Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 14, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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' ' Portland society has hut a single
thought today, and that thought is
?'Veda the Vampire," which will he
Greened this evening at the Majestic
theatre. Though the Society Movie
was initially presented last evening,
Monday has heen designated as the
first big society night. The cast has
leen working strenuously for many
weeks, under the aWe direction of
Ford Tarpley, to iut forth a finished
product. Many of the society buds,
belles and beaux, who are the stars of
the film, have had to postpone all roan-
. ner of vacations, until now, and as a
'result are flocking back from coast and
mountain resorts to thrill over the var
ious scenes as they are flashed on the
screen tonight. The scenario is a mild
.burlesque of the regulation Vampire
plot and features as heroine Miss Helen
.add, the bride and Ferdinand Hmith,
.the bridgroom, and Veda, the villain
ess, as done by Ford Tarplcy.
t Numbers of prominent Portland peo
ple will .entertain in .. loges, among
whom are Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbntt,
Miss Failing, Mrs. J. G. Kdwards, M,rs.
K. C. Hhevlin, Mrs. A. E. Hockey, Mrs.
Henry Ladd Corbett. The proceeds
will be for the Peoples' Institute of
Portland. Ford Tarpley, a former Sa
lem resident, and the giandson of Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Tarpley, may go to San
Francisco shortly, where, it is rumored,
he has been asked to direct a similar
Society Movie in the southern metropo
lis. Tentative plans are unler way for
featuring "Veda the Vampire" iu Sa
lem. ' Senutor and Mrs. C. P. Bishop left
today for Vellowstoue Park for a Briort
stay, from where they will go directly
to Pendloton, Oregon, and will arrive
in Salem about the twenty-fourth or
fifth of August. The Bishops will
bring home as their guest, Mrs. Span
. nior of New York. Mrs. Spanuoir has
just resigned as head of the blanket
department of the house of llearns and :
company, JScw iorK, wuere sit nas
lieen for twenty-eight years. This com
pany is the largest blunkot concern in
Kew York, and Mtb. Spaunior, who is
tul expert in that line, was seut to Aus
tria every year by the firm to inspect
the blanket industry of that country.
She planB to visit the blanket factories
of the west, and Senator aud Mrs. Bish
op feel very fortunate in having been
able to induce Mrs. Spannior to return
with them.
Miss Roselle Crump, tho house guest
of Mrs. W. (J. Knighton, was the motif
of a pleasant little picnic yesterday,
when a small group of friends motored
out to the McNarv farm for the day.
Miss Aline Thompson left for Agate
) teach today, accompanying the T. A.
Livesleyi who motored back to the
beach after a few days stay in Salem.
Misa Thompson will be tho guest of
MJrs. Frederic I). Thiolson and Mrs. W.
Connell Dyer during her stay and will
remain about two weeks.
Miss Helen Farrar, who has been vis
iting her mother, Mrs. M. H. Farrar
over the week end, hus returned to Cor
vallis. Miss Gladys (,'nntcr, of The Dalles,
formerly of Salem, is passing her va
vatinn in Hun Francisco.
Mr Lot L. Pearco, her daughter
Miss Jennie l'earce and son, Mem 0.
Pearce, accompanied by Mrs. Pearee's
mother, Mrs. M. N. Chapman and
daughter, Miss Oda Chapman, will mo
tor back this evening from a week end
trip to Tillamook.'
Among the many who took advant
age of the descent of real summer yes
terday, to picnic in scores of inviting
woodland spots along the river, were a
group of young people who enjoyed a
launching party. The afternoon was
spent in swimming, and later the pic
nickers gathered around a large camp
fire to toast marshmallows and sing.
The merry makers were: Mr. and
Mrs. Guetfroy and baby daughter
Claudine, Ada Zosel, Knby baker,
Mable Brassfield, Audrey UicHs, Miss
Martin, Durah Covey, Echo Hunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Klmer Armstrong, Dora and
Stanis Andresen, Lloyd Higdon, Fred
Smith, Kruest Barker, Asa Smith, tilcn
Miles, Harry Holt.
Mrs. L. W. Mctzger and daughter,
Margaret, returned yesterday from
Hay Ocean, 'whre they have been en
joying a fonr weeks outing. Mr. Metz
gcr joined them during his vacution.
Mrs. M. K. Moyer and small daugh
ter, F.lva, are enjoying a iihort outiug
at - Newport.
Mr. and Ms. E. A. Thatcher are vis
iting their daughter, Mrs. Hynn, at
Ownit'o. They will, also spend a short
time in the vicinity of Grand Rondo,
before returning home.
, .
Mrs. Oeorgo Watson and daughter
Miss Margaret Watson, have returned
from a two months' stay in New York
m and Brooklyn, where they visit
ed Mrs. Watson's mother and brother.
N t
The lyokihi Camp Fire girls are re
turning "the fore part of this week from
an enjoyable trumping expedition to
Silver Creek Falls. The hikers arc:
Mrs. Virgil Downing, Clara Page, guar
dian; Doris Allen, nssistant guardian;
(lladys Page, Marion Frye, and Fran
cis Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wood and son,
Francis, aud Mr. and Mrs. Hal Sheldon,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Decker of Silverton, left Saturday for
Tillar, in southern Oregon. They plan
to be gone about ten days aud expect
to bring back a generous amount ut the
big game.
Ben Olcott has been spending the
past week at Cannon Beach with his
family at the Oswald West cottage.
One of tho most pleasant meetings
of the Wlomans Hclicf Corps Aid soci
ety was held Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Frank K. Wells on
Court street. The hostess wns assisted
bv Mrs. E. T. Briggs, Mrs. Salmon,
Mrs. William Davis and Mrs. Kropps
and Miss Dora Follrich. The meeting
was in the form of a picnic, being held
in the attractive grounds of Mrs.
Wells' home.
The mnny friends of Miss Caroline
Neerod, who underwent an operation
a short tima ago at St. Vincent s hos
pital in Portland, will tie glad to hear
of her successful convalescence. Miss
Lest You Forget
School Time Will Soon Be Here
Too much emphasis cannot be placed on the neces
sity of making an early selection of dress goods for
the school girl. While we are not predicting an ad
vance in prices, we do wish to state that the large
demand for dress goods will soon limit assortment
from which selections are to be made.
Dress Goods
Space will not permit a detailed description of our
stock in Dress Goods. We have many values in
Mixed Cottons, All Wool Serges, Hair Line Granites,
Tweeds, Mohair, Beach Cloth, Batiste, Novelty
Weaves, etc. These come in a large assortment of
checks, plaids, stripes and plain patterns, and from
34 to 56 inches in width. Price per yard
30c, 35Cj 50c, 60c, 65c, 85c
Specials in Short Length Dress Goods and Suitings,
including Serges, Tweeds, Plaids and Gabardines.
Many of these are suitable for skirts and dresses.
Good values at from 60c to $2.75 per yard. Less one
third. Other specials in Wash Goods, Muslin, Un
derwear, Short Ends of Silk, and Broken Lines of
.1 H 1 UM I. . u iv " " Q
three weeks, but will not be connected
with the Needlecraft Shop, having
found it necessary to sell out, on ae-
a - 1. I. .. 1 1 ) f i aa V anr(l WH It
CUUIll Ul UVl UVttllll.
previously associated with Mrs. 8. O.
Wall for five years at The Needlecraft.
Xiii IV nuicr mm ... -
down from Salem and pitched a camp
among the picturesque pines on the
1 ".,,. TJnar.h Thflv aniil. in
TUHU LU -OUiivil iv ... - "J 1
spite of the dampness, they were hav
ing tue nmv vi men mw,. ou vuv.
big blue car is the sinecure of all eyes,
.. It U.. ... aniai-fainorl islam With
Jim. v. . i. rnm cnniiii.M
a dinner Monday night. Circled about
the table were Charles Benedict, Mibb
Dorothea Wagner, Larry Hofer, Fred
Slade and the hostess. Oregon Journal
Trt..,Mnrr Mrs Virgil Downtncr. a cav
n.nu nhpan o t h o i hnmA
surprise yitny
on South Twenty-fifth St. last Monday
evening.. Games played around a large
camp lire were the order of the even-
nig, tollowea uy uainiy rciicBuiuuiim.
'i-1 . 1. 1. .itnninn warn Mr.
lllUJt CIIJl'Jtl'R w ----
and Mrs. Virgil Downing, Mr. and Mrs.
rj. f . JjOng, xurs. iwjumu iuuco, .,ib.
WJiite, Mrs. A. Page, Bcv. F. E. Jones,
rranK unaer, me ivlibs juisci jjvuk,
Fern Davis, Mary Hcttick, Alice Bilk
er, Jlal and Pearl Walling, Gladys
11. ..:.H. Tn..;. rlaro (iaivA
riCllUK, ftHICl Aoo, u
Iris and Myrtle Page, Doris and Ruby
.11 1 xl.. AniltS. T.micT
Alien, HI1U UIH Mcnoi o.
Ward Davis, Hert Simpsonj Fred Nel
son, Luther Creason, Arthur Page aad
Masters Kenneth and Mclvin Long.
. l T Q TVf rlianitnrln ill
Willi .wo.
who have been visiting Mrs. Charaber-
11 . v .. i.f, w. ti
ming oroTner, ijaruia wricc, iuiv jn
A ln... Tmlionn U' Vint. tllMV
icruntr jur inu, ih'iibi'b, ..u.w ....v
will visit relatives. En route they will
Slp Oil UL 1VI1UWSIUUV iUiiV uu wkuvi
points of interest.
r- " tt:n:n. V Tofl tino no hpr
guest, her niece, Miss Lillian Cooke of
.Nortn Carolina.
... ,
DrDvllrJAI V
1 Lavguiixuiu
. . . ?
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Denton are
visiting in Portland.
Albert Mickelson left Saturday for
a summer outing at Newport.
Ed Shank returned yesterday from a
summer vacation at Tillamook.
Ed Schunke, secretary of the Both
Grocery company is in Portland.
Mrs. Ella Watt left for Portland this
morning on the Oregon Electric.
Dr. T. C. Smith left yesterday for a
short vacation at Cannon Beach.
M. M. Todhuntcr and family are
home from an outing at Tillamook.
H. J. Hickcrson of the Barnes store
wns a visitor in Portland yesterday.
Mrs. Marie Matthews of the Meyers
store is taking her summer vacation.
Charles Kurth and wifo left this
morning for a visit at Portland and
coast points.
B. L. Hnrdcnbrook and wife are in
Portland and coast points for a ton
davs' out inc.
William Allen, of the Salem Btreet
railway, and family rcturnd yestorday
from Tillamook.
Dr. M. K. Pomeroy and C. T. Pome'
roy motored yesterday to Forest Grove,
Hillsboro and North Hank.
Miss Mary A. Frazior and Miss Gen
evieve Frazicr left yesterday for a two
weeks' vacation at Clatskanie.
O. H. Jlnrtwig, president of toe
State Federatiou of Labor was in the
city Saturday and Sunday on business.
j. W. Ritchie, ticket agent of the
Oregon Electric and family returned
yesterday from a short visit at Sea
Mrs. E. R. Seeley and daughter Miss
Nairn of Medford are in the city guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. u,
Seel r.
.Uss Estella Wilson and Miss May
Ward left this morning for a two weeks
absence at Newport and other coast
Ray L. Farmer left this morning for
Seattle to uttenu the ortnwest Mr-
chants convention. Ho will be absent
ton days.
T. (i. Albert of tl0 Barnes store, ac
companied by his wife is spending the
summer vacatiun at his summer cot
tage on the coast.
C. D. Fultz was in Portland yester
day visiting with his daughter, Miss
lluzel, who is convalescing at tae uoou
Samaritan hospital.
T. G. Bligli and Henry Lee left this
morning by auto for Tillamook and
other const' points. They will bk away
about a week or ten days.
Charles Reynolds, a prominent attor
uvy of Carroll, Iowa, was a guest at
the home ot u. . i.arinr ycsieruay..
' He is on his way to Son Diego.
I Miss Anna Vantis and Miss Louise
; Humphrey of the Meers department
store returned this morning from two
I weeks' vacation on the coast,
I P. K. Fullcrton, accompanied by Miss
Lillian Redcker and Miss Rose Ames
of the millinery department of the Ful-
! lerton store, are iu Seattle attending
special millinery openings.
Dr. and Mrs. H. C Epley are home
'from a two weeks' auto tour and camp
inir ut the foot of Mt. Hood. The doc-
1 tor says he made- the walk up to the
I snow line, beating his record of lust
A. A. Krucger, formerly of the furn
iture linn of Geer & Krueger, left this
morning for Washington, D. C, where
he has accepted a government position
iu the post office department. He will
i stop a few days to visit relatives in
! Iowa.
1 C. H. Pruner, after a two months'
i absence from the city is a Salem vi
! itor. He Is now agency supervisor of
I the Oregon Life Insurance company in
! the eastern part of the state with head-
quarters at Pendleton, where he will
probably make his home.'
r n t 1
111 ie un lines ot Last
Dance, Proceeds (0 Take
Band to Marshfield
i. The; Cherrians are preparing for an
other of those popular dances at the
armory, along the lines of the one held
last Thursday evening. It is to be
under the auspices of the Cherrians
who will attend in uniform and inafee
it part of, their duty to see that every
one has a fine time.
King Bing Deckebach was so well
satisfied with the vulliaut work of his '
cohorts and special men at the last
dance, that almost all of them will be
given the privilege of working over
time again ner.t Thursday evening.
-The committee appointed by King
:Biiig Soday are as follows: Dance, M.
7. Meyers, chairman, assisted by '. S.
Hamilton, the champion introducer;
(?. E. Albin, Dr. W. II. Darby, P. L
Fullerton, Paul Johnson, W. B. Keyes,
Sam Kosier, Dr. H. 1L Olinger, Dr. T.
C. Smith aad Dr. D. M. Fields.
Lunch committee, Hugh Alderdice,
Lee Unruh, Dr. O. A. Olsen and Elmer
Bar and refreshments, Paul Stege,
Joe Reinhart, with Chns. Pomeroy and
Hal Patton as speelers.
Wheel of fortune and baby, dolls,
George C. L. Snyder and Earl Ander
son. Social committee, O. K. Dewitt, Fred
Thielsen and Cou Dyer.
Everything will be conducted on the
general plan of the dance last Thurs
day evening. The dances will be at
the rate of five cents each. Acommittee
on the floor will assist with partners,
and spectators are welcome to any part
of the building iwthout any charge
' The funds received from this dance
will be turned in towards paying the
expenses of taking tho Cherrian band
to Marshfield August 25. ;
Will Be Held at Fairgrounds
Tomorrow Many Special
Trains Coming
Everything is now in readiness for
the third annual picnic of the employes
of the Southern -Pacific, at the state
fair grounds tomorrow. Special trains
will be run from Roscburg and from
Portland and those: from Dallas will
Come in on the motor. The trains will
arrive about 0:30 and leave at 4:30 p.
m. Music will be furnished by the ba-
lent Street Railway band. The first
sport of the day will be the baseball
game at 10:30 o'clock between the Bhop
men and superintendent ' office.
During the afternoon, In front of the
grandstand, the committee in charge of
entertainment, will put on various
sports including the dancing of the
Highland fling and sword dance, races
ef all kinds atyl last but not of the
least importance, the greased pole
climbing coufest.
Last year about 1,200 attended, but
this year officials are looking for an at
tendance between L,500 and 1,800. Peo
ple of Salem are invited to enjoy the
sports of the day. -
Canby, Ore., Aug. 14. O. W. Krueg
er closed out the Aurora branch of
Krueger Brothers' furniture store last
week, and returned to Canby to assist
hie brother in the management of the
local store. He says Aurora is all right
for business, but there is nothing like
"home and mother," when it conies to
good thines to ont.
Clear Away Sales f
on Summer Merchandise
This is the time of year that we must clean
UP and OUT all lines of Summer Merchan
dise regardless of first cost. This gives you
an opportunity to supply your immediate and
future needs at a big saving. Some of the
items we offer are mussed from display and
where this case exists you buy the article at
less than cost of materials alone. '
Low Prices.. ...
On Women's, Misses' and Children's Wash
Dresses, Middy Blouses, Wool Sweaters,
Lingerie Waists, Undermuslins, Sport Skirts,
Khaki Skirts, Bungalow Aprons, House
Salem" Agents Modart Corsets
Clear Away Sales Throughout all Dep'ts of the Store
145 North Liberty Street
Salem, Oregon
Deer Season Opens
Tomorrow, August 15
Chicago, Aug. 14. Representative
Medill McCoriuick today sent plea to
all member of the Illinois legislature
asking them to urge Oovernor Dunne to
call a special session of the assembly
to consider means of militiamen voting
at the border. The governor is en route
to the Illinois militia camp near San
Antonio today.
Journal Want Ad Get Result Ton
Want Trjr oat and ee.
Due To Lydia EL Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Bridgeton.N.J. "I cannot speak too
highly of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound lor
inflammation and
otherweaknetjes. I
was very irregular
and would have ter
rible pains so that I
could bardly take
step. Sometimes I
would be so misera
ble that I could not
sweep a room. I
doctored part of the
time but felt no
change. -1 later took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound and felt
a change for the better after the sec
ond day. I took it until I was in a good
healthy condition. I recommend the
Pinkham remedies to all women as I
have used them with good results."
Mrs. Milpord T. Cumjungs, 24 New
Street, Bridgeton, N.'J.
Such testimony should be accepted by
all women as convincing evidence of
the excellence of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound as a remedy for
the distressing ills of women ouch ss
displacements, inflammation.alceration,
backache, painful periods, nervousness
and kindred silmenta.
With the opening of the deer season
less than a week off, interest of hunt
ers jnerallv is turning to the fields
and uiiis, and the laws that govern
hunting. The following synopsis is tak
en from the circular furnished by the
state fish and game commission. Pro
visions applying to Lane county are
as follows:
Hunters' and anglers' licenses may
be secured from any county clerk by
applyiag in person, or by application
signed by two freeholders on regular
blank which may be obtained from
county clerk, or from any of the reg
ularly appionted representatives, of the
Fish and Game commission.
Civil War veterans may obtain licen
ses free "from the celinty elerirs only,
upon proof of service. No license is
required to angle in salt waters for
non-game fish, nor 1s license neces
sary for women to hunt and angle.
Women who hunt or a,nu JeCT
must have license to obtain tags.
Open Hunting Season All Dates
Buck deer with horns August 13 to
October 31.
Silver Gray Squirrels September 1
to October 31.
Ihicks and Geese October I to Jan
uary 15. (Federal law.)
Kails and Coots October 1 to Jan
uary 15. (Federal law.)
Shore birds, black breasted and gold
en plover. Wilson or jack snipe, wood
eock, and greater and lesser yellow
legs October 1 to December 15. (Fed
eral law.)
Chinese Pheasants and Grouse
October 1 to October 31.
Doves September 1 to October 31.
i Bag Limits.
Buck deer with horns 3 during any
Silver Gray Squirrels 5 in any
seven consecutive days.
Ducks, Geese, Rails, Coots and Shore
Birds 30 in any seven consecutive
days. ' '
Chinese Pheasants, Xntive rheasants,
and Grouse 3 in one day including 1
female Chinese pheasant, and 10 in any
seven consecutive days, including 2 fe
male Chinese pheasants.
Prairie Chickens and Sage Hens 3
in one day and 10 in any seven con
secutive days.
Quail 10 in any seven consecutive
days. .
Doves 10 in one day or 20 in any
seven consecutive days. :
Gees killed in Wasco, Sherman, Gil
liam Harney, Crook, Morrow and Uma
tilla counties may be aold after having
metal tags attached.
Open Angling seasons.
Trout OTer six ' inches April 1 to
October 31 Bag limit 73 fish or 50
pounds in any one day.
Trout over ten inches all year
bag limit 50 fish or 50 pounds in one
Williamson's White
Fish, tt Fish aud Graylings all year
bag limit 40 pounds in one day.
"Yanks" in Wallowa lake all year
except September 15 to October 10
bag limit 50 pounds in one day.
It Is Always Unlawful:
To kill mountain sheep, antelope, elk.
heaver, female deer. stHjtted fawn, sil
ver pheasants, golden pheasants.
Reeves' pheasants, English partridge.
Hungarian partridge. Franklin grouse,
or tool hen,, bob white quail, swan,
wood duck, wild turkey, least sand,
piper, western saudpiped, solitary sand
piper, semt-palmated plover, snowy
plover, and all other birds of any kind,
except those on which there is an open
sea sob.
To rob any bird's nests except such
birds as are not protected by law.
To hunt without having nuuiing li
cense on person, and to refuse to .show
same ou demand of proper officer or
owner or representative of real proper
ty where hunting.
To hunt at' niirht. -
To sell or have in possession plum
age of protected birds.
To hunt on any game reservation.
To disguise sex or kind of any game.
To hunt deer with dogs.
To lie in wait near licks while hunt
ing deer.
To sell game of any kind except
when propagated according to law.
To shoot game from public highways
or railroad right of way.
To wantonly waste game.
For aliens to hunt without a special
gun license.
To shoot from any power, sink or
sneak boat, sink box.
To hunt on enclosed or occupied un
enclosed lands without permission of
To trop fur-bearing animals without
a license.
To burn tules between February 15
and September 15 excepting by permit
from state game wardeu.
To have in possession more than 40
pounds of jerked venison. '
To trap, net or ensnare game ani
mals, birds or fish, except as expressly
provided. :
To hunt within the corporate limit
of any city or town, public park: or
cemetery, or on any campus or groundu
of any public school, college or uni
versity, or within the boundaries ol
any watershed reservation as set aside
iiy the United States to supply water
to cities, or. within any national binl
or game reservation, y .
To resist game, wardens or other ol
j risers charged with ..the, enforcement q
ice game .taws. .
To angle or fish without having ,n
license on person, and to refuse to show
same on demand of proper officer.
To fish by any means other than by
hook and line.
To use salmon spawn in Willamette
river and tributaries south of Fast Jn
depondencc station, Marion county. -
To cast lumber waste, dye, chemic
als, decaying substauce, etc., or to us
powder or poisonous substances :iu
To fish at niyht or on stream with
in 20JJ t'ect below any fishway.
To sell trout, bass, crnppics, cat fish,
white lish or grayling.
To maintain an irrigation ditch with
out having it screened at the intake.
The following are not protected at
any time: Duck hawk, sharp shinned
hawk, prairie ftileon, goshawk, English
sparrow, great horned owl, northern
shrike, eormofants, American margan
ser, crows and ravens, magpies aii't
blue jays.
Get the Round Package
Used for Century.
Avoid Subitltut
k . cmc,wis,u..
" i a i n s t
Ask For and GET f .
Made from clean, rich milk with the ex,
tract of select malted grain, malted in our
own Malt Houses under 6anitary conditions;'
Infant, and childrtn thrive on it. Agree, with
the loeakeet stomach of the invalid or (As aged,'
Need, no cooAi'nf nor addition of milk. -Nourishes
and sustains more than tea, coffee; etfei
Should be kept at home or when traveling. Anu-'
tntious food-drink may be prepared in a moment.
A glassful hot before retiring induces refreshing
Steer Also in lunch tablet form for business men.
Substitutes Cost YOU Sam Price
Take a Package Home
City Market Ice and
Coal Company
141 North High Telephone 474
Our Ice is manufactured In Salem, and prompt delivery Is guaranteed
to say part of the citly, including Salem Heights, West Balem and '
Fair Grounds.
Special prices to steady consumers and large customers. .
Pure distilled water only Is used in the manufacture of our ice in