Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 11, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
August 11, UUti.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President Vice-President Sec. and Treas.
Pally by carrier, per year , 5.00 Per month
Daily by mail, per year , 3.00 Per month
New York, Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chicago, W. H. Stockwel 1, People ' Gag Building.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papers on the
aorsa. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects gettitng the
taper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, aa this is tneionly
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 81 before 70 o'clock an d a paper will be sent you by special
messenger if the carrier bas missed you.
Oregon's crop will not compare with that of Iowa in
value, but then Oregon has not near the population of her
sister state, and the latter, owing to natural conditions
and the fact that she beat Gifford Pinchot to it has not the
greater part of her territory included in forest reserva
tions. As it is Oregon will produce this year crops valued
at above $40,000,000. Counting her fish, mining and lum
ber production her total products will run well toward the
hundred million mark.
Here in the Willamette valley the year promises well.
It started in badly with rains spoiling a good part of the
cherries, but outside of that the damage was light and
the outlook is first class. The hay was but little damaged
and the crop was large. Prunes are looking fine and the
promise of a big crop of first class fruit was never better.
The hop outlook is also good and with anything like fail
prices it will bring thousands of dollars here. The grain
crop is unusually good and the potatoes were never better.
While there was considerable loss of cherries due to
rains, this loss was more than counter-balanced by the
big yield of Loganberries and the increased price due to
"Phez" and "Loju." Salem is the hop center as well as
, the prune center of the valley and when these crops last
year proved light Salem was given the hardest blow in
her history. We all felt it in all lines of business, but we
pulled through without making much noise about it and
now the city as well as the valley is getting on its feet
again and beginning to "slick" up. The loganberry
promises to become a great money producer, and already
steps are being taken to greatly increase the acreage. The
"juice" plants report shipping many carloads, all of them
to points west of the Mississippi, which territory will
consume all the factories with their present equipment
can produce. Beer made Milwaukee famous and the
loganberry promises to do the same thing on a larger
scale for Salem and the Willamette valley.
Another crop that gives promise of becoming standard
in the valley, is flax. Through much tribulation and many
serious mistakes we are gradually getting the industry in
shape and it is hoped that by another year it will be be
yond the experimental stage and will be one of our recog
nized industries. A local company has been formed for
the purpose of taking hold of the matter in a businesslike
way, and as it has wide awake hustling businessmen at
its head much can be expected from it.
A review of 1915 and a look into the probabilities of
1916 are indeed encouraging. Salem and the valley have
had a hard row but it looks as though they had it about
hoed to the end, and better things are in sight. At the
same time a study of what the loganberry has dune em
phasises the correctness of the Capital Journal's sug
gestion made recently that every farmer in the valley
should devote a portion of his time to experimenting with
different products, in the hope of finding those that are
best suited to soils and climate and that will bring returns
justifying the prices at which land is held. The logan-
: berry itself came near being a failure just because the
proper use for it was not discovered until last year, and
! then not in time to utilize the crop at remunerative prices.
The result was that many patches were dug up. It was
"experimenting" that caused the value of the logans to be
discovered, and further experimenting will undoubtedly
bring equally profitable results from other sources. Any
-way it is well worth trying.
Should the city of Salem have an ordinance regulating
the glaring lights? Alderman Roberts thinks it should.
But why? Salem now has a string of ordinances as Jong
as a houri's dream, and no attention whatever is paid to
any one of them, by anybody. Another one or two will
probably be just as harmless.
Hughes has no tact as compared to the vote-catching
' colonel. He appears before the Nebraska farmers in a
white vest and snowy collar, , where Teddy would have
assumed a hickory shirt and bandana neckwear. Teddy
was a great faker but he had, and has, a keen under
standing of human nature.
Iowa's corn crop this year is larger than the banner
yield of last year by some 62,000,000 bushels. The govern
ment estimate this year is 365,000,000 bushels, or a prod
uction equaling a million bushels a day for the entire
year, while that last year was o0:5,000,000. ' It would give
to every man, woman and child in Germany and Austro
Hungary nearly five bushels each. It would give to each
of them three quarters of a pound a day for a year and
would practically almost support them so far as keeping
them in a good substitute for bread is concerned. .
In value at present prices it represents about $275,
000,000. The gold production of California in its palmiest
days was less than one-fifth of this sum, yet these Iowans
produce it without any of the wild excitement that accom
panied the production of one-fifth the values from the
gold mines.
It emphasises the fact that the United States is the
greatest agricultural country in the world, and demon
strates that the assertion that "we can feed the world,"
is no idle boast. With intensified farming as practiced in
Europe and the whole available lands in cultivation, we
could produce three, perhaps four times our present
crops, and literally feed the universe.
Of course corn is Iowa's leading crop, but it is far
from being her sole one. She raises an immense quantity
of wheat and other cereals, potatoes galore, and hundreds
of other things.
As a result of this banner crop it is stated that the
state will, in the near future, increase her automobile
supply which is now one to every fourteen persons, by
seven per cent and will have one for each thirteen of
population. You see in old times it was sufficient to esti
mate one's wealth by money, but in these days it can only
be properly measured by the number and character of
the bubble wagons one owns. By this standard Iowa is
the richest state in the union.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SGS
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
A friend calls attention to the fact that the laws con
cerning Canada thistles are not observed, and that in
consequence this worst of all farm pests is getting a
strong hold in the valley. It is one of the pests most dif
ficult to get rid of because it grows fromthe root like a
potato, and wherever a piece of it is dropped there it
takes hold and there it stays, ready if its roots are broken
to extend the sphere of its usefulness. We will publish
the law concerning it soon; but if it is given the same
observance Americans give other laws, it will be a waste
of time and printer's ink to do so. The average American
likes apparently to know what any law is so he will know
how most flagrantly to break it. Outside of that there is
little use of making more laws, and the legislature and
city councils might, so far as that branch of their business
is concerned, go out of business.
Federal Judge Rellstab yesterday issued an injunction
restraining the board of commissioners of Jersey City
from preventing the shipment through the city of ex
plosives, by the Canadian Car and Foundry company.
The embargo was declared after the recent terrible ex
plosions at Black Tom. Under the ruling the stopping of
this kind of shipping is declared illegal and the transpor
tation through the city of dangerous explosives can be
carried on as heretofore. The question arises, "Have
citizens of this country any rights a federal judge is
bound to respect. This decision coming on top of some
from the supreme court, the forfeited land grant cases
on which Justice Hughes passed for example force the
answer to be in the negative.
The press correspondents are working hard and earn
ing their money in an honest effort to start a real Hughes
boom, but it is up hill work. So far Mr. Hughes has
found no real live issue, and does the best he can with a
poor case by attacking his opponents. His campaign is
being made on a negative basis, and consists entirely of
fault-finding. All the press agents in the country can't
enthuse it unless he furnishes it the powder. Like some
of the European countries at the beginning of the war;
he is shy of munitions.
"We killed a thousand Germans," remarks the daunt
less Russ; "this sort of thing determines the victory for
us. We captured many rifles, a mortar and a bomb, and
other warlike trifles, which shows we're go
ing some." "As frolicsome as kittens we
marched into the fray, and slew ten thous
and Britons," the fighting Germans say.
Each dav we read the storv of death and all
its works, of Frenchmen dead and gory, of
dessicated Turks, ine Prussian ana tne
Roman go forth to fight each morn; per
haps they shear the foeman, and maybe
they are shorn; the sum of all their striv
ing, is useless empty, vain: The warriors
surviving mav brae of those they've slain.
Far better would be boastiner of fields of oats and rye, of
corn ears fit for roasting, and pumpkins ripe for pie; of
orchards nobly bearing, and gardens filled with greens,
and hardy vines a-wearing a wealth of Lima beans, of
large green watermelons grown in ine xertiie muo dui
kings and kindred felons are not yet tired of blood.
The best story of the year thus far is
that of the loganberry crop.
A man livSlig near Salem has made a
success of bean culture. It is suspect
ed that some of his ancestors came ironi
eastern Massachusetts.
The Lojus are concerned principally
with the pennant crop. While the har
vest is largely up to them, the fact
should not be lost sight of that a certain
amount of responsibilty in the matter
devolves upon the public.
PnwHpr is lower in nricp. Verv few
of us, uowevcr, are given to tne prac
tice of eating powder. It is bad. for the
digestion, swelling too rapidly.
Although some of us, in our younger
days, have been known to eat face pow
der. But not because we were hungry
tor the powder.
Not nil figures are dry, as stated by
a school boy. Observe those at River
side Dip for instance.
A thoughtless chap run across one of
the halls in the supreme court building
yesterday, and three separate and dis
tinct voices said "tut, tut."
Happiness is not iu some people. A
Salem man broke into a cold sweat during-the
heat of yesterday afternoon,
but was he thankful? He was not. He
even continued in a state of peevishness
after lie learned that the report was
without foundation.
David S. Barry
Directs Literary Work of
Repubilcan Committee
Week-End Fare
Its a trip that is well worth the money
Hotel Acommodations are good. Prices
are reasonable. Bathing right now is fine
Daily Trains from
Albany and Corvallis
Leave A Ibany 7:30 A.
" Corvallis 8:05 A.
Ar. Newport 12:15 P.
12:55 P. ex. Sun.
1:40 P. "
6:05 P. "
Ask local agent for other information, or write
JOHNM. SCOTT, Gen. Pass. Agt, Portland
Dnvid S. Barry has been appointed di
rector of the literary bureau of the Re
publican National committee. Mr. Bar
ry, for many years a Washington corres
pondent, was in charge of the literary
bureau in the 3112 Taft campaign. In
IOCS he served under Richard . (.hila-
hnu in the publicity department of the
Republican Nntiounl committee.
Life On the Ocean Wave
Also In Sun Down Islands
This is n story of life on the rolling
wave, written by Arthur Martin, who
is seeing service on the 1'. 8. 8. St.
Louis, to his mother, Mrs. .los. Martin,
114."! Saginaw street, Salem. It is
written from the Hawiinn islands
where it is said the eliuinte is ideal
every day in the year.
Tie writes in part:
"I am now in the land of sunshine
where bananas and coeoanut trees grow
all n round in everybody's front yard.
This place (Honolulu) is known as the
paradise of tne I'aeuic, wnicu i mm
is quite true, when one is used to pay
ine 30 cents a dozen for bauanus and
23 cents for a can of pineapple. Here
you get a big armful of bananas for a
dime and a great mg juicy pineapple
for a nickel.
' Well. 1 have made my first ocean
vovnge and it was a lone one too, and
1 did not get seasick. We sailed 400
miles which means I did not see any
land for seven days. We left Bremer
ton at 5:30 a. m. July 21 and sailed to
Sea'tle, swinging ship on the way. We
left Seattle at 3 p. m. I went on watch
at eight bells and when I came up four
hours later, we were sailing tast Vic
toria B C. I then went to my hammock
and when I got up at 4 in the morning
we were tossing on the breakers and
land waa out of sight.
' We had a pretty stiff time coming
across as we only have about one-third
of a crew and had to work four hours
on and eight hours off the whole trip.
But when we got all straight and went
ashore Saturday July 29. we felt much
" We are coaling ship today. Our
duty here is to flag ships of the torpedo
flotilla rfnd nlso the train shins for the
naval militia. About Animst 25 we are
going for a training cruise with the
militia to Samoa, nTiout 2,000 miles
south of here. We expect to be gone
about 20 dnvs."
Mr. Martin's address is Honolulu, T.
H. ( are V. S. S. St. Louis, via Snn
Will Stop Practice
of Returning Goods
Snn Francisco, Aug. 11. That fa
vorite pastime of many fair shoppers of
taking goods on approval may soon lose
its charm, for city officials are today
considering an ordinance, aimed to stop
it. If the ordinance passes, it will be
necessary to go through inspection by
the health department before articles
of clothing can be taken home on ap
proval, or exchanged after purchase.
Alrendy the practice is in disfavor
with the Retail Drygoods association,
and its members have pledged their
support to Health Officer Hassler in his
move for the measare. It is held an ex
change of clothing after it has actual
ly been tried on is fraught with dan
ger for clerks nnd the subsequent pur
chaser, and that unless it is stopped,
San Francisco cannot be sure of free
dom from infantile paralysis and other
epidemics. The proposed ordinance will
make it a misdemeanor for an estab
lishment to receive returned goods un
less the premises of the person who re
turned them have been examined by
the health department.
' New- York, Aug. 10. By a spectac
ular 500 foot plunge from the Singer
building, the second tallest office
building in the world, Albert Goldman,
sixty years old, Brooklyn, committed
suicide today at noon.-
Thousnnds of office employes in
lower Broadway saw Goldman's body
hurtling through the air and rushed to
the middle of the street where it was
flattened on the brick pavement, a
shapeless mass of flesh and bones..
Does Your Stomach
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Mayr's Wonderful Remedy can real
ly be termed WONDERFUL. No
matter where you live you will find
people who have suffered with Stom
ach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments,
etc., and have been restored to health
and are loud in their praise of this
remedy. It acts on the source and
foundation of these ailments, remov
ing the poisonous catarrh and bite
accretions, taking out the inflamma
tion from the intestinal tract and
assists in rendering the -same anti
septic. Sufferers are urged to try one
dose which alone should relieve your
suffering and convince you that Mayr's)
Wonderful Remedy should restore you
to good health. Put it to a test today.
Send for booklet on Stomach Ailments
to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, 158
Whiting St., Chicago, or better still,
obtain a bottle from your druggist. J.
C. Perry, 115 South Commercial street.
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