Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" TUESDAY KVEMXCi, August H, CHARLES H FISHES, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVEBT EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. 1. a RATINES. CHAS. H. FISHr.K, President Vice-President DORA C. ANDRESEN, Sec. and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally by carrier, per year Dally by mail, per year ...$3.00 3.00 Per month Per month .43c ...35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York, Ward-Lewis-Williann Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, W. H. Stockwel 1, People ' Gag Building. The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the urea. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects gettitng the aoer to you on time, kindlv phono the circulation manager, as this is the only war V. can determine whether or not the curriers are following instructions. PaW Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the carrier has missed you. GRAVE RESPONSIBILITY ON LEADERS Today the leaders of the railroad brotherhoods will announce the result of the canvas of the vote on the strike proposition. It is understood the vote is not to strike but to empower the leaders to act as their judgment dictates, and they will have full power to call a strike if they think best. It is probable they will not do so at once, at least, as many things tend to make them hesitate about so do ine Regardless of any differences between themselves and the railroads tne Dromernoous uum nut un.c w the government take over the roads, and they fear a strike may cause this. L r It has been intimated that should the strike materialize the government will take over the roads at least to the extent of running mail trains. It would naturally follow that running trains carrying the mails would soon be fol lowed by the adding of passenger cars. The travel con gestion being relieved in this manner, it would not be long until the business of the country demanded the relief necessary to its existence, and soon freight trains would be operated. There would of course be much difficulty for a while, but this would straighten itself out and new men would fill the places vacated by the brotherhoods un less they returned to work. Besides this many would lose their chance for pensions from the roads, and they can illy afford this. Some hope was held out yesterday that the switchmen would submit their grievances to arbitra tion ; and if this is done the backbone of the strike is broken, for they are really the most necessary faction ot all the brotherhoods.' Pierre N. Berringer discussing the situation in Amei ican Industries for July says "No one in the whole coun try is so vitally interested as the manufacturer, as any raise in rates (which it is claimed must follow the grant ing of the brotherhoods demands) operates as an addi tional cost of manufacture." He is about as far from the real inwardness of the matter as are the trainmen when they say "it is a matter in which the railroads and themselves alone are interested." It is the American peo ple and all of them, who are interested; for they are en titled to service. As for the manufacture having the cost of manufacture increased that is tommy rot, for he al ways passes the added cost on to the consumer, the Amer ican public. They are the ones interested most vitally affected, and they will not sit idly by and see their busi ness ruined. It will mean government control, for the simple reason that the public cannot get along without transportation service and if it cannot be obtained through private companies, the government, which is all the people, will take the matter in hand and settle it in such a way that there will never be a recurrence of the strike. We do not undertake to pass upon the merits of the quarrel between the men and the roads, but are stat ing only what the inevitable results will be regardless of who is to blame. Self preservation is the second law of nature and it is a law that will be enforced. HIS SPEECH DISAPPOINTING Mr. Hughes' initial speech at Detroit yesterday was a disappointment. He has the reputation of being a splen did speaker and a brilliant campaigner, and keen interest has been taken in his opening speech. His speech of ac ceptance was a dreary mass of platitudes where it was not an attack on the administration, but it was expected that when he got on the stump and was talking to the voters that he might develop some of the brilliancy claimed for him. He may do so yet, but he will have to improve very largely on his opening talk in Detroit if he does so. It was spread eagleism rampant, interspersed with the usual stump orator's claptrap, with not an original idea in it. As an illustration he said among other things: "We are not laborers or capitalists, we are all Americans." That kind of political pabulum has been peddled for a century and is obsolete among real orators. Besides it is not true. We are laborers or capitalists or perhaps politicians who belong to neither class but we are all one or the other and no one knows better the distinction than Mr. Hughes. The trouble with him is that he is an aris tocrat born and bred just as Roosevelt is. The latter how ever knew better how to approach the common people, and was really an artist in that line, appearing to be in hearty accord with everyday people when at heart he had the most supreme contempt for the "rabble." Mr. Hughes has not yet learned this trick and probably never will for his associations and calling have made him a thing apart from them, and he is too old to learn now. STRIKES EVIDENCE OF GOOD TIMES The best evidence that times are extraordinarily good in the East is the number of strikes now ripe, or about ready for picking. Strikes only come during good times and are caused by the fact that labor is always the last to feel the effects of prosperity. When business is dull and times hard wages are cut down and expenses naturally reduced to a minimum by the careful business man or company. Labor accepts this condition and bears with it as patiently as possible, realizing that his employer like himself is having a rather hard time of it. With the com ing of a dull era, wages fall quickly. With the coming of better conditions they do not advance with anything like the same celerity. In the present threatened railroa'd strike the roads are the most prosperous and have larger earnings than ever before. In spite of this, wages get no share in the increased receipts. That. was the cause of present railroad conditions. It may be the men are ask ing too much. As to that we are not well enough in formed to venture an opinion, but the principle stated is behind it. It may be that sometime a system of co-operation will be put in force and the relations between em ployer and employe be placed on a basis which will per mit a sliding scale of wages lighter when business is slack but raised automatically as it improves. Something of this kind will have to be done if the country is to avoid strikes and working troubles whenever business is un usually good. The hot wave in the East still holds the boards al though temporary relief has been had on two or three occasions, consisting of brief thunder storms followed by, if anything, worse conditions each time than before. Yes terday the weather man gave it up and said there was no more end of it in sight than there is to the European war. It is estimated that half a million persons at Chicago sought the lakes and a swim as relief from the intolerable heat. It was not confined to the East either; for in the Imperial yalley fifteen deaths were reported yesterday, and the temperature was 112 in the shade at several southern California points. Here a fire and wraps have been aids to comfort nearly every evening of the alleged summer. Evidently old man Oregon has the opposite pole and is enjoying himself accordingly. As a summer resort Oregon takes the bun, cake and all the balance of the dessert. "It can't be beat." If those dispatches from the east concerning a sub marine being seen off the coast of Maine . yesterday are correct, it is probable some news of the Bremen will be among today's dispatches, or at least among those tomor row. Government officials say there are no American submarines in that section and that being the case it is likely to be the Bremen. It might of course, be the Deutschland, but this hardly seems probable. Two former democrats of Polk county, it is alleged, will vote this year for Hughes. That ought to settle it and cause Mr. Hughes to abandon his itinerary, likewise his speaking. He will probably refuse to do either. A United Press correspondent says Hughes is not cold, and to prove it points out that he perspires freely. This proves nothing for an ice pitcher does the same thing. Bandits holding up auto parties should read the papers, and they would learn John D. beat them to the autoists' wad with a gasoline bill. RippKngRhijTrio j&'Wdlt.Mason, LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18G3 CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT THE LIFE WE LIVE This life, my friends, is just the thing;' one day we weep, the next we sing; today we whoop, tomorrow wail, which keeps us all from going stale. And as our days and years advance, we never know just what will chance. Tomorrow's mysteries are hid, and she is sitting on the lid, and what she has in her old chest can never be by mortal guessed. And that is why this life's sublime, and why we have so great a time. If we could in the future tread, if we could see a year ahead, and know just what the gods will send, the spice of life would have an end. The unexpected is the stuff that makes this planet good enough. At morn you rise, depressed, and say, "I fear 'twill j be a lonesome day, with none to brush away my tears, or i tie some tassels on my ears." And while you raise a mournful din, your aunt and seven kids blow in, with S baggage packed in trunk and crate, to stay six months, or maybe eight lis then that you, with buoyant mirth, rear up and bless your native earth. 1 5S57, i ,Dr. Findley Writes of Trip Back East Dr. M. ('. Fjndley, who at present is in Philadelphia taking a post gradu ate course, writes a friend in the city that the muscle lie made playing hand ball in tiie V. C. A. came in quite convenient while visiting his old home in Kansas. He writes that one of the old time storms that occasionally blow up in Kansas caught him on night with all windows up and doors open and that it was only with the most strenuous efforts that he succeeded in pulling clown the windows and closing tlie doors and that about tlie time expect ed a small sized cyclone to strike the house, lie wished t wua safe in the Willamette valley. Among th pleasures of his trip east was ihat of attending his father's 87th birthday. The doctor reports Chicago, too hot for anyone wh .1 iias lived in the Willamette valley ami for that reason spent but little time in that metropolis. In order that visitiiii physicians may witness operations in which they are es pecially interested, in nil the Phila delphia hospitals u bulletin, is posted each morning giving a complete list of the operations of the day. TWe sys tem of the Philadelphia hospals Dr. Findler found excelled any of thuse he had visited in Europe several j curt State House News ago. A certiifente of dissolution was filed at the corporation commissioner's of fice this morning by the Hefty Manu facturing company of Portland. Two application!- -for grade crossings in the city of Newberg were acted upon by the public service commission this morning. One was granted, the other de nied. A similar application from the city, of (Sheridan was denied. : COURT HOUSE NEWS I Marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk to Everett D. Crubtree, 21, and Theresa Maria Fehleu, both of SStnyton; Walter F. Stewart, 21, of Independence, and lluiy Bellisu, 20, of Salem; Carl 1,. Story, 2, of Corvallis, and Iva Bilderback, 18. of Salem; Ed ward It. Mason, 30, of Busby, Montana, and Katie I.. Brewer, 24, of Chemawa. H. Scott, of Salem; Ei Sanmnn, of Marquam, and W. K. McKay, of Don ald, have taken out angler's licenses. An order allowing costs and disburse ments in the case of Elda O. Bartmess vs. J. P. Wilbur was filed this morning in department No. 1 of the circuit court. Lizzie O. DeBord has filed an nction for divorce from Albert O. DeBord ill the circnit court, alleging desertion. Plaintiff asks for the care and custody of two minor children. The fiiinl account of Joseph J. Keber. administrator of the estate of Joseph Trost, deceased, has been filed in the county court. Riverside Dip On one afternoon. I ventured a trip dust over the bridge, to view ''River side Dip."' What I saw there, I shall try to explain, It may cause surprise, but 'tis true all the same. All who may rend this, whether bold one, or shy, Will recognize fashion, and wink the left eve. You may here see the stout, the plump and th? slim, All making endeavor "to get in the .swim." The costu'iies they wear may cause one to reel. Worn regardless of contour, shape or profile. A modest young lady, as everyone f knows. Is careful her dress reaches the top of her shoes. But wlc-n she goes bathing queer fash ions peimit Only veering of smile and fig leaves, I ndmit; ' - I fail t tee why young ladies should choose. To discard modest garments and don diaphanous clothes. Porsonnl charms are a blessing a God ; given boon. . I'o 'make exhibits of them creates (lis- i gust very soon. Some vriin people think, ('tis very well known), Tho' ever so humble there's no form like your owa. T fan not believe that I m any jade. Hope all were as pure as a newly born babe 1 And may the waters which flow thru' "Riverside Dip," Cleanse and purify all who venture the trip. 1 H. E. B. Sr.lem, Ore., Aug. 7, 916. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Botiglit, and which has been in use for over SO years, bus borne the signature ol ana lias Decn maito muter iiis pcr SYtL sonal supervision since its infancy. "X -&ccu4f, Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good " are bat Experiments that trlflo with and endanger the health ot Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless snbstitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing? Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other fiarcotie' substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms and allays Fevcrisliness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething' Troubles and Diarrhma. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought NV, NEWVOWK CITV. THt CfNTitIM CO Trying to Stop All Picketing by Strikers San Francisco, Aug. 8. Attacks on picketing by strikers are being carried on from two different angles today, and the right union men elaim to picket es tablishments opposing them in their strike may have to be defended .n courts. Tomorrqw the law and order committee of the chamber of commerce will begiu the circulation of initiative petitions for submitting an ordinance, prohibiting picketing. Thursday, the police committee of the council will report on Supervisor Hay den's ordinunce prohibiting picketing, which he introduced yesterday at the request of the restaurant owners, now fighting a strike here, in spite of ef forts of union men on the board to ad journ before the introduction. General Army Bill Passes the Senate Washington, Aug. S. With most of its foes absent, the general army bill appropriating Wfi7.000.000 for national defense by laud today passed the sen ate without a record roll call. The total for preporedness is now 0:i5.7S4,0l0. This includes .207,000,IH0 for the army: :U5,000,000 for tlie navv; $25,000,000 for fortifications; $1,225,000 for West Point, and $27,5-"9,-000 for general deficiency. These figures, however, will be sub ject to considerable change before the session ends. Final reports on the naval bill have not been adopted and other bills still are t be acted on. GERMANY PREPARES FOR ANOTHER YEAR OT WAB Berlin, Aug. S. Though the fteling exists in some quarters that peace may tome before t'hristmas with the defeat of the Anglo-French offensive, Ger muny is making every preparation for another winter cumpaigu. In large storehouses in Berlin thoug amis of army overcoats fresh from tmt manufacturers arc being packed away, ready for shipment to the front. Sev eral thousand auto trucks are also be ing gotten ready for the winter. HOW TO BE BUM If you are too fat and want to reduce your weight 15 or 20 pounds, don't starve and weak en your system, or think you must always be laughed at on account of vour fat, but go to Central Pharmacy or any good druggist, and get a box of Oil of Korein capsules, take one after each meal and one before retiring at night. Weigh yourself once a week and note what a pleasant and reliable method this is for re moving superfluous fat from any part of the body. It costs little, is absolutely harmless and a week's trial should convince anyone that it is unnecessary 'to be burdened with even a single pound of un sightly fat. 4 $180 Reward, $100 Th readers of this paper will b S teased to learn that there la t least one readed disease that sclenca has been A mim in all it. itaM. and that ts ! Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur ts the only positive our now known to the medical ! fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a romiuuinrau ment. Hall s Catarrh Cure ts taken In. ternally. acting directly upon ths blood and mucous surfaces ot the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative pow ers that they otter One Hundred Dollars for any case that M falls to cure. Send tot list of testlmoials. . Addrrsa: F J. CHENKT CO. Toltdo, O. S.ld bv sll Prusslstt. Tic. Tak ball's ramlly Pills for jstlpatloa- The Nation's Favorite Butter Not There Is No Better Always Watch This Ad mmmmmmmmm -Changes Often M M MM H H MM )- ; Strictly eorrec waigkt, square, deal aa highest prices for all klada at . . junk, metal, rabbw, hide tad furs. I pay per poj t M i ; ' Big stock of all sues second hand Incubators. All kinds eorruaiasl uvh iui uva tvwa ui MyiKiinga AOOIUlg ptpeX a MfOM fcaad linoleum. H. SteinbackpJunk Co. Th Hons of Halt a KiSioa Barealaa. Msl TtX.lt. r su uai iigna vwuswcai. wt FM4 W 2 MMM MMMM l