f t THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. 6REGGN. TUESDAY, AUG. 8, 1916. SIX YOUNG CALF Wanted. Phone 62F14 Aug9 - is U ii ' li it- !l. i? ; I II ! S i ! . l ; ii.; il ; Ii I' TO HEAD U. S. FERTILIZER ORGANIZATION l jf " " W DTTuNTtNGTON Horace (Jowk.er I Horace Bowker and W. D. Hunt-1 Sngten, who were elected president and vice president of the National Fertilizer-Association at their con vention at Hot Springs, Vt., are not bnly among the youngest leaders in the fertilizer industry but ore both (men who have made enviable reputa tions as organizers and leaders in the industry. ) Mr. Bowker has .grown up in the fertilizer industry, being a son of the fate W. H. Bowker, one of the pio- Eeer chemical manufacturers of the ountry and the man who during the In Iter years of his life was known as he dean of the fertilizer industry. (Mr. Bowker began work with the old Bowker Fertilizer Company at F.liza hcthport, N. J., in 1899. In 1903, he joined the forces of Baugh and Sons Company at Philadelphia. Eight years ago he became secretary of the (American Agricultural Chemical jUompany, at New York, in which ; that vacation Season Fare $5.10 Southern Week End $3.85 22 "Sis TELL THE TELEPHONE Lost? Found? Help? Work? For Rent? For Sale? House Wanted? Business Opportunity? W 1 3ft An Auto? A Horse? If pnone directory 1 TELL THE Every phone in Salera, 3K ties connects in an instant with The Capital journal want acl rnone 8 TELL THE TELEPHONE Ibcilmliiialllounial Business J? Q 1 Office (ft Ol V. ft cupacity he ha3 made a wonderful , reputation as an organizer. I He has long been a recognized ! leader in Association work, being for.j five years a member of the Soil Im- provement Committee. His election' as the youngest president of the As-1 sociation is fitting recognition of his broad-minded foresight and leader-: ship. I W. D. Huntington, the new vice president, started in the fertilizer business in Cincinnati. He was with the International Agricultural Cor- ? oration and was located at Buffalo or 12 years. In September, 1915, he became vice president of the Davison Chemical Company at Baltimore. He i.s chairman of the Soil Improvement Committee and a member of the Executive Committee. The election of these far-sighted men presages a new era in the fertilizer industry and a broadening of its already extended lines of activity. . s. trip nhnuld not ho dt'In.vtM. Newport ''Oregon's premier beach resort" is not far nwny and is onsilv reached. Daily Trains from Albany and C'nrvnllis. Low round trip fun1 are available, (loud hotel aei'oniniodiitiiiiis. Fine surf bath ing. Boating on Vnquinn Buy. you can't beat Newport for a place to enjoy a vacattoa Ask any lorn! agent or write to John M. Scott, General Passenger Agt. Portland, Oregon Pacific your name is in the tele- TELEPHONE Marion and Polk coun- I jno. bi. I Sport LOSE 19 STRAIGHT; FIVE OUT OF 61 Athletics Have Chance To Tie Record of Bad Playing by Losing One More New York, Aug. 8 Connie Mack and his Athletics liive just one more! chance today to escape the ignominy of, tieiug the American league record for: consecutive defeats. They have lout 19 j straight nnd have won but five games , out of the lost 07. ! The record for successive is 20 estnb-j lished long ago by Ronton, end thought j safe against any assault. Mack will j play his one remaining card, Joe Bush, today hi an offor. Jo win from tho Tig ers. Philadelphia .has been the one soft spot this year iu a league filled with fighting teams. . St; Louis nnd Washing ton, though close to the cellar, have caused nil kinds of trouble for the league lenders. But when an American.' league team pulls into Philadelphia this year it figures that only possible bad weather stnnds in the way of four, straight. ! The question of umpire baiting comes up iu tho National lengue tomorrow when the club owners nnd managers . who hnve so freely criticised Tener'sl inilictor holders will be called to task. ! President Tenor has called a meeting . of the league here tomorrow and the question will bo thoroughly discussed. Just how poor may be the eyesight of the arbiters of the National league is a mutter of doubt, J. Kvers, notwithstand ing, but it is significant the Phillies, who lust year won the pennant had least trouble with the umpires and Brooklyn this year, seldom raises a howl. White Sox Increase Lead. Chicago, Aug. S The Whitepox were well out in trout today iu the American league pen mint race. With a game and a half to the good the Kowlandites are confident they have the edge on all the other teums and are predicting a clean sweep of the present series with tho Boston Red Sox. Chi cMgo strengthened its hold on first place yesterday by downing Boston 7 to 1, ltcb Hussefl hurled ill masterly form for the Chicago bunch. McGraw May Retire. New York, Aug. 8. John J. McGraw, manager of the Giunts, had New York funclom guessing today when he was quoted ns refusing to deny a rumor that he might retire from bnsebull at the end o the season. "Twenty-six years is n long time to wear n uniform," said McGraw, "and i-onie limes 1 hnvo a notion I'd liko to give that up. But nothing definite has b.'i'ii sotneU yet." To Entertain the Boys San Dieiro. Cnl.. Aug. 8. Cruck box era inul wrestlers of the local Y. M. C. A. will invade tho Oregon militia ciiinp lit Imperial Bench tomorrow ev ening to do battle with the ring and mat artists umoiig the northwestern troops. The visitors nave a nuinoer oi top notch men. Watching the Scoreboard STANDING OF THE TEAMS , Pacific Coast. W. L. Pet. 07 48 .583 07 55 .549 05 57 .5.13 5 54 .480 54 59 .478 47 78 .370 Los Angeles .. Vernon San Francisco . I'ortlund Salt Lake Oakland Yesterday's Results. No gumes plnyed, teams traveling. Today's Games. Los Angeles at Snn Francisco. Oakland at Salt Lake. Tortland oneus with Vernon at Los Angeles tomorrow. National. W. L. Pet. Brooklyn 59 35 .528 Boston 55 38 .591 Philadelphia 54 40 .574 New, York 49 52 .521 Chicago , 4(1 54 .400 St. Louis 45 58 .437 Pittsburg .19 5.1 .430 Cincinnati 39 05 .375 W. L. Pet. Chicago til 44 .581 Boston 58 44 .509, Cleveland 57 45 .539 New York 55 47 .539 Detroit 50 50 .528 St. Louis 53 51 .510 Washington 51 50 .505 Philadelphia . 19 79 .193 Yesterday's big league hero was Hnns Lobert who went to bat in the fifth in ning of the Giants-Cubs game as a pinch hitter and nicked the only Jimmy Lav ender for a two bagger which sent three runs. Winding the winning one, across the plate. Toncy held the Boston Braves to two hits but his fellow red legs gave him poor support. He lost. The Athletics lost their nineteenth straight game. It would have been a homer with any other outfielder but Speaker. He ran back a mile, jumped hair as high and pulled down Pipp's sntit. Chester Thomas and Jimmy Austin were indefinitely suspended for' their impromptu rough and tumble staged on the St. Louis ball lot the other day. News 4 LOTUS HAVE CHANCE Are Now -In Reaching Dis tance It Depends On Next Sunday Games The winning of the double-header at Rainier Sunday has put Salem baseball fans up on their toes, and it looks as if the balance of the Inter-City season, so far as this town is concerned at least, would be full of genuine interest. Salem will play the Kirkpntricks hers next Sunday, and .Camas a week from Sunday. If the I.ojus win both of these games, and the Baby Beavers, who are now leading the lengue by hnlf a game, continue to win, the fight for the pen nant n ill. occur in the game to take place iu two weeks betktieu the Beavers and the I.ojus. Local enthusiasts are greatly encour aged by the showing of the locals in the games Inst feuuday. The score for first game: Rainier AB. H. PO. A. E. Thompson, lb 3 110 2 0 Calvin, c. v.... 4 0 3 3 0 McKinna, ss. ......... 5 3 3 1 1 Steurhoff, cf 3 0 3 1 1 Brough, E., rf 4 1 2 0 0 Niles, 3b .' 4 0 3 1 0 Carney, If.' ... 4 0 0 0 0 Fulton, 20 z u a 4 o F.vnns, p. 1 0 0 0 0 Linnd, p.' 0 0 0 0 0 Alex, p 3 0 0 2 0 Brough, J 1 0 0 0 0 Totals .. 34 5 27 14 2 x Batted for Alex in uinth. Salem AB. H. PO. A. E. Humphreys, 2b .. 0 0 2 3 1 1 0 1 A. Birien, .iu ... Edwards, c Adams, cf Kennedy, lb .... Keene, p., rf 1 9 2 1 0 11 2 0 3 1 2 2 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 4 2 0 0 Miller, ss Greegs; rf., p. . . , Buker, If 0 1 Totals 34 11 27 13 0 Score by innings: R. H. E. Salem 031 050 200 .11 Hits 010 070 210 11 Rainier ..... 100 Oil 200 9 1 Hits - 000 051 3IIU 5 Summarv. ftiniH (VRriner. Kihvnril " Ailllllls. ivciiiicilv. Keene 3. Miller. Greece. Bak er, Thompson, (.ntvin, AleKiniin, stem- hoft, K. Brougli, Liirney z, uiton, Alex. KiiiiiA runs. Keene. Orceir. Two base hits, Adams, Miller, M. Kiinia 2. Struck out, by Keene 7, by Greegs 1, by Evans 1, by Alex 2. Wild pitch, Keene 1, Gree-gs 1, Evans 1, Limid 1, Alex 2. Bases on balls, Evans 2, Linnd 1, Alex 4, Keene 4, Greegs 3. Hit by bnll, Car ney and Fulton by Grceg, Niles by Keene, Kennedy aim urecg oy Aiex Stolen bases, O'Brien 3, Edwnrds, Ad ftnis. Keiinedv. Keene. ThoniDSon. Car ney, Alex. Double plays, Miller to Humphreys to Kennedy, Thompson to nicivoniia. The Second 'Game. Snlom AB. H. PO. A. E. Humphrey, 2b 4 0 1 2 0 O'Brieu, 3b, rf 4 0 1 1 1 Edwards, c 4 2 11 0 1 Adams, cf 4 1,2 0 0 Kennedy, lb 3 0 5 0 0 Keene, p 3 1 0 1 1 Miller, ss 3 1 1 1 1 Greeg. rf, 3b 3 0 0 0 0 Baker, If 2 0 0 0 1 Totals . 28 0 21 5 5 AB. H. PO. A. E. Rainier Thompson, lb Cnlvin, rf. ... McKenna, ss. Steurhol'f, cf. E. Brough, If. Niles, 3b .... Carney, c Fulton, 2b ... O'Dell, p 0 0 0 0 Totals . . . ..30 5 21 10 4 Score by innings: R. H. E. Salem 100 004 1 5 5 Hits 100 013 0 6 Rainier ' 211 000 0 4 4 Hits ( . . 211 000 0 5 , Summary. Runs. ' O'Brien, 'Edwards, Adams, Keene 2. Cnlvin, McKenna, Steurho'ff, Vnltnn -Rmma l,it Millnr K Hrillltfll. Steurhoff. ' Struck out, by eKeue 11, by O'Ueir r. Hnse ou Dans, Keene z. u ueu 2. Passed bnll, Edwards 2. . Stolen hnu.,,1 tl'ftrien Kilwunlu '9.- Keene. Thompsdn, McKinua, Stcnrhoff, Fulton. tut by pitcner, naser, ruiton. noiiine plays," O'Dell to McKinna to Thompson. Time of game 1:30. Uinpirs, E. Hnn- kin. i ' SAYS STRIKE HAS FAILED Philadelphia, Aug. 8. The'end of the strike of car men iu this city is in sight, according to officials of the Philailel phin Rapid Transit company before hos tilities have hardly begun. Thomas E. Mitten, president of the affected eon corn, declared today that 62 of the strik ers have already returned. On the other hand, union officials not only deny this but claim 1,200, niotor ruen and conductors have quit. There is only one fi footer in every 20 men; the others only act "big". Ntephis Appeal. The Senators slipped into seventh place when they lust to the Browns. The Athletics nre only 21 1-2 games further down. - Cobb didu't get a hit. Z;EROtE.HE tieSfan Jard Oil ior Motor Cars THE END OF THE PATH Writes of Her Travels Down Grade, Life Wrecked for Worthless Tyrant San Francisco, : Aug. 8. Bitterness - . . In i : i.Al aguiust an unman miiu niis iii me heart of Mrs. Louise McClellan, when she entered her room early today. She Baw her two pretty babies lying asleep on the bed. Ou of a handbag sh took a bottle. On its label were'the words "lysol poison." Sue went to her writing table and poured out' her bitter, sordid story in 1.U..4-- nnta It WflU llA nlll. nil) COn- fession of a woman who had let her life be dominated by a man, and then had drifted down along the crimson path. Wkan the note was done she drank the lysol. She lies dying at the emergency hospital. Strangely enough, t ie man sue blames for her downfall is under ar rest on a charge of vagrancy. Her letter, found by trie ponce, rends as follows: "To the law I am done lor. i might ns well ge. 1 stood for his beat ititr mill filth but I know the law will help n man not a womnn who has mot her downfall from a num. God bless all men, but pity nil women. I drank. to mv sorrow, tor mo uses m ii"". Kbrgi've me and see that my babies are kept all right. Law will find out that men are no good if they are like him -Louise. J California Oil Companies May Unite to Form Gigantic Corporation Snu Francisco, Aug. 8. If Andrew nr..:. mininiinire nil niul sliiniiiiicr mnn. is interested in the reported plan to merge the Union un, enntorum xenu leum company and other companies into an organization that will be as great as the Standard Oil company, he prefers to keep the information to himself. All efforts to secure cither a confirmation or a deniel have been in vnin. 1 Weir is interested in the Union Oil company, which it is reported is includ ed in the gigantic deal. E. Hodeny. president of the California Tetroleum companv, snvs he is perfecting plans for a $150,000,000 capitalization. Weir is here for a few days. He has made immense profits with his shipping ac tivities since the beginning of the Euro pean war and has been chosen a direc tor of Lloyds bank, one of the world 's largest institutions. . . Denouncing medicines Wholesale denunciation of propri etary medicines is no more justifiable than wholesale denunciation of the medical profession. It is no more true that there are reputable physi cians who unselfishly . devote their lives to an unending struggle with disease tllan that there are stand ard remedies which do as good a work; often where the' work of the good physician cannot reach. A good example' is Lydia E, Piukhnm's Vege table Compound, which, has for forty years, beeu alleviating the sufferings of women and curing the ills peculiar to their sex. PRESIDENT WRITES KAISER Berlin, Aug. 8. A persona letter from President Wilson to the hniser. touching on conditions in Poland, was delivered to Foreign Secretary Von Ja gow today by Ambassador - Gerard. Von .lagow forwarded it to the kaiser. j vague Koquesi. I "That was rather a vague request !the tenor made o'f his manager." j "What was itf" "lie asked the mauager to indorse : his uotes. " (Continued from rag Ona.) finally fought its way into the Thioit rnont work which was recaptured last week bv the French in their counter of fensive. The French immediately counter at tacked aud desperate fighting wns go ing on at this point when the last dis- r:l.l n tliA a n'ffirA. ft the north of the Somme the French last night, moving forward jointly with the British in an attack Guaranteed The Sumlard Oil Company uncla squarely behind Zcrolcne and guarantee! it the test auto mobile oil they know hov. to make. Sold by dealers everywhere and at ill Service Station ot the Standard Oil Company (Olifooi) " directed nirniust the village of Guille . .. i. i a rr:li tnnl mom, uiuuu. progress easi ui-jiui xou and north of the village of Hardecourt. Forty prisoners were taken in this re gion. Along the north bank of the river the Germans twice attacked njwly won French positions east of Monacu farm, but each time were repulsed, losing heavily. The French took 230 prisoners in yesterday's fighting around Monncu farm. ... British Advance Line. London, Aug. 8. British troops push ed their lines forward to the outskirts of the village of Guillemont in a re sumption of .the Somme offensive last night. General -Hnig reported to the war office this afternoon,. Fighting is proceeding in. the outskirts of the town near the railway station. , . The advance was made east of TroueB wood, in conjunction with the French operating north of Hardecourt on the British right wing. . The Germans last night heavily bom barded the positions won by the Austra lians north and northeast of Pozicres but did not resume the counter attacks which resulted so disastrously yestor-. day. North of Roclincourt two parties of British raiders entered the German lines Inst night nnd blew up dugouts. Ten enemy neroplnues yesterday at tempted bomb dropping expeditions be hind the British front. Four British planes gave bnttle, driving them buck in haste. Two of the Germans were driv es down behind their own lines. Italians Claim Victory. Rome, Aug. 8. Italian troops have scored their greatest victory since the opening of the Austro-Itnlinn war. 1 Otticial announcement was made this afternoon that the Goriti! bridgehnud where the Austnans have detenued themselves with the greatest stubborn ness for more than a venr, has been cap tured by the Italian troops. At the same time it was announced that Monte Subotino and Monte St. Michelc were scenes of almost equally bloody fighting nnd strongly fortified Austrian positions have fallen before the new Itnliun offensive on the Isonsso, Italian artillery is now shelling Gor itz itself and is driving the enemy out of houses just west of tho city, it was officially announced. The full of the fortress is considered by Itjiliun military officers to be im minent. Behind the Goritz bridgehead lies the Austrian fortress o'f Goritz which has held up the Italian advance towards Irieste since the beginning of the war. With the bridgehead in their hands the bridgehead in their hands and Monte Sabotino and .Monte Son Alichele taken from the Austrinns the Italians now se riously threaten the great Austrian stronghold. Monte Snn Michele itself was one of tho strongest Austrian positions on the Isouzo. J: rom trenches of concrete, arm orcd machine gunners for months have beaten otf Italian attacks on San Mich cle inflicting frightful losses on the at tacking forces. The position lies on the Cnrso plateau five miles southwest of Uontz. Hand to Hand Fighting. Berlin, Aug. 8. Anglo-French forces continued their stubborn attacks against the German lines between Tluepval nnd the Somme last night es pecially in the region of Pozieres, Ba- zentin-l.e-l'etit and south of Mnurepas Bittor hand to hand lighting devel oped at some points, but tho fighting genernlly was 'favorable to the Germans, it wns announced officially this after noon, 7 RIOTING IN PETROGRAD Berlin, via wireless to Sayville, L. I., Aug. 8. Stockholm dispatches given out by tho semi-official German news agency today reported that serious riots broke out in 1 etrograd July 30 because of hick of food. Tweaty-eight persons were killed and more than 100 wounded before soldiers finally dispersed the crowds looting houses and stores. NEW TODAY ..'-J CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Rat per word New Today: Each insertion, per word ...lc- Ona week. (6 insertions), per word....5e One month (26 insertions) per word lie The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one .insertion for errors ill Classified Atlvertisments. Read your advertisements the first day it appears and mivU'y us immediately Minimum charge? 15c - PHONE 937 For wood law. tf. RUBBER Stamps made 165 8.- Com 1 tf WANTED Latest edition Encyclope dia Brittnnica or International Phone 71. auglO TOR SALE A two seated canopy .top hack, good as new; also one top bug m-. Inquire at Griggs blacksmith shop on east State street. aug9 FOR SALE Agate Beach lot, 2.)0.00 terms or cash; near hotel, facing ocean, between Bowersox house and fir grove. Ans. 40 care Journal. IIARRY Window cleaner. Phone ICS. septS TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour nal office. tf FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor 491 N. Cottage. ' TRESPASS NOTICES FOR SALE at Journal office. FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf MAN WANTED To cut wood on, share. Phone 1979. aug9 FOR SALE Or traie for wood,, gaso line engine.' Phone 451. ". . tf BAY MARE 6 yrs. old, good gentle buggy horse. Phone 20F22. aug9 HORSE TOR SALE Will trade, for wood or hay. 2130 Maple Ave. augS TOR SALE Green . beans by bu.'. at living rates. Phone 2381-R. aug WANTE1 A good driving horse, must be cheap for cash. Call 41F24. aug9 FOR RENT Modern 5 room house, furnished, 1259 Chemeketa St. augia FOR SALE Largs young team.- Mrs. E. ThomaSj Marion, Oregon. - augl7 HOUSEKEEPER With 4 yr. old child ' wishes position. Fhone 612-M, auglO WHEAT AND VETCH Hay for sale, in first class condition. Phone 2381 J. ....... ang7 WANTED Lady solicitors to work in Salem. Apply at 770 So. Commercial St . tt SIX CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments $5, worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard bldg. sept2 FOR RENT Grain and dairy farm, eight acre chicken ranch. Box 5, - Turner,- Oregon. aug! FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep ing apartments, rates reasonable, close in, 160 Court. tf WANTED We need evaporated logan berries, 1910 crop. See us at once, Snlcm Fruit Union. - aug!5 FOR SALE Cheap thorobred Duroe Jersey boar pig. Call 1110 or 901'2, Waldo Hills Orchard Co. aug8 TO EXCHANGE Business for land near Sulem, owners only. Address Sa lem R. F. D. 5, box 14'.!. auglt FOR SALF. or trade, one horse, wilt trade for good cow. Address T, box 4c, Rt. 1, Turner, Oregon. uug9 TOR RENT ADS under this heading le a word. Bead for profit; use for results. FOR SALE CHEAP Hop house stove, furnace nnd pipes nlso one grader. Inquire Wm, Brown & Co., Salem. aug!2 FOR SALE Thoroughbred. English pointer, female, 1 ',! years old, part lv truined. Johu Ceinik, 200 Superior St. nitglS TOR SALE One $80 malleable steel range, kitchen cabinet, library table and other things. J. i Walters, West Sulem. augll HOUSE AND LOT Vulue $1000.00 will take auto as part pay, balance easy terms. Phone J. B. Kuight, 996 or 959. . augl2 NOTICE Parties having left hats at the cleaning pnrlors of C. A. John son, please call for same at H. A. Johnson & Co., 3S7 State St. nugl HOP PICKERS Wanting to register for the Hotman and Williams yard nt Eola call up 8F2 and don't bo long about it. AugS HAVE OPENING For good salesman to engage in business. Ijirge prof its. Call after 5 p. m., W. H. Stenger, Hotel Marion. augS FOR SALE 3 half truck Studaba er wagon. Will trade for heavier wag'on, cordwood or stumpage. 2788 Lee. Phone 1322 J. . . tf I'ARM FOR- SALE By owner; cheap, 162 acres on Lake Labish, 4 Yj 'miles north of Salem. ' Will "sell all or in tracts. Phone 634-J. tt I WILL WRITE Insurance in a good stock company on live stock, against death from anv cause. See me for rates. G W. Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg. . ..-..'.' . auglO GOING OUT OF BUSINESS-Entir. stock of groceries must, go this week. Come get my prices. Everything go ing cheap. Reinoehl Grocery, 605 N. Capitol. , augS SECOND HAND MENS CLOTHING jewelry, musical instruments, tools, guns, etc,.-bought, -sold and traded. Capital Exchange, 337 Court.. St. Phone 493. ... ; septll TOR RENT Close in, house keeping- rooms, two, three or lour room apart ments; also four or five unfurnished rooms. Phone 530; M, or call at 44U Union St. aug9 CAPITAL EXCHANGE Phone 49X 337 Court St. From (2 to $6 paid for 2d hand mens suits. We buy, trad and sell jewelry, musical instrument! tools and guns-. . augll FOR "RENT Furnished or unfurnished sleeping rooms, office rooms and housekeeping rooms, reasonable ratea W. H. Norris, Ree. Hubbard bldg. Boom 304. tf FOR RENT 7 room dwelling house, southeast corner of 5th and Jeffer son streets, two large lots. $8.00 per month. See Homer H. Smith, room 5 McCornack bldg. Phone 96. auglO FARM FOR RENT Between Sept. 10 and 30, 60 acres under cultivation with. 70 acres pasture; stock, horse and machine furnished. Will rent on shares. Reference required. Ira C. Mchrling, Falls City, Or. auglO 1