Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 15, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
August 15, l!)lt5.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
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Daily by carrier, per year . $300 Per month
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i 1
' Two weeks ago the supreme court of the state passed
upon the appeal of Arthur Berridge "against Marion
county sustaining the decision of Judge Galloway, which
was in favor of the county. The case came before Judge
Galloway from the county court in the shape of a writ of
review to re-examine the action of the county court in
disallowing the claim of plaintiff for auditing the books
and accounts of the county, amounting to $1,52:1.00. Upon
the return to the writ the trial court dismissed the pro
ceedings. From this plaintiff appeals.
The supreme court in passing upon the case says:
"For the reason given in the Douglas county case the
judgment of the lower court is affirmed." The Douglas
county case referred to was passed upon at the same
sitting of the court and the reasons given in it were
(briefly stated) that no state official had the power to
make a contract for the county court. In the Marion
county case, according to the papers therein, the contract
for the examination of the books, etc., was made by the
state insurance commissioner with Berridge at the agreed
price of $10 per day with railroad fare and subsistence
for the plaintiff and his assistants. Under this contract
Mr Berridge presented an itemized bill showing that four
men were employed on the job including the plaintift for
a total of 132 days for one man, the bill being $l,.2u. ine
; subsistence for these was put in at $151.05; transposition
was placed at $20.20, and type writing reports at $2o.8G.
This claim was duly verified and the same certified to by
the insurance commissioner.
There is nothing to show what salary Mr. Berridge
paid his employes, but it is fair to presume it was con
siderably less than $10 per day, for good accountants can
be hired for much less than that sum.
The case is an important one .and it is fortunate the
county can not be made to pay bills authorized by others
than the county court. The case in point shows that
some bad bargains might have to be stood for by the coun
ties could others than the county court, which is responsi
ble to the county, authorize bills made which they were
"judge Shey was entirely correct in refusing to pay
the bill and his action had the hearty indorsement of
Judge Galloway, and the supreme court. The county was
saved a needless expense and one that would perhaps be
a yearly affair if it had been allowed to go through this
Wheat is selling above a dollar a bushel, wool from Ho
to 40 cents a pound, fruit is making record prices and
hoes and other livestock are trying to keep pace with the
Eeneral upward trend of prices. Why should not these
boom prices bring prosperity? If they do not it is the
fault of the country or the people who live in it that they
do not produce enough. We could not reasonably expect
hiriier prices for what Oregon has to sell than those pre
vailing at the present time, and we believe that business
in general is improving and that it will continue to im
prove until its effect will shortly be felt upon the realty
market, the slumping of which has been the real cause ot
the financial depression in Oregon. Those who are com
plaining most about business conditions at the present
are those who are heavily overloaded with real estate
' German socialists have appealed to Chancellor Von
Bethmann-Hollwegg to lift the embargo on the discussion
of peace. They assert that the desire for peace is equally
creat among the peoples on both sides of the conilict.
The manifesto issued by them says: "The moment ap
pears to have arrived when the German people should
Kive its free and unrestricted opinion regarding the plans
of conquest, th realization of which would be only the
eerm of new wars and only result in prolonging the war.
These be strong words of disapproval, and are no tkrubt
indicative of the feeling of many thoughtful people m
each of the warring countries.
The Oregonian howls long and loud on every possible
occasion about the "pork" appropriations made by the
government, its definition of "pork" being anything that
money is spent for that does not directly or indirectly
benefit the city of Portland. As an example of what isn't
"pork" it wants Oregon's share of the federal road appro
priation expended in building an automobile road around
Mount Hood to connect with the Columbia river scenic
highway. This road would be of no benefit to the com
mercial interests of the state and would interest only
the tourist and sightseer yet it is not "pork" rom the
Portland point of view. The same money expended for
a similar purpose elsewhere would be the subject for a
long-winded editorial in the morning paper on the waste
ful extravagance of government funds. .
Speaking of this attempt to grab the federal road
funds for this Mount Mood project, the Eugene Daily
Guard says:
"The federal good road appropriation was intended to
aid in the development of states, especially those with
large areas where it was improbable that roads could be
constructed in the usual manner. The basis of the appro
priation made by the federal government was area, popu
lation and rural routes. The three factors were taken in
to consideration and the money set aside for the various
states. Scenic highways were not given a place in the
calculations by the federal government. Yet in Oregon,
it is proposed to spend Oregon s share on one road which
is almost exclusively in that class."
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1863
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Safety Deposit Boxes
The Oregonian reports that one S. A. Buck has taken
an option on a mill site on the Siuslaw river and will build
a sawmill if Hughes is elected president. If Wilson is
re-elected he will let the option lapse and return again to
Monroe, Washington, to hibernate until such a time s a
republican president shall have been -elected. Buck is
quoted as saying that he fears Canadian competition in
the lumber business but that is not the real reason for
his declaration, since even he, or the Oregonian, should
know that Canadian competition is cutting no figure in
the lumber business in this country because wages aver
age higher and it costs more to manufacture lumber in
British Columbia than in Oregon. But for the com
petition of Southern pine, from Louisiana largely, the
lumber of the Northwest would be finding a large and
growing market in Chicago and the central West and
competition from Canada would cut no figure in the
market. In fact the lumber business of Oregon and
Washington is in much better condition than in British
Columbia and is suffering mainly from the inability of
the railroads to transport the product to market. This
man Buck probably knows these things because it is
doubtful if he is as big a fool as his public declaration
proclaims him to be, but his is one of those arrogant na
tures which must need satiate its longing for bluff and
bluster and bulldozing. Everybody must be terrorized
or clubbed into accepting his particular view of public
affairs. A year or so ago Buck wanted to build a box
factory in Eugene and he began to promise and threaten
and bulldoze by turns in order to get a site just to suit,
streets closed that ought to have been kept open. He
knew Eugene wanted industries and took advantage of
that desire until when he finally put up his plant the
people had paid very dearly for what they got. And since
they have come to know Buck better there is no doubt
but they realize that the town would be better off if he
would pick his dinky little box factory up under his arm
and go away to pester the people of some other com
munity. That's Buck of Monroe, Washington, and it's
easy to understand why he makes the declaration credited
to him by the Oregonian. He couldn't be anything but a
bluffer and a four-flusher if he wanted to, because nature
endowed him with a soul too small to be put to any
other use. '
Johnny ScoTt, aged 12, yellow haired and blue eyed,
has for six months been rustling for himself, sleeping in
alleys, half starved and wholly neglected. Three years
ago his mother, a frail little woman, died, from overwork
fighting for herself and Johnny against the great big
hearted but cruelly neglectful world. His father died
when he was a few days old. When his little mother died
he was taken care of by a relative, but he moved away six
months ago and forgot to tak& Johnny. Then the little
fellow went to work for a peddler for seven and half cents
a day living on stale bread and staler milk. His worldly
possessions are a torn pair of overalls and an old over
coat The world seemed too big and too busy for him to
tackle and he grew tired and lonesome. Monday he went
to the police and told them his story. He said he wanted
another mother who would love him, and whom he could
love. Maybe, with the help of the police he may find one.
Here's hoping Johnny that better things are in store for
you anyway they can't well be worse.
Pendleton needs more movies, or to have the Round
up start soon. Amusements have been so shv that crowds
gather at night to give sheepherders their annual baths
m the irrigating ditches. This serves a double purpose,
cleans the sheepherder and fertilizes the ranches. Even
a sheepherder, has his beneficent and practical uses.
The recent primary election in Missouri showed a re
markable increase in the votes cast bv both narties. The
total vote cast by the democrats was 2;U,806, and that of
me repuoucans m,wy. This shows a majority of above
A O AAA Al - J i mi i . .
io,uw lur me aemocrais. inat snould place
pretty safely in the Wilson column. ,
Throughout the town my wares I holler, and try to
sell a new gold dollar for sixty-seven cents; in vain, alas,
are all my yellings; in vain I haunt your shops and dwel
lings, your woodsheds and your tents. No
man will buy my handsome money; men
seem to think it must be phony, because I'd
sell it cheap; so all day long I seek a
market, display my coin and boost and bark
it, and then break down and weep. But
now comes Nestor Newton Neuter, who
deals in dollars made of pewter, alloyed
with lead and tin; he seems to loaf while
I am swearing, and yet men's bundles he is
getting, he rakes the greenbacks in. One
man has got the trick of selline: he needs
to do no frantic yelling to gather in the plunk; he just
leans back, his system sunning, and all the people come a
running, to buy his blooming junk. The other, fellow
strives and labors to sell good plunder to his neighbors,
and never gets the kale; no scraps of business can he rake
up; there's something lacking in his make-up, he cannot
make a sale.
While there is considerable of a flurry over the so
called wheat shortage, it exists largely on paper. Broom
hall estimates there are 200,000,000 bushels more this year
than last, but says that this surplus is most of it unavail
able. Even so, there is as much as last year, and if this
200,000,000 bushels or any part of it becomes available,
there will be more than last year, and that is plenty.
Russia is said to have a large surplus, and it is possible
this may become available before many months. Should
it do so there would be a big crimp put in the wheat prices
and there would be a large surplus. No one can predict
what is going to happen in Europe, but it is among the
possibilities that the Russian bear may poke his nose
through the Bosphorus before long.
"Riverside Dip" poems are somewhat vertiginous.
We use the word deliberately considering it appropriate
to the subject; our old friend Noah Webster defining it as
"a swimming of the head." Added to this we might add
that it is somewhat "dippy." A tramp at one time being
asked by a kind hearted lady who had given him a hand
out, if it was good, and if there was enough; gallantly re
plied: "Yes my lady, it's good enough what there is of
it, and enough of it such as it is."
Hughes in speaking at Cour 'd Alene, Monday, resent
ing the charge that he is not constructive, said "I believe
in protection, isn't that constructive?" No, Mr. Hughes,
that is not constructive; it is obsolete. It is about as con
structive as a Mother Goose rhyme, or Baxter's Saints
Rest and is equally trite.
Nominations by
Socialist Party
August Wesley, Portland, representa
tive, Eighteenth district.
Max Hesse, Portland, representative,
Eighteenth district.
Mrs. Ira Coleman, Portland, represen-
office of the secretary tntive, Eighteenth district.
airs, ueorgta nuiiey, rortiana, repre
sentative, Eighteenth district.
V. C. Alysworth, Portland, state sen
ator. Thirteenth district, for unexpired
August Ahti, Portland, representa
tive, Eighteenth district.
Albert Streiff, Portland, representa
tive in congress, Third congressional dis-
Filed at the
of state Monday
E. L. tannon, .snlem, secretary or
I,. G. Bovd. Portland, state senator
Thirteenth district.
C'has. J. Anderson, St. Johns, state
senator, Thirteenth district.
(.. Q. Ockwig, Portland, state senator.
Thirteenth district.
Dr. W. E. Smith. Portland, state sen
ator, Thirteenth district.
Peter Streiff, Jr., Hillsdale, state sen
ator, Thirteenth district.
R. C. Stokes. Portland, representative,
Eighteenth district.
Katherine Brandos, Portland, repre
sentative, Eighteenth district.
A. H. Axelson, Portland, representa
tive. Eighteenth district.
Victor J. McCono, Portlnnd, repre
sentative, Eighteenth district.
Duck, deer, duck!
The grass isn't the only thing that is
going to seed around these parts.'
A North Salem youngster attempted
to cook an egg on the pavement yester
day. It didn't even turn pale.
It is worth a trip to Salem just to see
the oak trees.
Some men nre like chocolate creams,
wliite inside. There are -women who will
say. on Tending this, that there is no
further resemblance.
The average argument is about an
pleasant and profitable as two aching
Some folks merely make believe
believe everything they hear.
The voting lady who answered my first
little "say"
I know to be "honcstlv and truly" O.
Now down to the river let us hasten
and see,
As nil there are just as happy as happy
can be,
The young, the old, the tall and thai
First to the last, ready, with a retort;
The gay, the jolly, the dull and the
All willing and anxious to take up
their part.
I acknowledge "old Moss backs" may)
have a desire,
To see pretty maids swim in "scanty;
So long as they stay under, no fault)
will be found,
But what shall we think when they
come on the grounds,
When they come out of the water, and
go walking aroiuig.
For 'tis there we see charms and beau.
ty unbound.
Ves 'twill do us all good the "dry
land to leave"
And go down under the water, there
not to perceive,
So the modest young lady may put on
her dress,
And lias she improved it? Oh, a little
1 guess.
"Go to it," young ladies, you may
dive, you may swim,
First kick out your right, and then.
your left limb.
You may swim with face down, or
swim on your ack
But you'll ne'er swim so graceful aa
the bird with a quack.
Oon closing thesV lines I shall give
you a tip
'Tis a very goo'd way to advertise
"Riverside Dip."
Watching the bathers go out in the
Watching them swim to and fro.
'Tis ever so nice and well worth
For all who can possibly go.
Sulrm, Or.. Aug. 14. 101(5. H. E. B.
Donald W. McKinuou, Eugene, dairy
and food commissioner.
J. E. Hosmer, Silverton, judge of su
preme court.
Allan L. Benson, Yonkers. N. Y,
president of the United States.
George R. Kirkpntrick, Newark, N.
J., vice-president of the United States.
Max Burgholzer, Eugene, presidential
August Nikula, Astoria, presidential
W. M. Tipton, Hillsboro, presidential
Frank W. Johnson, Astoria, presiden
tial elector.
Selma J. McCone, Portland, presiden
tial elector.
the home
Phone 81.
news while you are
People who are confined within doori
and who are deprived of fresh, invigor-1
ating air and exercise must take pre- j
caution to guard against over-stout-!
ness, as fat acquired by indoor life is ;
unhealthy and a danger to the vital ;
organs of the body. Lock of exercise j
in the fresh air is said to weaken the:
oxygen carrying power of the blood, so ,
that it is unable to produce strong inns- j
cles aftd vitality and the formation of,
unsiglimy and unhealthy fat is the re
sult, j
If you are 15 or SO pounds above nor
mal weight you are daily drawing on .
vour reserve strength and are constant- i
Iy lowering your vitality by carrying j
this excess burden. Any persons who ,
are satisfied in their own mind that
the are too stout are advised to go to,
Central Pharmacy or a good druggist
and get a box of oil of korein capsules,
and take one after each meal and one
just before retiring at night.
Even a few days treatment has been
reported to show a noticeable reduction
in weight, Improved digestion and a re
turn of the old energy: footsteps be
come lighter and the skin less flabby
in appearance as superfluous fat dis
appears. Oil o' korein is inexpensive, cannot
iniure. and helps the digestion. Any
MisSOUl'i I Pn wn0 wanta to reduce 15 or 20
pounds is aavigeu iu give wu n ce
ment a trial.
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Dincuy eorreci weigni, square seal ana (Jghett price for all kiadj el
jultl, metal, rubber, hides and fur. I pay 2e per pound for eld riga. I
Dig a coca, oi an aiiea eeona.aaad Incubators. All kladj eorrarttei T
iron for both roofl aid buildings. Roofing paper aid aeeoaa haid X
JH. Steinback Junk'Co.
The Hoaae of Half a Million Bargain,
181 North Commercial It, na HM
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