Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 11, 1916, Image 1

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French Strike First Blow, Capturing Railway Station of
Doiran '38. Miles 'North cr Salonika-Athens- Reports
I Great Battle Raging Attempt to Drive Teutons and
r Bulgarians Out of Serbia Bns Russians Still Sweep
By Ed L,
(United Press Staff
London, Aug. 11. Indications that the long expected
offensive of the allies in the Balkans may have begun
were contained in dispatches received here this afternoon.
By a sudden blow on the Doiran front, 38 miles north
of Salonika, French troops have captured the railway
station at Doiran, evacuated by the allies when they re
treated from Serbia last fall. A statement from the
French war office carried this, announcement.
An Athens dispatch to the Central News about the
same hour reported a great battle raging on the Balkan
front. The allies have occupied not only the Doiran
station but high ground adjacent, the dispatch said.
The British war office thus far has made no announce
ment of the beginning of the great drive expected to
sweep the armies of the central empires out of Serbia.
For several days advices from
have reported increasing anxiety at Berlin over rumors
that the allies Balkan offensive was about to begin while
the great triple offensive on the western, eastern and
' Italian fronts was under way.
The allies, Berlin reported, planned to squeeze the
Austro-Gemians and Bulgars by pressure on four fronts
simultaneously, hoping at the same time to draw Rumania
into the war against the Austro-Germans.
The news of the allied success in the Balkans followed
announcement of new and sweeping successes by the Rus
sians in their advance against Lemberg from the south
west. " ' '
The Slavs are crpssisng the Bistritza river three miles
east of Stanislau and have made a rapid advance against
the important city of Halitz, at the same time continuing
their advance on the Sereth river further north with
large captures in prisoners.
The western front has been compnra-
.tively quiet for the past 24 hours, I
though the British war office this after-
noon announced slight additional gains ,
northwest of I'ozieres and near Hazen-
tin-Le-Petit. Rome dispatches also an
nounced further progress in the fight
nig nround Uoritz.
No important fighting has occurred
on the Balkan front since last Decem
ber, when the Anglo-French expedition
ary forces under General Snrrail, retired
from southern Serbia under heavy pres
sure by superior forces of Austro-Ger-jiinns
and Bulgars.
The fighting at Doiran officially an
nounced today is the most important
Balkan engagement since the allied re
treat. Whether it marks the actual be
uiiuiing of the offensive by the British,
French and the reequipped Serbian
army is not yet definitely known.
Keeent reports trom Athens stated
that, a very large part of the Austro-jnn
iermnn troops tnnt uetenuea tne eai-1
knn line had been withdrawn because
o'f the pressure of allied troops on other
The Bulgars, it was reported, had tak
en over the defense of Serbia frem an
nllied invnsiou. It was reported from described as the key to any operation
Berlin two weeks ago that Field Mar-, against the Gnliciau capital from the
nliul Von Mnckensen, who directed the southwest.
Austro-Oermnn Balkan campaign, hadl It was expected that Genernl I.etch
returned lo the" Russian front. I itsky would first take Ktouislau and
The exact number of Anglo-French
A sack o' peanuts is th' oily thing
left that's sellin' at th' ole price.
Folks that love at first sight are gen
erally sorry they didn't look around a
little more.
1 ;
ta ecu,
. respondent.)
German sources, however,
and Serbian- troops concentrated on the
Balkan is not known here,
(Mail advices reaching the United
States said the allies have 600,000 sol
diers in ureece.)
Sweep All Before Them.
Petrograd, Aug. 11. Striking west
ward with amazing rapidity, the right
wing of Genernl I.ctchitsky's army has
reached the Dniester river Bouth of Ma
rinnipol, which is only 10 miles from
the important tpwn of Halitz, it was
officially announced today.
News of this important success tem
porarily overshadowed the advance
against the city of Stanislau, south ot
Hulitz whose fall is now regarded as a
matter of but a few hours. The war
office announced that bridges are being
thrown across the Bistritza river, three
miloa nnuf nf Mtnnialnii nrflnarnfitrv tn
advance on.the city and also report-
ed fresh victories on the Sereth river,
!i0 miles cast of Lemberg, where several
villages nnd woods were captured.
The town of Halitz, lying at the rail
way crossing of the Dniester and but o
miles southeast of Lemberg has been
i then move northward against Hulitz.
I 1 he Austrmns were prepared for a most
stubborn resistance nt the Hulitz
bridgehead, where they expected to
block the crossing of the Dniester nad
a further advance by the czar's troops
against Lemberg.
Made 20 Miles Yesterday.
Letchitsky evidently took the enemy
by complete surprise, throwing n force
across the Zlota Lipa river, northeast
of StaniHlnu, he began a swift advance
agninst Halitz on the north bank of the
Dniestor. The official statement is
sued yesterday placed the advance
guards .'10 miles from Hulitz. Today's
official statement, reported the Dniester
reported south of Mnrinmpol, which is
directly north of Stanislau and only 10
miles from Halitz.
This unexpected maneuver not only is
expected to force the immediate evacua
tion of Stanislau but it also endangers
the position of a large Austro-German
force south of the Dniester.
On the Sereth river front, despite
desperate Austro-German counter at
tacks. General Snkharoff continued his
advance yesterday. Besides capturing
several villnges and woods, the Russians
reached commanding ridce on the
right bank. In the last week the Rus -
sians have captured SOS officers and
13.000 men on this front alone.
The advances continue on the whole
front southeast of Halitz, the war of -
fice announced, the Russians having
((.on tinned on rage evea.j
Portland, Ore., Aug. 11. Can
didate Hughes will speak twice
in Portland next week, accord
ing to arrangements today by
the republican committee in
charge here. His principal ad
dress iB to be in the armory at
8 p. m. A meeting for women
voters only is planned for the
Hughes will probably bo here
next Wednesday, arriving early
in the morning and going on a
trip through the Willamette
valley, delivering rear platform
speeches, during the day.
New Company Organized to
Build Ships for Trade On
the Pacific
Portland, Ore., Aug. 1. Vessels for
Puget Sound, Mexico, Boston and Cali
fornia are to be built by a new company
organized by George K. Hardy, former
executive secretnry of the Portland
chamber of commerce, according to his
plans announced today. Hardy resigned
from the chamber for the purpose of su
perintending the new corporation's Jo
While declinig to reveal the identity
of his financial backers, Hardy declar
ed he- was in communication with a
well known ship builder of Norway. If
his plans go through, this ship builder
will leave Norway and build yards here.
Hnrdy's idea is to build boats of Oregon
pine and fir; and use them for carrying
products of the northwest to the world.
Latest Estimates Give the
Above As Being Approxi
mately Correct
Charleston, W. Va., Aug. 11. The
death list in Wednesday's flood dis
aster will be at least seventy-five, ac
cording to reports from rescue parties
Twenty-five more bodies have been
Many of the militiamen nnd those
nccomiinnying them reported that they
have been unnblo to reach ninny towns
washed out. They are building new
roads to get to them.
It may be Beveral days before fig
ures on all losses ran be determined.
Estimates of property Iobs in the
three vallevs were reduced today. It
will probably not exceed $'J,000,OOO.
The homeless number nbout 12,000.
Does Not Concede Defeat But
Thinks It Probable, Will
Back Rival
Topeka, Kan., Aug. 11. This state's
"fighting woman", Dr. Eva Harding,
probably has been defeated in her race
for the democratic congressional nomi
nation, o
"I believe Corwine has been nominat
ed," Dr. Harding said today, "but I am
not ready to admit my defeat until the
official count is made Tuesday. The
vote is too close for me to be beaten un
oificially. Corwine claims the nomina
tion by'l92 votes."
The Kansas suffragette believes that
if she has foiled to get the nomination
is to due to the "short slghteduess of
the male voters.
If Fev. H. J. Corwine, Dr. Harding's
opponent has won, she will support him.
according to her stntement today.
Dr. Harding has received telegrams
and letters by the hundreds congratu
lating her on what her writers believed
was her nomination.
The Woman's National Suffrage as
sociation wanted to know if she believ
led in woman suffrage and prohibition,
lDr. Harding has belonged to the league
since childhood.
"I wanted to write 'rats' across the
I slip of questions and Bend it back to
1 the association," she said, " they might
fust as well have asked fiusnn B. An-
Ithony if she believed in suffrage for
Say Prices for Flour Will Go
- Higher Unless This
Is Done
National Housewives League
Warn Bakers "Something
Will Drop"
Washington, Aug. 11 Declaring that
unless congress acts the price if bread
will advance beyond the reach of the
average consumer, the National Assoc
ation of the Master BuUers today peti
tioned the house and senate to impose
an embargo on wheat.
At the same time it was announced
at the office of the Federal Trade com
mission that Vice Chairman Hurley
who left for Chicago last night, had
Bone armed with outhorilv to investi-
cate the proposed increase in bread
prices, agreed to by the Master Bak
ers association.
"The advance in the price of wheat
50 per cent within 30 days, is largely
due to the war in Europe," said the
master bakers' petition.
"It certainly is the part of wisdom
to conserve such wheat supplies as we
have. If no relief is afforded by the
proper authorities, there will Inevitan
lv.be a considerable increase in the cost
of bread. ! i !
"In the name of 40,000,000 users of
bakers bread, we ask an embargo
thrown about the present supply bo ef
fective as to prevent any further ad
vance." .
The petitions -were referred to com
mittees without action. '
Hurley's Chicago trip was not primar
ily to investigate the bread price ques
tion, it was said at the commission of
ficesut he has the authority to take
it up while in Chicago, i'f the action
of the master bakers materializes in
double bread prices.
tiave Great Supplies.
Two government departments today
said they are ready to meet any manip
ulation of wheat or flour the depart
ment of justice and the federal trade
commission. Congress probably' also
would be involved as in the present
gasoline investigation.
"If we find evidence of unfair meth
ods aud price boosting, either by com
nlaint to us. or by our own informa
tion we shall get busy," said Commis
sioner Davies of the federal trade com
The wheat crop this year is expected
to be 654.000,000 bushels. On the basis
,'of 5.3 bushelB per capita a year the av-
lerage consumption with 7a,uoo,uou
bushels required for seed, the require
1 ment would be about 020,000,000 bush
els. This would leave 34,000,000 bushels
for export.
Last year the crop was a record one
1,012,000,0UU busuels. About zau.uuu,
000 bushels were exported. The year be
fore 3113.000.000 bushels went abroad
but the five year average is only 125-,
000,000 bushels. Experts predict that as
Europe accustoms herself to the war,
the demand upon this country will be
less pressing.
The 34,000,000 export margin this
year has excited speculators, the depart
ment men said, causing them to 'forget
that 75,000,000 bushels of lust year's
crop are left in the hunds of farmers
who were unable to dispose of it and
75,000,000 bushels more are in elevators
and warehouses.
Women Give Warning
New York, Aug. 11 First steps in
a nation wide protest nguiust the pro
posal of the bukers ef the country to
raise the price of bread, were made
here today by the National House
wives' League when instructions were
sent to the league officers in every
state in the union to investigate local
conditions and arouse public sentiment
against fie proposed action. -
"Bread is the rood of tne run ana
poor alike and any increase in price is
going to resultin hardships which we
will .not permit wirnoui a protest,
said Mrs. Julian Heath, president of
the league which includes 700,000 mem
bers. "Preparations for our eampaign are
bein? rushed and if the bakers persist
in carrying ut their threat they will
hear from us."
Up 40 Cents in Six Days
San Francisco, Auit. 1 1. The house
wife who bought a fifty pound sack
of flour today paid 2.0.- for it ten
cents more than she paid last Satur
day. An advance of 20 cents a barrel was
announced today by local millers, as
the result of the government crop re
port showing a heavy decline in wheat
production from last year, making 0
total advance of 40 cents in six days.
The best family grades of flour re
tailed at a barrel today.
Millers declared that the latest pric
es are not bv any means the top and
.. . . - ' ....
tnev preutci runner auvances soon u
st 4c sfc it s(s sjc )c st 3c )(c sjc sc sfc sjt )t ic
Washington, Aug. 11. Be
tween September 15 and Octo
ber 1, President Wilson plans to
start a trans-continental cam
paign tour, including probably
many of the cities on the
Hughes' itinerary. He will go
as far as ban Francisco, it was
learned today after Senator
Phelan had called at the White
House to arrange several of the
speaking engagements.
Have Not Been Paid for
Seven Weeks and Many
Are Broke
Headquarters Washington National
Guard, Calexico, Cal., Aug. 11. North
western troopers of the Oregon and
Washington militia who, day by day are
learning to be better soldiers, are also
learning what it is to be poor. And
many agree that it's what Sherman said
war was.
Many guardsmen for the 'first time in
their lives feel the pangs of poverty.
The military camps here are "broke"
because their pay is still tangled in red
tape. I'ncle Mam owes them for two
months work, lacking just eight days.
Financial straits are producing Borne
queer results at the camps here, some
far sighted troopers, with their last rew
dollars invested in tobacco are using
smokes" of any description os legal
tender. A uickel cigar will do the work
of a dime almost uuyfhere within the
Boldiery realm.
The continued presence of the wolf at
the door is getting on the soldiers'
nerves. Colonel William Ingles, com
mander of the Second infantry, Wash
ington National Guard, is understood to
have dispatched a protest to the war de
Company F, Washington,' Infantry,
will be one of the smallest "company
units along the border when school op
ens, i Fifty men will be released under
an order from Major "General Bell so
they may return to the, University of
Wushiugton when it reopens. Members
of this company . have been tabbed
"school boys," "master minds," and
"iddicates" by their comrades.
Illinois Drenched by Near
Cloudbursts Weather
Will Be Cooler
Chicago, Aug. 11. Reports of heavy
property damage and loss of stock in
floods caused by. rains which fell all
lust night throughout Illinois, Iowa and
parts of the middle west were received
here toduv. It is estimated t lint the
Sun Diego, Cut., Aug. 11. O.
B. Stough, W years of age, wus
initiated into the local lodge of
Kllis lust night, making him the
oldest member of the order In
the world.
s(t jfc sc sc )t s(c jc sfc st ifc )c s(c )c sc )t
less tiie rising cost of the rnw grain is
Women Politicians Have
Real Ladylike Scrap Over
Proposal to Back Hughes
Colorado Snrintrs. Colo.. Auff. 11. A
perfectly ladylike scrap was on today in ln '"H I'"ce.
'. ... . . The efforts of Miss Alice Carpenter
the Woman's party conference over theof KooMV,t Womlln., ett(tue, and
organization's policy in the coming cum-, Klizabotk Reed of the Hughes' Worn-
paign. Virtually all lenders are in fa- an's Alliance to obtain pnssuge of rcso-
vor of adopting a ringing declaration j lutions pledging the Woman's party
against 1'resideut Wilson aud democra-! support to the republican nominee seem-
tic congressmen for failing to puss the lea bound to fail. Miss Alice Paul,
Susan B. Anthony federul suffrage founder of tho party and the confer-
amendnient. But the plan of some of ence, said that while all voting women
the lenders also to indorse Charles E. must hope for Hughes' election the Wo-
Hughes and Ijftclc him with the Worn-! mans' party would be more powerful
on s party's souu.uuu enmpuign lunu
was strongly opposed by delegates not : independent.
wishing to .antagonize the prohibition! " By showing the republicans we can
aud socialist parties with platforms fa-1 defeat the democrats with our votes in
voriug national equul suffruge. the 12 suffrnge states," said Miss l'aul,
"Why should we pick out one man! "we would also show the republicans
or onC party for our undivided alleg-jthat we are powerful enough to endan
'lancet" asked Miss Alice l'aul, Mrs. ger their chances of reelection if they
Harriet Stanton Hlach also fnvors the i refuse to adopt the Anthony amend
policy of being against President Wil- ment. Fear is a greater weapon in
on but not for any particular nrcsi-' notifies than cratitude."
dentinl candidate. Mrs. Dora Phelps.
Buell nnd Miss Anne Martin responded
i with the argument
'i u- ll'L;.. u.i
with the argument: " We've got a man
in the White House whom we wish to
Blind for 62 Years Surgeons
Give To Her the Miracle
of Light !
Were Her Words of Greeting
to Sight Greatest Sight
to Come Her Boy
San Francisco, Aug. 11. Dawn poep
ed in the window of the St. Francis
hospital this morning and found a
woman awaiting.
A bird chirped on the window sill.
"So this Is day," mused the woman.
"And that is a bird oh I know it
nnd those are flowers. It is all just
as I dreamed it would be."
"Yes," repeated the nurse, "this
is day and that is a bird and those arc
(lowers. ' '
The woman was Mrs. Mary Josephine
O'Fnrrcll and today she saw daylight
for the first time since she was a year
old. che has been blind for 02 years,
Doctors Aaron and S. L. Green last
night performed the operation that
brought light nut of darkness. All
night she restlessly awaited day bo
that she might enjoy the many things
of which she has heard and visualized
in her years of darkness. For several
days she must be most careful, nurses
say, and guard against strain. She will
be allowed to glance nbout her but a
few times each day until she gradually
becomes accustomed to the light
"And whnt is the most beautiful
thing you hope to' see now t" she was
It is my boy," she answered. "My
great big boy. And be is coming to
see m this afternoon. And 1 am going
to look at him. 1 know how he looks
before I see him though, .but ohl how
I have wanted to ready see him."
Mrs. O'Farrell'B son is t 3. O'Far
rell, a druggist of Santa Clara. He is
3H years of age.
"1 have' not yet seen much," said
Mrs. O'Farrell today. "But we sight
less ones draw many pictures l'rom
what is read to us end described to us.
In a wny.we see and I find so fur that
the ideas we gather in the dark are
not greatly different from those in
real life."
losses will run into the thousands of
At Uockford, III., and districts near
by, houses were demolished' and hay,
wheat and oats stacks were blown
away by the high wind. Street car ser
vice wos abandoned n the afternoon
when the ower plant was put put of
The hardest hit places were at I.a
Sullee, Springvalley and Tiskilwa, III.,
where severe washouts on the Rock Is
land railroad were reported.
Telegraph and telephone communica
tion wns cut off nt several places.
I'arta of Chicago were wrapped in dark
ness Inst night when power wires were
' Htrurted by electrical disturbances.
Nearly half an inch of water fell in
the first fifteen miuutes of the cloud
burst. Tiie weather bureau declared today
the storm broke the heat wave and
that from now it will be cooler.
Cook There's moro crush needed in
the kitchen, nin'um.
M'm;b 1 fl'diddn't think so after
wh it 1 he.ird or i! .his morning.
'put out
But we've got to put some one
in tins campaign u noupnriisuu unit
The opposition to the indorsement of
Huuhes. led by Miss Paul, wns a pre-
liminary skirmish in the appointment
or the resolutions committee.
Brotherhoods Say It Must
Submit Proposition at
That Time
Unless Terms Are Agreed To
WiD Touch Match To
the Dpamite
New York, Aug. 11. The Federal
Board of Mediation and Conciliation
and representatives of trainmens broth
erhoods, including 400,000 railroad men.
of the country agree to delay to submit
ting any final proposition looking to
ward a settlement of demands made by
the men until Saturday morning at 10
Following several conferences held
during the morning, President Stone of
the engineer's brotherhood . indicated
strongly that prompt action must bs
taken by the board, but members of the
board declared they were not ready to
report at present.
Mediator u. vv. vv. uangar men an
nounced that postponement of submis
sion of any immediate proposition bet
We ask that we be given until iuj
o clock tomorrow morning to make our
report," Hangar said.
Upon tho brotherhoo.l representatives
agreeing to this, President Oarretson
of the conductors declured there was...
nothing to do now but wait for th
decision tomorrow. f
' "Must' Have' QutcH: Action
New York, Aug. 1 1. The Federal
Board of Mediation and Conciliation,
has only until tomorrow to present its
final proposition intended to avert a
strike of 400,000 railroad men on 225
railroads of the United States. The
big -four brotherhoods served this no .
tice on the board this afternoon.
"We must have immediate action,"
said Stone. "Carrying a strike vote
around in your pocket is like carrying
a stick of dynamite. You can never
tell what is going to happen. This con
troversy has dragged iong so that our
men are growing impatient. If it had
not been for the earnest plea of th
brotherhood presidents, this controver
sy would not have been submitted to
the mediators. But our plea to gWe
the government officers a chance to
see what they could do, finally pre
Hhen asked whether he tnought an
attempt would bo made to arbitrate the
difficulties Stone shook his head and
"""The members of the United States)
board of mediation end conciliation
nro the personal representatives of
President Wilson and that fact car
ries with it considerable weight; just
how much remsns to be seen. If thi
board is unable to reach some settle
ment it is doubtful whether any oth
er board or commission can do so.
G. W. Hangar, one of the members)
of tiie federal board, presented some
proposition of a secret character to
the employes today. He returned later
to a meeting of tho mediators. When
asked what the program wns now ho
replied he did not know. "We aro
now milking our plans hour by hour,
he said. " We nrc hopeful, but 1 can J
predict what is going to happen. I
euu't say anything more." '
While the mediators were meeting
during the morning the employes held
another secret session. They will
wait further word from the federal
' Washington, Aug. 11. The alarm
clock in the White House now rings at
5 a. m. and tho man it rings for is tho
Since the arrival of tho hot season.
President Wilson has been arising at 5.
He can work better in the morning than
after the summer suu has got in it
worst work, he says. '
- oW
Oregon: Fair
night and Satur
day, cooler Sat
urday interior
west portioa;
windy mostly;