dr. May,- Hubbard bldg. - aeptS FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep ing apartments, rates reasonable, close in, 160 Court. - tf FOR RENT ehcap for cash, store building corner Liberty and Hood St. Inquire 1415 N. 4th. St. augl8 FOR SALE Baled oat and vetch hay, $9.00 per ton in Hie field. Davis Rees, Jefferson road. auglS A BARGAIN Good team, harness, wagon, two seated hack, all go for 160 dollars, 801 Locust St. nuglO FOR RENT ADS under this heading lc a word. Read for profit; use for results. AUTO FOR SALE Best of condition, cheap for cash. G. W. Laflar, 40fi Hubbard bldg. Phone 1644. auglU WANTED Ladies and gentlemen, sal ary and 'commission. Call room 14, Capital Hotel, August 16th, 18th aud 19th. auglO FOR RENT Front rooms, furnished for housekeeping, or sleeping rooms. 265 South Commercial St. Phone 2124J. aug!7 STRAYE From McMahan's ranch, bay horse and black marc colt com ing .three. Finder telephone owner 1806W. - augl7 FOR SALE Or trade, black gelding, 1 yrs. old, weight about 1000 lbs., or trade for cows, or 2 yr. old filly. Phone 65F3. augl7 FOR SALE Dandy light team, har ness and wagon, good condition all for $125.00. Inquire H. H. Tompkins at Slinw, Oregon. auglO GRADE HOLSTEIN Cows for sale; records furnished; moderate price. Write care Journal X X 5. D. R. Murphy, Turner Or., Dt, 1. aug28 FOR SALE 3 half truck Studabak er wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 2786 Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf ONE OF THE Best modern residences in Eugene, inside, desirable to trade for improved acreage close to Sa lem, value $4500, call phone 241I9M augl7 ?ARM FOR SALE By owner; cheap, 162 if, acres on Lake Labish, 4 miles north of Salem. Will sell all or in tracts. Phooe 31F11, Frank M. Ford. - augl8 F. W. DURBIN Is now boohing hop pickers for his 68 acres of hops. Either call at Durbin & Conoyer, office Ladd & Bus'u bldg., or phone 491. angl8 SECOND HAND MENS CLOTHING jewelry, musical instruments, tools, guns, etc.. bought, Bold and traded. Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493. septll FOB RENT- Furnished or unfurnished sleeping rooms, ofrice rooms and housekeeping rooms, reasonable rate W. H. Norris, Rcc. Hubbard bldg. Room 304. tf FOR SALE By owner, a good 5 room plastered bungalow, with bath, elec tric lights, dutch kitchen, a new pi ano ana rumiture go?s with this bar gain for $1300. Address home care Journal. auglC WANTED Grand Union Tea company products cannot be excelled, price very reasonable. Your next order for coifee, tea, baking powder, etc., is wanted. Phone 968 Lockwood at 218 N, Commercial St. auglS Notice of Improvement of Alley la Blocks 35 and 36, University Addition NoticeTs hereby given that the com mon council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve the alley in block 35 and 36, University addition to tha city of Salem, between the east line) of Twelfth street and the west line of the Race in block 35, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property by bringing said portion of said alley to the official grade, and paving the same with a six-inch Portland cement con crete pavement in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said portion of said alley, adopted by the common council on the 6th day of July, 1916, now on file in the office of the city recorder, which, for a more detailed .description thereof are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice; be ing that character or kind ofNimproTe ment kaown and designated in sai plans, specifications and estimates a "Cement Concrete Pavement.'' The common council hereby declare its purpose and intention to make the said above described improvement by and through the street improvement de partment of the City. By order of the common council. OHAS . F. ELGIN Citv Recorder. Dated this 8th day of August, 1916. . Aug 1