Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 11, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Loads, of reliable and wanted Merchandise, priced so reasonable and low that you really cannot afford to miss
the chance. Scores of shrewd customers, looking for GENUINE SAVING OPPORTUNITIES, are daily crowding
our big store, for the thousands of bargains, real bargains, displayed on every counter, table and shelf.
New Fall Suits $6.65, $9.65 and $14.65
$1.50 Voile Waists 88c
$1.25 House Dresses 79c
$5.00 Middy Sweaters $2.95
$6.00 White Serge Skirts $1.98
Large size Bedspreads . . . . 74c
Seamless Sheets, 72x90 . . . . . 59c
36-inches wide fine bleached Muslin, yard 9q
8-4 heavy quality bleached Sheeting, yard 29c
S6-inches wide Percale, all colors, yard .'.11c
36-inches wide new striped Suiting, yard . . . . .27'2c
25c white Lace Cloth for Dresses and Waists, yd. 9c
36-inches wide Curtain Scrim, yard 17c
65c Silk striped Voiles and Foulards, yard . .". . . 29c
36-inch Silk and Cotton Crepe, reg. 60c, for yd 37c
10c and 12c Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, yard . . . . 5t
5c Pearl Buttons, dozen . 3c
10c Pearl Buttons, dozen 5c
10c and 15c fine Toilet Soap 7c
R. M. C. Crochet Cotton ..... j 8c
Safety Pins, 2 dozen for 5c
Dexter's Knitting Cotton, ball 4c
O. N. T. Thread ....4c
Hooks and Eyes, 2 dozen for 4c
15c Talcum Powder : .......... 9c
Ladies' fine Handkerchiefs 4c, 7c and 9c
75c Corsets, all sizes 49c
$1.50 Corsets, all sizes 98c
Closing Out Trimmed and Sport Hats, values to
$5.00 for 98c
5c Lace Insertion, yard lc
6c Lace Edging, yard 3c
10c Embroidery, yard 5c
Men's Sox, black and tan : 9c
Men's Work Sox 5c
Men's Sport Shirts 59c
$1.00 and $1.25 Boys' Knee Pants ............. 65c
Firm That Bought Chicago
Store Stock May Conclude
to Remain
Gale & Co., who bought the baikrupt
Chicago Store stock, have become so
impressed with the business possibili
ties of Salem that they are contem
plating establishing themselves here
permanently. Under the present organ
ization, the firm is composed of M.
Gale, J. ('. Brill and Lawrence dale.
Sir. Gale the senior member of the
firm spent eight years on a North
Dakota homestead ami eight years as a
farmer in Clackamas county. About
20 years ago he established a business
in Portland where he successfully con
ducted it until about three years ago
when he sold out. Mr. Gale attributes
his success in business to the fact that
he himself was originally a farmer and
a bard workingmnn. Under these cir
cumstances he was in a better position
to understand the needs and wants of
the farmer and workingman, which in
his opinion are the main support of a
successful business.
Mr. Brill was in business in The
Dalles until recently. He has been as
sociated with largo concerns in the
dry goods business also in the manu
facturing of ready-to-wear garments
for women and children in New York,
San Krnncisco and Portland. Mr. Brill
made a special studv of scientific man-
aeement. buying and selling. Under
this svstem, he claims, the cost of dis
tribution of merchandise, or in other
words the cost of retuiling is reduceil
to a minimum and a great saving to
the consumer is affected. He said that
tha modern merchant is awakening to
I this fact and that large concerns all
lover the country are engaging expert
systcninti.ers for the reorganization or
their business.
Lawrence Gale, the junior partner of
the firm has been associated with his
father while in business in Portland.
Japanese Come to
Get an Education
San Francisco, Aug. 11. The Japan
ese school boy has been vindicated. Up
on no less authority than Masamiiio
Hnnnihiirn, Japanese consul general and
that of other well informed Japanese,
it is announced today that the Japanese
population of the United States is de
eiininir. Thev state that more Japanese
are leaving America than are arriving
here because the majority of those who
come here do so with the sole purpose
of securinir an occidental university or
school training and then return to Nip
There, are but few exccptioss to this
rule, according to Hannihara.
Willamette Valley News
Hayesville News 1
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Hnvesville. Aug. ii Miss T'ueodosin
Teel visited friends at Brownsville the
past week, returning home Monday.
. Howard Zimmerman is practicing
lnw and is now located at Astoria.
Mrs. Christiansen mid two daughters
if Portland are visiting the former's
ister, Mrs. .lorgenson.
Mr. ami M.rs. L. T. Reynolds spent
Holiday in Salem with relatives.
Albert Stettler is working at the
Cherry Citv flouring mi'.ls.
Miss Lottie McAfee left Wednesday
for Can non Beach, she is to tie accom
I .anied by Miss Hazel I'lympton of
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Privstt visited
Mrs. Privctt's brother at Fruitland o
V. D. Greig and family visited Mrs.
Greig s sister at Dallas over Sunday
picking for the juice factory last Mon
day which lasted a little over four
weeks. The patch is being turned over
to the packers to supply themselves
with berries and juice.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan spent Satur
day and Sunday in Snlcm, returning
home Monday afternoon.
W. E. Way and wife left Monday
morning for a few days' outing in the
Mrs. H. D. Thomas, of Portland, is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley
Tnomas, of this place.
St. Louis Items
' (Capital Journal Special Service.)
St. Louis, Ore., Aug. 11. Gravel haul
ing will soon be ended a til the roads
will be much improved.
Evergreen berry picking will soon be
I in full blast here.
I Ken Manning, of Portland, was up
The Misses Mendelhall of Brooks are;ast Sundav looking after his interests.
visiting at the home of F. Tyrrell. . Charley LeBrun and family went to
While picking cherries on Thursday ! wilhoit last Sunday in their new Max
Galen Siddall fell off f.ie tree breaking wei CBT .
kin le st the ankle, he was taken at u. Tillie MeCormick. of California.
once to the doctor an.i is reported R; visited her father, Prosper Lashnpelle,
getting along nicely, But win noi oe:iast Saturday and Suuday.
Oscar Mallard worked for Farriiig
ton one day this week hauling hay.
Mr. and Mis. S. Stoessels daughters
archere visiting from Portland tins
Mrs. S. J. Burdick was a Mchamu
visitor this week.
Wm. Titice was visiting at the home
of H. F. Shier Sunday, from West Stay-
Mrs. Charles Stevenson is able to use
her arm once more.
Mr. and Mrs. Klme.r illatt were
Lyons visitors Sunday.
'M,ehama had a W. C. T. U. meeting
this week.
Mrs. Kenton visited Mrs. Stoessel
vesterdav afternoon.
Marion News
fihle walk for some time.
Paul Gronke is at home after spend
ing a short time in California.
The young people had a social at the
tennis court on Saturday eve. A good
l!m. i rpivirted.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. White visited
the former's sister at Pratum on Sun-
,,IIV- . . , .
Igan berrv picking is just about
finished in this locality, this week will
end- it.
Rev. Lawnice preached here on Sun
dav, both morning and evening.
The tennis club will iiold au ice
,-reani social at the school house on
Saturday eve, Aug. 12th.
The Ladies Missionary society met
at the church on Wednesday p. m.
Rosedale News'
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Bosedale, Ore., Aug. 10.-S.fc.Uard-ner
and wife, of Portland, visited their
daughter, Mrs. Hadley, Sunday, return,
ing home in the evening.
O. M. Tompkins, of Lents, Ore., were
visitors at the Friends church Sunday,
Also dinnered at the Hadley home, re
turning home in the evening.
Mrs. Myrtle Russell, of Marion, spoke
at the Friends ehureh Sunday at 11 a.
m. A good time was enjoyed by all in
Mrs. Clara Browning, of near Port
land, is visiting relatives and friends
here, will return home this week.
Ida Bates returned home Saturday
from a four weeks' visit with relatives
and friends in Iowa. She accompanied
lier father on his trip there as his health
was poorlv.
W. A. Gretton finished his berry
A laree number from here intend to
take in the picnic to be held at Wood
burn next Sunday.
Fairfield News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Fairfield, Aug. 10. Mr. aud Mrs. C.
J. Zerzan motored to Cottage Grove
from Ak-Sar-Ben on Sunday, returning
to Portland Friday.
Miss Inez Mahoney is visiting at
Miss Rita Marthnlcr is spending her
vacation at the coast with tJe Durnette
W, W. Mahony was a Salem visitor
on Friday.
The picnic at St. Louis was attend
ed by a large crowd from all parts of
the country.
Miss Bessie Roeawav is visiting her
aunf and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. N. Sahn.
JFreeman Marthaler has-' returned
from Portland after a two weeks' vis
it. Twenty wagons are hauling gravel
from the Mahony bar.
Louia Fancier went to Salem Friday.
Mehama News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Mehama, Aug. 11. C. Newbill, Fred
Ballard and R. F. Shier returned to
Cedar Crek mines Monday morning.
Orin Morris returned Tuesday even
ing from the berry patch with a nice
lot of black berries.
The Salem camp fire girls returned
to Salem from Taylor's grove wre
thev have been spending a week of
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Murion, Aug. 11. The lognn berry
crop in this vicinity is all harvested.
The pickers in the Enos Presnall patch
finished their work for this year last
Thursday. That evening Mr. Presnall
invited them all back and treated them
to watermelon and ice cream. A tew
others were also invited in making a
total of about 73 including the chil
dren. During the evening several mus
ical selections and some recitations
were given which added to the pleasure
of the occasion and we believe every
one had an enjoyable time.
U. Terhune has purchased n new
Ford car and the family are enjoying
many short trips to surrounding towns
and nearby summer resorts.
Glen Wagner and family are enjoy
ing a visit with relatives in Forest
L. . Russell was home with his fam
ily over Sunday, returniug to his work
in Scott s Mills Manduy morning, lie
hopes to be home for good the last of
next week.
The new blacksmith shop which is
being built is nearing completion and
promises to oe a nrst class snop.
here, has sold out his storp to Mr.
Nichols of near Crabtree. Mr. Nichols
takes possession immediately.
The local Evergreen grange had n
very pleasant meeting last Saturday.
Four new members were initiated at.
that time.
Parole Board Recommends
Conditional Pardons
Conditional pardons have been
recommended by the state aarole board
for Hancon Rostad, convicted for forg
ery committed while in the employ of
the Multnomah State bank at Lents, C.
H. Griggs, who is serving a term from
Multnomah county for assault and rob
bery, and Joe Wulburu, sent up from
Wasco county for burglary. The board
hns also recommended paroles for the
Peter Bruno, . serving a term from
Multnomah county for assault with in
tent to rob; Thomas Kirk, serving a
term from Multnomah county for ob
taining: money by false pretenses; Bar
ney Douglas, serving a term from Uma
tilla county for burglary not in a
dwelling; J. C. Rooney, serving a term
from Union county for burglary; J. E.
Wallace; serving a term from Linn
county for larceny in a dwelling;
George Harris, serving a term from
Malheur county for burglary; George
Miller, serving a term from Uma
tilla county for larceny not in a
dwelling: Dick Garrett, serving a
term from Crook county for lur
ceny; .lames iioore, serving a term
from Crook county for receiving
stolen property, and John Montanya,
serving a term from Multnomah county
for assault with intent to rob.
The Woodburn factory of the pheas
ant Fruit Juice company closed down
Monday night for the season after
a very successful run, the result being
71,000 gullons of loganberry juice stored
in the Coe building.
Manager W. L. Bentley is well satis
fied with results and says that next
year there will be a bigger demand
than ever for the famous "Phez" drink
which as it becomes known will be pop-
lulur in every corner of the United
States.' It is already lessening impor
tations of liquors in this stute, and al
though it is a temperance drink, it goes
to fhc spot. The company is receiving
orders from ull over the country and,
notwithstanding its large product of lo
ganberry juice, it is doubtful if it can
meet the deniiuid until next season,
when there will be a bigger crop of lo
ganberries in this section.
Manager Bentley this season paid
out over )2,ulM for help at the factory
and 2i!,7l)0 for berries. Fully S,l)00
of this sum went to the pickers and
nil of the 4211,700 was circulated in this
immediate section. Independent.
Tub Must Make Good
or Return to Coast
San Krnncisco, Aug. 11. If "Tub"
Spacer fails to fulfill expectations and
returns to the (oust league from De
troit, will he go to Vernon or Sun
Francisco f
Baseball fans asked this question to
day in speculating over the possibility
of the Seals acquiring the cutcher. It
s believed Spencer would scarcely
care to return to Vernon, where he re
cently had a row with Manager Pat
It is also pointed out that it was on
Harry Wolverton's recommendation
that the player went to Detroit and
that the Seals have a strong working
agreement with Detroit.
To remove freckles, blotches or any
complexion difficulty, the best thing to
do is to remove the skin itself. This is
caily and harmlessly done by the ap
plication of ordinary mereolized wax.
the wax peels off the defective outer
W. J. Hadley of Turner was in town Hnn, a little each day, gradually bring-
Wednesday on business Bnd to attend
the monthly business meeting of the
Friends church of which he is a mem-j
ber. I
Eli Davidsonis the happy father of
a baby boy, born Aug. ith. The moth
er and babe are doing nicely.
Mrs. L. C. Russell went to Rosedale
Sunday to fill the pulpit ' for ' the
Friend there, their pastor being ab
sent that week.
The housewives here are busy can
ning beans for tiie winter. The gard
ens are all looking well as a result of
the lote rains.
Miss Hilda Thomas is visiting rela
tives in the Capital city.
The Russell brothers have started ont
with their threshing machine to begin
work on the what crop, which is very
unml this vear.
Miss Esther CouNon of Scotta Mills
is siiending a few weeks with ier
friend, Mrs. L. C. Russell.
Mr. Dunbar, one of our merchants Hep.
ing the second layer or skiu to view.
The new skin is beautifully soft, clear,
white and voung looking. Just procure
an ounce of- mereolized wax at any
drug store and use like cold cream
Jarrett Todd, a capitalist of M-
Miunville. who arrived in the city yes
terday afternoon to visit relatives,
took a presidential straw vote on the
nest side train of the Southern Pa
cific on the way up the valley.
He had provided a bullot box ami
ballots before leaving home,- and dis
tributed the ballot to all the pussen
gers and train' men. All voted except
two or tore of the passengers and aiie
of the train men. The result of the
vote was as follows: Wilson 44
Hughes 31; Hanlv ruhibiaion eandi
date) 4; "Teddy" 1. line ballot was
marked "socialist." Eugene Register,
Loganberry Pickers
can spend your money to
advantage by purchasing
Men and Boys' Clothing
Shoes, Hats, Etc. at
Brick Bros.
The Store that guarantees every purchase.
Corner State and Liberty Streets.
'0nyx'9 Hosiery
You Get GOOD Vila at ANY Prlc SUV, Uile Cotkx JSc to S5.H m pair
Emery -Beers Company, lite.
ISS-ltl EAST 14th ST.
A Skin Like Velvet riauS
Use the exquisitely fragrant cream of
the beauty flower of India and be
complimented on .your complexion.
Your dealer lias Eluaya or will get it.
PniiJinl American Sccitiy tr Thrift
It is from
things that
great fortunes
often are
people with
the thrift in
stinct the in
stinct to find
at least one
use for every
thing and two
or three uses
for some
things put
their brains to
work. For instance Judge Martin li.
Moran of Alaska, plans to import
Angora goats to that territory to feed
on the reindeer moss which grows
plentifully there. Judge Moran sees
a great future in the Angora indus
try. Three million acres oh loggcd
off lands in Western Oregon and
Washington are being cleaned by
these goats and at the same time they
furnish meat and Angora wool, the
importation of which has been cut
down by the war. Angora wool is a
staple and brings from $1 to $8 a
pound raw, the first grades being
used in the manufacture of the most
expensive grades of mohair and
German thrift has found a new
use for the Kansas sunflower. Ger
mans have discovered that sunflower
flit Is a good substitute for the olive
Jxtract and mucn less expensive.
(Therefore, many people are now plan-
ntng"i n raising large qualities of sun
flowers and no doubt the children
will find this a new field for thrift,
as they require no care and will grow
in any marshy land. Nature in the
form of sunlight will be the fertilizer.
Another source of money that is
now going fj waste in this country is
peanut shells. A Southern business
man, however, was thrifty enough to
find a use tor tlicm so thev are now
ground and used in Pittsburgh fot
polishing tinplate. and alter that the
oily substance is sold in packages as
sweeping compound.
Luck does not figure in fortunes
made from such small beginnings any
more than it figured in Rus.rll Sage's
fortune. Mr. Kussell iiage always
said there was no such thing as luck,
for he started out as a grocery clerk
at one dollar a week. But he was
contented and ambitious and as his
wages slowly increased he saved al
ways a little, till at the age of twenty
one he had a store of his own. Later
lie sold the store and went to New
York where he took a place as office
boy at very tow wsrcs. But he
worked himself steadily up until he
became a financier himself. Mr. Sage
believed that any one could succeed
if he would, but that most young men
are not anxious to rise. Of course,
he said, if they found themselves rich
they were glad, but they were not
willing to work and make themselvei
rich. "I never knew any one," Mr.
Sage is quoted as saying, "to obtain
tasting wealth without lots of hrj
work" , -
lllllll :
Chicago, Aug. 11. Declaring their S
belief in Hcv. R. 8. F. Fairdner, who Is
started tongue wagging gossip when lic 'S
befriended ft girl picked up uy the po-!S
lice, friends of the minister today wired ;5
him at Detroit, that they would stand J
by him. '
Uftirnner went to the assistance or s
Miss Anna Htearns,' Kansas City, s
charged with failure to pay her hotel jS
bill. The gossip that followed led to Is
his disappearance from Chicago. Ho E
was locuted in Detroit yesterday. jS
Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. II. Chica-'S
go's team of printers wmi the chain- S
pionship of the Union Printers Nation- EE
al Baseball tournament here this after- (S
noon by defeating the team from
Cleveland 7 to 5. . jr
The Chicago team this morning won;;
from New York 5 to .
Hcnbriglit, N. J., Aug. 1 1. (Icorge. S
M. Church this afternoon defeated It. S
Lindlev Murray, the I'alo Alto tennis ;
player in straight sets for the privi-.SS
lege of challenging R. Morris Willinms S
for the Achelis cup. The seore whs' E
you Need 'Em
We Print Em
We Print 'Em Right
We Price Em Right
'Nuf Sed !
Cbc DailDitpiial ifonmal
6 4, t-24 4.