Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 16, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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$ 0 C IE T Y
Mrs. W. H. Pancy is entertaining as
guests,, her mother, Mrs. M. 0. Oreigh
lou a nil daughter, Mabel, of Portland
for a few weeks. This evening Mrs.
Dancy will be hostess at an informal
dinner complimenting Mrs. ('reign ton,
rovers being laiil for eight.
Miss Alice Fields returned yesterday
from a delightful sojourn in Califor
nia, where she has been spending the
summer, as the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
J. II. Milner, at Petaluma. During her
atay, Miss Fields motored to many
points of interest along the California
beaches, also visiting the summer
school at Berkley.
Miss Lorraine Bvntloy of Spokane,
Washington, is a guest at the home of
Miss Edith Carter Kuney on 8outh
Nineteenth street. Miss Kuney re
turned .Sunday from 1 short vacation
spent in the Cascade mountains.
Misi Dora A ml r esc n and sister, Miss
fitanis Andresen, left this morning for
tea days outing at Newport.
Mrs. J.. O. Boger of Hopewell is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. M. II. Farrar, 405
N. Liberty street. Mr. and Mrs. Hogcr
who formerly lived here are developing
a section of one of the picturesque is
lands eighteen miles down the river.
Miss Jennie Muscott returned to Dal
las today, after a week's visit at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Luther J.
Crispin. Also visiting Mrs. Chopin is
Mrs. Mary Reed of Monmouth, who ar-
. rived today for a short stay.
Mrs, George Hovenden, Mrs. J. N.
Tomlinsou and Mrs. W. II. Carico of
Portland will arrive tomorrow, to be
the guests of Mrs. Robert Kukin. Mrs.
Kakin will entertain informally in their
honor tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. Mertice Wheat, who nccompnii
led by her grandson, Jack l'niuly, nr
rived from Seattle two weeks ago to
visit her sister, Mrs. J. II. Cradlcbaugh,
left this morning tor home.
Miss Lelah Beebe of Woodlawn, Cal
ifornia, the house guest of her cousin,
Mrs. William Mcuilchriat, has been vis
iting at Independence for a few days.
' On iter return last evening, a picnic
supper was held at Riverside Dip,
about fifteen members of the family
. enjoying the affair.
Rev. and Mrs. Carl fl. Doner and
boys, accompanied by Mrs. Doney's
. sister, Mrs. Harris and niece, Miss
; Kvans, are enjoying an excursion to
Crater Lake.
Spending the day as the guests of
Mrs, (1. W. Mhand, yestorday wore Mr.
.and Mrs. J. D. Hunter and daughter,
: Margaret, of Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Gingrich and
. small son are expected home the lat
ter part of the week from Houbeck,
Washington, where they have been en
joying an outing.
Mrs. M. H. Farrar is spending the
day at Corvallis with her daughter,
Miss Helen Farrar.
tournament will be under the auspices
of tiie United Htntes Law Tenuis as
sociation, whichwill give it a recog
nized standing, the scores being pub
lished under the United States register
of the association. This fact is lend
ing additional interest to the champion
match this year and players from all
parts of the valley are preparing to
send in their entries. As Salem boasts
of many first class tennis players,
much local interest will be aroused as
heretofore, in the tournament. The
committee is as follows: Dr. H. H.
Olinger, C. M. Cox, W. L. McDougul,
Dr. Prince W. Byrd, J.iraes B. Young,
V. D. Thiclsen, Ir. C. K. Bates, Ereel
W. Kay, Ocorge F. Rodgers. .
Miss Ida Simmons is passing the
week in Portland as the guest of herj
aunt, Mrs. Harvey Wells.
Mrs. Everett Park (fieoreia Rice)
of Portland is visiting at the home of
Rev. H. G. Thurston.. -Mrs. U. W. Hoh-
son was hostess at luncheon today
honor of Mrs. Park.
Mrs. W. A. Benedict of Centrnlia,
Washington, and daughter, Mrs. Ber
nard Brewster, of Fairview, Oregon,
have been visiting Mrs. William Gallo
way, Mrs. Benedict s aunt, returning
home this morning.
Mrs. C. D. Babcock left this after
noon on the four o'cloelt limited for
Portland to hear Mr. Hughes speak
She will return tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Chown and son,
Bumford Chown. of Portland motored
home Yesterday after spending a short
time as the guests or Mr. ana .urs.
George Cavanuugh.
Infantile Paralysis
Shows Slight Decrease
New York, Aug. Hi. The infantile
paralysis epidemic again registered a
decline for the past 24 hours in fig
ures given out by the health depart
ment today.
One hundred and thirty-three new
eases were reported, compared with Hi.')
yesterday. There were 34 deaths,
agninst 39 the previous dny.
It is understood the board of edu
cation will defer the opening of the
public schools for two weeks, hoping by
that time cool weather will have check
ed the epidemic.
Fifteen children, the first discharged
as cured, have left Willard Parker
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Tennis devotees are already antici
pating with much enthusiasm, the
Third Annual Tournament of the Wil
lamette Valloy.to be held here Septem
ber seventh, eighth and ninth, at the
club grounds on Chemeketa street. The
New York, Aug. 18 United Steel ad
vanced to Ul 3-4 on the stock exchange
this afternoon, the highest 'figure it has
reached since 1010 and closed at 00 3.4
a gain of 1 3 4 for the day.
snares frequently changed bauds in
lots of 4,000 at a time. Sules of blocks
of 2,500 shares -were common. The
entire market became active with the
steel advance.
The highest price at which steel ever
sold was 94 (i-8 readied in 1!09. It
reached rock bottom in 1015, selling at
Tho United States marketed 1,731
short tons of asbestos of domestic
production Inst year, a gain of 30 per
cent from the year before.
The patented process takes cars of that. By our own secret process we get all
the life and nutriment out ol the malt and hops without any fermentation.
So beware of substitutes, because they're disappointing.
There's only ona RE1FS SPECIAL Look for the Label.
T. W. JENKINS It CO., Portland, Ore., Distributors
1 LdVlJUUilliJ
Newton Griff is of Sheridan is in the
' George A. Wood is spending the day
m rertlSnd.
Benjamin Brick is in Portland at
tending to business matters.
Miss Zaidee Palmer returned yester
day from a summer outing.
Attorney General Brown is on a
hnnting trip in the Roseburg country.
C. u. HabeocK was registreil yester
day at the Washington hotel, Portland.
James O. Heltzel returned yesterday
after a ten days' outing at Cascadia
and other points.
R. Cooper of the city's force of fire
figuters, left for iNewport this morning
for a two weeks vacation.
R. L. Connor of McMinnviJle, prose
cuting attorney for Yamhill county,
was in tne city yesterday on legal bus
iness. '
F. P. Kimball went to Portland this
morninz for a short visit in the Sound
cities and a drive on the Columbia
Robert Simpson of the state engin
eer's office, with his family, has re
turned from a vacation of two weeks
at Detroit.
Master Benjamin L. Beall aecompan
ied by his brother, Thomas, left for
Eugene yesterday evening to visit
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Montague Lord of Manilla, Philip
pine Islands, who has been visiting his
mother, -Mrs. v. P. Uird, lett yesterday
for Seattle for a short visit before re
turning to his home in the Philippines
Mr. and Mrs. John Cridcr of San
Jose, Calif., were in the city yesterday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Kiggs.
They are returning from an auto tour
or the Yellowstone .National parK anu
will visit in the city for a few days.
Mrs. A. U. iSewsom and motner,
Mrs. Savior. William Savior, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Ward and daughter, Fran
ces, motored to Albany yesterday ev
ening and will camp a few days at
Vitae springs, returning Saturday
Mrs. Stella Langford
Tells Strange Story
Sau Jose. Col., Aug. 16. Miss Stel
la Langford, aged 17, who was strick
en with appendicitis hore while being
taken to her home in Phoenix, Ariz.,
from Portland, Ore., in the custody ol
a representative of the Associated
Charities of Phoenix, today made a de
position alleging that sho had been
spirited from Phoenix to Portland at
the behest of a Phoenix man. She said
that her hair was dyed and her appear
ance otherwise changed in order to
make it difficult to trace her.
She was taken off a southbound train
here when she Buffered an appendicitis
attack and made the deposition when
she feared she was about to die. Detec
tive Lane, of Phoenix, located her in
Portland after a search lasting scvon
Judge Says He Will Stand
No More Foolishness, Will
' Expedite Trials
Directum I Make New
Racing Record Today
Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 10 Paced toy a
runner, Directum 1., this afternoon
broke a world 's record of 12 years
standing at the Grand Circuit races.
Driven by Tommy urphy, he paced a
mile and a sixteenth in 2:09 3-4, clip
ping five seconds off the previous rec
ord made in 1004 by Cherry Lass. Di
rectum I. went tho mile in 2:00 1-4.
Geers Realizes Ambition. ..
Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 111. Pop Geers,
veteran race track driver, realized the
ambition of his life here today when he
drove Napoleon Direct in 1:59 3-4 in
winning the first heat of the free for
all race. It was the first time in his 45
years of driving that he has driven a
horse under two minutes. The time was
also the fastest recorded on the cir
cuit this season.
Service-- Comfo rt--Satis action
With Each Suit of Summer Underwear Selected Form Our Complete Line
The hot weather has no annoyance for the man who uses
good judgment in choosing Lightweight Underwear.
Our line is attractive to the old as well as the young and
to men of every build.
Our line of Men's Summer Underwear contains Light
Ribbed, Summer Wools, Porosknit, Balbriggan, B. V. D.s,
etc., in two-piece and union suits. The colors are white,
cream, grey, pink and tan. Sizes from 34 to 50, in the fol
lowing prices:
25c, 45c, 50c, 60c, 85c, 90c, ?1.00 $1.45 and $1.95
San Francisco, Aug. 10. When ar
raigned today on three charges of mur
der in connection with the San Fran
cisco suitcase dynamiting, in the court
or superior Judce Dunne. Thomas J.
Mooney, indicted bomb suspect, refused
to answer to the name of Thomas
Mooney, as contained in the indict
ment. The court then proceeded to ar
raign under that name. Mrs. Rena
Mooney, Warren K. Billings, Edward
Nolan and Israel Weinburg, who were
alsd indicted, were arraigned at the
same time.
The charges on which the five de
fendants appeared were ones on which
they had not previously been called
into court.
Despite the Objections of Mooney,
judge Dunne appointed Attorney Kid
ney Robertson as counsel for the de
fendant and his wife.
"I will stand for no more nonsense,"
said the court, "either from the de
fendants, or the district attorney's of
fice. These cases are going to be expedited."
Billings and Nolan were then ar
raigned on three murder indictments
before Superior Judge Cabaniss. Nol
an's attorneys demanded a full tran
script of the testimony taken before
the grand jury which indicted the men.
Counsel for both Billings and Nolan
moved that the indictments be set
aside on the ground that they did not
conform to the requirements of the
penal code. Arguments on the motion
will be heard Monday.
Attorneys for Billings also alleged
that the grand jury was prejudiced and
coerced by District Attorney Fickert.
All of the suspects are scheduled to
plead to three more murder indict
ments Saturday before Superior Judge
Dunne. It is probably that trials
dates will be set at that time.
Sues to Carry Out
Provisions of Will
In order that the will of the late
wife may be carried out in all its pro
visions, former Governor Z. F. Moody
filed a complaint in the circuit court
yesterditiy afternoon agaust Malcolm
A. Moody and thirteen other heirs of
the late E. P. McCornack. Governor
Moody asks that the court ..appoint
Chas. A. Park of Snlem as testamentary
trustee of the estate of the late Mrs.
Moody, in whose will her son-in-law,
E. P. McCornack, recently deceased,
wag named as executor and sole trus
tee. Mr. McCornack 's final account
as executor was filed several months
ago, and the property of the estate,
amounting to about $40,000, was trans
ferred to him as trustee. The eom
plaint is made merely in order that
formal requirements of the law may be
complied with.
Jowa Picnic Tomorrow
at State Fan Grounds
Tomorrow is Iowa day at the state
fair grounds and those interested in
the organization of a permanent Iowa
society estimate that at least 1000
Iowans from Salem, Portland and near
by towns will be on hand to effect a
permanent organization.
At 10 o'clock, a meeting wi'i be held
in the auditorium for the election of
a temporary organization. After the
report of this temporary organization,
permanent officers, consisting of a
president, vice president, treasurer and
secretary will be elected and also a
board of directors of Bix, from differ
ent parts of the state. The afternoon
entertainment will be in the machinery
hall where there will be dancing after
noon and evening.
It is hoped to make the organization
a state affair.
New York, Aug. 16. Progressives
will join with democrats in stumping
Maine and other states, Chairman Mc
Cormick of tho democratic national
committee announced today, upon his
return from Washington. Arrange
ments hare already been made to have
Kainbridge Colby of Aew iorK,
Mathew Hale of Massachusetts and E.
F. Tuttlo of Long Island speak in
McCormiek will return to "Washing
ton tonight to meet with the Associated
campaign committee of the progres
sives. Included in the group are Col
by, Hale, Albert D. Nortoni of Mis
souri, J. A. H. Hopkins of New Jersey
and Henry M. Wallace of Michigan.
McCormiek said today he anticipated
a hard fight in Maine but wan eon-
City Library Gains
Books and Patronage
During the month of June, the city
public library gained 70 volumes as
there was no withdrawals and 76 were
received from gifts and purchase. This
gives the library at the close of June a
total of 11,968 books and pamphlets.
The total circulation for June was
4,042. The adult readers preferred
mostly fiction, as 2,091 calls were made
for this kind of literature. The children
also preferred fiction although not to
such an extent as the older folks. -
The largest day's business in June
was 261 and the smallest 94. The aver
age daily circulation was 165. During
tne summer months the per cent of fie
tion reading grows aud this is probab
ly the season 80 per cent of the older
lolKs preferred stories and 60 per cent
or tne young roiKs.
The record for June is especially
gratitying to the librarian, Miss Anne
D. Swescy, as the increase for June
this year over that of a year ago was
195, making the month the largest June
in tne History of the library.
"TXTE don't envy
" anybody, but
one man we might be
jealous of is the young
fellow who graduates
from cigarettes and
is just starting in to
smoke the OWL.
Cigar steady. He's
got his good tiroes
Th Million
Dollar Cifsr
B. H. E.
Cleveland .1 3 1
New Tork 5 5 2
Gould, Klenfer, orton and O'Neil;
Russell and Walters.
B. H. E.
Chicago 4 10 2
Boston 5 11 1
Faber, Cicotie aid Hchalk; Leon
ard, Mays. Shore and Thomas; 16 in-
at. Louis-Philadelphia, postponed,
Detroit-Washington, postponed, rain.
B. H. E.
Chicago 5 8 1
Cincinnati 0 6 3
Hendrix aud Elliott; oseley, Schultz,
Enetzer and Wingo.
.No other National scheduled.
fident the democrats would win. Sen
ator Thomas F. Walsh of Montana, who
is m charge of the western office in
Chicago reported to McCormiek today
that the western forces were in har
mony and that the . outlook was
(Continued From Page One.)
it aounstsco.
didata will attempt to strike a new
blow at his political opponents by cita
tion of specific instances supporting his
Seattle Turned Out. ..
Seattle last night accorded the repub
lican aspirant for presidential honors
the greatest demonstration he has yet
received. Eight thousand jammed the
hall and a thousand more jostled out
side pounding vainly on the doors for
admission. Even above this din Hughes'
voice could be heard. This vast audi
ence cheered every shaft which Hughes
shot at the democratic administration
with a vim and enthusiasm that echoed
and re-echoed through the hall. Stimu
lated by the warmth of the reception
the nominee gave them what members
of his party declared was his best
speech of the tour.
vociferous cheers greeted Hughes'
first direct reference on tour to Roose
velt. He did not mention the name of
the former president bnt the referene
was unmistakable. It was in connection
with a satirical reference to the demo
cratic claim of "excitability" when
preparedness first became an issue.
Hughes said:
Then a stalwart figure appeared De-
fore the American people. He told them
a few things and then the administrat
ed changed its mind."
Hughes bitterly assailed democratic
control of the army and navy and prom
ised "competent and efficient men " in
the army and navy portfolios if he was
Whooper Up Alaska.
"You've got an empire here in Alas
ka," he said. "I want to see it devel
oped," and the crowd yelled its ap
proval in roof raising volume. Again
the cheers came when, after declaring
he had been associated in correcting
abuses be declared not in Alaska or else
where, "is anyone going to pull any
thing out if I know of it."
"If we ever fall o low as to recog
nize it as unnecessary to protect Amer
ican citizens," he asserted, "we might
as well haul down the flag."
"The administration," he declared at
another juncture, "knocked Huerta nut
of the box. It amuses me when I am
asked whether I favor intervention
Why the administration intervened
when it sought to oust Huerta.".
The republican nominee has added a
new feature or two to his repertory and
he is now. in such form that be simply
has to spring a few laugh getters. He
"pulls" these with a quizzical smile
and acts mightily pleased with their
invariable result in laughter. Despite
the fact that he has polished off his
speech now so that it is a completely
finished product, the governor now
talks at a slower rate than he has in
years. James C. Marriott, one of the
vificial stenographers on the transcon
tinental trip, who has "taken" Hughes
speeches for the last 12 years, said to
day he was hitting it up at about 150
words a minute.
Mrs. Hughes Treats to Candy.
"I recall times," he said, "when
tne governor talked at a rate of ISO
or even 200 words a minute rate. He
is an extraordinarily easy man to take
because he has splendid enunciation and
talks at an even rate of speed."
Mrs. Hughes joined the campaign par
ty late last night, greatly refreshed
after a water trip from Tacoraa to !Se
attle. Mrs. Hughes so far hasn 't missed
sending a post card to each of the three
Hughes girls Helen, Catherine and
Elizabeth back at Bridgeaampton, at
every city in which her husband has
remained for more than a few minutes.
She his also taken the newspaper men
of the party under her wing. Today she
sent a huge box of candy into the news
paper ear. hen some of the writers
hustled back to the observation plat
form at one stop, and didfe't have time
She 11 be tea-happy
She has sent for the Taste Packet and now
she is finding out which Schilling's Tea just
exactly suits her. Please don't misunder
standthere is only one quality of Schil
ling's Tea, hut there are four distinct taste
types. Whichever you Hie best is the kind
for you to use i all four of them brew tea of
indescribable charm.
Send for the 'taste Packet
. The only simple, sure way te gel the right ten.
Contains fiur parchmyn envelopes ef Japan, English Breakfast,
Ceylin, Oilong emug h fcr five tr six (tips tfeach.
Mailed promptly in receipt if io ten Is (stamps ir din).
tAdJress: A Schilling & Qempany
333 Seem J Street, San Francisci
Schillings Best
Sold through grocers only
In stencari
packages, i-cz an J
to put on their hats, she sent them back j
to get the missing headgear, suggesting!
they'd catch cold. j
Mrs. Hughes is also doing her share
of handshaking. Because word was
sent ahead of the party that she did
not desire to accept any social engage
ments, a false impression has been giv
en in a few cities that she did not desire '
to take part in receptions with the gov
ernor, undergoing the arduous work oT
standing in line and greeting townspeo
ple. But that impression has alwayn
quickly been dispelled by Mrs. Hugheu
imparting the information whenever tho
party arrives anywhere that she wanUi
to do everything the governor does and
accompany him everywhere.
am -
Cct die Round Package
Used for Vi Century.
Ask For and GET ,
rT Caution
pSSAvold Subttlttrti
t. , wis, U.S.. .
Made from clean, rich milk with the ex
tract of select malted grain, malted in our
own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions."
enfant and ehiltfrm thrivv on il. Afreet with
thu weakeat tomach of the invalid or the oged.
Heed no cooking nor addition of milk.
Nourishes and sustains more than tea, coffee; et&i
Should be kept at home or when traveling. Anu-'
tnuoua food-drink may be prepared in a moment.
A glassful hot before retiring induces refreshing
atoer Also in lunch tablet form for business men.
Substitutes Cost YOU Sam Price
Take a Package Home
A good habit cannot be formed
too early start the children on
Dental C
Send 2c stamp for csnsrous sample of either Dr. Lyon's
Pstbki Dental Cream or Tooth Powdsr.
L W. Lyon & Sons, lac,- 561 W. Z7U St, N. Y. City
i m it- l