SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ftREGGV. FRIDAY, AUCUST 11, 1916. North Beach QUEEN OF PACIFIC COAST RESORTS is easily and pleasantly reached by a short trip from Portland on one of the O-W. R. R. & N. Steamers, "T. J. Potter," "Hassalo," "Harvest Quern" Season Round Trip from Portland $4.00 Ask Local S. P. Arfent for Fores, or write the General Passenger Agent, O-W. R. R.& N. PORTLAND for Free Folder and Other Information E . WITH DIRTV WORK Stopped Russian Orders to America, Turned Them Over to Own People By William Phillip Bimins (United Press stuff correspondent) i'etrogrnd, Aug. 11. For the pur- txme of bringing about, closer relntioiiB letween Russia and the Tinted States, American Ambassador l"rn m-iri hug ap proached the Russinu government with the suggestion Hint n direct euhle be laid between Russia and Amerien. , The proposal was intuit In, nn infor mal way, Francis suggested that if the laying of a eable did not appear jeamoie at tins time, direct comiinin cation inigiir tie estuiilisliod liv menus of wireless. The idea is to have tiie Russian end of the cable euter the port 61' Kula in iwrtnern iinplnuu because if is free from ice the your round. Russian of ricinis generally look witU favor on the aimgostioa vud favor a lowering or ine c.iiuo rata tor press messages helwoeti the two countries. Washington, An?. It. Charges that Grout Britain has been nctuallv steal ing Americua trade by withholding cabled orders sent frum Russia to this country nave been under investigation hy the stnte department, it was learned today, following I'nited Press Corres pondent Simins' dispatch from I'elro grail. Every case has been carefully probed, but thus far the department lias been unable to prove the charges are true. The protests ojiiiio from American firms. They clnimcd tlmt orders cabl ed from Russia have been hold up by DRAYTON ARROW COLLAR THIN, LIGHT YKT STARCHED AND SIGHTLY 15c neb tforWtf CI tJtTT. FKAIOWY 4 CO.. IKd MaKKM EASTWARD Thru the Inland Empire Grand Canyon of Col umbia American Wonderlands Glacier and Yellow stone Parks Hound Trips at Low Fares Taily until Kept. 30 via The North Band Road. Stopover where you like. North Bank Rail and 26 Hours Sail on the ships of Det.uxe Service, 8. 8. Northern Pacific and Oreat Northern, for San Francisco4 $32.00 From ny Oregon Kleetrio Ky. point Tirkel includes meals sad berth. This route saves Time and Money and is Delightful Trip. Homeseekers' Fares Sept 24 to Oct. S From Middle West to Willamette . .. Valley, I sell prepaid tickets. J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Oregon The Charm of NORTH BEACH lira in Its easy simplicity and quaint homeliness. Regular North Beach visitors are those who appreciate and enjoy the restfulness of natural life down-by-the-sea. edek$3.00 ftritisli authorities nad sometimes even turned over to British firms, who in turn submitted bids to tiie Russian concerns. State department officials regard the situation if proved as perhaps the most flagrant interference in Ameri eitn rights thus far. la ease the state department ran prove that (Ireut llritnin has been guilty of the offenses charged, tie Strongest protest thus fur made uguiust English trade practice? will be sent to the English government, for, ofticiuls suy, such a situation would be intoler able. In this connection, it was confirmed ArnhnsMidor Km no is has been negotiating for better cable fa cilities between Russia and the I'nited States. Thus far the department has taken no official hnnd in the cable situation. thouh officials Bay they aro watching the matter with laterest. . Betty Left Her Bath at Call of Policeman Chicago, Aug. 10. Miss Betty Am mell. Aurora, III., society girl, who had to jump out of a bath tub lust night when a Chicago policeiiiiu told her over the transom lie hail a warrant for her arrest on a charge of beating a hotel bill, had her ease continued in police court today to August IS. Miss Ammell nttracted attention some time ago when she announced Hint Mrs. S. V, Hluko, an aged California woman had died leaving her a fortuue of $500, 000. Hhe snid she enmc to Chicago to get a job us a model. She wanted to get the experience, sho said. Hho denied Unit she was trying to "bent" her board bill, declaring that he never had a chance to pay it. IS SOME SWIMMER San Francisco, Aug. 11 At 10 o'clock this morning Miss Kiln Crist of San Francisco was virtuully unknown ns a swimmer. At 11 o'clock she became famous. Entering the wnters of the Pacific ocean between the Cliff House and Salt Water pier, Miss Crist swam to the senl rocks, circled every one of them, and then swam back to shore. She was in the water one hour. Miss Crist was never in danger. She has never competed in aa aquatic event. SAVED 29 OF CREW Galveston, Texas, Aug. 1 1. Tito Bri tish stcumship Normnndier, nrriving here today from Genoa, reported rescu ing 20 men from boats of the Italian steamer Angelo, after that ship was sunk in the Mediterranean by a subma rine. Tho survivors were landed in Al giers. The Normnndier also reported she learned at Algiers that a big German submarine with two couniug towers was sunk in the Mediterranean. VALUE OF OREGON LANDS The V. 8. Census Bureau has made tho following estimate f the value of lands in Oregon for 1010: Plow lands, .verge for poor, $30; average for good, $80; average for all, $00. Average for all fnrm lands without improvements, s-ts; with improvements, $70. The gov ernment finds that the average price for lands without improvements has in I creased $2 per acre in four years and 'with improvements decreased $5 per acre iu the same time. TO HELP FLOAT THE BEAR Kurekn, Cnl Aug. 10 The tug Relief went down to the reef this afternoon to put a line on the Bear and help iu an effort to pull the shin off tonight. Captain I.ogan will lie in charge of the ; work. If ahe caa be moved only SO jfeet, she will be in water deep enough ; for her to dredge her owa way. One I thousand feet of dredging will put her in navigable waters and enable her to 'get away under her own steam. . BPANNELL IS SURLY i Kl Paso, Texas. Aug. 10 Harry Span noil's increasing moodiness and melan choly has resulted in a special guard iday and night being placed over him in the county jail here todav. The former Alpine hotel keeper still refuses to discuss his motive for killing his wife and Lieutenant Colonel Butler. He seldom speaks to his guards. LINEMAN aatLEa The Dalles, Ore., Aug. 11. Terribly burned hy electricity the body of Hen ry C. Riimaey, line foreman of the Pa cific Tower and Light company, this city, was found today on the floor of a sub station. He had received a severe shock sad pitched headlong to the floor jfrom a IS foot laddor. His skull was crushed. Sport AS TO CELLAR Only the Red Sox of Eastern Teams Held Their Own in Western Games New York, Aug. 11. Homeward bound from western diamonds, the lour eastern Aaierionn league teams aro to day far luwer in the standings than when they set out on the invasion. On ly the Red Sox, leading the league by virtue of successive defeats of Chi cago, have improved their standing! '' '- wesi ine Ainieiics com pleted their run of twentv successive straight defeats, the record. J lie iniiKB, though mprilod. led the league when they started west nnd are !liniiing home today iln sixth place. shot tnrough and through bv succes sive ill luck nnd injuries to the play ers, they lost another star yesterday whan Arragon. the Cuban inficlder. re- called from the minors, went down ith a badly bruised arm. The Senators, never counted out of the pennant race, were makine moves toward the first division when thov left the capital .city but today only the Athletics prevent Griffith's men from dropping into the cellar. lue rush of the St. Louis Browns from the seventh place to the edue of the first division tins been the feature of the last three wecks Fourteen straight games were won by .Fielder ones' crew nnd dropping hut oac. thov are on their way to another string- of victories. In the National league the eastern ers, playing nt home, have been the victors. Ill Giants took eleven out ot fifteen from their visitors, the Dodgers twelve out of fifteen, the Urines twelve out of sixteen nnd the Phillies thirteen out of eighteen. Murray to Play Church Senbright, N. .1., Aug. 11. R. Lind luy Murray of California will faeo George M. Church in the finnls of the Achiles cup singles here today. The winner will challenge R. Nor ris Willinms of Philadelphia for a leg on the huge silver trophy of the Sea bright Tennis and Cricket club. Murvray won his way to tho final round by defeating Kumngne.the Japa nese ami W. II. Tildeu. Church took the measure of his doubles partner, llillis Davis, in straight sets. The doubles will produce some luird buttling todny with the champions Johnston and Griffin matched against the winner of the Doiir-Alexander and Roberts-Throckmorton mutch. Two Day Auto Race Chicago, Aug. 11. A reliability au tomobile run betwoeu custom nnd west ern nutomubilists was being planned here todnv to be held in October. Six eastern motorists have already!, announced their intention of entering according to C. G. Sinsabaugh, Chicago,' who lins just returned from New York.l Four of them aro on tho contest bonrdl of the A. A. A. They are Richard Kennerdell of Pennsylvania; F. A.i Crosselmire of New Jersey; David Bee-I croft of New York and Harry of Massachusetts. me run win e neiii nere ami proono ly will bo a two day affair insteud ot one. Autos At Pikes Peata Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 11. Two automobile events over tho awe some Pikes Peak highway, with driv ers lik Oldfield, Mulford, Rickcnbach er and Hughes entered, were on the rncing card in the worlds greatest hill climbing todav. Practice sprints prom ised a 35 mile an hour pace over the 12.j mile course into the clouds. A freak racer, the "Romans," driv ou bv a 22 year old bov named Lent?: and credited with wonderful seed at tracted many of tne ten thousand tans Oldfield in his Delago Special, Mul ford in a Hudson and Hughes iu a Du senberg are coitaiderd likely winners. Portland Boxers In It Portland, Or., Aug. 11. Ralph Un derwood, Thomas Louttit and Vincent Monpier, crack boxers of the Multno mah Athletic club, leave Portlaud for San Diego next Tuesday to fight in the Far Western Amateur championships nt the Panama-California exposition. Football Game is Off Chicago, '. 11. Plans for an Oregon Chicago University football game this fall were considered off to day following the annoancement of Coach Alonzo Stagg f the Maroons that Chicago's gridiron schedule was filled. Will Maintain drew New York, Aug. 11. Reversing an earlier reported decision to drop row ing as nn intercollegiate sport, authori ties at Columbia have definitely decid ual to keep up the crew as major sport and to retain the services of Jim nice, the veteran coach. Germans Deny StorT. Berlin. Aug. 11. Repulse of "aham attacks" by weak enemy detachments in the Balkans south or uoiran was an nounced by the war office this after noon. On the Russian front German troopa are being regrouped to conform to alter ed Russian positions, it was announced. LABORING MAN MURDERED. Sacramento. Cal.. Aug. 11. An un identified laborer was found dead this afteraoon in s Second atreet lodging house with a stiletto through his neck, which the police believe to have been inflicted bv a voung Mexican wno ac companied him to the room. The murderer song nt to convey me impression that the man had taken his life bv putting an open jack kaife ia his hand, and leaving badly scrawled note on the bed, saying: kill self." 4M News TnnvCDn crnorc National .First game R. II. E. St. Louis '...:... . 3 8 2 New York ; 5 (I 3 Meadows and Gonzales; Anderson, Sallee and Kariden. Second game R, It. E. St. Louis ... 0 2 2 New York 2 8 2 Watson anil Snyder; Tesreau and Rariden. (Called end 7th, catch train) First game R. II . E. Chicago 10 1 Jtrooklyn 2 11 2 Ilendrix and Archer; Dell and Mey ers. Scond game R. H. E. Chicago 19 0 Brooklyn 4 8 2 Vaughn, Seatou and WilsOn; Mar quard and Meyers. First game Pittsburg Boston Miller and Fischer R. H. E. .... 2 11 2 .... 1 4 3 Barnes and Blickburn, Rico. Second game R. H. E. Pittsburg I 5 0 I Boston 4 0 0 Mammaux and Schmidt; Tyler and Blackburn. ' R. H. E. Cincinnati 3 10 1 .Philadelphia 2 9 1 Moseley aud Clark; Rixey and Cil lifer. American R. II. E. Detroit 2 7 0 Chicago 0 0 0 I Covnloski and McKee; Wolfgang and ' O .1 ..II. ocjiuin. First gnmc R. U.K. Cleveland 4 8 0 St. Louis 5 7 01 Bagby and Dale; Davenport, llamll ton njul Severoid. No other games scheduled. J, Watching the Scoreboard t Pacific Coast League Standings. W. L. Pet. Los Angeles 0 49 .585 Vernon 00 50 .552 San Francisco 06 59 .528 Salt Luke 57 59 .49 Portland 82 50 .481 Oakland 47 81 .307 Yesterday's Results. At Veruoa, 3-0; Portland, 2-2. At Sun Francisco, 2; Los Angeles, 5. At Snut Lake, 3; Oakland, (I. Even Walt MoCredie took a whirl with the willow against Mitchell of Vernon, in the uiath and failed to pro duce. Mitchell was wild, but the Rengals gave him large league support and won, 0 to 2. Vernon also grnbbed the first game, tying it up in the eighth when Chuck Ward, of Portland, threw wild. And winning in the ninth by timely swatting after Noyes had passed a man. Bill Piercy kidded the Oaks into a 3 to 0 defeat. Tho Suit Lake star romped his way through tho game with many country cut up tricks but he labored in the pinches. Steen, Oldham and Fanning were among; those present in the Seals ba.t etry yesterday, but none of 'em had shells lurge enough to fraze Los I.os angeles. The Angels got six runs on 13 hits. Tiie Seals scored twice. Cart Mnggert was the laurel-crowned hero of tho Seraphs, making three runs all by his loinosome. Yesterday's big league hero, with re verse F.nglish, was Wally Pipp, who made a wild throw so high, far and wide, that the poor old Yanks dropped clear to sixth place before the ball lit. Th Browns took their fifth straight fame from Washington. They have won tf of their last 21 games. Toney of Cincinnati held the Phillies to three hits, but lost, Paskert made the winning run on a base on balls, a steal and two wild hetvos. The Athletio worm turned agaia and is now back on the down hill frail. Angelo Arragon started his first game for the Yanks and was out ef it in a few minutes. A. pitched ball hit his working wing. 1 .. T rMnllin Dnlrd la AvnoAft back In the lineup in a few days. The Sox, Red and White, had a merry time, the totals being 83 hits, 10 runs, 23 assists, roar stolen bases, two dou ble plays and four errors. Three of the hits were doubles and two triples. Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Calling Cards runted at the Jour-aaLasaKi9E9-sna9-aaaBa THC OLD RELIABLE a UM'lil HEME D T for MEN AT ORUGUIC;ri.OH TH.AL BOX BY MAILS f HO WW. AX TO) 3 HENRY ST. BROOKLYN. NY. 111 m i ii i i ?7 WOMAN THREE YEARS ASA Strange Story of Mistaken Sex Comes from California State Prison San Quentin, Cal., Aug. 11. A wo man ig serving a 14 year sentence for robbery in San Quentin as a man. . Sho is "Art" Baker, who wsh sen fenced from Riverside for stealing oney from the postoffice there three years ngo. During her three years in carceration. Miss Baker has managed to conceal her secret, except from some other prisoners. Today she told her story to a newspaperman. Ib an appeal to the public and the governor, she said that, if it wu not answered soon or unless she was moved into the women's ward, she would com mit suicide. "I have been here three vears." bIic snid. "The convicts have insulted me. Tho prison offfcinls gave me a separate oootn in winch to bathe, but it is ia the same room where from 1400 to 1500 men bathe. "I was convicted aad sentenced to prison ns a man. As such I have served three years of my sentence. Now I can bear it no longer. The prison officials have been kind but even their kindness cannot make up for the hqitor of a woman being cnged with a lot of men convicts. "I was bom 40 years ago. I was a deformed baby. In my deformity, my mother mistook my sex until I was 11 years old. My family was ashamed of me and I was told to keep my de-( formity a secret. After I had lived so long ns a boy, my people were ashamed to put me in dresses. "In 190! nl' family obtained my consent to marry n girl and pose us the father of her child. Soon after we were separated, according to an agree ment we made before the marriage. For years I earned my living by teaching in n man's school but always my identity was discovered and I lost my position. "While visiting my sister nt Sum niordnle, in Santa Barbara county, when I was sick nnd 'broke' T stole money orders nnd cashed $1800 worth of them." L Attorney General Throws Light On Problems Per plexing Secretary Owing to a pledge taken by candi dates in filing declarations of candi dacy, the secretary of stnte 's office has tuken the petition of A. W. Lnfferty of Portland, who was defeated for the re publican nomination in the Third con gressional district by C. W. JdcArthur and who now wishes to appear on the bnllot as the progressive candidate, ts the attorney genernl. Attorney Gen eral Brown has advised the secretary of state thnt Laf forty's demand is legal and must be complied with. In giving the opinion the attorney says: "The primary law does not attempt to pro vide a method whereby a candidate may be forced to keep his pledge. This has been confined entirely into the keep ing of the conscience of the candidate nnd the judgment of the people. As election certificate was regularly issued by the governor of Oregon, ns provided by statute, and regularly delivered to Lafferty declaring him to be the nomi nee of the progressive party for con gress from the Third Oregon district. This certificate of election entitles him to have his acceptance filed and his name placed on the bnllot notwithstand ing his pledge." No Claims Allowed. Claims of delegates for expenses in curred in attending national party con ventions will not be allowed by the sec retary of state. Attorney General Brown, to whom the question was re ferred, says: "Without expressing an opinion upon this subiect, I wish to call your attention to Section 2025 Lord's Oregon laws, as amended by Chapter 28 P. 01, laws of 1913, which provides that in such cases the secre tary of state shall draw no warrants tin audif inv claims AvOAnfr n-hun nn appropriation has been made covering tne same, mere is no appropriation made by the last session of the legisla- ture nor at auy other time for the ex penses now under consideration, an therefore under the section aa cited the secretary of state is forbidden from au diting claims for such expenses." Not Part of Expenses. Another question which the secretary of state's office has put up to the at torney general is in effect as follows: ; Do sums paid by a caadidate for secur ing signatures and preparing petitions to have his name printed on the official ballot come within the limitation of candidates' expeases under the pro visions of the corrupt practice act I The attorney general holds that qualifying to become a candidate by paying the declaration fee or by paying the ex pense of securing a petition signed by the requisite nnmber of electors of his party is not any part of the effort to secure or influence voters and is not therefore a part of the campaign and ia not required to be included in the swora statement filed by the candi date. These Not Restricted. In replying to a third question from the secretary of state are candidates for election at party nominating eon ventiona as delegates to party national conventions restricted ia their expenses uuder the provisions of the corrupt practice actt Attorney General Brown calls attention to the fact that candi dates for election at primary nomtna ing elections are eliminated under the NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Rate per word New Today: Each insertion, per word One week (6 insertions), per word....5c One month(20 insertions) per word 17c lue Capitol Journal will not be re iponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisments. Read your advertisements the first day it appears and notify us immediately Minimum charge, 15c. PHONE 937 For wood saw. tf RUBBER Stamps made 165 S. Coml tf HORSE F"OR SALE 26S0 Cherry ave. augl2 HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 7G8. sept5 TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour nal office, tf FOUND A sack of loganberries. 257 is. whurch. , augll FOR SALE Choice dill for pickling, ait) . Z4th St. auglo WANTED Position as bookkeeper, a lady. I'hone lbo4. aug!2 WANTED Vetch or vetch and ont seed. Phqne 30F11. augll TWO Good milk cows, giving 3 gal. per uay each. I'hone .113. auglo WANTED SVeond hand Ford, will pay cash. F. E. Tooze, Phone 933. augll FOR SALE I. C. S. bookkeeping course clienp. Address J care Jour nal. augl2 FOR SALE Cheap, if taken at once, Hall-BnrMiet dress model. Phone 1109 or call 459 State St. augl2 YOUNG LADY Taking music lessons warns piace to worn ior room ana board. I'hone 5J0-W. aug!2 WANTED Nine teams wanted to work with a threshing machine. Call 70E2, J. P. Bressler. augll FOR RENT Cheap for cash, store building corner Liberty anil Hood St. Inquire 1415 N. 4th. St. auglS A BARGAIN GooiU team, harness, wngou, two seated back, nil go for DM) dollars, 801 Locust St. auglO FOR SALE Top buggies, steel or nib her tire, close in acreage, improved or unimproved. I'hone 1003-W. angl2 FOR SALE Heavy team, cheap, or will trade for lighter team. L. C. Denuison, Rt. 1, Independence, augll TO TRADE Good ladies' 1 f f 1 f ? ? banjo nnd mandolin to trade for good 2nd hand organ. Barber Shop 204 State. i augll WANTED Fnrm with improvements to rent: would prefer 3 to 5 years, 75 to 125 acres. Phone 981, lit. 5, box 180. augl4 TO LOGANBERRY GROWKRS The Lo.ju plant will receive berries up to midnight Monday, August 14, but none on Sunday, August 13. Salem Fruit Union. aug!2 A NEW SHORTHAND CLASS Will be commenced nt tiie Capital Busi ness College next Monday to accom modate those who wish to begin a stenographic course now. Call or I'hone for special Information, null law as delegates to party national con ventions. The office of delegate is not a public office, and even if it were so considered no salary attaches, and it is not therefore within the moaning of the corrupt practice act. The question is answered in the negative. OPEN FORUM - Says Story Is False. Imperial Beach, Cal., August 5, 1910. To the Editor Capital Journal. Dear Sir: In your issue of July 29 appears the publication of a letter from Private Dewey McElrath, of Com pany M, to Chief of Police Welch, of Salem, in which my name appears. Since the reference to me is just aa false as the rest of the letter is puerile clatter, my first notion was to consider the source and disregard it. However, many of the boys have urged me to not permit the thing to go unnoticed for the good reason that all sorts of false impressions may be created and none of us know what we might Bee published next. The author of the letter to Chief Welsh become an undesirable citizen in the eyes of the Salem officials and the woaderoua wise plan was csnceived to coerce him into joining Company M, giving him-r I understand, incarceration as an alternative. There are a number oi us who were not only astonished but most resentful that it shonld be con cluded that Company M must serve as a means of ridding Salem of such fellows. and we belieTp. most of the citizens at home agree that it was most unjust to force McElrath on us. Bui the damage ia not to end, it seems, for despite our efforts to keep the discordant note as quiet as "possible our good friend Chief Welsh, sees fit to have it further harped upon. Don't you think it's unfair for you to publish the almost imbecile corres pondence of this scalawag aad thus be a means of creating false impressions about usf 1 don't hold McElrath to blame, for his intellect is of but a low order, but its poor judgment on hief Welsh's part to pass his letter to the newspapers for publication. Respectfullv. jtAMES WALTON, JR. New Today ads in the Journal will be read in all lire Marlon county homes. TODAY FRONT APARTMENTS Ground flooi 491 N. Cottage. TRESPASS NOTICES FOR SALE at Journal office. FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso line engine. Phoae 451. tf ORDERS TAKEN For home canned vegetables. Phone 79F13. augll FOR TRADE Modern bungalow for acreage. Inquire 740 N. Liberty. au!5 FOR RENT Modern 5 room house, furnished, 1259 Chemeketa St. augl3 FOR SALE Large young team. Mrs. E. Thomas, Marion, Oregon.' augll WANTED Lady solicitors to work ia Salem. Apply at 770 So. Commercial St tf SIX CHIROPRAeTIC Adjustments $.), wortu more. Dr. M'ay, Hubbard, bldg. sept3 FOR RENT Dairy farm G miles N. E. trom Snlem. tot particulars I'hone 91F22. augia CYLINDER MOTORCYCLE For sale, good condition. Inquire 17(1 Luther St. angll FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep ing apartments, rates reasonable, close in, 160 Court. tf WANTED We need evaporated rogan. berries, 1916 crop. See us at once, Salem Fruit Uniou. auglS TO EXCHANGE Business for land near Salem, owners only. Address Sa lem R. F. D. 5, box 142. augU FOR RENT ADS under this heading le a word. Read for profit; use for results. FOR SALE CHEAP Hop house stove, furnace and pipes also ono grader. Inquire Wm, Brown & Co., Salem. auglS FOR SALE Thoroughbred English pointer, female, 1V4 years old, part ly trained. John Ceinik, 200 Superior St. augl2 iFOR SALE Body oak wood $4.50 per cora; gmo oaK wood ri.uo per cord. Skyline Orchards, R. F. 1. 3, Phona 36F11. auU FOR SALE One $80 malleable steel range, kitchen cabinet, library table and other things. J. i- Walters, West Salem. augll HOUSE AND LOT Value $1000.00 will take auto as part pay, balance easy terms. Phone J. B. Knight, 998 or 959. augli FOR SALE 3M half truck StudabaX- er wagon, wm trade for heavier wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 2789 Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf I'ARM FOR SALE By owner; cheap, 102 acres on Lake Labiah, 4 miles north of Salem. Will sell all or in tracts. Phone 634-J. tf SECOND GRADE BEANS 5 cts. per pound, suitable tor boarding houses, threshing crews, et:'., Skyline Orch ards, R. F. D. 3. Phone 30F11. augll SECOND HAND MENS CLOTHING jewelry,, musical instruments, tools, guns, etc,, bought, sold and traded. Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493. septll FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished sleeping rooms, office rooms and housekeeping rooms, reasonable rates) W. H. Norris, Rec. Hubbard bldg. Room 304. tf FOR SALE Or trade $1000 equity 20 m,vni "iiichj . oiure ami post office, want equity Salem house or clear lots, or what have youf Ad dress X-X-3 care Journal. augll STRAYED OR STOLEN Sundav night, one cow to be fresh in a few days, cow red and white no bush on end of tail. Weight about 1150 lbs. Notify W. S. Catton, Rt. 1, phone 2F24. aUgU SHOE SALESMLAN WANTED Olds. Wortman & King, Portland, desire the services of first class shoe sales men. Address superintendents of fice, giving reference and salary ex pected, augll FOR SALE Our beautiful 20 acre suburban home of twenty acres, lVs miles east of pen, all modern im provements, except electric lights. Price $10,000. Would take a good new house and-lot in exchange for $3000 Balance on easy terms: augll Notice of Improvement of Alley ia Blocks 35 and 36, University Addition Notice is hereby given that the com- mon council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve the alley in blocks) 35 and 36, University addition to tha city of Salem, between fh at liu fot Twelfth street and the west line of the Kaee in block 3;, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property by bringing said portion of said alley to the official grade, and paving the samsi with a six-inch Portlaad cement con crete pavement in accordance with th plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said portion of said alley, adopted by the commo council on the 6th day of July, 1916, now on file in the office off the city recorder, which, for a more detailed description thereof are hereby referred to and made a part of this . notice; be ing that character or kind of improve ment kaewn and designated in said plans, specifications and estimates ak cement Concrete Pavement. The common council hereby declare its purpose and intention to make the. said above described improvement br and through the street improvement de partment or ine city. dv order of the common council. CHAS . F. ELGIN City Recorder. Dated this 8th dsy of August, 1916. Anj