Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 14, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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To find out the real charac
ter of a cigar, unroll one.
Take off the smooth out
side wrapper first. With the
Owl this wrapper comes
from Sumatra, where the
mildest wrappers grow.
Gently, now, gently I Unroll the
rest of tho OWL. Spread out its
clean, long-filler leaves so that you
can study them closely.
Note that they are long-filler leaves.
Note that there are no ribs to burn
Take a new OWL now. Press it
see how firmly yet how loosely it
is molded. Now light it up.
Even if we didn't say it, you could
tell, from the way it smokes, that
the OWL is hand-made.
Sharp Declines in
Chicago Wheat
Chicago, Aug, 14. Lower Win ui ok
prices, action of federal authorities in
probing the wheat mnrket, nml a Kln'
nvl bearish trend contributed todny to
tihnrp dei'lineH in the Chicago pits. Sep
tember when? sold freely around 1.40
7-K today, - I S cent luwef than Sat
urday's close and 1 7-H beLiw the day's
opening. December at $1.44 1 H wa 1
Thru the Inland Empire
Grand Canyon of Col
umbia American Wonderlands
Glacier and Yellow
stone Parks
Bound Trips it Low Fares Daily
until Sept. 30 via The North Hand
ltoad. Stopover where you like.
North Bank Rail and
26 Hours Sail
on the (hipa of DeLuxo Service,
S. 8. Northern Pacifie and Ureat
Northern, for
San Francisco Bd?32.00
From any Oregon Electric Ky. point
Ticket include meala and berth.
Thii route naves Time and. Money
and ia a Delightful Trip.
Homeseekers Fares
Sept 21 to Oct 8
From Middlo Went to Willamette
Valley. '
I sell prepaid ticket.
t. W. BITCHIE. Agent,
8alem. Oregon
The Million
Dollar Cigar
7S below Saturday's mnrkct. May
sold urounil 1.4S ;.'m, 2 3-8 dowu.
i orn Hhnreil ii the downward move
ment. Nitiiti'iulinr wnu ilnu-ii tit tlu
Ntnrt anil lout fractionally Inter, sell
ing around H.i Pcccnilicr at ill 7-S
and May at 74 Vi wer? till below the
opening mark. f
(hits followed the general trend, Sep
t..,i,., j'i !. n...,,.,i,.., .i
41 3-8 and May at 49 Si, nil slightly
lower lunn mo Bllirr.
l'ro isions were fairly steady.
An Oregon cow has broken
world's record, and is now entitled to
the proud title of Oregon's first
world 'b rhnnipion Holstein. Jobannn
Do Kol, of Kush Court, a .junior two
year-old heifer at Hill Crest Holstein
fnrni, Amity, has just completed her
seven-day official test, eight months
fiftrtF f r.tulinn in it wttli fi nnumU
of milk and J J. E7 pounds ot tut, ex
reeding the former world's record of
1425.1 pounds of milk by more than
I u pooiius, nnu now, nner sue nns
m i j
been milking 8 1-2 months, she is still
exceeding the former world 'a record
by giving from 61 to 64 pounds of
milk a day. Her owner is Herbert W.
Jones, secretary of the Oregon Hol
stein Cattle club. Dallas Observer.
Halifax, N. 8., Aug. 14. The Mas
sachusetts fishing schooner Oriole was
sunk forty miles west-southwest of
Seal lslsnd Saturdny night in a colli
sion with the Norwegian steamer Dor
child. .Pour live were lost. The Itor
child put iu here with Captain Mc
Donald and other survivors today.
Several of the Oriole 'a IS survivors,
including Captain McDonald, climbed
into the rigging as their vessel sank
under them, ami in this manner were
The citizens of Port rford have
organized a commercial club with the
following officers: f. 11. Larson, pres
ident; J, II. Kiimwult, rice president;
j Mrs. .1. F. lMvis, second vice presi
dent; r. 11. Tiecenor, secretary; It. '1.
Stewart, treasurer, anil K. A. Lindherg
I'. II. Poole and Mrs. William Hillings,
hoard of managers.
I i m .
1 Charles Hull, manager of the Coos
; Curry Telephone company, announces
mm ine worn or reooioiiiig uv i-um-:iiin's
lines between Mnrsbfiold and
Gold Bench will be started within the
! next few weeks. The line will be re
, built entirely in certain sections, mak
ling la all about 13 mile of new line,
Young Getleman Named Bak-
a Sinister Pitcher
Turned the Trick
The home team lo8t by a score of
4 to 2.
A young man by the name of Thomas
Baker wus in.town yeHterdny.
To thin fact ia largely due the fact
that the Lojus were defeated.
The suid Mr. Baker in n pitcher of the)
specie known an "southpaw' and he
appeared yesterday in company with an
uegregutton or players wtticu included
au uir-tight infield and other features.
The people who gathered at the State
street bull park yesterday afternoon to
see the Kirkpntricks play against the
Lojus saw a fine exhibition of the na
tional game. Be'foro the first inning
wus over, the conviction was borne in
upon the minds of the spectators that
this was to be the real article of base
ball, n game characterized y tight,
clean work, in which one small error or
c frugment of bad luck might make the
the difference between detent ami vic
tciy. And it proved to be exactly that sort
of came.
There still remains a chance for the
local team to win the pennant. The
Baby Reavers won a double victory over
Rainier at Portland yesterday, wiucn
puts them well in the lead, but should
thev lose the next two contests and
should Sulem win tho next two the
teams would be tied for first place, and
a post season series would be necessary
to settle the matter.
The score:
Salem AB. H. PO. A. K.
Reinhnrd, if .'I 0 0 0 0
O'Brien, 3b 4 2 1 0 0
Edwards, 21 4 0 2 4 0
Adums, cf 4 0 2 0 0
Houser. e 4 2 10 3 0
Ken ned v, lb 3 0 10 0 0
Keene, "p .1 1 0 2 0
Miller, ss .1 0 2 1 1
C.reegs, If 3 0 0 0 0
Totnls 31 3 27 10 1
AB. H. PO. A. K.
Shoemaker, cf 2
2 0 2 1 0
Mi'Clee, 2b 4
Nelson, N., If 4
I 0
0 0
Sherritt, ss 4 0 2 4
Baker, C, e 3 0 7 4
Dixon, lb ft I 13 O
Kaipple, 3b 3 0 0 1
Armspriger, rf 4
Bnker, T., p T 4
t 0 0 0
10 10
HuyeB, cf 2 0 0 0
35 8 27 14 1
Score bv innings: R. II. K.
Kirkpntricks .. 010 010 200 4 1
Hits 122 010 200 8
Sulem 100 000 001 2 1
Hits 110 000 012 5
Huns, Shoemaker, MeOeo, C. Baker,
Arnispringer, lteinhnrd, O 'Brien. Three
bnso hits, O'Brien, Nelson. Two bnse
hits, O'Brien. Stolen bases, Shoemaker.
Sacrifice hits, Kuipple. Struck out, by
Keene, 10; bv T. Unkor, 11. rawed
bnlls. Homer, 2: O. Bnker, 1. Hit by
pitched ball, C. Baker. Time of game,
1:40. Umpire, Deeneu.
Watching the Scoreboard
Pacific Coast League Standings.
V. L. Pet.
Los Angeles 71
Vernon 73
Snn Francisco OH
Suit Lnke 50
Portland '; 53
Oakland 48
Yesterday'! Results.
At T.os Angeles Vernon, 2-3; Port
land, 5-2.
At Salt Lake Salt Lake, 0; Oak
land, 1.
At Snn Francisco San Francisco,
I P; Los Angeles, 0-0.
Bryon Houck had the Bengals mes
merized all morning, permitting them
only four nits.
Vernon won the evening session,
however, when Callahan's single scored
Kisherg in the eighth. .
Oakland's base runners were frozen
to the sacks and Salt Lake won, al
though the cellaritea did the heaviest
Orr stole borne, for the Salts, Ray
less helped with a homer.
Angela couldn't get a run off the
Meals In two games.
Biff Sehallrr of the Snn Krnnciscians
honied with the bases full in the after
noon. Seals scored seven in one inning.
Yesterday's league hero was Roth
of Cleveland who got a home run in
the ninth for - the Indians' winning
tallv. He drove in the other three
runs, getting four hits in four times
Cleveland made two errors but more
than made amends by three brilliant
double plnvs.
The first Pirate-Cardinals game was
a hummer 17 runs, 30 hits, 32 assists,
four errors and .ninety nine A. B. in
the record.
The Athletica won with ease it was
an exhibition game with the Paterson
Silk Sox.
Catcher Archer and Center Fielder
Kelly of the Cubs were hurt, retiring
front the game. Not serious.
The first five clubs in the American
are within five games of one another.
Wedding Invitations, Announcements
and Calling Cards Printed at tho Jour
nal Job Department
They Are Coming Into the
Homestretch Bunched and
Any May Win
New York, Aug. 14. There is little
joy in Brooklyn today. Wilbur Rob
ertson's strongest henchmen who have
been confidently predicting that half
of me games in the worlds series
would be staged in Brooklyn, are con
siderably discouraged.. .
The reason lor tnis sudden change in
George Stnllings and his Brnves. Af
ter handing the Robins a double clean
ing Smiduy, they were scheduled to
clash in the third gnme at Ebbetts field
this atternoon.
While the Dod'ers still remain on
top there is no denying the fact that
they suffered a severe blow when the
iHiHton crowd took tiiem to two
straight falls.
Kven with John Kvers out, the
Braves are certain to eep going at a
furious pace.
While the Braves and the Robins
are lighting their little battle, with
the Dodgers leading by two aud a half
games, the antics of Put Mor.m's cham
pion Phillies cannot be overlooked. J
Patrick tnttened his club's uver-
age at the expense of the western chills
and iias declared himself in luvor ot
another pennant. Witn a pitcher like
Alexander iu stock and with Mayor
ready to win. games aain, Pat's chanc
es amount to nothing.
The Brown peril has thrown a real
scare inte the American league. The
Browns took a set Sunday in Cleveland
when Bobby Koth punched out a homer
in the ninth and took the gnme for the
Indians, but it was the third reverse
lor St. Louis in twenty seven games,
a remarknble record.
' Cleveland is hanging tightly to sec
ond pluce in the American with Tris
Speaker back in harness.
Welsh and White
Denver, Colo., Aug. .4. Freddie
Welsh and Charley White stopped off
in Denver today for preliminary work
outs. They go lute this week to Col
orado Springs for the final trniiiiu;' for
tiieir 20 round bout there on Labor
Day afternoon Cor the worlds light
weight championship. Both men de
clared they never were in better shape,
anil nppenrunce bore them out.
"They all fall if they get hit hard
enough," said White. He announced
that his left hook is Itching for the
Kuglishiiinn ' jaw.
"I have fought White three times
and don't fear him," said the cham
pion. The advance ticket sale at from $3
to $25 a seat, has been lnrge, the pro
moters announced.
John Tschnntz of the Silverton Hills,
purchased from Herman Kiieim, Tues
day, a four month's old registered Hol
stein bull. Mr. Tschnntz has twenty
head of grnde Holstein cows and heif
ers, all of which are) good stock. In
the purchase of this registered animnl
he is working Cor t'ue bitternient of his
herd. Silverton Appeal.
Clearance Sale of
Men's Clothes
But a few days more to have the advantage of these reductions. '
Don't fail to come in this week for we are adding new and addi
tional values each day. There will be excellent bargains in Men's
and Boys' Suits, Hats, Shoes, and Shirts all week. There will
be a lot of good things for every man or boy. Come and pick
yours out
A line of All
splendid values
week, $11.85.
Hart SchafT ner & Marx $25
Suits can be had for $19.85,
and $20 Suits for $15.85.
Do you need a Trunk? If so,
you can get one here less than
the wholesale price.
Come in now while we are offering special inducements for you
to buy we want to clear our stocks and you'll be well pleased.
Cheese Factory Grows
With Better Business
If there is one thing above all others
the Record delights in doing it is to
tell of the growth and development of
the institutions of this vicinity; and
we expect to keep right on tooting the
horn for Donald just as long as we are
accorded the opportunity.
In this issue we desire to say a lit
tle more in regard to the Donald Cheese
After months of successful opera
tion it was deemed advisable to make
a change in the milk routes, taking in
considerable more territory. This was
made necessary on account of a large
number of farmers desiring to become
patrons of the institution.
A complete rearrangement was mnde
and an entirely new route established.
The increase in tho amount of milk re
ceived daily is about 50 per cent.
They are . now getting a little better
than 4,500 pounds, when before the
change it was hut 3,000.
The price paid the farmer for this
milk is approximately $1.37 per hun
dred, so it can be seen that the local
factor- is distributing nearly $2000
a month among the farmers. We do
not say that these figures are correct,
but we know that during the month
of June 03,3G5 pounds of milk was re
ceived, and that the price paid was
$1.37, and that, the amount paid to
farmers was $1280.05; and as the milk
supply has been increased 50 per cent,
the outlay will be correspondingly
Those who are doing the hauling are
Willis Eppers anil Arthur McKay of
this place and J. II. Eiscls of near
The factory is now making a little
better thnn "500 pounds of cheese a
day, and it has been necessary to add
another milk tank. Cheesemnker Gray
has also been furnished a helper in the
person of Mrs. Clray. She has had con
siderable experince in this line and is
a very able assistant.
The phenomenal success of the fac
tory is due in a lnrge measure to the
untiring efforts and splendid work of
Manager Jas. P. FeTler. While nil the
directors and officers are entitled to
a great deal of credit, candor compels
us to lnv considerable stress upon the
work of the manager. The only regret
able feature of the whole affair is that
we have not about twenty more Jim
Fellers in this community. Donald
Germans Tell Same Story. .
Berlin, Aug. 14. A German counter
nttnek Inst night drove the Britisjj out
of German first lfne trenches on n 700
yard front southwest of Thiepvnl near
Pozieres. which were occupied by the
British in yesterdny's fighting, it was
officially announced this afternoon.
' Italians Pierce Lines.
Rome, Aug. 14. General Cndornn's
forces pierced another strong line of
Austrian entrenchments east of Nndlo
(xem height, south of Goritz and are con
tinuing to press the enemy on the Cnrso
plateau, it was officially announced te-
Notice is hereby given that H. Bunt
ing & Son have completed their con
tract for road improvements in road
districts Nos. 41 and f)2 on tlie-wucm
and Pratum road, and that the coun'y
rondmaster has filed his certificate of
completion for the same. Any per
son, firm or corporation having ob
jections to filo to the completion of
suid work, mar do so on or before the
15th day of August, 1910, at twelve
o'clock noon, in tho office of tho coun
ty clerk.
U. G. BOYF.R, County Clerk.
Wool Suits,
at $15; this
Beautiful Silk Shirts, in the
Emery $5 make; a large selec
tion at $3.65, and $4 values at
"Just Wright" Rubber Sole
Shoes and Oxfords, sold every
where at $5; your size is here;
The "Crossett" $5 Shoes will
be sold this week at $3.65. -
Rate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word lc
One week (6 insertions), per word....5c
One month(26 insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisments.
Read your advertisements the first day
it appears and notify ua immediately
Minimum charge, 15c.
RUBBER Stamps made 165 8. Coin!
HARRY Window cleaner.
Phone 768.
MAN WANTS Job throwing in wood.
Cull 918. auglS
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal olhce. tf
WANTED Popcorn.
Store, 307 State.
FOR RENT Furnished house keeping
rooms. 694 N. Com'l. augll
FOR SALE Fine Estey organ, or will
trade for cow. 1541 South High. aul9
WANTED Bartlett pears, cash on de
livery. J. B. Olinger. Phone 50F12.
fine Winchesters for sale. Phone
14 PfGS ,For sale from two to three
months old. John D. Doerfler, route
2, box 129-A. augl6
WANTED To rent a 5 ft. drill or
seeder for the purpose of sowing
vetch. Call 491. auglS
FOR SALE Improved five acres, 3V3
acres fine loganberries, close in. care
Journal A X. a'igi
2 COWS For sale, one horse and few
stands of bees. O. C. Urettie, loun
road. Phone 77E12. auglo
FOR SALE Baled oat and vetch hay,
$9.00 per ton in the field. Davis
Kees, Jefferson road. augl6 i
AUTO FOR SALE Best of condition,
cheap Cor cash. G. W. Laflnr, 406
Hubbard bldg. Phone 1644. augl9
WANTED Ladies and gentlemen, sal
ary and commission. Call room 14,
Capital Hotel, August Kith, 18th and
19th. augl6
TO TRADE Good ladies bicycle, ban
jo and mandolin to trade on 2nd
hand organ, pav Bome difference.
Woodfin, 204 State. nugU
LOST Gents diamond ring between
14th and Center and north Commer
cial Sts. vin. 14t"n, D and North Cap:
ital Sts, Return to Capital Journal
office and receive reward. augU
FOR SALE By owner, a good 5 room
plastered bungalow, with bath, elec
tric lights, dutch kitchen, a new pi
ano and furniture go's with this bar
gain fox $1300. Address home care
Journal. auglO
WANTED Grand Union Tea company
products cannot be excelled, prices
very reasonable. Your next order tor
coifee, ten, baking powder, etc.v is
wanted. Phone 9iW Lockwood at 216
N. Commercial St. auglO
Wedding Invitations, -Announcements
and Sftl'.ing Cards Printed at the Jour
nal Job Department.
PHONE 937 For wood aaw. tf
FOR SALE Baby carriage like new.
Phone 846. . augl
491 Nv Cottage.
Journal office.
FOR SALE Choice dill for pickling,
376 8. 24th St. auglo
FOR SALE Yellow Jersey heifer,' 19
mos. K. 7, box 125. auglij
FOB RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
FOB SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. tf .
FOR TRADE Modern bungalow for
acreage, inquire iW JS. Liberty, aula
FOR SALE Large young team. Mrav
E. Thomas, Marion, Oregon. augl7
TWO Good milk cows, giving 3 gal.
per day each. Phone lJtld. auglo-
CHOICE New Btirbanlt potatoes 73c
per bu. delivered. Phone 14F13. aula
WANTED Lady solicitors to work ia
Salem. Apply at 770 So. Commercial
St. tt
BARGAIN HUNTER Here's your pi
ano. R. F. D. 3, box 242. Phone 40F21
$5, worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard
bldg. aepta
FOR BENT Sleeping room, good re
liable person. 332 N. Church. Phone
1378. auglS
SALE Gasoline launch for sale
F. 8. Lamport, 203 N. Com
mercial street. auglS
FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep
ing apartments, ratea reasonable,
close in, 160 Court. tf
WANTED We need evaporated logaa
berries, 1916 crop. See us at once.
Salem 1-ruit Union. augia
FOR RENT Cheap for cash, store
building corner Liberty and Hood St.
Inquire 1415 N. 4th. St. auglS
A BARGAIN Uood team, h
wagon, two seated haek.Nxll go for
160 dollars, 801 Locust St. auglu
ADS under this heading le a word.
Kead for profit; use lor results.
LOST Eastman kodak 3-A, between
reform seiifol "amd Salem, Friday.
Notify Patton Bros. Reward. auglS
WANTED Farm with improvements
to rent; would prefer 3 to 5 years,
73 to 125 acres. Phone 981, Kt. 5,
box 180. augll
FOR SALE Dandy light team, har
ness and wagon, good condition all
for $125.00. Inquire H. H. Tompkins,
at Shaw, Oregon. nuglS
GRADE HOLSTEIN Cows for sale;
records furnished; moderate price.
Write enre Journal X X 5. D. R.
Murphy, Turner Or., Dt, 1. aug2d
FOB SALE 3 half truck StudabaX-
er wagon. Will trade for heavier
wagon, cordwood or atumpage. 2789
Lee.. Phone 1322-J. tf
J'ARM FOR SALE By owner; cheap,
162 acres on Lake Labish, 4
miles north of Salem. Will sell all
or in tracts. Phone 31F11, Frank M.
Ford. auglS
F.W. DURBIN Is now. booking hop
pickers tor bis us acres of bops.
Either call at Durbin & Conoyer,
office Ladd & Bush bldg., or phone
491. auglS
FOR SALE Eastman Kodak iu fine
condition, 4VixtiVi, with pluto adapt
ers and leather carrying case. Ad
dress or coil 105 W. Washington, Sa
lem, auglt
jewelry, musical instruments, tools,
guns, etc,, bought, sold and traded.
Capital Exchange, 337 Court St.
Phone 493, eeptll
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished
sleeping rooms, office rooms and
housekeeping rooms, reasonable rate
W. H. Norris, Kec. Hubbard bldg.
Boom 304. tf
WANTED First class cow, not over
5 yr. old, giving not less than 4 gal.
per day and testing not less than 5
per cent. If you have the goods
please notify F. A. Meades, 910 Ship
ping. Phone 2347-R. augl5
Notice of Improvement of Alley in
Blocks 35 and 36, University
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council deems it expedient so to
do, and hereby declares its purpose and
intention to improve the alley in block
35 and 36, University addition to tho
city of Salem, between the east line)
of Twelfth street and the west line of
the Race in block 33, at the expense of
the abutting and adjacent property by
bringing said portion of said alley to
the official grade, and paving the same
with a six-inch Portland cement con
crete pavement in accordance with the)
plans, specifications and estimates for
the improvement of said portion of
said alley, adopted by the comrnoa
council on the 6th day of July, 1916,
now on file in the-office of the city
recorder, which, for a more detailed
description thereof are hereby referred
to and made part of this notice; be
ing that character or hind of improve
ment kaewn and designated in sail
plans, specifications and estimates aa
."Cement Concrete Pavement."
The common eouncil hereby declares)
its purpose and intention to make tho
said above described improvement by
and through the street improvement de
partment of the City.
Bv order of the common council
CHAS . F. ELGIN Citv Recorder.
Dated this 8th day of August. 1914.
- . . Aua 19
t us