iHE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUG. 15, 1916. THREE ! Willamette Valley News Monmouth Grange Hold Business Session (Capital Journal Special Service.) Monmouth, Or., Aug. 15. The Mon mouth Orange met in regular session Saturday, August 12; held a short busi ness session in the morning, dined aumptously at noon and in the after noon the usual open meeting was held, during which a very interesting pro gram was rendered and an open dis cussion on several important subjects. A communication from C. 0. Chapman, editor of the Oregon Voter, was read and discussed. The contents of the letter being in the form of resolutions in regard to ways and means of build ing and maintaining roads, and as the sentiment of the grange was solicited by Mr. Chapman, a vote was. taken and the resolutions endorsed with the exception of the bonding issue; on this question, grangers favor paying as they go and not bonding the future for the benefit of the present; also it nas the unanimous opinion that all moneys collected for nutomobile licenses should be expended in the eounty in which the automobile is owned, for road maintenance. During the meeting a committee was ap pointed to investigate the feasibility of buying anil selling tor me grunge. It was decided to hold the Monmouth grange and community fair on Satur day, September the Kith. Monmouth Locals. T.t Wcdifesdnv niirht a midnight fire alarm was heard in Monmouth and immediate vicinity. A great number of the citizens of Monmouth were iaroused from their sleep to go see the old Emmett house on Monmouth Avenue burn to the ground. The fire department responded to the alarm and went to the burning structure but as the old building had been an eye ore for manv vears and was absolute ly worthless, they spent their tune nmrn nrnfitnblv- bv sprinkling the .lolrrhlinrinc houses and trees to pre vn the snrefldinp of the flames. It ; not known what caused the fire but nrnbablv started by children who had been playing on the lot where the building stood. The building has been uninhabited for four or five years. n ut Sundav the Christian church of Monmouth did not conduct their the local church as plans had previously been made for a visit 10 tne i nrisimii vmu. i .- ti,;,, like sixtv Monmouth peo ple including members and attendents of the Christian church attended the day's services along with a large fvn,., vnrious other rduces in the county. Rev. WV A. Elkins of the Christian church of Monmouth was the speaker of the aftefiiooa, and everyone kporrl him . renorts a very fine sermon. . The Lockellemeti club which con sists of Dr. Butler of Independence and ' T B V Butler and Oeoree Boothly of Monmouth will start this week for their annual outing. The club first goes to its club-house on Fall Creek, near Alsea, for a few days before the bunt begins. The club is regularly or traniJd and its rules are rather pe culiar. It has a very unique way of tnllving the scores for gnme caught by the" members. Kach fish, deer. bear, etc., counts so many points and the man having the highest number of points at the close of the day is chief or the one of authority which says when and where the club shall hunt and where to camp and tne man nm ing the highest number of points at the close of the last day of the hunt is the chief of the club all year until the next season. Mr. George F. Shew, who has been operator of the Monmouth brick yard ' for the past six years, died suddenly ln-st Satnurday at Medford. He was ordinarily in good health nnd his death which was eaused by a hemorrhage of the brain was a big shock to his rela tives and friends. Mr. Shew was a member of the Odd Fellows' lodge of Monmouth and a member of the Mon mouth members of the fraternity at tended his funeral at Dallas Wednes day. Mr. Shew leaves the following hildren to mourn his liss: Charles T. Shew, of Dallas; Mrs. H. B. Shnpo, o'f 8cio; Mrs. B. F. McT.oughlin and Mrs. . Thai. H. Nazro. of Stockton, Cat.; J. H. Shew, of Portland, and Mrs. Corbett Hkelly, of Albany. The city council of Moumonth met at 3 p. m. Wednesday afternoon in an adjourned session with Aldermen Hamp ton, l.orence and Boothhy present and with Recorder Walter Brown acting as hairman. An ordinance was passed or dering sidewalks built before the pro perty of tr. H. Johnson, .Mrs. r,H7.nDetn Kzzert on Monmouth avenue and Broad street, and giving the property owners 00 days in which to make the improve North Santiam News (Capital Journal Special Service.) North Santiam, Ore, Aug. 15. Mr. J. S. McLaughlin and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Gibbons, of Linn county. They drove over in their car. Mr. Wiley Annel. of -Newport, is mov- ments themselves. The recorder was or- hig back to his hoaie here at North San- lered to araw a warrant on ine water ; tiuni Correspondent Writes of Scenes Along FrontWhere the British Fight Germans fund for $750.85, semj-anuual payment of interest and principal on water bonds. ' On Wednesday of last week Gordon Bowman, one or .Monmouth's most pop The North Santiam ferry will be com pleted some time this month. The hon orable county court insures us of a good crossing. Quite a number of the citi zens have donated work by team and iilnr vnunir men. wn-s married to Miss i nt ham-Up Anna Hockema, ot Alsea, in uorvnnis. .Master George Thomas, son or 1. t., , Bl'r,rnl"K By Wilbur 8. Forrest, (United 1'ress Staff Correspondent.) With the British Army in the Field, July 20 (By mail.) If it's possible to imagine dozens of heavy thunder storm blended into one continuous roar, the shrieking and whining of un seen tons of steel and high explosives racing through the sky, lightning flashes of bursting shells continually specking the horizon like a eiant Miss HoekeTha formerly worked in the I foil off of a horse and sprained and I Fourth of July display, then it's pnrt- noiei .Moumoum, uui nus rerenuj ueeii spjiaiereu nis arm. ric is carrying u in i vooilmc working in Corvallis. Mr. Bowman , a, sling. conducts the Monmouth livery and is a I A letter received from Messrs. Sco- very successful young man. field and Shearer, who secured employ- Miss Frances Quisenberry, of Harris-1 ment near I'endleton in the harvest burg, Ore., is now visiting relatives audi shows the boys are doing fine, friends in Monmouth. Mr. Andrew Brown was a visitor in Miss Augusta Baker, formerly the : the Rose City recently. chorus instructor in Monmeuth high Mrs. Charles Gilmore was in Port- school, left with her mother Friday for i land a few davs and met an old uncle i of brown visible amouir naked skele Portland. Miss Baker will stay with0f hers who accompnuied her home and tons of trees.. These uglv blots on the UU UtUIIIll i . .iiu.ii.in M".. ..... ...... niM ILUIUIU ni , U C UIIIIIUIC IIUIII V U . I H II 1 1 tit' II I II" H Hflfirr. Lllllf. II im IVHTfl TimTTV ... r L!.U I - 1, . . 1 ... 1 . ... . . go on to diursuiieiu wuure nuc- imn uri-n part oi me summer. re-elected as primary tencner in one oi .Mr. tienry rsyerny is somewnat im the schools. proved the past few days, but is very Alex Mcl.eod and Harold Haley gave sick at different intervals. a most interesting bachelor spread last Mr. W. J. Turnige, of Crabtree, hus Wednesday evening at the Haley nome erected his distillery on the i. B. Hain ih North Monmouth. The seven invited mer farm and will be distilling the peppermint in a few weeks. The pepper mint iu this locality is looking fine and parties from peppermint- localities say it is as fine a crop as they have ever seen and the rich bottom land is the cause, it will soon lie in niossom and to visualize the newest phase of war on the western front. The United Press correspondent saw and heard all this today from a high stretch of ground Commanding the scene of a dozen of the bloodiest and most terrible conflicts of the British drive. Dotting the green hills, valleys here and there were distinct blotches guests enjoyed a spread of fried chick en, ice cream and vnrious kinds of fruits, also a very sociable evening dur ing which music and oratory played a part. On Thursday afternoon the Ladies' Aid of the Christian church gave a very will have a purple cast as the blossoms pretty tnrewell reception in uonor oi are a purple cast. Mesdames Baker, I.eask and Murdock, who have been members of the organ ization but have recently moved away. Refreshments were served to the 20 guests and after a most delightful aft ernoon was spent the "good byes" were said to the departing ludies. Mr. E. R. Ostrom and children and Gladys Evans returned Saturday even ing from a very enjoyable trip to the Yachnts or Ocean View, Oregon. The Mr. Clifford Jarvis has gone to Pa- louse City, Wash., during harvest. Mr. George Ashford and family visit ed at the home of Mrs. George's moth er's Sunday. Mr. Byerley, Jr., while mowing hay was stung very severely by yeUyw jack ets, causing him to fuint from the ef fects. Mr. George Spicer is making an ex tended trip through Colorado to his rel- party reports the sea fishing very fine, ntives there, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. MacDonald and jrr. Tussie Aglesbee nnd family, of children. Marian and Hope, and Wilda Suver, were visiting at the Spicer home Fuller, left this week for a week's va- Sunday. cation at Nye Beach, Newport. Master Malcom Burnell got his hand Dr. Bowersox and family left Wed- caught in a mole trap causing quite a liesday morning for an automobile trip sore wound. to Tillamook. Mr. Gray and daughter jir. Sherman" shipped a carload of of Corvallis, accompanied them in their chair timber to the Albany chair fue- villages, ench with a church spire and red topped houses snuggled down be tween the rolling hills. Today they were merely ugly blots. Each is typical of the other mostly a pile of bricks that resembles nothing. From the vantage point were ob served t'ontnlmaison, Biisentin-Le-Grand, Montauban, LaBoisselle,' Mam metz and several small woods which have figured prominently in the com muniques. Just beyond the range of vision lay Longuevnl and Dclvillc wood where at the moment the Ger mans were engaged in a heavy counter attack which gave them back a part of the wood and a few houses of' the village. A British counter attack soon reversed the situation. Fighting of this character has been a peculiarity of the British offensive. All captured points are strongly held. Wherever the Germans concentrate their reserves and carry out a counter drive, any suc cess they gain is of short duration. The systematic British advance makes it possible to retaliate quickly, usually in force. Precaution prevents publication of news relative to troops and movements of troops, but it can be said with safety that here is no shortage of shells or men or guns behind the British line. From the viewpoint of the non-military observer, there is no shortage of anything. For miles along the network of country roads, well behind the fighting lines, great masses of men in khaki, most of them wearing the picturesque. steel helmet are waiting tor their turn. Motes "ferries in great droves are also performing their functions. Passing along the roads miles and miles to the rear, khaki is everywhere. Peaceful little villages which fate has left so near the ravages of the con flict yet still untouched are filled with it. .Every doorway shows a "Tommy." Every corner shows a group of "Tom. mies. " These men are in billets, ninny of them having had their turn at the fighting nnd are taking a well earned rest. Others have freshly' arrived from England as can be seen by the newness of their uniforms. The veteran fight ing "Tommy" is a trifle more stained. Roadside training fields with detach ments of newer contingents still in trninilitr are frequently seen. Schools of bombing and musketry are scattered here nnd there. Northern France is one great panorama of war. Big State Fair Trot Has Complete Entries Ivan Wood and Ranie Burkliciid. of this city, are enjoying their vacation at the Yachats. The Misses Maude and Hcleu Moore hnve moved into their new cottage south of the high school trnck. Miss Bonnie Olescn is back from her trip to enstern Washington. W. R. Graham and family toek a trip iu their Ford car down the valley to Portland this week. They visited Carleton en route where Miss Grace stopped for a visit. Miss Anna Wood returned home last Sunday from Hood River. Her sister, Mrs. Nelson Emry, and Donald, her five-year-old nephew, accompanied her home for a few days' visit. Miss Gladys Wade, assistant in the postoffice, is taking her vacation this week with her parents in Brownsville. Jefferson Notes (Capital Journal Speciul Service) E. C. Hawley made a trip to his farm in this neighborhood Sunday. L. G. Bulgin made a trip to Port land lust week. A. T. Wain made a trip to Dallas Sunday. George Heckart has been quite ill at his home for the last week. Ruuce Nile made u trip to Salem Saturday. Mis. A. T. Wal has gone to Illinois having been called there by the death of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson and daughter Pearl attended camp meeting Inst weeK Louanberrv- tricking is over with and the campers have returned to their homes. .frs. Heckart of Wallu Walla, Wash ington, is visiting her son George Heckart of this vicinity. OPEN SEASON FOB MEN Portland, Or., Aug. 15. Scores of hunters went to the mountains todny to shoot deer. This was the first day of the open season. Still more Ximrods, who like to hunt in the "dnrk of the moon" are planning their expeditions tor next week. .tory this week. The Charm of NORTH BEACH lies in its easy simplicity and quaint homeliness. Regular North Beach visitors are those who appreciate and enjoy the restfulness of natural lite down-by-the-sea. North Beach QUEEN OF PACIFIC COAST RESORTS . is easily and pleasantly reached by a short trip from Portland on one of the 0-W.R.R&N. Steamers, "7. J. Pottkr," "HASSALOt" "Harvest Quehm" Season Round Trip from Portland $4.00 "$3.00 Ak Local S. F. Aeent (cr Fares, or write the General Passenger Agent, O - W. R. R. & N. PORTLAND for Free Foider and Other Information Waconda News (rnpital Journal Special Service) Waconda, Or., Aug. M. Miss "Verna Cooder and Miss Kthel Lnwry arrived home Friday after a two weeks outing at Newport. Miss lyowry has been the guest of Miss Cooder for six weeks and will start for her home in Oklahoma next Monday. ' v Krank Jiagenouer returned last week from Pendleton, where he hns been working for several months. A party motored to Xeturts a week ago Sunday and spent an enjoyable week. Those going were, Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Dukette and family, accompanied by Rita Mnrthaler and Kliznbcth (Ids- sit of Portland, Mr. nnd Mrs. John lm- In ii and family and Mr. anil Mrs. j. i . savage. Frank Muttlies just purchased a new threshiug mm-hine and expects to start threshing Tuesday. Will Holiinette spent snlunlny ami Suiidnv in Portland. Mrs. Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Lor ain! riuimliter, Opal', left for the mountains near Hult, Oregon, last week where they expect to spend a mmitii. Mr. nud .Mrs. .Market are tuning rare of the place until they return. Mr. and .Mrs. u. II. i iiiney nun mm ilv motored to Woodburn Sunday. A few of the young folks motored to Salem Friday eveninf to attend the baud concert. Those consisting the nnrtv wer: Messrs. .Frank Felton, Carl ton uvage, xlenry ntatroru aim ine Misses Violette Felton, Jlny nail, r.i leu Savaue and Beatrice Thurmnn. Mrs. hliza Kiiipuiger has sold ner home place and will move to Salem sometime this week. An interesting program was given Wednesday evenine at the school house Several numbers were given by S. E. Parker of Ivos Angeles, who teacjes singing lessons. The remainder of the program being given by his class of Winconda young folks. The class will meet Wednesday evening for orgnnizn tion and the election ot ntticers. Those visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Savage Sunday were: Mrs. H. H. Savage, Mrs. Virgil Uoy.l anil son of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Savage of Chemnwa and Mrs. Louisa Pitman of Amity. PRTJNEB BOUGHT BT DRA07ER With the filling of the 2:12, $2,000 stake trotting event of the Oregon State Fair speed program, with a list, of fourteen of the fleetest steppers on the Pacific Coast ciicuit, the success of the 1015 State Fair meet is practically j Children Cry for Fletcher's ft The Kind You Have Always Bonght, and which has boon iu use for over 30 years, lias borne tho siwnaCure and has been made under his per fS ' sonal supervision since Its Infancy. -cUcUiifS, Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " nro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the henlth of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cantoria is a harmless snbstltute lor Castor Oil, Pare goric, lrops and Soothing- Sj rnps. It is plcusnnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Gnbstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms nnd allays Fevcriluicss. l'or more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, ail Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and . Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of v5 In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought tHI etNTAUfl COMMNV, ICW VOMK CITV. day aiwl night to perfect its condition for the Puir, is due much of the im- assure and the Spirit of enthusiasm 1 1'"1"1'"' "peed of the n.or than and confidence among the turfmen, 1 2" l1om,!' !"'"'K this year in . u i,., !,.-. : ,.,:; .,.. l .... ' i consequence or winch the horsemen are Oak trnck this sens.,.,, nn.l .he ,e,-! ' highest of spirits ami working K. Fisher residence on Market street, officers arrived on the scene the nmn and was conducting himself in such a hud gone, nnd a thorough search of tho manner as to alarm the people in t nil 1 1 neighborhood failed to result in his neighborhood. At the J-'isher home he capture. is said to have usked for food and Thompson is subject to delusions us water and made a demand that he lie to his wife, who lives at Mil wank io, permitted to enter the house in search and has made threats against her. Ho Tn the excellent condition of T.one f a weapon. While the doctor was is siud to hnve no ill feeling against Ouk track, which is in better condition ! I"1 rlcying with the man, the women I his children. He is subject to violent this year than last yenr and for sev-j got busy with the telephone. When i intervals, era I years past ami is being worked bers of the State Fair Hoard rose 100- per cent. . j. The 2:12 trot and the 2:08 pace, each for a purse of 2,600, the first sched uled to take place on Thursday, or Portland Day, of the State Fair nice program, and the latter for Wednes day, Salem Duy, of the Fair, are the two big, classic events of entire meet and upon their successful filling de poids almost altogether the success or failure of the whole enrd, from an en tertainment us well ns" a financial standpoint. The big pfkses hung up in these two big events serve as a special attraction for the higher lights in roceilom and when the fust horses are entered for these numbers they are eertiiin, at least the nuijor portion of them who nre already not hiindicnpped with "marks," to enter in the other classes and interest, enthusiasm and competition nre increased accordingly. The 2:0K pace tilled nnd closed on .June 1, with a total of 1(1 entries, as did also the 2:2") pace for ifoO, but the 2:12 trot received only seven en tries and the, closing date was extended to August tl. The 2:2.1 trot, for li00, also failed to receive a sufficient num ber of entries to warrant its closing upon the original date, June 1, nnd the closing date for this event was extend ed to September 11th when the en tries in all of the other harness and specified running races close for the otato Fair meet fin hnrinonv with .secretary Lea for tHie success of program. the lHlli Hlutc Fnir speed FOB COMPLEXION ILLS !z that ; If the skin be colorless, sallow, mint dy, over-red, blotchy or freckled, noth ing will so surely overcome the condi tion ns ordinary mercoli.ed wax. It literally takes off a bud complexion absorbs the dead and near-dead part icles of surface skin, gently, gradually, causing no inconvenience at all. A new complexion is then in evidence, clear, spotless, delicately soft and beau tiful. One ounce of this wax, procur able at any drugstore, will rejuvenate even the worst complexion. It is used like cold cream. TOREST RESERVE NOTES Portland, Ore., Aug. 15. Box manu facture ranks first among the wood using industries of Washington. Sitka spruce and western yellow pine nre the chief woods used, amounting together to approximately 110,000,000 board feet an nually. The largest consumers are the canneries and orchards. The southern states contain tho only T-fnuiiiiirtfr imnortnnt hardwood SUtltllV Last yenr the 2:12 I f the teumerute zone, not onlv of the trot was put on w ith only eight entries j Knifed States but proimbly of the en and starters, o fiiilure from a financial 1 tire world. standpoint, and Secretnry Leo was ad-1 vised to either close the race unon the' ti. or iu nf tnmiWi in original date, notwithstanding its fail- the United States, who use annually are to fill, or to call it off altogether, 025,000 cords of hemlock bark, !0,000 but -he hud some ideas of his own cords of oak bark and 380,000 cords of which he desired to put to the test and chestnut wood. tlie uneiiunliiied success of his ex vacation Season Fare $5.1tV Week End ' $3.85 trip should not be delayed. Newport "Oregon's premier beach resort", is not far away and is easily reached. 2 Daily Trains from Albany and Corvnllis. Low round trip fines are available, (lood hotel accommodations. Fine surf bath ing. Hunting 0n Vaipiina Day. You can't beat Newport for a place to enjoy a vacation. Ask any local agent or write to John M. Scott, General Passenger Agt. Portland, Oregon The Drnger Fruit company, owner of the local packing plant, purchased the prune crops of T. N. Corniitt and M. B. Smith, of Missouri Bottom, the present week, says the Myrtle Creek Mail: ' For the French prunes 6 .1-4 cents per pound was paid for 30s-.t.ris, with a "1-4 eent drop on each lower grade of five points, while 6 cents was paid for the Italians. The fruit was rmrcbased bv Curtis Ball, local man iger for the Drager company. Prune prices are so unstable that offers at a certain price are subject to lightning changes. Hoseburg Review. . , , I " REMOVES HAIRY GROWTHS WITHOUT PAIN OR BOTHER (Modes of Today) It is not nccessnrv to use a painful process to remove hairy growths, for with little dclntone handy you cnu keep the skin entirely free from these beauty destrovers. Io remove nnir make a stiff paste with a little pow dered dclatnne anil water. Spread this on the hsirv surface ami in about minutes nib ntf, wash the skin ami the hairs are onne. To guard against disapMintmeiit, be careful to get real delatone. pernuent is attested bv the number and high class of the entries received. All of the ent runts in the 2:12 trot. which are drawn from the best stables in California, Washington and Oregon',! are credited with win nice marks. with the exception of two, M. ('. Oun- lerson's Stnnost, of North Yakima. nnd Cannon & Compton's Thejiefesters, of I'enngrove, Oil., ns will be seen by the appended list, but these records are by no means to be taken as a criterion as to the true qualities of the horses and there will he some startling surprises sprung when this bunch lines up for the "tio" upon the allotted day. Two of the entries, S. S. Bailey's Bon (luy and I'. J. McCor- mick's Flora Dora Z, hold marks of a shade over 2:11, while there nre a num ber with records around 2:12 nd from this up to 2:31, the winrnce record of rerry Mau.cy's If. t M. Three of the horses entered in this event: l'eter Cook Ixittie Ansel: O. I. Munzey'a K. it M., aud A. O. Smith's Complete hnve been in con stant training on Lone Oak truck this summer and the showings that all of them have been making, nun rapidly developing within the past few weeks, augurs ill for the ambitions of some of the owners who are ' coming to the State Fair meet with the idea of car rying away the choice portions of the big slake offered. Lottie Ansel, with a winrnce record of 2:14 1-4, hns been working out the past few days in 2:15 without ony apparent effort, under the skilful trnining and direction of Peter Cook her owner, while Dr. A. 0 Smith s Complete, with a winrace record of 2:17 12, steps an easy mile in considerable better than 2:15, and Terry ..lauzey's H. t M. stepied the niile'ovnl on Saturday morning's work One hundred and thirty tliousiind maps of the National Forests will be distributed this summer. These maps show the best enmp sites, good hunting aud fishing grounds, roads, trails, and telephone lines, and give directions now to reach points of interest. STILL HUNTING AUTO Southern Pacific 11111111 HOP TICKETS llllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllltlllllllH 11111111 mum Roscoe Lnngley, of Silverton, who!S arrived here Friday afternoon in s search of his Ford automobile, which was stolen on the night of August 2, left for his home Saturday night. S No trace of tho machine was found E in this vicinity. Mr. LBngley he lieves the car was stolen by the five!5 convicts who escnued from the fluXiS fields near the state penitentiary on is the afternoon of August 2. Ie-J5 scriptiona of the car hnve been sent S to all officers on the I'acj'fic const j and a determined effort will be made to.S locate it. Roscburg Review. s Escaped Patient 1 In City Last Night J John H. Thompson, one of the pat- ieiits who escaped from the asylum S for tlie insane Sunday night, was still S iu Salem up to a late hour last night. EE The police and the hospital author-is ities were notified at about III o'clock .55 that a man nnswering to his descrip tion was in the vicinity of the Dr. K. You Need 'Em We Print 'Em mimiimmnm We Print 'Em Right We Price 'Em Right iiiiiiiimiiimiii 'Nuf Sed ! iiiiiiiinimimii QaUariial Journal ! New Today ads in the Journal - will be read in all Ut Marlon ' county homes. i . ' 5 i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiimimmimiiiimti The Journal Does Job l'rinting. out and he did it easily.