flTk FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY THIRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 168 SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS OK TRAINS AMD ITBWM STANDS FIVB OFWT 6QQ TRAINMEN TO HEAR PRESIDENT EArjf:TBiRlW Agree V; to Try Out Sag ge b' 5 for Six Months ij Be Reached MANAGERS WILL AGREE ' I TO AN EIGHT HOUR DAY 'Mo Further Action Will Be Taken Until President Is Heard TO SUBMIT PROPOSITION Washington, Aug. 10. Presi dent Wilson will put a concrete proposition before the t00 men of the railway employes general committee, when he meets them tomorrow in the East room of the White House. This was an nounced by W. L. Chambers of the United States Board of Me diation and Conciliation. The session tomorrow will begin at 3 o'clock he said. By Robert J. Bender. (1'nited Press Btaff correspondent.) New York, Aug. 10. The problem of averting a railroad Btrike that would paralyze the traffic of the country still rests with President Wilson. The GOO district chairmen of the big four brotherhoods representing the 400, 000 trainmen today, accepted the presi dent's invitation to con'fer with him in Washington tomorrow. No other de cision was - reached at their meetiug here, however, and the situation con tinues deadlocked. The committee chair men left fof Washington this after noon with W. S. Carter, head of the firemen's brotherhood, with their de mands for an eight hohr day and time and a half overtime unamended and backed up by a vote to strike if they are refused. Carter regarded the situation as se rious as at the oneninir of the negotia tions', but said there was still "room foM hope." He explained that only the chairmen had the power to agree to a compromise such as was suggested by President Wilson with the railroads granting the eight hour day for a time under the present system of overtime. For this reason the presence of the 600 chairmen is necessary in Washington. Will Be Dramatic Scene. .. Washington, Aug. 10. One of the most dramatic incidents in the history of American labor will be enacted to morrow in the east room of the White House. Six hundred railroad workers, representing 400,000 of their Yellows, will hear from President Wilson, his reasons for believing they enn settle the differences with their employers with out using their threatened weapon pa ralyzntion of transportation. The men ore coming to hear the ap peal the president has made to their mib-eommittee. Word was conveved to tho president nt 12:30 todnv that the conference in New York between the uni-guies iue general committee ana s. Carter of the sub-committee had resulted in nothing definite beyond ngreement to hear -him. Arrangements were made immediately at the White House for the president to receive them tomorrow. With tlm nrrraemnnt lit- flm mnni,Ara frt iicr-ept the basic principle of the eight (ClnntiaueJ o ?age Tana.) Th' June bride business wuz un usually light this year, owin' t' th' ixood times, we guess. What's become ' th' feller who used t' wear shoulder braces f Germany Did Not Want Danish West Indies Berlin, via wireless to Sayville, L. I., Aug. 16. Foreign Secretary Von Ja gow today flatly denied that Germany ever had any designs on the Danish West Indies, in commenting on English reports that it was feared that Ger many would buy the islands as the first step in an assault on the Monroe doc trine that inspired the United States to negotiate for their purchase. "I only know of these reports through the newspapers," said the for eign secretary, "but of one thing I am absolutely certain, that is tliat Ger many is antagonistic to nobody and has no intention of disturbing the sovereign rights of any power in that part of the world." LONGSHOREMEN SAY BE Says Men Are Embittered Over Action of Employers Who Stand Pat - Seattle, Wash., Aug. 10. J. A. Mad sen, district secretary-treasurer of the International Longshoremen's associa tion, predicted todnv a lone strueirle be fore the waterfront strike on the Pa cific coast eould be terminated, follow ing the refusal of the employers here yesterday to meet the conciliation com mittee of organized labor, Madsen said the jongslioremen had become embittered over the action of the employers, though a refusal had been expected, and were more thnn ever determined to adhere to their original demands for better wages and working conditions. "I believe the action of the employ ers," he added, "will have a beneficial effect both on the public and our as sociation. The public now has an op portunity of seeing the employers as we have -seen them all along, and under stood them." it Had Sued for Divorce Naming Her Victim As "Woman In the Case" Mnrysville, Mo., Aug.. 10 In a crowd ed depot here, Mrs. O. A. Gilmore shot and killed Mrs. Ella Shipps as the lat ter, accompanied by her daughter, was about to board a train for Kansas City. The sinyer had sued for divorce, naming the other woman. Mrs. Gilmore sur rendered to the sheriff. Mrs. Shipps had just stepped to the baggage window to check her trunk when Mrs. Gilmore pushed her way to ward the woman and fire.d four shots. Two struck Mm. Shipps in the back and two in her left side as she 'fell. Then Mrs. Gilmore handed her smoking revol ver to an Acquaintance and asked him to take her to the sheriff office. Mrs. Gilmore, aged 45 years, sued for divorce last March, charging infidelity and naming Mrs. Shipps, divorcee, who had been renting one of the Gihnore houses. The Gilmores had been mar- riP(j 2S years, Thirty Mile Horseshoe of Heavy Guns Rain Death on German Trenches atSomme By Henry Wood. (I'nited Press staff correspondent.) With the French Armies on the Soni- me, Aug. 10. A thirty mile horse shoe of solid artillery fire, one of the most terrific shell blastings in the history of thcrorld is drawing a mile of flame along the Somme bnttlefront. The artillery reached its greatest in tensity as I arrived at the highest noint on Dompierre plateau southwest of Pe- ronne. The dar before the French had captured German third Use positions from Hardecourt to Buseourt. At the precise moment of my arrival the French were employing all their great artillery strength to umiwt their no. I ly acquired positions. The Germans were shelling even more desperately in an effort to dislodge the French and launch counter attacks. The stupendousues so? this great nr- tillery struggle was indescribable. The curving line of fire extended from the French positions before Clery, north of the Somme to St. Quentin, thence south to the region of Peronne and southwest to Barleux, Entrees and Soyeeourt. fhellii of all calibres, both shrapnel and high explosives, burst at every instant I at every point along the entire front with a rapidity which defied counting. For one lone interval, by a seemingly . miraculous intervention, I was able to count off IS seconds when not a single IS BY Soldiers Gathered Near Line ' to Hear Regimental Band ' Get Surprise STAR SPANGLED BANNER BRINGS THEM TO FEET America and Dixie Follow Best of Feeling Exists Between Armies Headquarters Oregon National Guard Calexico, (Uaa., Aug. 10. No matter how enervating anil fierce tho desert sun gets here, it lias failed utterly to wilt .ne guardsmen's enthusiasm. They talked today of n similar demonstra tion on the part of a hundred ormore northwestern guardsmen who lounged under shade tres within a few feet of I the international lino listening to the iwenrv I'inii regiment Mexican band. Within speaking distance lounged a number of General Cnntu's Mexican troopers. A remarkable spirit of cor diality exists between Mexican and American soldiers here. From the baud in the "plaza of the heroes of Chapultepec," the Mexican park, strains of favorite Spanish op eras rolled across the line to the Amer ican listeners. Despite the stifling heat, Oregon and Washington men re sponded generously. They used their best newly acquired Spanish to shout compliments, to which Cantu'a troopers-replied in Mexicnnlzed English. These amicable exchanges were at their height when line xpectedly the Mexican baud blared out an air that fairly threw the Americans to their t'eet. Heels flicked, khaki clad forms straightened up, and hands went to salute and remained there. The Mexicans were playing "The Star Spangled Banner. . The cheers that followed from the north side of the line brought encores of "America" and "Dixie" and all the while hands remained at salute, Nullifies Concessions El Paso, Texas, Aug., 10. The de facto government has delared null the concessions held by Americans for a projected railway between Salina Cruz and Acnpulivo, 'Mexico, according to Carranza officials nt Juarez. The rea sons given were that conditions were onerous, contained clauses prejudicial to the de facto government, mid that the contract was made with former Dictator Hucrtn. At the same time preparations are being mnde to confiscate mining prop erics held by Americans who do not pay nil back taxes with an additional pen alty of 25 per cent before September 1, under a pronouncement issued by First Chief Carranza. Critical Stage Passed t San Diego, Cal., Aug. 10. That the Mexican situation hns nnssed the critical staee is indicated in orders re ceived by a number of the vessels of the I'nited States Pacific fleet now on patrol duty in southern waters to return (Continued on Pace Six.' shell exploded. Immediately thereaft er the fire was resumed with redoubled intensity, French Control Air. Equally impressive as this 30 mile uubroken semi-circle of artillery fire, was the 39 mile horse shoe of French observation sausage balloons overhang ing at a great height the entire bat tle front. Their wireless instruments were directing the French fire. At the same time innumerable French aeroplanes darted in aid out among the sausages, crossing and rerrossing the German lines every minute. From time to time as a daring aviator flew over the German positions, half a dozen white puffs would suddenly appear with startling distinctiveness silhouetted against the clear blue sky, showing where the German anti-aircraft gunners had sought to encircle the aeroplanes with sharpncL Yet despite this greatlictivlty of France's air forces not a single German aeroplane appeared either for the pur pose of chasing back the French, at tacking the French sausages or for reconnoitcriug. Likewise not a single German sausage was visible to offset the unbroken 30 mile semi-circle of 20 French sausages which I was able to count. Nothing could give a more vivid (Continued on Pag Seres.) MEXICAN EE IY ON AM ERICAN SIDE SAN FRANCISCO TO SEND DELEGATION TO MARSHFIELD San Francisco, Aug. 10 In the first chamber of commerce trade extension excursion out of California more than 100 lo cal business honses will be rep resented on the trip to Marsh field, Oregon. The excursion leaves by train Saturday night and after a stop at Eugene, the trip to the Coos Bay metropo lis will be made over tiie new railroad. Coos Bay towns have arranged extensive entertnin-. ment for their gusts. TSCHLAND ABOUT DUE AT HOME PORT Has Evidently Taken Round about Course to Avoid Her Enemies Berlin, Aug. 10. The Germnn sub marine Deutschland has not been heard from since she cleared the Virginia capes on the night of August 2. the United Press learned from reliable sources today. Sixteen days were required for the Deutschland to cross the Atlantic on her trip to Baltimore. Part of that time she spent iu dodging hostile war ships. Actually she could have made the voyage in much shorter time. The fact that 14 days have elapsed and she has not been hoard from indicated that she has been compelled to take a round about course on the return also, to avoid British and French warships, if she has lot met with a mishap. The Deutsch land is equipped! with a high power wireless apparatus, but probably would not communicate with a German station while in British waters, fearing detec tion and pursuit. . ; POSITIONS HELD FOR AT Postal Department Will Give Men Old Jobs On Their Return Washington, Aug. 10. Positions of aien employed in the postal service who went to the border with the militia will be given them on their return, according to announcement at the postoffice de partment toUay, In denying a report that militiamen were being dropped permanently from tho rolls because of their absence due to service on the border. Postmaster General Burleson referred to an order of June 20 last. This order specified that "where it becomes necessary to fill temporarily the position of anv of ficer or other employe who is absent on such military or naval duty, the officer or employe, will it necessary be dropped from the rolls without prejudice, and will be reinstated to his former position and grade in accordance with civil ser vice rules and regulations." The postmaster general said every employe so dropped will be immediately given back his former position upon ox-' piratir.n or his military or navnl service, without loss of rank or pay. The order, it was emphasized, wns ap proved by congress. Steel Sells High and Prices Rule Stronger New York, Aug. 10. The New York Evening Sun finnncial review today says: Announcement of the financing her,, of a big British government loan, evi dence of participation in the opera tions -by substantial interests and heavy buying of Cnted States Steel were effective factors today in at tracting active speculation for higher prices in most departments of the market. Iu the greater number of issues op ening prices were at small fractional gains as compared with the closing of the preceding day, notwithstanding the disappointment in the street over the continued deadlock in the Washington railroad labor conference. Initial trading was in good volume. in. the early afternoon a substantial proportion of the business was provid ed by marine common, United States Steel and Reading, the first named making a newhigh and four points up from Tuesday, while steel sold to a new record for the venr when it erosed 1. Ths best price ever quoted for this stock wss H4 7-8 in 190H. Strength in steel, which always has been a signal for rising prices in the general market,' offset as a market in fluence the disappointment over the postponement for another day of further-conferences on the railroad labor situation and was effective In creating decided bullishness in most parts of the list as the session progressed. GERMANS CERTAIN RUSSIAN ADVANCE IS NEARLY ENDED Admit Austrians Were Taken by Surprise at Beginning of Drive NEW FORCES AT LEMBERG WILL STOP SLAV ARMIES General Brusiloff Captures 358,602 Prisoners Since June Fourth RESULT OF CAMPAIGN Petrograd, Aug. 10. Russian armies under General Brusiloff from June 4 to August 13, cap tured 358,602 Austro-German prisoners and 405 cannon, it was officially announced todav. Other booty included 1,325 machine guns, 338 mine and bomb throwers and 2112 powder carts. Advance la Steady By Ed L. Keen (I'nited Press staff correspondent) London, Aug. 16. A stendv advance by the Russians and an Italian victory south of Goritz, were announced in of ficial dispatches from allied capitals louay, wnue an almost complete calm settled over the Anglo-French battle front. Iu southeastern Galicia, the Russians are forging westward and have cap tured two villages besides other Aus trian positions, the Kussiau war office announced. Only in the north, where stubborn Austro-German resistance west of the Zlota Lipa river bus check ed the czar's troops, is there any indi cation of a slackening of the Kussiau advances. In ten weeks of General Bruailoff's great offensive, the Russians have tak en 358,002 prisoners and a great a mount of booty, Petrograd announced. The German war office countered upon the Kussiau claim of further gains with a statement that Russian at tacks north of the Dniester were com pletely repulsed iu yesterday's fight ing. Delayed dispatches from the Aus trian war office, covering Sunday's fighting, make similar claims. The Italian war office announced the capture of Austriau trenches south nnd cust of Goritz. By Carl W. Acksrnua, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Headquarters of Field Marshal Von Hindenburg's Army, Aug. 10. "The worrit of the Kussiau offensive is over," one of the highest command ing officers on the eastern front told the United Press today after a tour of iiiRriiiuii ui nit rtUBiru-iirriiiuu lines. Completely hnltcd at the Stoehod river in their efforts to retake Kovel, the Russians, undaunted by this fail ure, have shifted their attacks south ward, always striking against the Austrinns. "Tlio temporary successes of Ihe Russians in the southeast is desperate strategy," said a German officer, be cause the faster they ndvnnce with their left wing in the southeast, the more they weaken the position of their right wing along tho Stochod." It is admitted here that, tho Rus sians caught the Austrians by surprise nt the beginning of' the offensive. (Continued oa Fata ThreO War Will End Early in 1917 Says Captured Officer and Germany Will Win of Course By Wilbur S. Forrest (I'nited Press staff correspondent.) British Base Hospital, Northern Northern France, July 21. (By mail.) "The' war will end early iu 1H17. Which side will winf Germany will win, of coarse." A wounded officer of the noted Prus sian guRrd made this assertion to the t'aited Press today. The words came be tween big bites of thick white bread laid sandwich like over a heavy spread of real butter anil orange marmalade. The officer was hungry. With about 200 comrades he had just arrived from the scene of the big British offensive. He had beeu nipped in the leg by shrapnel. His wound did not deter aim from ver bal optimism. But he was greatly thauK ful for the neat hospital cot and the treatment he was receiving. "Why were you taken prisoner t" he was asked. New York, Aug. 16 A renew al of the street car strike that badly crippled New York's sur face lines last week appeared certain today unless the New York railways reinstate 25 union conductors and motormen dis charged after the strike. Union officials charged today that the managing heads of the railways deliberately violated the agreement tinder which the men returned to work, in dis charging these men. Further more they quoted Vice-President lied ley as having promised better wages to men who refrain from joining the union. THIS MAY BE CUSSED AS PREMATURE TALK England Discusses Resump tion of Relations After War Is Over London, Aug. 16. Bflgland mav not resume diplomatic relatiuns with Ger many after the end of the war until Germany makes full reparation for tho execution of Captain Fryatt and simi lar outrages, Premier Asquith intimat ed in the house of commons today. The prime minister replied to a ques tion put to the government by Sir Ed ward Carson. Sir Edward asked if in view of the Fryntt and other cases whether England was prepared to re sume diplomatic intercourse with Ger many after the war unless the alleged crimes were expiated. Premier Asquith said that in the opinion of the cabinet, the country would not tolerate a resumption of dip lomatic intercourse with Germany mi til such reparation had been mnde. The cabinet, he added, is consulting Eng land's allies as to the best method for securing such reparation. "Will the government declare that tho kaiser Is wanted for murderi" asked Will Thome, labor member. The-question went unanswered amid a tumult of cheering t 8R. EVA HARDING IS IN FIGHT TO STAY Will Run Independent Be , cause New York Women Threatened Her Topeka, Kan., Aug. 10. Dr. Eva Harding, independent candidate for con gress from the First district, offered new proof today why she is known as the state's "fighting woman." Most candidates stay in the fight be cause their friends want them to. With Dr. Harding it is different; she is back the fight because of her enemies ,, women on(,mieg at tllat The other day Dr. Harding received a newspaper clipping from a friend in New York. The letter congratulated her on her escape, as an organization already had announced from its New York office that several women would be sent to Kansas to campaign agniust Dr. Harding. "What else could I do!" Dr. Hard ing asked today. "Those New York women counted on the pleasure of com ing clear out here to Kansas to fight me. Could I disappoint themt You know I couldn't do that. So I am back in the riinnlug, happy and there Is go ing to be a merry little wnr in this dis trict. If they want a fight they will not be disappointed at least not by me.' "The British had too much artillery for us," was the reply. "Their fire was stronger tlmii ours and we were cut off. We had plenty of food but no water. We had to surrender." This officer spoke excellent Eng lish. He learned it in a German school. He was under 30 aud a perfect speci men of nianhoord. Proud of Record. "How long have you been nt the front t" he was asked. "Twenty.fwo months," he replied with pride. "I'v been in Poland, Ga licia, Champagne, Verdun and at Con talmaison nnd Mametz wood. I was cap tured at Mumeta wood. For five days mv division was cut off by the British artillery fire. A trip to the rear for water was death. Long range guns were playing streams of steel on the lines be- (Continued, on Pay Bsrea.) HUGHES TALKS TO PORTLAND AD LIEU ABOUT BUSINESS Makes Startling Statement He Is For Sound Business . Administration JAYS "THEY RECKON ILL WHO LEAVE OUT OREGON" Says He Was Mandamused Into Running by People of This State By Perry Arnold. (United Press stuff correspondent.) Portland, Ore., Aug. 10. Greeted as Charley" amid tempestuous cheer and a harmony quartet, republican nom inee nugnes, speaking to the Portland Ad club, today referred to the present campaign as a businessman's struggle. As such he appealed for the busiuess man's support for republicanism. 'I'm a member of the Kemibhcan Ad club, ' ' ne began. ' ' For the Dresent I 'as. spokesman. It was not always thus. A. short time aco I was Ions on. silence nnd short on speech; now I'm lonar on speech and short on silence. The reas on is I was mandamused in Oregon. I was intent upon observing the strict proprieties of the position I held. It was a place of great distinction in which I was content to remain. When suggestions came from Oregou tVrt I permit my name in the primaries. I ctt curtly refused. I had no desire to tii. 1 wanted to remain where I was. But thoy reckon ill who leave out Oreimn. For the first time in history a state court mandamused a federal judge.' continuing the republican nominee discussed the tariff and urged business like methods In government, particular ly a systematic budget system. "Tnere is no private business in the country that could exist as the gov ernment doos, without any proper or ganization," he declared. "'"I'm for a. sound business like administration. If we are to measure up the demand that are before us and take our place wor thily among the nations of the earth, then we must have ability to resist im portunity and the making of public of fices into nublic sunns. I'm acainst that. We must save every day it will not be conserved simply by indulirine in good wishes around the club tables.". Hughes referred to tho United Statesj system of government as organized "like a watch delicately adjusted and requiring that it be kept in order."; ue declared that tbe republican party was tho only one which eould treat af fairs properly as national or as local: 'We must buud up," he said in con clusion. This afternoon Hughes was to take an automobile ride up the Colum bia highway and to make an address this evening. Munitions From ths East. Portland, Ore., Aug. 1(1. Charles E. Hughes preached his doctrine of "Am erica First and America Efficiency" in Oregon today the state which, despite, his protest from tho supreme bench, in structed for him iu the primaries. Ha was to make at least two speeches and members of his party were authority for the statement that he would cite more concrete instances to support his claim of democratic incapacity for ef ficient government. So far the republican aspirant for presidential honors has cited instance io support charges of "payment of do litieal debts at tho public expcmie, " in clusive and wordy" laws in the anti dumping sections of the democratic, tar iff law and failure of the Wilson ad ministration to live up to the platform, pledge of protection of American citi zens and their property abroad. Yester day at Tacoma tie added a uew charge that it required a republican emergency currency meusure to tide the democratin party through the panicky days just at the begiuuing of the Wilson adminis tration. It is known the governor has recent ly received a great deal of data from headquarters of the national committee New York including one $; tele gram. This is a treasure House of infor mation for his use. rrom now on in every one of bis big speeches, the can- fContlnaed on Pa Two THE WEATHER Oregon: Fair tonight and Thursday, cooler tonight except near the coast; westerly winds. WE HW HAD)