Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 16, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
August 10, 1010.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Sec. and Treas.
n.iw fc rrlir. nor ar ' 43.00 Per month 45c
Daily by mail, per year ; :
3.00 Per mouth
New York, Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chicago, W. H. Stockwel 1, People's .Una Building.
The Capital Jonrnal carrier boys are instructed to pnt the papers on the
forth. If the carrier dees not do this, misBeg yon, or i.eglects gettitng the
isper to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
ray we eaa determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phot Main 81 before 7:U0 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special
messenger it the carrier bus missed you.
The recent ruling of the Interstate Commerce Com
mission discontinuing competitive water rates on trans
continental traffic hurt all the coast cities, but Portland,
worst of all. It is a case of "hoist with their own petard."
In order to control trade within certain areas or districts
naturally tributary to these coast cities, the rule was
made that they because the railroads entering them were
in competition with ocean rates, were entitled to rates on
the roads that would permit them to do business and meet
Kuril rn'mnetition. In other words the terminal cities
were given rates lower than inland cities which these
same roads ran, and through which freight consigned to
them, had to pay the rate to the city to which they were
tributary and the local rate back. The rate to Baker City,
for instance, from New York, was the through rate from
New York to Portland plus the local rate irom tne latter
tn RnW Citv.
It will be seen that this was a good business deal for
Portland, which got low rates and secured the business oi
Baker City. This was done at the expense oi tne micer
City merchant first and the merchants' customers finally.
Thp svstem levied- toll on all consumers within a certain
radius for the benefit of Portland in this case, but it ap
plies to every coast city where ocean freights are landed.
. The ruling of the interstate commerce commission
spoken of is inexcusable so long as the system is recog
nized as the correct one. It was simply a turning of the
public over to the railroads and inviting them to help
themselves. ,
If the railroads could haul freight to Portland from
Chicago at a given rate while ships were delivering it at
that rate, and make a profit at, why can they not haul
the same freight over the same route at the same price
when the ships quit business? The answer is they can.
The other answer is that the commission deliberately
turned the public over to the railroads to do as they
pleased with it, and the railroads at once proceeded to
do it. , ,
The trouble with Portland is that she is between the
devil of Spokane and the deep blue sea of Astoria and
the Sound. Her contention is that having a river level
and a shorter haul she should be entitled to lower rates
than Astoria or the Sound. Her reasoning is sound and
under all the laws of fair and equal treatment she should
have preferential rates over either of these places.
But suppose ner contention is auoweuj vviu nui me
While discussing Portland's hard lines it might be well
to add that little sympathy is being given her by the bal
ance of the state. She has so conducted herself time out
of mind that she has few real friends in Oregon. In her
short sightedness she has reached after every industry
started in the state, grabbing it for her self and wanting
'i. L : l j l ! i i r j j , i i i . i
n wiiimi ner city uimis, uueny iorgeuing mat ner growtn
She overlooks and neglects all the little civic decencies
ness of the cities of the state that are naturally tributary
to her.
With a half dozen cities in the state of from 50,000 to
100,000 population each, Portland would have her business
doubled and trebled. The doubling of the population of
the Willamette valley would much more than double the
trade between this section and Portland, but she cannot
see it that way. She wants everything within her limits,
and has been trying to lift herself into renown and great
ness by her bootstraps. She has not succeeded and she
never will until she changes her methods and remembers
there is part of the state outside of her boundaries.
She overlooks and neglects all the little civic decencies
that make for respect. A. case of it is on today, when Mr.
Hughes touring the country after votes, is held up by
Portland and to his own political injury, taken up the
Columbia instead of on a trip through the valley and giv
ing hundreds who desired to see him the opportunity. It
is such indecency to the balance of the state, such a dis
regard for civic goodfellowship that has caused much dis
like for Portland among those who would really like to
love her if she would so act that they could. But liking
is not engendered by ill treatment, nor respect by neglect
and contempt openly expressed.
The following is from the Oregonian's report of Can
didate Hughes' Tacoma speech:
"Mr. Hughes reviewed Democratic tariff legislation
and the Democratic platform plank of 1912 relating to
the tariff. Our opponents said they would reduce the
cost of living, he said. Behold the result."
We presume from this remark that Mr. Hughes, if
elected, promises to reduce the cost of living; well, how
does he propose to do it? By reducing the prices farm
ers are getting for wheat, livestock, butter and eggs? If
not, perhaps Mr. Hughes as president would enact laws
tending to reduce the cost of manufactured goods, thus
reducing the price of clothes which would affect the cost
of living; but how would such laws conform to the vaunted
policy of protection to the workingman? Low prices for
clothes or any other goods must of necessity mean lower
wages for the men and women who make , them. Just how
Mr. Hughes would reduce the cost of living without af
fecting the income of the farmer or the workingman
would be interesting to the people of the country if he
would explain his plan in detail.
Ihe following cases arc announced
tor hearing by the supreme court at
the September term: September 5, Fore
man vs. School District, Columbia
county; State ex. rel. vs. Evans. Sep
tember tl. Coates vs. Smith; Sorsby vs.
Kremiinghoven. September 7, Lane vs.
Ball; Woods vs. Dunn. September S,
Stemiick vs. J. K. Lumber company.
A complaint has been, received by
the public service commission from a
number of physicians at Forest Grove.
They want a night operator at that
town's telephone exchange. They say
that the present night service consists
of boys who work at other jobs in the
daytime, and that it is often nceessarv
to go to the exchange and wake up a
boy before it is possible to obtain tele
phone service.
Eighteen of the Benles usecf iu Tilla
mook county creameries and cheese
factories have been condemned by Dis
trict Sealer Jones, according- to a r
port received by State Scaler Buchtel.
During his trip through Tillamook
county Jones made a total of (inu iu
spectioiis. Twenty-five scales were ad
justed aud ' 125 were corrected and
l a a. k j i
Mark V. Weatherford ' of Albany,
nominee for congress from the 1st dis
trict on the democratic ticket, has filed
with the secretary of utate n petition
for noniinnuion on the prohibition
ticket also.
Tuxedo fans are always loyal to that one brand, superb
and royal. They say, "What is the use of trying the
other kinds, and sample buying? We know Tuxedo
can't be beaten ; it's good as bread, when bread is wheaten;
it keeps us all in cheerful humor, and makes of each an
an araent ooomer; 11 wiin a dussiui
peace annoints us; Tuxedo never dis
appoints us. It is the worker's one
consoler, when Business, with its big
steam roller, has run him down and
left him jaded, with all his dreams and
prospects faded. 'Tis then "Tuxedo
smooths the wrinkles, and to his sad
eyes brings the twinkles, and braces
him for future battles, down where the
loom of commerce rattles." These
fans are found in every station, in every trade and oc
cupation; the able jurist and the baker, the boss of
many a rolling acre, the butcher, as he sells his
rasher, the banker and the haber
dasher, the cattleman in far Laredo,
all pin their faith to good Tuxedo.
Application has been made to the
public service commission by County
Judge Bushey for Marion county asl;;
ing permission to construct two grade
crossings over the tracks of the Oregon
Electric railway at Fargo station.
An application from the Great North
ern Express company for authority to
apply a greater rate on fresh fruits and
vegetables from Tignrd to Snlem than
now prevails from Portland to Halem
has been set for hearing at the Portland
office of the public service commission
September 14. The present rate on
fresh fruits and vegetables from Port
land to Salem is 35 eents a hundred, h
The rate desired from Tignrd to Salem ifV
is 4U cents a hundred.
UK W 1 ,Jl
a I V I lMM: W V
The public service commission Issued
an order this morning granting the Port
land & Oregon City Railway company
permission to construct its line ac-ross
various streets, highways and other
railway lines iu Portland and viciu
The threatened strike still lowers, but there are a few
breaks in the clouds and it is still hoped a peaceful settle
ment will be reached. President Wilson is devoting his
entire time to getting the disputants to agree, or at least
agree to let some board or tribunal settle their troubles
for them. Arrangements are such that the both sides
will call on the president again today. It is understood
that arbitration in any form has been dropped as the men
will never consent to it, and that some other plan will be
Dalles BaK Snota at the meetitn when the 600 deleeates meet
Dalles, bakei utj, spohane ana eeij ouiei cu aiunS , . , r,,.0tocf nbntm, tw on
the line from Chicago to Portland be entitled to a lower
rate than Portland? If so these interior cities can get tneir
freight f rom Chicago cheaper than ' by purchasing in
Portland, which they could for the reason that they would
have a lower freight rate from Chicago than Portland
would have, and besides would not have to pay the local
freight rate from Portland on top ot it. uence u rort
land wins her contention she will lose unless the inter
state commerce commission with its great power simply
discriminates in favor of Portland. Under the present
arrangement Astoria gets the same rates as Portland and
is therefore in better position to control ocean shipping
than Portland handicapped with towage and other
charges. Portland is surely up against a hard proposition.
This is from the Oregonian's report of Hughes' Ta
coma speech: "The anti-dumping provision of the pend
ing revenue bill was discussed by Mr. Hughes. 'I had
some experience with statutes,' he said, 'and if that stat
ute works it will be a tremendous surprise to me'."
Possibly this law is as badly muddled as the decision of
the supreme court in the O. & C. grant land case, handed
down while Judge Hughes was a member of the bench.
If he understands what himself and colleagues intended
to say in that decision it is more than anyone else who has
read the decision has been able to do. ,
When Hughes gets back to Portland from his trip
along the Columbia, he may realize that he has been
traveling along the rugged edge of a tremendous bluff.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SGS
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
the president. The greatest contention, that for an eight
hour day, has been conceded by the railroads with the
understanding that the question of over-time will be taken
up later. This in a measure passes the buck up to the
men. President Garrettson of the conductors brother
hood, says the men will do all possible to avoid a strike,
and with the parties discussing the question in a friendly
way it looks as though an agreement must be reached.
In a foreclosure suit recently filed in which the sum
sought to be collected is some $15,000 an attorney's fee of
$1,000 is provided for. Just why such a fee should be de
manded is one of the things the layman cannot under
stand. To foreclose a mortgage for $1,000 requires as
much work on the part of the attorney as one ten times
that sum,, yet the fee for foreclosing the one is ten times
as great as for doing the same work on the other. Maybe
the attorneys understand why but the outsider can see no
reason for the difference.
'The industrial accident commission
took, immediate action on the applica
tion received yesterday of Mrs. Carrie
Otto, whose husband lost his life July
31 at Portland by falling into a vat
of boiling glue,. The commission de
cided that the applicant is entitled to
compensation under the law. She will
receive &!0 a month during her widow
hood and the amount Bet aside to meet
her individual payments is 5.4(11.31.
Each of her three children will receive
$i a month until they arrive at the age
of 10. if Mrs. Otto and her children
live to their expectancy, they will have
been paid $10,Uo5.t0 from the state in
surance fund. -
The following companies filed arti
cles of incorporation at the office of the
state corporation vmmissiouer this
morning: The Oregon Film company,
of Portland, with a capital stock of
$o0,000; Bronson Motor Equipment
company, of Portland, $10,000; Oregon
Commercial studio of Portland. $1,000;
Wah Lee Yeum company, of Portland,
4,M8. A certificate of dissolution wns
filed by the Pacific Tire and Supply
company, of Portland.
A petition of the Valley ft filetz
Railroad company for permission to
cross certain streets and highways in
Polk county has been filed with the
public service commission.
The road hog drives his team of mules along the mid
dle of the way, oblivious to all the rules that govern every,
decent jay. Behind him, in your car, you ride, and toot
upon your horn a blast, expectine him to
turn aside, and give you room to journey
past. The road hog slowly looks around,'
perched on the summit of his load; he does
not heed the warning sound, he holds the
middle of the road. And you must trail
along behind, still tooting in an angry pitch,
or else with murder in your mind, get past
by plunging through a ditch. The road hog
makes you sore and hot, but there is noth
ing you can do, for if you plug him full of
snot, a rustic cop will collar you. When
folks in motor cars offend, or violate some trifling law,
they have no advocate or friend a full, round punish
ment they draw. But some old rube can hog the road,
and bring disaster to our cars, an'd jays will throng to his
abode to hand him nosegays and cigars.
Instead of chasing those escaped prisoners, the gov
ernor might save the expense by paroling them, the
Oregonian won't object.
FfTl jnrur home atmosphere with exquisite lasting: fragrance
The great French perfume, winner of highest international
awards. Each drop as sweet and fragrant as the living Lilac
blossom. A celebrated connoisseur said : "I don't see how
you can sell such a remarkable perfume for 75 cents a bottle" and
remember each bottle contains 6 or. it is wonderful value. Try it
AsIc your dealer today for ED-. PINAUD'S LILAC. For 10 tents
cur American offices will send you a testing bottle. Writ today.
PABFUMUE ED. PNAUD, DeptM ED. PCiAUD Blifc, New York '
Forest Grove physicians have filed a complaint with
the public service commission charging that the Independ
ent Telephone comapny employs boys for the hello work
at night and as they work at some other job during the
day the youngsters go to sleep and patrons have to go to
the central office and wake them up to get wanted num
bers. Under these conditions the service is not a public
convenience but they call it instead an unmitigated
Great Britain goes to Borne trouble to tell Secretary
Lansing how neutral mail is examined, and points out
that supposed letters and newspapers proved to be con
traband goods in disguise. That may account for the
fact that $255 in good money was missing from a letter
after the English examniers got through with it. The
money was contraband.
David Crabtree and Barbette Marx were married a
few days ago at Pacific Grove, California, after being en
gaged for thirty-two years. He is 71 and the bride 60. ;It
took a long time for this "Love's young dream" to come
true, and it lacked but little from being not a dream but
a nightmare. ;
Hughes isn't the onlv easterner who
has come to Oregon and missed seeing
tne Dest oi it.
Yesterday was quite a lively
considering how quiet it was. ."
Almost two days of deer shooting
gone and every guide still intact.
A Ralem woman who stated that she
hadn't a word to say was quite correct,
She had two thousand six hundred
words to say, as near as the hearer
could estimate.
Whether or not no news is good news
depcaiM much on the point of view.
Local optimists are coming out
strong on the baseball situation. It is
a situation requiring strong optimism.
St. Louis, Mo., Ang. 1. The
Standard Oil company today an
nounced a one cent cut in gaso
line prices in St. Louis. The
price for the best grade today is
SI 1'J cents. SSecond grade sold
nt 0 cents.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
The Nation's
Butter.- Nut
There Is No Better
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
Strictly correct weight, Kjnar deal and Ugheat price for all klafe fl
jut, metal, rubber, hide ad far. I pay So per pound for old rac.
Big stock of all aizea second Sin d Incubators. All kin da eomfate
Iron for both roof as building. Hoofing paper and eeeoad haad
JH. Steinback Junk'Co.
The Hooae of Half a Kinioa Bargala.
M North Commercial It,
j t