Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 11, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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The marriage of Miss Thcodosia Ben
fret and Charles I). Martin of Portland
took place this evening; at 5:30 o'clock
t the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Bennett, lO.iO
(.hemeketa street. The Rev. Davis
Errett of Athena, Oregon, officiating.
' Mrs. N. Ij. Zimmerman (Charlotte
Feelye) of Portland was matron of
honor and little Miss Francclla Mad--dock
also of Portland acted as flower
Paul Bennett a brother of the bride
was best man. The house was a veri
tabl bower of (rani en flowers, a color
scheme of pink and white being dc
veloped with sweet peas, clematis and
other fragrant blossoms. The wedding
inarch was plaved bv Miss Lncile
KuntK. Before the ceremony Miss
Mabel Stewart of Portland sang "I
,IOve You Truly" and Mrs. ... P. Bab
rack and Miss Smith sang Mendel
oahon's Bridal Chorus. "
Following the ceremony a reception
was held. Mrs. (j rover Bellinger and
Miss Bubio Hammcrstrom of Astoria
'nerved the ices and the Misses Mandic
Martin Mary Belle . Rainhart, Olive
Heckley, Amelia Babcock, Alice Baker
and Barbara Steincr assisted.
To Lydia E. PinkhamVVeg'
etable Compound.,
'Washington Park, 111. "I am the
mother of four children and have suf-
i fered with female
trouble, backache,
nervous spells and
the blues. My chil
dren's loud talking
and romping would
make me so nervous
I could just tear
everything to pieces
and I would ache all
over and feel so sick
that I would not
want anyone to talk
to me at times. Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re
stored me to health and I want to thank
you for the good they have done me. I
have had quite a bit of trouble and
rorry but it does not affect my youth
ful looks. My friends say ' Why do you
look so young and well ? ' I owe it all
to the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies."
Mrs. Robt. Stopiel, Moore Avenue,
"Washington Park, Illinois.
We wish every woman who suffers
from female troubles, nervousness,
backache or the blues could see the let
ters written by women made well by Ly
dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
If you have any symptom about which
you would like to know write to the
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass., for helpful advice given free of
' After a wedding trip of about
days, Mr. and Mrs. Martin will be at
home in Portland. -
Among the out of town guests asked
to the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs.
Huston -Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Legg, Miss Verna Legit, Muster Floyd
Legg, Mr. and Mrs. June McCuen,
(June Sampson), Mr. and Mrs. . A.
Bullock, Dr. and Mrs. M. L, Zimmer
man, (Charlotte Seeley), Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Albie, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bostie
(Erma bVhumway), Mrs. Mabel Stew
art, Mr. and Mrs. Volcie Jones, Paul
Ben net, all of Portland; Mr. unci Mrs.
Penn Cromwell, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Martin or i,os Angeles; .Mr. aad .Mrs.
H. O. Booth, Mr. ami Mrs. W. J. Rob
inson, of Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. P. B.
Mad. lock, the Misses Owenn and Fran
cella Muddock of Seaside; Mr. and Mrs.
King Darlington of Missoula, Mont.;
Hcv. and Mrs. Bullock (Beulah Clark)
of Denver; Mr. and Mrs. James Heed,
Mr. and Mrs. Mary S. Sturgis, Mies
Ethel Headley of La Center, Wash.;
Miss Blowen Davies and Miss Rubie
Hammerstrom of Astoria; Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace G. Trill (Gussie Booth)
of Wallowa, Or.; Miss Maurine Samp
son of Honolulu; Miss Minnie Muscher
of Silvertun, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
McNeese of Caniusj Idaho.
Honoring Miss Susie Paige of Port
land, who has been her house guest,
Miss Lucile Kmmons gave a gay little
motor picnic on Wednesday evening,
Miss hmmoiis took her guests to
Spong's landing for the evening.
Those asked to participate in the
gayetics were the Misses Gertrude Kak
in, Carrie Cooksey, Kuth Hodge, Lulu
Heist, Marion Emmons, Ha Clark and
hva ilogue and Lina Heist.
. I,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Woodruff, ac
companied by their son and Uuughter-in-luw,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jenkins,
and small son of bugene, lett Thursday
for a motor trip to Mt, Rainier and
other picturesque points.
Miss Regina West hns returned from
Cannon Beach, where she was the guest
of her brother and sistr-in-law, ex
Governor and Mrs. Oswald West ot
Mrs. Arthur Benson has as her house
guest her sister, Miss Pearl McGregor
of Seattle.
Mrs. Fannie Blosser and . daughter,
Miss Cora Blosser, who have been vis
iting at the David Steiner home in
Polk county for a few weeks, will re
turn tu Portland tomorrow.
Mrs. LeRoy Brown (Belle Xilcs) and
small duughter, Mary buuise,who have
been visiting the former s mother,
Mrs. Ida L. Niles for the past month
returned to tiieir home in Portland to
day. Last week Mr. Brown joined his
family lor an over Sundav visit.
Miss Mignoa Oliver arrived Thurs
day evening from Seattle tor a weeks
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Oliver.
Wedding Invitations, Announcements
and Cal'iug Cards Printed at the Jour
nal Job Department.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackae
proves it 25c at all druggists.
is in the
President Wilson Says It Will
Prove International
W. S. Griffis of Sheridan
city transacting business.
Phillip Wheeler left yesterday for a
few weeks' visit at Seaside.
C. H. Pruncr was in Portland yester
day, registered at the Seward.
Miss Maggie Huffman left this
morning for an outing at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Albert are
visiting a few days near Seattle.
Mrs. Frank Powers and two children
left today for a few weeks' visit at;
Newport. j
Miss Etta Mulvey of the Barnes
store returned this morning from her
summer vacation.
V. Sommerville and Chas. Hoffman
of Albany were registered yesterday at
the Capital hotel.
Miss Marie Hovedebo returned yes
terday from an auto camping trip in
the Tillnmoon country.
Miss Smith of tne Barnes store will
leave tomorrow evening for
Surinsis and Pueblo. Colorado.
Miss Bessie Singleton or Portland is
visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah
Holiinson on her return from Coos nay.
K. J. Moore, siijicrintendent of Lane
county schools, was in the city yester
day conferring with the state superin
O. K. Price of the Trice shoo store
and family returned th",s morning from
nn auto tour of the Tillamook country
and the Columbia Highway,
W. E. Baxter and family of Spray,
Oregon, who have been visiting a few
days at tne home or r. Ij. c razier, jen
this morning for the seaside.
O. E. Franzke and family who have
been on an automobile camping trip
in Washington and British Columbia,
will return tomorrow evening.
Frederick T. Presley, of Salem,
Mass., arrived here Inst evening to
pass a couple of weeks with rnenas.
He lived here 12 years ago and has
many acquaintances in this vicinity.
Koseburg Keview.
fnlTnT UttlKV NEWS
wwu iiuwuii niiiiu
Manufacturers tell us, that because of scarcity of
raw materials, the high price of linen is baund to
Genuine Imported Linen is not a scarce article in our
Linen Department. Our line was complete before the
, advance in price.
Therefore our Prices are substantially, the same
We offer, then, for your consideration, a splendid as
sortment of Table Linens in various attractive pat
terns, from 64 to 72 inches in width, and in seventeen
different values beginning at 50c per yard and run
ning to $3.35 per yard. Each of these seventeen
different values represents an excellent bargain.
Unbleached Linen
For those who prefer
cheaper values we sug
gest the inspection of
our Unbleached Lineng,
which are of heavy ma
terial andleach easily.
We present them at the
reasonable prices of
50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25
per yard.
Art linens
Our complete assort
ment of Fine Embroid
ery and Art Linens is
especially, attractive to
all lovers of needle
work. This line includes
both the bleached and
the n a t u ral colors.
Bleached from 55c to
$2.25; Natural colors
from 25c to $1.25.
A report of the appraisers in the es
tate of W. L. Paterson, who prior to
his death conducted the cigar store at
the corner of Stato and Comcmrcinl
streets in this city, has been filed with
the county court. The total value of
the estato is given as 2,900.9R, 2.800
of which is the proceeds of a life in
surance policy. The appraisers arc
Marvin Cabler, Louis Lachmund and
Thomas Ordeman.
Washington, "Aug. 11. President Wil
son and Secretary of State Lansing to
day indicated the official interest of
this government in the new arrange
ment for the interchange of news be
tween North and South America.
President Wilson said:
"I think I can say with definite
knowledge of the facts that the people
of the United Statesdcsire to know the
people of the South American republics
better. . Although neighbors geographi
cilly, lack of ready communication has
constantly threatened to make us
strangers. La Nacion and tne united
PresB seem to be removing thiB menace
of misunderstanding for in no way can
we become so well acquainted as
through the easy processes of every day
news. ' '
Secretary Lansing said:
"The arrangement made between the
r'ninrxini United Press of this country and La
Hacion. one of the great journals or
South America, for the exchange of
news, is most gratifying proof of the
increased demand for more intimate
knowledge of one another which is so
prevalent today in all the American re
publics. It evidences the success of the
Pan-American movement to which the
government of the United States is so
earnestly devoted. A wider acquaint
anceship between the sister republics of
the western hemisphere will do so mucn
to foster the friendship and mutual in
terest which found expression in the
spirit animating the second Pan-American
scientific congress which met in
Washington last winter. There can be
no doubt of the benefits to be derived
from this interchange of knowledge and
those whose enterprise has increased the
facilities for such interchange are ren
dering valuablo public service to the
peoples of North and South America
It's Great Tor AIL
New York, Aug. 11. Frank A. Van
derlip, president of the National City
bank, which has a branch in Buenos
Ayres today expressed great satisfac
tion at the completion of arrangements
for the interchange of news between
North and South America.
"I have learned with the greatest in
terest of the extension of the United
Press service to South America," said
Vandcrlip, "and I believe the reciprocal
relations between the United Press and
La Nacion mark a real step in the pro
motion of a closer union of the vital
interests of the United States and the
great republics of the south. I wish to
congratulate the United Press associa'
tion and our friends in South America
on this important step."
Alderman Roberts Would
Have Headlights on Autos,
County Judge BuBhey has set August
14 at 10 o'clock a. m., as the time for a
hearing in the matter of Lois Brother
ton, an alleged delinquent child.
Gilbert H. Benjamin, executor, and
Dorilla F. Loughery, executrix, of the
will of the late M. Benjamin, have filed
their final accounts with the county
court, and Soptember 18 has been set
as the date for hearing objections thereto.
A license to marry hns been issued by
tho county clerk to Charles Bernard
Martin, aged 40, of Portland, and Lydia
Thcodosia Bennett, aged 2, of Salem.
Angler's licenses have been issued to
S. A. Harris, of Hopmere: Percy T. Lar
son, of Turner, nnd C. H. Chapman, of
Sulem. Hunter's licenses have been is
sued to Chas. Hansom, of Auinsville; A.
K. Harris, of Salem R. 8, and B. W.
Simeral, of Salem.
For Formal Occasions
Is This Stunning Outfit
Xcw York. The Sunset club, whose
membership comprises women of sixty
years, but a 35 degree temperament are
going to give a musical show and wear
the same kind the pony ballot disports
New York. Henry Tussonbroek, ca
baret singer, wants a divorce, because
he says, his wife shattered his mari
tal ideas and a prized bust of Beethov
en during a display of temper.
Xem lork. With one accord and a
German and Swiss accent, members of
International Stewards association end
ed a three duv convention by voting
abandonment of foreign combinations
and words in menu cards.
Yonkers, X. Y. Reprisals, are the
i vogue in 1 onkers. w hen Clarence
Schwartz was bothered by the noisy
crowing of Mrs. Charlotte Neds roost
er, he bought a clarion voiced parrov
The court is considering-the case.
man Wanted
Wanted A man of good character who has had ex
perience in dry goods lines but can help when needed
in men's department Inexperienced help need not
apply. References required.
Chicago. Beer drinking increased in
twenty per cent here in July. Beer
tax collections show (200,000 more was
spent in July 1816 than in Juiy 11113.
Hot weather was responsible.
Chicago. When Mrs. Katherin Ko
ciski accidentally burned up $250, giv
en her to mind by Steven Joswisk, she
sent the ashes to President Wilson.
Some one told her she would get the
money back.
Weaverville, Cat. Herman Reash
feldt shot J. H. Gallagher twice in the
leg when the latter called for the help
to save his home on Canyon creek from
burning. Reashfeldt says the cries
frightened him.
Richmond, Cal. The only flirting
permissible in a moving picture show
her is that flashed on the screen. Po
lice Judge Jacobs made that plain when
he fined John Julian, who pleaded he
went no further than did a movie hero
Ban Francisco, Cal. A tweet tooth
( K 1
Should the Salem city council pass an
ordinance regulating the glaring lights
on automobiles! . ' r
It is-the opinion of Alderman Roberts
that it should.- He gave voice to this
opinion at the August meeting of the
council, but the suggestion was appar
ently lost in the rush of other and more
immediate matters.
It is stated by those in a position to
know whereof they speak that the lights
on automobiles are a dangerous and un
necessary nuisance. All modern cars
are provided with dimmers, but few
drivers use them, and it is contended
that for the safety of the public their
use should be compulsory. Also car own
ers should be compelled to tilt their
lamps so that the light will strike the
road immediately in front of the car.
Lights uncontrolled not only are blind
ing to those in whose eyes they shine,
but they destroy the pleasure many peo
ple would otherwise take in riding at
night. Many an accident is attributed
to the fact that a driver has been bliud
ea and rendered unable to guide his
car by the light from an approaching
Uncontrolled lights, it is contended,
are forbidden in all well regulated cities
and in many states, where stringent
laws compel car owners to turn down
reflectors on the road in front so that
the center of the glare strikes the road
less than a hundred teet ahead of the
car, which is amply sufficient to guide
the driver. New York and California
are among the stutes which compel the
tilting of the lamps.
There is perhaps no town on the coast
where this regulation is more imperative
than in Salem. The town's many miles
of paved roadway make autoing a fa
vorite evening recreation for many peo
ple, and it is logically held that the
greater the number of autos in use the
greater the danger. It is not improbable
that Alderman Roberts' demand for a
light-regulation ordinance may receive
the serious attention of the council at
an early date.
Get the Round Package
Used for Vi Century.
Ask For and GET
r Caution
PmAvold Substitute,
Made from clean, rich milk with the ex
tract of select malted grain, malted in our
own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions.
Infanta and childrm Arfee on it. Afrett with
th weakest etomaeh of the invalid or the agt,
Need no cooking nor addition of milk.
Nourishes and sustain more than tea,' coffee; etc. '
Should be kept at home or when traveling. Ann-'
tritious food-drink may be prepared in a moment.
A glassful hot before retiring induce rerashiny
Bleef Also in lunch tablet form for business men.,.
Substitute Cost YOU Sam Prfc -
Take a Package Home
City Market
Coal Co.
Ice &
Distilled Water Ice
On account of the backward season we have dctidcd to reduce the price '
of ice greatly. If you are not getting your ice at reduced rates see
us and we will explain the system. Originators of immediate delivery.
We deliver to any part of Salem.
The state highway commission has
approved the contract with Lane coun
ty for the expenditure of SOUO on the
Pacific Highway iu that county. The
contract carries with it a provision for
the expenditure of a like amount by
the county. j
Sixty thousand rainbow 4rout ,have
been, placed in Kngle creek, on the Co
lumbia river highway, 44 miles from
Portland, by the forest service in co
operation with the stae or Oregon.
State Sealer of Weights and Meas
ures Buchtel has been called to Port
land by the death of his father, which I
occurred at 0:45 o'clock last night.
The deceased was nearly 8tt years oldj
and was an Oregon pioneer of 1852. I
Reports made by the Southern Pa-1
cil'ic company to the public service
commission indicate very little change i
in ine car snonage situation. The'
latest bulletin shows a shortage of 445
cars north of Ashland. i
Articles of incorporation were filed)
this morning at the office of the cor-
oration commissioner bv the Sinclair
Mercantile company of Portland, cap-
ital $")000, and by the Coiinille River I
stevedore company or Bandon. cam ml
The anuual report oi the Coos Bnv
Water company of Marshfield was fil
ed with the pntilic. service commission
tins morning. Ine report shows that
the company's surplus lor the year end
ing June 30 was $25!Ki.92.
tion the Public
Towards our Store is evidence of the quality of our
Groceries andthe superior service our Store Main
tains. f"
Try our fresh Fruits and
fresh as from the gardens.
Vegetables always
Get Our Prices on Flour
in Quantities
J. L. Busick & Son
456 State Street
Phone 182
Canital Journal Want Ads Will Get You What You Warn
All shades of purple and wistaria areM
an iqiuri 0iKD) BO irus xcicmng airer-i
noon costume is put up in wistaria satin I
edged with narrow seal. A crushed gir-1
die and triangular pockets set off with I
metal embroidery add a modisn dash I
to the Knssisn blouse of a coat The
huge hat is wistaria velvet.
can figure in a man 's downfall. George
A. Green,- filed a bankruptcy petition
and stated that his debts included
candy bill for 50,
MarysTille, Cal. Donly Gray, A. C
Brown, J. B. Bryden, A. F. Folsom and
Thomas Gianella not only purchased a
whole town for (225, but for SO eents
more purchased the wire fence surround
ing it. The towa was Mission, an aban
doned colony.
Wilmington, Delij Aug. 11. Three
men were killed and two injured in an
explosion ia a press mill of the Pu
pont Powder company at Carney's
Point, N. J., today.
$500.00 GIVEN AWAY