THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUG. 15, 1916. TWO. I SO CIET Y Another-Silver Tea will be giveu to morrow afternoon by the Salem Pntri otic League,, for tho benefit of the de jx-ndcnts of Company M. The affair will be held at the Y. W. C. A. from two-thirty to five. A musical program will be a feature of the afternoon, var ious numbers to be contributed by Miss JUith Bchultz, Mrs. U. E. Terwilligcr, Professor T. S. Roberta, Mrs. Carlton Xmith and Miss Lucile Carton. Miss Harton will sins. ".Neath the Old lied White and Blue." Miss Galloway, the Misses McGilchrist, Mrs. D. W. Harbison and Miss Cleveland will serve sumI Mrs. William McGilchrist, Sr., Mrs. A. N. Moores, Mrs. Ii. 8. Wallace and Mrs. William Galloway will pour. As sisting about the rooms will be Mrs, F. A. Elliott, Mrs. W. G. Ackerman Mrs. David Wright, Mrs, t'hauiieey lnsbop. Miss Floreoc Hofer left today for Berkeley, where she will attend col lege. MisB Hofer was admitted to the I'mversitv of California with advanc ed standing on the strength of her two years work at Willamette University As California has a high standard for admission and is watchlul to maintain it, this reflects credit upon the local nmveHBity. Miss Jlofcr was accom panied by her brother, Lurry Hofer, who will join his brother Mack Hofer, motoring home by way of Marsnricia. Miss Marie Bennct and Miss Hazel Price have gone to Alaska for a tw weeks outing. En route they will stop at Tacoma a few days. Mrs. H. C. Schaltz and daughters, Miss Bessie Schtiltz. and Miss Kiith Bchultz, aro expected home today from s motor trip over the Columbia High way with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Turner and ilaughtor, Miss Jov -Turner, and guest, Mrs! Louis Tillson, will leave tomorrow for Bay Ocean, where they will occupy their cottage, Overlook, for two necks. Mrs. Ida M. Babcock is spending the day iu Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lewis and two children returned Inst night from a two weeks motor trip to California, making Han Francisco their objective point. Professor and Mrs. V. F. Fargo are entertaining as their guest, l'rofessor Kargo 'a sister, Miss Lucile Fargo, who arrived Saturday to spend two weeks in Malum. Miss Fargo is the librariun of the Central high school at Spokane and has bcon altcndiiig summer school at Friday Harbor. Sunday -Mrs. Fur go was hostess at an informal dinner in honor of her guest. Covers were laid for six, including Mrs. J. K. Far go of Spokane and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Purvino, ... Mr. and Mrs. ltalph White and daughter, Miss Margaret, Miss Sndie Heath and r.dward Ublcnilorr motorea 4o Mohuma Sunday fur the day. Visiting at the home of Mra. . V. P. Babcock, are Mrs. M. K. Brooks 'and Mrs. Billy Southwick and son Billy, Jr., of Portland who arrived iu Sulein Sunday and will rumaiu the week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Shields and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Manning and children of southern California mo tored to Ncskowin Saturday for a ten days trip. r. and Mrs. James Ellon and baby returned to Astoria last night, after a visit at the home of Mrs. Ellon's futh- tr, J. A. Churchill. . Mr. and Mrs. William Meflllciirist, fir., and daughters, the Misses Ethel and Hand, returned last night from an outing at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. (lor don McGilchrist left this morning for a two weeks stay at Newport. A delightful picnic dinner was en joyed Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, N. Savage, tho occasion being the sitv-ninlh birthday of Mr. Savage. L. I Sweet peas and roses adorned the table, which was arranged out doors. About twcntv-five relatives fueled the test ive board besides the hosts. They wore Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Savage and daughter, Melva belle. Mrs. Martha Byrd, Miss Virginia Byrd, Dr. Roy Byrd, irs. G. A. Peebles Mrs. William ilanr, uaroiil nagar, Dr. Lela Becbe of Woodlawn, (.'alitor nia, Mr. and Mrs. Willium McGilchrist Jr., and son William, Mrs. waiter Key nobis. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mrs. Agnes Harding, Miss Krmme Harding, Mr. and .Mrs. lai rattou ana sons, Charles and Lloyd. Mrs. T. C. Davis expects as her guest this week, Mrs. I. M. Willoy of Cam bridge, Massachusetts. Mrs.' Willej-'s husband was formerly in the public ser vice commission of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ben II. Ling are en joying an outing of several weeks at Newport. The Mothodist church was tho sceno of nn unusually pretty wedding last evening when Hlen Blackwell, daugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. It. C. Blackwell was married to Ralph H. Kletzing in presence of a large number of reln ,,u.i iviatnld A vprv beautiful alcove, improvised from heavy foliage of hemlock bows entertwiacd with bunches of elderberries, was cleverly arranged at the altar. At the top of u 'au n hull sliiiiied hnnper festooned with ferns which enclosed a large electrical lighting crtect tnai ,!....... vai-a f itifiimli'Neent lirrht upon the bridul party during the ceremony. Mr. Charles liattrica ana ir. juu t; uiu..i'nll wnrn liHDers nnd as the Mondolsshon wedding march was play ed, on piano nnd violin, by Miss Lessic M. George and Mr. Phillip Mark, little Klizabcth Blackwell, as flower girl, en tered carrying a basket of sweet pens. She was followed by Miss Elizabeth Hopper, as brides maid who was very charmingly dressed; and by the side .. Mlc l'r,.,.i.r wni the bride appear ing her Tcry best. Tho bride wore a cream-white gown, or ihiiciu uci-ii.-u.-, adorned with georgette crepe ruffles that were tacked with French love knots. A long flowing silknetto veil completed the bridal costume. Both the bride and the bridesmaid carried arm bouquets of roses. Next came the groom, in full dress, attended by his brother lewis H. Klet zing and proceeding down separate aisles the parties met at tho altar, un der the nlcove, where tho ring cere mony was read by liev. It. C. Blackwell, lather of tho bride. v.Mnninir li weilHiiu' a dinner was served in the Methodist parsonage for the memucrs ot me nriuni pari n ..ln,;.'..a rinolA.l nt tll tllllllfl Which was adorned with a wedding cake sur rounded oy an goon minus hiuikwuuiv werc: The bride and groom, Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Blackwell, Misses Elizabeth Hopper and Lessie M. George, Eliza beth Blackwell, and Messrs. Ilarlic Blackwell, lwi Glctzing, Charles Iiattrick and Phillip Mnrk. - At n Intn hour thn dinner nartv bi'oke up and shortly after midnight the uew- ly weilueu eoupie were escoricu uuwu to the steamer Prince Rnpert whero a bridal suite was ready to accomraodute tt,A frtivnlnru na llmv linfrnn II hnnCV- moon trip to the stilt .if Oregon, whore the remainder of the month will be spent visiting friends and relatives. For the trip tho brido was dressed in a going away suit of Belgium cor duroy . velvet, trimmed with cream broadcloth and she wore a black turbin hat. A visit nt the home ol the groom s pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Klctz- 11 it. whn riiHfiiiln In Portland, will oc cupy most of tiio time during the stay ... . , ..:J- Ill irrpgnu, uut srvurui ami' m' ! i ...I..,. .,..., !,.. Wil. i.iiHVin Mini Mini:, iuwiio vi mv n . lamette valley are ulaanod to be tak en betore tne young coupie reiuru io l,..,An filmi.f Vhi, flrut tt Mioitiimhnr wher they will then be nt home in their cottage lu the Casey-Hliattnek addition Juneau, Aluska, Dispatch, August 0. Honoring Miss Rosello Crump, Mrs. R K. Waters entertained informally Rostein & Greenbaum The Reliable Store Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes Overshirts, Blankets, Ginghams. Calicos, Overalls. Comforts, Percales, ShirtingsBig Assortment, Low est Prices Leather Gloves from 25c up Get Your Supplies Now, we have them 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 pair Children's Black Sateen Bloomers Only 25c Rompers, blue striped denims 50c Boys' Overalls, 3 to 9, blue striped denims 35c Boys' Shirts 25c BATHING SUITS Children's Bathing Suits ..... 25c Girls' Bathing Suits 75c Men's Bathing Suits 75c Ladies' Bathing Suits $1, $2.75, $3.50 Ladies' New Fall Coats Just In New Fall Hats, now on display. Lots of New Fall Goods now in. 240 and 246 Commercial Street Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. at a bridge tea this afternoon. Miss Crump who has been honored with num erous social attntions during her stay in Salem, as Mrs. W. C. Knightou's cuest. leaves tomorrow, being accom panied as far as Portland by Mrs. ICimrlitmi Tisn Critmti win (rn to Suit Lake City before returning ast. PRESIDENT GIVES (Continued from Page One.) PERSONALS Attorney Krnest Blue is in Seattle attending to legal affairs. bin ma Ulovor of Stayton is in the city, registered at the Bligh. t. Li. i'urvine left yesterday for an extended vacation nt Seattle and Tacoma. Mr. and MVs. Cordon McGilchrist left this morning for a two weeks' out ing at Newport. Wm. McGilchrist and family return ed this morning from a two weeks' outing nt Newport. A. a. Stillman returned yesterday from a ten day visit with his parents at Clear Lake, Wash. 4 Alma I). Ratz, of rortlnnd state manager of the Mutuul Life Insurance company is in the city. Miss Helen Savage, deputy county re corder, has returned from a vacation of two weeks at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. C. W .Train have re turned from a visit it Newberg witii their daughter and other relatives. Ben A. I'olzin left this afternoon for nn extendd eastern trip, including vis its at Denver, St. Louis and Chicago. N. ( . Kafoury, of the dry goods firm of Kafoury Bros., and family returned last evening from a weeks visit in l'ortland. Mrs. Hal D. Patton and babies will return tomorrow evening from a three weeks' visit with her parents near Scappoose. I Mrs. K. it. isoely and daughter. Miss Nana, rcturnod to their home at Med- ford yesterday after a visit in the city with Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Seely. Dr. and Mrs. 8. u. Kerrou, or this city, returned over the week-end from Hulein nnd Portland, where they visited friends and relatives. Eugene Register. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Peetz and Mrs. W. Pcetr. accompanied by Mrs. .Julia Young and Miss Alma Glover of Iudi- ann, returned from JNewport. yester day. Charlie Maxwell, who holds down tne lob as porter at the Oregon Electric depot to the extent of 270 pounds, re turned liiBt evening from a period of rest at Ben side. Dr. O. L. Scott and family, acconi- icd by Mx. and Mrs. W. U. Minicr will Icare tomorrow by auto for Tillamook. T'uey oxpect to be away about ten days mturning August -) Irocisterod iu Portland yesterday wece the following: J. M. Andrews at the Washington: John Simon at the Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Denton nt the Seward. M. L. Patton, formerly connected with tho Obak bowling alley of this city, will leave Medford soon for Salom whero he will have charge of a new bowling alley which opens up there within a few weoks. Eugene Register. Mrs. .lennie Brown and daughter, Zelma, of Hood River and Kline, daugh ter of Mrs. Kuth Brown ot I'ortlaml, left for their homes yesterday after a weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Higgins, the parents of Mrs. Jennie Brown. FLOCK TO SAN DIEGO president yesterday, after hearing both sides, urged this method of procedure, asking each party to reduce its conten tions to the "irreducible minimum" io order to bring the issue more quickly to a focus. Beyond this, yesterday's conference developed nothing definite beyond a strong indication that both Bides are now more grilling to co-operate to bring I peace than they were before talking with the president. hen the president resumed the hearings today, the original question what shall be arbitrated and what form shall the arbitration takef was the foremost problem under con sideration. Have Candid Discussion.' Headed by their spokesman, Elisha Lea, the committee of railroad man agers filed into the White House at 9 o'clock. Lee carried with him a small i portfolio. He refused to state whether I he had the proposition on which the j roads were willing to arbitrate their ditterences with the employes. - "I can say absolutely nothing at this tine," he said. All of the delegation looked some what weary, as a result of their confer ence which lasted until an early hour this morning and during which they were understood to be endeavoring to agree on gome proposition for a settle ment to submit to the president today. At the conclusion of the conference with the managers, President Wilson au thorized the followiug statement: "The president spent an hour and a half this morning with the representa tives of the railway managers. After the conference he said it was impos sible as yet to report as to the results; all that he could Bay was that a very candid and honest discussion was in progress about the practicable basis of settlement." To Meet Employers The conference of tho managers end ed at 10:40. They would make no com ment upon leaving. It was announced the president would see the employers at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The investigation of the application of the shorter day principle to railway operation as presented to the president today would be made through a board appointed by the president, it is un derstood. In accepting the basic prin ciple of the eight hour day, the rail roads go on the belief that neither the president nor the employes would ex pect the eight hour day to b put into, effect until the whole subject has been inquired into and a working program finally constructed. In some respects it might be regard ed as a step forward in the negotia tions. The employes are not favorable to an out and out eight hour dav, their work to end at the conclusion of that period. The question of wiiether' they would yield on the po'nt of delaying actual application of the new program until it has been subjected to thorough investigation remains to be seen. The railroads countered with the sug gestion outlined after working most of the night. At times it is said, there was strong feeling amonir some of the managers that the president had at tempted to place the burden of conces sion upon them. He had, it is under stood, told them in conference yester day that the eight hour principle was the one upon which they should try to work and suggested they attempt to formulate the ground work of a set tlement on that basis. jDiscuzsuig the Hours Those close to the managers said in vestigation might reveal the fact that railroad syctcms might be operated on a nine hour basis, or perhaps ten and that at any rate, the subject was one for thorough investigation and not ar bitration. A. B. Garretson, spokesman for the employes, smiled a little when told of the managers' proposal but refused to discuss whether or not it was satisfac tory to the men. "I have given the pledge of silence to the president and therefore cannot say directly or indirectly whether the propositions are acceptable," he said. "As long as the matter is in the hands of the president. 1 shnll follow this rule." Another representative of the m ployes was sarcastic, regardirg tho managers' proposal. "That will be very nice," he said, "but there is nothing new about that, idea. I have known about that for u. week. They wore talking that propo sition before we ever came down here" Garretson and his associate appeal ed to take tho managers idea lightly. The men say there is no reason to change their n'ttitude thus far. Will Undertake Flight " In New Style Aircraft Los Angeles. Cnl.', Aug. 15. Floyd. Smith, chief pilot of the Glenn Martin aero school here, prepared his departure for San Francisco today where hcwill. attempt a non-stop flight to San Diego, via the Overland route. Smith will pilot ono of Martin's new est 125 horsepower, "Call California" war planes in the flight. The motor ot the craft was designed and built by a San- Francisco manufac turer, while the plane was constructs! in Los Angeles without importation of mats from the east. Leaving San Francisco, Smith will follow the same route taken by Siln Christoffersou in a flight which con sumed a number of days some tune ago. Smith is the holder of three world alti tude records for hydro-aircraft. E San Dieco. Col., Aug. 15. The best amateur athletes of the Pacific coast and inter-mountain states were flock ing into San Diego todny for the annuul ring, track and field moot of the Far Western division of the A. A. U. The bie events will take place Friday nud Saturday nt the now municipal stadium near the grounds or tne rnnama-v.aiiior-nin International exposition. Tho first events are scheduled for Friday night, when the boxers will meet." Heading the list of visitors are Archie Wyard, from the Seattle Ath letic club, and his team mate, Earl Baird. Wyard will be matched with Llovd Madden, also of Seattle, if the latter comes, as has boen announced. Billy Hughes of the Olympic olub, San i Francisco, holder of tho 125 pound Far Western amateur titlo has been here for i some time becoming accustomed to tho climate and will be ready to step Into th ring. Robert Richards or the L,os Angeles 1. 1 O. V., may bo matched with Charles Baker, Los Angeles Athletio club, to set tle old scores. Albert Dyers, of the Multnomah club, Portland, is another top notcher on the ground. Jake Stahl, of the San Diego Rowing club, will enter the 133 pound lists, along with Tibbs, of Salt Lake and Tennie Mcin tosh, of Seattlo, a protege of Chet Mo-Intyre. In the 17 pound class win ne seen Rudy Peterson nnd Monte Wolgnst, of Snn Francisco, Tom Lout tit, Portland; John McGlukie and Noblo Starr, of Pas adena, and Dick Trumbower and Herb lligby, of Los Augeles. This boxing bouts will be held Fri day and Saturday nights. the track and field events likewise have drawn the best, amateurs of the west, Fred Kelly, Howard Drew and Meredith House having entered. S.P. E (Coatlnntd tna pkf on.) 50 yard foot race for girls 10 years ot age and under: Jean Xanana. Sack race, opes, for everybody: W. Rotson. Ladies' baseball throwing, no limit as to age or sir.e: Fannie Kennedy. Potato race for girls uuder 10 years: Era Suits. Spike driving for men, open to all regardless of line of work: E. W. Mc Mahou; Ada (lot Rssnlta Ton 17A rf"rva.'T,i. a. rt El BOYS' MAGAZINE iaaiB-s OBCmAnOH 0YIB 100,000 rf CALL'S MAGAZINE Great Clubbing Offers by the Daily Capital Journal Have made arrangements by which any subscriber of the VV Ei CAPITAL JOURNAL, delivered by carrier in Salem, who will pay for the paper six months in advance, at the regular rate, $2.50, will receive without extra charge, the following publica tions for one year: CLUBBING LIST NO. 1 The Northwest Farmstead, regular price, $1.00 Boys' Magazine, regular price, . . Today's Magazine, regular price . . Household Magazine, regular price, . Total of regular price, . . 1.00 . .50 . 25 . $2.75 REMEMBER these cost you nothing if you pay six months in ad vance for the DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL by carrier in Salem. Or you may have the following combination on the same lines if you prefer it: CLUBBING LIST NO. 2 . . .. : . :.. Today's Magazine, one year, and McCall Magazine, one year, with two McCall pat- , terns of your own selection, free. x Today's Magazine is a splendid publicationbigger and better than ever before. McCall's Magazine is too well-known to need further introduction it is growing bigger and better all the time. , . CUf,w:UftWf. to the CAPITAL JOURNAL may Mail OllDSCriberS seCure either of these clubbing bargains by paying one year's subscription at the regular rate of $3.00 per year. ' ' Call at the business office, or address CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon A Want Try one and tee.