Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 07, 1916, Image 1

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In On c ction Russians Make Decided Gains, But Are Forced
F Iby Austrians at One Point and by the Turks at
Another Fierce Fighting Along Entire Caucasus Front
Allies Drive On Western Front Seems to Have Ended
. Petrograd, Aug. 7. In the face of most stubborn en
emy resistance the Russians continued their advance on
Lemberg and have captured strongly fortified Austrian
positions south of Brody, it was officially announced to
day. The newly gained ground is in the region of Zvyjin,
Kostianiec and Renieuv, where the czar's troops scored
marked successes in Saturday's fighting. Fierce bayonet
.encounters are going on in the Zereth river woods under
the most difficult weather conditions. A steady down
pour has turned the battle field into a swamp.
Along the river Koupee, energetic enemy attacks in
the region of Velesnuk were repulsed with severe losses.
In the southeast where the Austrians have been rein
forced, Russians cavalry detachments were again forced
to retire slightly south of Vorekhta, along the. Tcheremosz
Severe fighting is going
front. In the region of Kialkettchiftlije near Erzingan,
Russian troops advanced several miles. North of the
River Muratchaia the Turks
tire day but were repulsed. In the region of Muchsko re
peated Turkish attacks compelled a slight Russian re
In the Bitlis region, large
Kurds attacked the Russians
nate close fighting.
ThS War At All Point.
By Ed Ii. been. - '
United Press staff correspondent.)
London, Aug. 7. Terrific fighting on
the eastern front where new battles are
developing, overshadowed the struggle
in France and Flanders today.
Without a moment's halt on their
hew drive on I.emberg, the Russians are
burling troops forward in ceaseless at
tacks on the west bank of the River
ftereth south of Brody. An official
Mtntcment issued at Petrograd today re
ported capture of strongly fortified
Austro-Germnn positions in this region,
representing a further advance toward
the Oalician capital. The German war
office announced the Russians are con
tinuing their attacks without cessation
and are also attacking the Austro-Ger-tnan
lines east of Kovel.
The reinforced Austro-German arm
ies in the Carpathians continue to press
back the Russians, it was officially ad
mitted at Petrograd. The Oermau war
office announced the capture of the
F'lnik and Dereskovnta heights in the
Carpathian fighting.
In the western war theatre, the most
important news of the dny was the Ger
man official claim that the French have
ubandoned their attacks on Thiaumont
ridge northeast of Verdun, without ob
taining any success. The official reports
from the British and German war of
fices regarding minor operations Inst
night on the Somme front today were
contradictory , the British reporting the
Tc-ptilse of nil German attacks and the
Oeraians claimiug the recapture of
trench portions taken by without ces
nation both north and west of Zaolcze.
'Violent fighting is proceeding on the
right bank of the River Sereth. The
Russians also attacked in Volhynia
south of Zarebze (in the Stochod river)
but were repulsed. The situation on the
fronts of the Austrian crown prince and
General Von Bothmer remains un
changed. German aviators bombarded enemy
'Bout th' biggest bore in th' business
U th' feller that's jist back from Chi
eago. What comes easy goes easy un
less its relations.
on, on the whole Caucasus
attacked throughout an en
forces of Turks, assisted by
but were repulsed in obsti
troop concentrations on the Kovel
Sarny railway with success.
r ; . British Bout Turks. !
London, Aug. 7. The Turkish force1
routed by the British east of the Suez,
canal has been driven back a distance
of 18 miles, it was officially announced
today. The fleeing Turks have now been
entirely cleared from the Katia-Cma-ishia
Thus far 45 officers and 3,100 men
have been captured. The official dis
patches characterized the prisoners as
"a very fine body of men' indicating
the Turkish attack was by no means a
raiding venture of irregulars.
British artillery and rifle fire was
very effective, the Turks suffering
heavily in killed and wounded in the
fighting near Katia. Territorials car
ried a strong Turkish rear guard posi
tion Saturday.
German Attacks Repulsed.
Paris, Aug. 7. French fire checked
two violent German attacks on the
aortheastern front of Verdun last night,
the war office announced todny. The
Germans were repulsed on the sectors of
Thiaumont, Vnux and Chupitre before
they were able to debouch from their
The Germans first launched an nttack
against the Thiaumont work following
artillery preparation. French screen fire
ctHight the Teutons, who were thrown
back upon their own works.
In the Vaux-Chnpitre wood, a German
blow which had been expected because
of Hundny's heavy bombardment fell
at 7:30 last night. The attack was com
pletely stopped by French machine gun
screen fire.
On the homme front intense artillery
ing occurred last night. Many air com
bats occurred ia the region yesterday-.
Three German planes were brought
down. Three others, badly damaged,
fell behind the German lines. Two Ger
man captive balloons were destroyed.
Situation Unchanged.
By Ed L. Keen.
(I'uited Press staff correspondent.)
London, Aug. 7. Repulse of several
small German counter attack against
British positions east of Pozieres, was
announced by General Haig in official
dispatches to the war office this after
The situation on the Somme front
was unchanged as the result of last
night 's encounters. General Haig re
ported. German artillery bombarded the
allied line from the Ancre to the
The Germans suffered severe losses,
the British retainiag the newly won
ground. Elsewhere on the Somme front
there was no change in the situation
last night, the Germans conteuting
themselves with a bombardment of the
British lines.
British troops executed a successful
mid against enemy trenches ea-st of
Nemillstrnast last night. The Germans
attempted to raid a British trench
southeast of Grenie wood but were driv
en back with loss.
Austria ns Me.Vve Oains
Berlin, Aug. 7. Austro-Oerman
troops which assumed the offensive
against the Russian left wing resting
in the Carpathians have raptured the
heights of I'laik and Ierekowata. it
was officially announced this alter-
Bathing Suits Were
A Minus Quantity
Chicago, Aug. 7. A bevy of joyous
young women, clad in a coat of tau
and a smile apiece, burst into the early
morning air today and jumped into the
lake, along the north shore, establish
ing the limit for nudity among wom
en bathers.
Police Chief llenly, already surfeit
ed with reports of women bathing clad
only in kimonos, scanty trunks or wat
er wings, announced th limit had been
His orders to patrolmen were:
"Run 'ein in. And if they haven't
got anything on to wear to the sta
tion, that's their affair."
Venus arising out of the sea would
have looked tame besid-s the young god
desses, north shore residents reported.
About nine tenths 'f Chicago's he
population set their alarm clocks for 4
a. m. tomorrow and beach cars prom
ised to be crowded.
Conditions So Sanitary In
Camps, Civilians Asked to
Imitate Them
Headquarters Washington Rational
Guard, Calexico, Cal., Aug. 7. Imperial
Valley housewives visited tho camp
here todny to learn the gentle art of
"housekeeping." They came upon the
advice of Dr. W. L. Ellis, president of
the Calexico board of health.
Dr. Ellis made an examination of the
Second infantry camp, paying special
attention to sanitation. Shortly after
the inspection he issued a statement
recommending to he people of his city a
study of sanitary couditions here as a
model to be followed.
"Women came and"went all day,"
said one of the company cooks of the
Washington contingent, "some tasted
the grub and said it was fine."
Northwest troops have not yet begun
an invasion of Mexico even though
mothers of some troopers may be under
that impression. Private Bailey, Com
pany I, Second infantry,' said he was
going to write his mother to this effect
today. Several days ago when he
wrote tome for a little cash, pleading
he was broke, his mothter returned by
first mail a souvenir Mexican dollar bill
her soa had sent her from tho border,
British Slowly Getting Posses
sion of Last German
African Colony
London, Aug. 7. Closing in on the
kaiser s lust colonv, German r-nst At
rica, separate British, forces have won
victories both on the south and east,
it wns officially announced todav.
British naval forces, co-operating
with General Smuts, occupied the suiafl
German port of Sandani last Tuesday
after sliuht opposition. Other naval
operations are progressing along the
coast line where the Herman central
railway, extending thiough Kilma
tinde. Dodoma, Kikombo and Vnude-
venter has been reached, the enemy
having been dislodged from this area.
In the regien of Mpwapwu, 150 miles
west of the coast, a British detachment
eniraiied an enemy force which surreucl
ered after a vigorous resistance in a
General Northey, operating in the
southern part or the Merman colony de
feated the Germans in an engagement
.Inly 24 near Mulangali, the Germans
losing 130 killed and wounded, besides
prisoners. Northey s column has ad
vanced to Madibira, tbirtv miles north
of the rood leading to lringa station
In Galncia, south of Brody the Rus
siaus are attacking the English.
Socialists Wake Up
Paris, Aug. ".fly a vote of 1824 to
1073. the French congress of socioJists
today decided not to resume relations
with the German socialists. The vote
was taken after several speakers had
denounced Germany's alleged policies
of Rightfulness.
Betake Positions
Berlin, Aug. 7. By a successful
counter attack German troops nave re
captured portions of a trench near Po
zieres which was temporarily lost to
the British, it was officially announc
ed this afternoon.
"Near Pozieres, a counter nttack re
covered trench sections temporarily
gained by the English," said an of
ficial statement from the war office.
"Since 'last night engagements hare
been going on in the region of Tuiep
vat ad Baseatin-Le-Pctit. North of
Monacu farm (just north of the Som
me) a weak French nttack last even
ing and a very strong 1'rench attack
thU morning were completely repulsed.
"The engagements of Thiaumont
ridge (northeast of trdun) have halt
cd without success for the enemy."
Addresses Committee of 100
Representatives of Wei- v
fare Workers
Has Conference with Mich
igan Republicans and
' Suffragettes
. By Perry Arnold. :
(United Press stnff correspondent.)
Detroit, Mich.,. Aug. 7. Republican
Nominee Hughes' first appeal for votes
on his campaign tour for the presidency
was a plea for Americanism, expression
of a hope of a get-together spirit of co
operation between capital and labor and
indorsement of a national movement for
welfare of American workers.
The nominee spoke the first of his
campaign talks in ; a stifliugly close
room at the Hotel .Pontchartrain to a
committee representing welfare workers
of every big factory in Detroit. There
were more than a hundred persons who
crowded in and mopped their faces in
the blistering beat between handclaps
for the nominee. It was quite a dem
onstration, considering the heat and it
followed a really unusual outpouring
of the public early in the mornine to
greet the G. O. P. aspirant for presiden
tial honors as he paraded through the
streets in an automobile.
Democracy cannot stand strife be
tween capital and ilabor, Hughes told
the welfare workers.
"We are not labweieor capitalists,"
he continued. "Wt'nre all American
The Welfare; workers were introduced
to Hughes by J. if. Eaton, of the Cadil
lac Motor company. He explained how
the big manufacturers in Detroit had or
ganized branches for free medical Atten
tion to their employes, free legal advicl
and had planned recreation places and
nourishing meals for them.
Says He Is a Laborer.
"Detroit takes .tho-lead in a great
many things, but there is nothing in
which its advance is more important
than in this welfare work," said
Hughes in responding.. "There is noth
ing in which I personally take a great
er interest than this. The United States
was not founded tor production it was
founded to equal opportunity to all for
life, liberty and the pursuit of happi
ness. It ia an awful mistake to think
of the man through whose work the pro
duction is made possible as a mere unit
01 production and not as a mere unit
We are all workers I work as hard as
anybody" and so saying the republi
can standard bearer mopped his per
spiring brow and smiled while his au
dience roared with laughter and ap
plause. "In your welfare work," ho con
tinued, "you are doing something that
is really worth while. You are but
tressing democracy. After all the human
factor is the only real factor. The man
who works must feel the country is do
ing right by him. He is entitled to
be safe in iiis work. No man should
be placed in a position where his life,
limb or health is subject to risk.
"That's good 'Americanism' and it's
good business," Hughes declared em
phatically, while his audience applauded
Busy Talking Day.
"After the war, we've got to look out
for ourselves if we ore to maintain our
supremacy. I'm delighted with every
means to provide betterment of living
conditions of workmen so that every
one in the community who works with
his hands can go to work secure and
happy in the thought that he is being
takeikcoie of."
Hughes first campaign speech of the
191H race was the start of a busy talk
ing day for the candidate. He expected
to deliver at least three or four other
speeches. At the Pontchartrain hotel he
conferred with Michigan republicans
from all over the state, some traveling
from the upper peninsula to meet him;
he talked with women suffragists of the
Congressional Union; and late this aft
ernoon he was scheduled to speak a few
words to employes of two or three big
automobile plants not including Mr.
Ford's well known factory, however.
It was announced today that there
was a possibility that the candidate
would visit Nashville, Tenn., on his way
back east from St. Louis early in Sep
tember. Campaign Opens in Chicago. -
Chicago, Aug. 7. Formal launching
of Charles Lvans Hughes' western
campaign for the presidency is begun
here today with the arrival of National
Chairman William R. Willcox. Willcox
was met by western republican chief
tains who went into conference with
him at the Black-stone hotel.
' Willcox said be would have no an
nouncement to make regarding the ap
pointment of a western campaign man-
(Continued on Page Seven.)
' .
May Be the Bremen sic
; ' "
Boston, Mass., Aug. 7. "An
unidentified submarine, appar-
ently of largo dimensions was
sighted by a coast guard near
Machiasport, Maine, early to-
This brief message, uncon-
firmnble, was followed by the
word, "that the submarine was
seen to rise to the surface for a
lew minutes and then sub-
merge, traveling in a westerly
direction." , .
(Further than this, no word
has been heard. .
sje . At the Charleston navy yard
it was said no United States
submarines are known to ba in
the vicinity but an officer
added "they are liable to be
The Portsmouth navy yard
also reported tiiero were no
. United States su bmari nes
known to be in Maine waters.
y AI 95
Ten Victims Yesterday, Seven
from Drowning Relief
Promised Tomorrow
Chicago, Aug. .7. Another day of
heat suffering struck the middle west
today. Relief from the torrid wave,
which started Inst Saturday and has
already taken many lives since them,
is promised by tomorrow. The mer
cury reached 93 Sunday.
Chicago's toll of deaths from the
heat wave Sunday is ten. Seven were
drowned and three overcome. Half a
million persons, it was estimated, went
swiuimuig here yesterday.
Some of the beaches had temporary j
hospitals set up on the Band and these
were kept busy not only lu reviving
persons rescued from drowning, but al
so in helping victims of slight heat
prostrations. -
Five other cities' reported high tem
peratures. It was Do at Concordia,
Kan., . Cincinnati, Podge, Des Moiaes,
Iowa, and St. Paul, Minn. It wa a
trifle cooler on ihe border, in El
Paso the mercury registered 94 and 88
at San Antonio.
Advance In Flour Cause, and
This Is Expected To Be
Still Higher
Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 7. With
10 cent bread an issue, the nineteenth
annual convention of the National As
sociation of Master Bakers opened here
today. About 1,500 bakers from all cor
ners of the country were in attendance.
All past presidents of the organization
met in executive session this afternoon.
A "get acquainted" reception will be
held this afternoon.
C. N. Power, a Colorado delegate, will
open the discussion of ten cent loaves in
tomorrow's session. Harry Ziuinaster,
of Dulutb, is on the program for anoth
er address on the same subject. Senti
ment today favored higher prices for
Increase Seems Certain.
Chicago, Aug. 7. Porspeet of a gen
eral increase in tho price of bread
throughout the country were considered
today by Chicago bakers.
Startling advance in the price of flour
is responsible. This followed sensa
tional advances in the wheat market
due to black rust and storm anil heat
damage throughout the northwest.
"Flour has advanced $1.50 u barrel
in the last month," said John W. Eek
hart, president of the J. W. F.ckhnrt
Milling company, here toduy. "It is
now selling fur 0.25 against $4.75 a
month ago. If there is no change in the
wheat situation soon, it will go a dollar
Snrao In Minenapolis.
Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 7. With
flour advancing 70 cents a barrel dur
ing last week, the price of bread was in
grave (lunger of soaring, local bakers
declared today. Fiour sells at $0.75 a
barrel tuduy us cmpared with (0,05 a
wit-k i.g.
The increase in the price of wheat
during the past seven days is respon
sible for the rise. While there was no
advanci; in the price of grain today the
high mark of (1.41 a bushel for beptem-bc-r
wheat was maintained. Last week
the giuin sold for A1.27.
Willi every (cut advance in wheat
flour incioascs f-ve cents a barrel. If
wheat clinib.1 h p.uei bakers will either
increase the eost of the ordinary 12
ounce loaf or make smaller loaves they
We seldom repent talking too little,
but very often talking too much. La
500 Struck This Morning for
Increased Pay and Recog
nition of Union
New York Strike, It Is Be
lieved, Will Be Ended
Before Night
New York, Aug. 7. Conduct-.
ors and motormen of the New
York railways company today
ratified the agreement reached
yesterday by representative em-
ployers and union officials look-
ing toward a settlement of the
cur strike which has tied up all
lines in Mauhattan and other
boroughs. 4t
This is regarded as forcasting
a final settlement of the strike
before night. A formal meeting
at which all lines are to be repre-
sented is set for 4 o'clock.
Union men declare one of the
terms under which ratification
was agreed on was recognition
of the union.
All of the employes of the
Interboro Rapid Transit com- -
pany (the subways) will receive
a temporary increase in pay of .
(1 per day beginning yesterday,
it was announced today.
Philadelphia, Aug. 7 The. threatened
attempt to tie up Philadelphia's trans
it system was begun early today when
500 car men members of the Amal
gamated Association of Electric and
Street Railway Employes entered the
strike because the traction compuny re
fused an increase ia wages and recogni
tion of the unnion. By 3 o'clock this
afternoon at least 1,000 or one-third
the entire force of car men in this city
are expected to have quit.
"Let there be order and roly upon
the public to help us win a just fight,"
was the order of Harry F. Flynn, presi
dent of the local union sent to every
barn in the city by special messengers.
Thousands of workers today waited in
vain for cars to carry them to work.
Transportation was slow and while
many cars seemed to be in operation at
S o'clock they were all crowded.
"We will have 2,500 men with us by
tomorrow morning and not even a sub
way tiain will be running," declared
Flynn early today to the United Press.
"In 48 hours this number will be swell
ed by 1,000 more and there will not
le a enr ruiiniajg."
Hopeful in New York.
New York, Aug, 7. Belief among
city officials, street car heads and lu
bor officials that the street car strike
would be ended today entered a certain
ty later this forenoon.
Police officials were so confident the
ligreemeiit rew'hed between union lead
ers and President Shouts of the "green
car" system would bo ratified, that po
licemen were told they could expect to
resume interrupted vacations beginning
This forenoou only 055 out of the
normal 2,404 cars on all systems were
operating. Right of the men to union
ize, but not 'formal recognition of the
Amalgamated Association of Street and
Electric Railways Employes is under
stood tojje tho chief point agreed upon.
Non Union Men Too.
Philadelphia, Aug. 7. The strike of
Philadelphia car men which un to noon
appeared tamo on the surface, assumed I
a moro seriorls aspect this afternoon
wnes it became known that three thou
sand non-union motormen and conduct- j
ors had agreed to attend a meeting ef
the strikers tonight.
But few lines were seriously hamper-'
ed this afternoon as a result of the
walkout, iV .
Irregular Prices
and a Dead Market
New York, Aug. 7. The New York
Evening Sun's financial review today
Transactions at the opening and
throughout the first hour of business
were light in volume on an irregular
movement of prices, changes as a rule
being confined to small fractions.
Motor shares were little changed,
with heaviness in Willys-Overland.
There were few offerings in any part of
the list. Rails were neglected and tha
tractions were not affected by the lat
est strike developments.
Early afternoon dealings were as
quiet as those in the forenoon with the
same monotonous irregular price move
r in
Formal Announcement of Re
sult Will Be Made
"Could Pay Men" Say Lead
ers, "If They Quit Buying
Bled Sons-in-Law
New York, Aug. 7. Through
efforts of Commissioner O. W.
W. Hangar of the United States
board of mediation and concil-
iariou, representatives of the
Switciimens Union - of North
America today agreed to arbi-
trate their demands for an
eight hour day, time and one
hall' for overtime and increas-
ed wages. 8. E. Herberling,
president of the Switchmen 's
uuiou, represented the employes 4c
and Horace Baker, general man-
ager of the Queen and Crescent
railway lines, represented the
K1 different affected roads, t -
New York, Aug. 7. Grimly determin
ed, leaders of the 400,000 unionized
railrnn.l trninmAn nf tliA TTnitef! fttntMi
today cleaned up the work of ballot
tabulation and prepared for the threat-,
ened strike- which -will, - unlow horoie
m n , i it- 1 nmn aaa
rrrurrg prevent vie up uu,uvrr uun
of railroad lines in the United- States.
' Formal, announcement bf the result
of the strike ballot 'will be ma-do tomor
row when ' the. railway managers and
executive off icers of the big four broth
erboods meet. Unless the roads, at that
meeting, concede the eight hour day and
time and a half for overtime, the most.
disastrous end far reaching industrial
battle in the nation's history is likely.
Railroad managers again today env.
phasiaed their point that to grant the
demands will mean (1100,000,000 addi
tional cost yearly to their business.
Big brotherhood officials today ans
wered with "cut off the countless mil
lions paid titled sout-ln-law to marry'
the daughters of Wall street and you
have millions left over after paying
railroad employes a liviug wage. We
want to keep our children from eaying
when we occasionally sit down to a meal
with our families, "mamma, who is the
strange man taking dinner with ost" - '
In a final effort to prevent a strike,
Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson.'
held conferences here with Samuel
Oompers, president of the American
Fcderntion of Labor yesterday. Neither
would talk after the meeting. Labor
men said Wilson merely talked on the
rail strike as an incidental topic. They
said the administration is becoming
worried over industrial troubles of the
last few weeks and so close to elcctioa
time. '
ments. No attempt was made by trad
ers in any part of the list to bring about
an active speculation, while there were
no indications in the character of the
business transacted of the develop
ment in the immediate future of impor
tant transactions. Investment 'houses
...j i tha
rcporieu riwr uwiiui jiiiuu ui nvj -w
high grade securities but taken as a
whole investments operations, both in
the stock exchnnge and over the coun
ter, were restricted to small figures.
New York, Aug. 7. There
wero 145 new rases of infantile
paralysis reported in New York
in the last 24 hours, health of-
'ficiala announced. Forty-four
deaths occurred, 'luese rigures w
o Ytvlttiv tltA tntnl AnKPA to 5.108
and the total deaths to 1,143.
Oregon: Fair
tonight and
Tuesday, except
unsettled prob
ably showers
northwest ' por
tion; southwest
erly winds.