"HEEZA ' r : S ; ' I I 1,.. II I. I I I I I III I i i t , , I,, ,., , ' fc D aily Capital Journal' s C la ssified Adv c r tisrn g P a g e ,RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per wowd for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion APARTMENTS THE NEW MATUON APARTMENTS Kelson G Freeman, proprietor) os cillating wall beds, hot water heat, Dutch .kitchens. Beautifully locat ed, opp. Marion park, 610 N. Com- ' mcrcial St., , Salem, Oregon. Phone 209. .Tanitor service. ' ' CHIEOPRACTIC-S?rNOLOGIST DB. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Held, Davenport, Iowa." If you have tried everything and. got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well Office 406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Building. Phcme Main 87.- Residence Vain 828-R. DENTISTS. DB. O, A. OLSON, .Dentist Adminis ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas. Boom 214, Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Patem, Oregon . HOP BASKETS MORLEVS PAT. BRACED STYLE. Depot American fence. Screens for Doors and. Windows. Paints,. Oils and Varnishes. Stoves repaired and sold. B. B. Fleming, 230 Court. Phone 124. LODGE DIRECTORY A. O..TJ. W. Protection Lodge. No. 2, Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the licCornack hall, corner Cturt and Liberty atreets A. E. Aufrunce. M.W.; S.A. HcFaddeu, recorder; A. L. Brown, financier-, R B. Duncan,, treasurer. CHNTBAL LODOE, No. 18, K. ol P. Mc Cornack building. Tuesday evening ot each week at 7 :30. J. O. Heltzel, C. C. ; W. B. Ollson, K. of K. and 8. ALEM LODGE No. 4, A. P. A. M. Stated communications first Friday to each month at 7 :30 p. m. In the Masonic femple. Chaa. McCarter, W. M. ; S. Z, Culver, secretary, SALEM HUMANE SOCIETT D. V. Keeler. president ; Sirs. Lou Tlllson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb ani mals should be reported to the secretary for Investigation. E. N. OP A. "Oregon Grape Camp." No. 1860, meets every Thursday evenlngln ticCornack building. Cotirt and Liberty treets; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp. 1791 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa 1'er oos, recorder, 12R North Commercial. Phone 1436-M. WOODMEN OF TEIB WORLD Meet every Prlday night at 8 o'clock In McCornack blk. A. J. Sweinink, C. 0.; I.. S. tieer, clerk, S07 Court street. Then St3. CHADWICK CHAPTER, No. 87, O. E. 8 Regular meeting every nrax anu tuiru Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the Masonic lem ple. Minnie Moeller, W. M. ; Ida M. Babcock, secretary. DB MOLAT COMMANDER?. No. 5, K. T. . Regular conclave fourth Friday In each aontb at 8 o'clock, p m.. In Masonic Tem ple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courte ously Invited to meet with us Lot L. Pearce, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. JDNITEl ARTISANS Capital Assembly, Ne. 81. meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m. la Moose hall. C. O. MatUrk, M A.; C. Z. Randall, secretary, Balfm Bank ! Commerce. HODSON COUNCIL, No. 1. R. 8. M. . Stated assembly first Monday In each month. Masonic Temple. N. P. Rasmus en, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn C. Nllet, recorder. ALEM COUNCIL NO. 2622 Knights an Ladles of Security Meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month at Hurst Hall. Visiting members are Invited to attend. B. F. Walton, financier, 480 8. 14tn St PACIFIC LODC.E No. 80, A. F. ft A. M. Stated communications third Friday In each month at 7 :30 p. tn. In the Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam. W. M. ; Ernest H. C boats, secretary. MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA Ore gen Cedar Camp. No. 6246, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Mc Cornack hall; corner Court and Liberty treets. Elevator service. Geo. BelnohL . V. C. : J. A. Wright, clerk. MISCELLANEOUS SEDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all poiat east, on all household goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car loid service. Capital City Transfer ..Company, agenta for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 161 South Com mercial street. Phone Main 933. WANTED WANTED Good experienced sackl sower at once. Cull Mi". angl5! WANTED Position by experienced! rook, citv preferred. Inq. at 14M X. 'Winter. Phone 2347-R. augllj WANTED We have an applicant who,' "desires to rent an equipped farm of .100 acres or more, for two years, or ! longer period. Applicant has plenty ! of help and can furnish good refer- i ences. Cail 470 or see Square Deal! Beatty eomjajy. ' BOOB," Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S , CASTORI A LOST. LOST White pointer clog, black head and ears. Liberal reward for return or information leadlue to return. E. M. Cooper, 1280 X. 4th. Phone 119.). WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fici corner Commercial and Trade streets. For water service apply at office Bills payable, mon'.hly in advance. WOODSAW CHERRY CITY WOOD SAW We five and pay taxes in Salem. Let Salem people saw vour wood. Phone 200. 1198 X. 21t. F. L. Keister, Wm. Frost. Why Have Your Capital tied . t'p in an Empty House? A Capital Journal FOR RENT Ad at One Cent a Word will Get You a Renter. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. rOfiD Over Lidd ft Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon $700,00 Eastern money to loan, low rates, quick service. Repavment priv , ilese. Thos. A. Roberts, 203 IT. S. Hank bids. falem, Oregon. MOXEY TO LOAN I have made ar rangements for loaning eastern money, will make very low rate of interest on highly improved farms Homer II. Smith, room 5 McCornaos Bldg, Salem, Ore. Pne 96. OSTEOPATH PBS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians ind nerve specialists. Bradith'tes of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Eirksville Mo. Post graduate and specialized ii nerve diseases it Los Angelej college. Treat acute and chronic disease. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office oOS-liOO U. S. National Bank Building. Phone 859. Residence 340 North Capital street. Phone 469. SOAVANOEE SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts At reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office pbnnt Jlain 8247. Residence M ;j 2272. UNDERTAKERS WEBB ft CLOUGH CO C. B. Webb, A. M., dough morticUns and funeral directors. Latest modern methodi - known to the profession employed 499 Court St. MAin 120, Main 9888. RIG DON-RICHARDSON CO. Funeral , director and undertakers, 252 Nortk High street. Dar and night pbone l.f. LMHUQ Care of riCKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUG. 14, 1916. Marshfield Sends - Invitation to Salem Tlie invitation to visit Marshfield to attend the Coos Bay railroad jubilee. August '24, 25 and '26, 1916, issued by a committee from North Bend and from ilarslifield reads as follows: "In beiwilf of the people of Coos county, . the committee in charge has the pleasure of extending to the peo ple of your good city a very cordial invitation to attend the Coos Bay rail road jubilee, August 24, 25 and 26. 1916. . "The" occasion of this jubilee is to oelebrate, the coming of the first through train over the Coos Bay line, anil at this time the various communi ties of Coos county proposito mute in aivinff a mammoth reception for the people of the 8tute of Oregon.' PR0FITBY THIS Don't Waste Another Day. When you are tvorried by bac!:a:he; By lameness and urinatyBdlsorders Don't experiment with an untried medicine. Follov; Salem people's example. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's Salem testimony. Verifv it if vou wish: Mrs. L. L. Barrett, i399 Mission St., S'nlem, writes: "When I was back cast I bad a geueral store and one of the most used medicines for baciache and kidney disorders was Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 Everybody who bought them, couldn't speak too highly in praise of them. I have taken a great many of Doan's Kidney Pills myself for back ache and kidney trouble and they have never failed to do me good." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simply nsk for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Bar rett had. Foster-Milburu Co., Props., Buffalo, X. Y. DEATH OF MRS. CLARA E. JONES Mrs. Clhra E. Jones, wife of John I. Jones, died suddenly at her home in this place Sunday afternoon, August fi, I91li. She had been in rather poor health for the past year but was able to at tend to her household duties and there seemed to be.no cause for alarm as to her condition and her sudden death was a complete shock to her family as well as to the community. Mrs. Jones was ,born in Iowa, April 14, lKfil, and has lived in Oregon for several years, coming to Gervais with her family about two years bko from Powell Butte. She. is survived by her husband and two sons, Ralph, aged 20, and Raymond, tiged 10, and one brother in Los Angeles, On I., and one in Iowa The funeral took place Tuesday aft eruoon from the home and interment iu the Masonic cemetery. Uervnis Star. MISHLER-HOSTETLEE WEDDING. Last Saturday evening at A o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mishler occurred the wedding of Mr. J. D. Mishler and Mrs. Effie Hosteller. Mr. Mishler has been a resident of this coimunity for many years. Mrs. Hos teller resided at Silver ( reek Falls. In the presence of the immediate families Minister J. K. Lehman preformed the ceremony. A wending super followed. Mr. and Mrs. Mishler will occupy the parsonage near the Hopewell Menuon ite church as soon as it is made ready. Both are prominent in the work of the church, Mr. Mishler having been bish op of the Hopewell church for many years. Their ninny friends wish them happiness in the completion of life. Gervais Stnr. LIVESTOCK SELLS HIGH Almost the entire co-operative ship ment of lambs ami Iiol's brought toil prices in Portland yesterday. Tiie boss were nil solil tor ifH.i.i a nunureu pounds with the exception of two ani mals, . which brought tf.jr,. Of the lambs, $..00 paid for all but four, which were cut to 5.50. This means that all but six head in the whole car load were as good as the best on ttie market, according to C. J. Hunl, who nccompaiuefl ine smjimem. Mr, Hunl continued on to Hood Riv er, where he will attend to business for the state grange. Eugene Guard. Children Cry " FOR FLETCHER'S . C A S TO R 1 A FOB 8 ALE DAIRY FARM For rent on shares, stock and implements furnished, renter must be experienced dairy man and have some capital. II. C. Von Behren, Aumsville, Or. auglS Schools Among the Best The schools of . Klamath county rank among the best iu the state according to the annual report of county super intendent ired Peterson, which was, filed with state superintendent Church-1 ill today. Seventy five per cent of t lie j districts held nine months of school last year. Of the 44 districts reported, 33 had school terms of nine months, 7, nan eignt. moutus, ana two uistricis each had seven and six - mouths of school. Nearly fifty per cent of the teachers of the county are graduates of normal, schools and about, twenty per cent' are college and. university graduates. Tiie eajnries paid teachers in country schools, are tho highest of any county iu the, state, being at the average rate of $77.90 per month. Men teachers received an average salary of 102.20, and women, teachers $77.54 per month. There were very few absences from school, the ier cent of attendance being 95. MILBAUES MILLER WEDDING. A wedding of interest to all the old residents of the Valley, took place Thursday afternoon, August 3, 1910, at the home of Mrs,'lnez B. Miller, when her daughter Iniogene, became the bride of Ricrard Milbauer of Clinton ville, Wisconsin. . A homitifiil linwer rfif ivt nnil nink and white sweet peas formed a fitting hnntr frrntln.l fnr tlia Lrldlil nnrtv nut on the porch. To the strains of Loren gran's wedding march played by Miss Mary Ann Scliultu of Salem, the bride and bridesmaid Miss Caldron Miller, approacnea tne aitar, waere tne groom and best man Mr. Albert W. Schineid eke, of Clintonville, were waiting. The .ln.tlila rinor itprpinntii' wnfl IninreHHivelv performed by Rev.' L. S. Mochel, of Gervais. ' ' The bride wore a dainty creation of Georgette crepe and carried a shower bouquet of white rosebuds. Her sister Miss Caldron Miner was gownca in pale pink niessaliue and carried pink sweet peas. After the ceremony, a uuurt lunch eon was served on the lawn. . Mr. and Mrs. Milbauer left on the evening train amidst a shower of rice and good wishes. They will spend their hoyenmoon in Yellowstone Park before proceeding to their home in Clintonville. Gervais Star. ACHES AND PAINS Don t neglect a pain anywhere, but find out what causes it and conquer the cause. Pain iu the kidney region mav nut vou on your back tomorrow, Don't blame the weather for swollen feet, it may be an advanced warning of Bright s disease. A pain In the atom ach mav be the first symptom of ap pendicitis. A creak in a joint may be the forerunner of rheumatism. Chronic headaches more than likely warn yon of serious stomach trouble. The best way is to keen in good condition day in and day out by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL Cap sules, hobl liy reliable druggists. .Mon ey refunded if they do- not help you. Beware of substitutes. The only pure imported Haarlem Oil Capsules are the GOLD MEDAL. ONIONS AND POTATOES HIGHER THAN YEAR AGO Portland, Or., Aug. 14. Practically all products lire vastly higher today than they were a year ayo today. Var ious reasons are assigned for tiiis fact. The weather was such that crops were held back and made anywhere from two weeks to a month lute. This accounts in large measure, for the big differ1-; ence in the price of onions and potatoes and added to this is the - uuusiinlly heavy demand from the east. On An-, gust 11, 19l.i, onions were KflliiiK here at wholesale , at " cents; today the price is flrx.i per. hundred pounds. I H tntoes a year ago today sold at i.i to N;j cents for new Oregons; today tne local price is l to 41.2.1. The govern ment report of August 1, 1910, states that the oiii'on and potato yield in Ore gon this year will- be decidedly greater than a year ago. IJist year the potato crop was 5,51X1,000 bushels; this year' the estimate is i,lMtwi) bushels. The percentage of gain in onions is not quite as great, but Is estimated at; several hundred thousand bushels ovenl 1915. THIRD CUT IN OIL Dallas Texas, Aug. 14. The lhirl cut in crude oil within two weeks was announced by the Magnolia Petroleum company today. Corsirana Light, Hen rietta, Klectra, Strawn, Thrall and Mo rs n were reduced ten cents to sl.O.i a barrel. Henldton and Corsicana heavy were cut five cent to 43 cents; Klamath 3 THE MARKETS ; t , . IK The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those' asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, aLd not what is paid to the producer. All other p.'ices are those paid the producer. Corrections are mado daily. Wheat hus quieted down to some ex tent, with the excitement subsiding with the price, at $1.00 . -t Apples are bringing from 50 cents to $1 a box which is a pretty wide margin, but the grocers say the variety, and quality of the apples justify tho differ ence in prices, and the same with peaches. Casavans are on the market today for the first time quoted at 2 cents. ' Omnia. Wheat $1.00 Oats new 35c Rolled barley 35.00 Bran $20.50fa'27 Shorts, per ton $31.00 Alfalfa, California, ton (20.00 Hay, clover $9(&$10 Hay, cheat $lla$12 Hay, vetch $llif $12 Hay, timothy, .'.... $15S$16 Butter. Butterfat ..: '27c Creamery butter, per pound 30c Country butter 20c Q 22c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash 23c Eggs, trade 25c Hens, pound 11 ',13',i.c Roosters, old, per pound 8o Broilers, under 2 pounds 14c Fork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed 9(ullc Pork, drefsed 11(T 12 l-2e Pork, on foot 8' 1-2(3 9o Spring lambs, 1916 7(u7 l-4c Steers 6(36 Cows 3 1-2(5 4c Bulls 3(53 1-4 Ewes 4 l-2e Wethers 5 l-2c Vegetable. Tomatoes, Oregon 85c Cabbage 40c Cucumber 4075c String garlie , ,.. - , 15e Potatoes, new l'ifS.Uic Beets 40c Radishes 40 Green onion 40 Green peppers ; 8c Carrots, dozen 40 Onions, Culiforuiu $2.25 Beans, green and waxed 4fl unions, vtalla vwilm Fruit. Watermelons . . 1 l-2o Peaches 35(THI0c Apples 50c(fi$1.00 Oranges, Valencies $4,25 Lemous, per box $7.$$((i.7.50 Cantaloupes $1.50ia. 1.75 Banana, pound 6 California grape fruit $3.00 Florida GraDe fruit tO.OO Pineapple 8e ( nsavuB 2c Honey $3.50 Retail Prices. ' Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 30c Sugar, cane $S.05 Sugar, beet : $S.45 Creamery butter 35c Flour, hard wheut $1.70(1.90 Flour, valley $1.40(1.50 . PORTLAND MARKET i Portland, Ore., Aug. 14. Wheut: Club, $1.12. , Bluestem, $1.15. Fortyfold. $1.14. ' Ked 'Russian, $1.10. Oats: No. 1 white feed, $24.00. Barleyt Feed, $30.(t. Hogs: Best live, $9.90. Prime steers, $7.00. Fancy cows, $5.00, Calves, $S.50. Spring lambs, $8.25. Butter: City creamery, 30c. Country butter, 27c. Eggs: Selected local ex., 30(5 32c. Hens, Inc. Broilers, J(!fT17c. , Geese, 10(Ti 11c. FAMILY REUNION AT GERVAIS Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Nuthmaii had the great pleasure Wednsday of having all their children at homo lit one time. It had been several years since the fumi lv had all been together and it was a happy reunion. These present were Mr. and Mrs. John -Mitlimun of Sa lem, Mrs. Joseph Scheclnnd and sister ( luire Marie of Portlund, Mr, and Mrs. By Mort. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people SVPRVTW TN71 Saleifc Eletrl Co., Masoni Temple, 127 North High ICaU llOt PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINND70 T. ,14. Barr, 1(54 South Commercial (treat u.i, iu ' - TRANSFER AND DRAYAOB : Salem Truck Dray Co., eorner Stat ana fTont street Hal T Dry Zensal Moist Zensal tinmn TRAVELERS' GUIDE MM SOUTHERN PACIFIC. WORTH SOUMD No. 10 Oregon Cipress B:00a: nv No. SI KuReae Limited 3:02 p.m. No. Willamette Limited... 0:22a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited 11 :&S a. m. No. 18 Portland i'ssseoffer 1:27p.m. No. 2u Portland Passenger. , . 5 :00 p. m. No. 14 Portlaad Express 8:04 p.m. No. 222 Portland fast Freight 10 :80 p. m. No. 22(1 Local wsj Freight. .. .10 :3a a. m. SOOTH MONO No. IS California Express.... 8:82a.m. No. 1 7 Rpsburg Passenger . . 1 1 :20 a. m, N. 2.1 Bugime Limited 10:01a.m. No. IB Cottnire Grore Pss. ..4:10p.m. Makes cooiectlon with No. 74 deer branch. No. ll-H!iasta Limited 8:43 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited... 8:10p.m. No. 18 Han Francisco Bipress 10:30 p. m. No. 221 Bun Francisco Fast Freight 12 :01 a. m. No. Local way Freight. ..11 :4U a. m. 8Ln-0rss Lisa. No. 73 Arrives at Malem 0:18 a. m. lo. 70 Leave Halem 0 :50 a. m. No. 75 Ar. Halem (mixed) 2:00p.m. No. 74 Leave Halem 4 :20 p. m. No connection south f Gear. BT.r.M, Fills Citt akd Wistibk. No. 181 Lr. Halem, motor 7:00 a.m. No. 16.1 I.T Halem, motor 9 :43 a. m. No. ICS Lr. Halem tor Monmouth sad Alrlls 11:10 a. m. No. 187 Lr. Halem, motr .... 4:00p.m. No. 169 Lv. Halem, motor 8:15 p. m. No. 2.19 War Fr't lv. Halem..,. 8 :OOa.m. No. 162 Ar. Halem 8 :40 a. m. No. 164 Ar. Halem 11:10 a. m. No. 186 Ar. Halem 8:15 p.m. No. 168 Ar. Halem 8:00 p.m. No. 170 Ar. Halem 7:45 p.m. No. 240 War Fr't ar. Salem... 1:35p.m. WILLAMETTE! RIVER ROTJTB Oregon City Traaipertatlon Compear Leave Portland for Oregon Clt, Buttevllla, Newberg. Mlulun (8L, Paul), Wheatland, 8alem (dally except Hundav) ,.8:45 a. B Leave Portland for Independence. Albanj-Corvallls, dues., Ihurs., Hat.) .... 8 :40 a. sa Returning Leave Corvallls 8 s. m. Moa., Wed., Frl Allianj 7 a. m. Moo., Wed., Frl Indopendeoc. . 0 a., m Mod., Wed., Frl Halem 10 a. m. Moa., Wed., Frl Salem 8 a. m. Tuet, Thurs., Bat Joseph N'athman and Miss Hose of Gervais, and several gtnudchildren. Star. SHORTAGE OF CARS The Booth-Kelly company today lucks eighty two cars of having suf ficient to hundle orders that must be shipped over the Southern Pacific lilies says I.. I.. I,ewis, sales agent of the Booth-Kelly company. Mi. Lewis states that there are plenty of cars available on the Oregon Klcctric, but the North-1 ern Pacific lines do not reach point for which much lumber is consigned. Kugene Guard. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO Rl A SEVEN M. Burger, UOOK iYotwi WO T?T.TmlTri A T. The fact that Zensal is made to reach the two distinct types of Eczema should ap peal to all skin sufferers. - Tetter, salt rheum and dry eczema should be treated with Dry Zensal. For weep ing skin use Moist Zensal. 75c a jar at CENTRAL PHARMACY .....,,Tt,t tttttTtttt V V TVW 'M f OREGON ELECTBIf? RAIT.Wir m HOITH BOUND '. Salem Train No. Ar. Portlaofl 2 Owl 8 :B5 a. as, :'5 a. m 6 :25 a. at. a. m. ....10 Limited . ...11 :85 a. m. 12 11:85 p. av P- m 14 4 KM) p. av :0 p. m J8 Limited ... 8:80 p. sa, :J2 P- u 20 7 :40 p. at, ;t5 p. m. 22 10:00 p. St, aoDTH BOUND . Lv. ::o a. m. Sulem 8 :85 Gugen 10 :6B a. as. M a. m. ... 6 Limited .... 10:11 a. av :4,5 7 12:55 p. tv P- m 9 4:15 p. ov .'40 p. m. ... 11 Llmiud .... 8:40 p. at, 08 p. m 17 Local .... 8:10 p. av :-" P. m 19 n:20 p. ov 48 p. Ok 21 Owl IH . NOBia BODKD Par, t Ha ai.t.a :2 P- m , 20 8:80 p. ov uugene. Ar. Balatl '85 a. m 10 Limited .... :48 a. ta, M p. m 16 Limited.... 4:00 p. av -5 p. m 22 T :65 p. sa, 03 p. m. 2 owl 4 :35 a. av OCTB BOUND Halem Ar. '3 a. m 21 Owl 6 o a. av 15 a. m 5 Limited ....11:28 p. ta, Halam Am aliHa, p. m T l':50p. av tttop at corral II Halem. Ar. Aloaag 15 p. m 9 8 :10 p. ov Ar. Albaaaj O 81 7 :88 a, ov Lv. Rslea Ar. Hngomd 6:45 p. m. 13 8 :50 p. av COBVALLI8 CONrTBOION NOBTH BOUND Lv. Corral I It A At. Baltsj 8:25 a. m 19 8:48 v as. 12:12 p. m 14 1 :48 p. at, 2:41 p. m 14 4 :00 p. av 4:10 p. m 20 6 :30 p. av 8:18 p. m. 22 7 :60 p. a OUTS BOUND Lv. Salem Ar. Corvallul 10 :15 a. m B 11 :88 a. to. 4:13 p. m 9 8 :36 p. av 12 .55 p. m 7 2 :20 p. tv 8 :40 p. m. 13 8 :0O p. taj CHICHESTER S PILLS LadlI A a yonr Mrvaf I.I lr . 1 blkca-Up a KlsDion4Tlm4V I'lllalli Itr anl CM nnallkV Unci. Iftle.l with lllua Rit4.t. V' Taka ao sihar. nurrp v llrxfl.l. i.rr.l IIM'trVa-TCR UlAllllM) IIHA.NU FILL", ( ti MnknoMiaiBest.S.ift9t,AliirRelulUi S010 B DRUGGISTS EVERVWHEPt ' HAVE TOUR ' Capital Journal Sent to Tur Summer Vacation ' AddKss. 4) L PHONE 81 . . 9 ijlf.