iHE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, ' SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 16, 1916. THREE Willamette Valley News Fruitland News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Fruitland, Or., Aug. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Branson were recently ;' favored by a visit of a stork leaving a husky baby. They reside in eastern Oregon. Mr. McElnea and wife were Sunday visitors at the Stnndifer home. They also called at the Kobcrtson home be fore returning. Miss Naomi Runner attended a show er this week in Salem on a college classmate who is to be married within a short time. A In r Re crowd gathered at the Don aldson home for the Y. P. A. business and social meeting. After the business session, games were played after which lunch and ice cream were served. It has been reported that C. E. Mc El wain has sold out his farm here to Mr. Patterson of Salem. A girl baby was v added to the family" of Emil ' . Hornschuck, former pastor of the church here. , A reading by Mrs. White and an in strumental selection by Miss Naomi Runner were the special numbers of he program at the Y. P. A. last Sun day evening. . . Klmer. Otterbein, Harold Latten and Krnest Benuett attended the band con cert in Salem last Friday' evening. POLK GOATS GO TO TEXAS ..The importance of .the Angora goat industry in western Oregon is illus trated by. the shipment a few days . since of a carload about 130 head to TeiaB by William Riddell & Soiib of Monmouth. About one third of the ohipment are females, the balance bucks. Twelve, one buck and 11 fe males, are taken by tne experiment station of the Texas Agricultural col lego, which also took "8 few from U. H. Grant of Dallas. These are very fine goats and a high price was paid. The Angora industry in Texas is com paratively new and state and college oji'icials feel tiie need of more knowl edge on the subject, hence the ex periments as to the best way of feed ing and caring for them to get the most profitable results in hair and in breeding. Jn Texas the goats are sheared twice a year and the hair is finer, but not so heavy as in the moist climate and with the rich feed of this region. Part of t'ue carload is contracted for and part of it is taken by Leslie Kiddell to iiis ranch in Texas, where the demand for Angnpts is active. Les lie is a son of William Riddell, who has been in Texas nearly three years and is building up a reputation there as Angora breeder, such as his father and brothers ' at Monmouth. Dnlfcis Observr. ! ' m MBS. to. S. BEVEN8 DIED FRIDAY Mrs. M. S. Bevens, aged 63, a pion err of the Willamette valley, dropped dead of heart failure at the home of her son, William, on route two, near Independence Friday night. The fu neral was held from the Methodist Episcopal church in Bueua Vista, Rev. Orin Wall officiating. Sunday afternoon. Interment will be in the Buena Vista I. O. O. F. cemetery. Mrs. Bevens was born in Woodburn She is survived by County Commissioner (4eorgo Wells, a brother; two sons, Kst on and William, of this county; two sister, Mrs. Sarah Collins, of Dallas, and His. Kmma Brown, of route two, Inde pendence; and four other brothers, Rich ard, of San Francisco; W. L. Wells, of Halsey, and Thomas mid John Wells, of Independence, route two. Dallas Ob server. Tho Journal Does Job Printing. tiEwYoRi4BosTOfi Mew England 11 HSfr. JT W K Cirdtf v. Scotts Mills (Capital Journal Special Service.) Scotts Mills, Ore.,'Aug. 10. The fu neral of Asa Kellies wan a sad event. The parents were so prostrated by grief that they could not attend. Relatives and friends were in attendance from Los Angeles, Portliind, rnlem, eastern Oregon, Molalla, Marquam, Silverton and Aft. Angel. The largest funeral we have ever known at Scotts Mills. It was estimated that there were over SOU people in attendance. ,: We counted 40 automobiles around the hull. Flowers were fairly banked back and around the platform almost hiding part of the cas ket. The family have the tender sym pathy of all in their sad bereavement. - Rev. Bennett, of Eugene, baptised three parties Sabbath evening. ' Mr. Charley Scharback and family, of Mt. Angel, are spending Sunday with Mrs. Scharback's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H., Commons. Mrs. Buson aud daughter, Miss Cor rine Bason, of Salem, accompanied by Mrs. Bason's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Julien,-of Fairfield, Iowa, : spent two days tne past week with Mr. I an. I XI r .T A Tovlnr Miss Cecil Davidson, of Molalla, is visiting friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs.' Addleman were visit iug with Dr. Orris, of McKees, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of Salem, are visiting with Mrs. Moore's aunt aud uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Reed. Mr. J. H. Ritchie, our genial post master, received a telegram last week telling of the death of his sister, Mrs. Anna M. Coffin, of Denizen, Texas. Mrs. Coffin was here on a visit to her brother and family in 1905. This was the last time they had seen her. D. D. Conlson. a business man of New- berg, with his wife and little son, David, ' came over in his auto to visit his pa-! Jjents, Mr. aud Mrs. J. E. Coulson lustJ Mr. and Mrs. I.. J. White and son, Al den, are herefrom Salem looking after the interests of their prune orchard. Mr. Wilfred Hammer, who had the misfortune to run a large nail into his foot, is new able to be out on crutches. Mr. J. K. Coulson is still suffering from the effects of his fall from a load of hay. Mrs. J. E. Coulson is also not able to be out, caused by a nervous breakdown the doctor thinks. The Friends church is being repnpered nnd repainted on the inside. Martin j ivuir, m,ei UHNT Ullll pilimer, In llo- ing the work. THIEF BY NECESSITY REPAYS Judge Belt had a happy smile on his face. Before him Kniurdny morning lay a letter and a remittance of -t-U from Herman L. Hoyt, .")0, now working on a farm near Sheridan. The money was for a heifer which Hoyt had stol en from Henry O. Campbell's ranch near Rickreull and for which offense Judge Belt suspended passing sentence at the last term of the circuit court when it was shown Hoyt had previ ously borne mi honest man 's reputa tion and that his family was hungry when he stole the heife The judge told Hoyt that he would give him six months in which to pay for the heifer. In less than four months the man re paid. "I could have sent In in to pris on," said Judge Belt, "to rot." I'm glad 1 didn't. If handled rightly, ninny eases of this nature can lie settled by a parole but it is mighty hard, some times to know what to do. " At the time of his trial public sympathy was with Hoyt, the father of seven or eight children, most of them small. Tie could get no work and his little ones were hungry. Dallas Observer. KICKED BY HORSE HIS JAW IS BROKEN Sheridan, Or., Aug. Hi. With his jaw NoW is the lime to -BACK EAST Low Round Trip Fares to New York, Boston and all Atlantic Coast, New England and Eastern Points Tickets on sale daily to September Stopover privileges at all points enroute ToiIlQ majr arTan8ed. taking in Niagara Falls, Boston, a v ui 9 York( Atlantj,. Cjty, Washington and intermediate p NwYorkfentral Railroad "The Water-Level Route" You Suggestions as to desirable trips, with information regarding f..wa al 1 II.. : im luutca gmuiy given. SILVERTON NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) .Silverton, Ore., Aug. 10. A fine lit tle son arrived at the Jesse Sheppard home on Friday, August 11. Mrs. Keeton and daughter, also Char les Keeton and wife, enjoyed a trip up to the Silver Falls company's camp lust Thursday. Mr. Cage and daughter from near Cedar Creek bridge, spent a Jew days in the city the first of the week. Miss Nettie Roshcira accompanied by her sister, Lillian, aud. Rugna Quuil spent Wednesday at Snlcm. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Funuymnrk enter tained the hitter's sister, Mrs. Ray Ramsden, and husband, for the week end. - A goodly number , of Silvertoniniis were enjoying an outing at Seluh Springs Sunday. - Mrs. Sam Kaser, who has been visit ing her father and brothers in Port land, returned home Friday. . The Joe Lais family spent Sunday with relatives at. Mt. Angel. Mrs. Fred Dillard and children re turned to their home nt Goshen Friday after a few days visit at the Swear inger and Bock homes. The Frank Spring family, who haTC been spending the past 10 days with Portland relatives, returned home Sun day evening. Ivan I.inscott is leaving this week for Eureka, Cal., where his father is foreman in the Hammond Lumber com pany's sawmill, ''"... . i ' . Miss Agness Bock spent a few days the past week with 'friends at Milwau kie. Mrs. MeMahon aud children,' also Mrs. Vrfilette, who have spent the past two weeks at the home of their sis ter, Mrs. Victor Bergeron, returned to their home nt Missoula, Mont., the first of this week. The Earl Woods and F. B. Decker families are enjoying a couple weeks' camping in the mountains. Rev. J. F. Irvine nnd family, also Miss Sherlock, are enjoying a few days' outing this week at Silver Falls. Roy Samuels, the representative of the Wear-fcver aluminum ware, held a demonstration on Monday at the home of Mrs. I. Stewart, on First street. There were about 10 Indies present, and a nice lunch was served -of the good eats cooked on and in the Wear-Ever utensils, delicious roast beef, hot cakes, and coffee. A most pleasant and in structive afternoon was passed. Miss Veneta Moores is enjoying a pleasant visit with the cousins in the E. T. Moores home at Snlcm. Mrs. Ray Ramsden and little daugh ter, Faye, of Macleay, were visiting at the J. Haines home Saturday. Miss Dorothy Harwood is spending a couple weeks with relatives at Ore gon City and Portlund. The Will Moores family and Doris Sprngne visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Moores' parents in Woodburn. The Alex1 Brnnkel fnmily are spending a few days with the homo folks at .Mt. Angel. Virgil Huines spent Sunday evening with friends in Mt. Angel. Arthur Hobnrt attended the funeral of Asn Kelles at Scotts Mills Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Sherlock went to New- berg Saturday for a week 's visit with her son, Howard, and family. Mrs. E. H. Riches dime from Wood burn the Inst of the week for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mis. A. Shields. shuttered by the kick of a horse Wil liam Talbott traveled 12 miles to Slier- idnn to get to a doctor. " -The accident Happened Mnndiiv ninht when he was working on his ranch at Beutley, formerly in the Grande H le Indian reservation. The jaw was patched up and he re turned to his home yesterday. Atiantic Coast enjoy the Atlantic breezes! 30th New points Can Sleep Apply to your local anent for tickets and tltepinc car rearrvations, or (or complete informs tion, call on or address out . PORTLAND OFFICE .109 Third Street W. C. SKACHREST, General Agent, I-ass. Dept. (Continued Fran Page One.) Aeroplanes reported Russian troops massing behind the Russian front but no one believed the Russians as strong as they have been discovered to be. The Russian tactics kept the Austriaus guessing for several weeks but now .the whole Austro-tJermun front is reor ganized and the earlier Russian advan tages are being overcome. The faU lf gtanislnfci and Goritz were admittedly unpleasant, but viewed strategically have a different meaning, according to German military men. These reverse 'were cioinpletv out weighed by the Russian failure to reach Kovel and Lemberg. The Ger mans marvel that they didn't Buccoed in view of the giguntic English and French blows, but at the critical moment, German troops arrived and stiffened the lines east of Kovel. We bivouacked last night near the front where the Russians on Aug. 8, at tempted a great offensive. . 1 walked for two hours in the front line trenches watching German eleven inch shells bombarding the Russians. Major Von Cheller, former attache of the German embassy at Washington, and Cuptain P. Behn, former German consul at Denver, explained the lay of the sur rounding country. .We also visited the hendqnurters of General Bernhardi,' who is coiuaiunding an army on this front but lie wns suffering from in fluenza and unable to receive us. j The night scene at the front was entrancing. The sky was lit by count less great fires about which the com panies were encamped within a . few hundred yards of the Russian positions. The bands played and the soldiers sang. Not a single cannon wns fired. There is a nightly truco. The Russinns occasionally shoot light cartridges to illuminate the fields between the trenches and prevent a surprise attack. Ear off in the distance nu Austrian battery was pounding the Russinn rail roads. , The new armies on this front are composed of Polish, (iermnn und Aus tin Hungarian troops which officers said, illustrated the new spirit of com radeship and is a sure indication of the strength of the central powers. Russinns Advance Lines. . . Petrograd, Aug. III. Despite stub born enemy resistouce at some points the Russians advanced their lines on a 75 mile front, extending from the Car pathians to a point southwest of Tarno pol, iu yesterday's fighting, occupying two villages. Month of Brzezsny, another Russinn detachment forced a crossing of the Zlota I.ipa river. Austro-Gormnn coun ter attacks then checked a further ad vance. Fierce fiirlitini; in going on in the angle of the Zlota l.ipn nnd the Dnies ter, north of Stanislnu. In the face of desperate enemy resistance, the Rus sians advanced their lines further in the direction of the railway town of Halitz. Southeast of StanlNlnii, the right wing of General I.etclnsky 's army raptured the villages of Solotvlnn, nnd Grlava, on the Zlota Bistritzn river. Near the Carpathians, the Russinns followed up their victories forcing the enemy to retire westward from the re gion of Dclutyn and Voroclita and cap turing a height west of Voroclita and Ardzemos. DALLAS CITIZEN PASSES (Cnpitnl Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Ore., Aug. 1(1. John Bird, a resident of this city, passed away at a Portland hospital Tuesday ufteruoon following an operation for ulcer of the tongue. Mr. Bird had been feeling poor ly for some time and upon the advice of a friend went to Portland Snnduy, to seo a specialist. It was first thought thut he had a cancer on his tongue but Inter it was found to be an ulcer. An operation was found necessary and wns performed Tuesday morning. It Is sup nosed that o wini; to Mr. Bird's weak ened condition he wns tumble to with stand the shock of the onerution nnd Hied shortly nfter noon. The remains will be laid to rest beside those of his parents in Portland. Mr. Bird wns bom and rin seel in Yamhill county and came to Dallas a number of venrs nim from Portlund, where he resided about 25 1 years. He was a keen politician nnd was acquainted with a lnrgo per cent of the prominent men of the state. Of lute years he has been in the real es-1' tnte business in this city. He leaves tot mourn Ins death, a wife residing in Dal las, two brothers in Portland and a brother and sister living in Illinois be sides a large circle of friends. COURT HOUSE NEWS t ! County Judge Unshey thin morning i appointed Sarah .lane Dorsey adminis-l trntrix of the estate of her deceased son, Sidney Austin Dorsey. An application to place upon the trial docket has been filed in the ease of J. H. Gooding vs. Herman Coyle and Clarence Coyle. . 'A marriage license has been issued i by the county clerk to Elbert I.. Pow- j ell, aged 7, and I.ydia Giese. aged -. Mr. Powell is a 'farmer living near Sa lem and Miss Giese lives near Mac leay. Hunter's licenses have been issued to F. T. Wrightmvn and Charles W. Km- mett, of Salem; W. 1.. Hinkle. of Port land, and Chas. VVooller, of Sends Mills. Anglers licenses have been' is sued to H. F. Durham, Kdwnrd Sakri snn nnd Russell Kmmett, of Snlem, and to W. T. Winkle, of Portland. 1 C. A.'Oeorge 1ms filed action in the circuit court for B divorce, from Cor delia George. The couple were married at Lafayette, Ore., August 13, 1SK8, nnd have two minor children. The us ual charge of cruel and inhuman treat ment, is made is the enmdiiiiit Wedding Invitations, Announcements nnd Cnl'mg Cards Printed at the Jour nal Job Department, . .ji 600 TRAINMEN TO (Continued from Fage One.) hour day, providing the question of overtime shall be submitted to an inves tigation, the employes today weie con sidering a proposition embracing this temporarily, with present rates for ov ertime. Both sides would thus yield somewhat from their original stand. Climax Comes Tomorrow. The employes insist the railroads or the president suggest the means of in vestigation and allow thera to pass on it. One plan discussed is that advanced by the Industrial Relations committee. It provides that in case of a disagree ment such as the present, a board of mediation aud investigation should be created, to includo one member 'from each side and a third to be chosen by the two selected, or by the president. It would be necessary then to give by leg islative enactment powers to the board to administer oaths, subpoena witnesses, compel attendance and testimony and demand production of pertinent evi dence from both sides. It is understood that the employes may be willing to make, or nt least con sider a six months trial of the proposi tion comprising an eight hour day and present rutcs of overtime. While the president today tempo rarily ceased his activities as mediator pending the conferences held by the em ployes und managers iu New York and Washington, administration officials are hopeful that with the resumption of direct efforts tomorrow, it will be possible to establish the groundwork for settlement. Will Meet President, New York, Aug. 0. Tho six hundred representatives of the trainmen, threat ening to strike for their demands of an eight hour day and time and a half overtime, will go to Washington this afternoon to meet President Wilson. W. S. Carter, president of the Broth erhood of Firemen, who came to Now York from Washington lust night to submit the president's proposals to the employes made this announcement to day following a short conference with some of the lenders. . The proposal submitted by Carter wns that the railroads would adopt an eight hour rule for a triul period but continue the present schedule of over time. The ilOO representatives of the 100,000 employes nre district chairmen of the vnrious brotherhoods and it is in their hands that final decision on nn ceptanco or rejection of the proposals, looking to averting a strike rests. Immediately after announcing thut the chairmen' would go to Washington. Carter went into conference with Ihein nt Webster hall. The 000 representatives of the tiuin men formally voted in 'favor of going tn Washington" to confer with the presi dent. No other action was tuken. Causes Uneasiness. Washington, Aug. HI. Success or failure in reaching a 'common ground for settling the threatened general rail road strike hinged today tin the dis posal of other issues, growing out of the eight hour day principle. Hope of arbitration has gone. The president is understood to have ilefinite discardcil this as a menus of accom plishing peace. Hut there was strong hope that with the railroad conced ing the basic principle of the shorter working dny, some way would be found to satisfactorily dispose of the quest-on of the collateral issues including over time puy. An indication flint the general situa tion is such as to give cause for some uneasiness is found in the fact thut the president deems it advisable to appeal directly to the liOO members of the em ployes general committee now in New York, awaiting developments. These men have been asked to come to Wash ington and President Wilson will speak to them in the big gold room of the White House probably tomorrow after noon or Friday. The appeal to the gen eral committee is made at the sugges tion of the employes sub-committee, w ho believe that if the men they represent can hear from the president, the same arguments presented in conference here, the 1100 mny yield on certain points which the sub committee is now com pelled to stnud by. As the dny begun in Washington, there could be suid to be no change iu Today - Tomorrow VICTOR MOORE in THE CLOWN Salem's Only Exclusive Picture Theatre , YE LIBERTY ' In a Class Separate L J Vaudeville LAST TIMES TODAY Fletcher Children Held over by request in a new act. J NO RAISE IN PRICES siuMvi urn TMfeAIKt I more man It is composed of wax and oils so combined as to give a brilliant, lasting shine and to soften and preserve the leather. The ShinoiA Home Set The handiest, most efficient shoe shining set you can Duy at any price. Sold at a nominal cost to ShimnA users. FOR HOME. GRIP OR AUTOMOBILE BUCK TAN WHITE At all Dealers Take no substitute '. mi THE home set the ffdiernl aitiintinn Vo.th ;.1 nln:.... O ............... . . i. . .1 niu7 inailllfl the other hns viehle.l imtliin., n,,,i, sides have presented counter proposi tions and both seem anxious to arrive at a satisfactory settlement. in conceding tne basic principle of the eight hour day though they claim if lltirhlV illinrntliial aa ati.tllii.l n Mll -w -n - ... it. uo f i IV inn road operation, the managers have brought the issue squarely down to ne gotiations on how to dispose of the col li.. 1 : iuiviui iBni.ts. Course of Study for Commercial Branch ofJkHigh School State suiierinteiiileiit .1 l lm.,.l.;il has just liiiblishcd n new muse nf study for the commercial departments of the high schools of Oregon. In this woru he mid the assistance of a com mittee of high Bchool teachers. Tho work of this committee was so satis factory that the course was presented to the .National Kiliicariun nssocintinn I and was adopted by the committee on siiiimnriiiznrioii ot commercial courses. The preface of the course of study is us follows: "In order to cstnblish a higher stand ard for the commercial work in the high schools of Oregon, nml to secure a higher degree of proficiency and a better uniformity iu the commercial courses, this department requested the organization of commercial teachers of the Oregon Stiite Teachers' association to prepare a course of study for the commercial departments of the high schools of Oregon. Tho department ap pointed n committee for this purpose of which Meriitt IJnvis, head of the com mercial department of the Salem hiirh school was chairman. The committee j prepared the course of study publish ed in this iinnmhlet nnd Hiilnnii1i.il it to the department of commerce of the Oregon Stiite Tcachcrsi' association. The reiort was unnnimnnsly ndopted, and the committee had the honor of having the same report adopted by the committee on standnr lizntion of' com mercial courses for the .Nntinmtl Kdu cntion association, and the report was included ill the National Kdiicntion ns sociation Journal of proceedings for 1015. This course is intended for use only in the lurger high schools of Ore gon. ' 1 Will Help Us All Conditions Will Permit That the Southern Pacific officials are becoming more alive to the serious nature of the car shortage in Oregon THE "GREATER OREGON" With new hulldlnicR, iMMiir nmimmi 10 it rnruuy, the l'nlvTlty of Ort'ci.n lj hfirtn ItM furty-fii rvl cnr, Tut. lur, Si-lii-rmher ju, 1016. Kpt-flHl trnlnlii In Coiiiinrrr-A, Journnllnm, Jffc .......... un , luruiciiir, -eiM-iiinT, ijiurn- 1 rr Work. Mua r. I'ltwhil Tri.1,.1... .,, tvi... Art. I.iirKv hihI ft t run Opii bullttiiifi full? rr niiutHiuuit. I Tuition Krco. Dornltrle for men and for Mm B juMftaoM hail B CMfMlST6 AT fti -;ee WHitifii, r,xpei.Kft .Mxrufti. Write forf re cnlAlojrit.addreiislnff Rirlitrmf UNIVERSITY Of OREGON ICllflKNB. OnKOON i HOP TICKETS i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii i i i i i ii ti you Need 'Em We Print 'Em 5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii We Print We Price iiiiiimiiiiiiiini Nuf Hiiiillnliiiiiiiil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitifiiiiiiiiitfitiiiiiiiiaiiiftiiiiiiiimiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiii? mm inos rousn ji iB shown by the following message from Oenernl Manager Scott which came to the public service commission this morning: "Assistant General Manager Dyer has wired me extracts from your let ter. Will answer fully when letter is received. In meantime everything pok sible is being done to" Increase tho number of cars available iu Oregon. We arc giving your needs special . at-. tention as far as conditions will permit." Wedding Iavitations, Announcement and Calling Cards Printed at the Jour nal Job Department. n TODAY -TOMORROW u II V !! II NORMA TALAMADGE in "GOING STRAIGHT" And A KEYSTONE ORGAN SELECTIONS By Misg Vera Kitchner ' Berceuse" From .loselyn " ltnyinond " Overture V lao Bullet from Fnnst Si n I! I! I! II II I! II II !! El II II II 19 II II OREGON "The House That Satisfies" hnlt-nr r(iiluiii(. nnd f if: ileimrtnienta of Liber H equipped, two Bntriiflld A 'Em Right 'Em Right Sed ! "ut li 11I." I'.'it ' (' i NEW eOuCATiONAl fun n no