Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 11, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Backache? Run Down?
Tired ? Clean the Kidneys
With Hot Water and 'Anuric"
When run-down after a hard winter
when life indoors has brought about
a stagnant condition in the circulation
most everyone is filled with uric
acid especially is this so of people
Sast middle age. This urio acid in the
lood often causes rheumatism, lumba
go, swelling of iinds and feet, or a
bag-like condition under the eyes.
Backache, frequent urination or the
pains and stiffness of the joints are
also often noticed. Dr. Pierce says that
everyone should have a good sireat
very day should drink plenty of pure
water and exercise in th opn air as
much as possibl. This helps to throw
out the poisonous uric acid thru the
kin and the "water". But for such
persons as are past middle age it's
often impossible to do this and lime
. salts are deposited in the arteries, veins
and joints, causing all kinds of dis
The only decendent of the
great Artie Race on the
stage; the only woman in the
world doing genuine "Back
Indian," .."War Bill" ..and
Torn. Tom Dances.
America's greatest Juvenile
Performers In
Ball Boom and Fancy Dances,
Comae Duets, Character Im
personations .
Clara Kimball Young
"Yellow Pass Port"
' A. Story laid In Russia "
No Raise in Prices
Washington, Aug. 11. President Wil
son today nominated Edward Heddon
of Caldwell, Idaho, to be surveyor ge
eral of the state.
Buy an Up-To-Date
King Spreader
pLEASE note that in the Low Corn King
the box is narrow only 45 inches in width.
The Low Corn King can be driven into a modern
barn and loaded directly from the stable. That
saves work. .
The spread is eight feet or wider. That shortens the
unloading time. The manure is thrown well beyond the
wheels. That enables the driver to match up the edges of
his strips without driving on manure-covered ground. You
know what a big advantage that is.
The manure gets two thorough beatings. It lands on
the ground in a finely-pulverized condition. The soil
immediately takes up the fertilizing properties. There is
no loss or waste of valuable fertilizing material
Buy an up-to-date, wide spreading Low Corn King
spreader from the local dealer.
International Harvester Company of America
I (beeraersUd)
Lw Cora King tpreadan are oU by -jj
Chas. R. Archerd Imp. Co.
Salem, Ore.
tressing conditions. An antidote for
this uric acid poison is to take hot
water before meals and "Anuric."
Ask your druggist for Doctor Pierce's
Anuric, or end Doctor Pierce's Inva
lids' Hotel and Surgical Institute in
Buffalo, N. Y., a dollar bill ftr a full
treatment, or ten cents for a trial
"Anuria" is a recent scientific dis
covery by Dr. Pierce. "Anuric"
drives the uric acid out of your body.
It is a uric acid solvent so effective
that it eliminates these posions, cleans
es the system, allows your over-worked
kidneys to resume their normal func
tions, ana just a few days' treatment
with "Anuric" will convince you be
cause it brings lasting relief to your
painful, aching rheumatic joints no
more backache or dizzy Bpells. Try it
now and be convinced!
Captain of Bomb Squad Says
All Five Suspects Will Be
Found Guilty
San Francisco, Aug. 11. Captain
Duncan Matheson. chief of the bnmb
I sound, tndfiv deeliire ttint ha nnlieA
and district attorney's office now have
evidence sufficient to convict all of
the five suspects charged with partici
pating in the preparedness day bomb
"We have plenty of evidence which
the public knows nothing adont and
will knew nothing of until the cases
are tried," he said. "We have a num
ber of new witnesses whose testimony
will clinch the cases. We do not in
tend to disclose the identity of these
witnesses nor the character of their
testimony until the day of the trials."
An anonymous letter signed "Union
Man," sent to the American Independ
ent, a pro-German publication, was to
day turned over to the district attor
ney who haa the communication ex
amined by Carl Eisenchimel, hand
writing expert.
The letter says:
"Bomb explosion plot hatched by
nation-wide ring inside Military Pre
paredness League. Details later. At
tempt to crush organized labor. Print
notice of this and say received. This
lets you in. Casey, Union Man."
Little importance is attached to the
Berlin, Aug. 11. Since the be
ginning of the great allied of
fensives, daily wireless battles
have been occurring between
rival aero stations in belligerent
A dispatch from Lugano to
day said the Italians complain
that their wireless messages are
being blocked by the more pow
erful German stations which fill
the air with flashes to prevent
the Italians from getting their
news to the world. Day and
night the French, German and
Italian stations engage in wire
less fights.
We mail your paper to you during
your vacation. Phone 81.
35 i
am. v
Low Corn
Doctor Sprays His Throat
Between Speeches But He
Is Very Hoarse
By Percy Arnold
(United Press staff correspondent)
Bismark, N. D., Aug. 11. With his
voice pretty well frazzled out, Presi
dential Candidate Hughes today faced
what was probably the busiest day
scheduled on his whole transcontinent
al trip.
He had eight end of the train speech
es in North Dakota and Montana towns
before arriving in Billings, Mont., to
night for one of his "big speeches."
Talks were here, Mandan, Dickinson,
Medora, Beach, Glendive, Forsyth and
Jsjies city.
Because of the strenuoelty of this
program the republican candidate went
on training schedule today. His voice,
accustomed for the past few years to
toe conversational tone of the supreme
bench, will have to be coddled along
very carefully from now on if he is
to finish the speaking schedule ahead
of him during .the next tour weeks.
Dr. T. E. Hitman, his physician and
physical advisor on this ' tour is
assidiously spraying the candidate's
strained Vocal chords several times
each day. In addition Hughes is fol
lowing a suggestion which former Sen
ator Chauncey M. DePcw made to him
at the time he stumped New York on
the anti-race track bills, not to talk
on the train, saving even conversation,
as far as possible, since it always
i . - ! . i. i i 1 1 . i i
siruiiiB ae vvii'ts 10 try iu turn luuu
enough to be heard on a moving train.
Is An Effort to Talk
Hughes is also taking exceeding care
with his diet and is particularly strong
on fruit His favorite bieakfast fruit
is orange and always before he retires
he drinks the juice of one or two or
anges. The nominee's voice was very
noarse today and it is an apparent ef
fort for him to talk.
Mrs. Hughes led a gentle rebellion
today. Heretofore local committees
have been anxious to have her sit on
the platform beside her campaigning
husband, but from now on tbo govern
or's helpmate will sit in the audience.
"I want to be where I can hear my
husband and see him when he speaks
she told Laurence H. Green, the govern
or's secretary who is looking out for;
her comfort on toe trip. Mrs. nugneB
is taking no maid, so her husband, the
republican presidential candidate, is
buttoning dresses up the back.
Mrs. Hughes seems to be standing
the fatigue of the trip splendidly al
though she misos no opportunity to
take a walk. Hughes sprang a new
hat today. Half an hour after he had
donned it there was a gaping hole n
the crown. The governor purchased
the new kelly, which is a brown fedora
with a slightly curled up brim in Chi
cago and some jealous local committee
man yanked it down too hard on the
hook "today causing the hole.
The candidate and Mrs. Hughes ate
real home cooked bread today. Mrs.
Rosa B. Upton Bascom of Fargo baked
it of original Dakota wheat and sent
it to Mrs. Hughes last night.
Try Pineapple Pepsin
for Your Indigestion
Pineapple Juice has been proved to
possess remarkable value as a stom
ach medicine. Combined with pepsin
and other ingredients as it is in
POUND it produces surprising bene
fit. We not only recommend NATOL
but give a positive money back guar
antee with every 50c or $1.00 bottle.
Try it J. C. Perry Drug Co.
Illay Not Be Start
of Big Balkan Drive
New York, Aug. 11. Mail advices
from a reliable source in a European
capital received here today, said that
the allies probably would not begin
their Balkan offensive before Septem
ber 1.
The intense heat during the summer
months makes daylight operations in
the Balkans inadvisable, it was stated1!
but the most important reason for the
delay was the fact that Rumania will
have finished harvesting her crops by
j that time and her farmer soldiers will
!be ready to take the field with the
' allies.
I In view of the dispatches, it is con
sidered possible that the capturing of
'the Doiran railway station, officially
announced today does not mark the
actual beginning of the allied offensive
but a preliminary step.
Boscoe Langley, of Bilverton, Ore.,
is in Eugene today in search of his Ford
automobile, motor No. 603,812, dealors'
license No. 157D, which was taken from
his home one night last week. It is be
lieved that three o'f the prisoners whu
escaped from the state penitentiary last
week stole the car. One is described as
bein very short and the other two of
medinm seicht.
They have been followed as far as
Eugene, ana nere an trace nas Deen iobi
Eugene Guard,
Chicago, Aug. 11. Dr. John B. Mur
phy, famous Chicago surgeon, died this
afternoon at Mackinac, Mich.
Dr. Murphy recently was knighted
with a papal order by Archbishop Mun
delein. Dr. Murphy's death at Mackinac oc
curred at 4:30 p. m. at the Grand ho
tel, where he was staying with his fam
ily. Dr. Murphy was one of the guests at
the Mundelein banquet and partook of
the poison soap by Jean Crones, anar
chist. Journal Want Ads Get Besults You
Want Try ene and see.
Employers Indorse Plan and
Unions Have It Under
San Francisco, Aug. 11. Arbitration
of all of San Francisco's industrial dis
putes will be attempted at onoe. if the
suggestion of Mayor Rolph, in an open
letter made public today, is adopted by
the chamber of commerce and the labor
unions involved.
The mayor proposed that the central
labor bodies and the employers organ
izations appoint five members each and
that to the board so organized be added
Archbishop Edward J. Hanna and four
other clergymen appointed by the arch
bishop. He suggests that such a board
be given power to act and expresses the
belief that it "could quickly relieve
much of the present industrial friction,
correct abuses, prevent strikes, lockouts
and boycotts and insure industrial peace
without which neither capital nor labor
can prosper."
Tho mayor's suggestion wo immedi
ately indorsed by the Building Trades
Council and other onion .organizations
are considering it today. The employ
ers' organizations have not yet replied
to the mayor's appeal.
Simultaneously with the mayor's ap
peal, the police committee of the board
of supervisors rejected the proposed or
dinance to make picketing by striking
workingmea a misdemeanor punishable
by a fine and imprisonment.
Says Her Husband
Treated Her Badly
"In March, 1915, defendant struck
plaintiff and threw her out of the home
which plaintiff and defendant were
then occupying at Medford. Plaintiff
was in her night clothes and bare footed
and was unable to get into the house
again without legal assistance."
Such in effect is one of the indigni
ties cited in an action for divorce filed
in the Marion county circuit court yes
terday afternoon by Florence Haight, a
teacher of vocal music with rooms in
the Grand theatre building, against Fred
H. Haight.
It is stated in Mrs. Haight 's com
plaint that the couple were married in
Seattle August 24, 1908; that defend
ant has not treated plaintiff in accord
ance with his marriage vows, but has
treated her in a cruel and inhuman
manner, heaping upon her personal in
dignities, thereby rendering her life
burdensome. The defendant is describ
ed as a mnsic teacher with an approxi
mate income of $150 a month.
The custody of the one child result
ing from the union, a girl of five years,
is asked by the plaintiff. Also 4100
temporary alimony, $100 attorney fees
and $35 a month as permanent sup
port and maintenance of the child.
Puget Sound Navy
Yard Is Up Tuesday
Washington, Aug. 11. A roll call in
the house next Tuesday will determine
whether the Puget Sound navy yard
will share in the proposed $0,000,000
appropriation for battleship construc
tion in the Boston, Norfolk, Philadel
phia and Puget Sound yards.
A conference report on the naval
bill, submitted to the house today
strikes out the provision for all yards.
Chairman Padgett of the house com
mittee announced he would ask the
bouse to vote whether it desired to
override its conferees and authorize
the equipment of the year. He and
other conferees were not absolutely op
posed, he said.
Think Women Will
Declare for Hughes
Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 11. A
declaration for Charles E. Hughes in re
turn for his avowal of federal woman
suffrage was expected to be adopted at
the executive session of the woman's
party conference here this afternoon.
Non-pnrtisan pleas by the conference
leaders, who strongly favor indorse
ment of the republican candidate, was
counted on to overcome a few socialist
and prohibition delegates who wish the
declaration to stop with opposition to
President Wilson for his refusal to aid
in passage of the Susan B. Anthony fed
eral suffargc amendment.
Announcement of the Woman's party
election policy will be made at an open
air mass meeting tonight at which the
leaders, including Miss Alice Paul, Miss
Anne Martin, Miss Gail Laughlin and
Mrs. Harriet Stanton Blatcb, will
The democratic congress came in for
Bevere criticism in speeches by Mrs.
Florence Bayard Hilles, Mrs. William
Kent and Mrs. Sarah Bard Field at this
morning's public session on the present
status of the Anthony amendment.
Portland to Build
Three Big Steamers
Portlaud, Ore., Aug. 11. Eastern rep
resentatives of the Northwest Steel
company and the Willamette Iron and
Hteel Works signed contracts for the
construction here of three additional
steel, ocean going steamers to eost $3,
000,000, it was learned today. Twe ateel
steamers are already on the ways. Work
on the additional three will he started
when materials arrive.
Marshfield, Or., Aug. 11. Entering
Coos Bay today, the oil tanker Whit
tier grounded on a sand spit just in
side the entrance, opposite the life
guard station. After two hawsers had
snapped with the strain, the govern
ment tug Michie hauled the tanker in
to deep water. It proceeded undam
aged. Journal Want Ads Get Results.
Operator at Sandy Hook
Picks Up Message He
Thinks Is from Her
. New York, Aug. 11. The ubiquituous
Bremen, Deutschland 's sister ship bob
bed up again today, this time via wire
less. The operator at the Seagate and
Sandy Hook wireless station was start
led from a doze early today by a call
for "Telefunken station, New York"
the call used by all German ships be
fore the war. He replied "Telofunken
station closed" and asked the sender's
name. There was no reply. About 3
a. m., an hour and a half later, another
call, apparently from the same source
inquired when the Telcfunken station
would open. This time the message was
signed "D. B. U.", which is the old sig
nature of the North German Lloyd ship
Breslau, supposed to be tied up at New
"The spark from a German apparat
us," said the Seagate operator. "It
was unmistakable and came from about
50 miles at sea, from a low power in
strument." This gave rise to the belief that the
call came from the Bremen, but at the
same time Baltimore and New London,
Oonn., are confident the submarine may
appeal there nt any moment.
Another wireless station reported
picking up a message early today
signed "Bremen." It reported a posi
tion 30 miles off Sandy Hook but gave
no destination. Officials of the Tele
funken sttion, which was first called,
expressed belief that the messages were
being sent by some joker from an ama
teur station.
"Fair Crowds" Heard
Candidate Hughes
By Perry Arnold,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
. Dickinson, N. D., Aug. 11. It was a
vision of service that led Charles
Evans Hughes to accept the nomina
tion, the republican candidate told
several audiences in North Dakota to
dny, speaking from Tfie rear platform
of the car.
Although hoarse the candidate spoke
with more vigor thaa on any previous
day. At stops in Bismarck, Mandan
and here ho dwelt briefly, forcefully
on "America first and America ef
ficient" assailing the democratic ad'
ministration for governmental inef
ficiency and coining a few more
Hughes' epigrams,, such as:
" America cannot hold her own by
"Administration is three quarters of
government." i
"It is easy to have paper pro
grams." "I don't stand for what I don't be
lieve is right simply because it is un
der the banner of my party."
"Private debts must not be paid in
public office."
The candidate had fair crowds every
where. Local politicians said these
would have been larger if schedules
had not been moved up a few hours
without adequate notice to various
nV Ymft....S
Would Tax Munition
Makers Ten Per Cent
Washington, Aug. 11. Lessening the
tax burden to be borne by munition
maker!!, democratic members of the
senate finance committee today fixed a
flat rate of 10 per cent on the net pro'
ducts of all firms mnking munitions or
their component parts.
Chairman Simmons estimated that
this clause would raise $45,000,000 a
year $11,000,000 less than would have
been produced by the house provision.
Products which are sold within the
United States ns well as those shipped
abroad will be levied upon under this
provision. It will be held to have been
in effect since the beginning of this
year. It will become inoperative one
yenr after the close of the war.
The tax is applicable to all sorts of
firearms, explosives, bayonets, subma
rines or torpedoes.
Got All He Wanted.
O'Brien Did yei convince Cassidy
thot he was in the wrongt .
Mulligan Oi dinnaw if I convinced
him; but Oi ineel him own up to it.
Boston Transcript.
If Too Fat Get
More Fresh Air
Be Moderate In Yonr Diet And
Reduce Your Weight Take
Oil of Korein.
Lack of fresh air it is said weakens
the oxygen carrying power of the blood,
the liver becomes sluggish, fat Mccumu
latea aad the action of many of the
vital organs are hindered thereby. The
heart action becomes weak, work is an
effort and the beauty of the figure i
Fat put on by Indoor life ia unhealthy
nnd if nature is not assisted in throw
ing it ofl a serious case of obesity may
When you fee! that you are getting
toa stout, take the matter in hand at
once. Don't wait until your figure hasJ
become a joke and yonr neaitn ruined
through carrying around burden of
unsightly and unhealthy fat.
Spend as much time as you possibly
can in the open; breathe deeply, and
get from Central Pharmacy or any
dinggist a box of oil of korein
capsules; take one after each meal and
one before retiring at night'.
Weigh yourself every few days and
keep up the treatment nntil you are
down to normal. Oil of korein is ab
solutely harmless, is pleasant to take,
helps the digestion and even a few days
treatment has been reported to show
aoticeible reduction! in weight.
The Refreshing Qhamt
of good tea is in its
delicate flavor
Unfortunately, the world is not full
of good tea. You must choose with care.
Those many women who use Schillings
Best know that the cost of good tea is
very, very little. But this is not the only
reason for their preference. Another
reason a very real reason is that
each of the four taste-types ("Japan,
English Breakfast, Ceylon, Oolong J
brews tea of indescribable charm.
Send for the Taste Packet
which makes it easy fir yiu te find the type if te thtt
fin like best. Qintaini feitr parchmyn envehpes if Schilling
Tea Japan, English Breakfast, Ceylm and Oiling.
Enmgh fir five tr lix eupi if each kind. Mailed
frimptlymrtceiptif loitnls ( stampsirciin).
iAddress: LA Schilling W Qimpanj
jjj Secind St., San Frtnciici.
Schillings Best
Sold through grocers only.
In itandard packages, S-cz. and
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared shampooB
contain too much alkali. This dries the
scalp, makes the hair brittle, uid is
vary baneful. Just plain nmlsified co
coauut oil (which is pure and entirely
greascless), is much better than tho
most expensive soap or nnything else
you can use for shampooing, as this
can't possibly injure the hair.
Simply moisten pour hair with water
and rub it in. One or two tcisjionn
f'uls will make an abundance of rich,
creamy lather, and cleanses the hair
and scalp thoroughly. The lather rins
es out easily, and removes every par
ticle of dust, dirt, dandruff and exces
sive oil. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky,
bright, fluffy and easy to manage.
You can get mulsified cocoanut oil
at most any drug store. It is verp
erenp, nnd a few ounces is enough to
lust everyone in the family for months.
Daniel Frobman Presents
By Shannon Fife.
O -y!
Jersey City Cannot
Protect Its Citizens
Trenton, N. J., Aug. 10. Federal
Judge Rollstab today granted an in
junction restraining the board of eon
niissioners of Jersey City from pre-
i venting the shipment through that'
town of explosives by the Canadian
I Car and Foundry company. The em-
burgo was declared after the recent.
I Hlm k Tom disaster but under the fed
eral ruling t ne placing or tnc nan wan
declared illegal and the tranipor&ttiou
of ar material can be carried on nil
freely as before.
Three Boys who ..Can Sing
Produced by THOS. 1NCE;
A Rip Roaring
A Show Worth Seeing
j Japan