Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 9

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Magazine Section
Sporting News
stands. riv CWht
4 " Ml
i Sport
Speaker and McCarthy Lead
BattersThe Big Tennis
Now York, Auk. 5. Speaker and Mc
Carthy are still leading tlie Amoricau
and National leagues respectively, ac
eording to the figures today, Speaker's
average is .378. McCarthy's wallop rec
tird is .395.
Gharrity of Washington is second in
the American with .348. Ty Cobb is
'third just 40 points below Speaker.
Jackson and Mullin are pressing Cobb
closely with .345 and 343.
Dugey of 1'hiladephia is second in the
National with .385 in 25 games. Rob
ertson and Duubert are third and fourth
with .348 and 32(i. Uonus Wagnes is
fifth with .31(i.
Cullop of the Yanks and Morton of
the Indians are the reul leaders among
the American league pitchers. Cullop
lias won 9 and lost 1. Morton has won
11 and lost 2. Walter Johnson is some
distance down the list with 18 won and
11 lost.
Pfeffer, Brooklyn, is the real Nation
al league leader of pitchers. He has
vtnn 17 nnd lost five.
Hughes, Boston, has won 9 and lost 3.
drover Cleveland Wood has won 20 and
lost 7.
White Sox Still Lead.
Chieaeo. Auir. 5. The White Pox
were still hanging on to first place to
day in the American league pennant
nad race.
The Sox split- a double bill with the
Senators here yesterday before 22,000
rabid fans, while the Browns gave
them an added advantage over the Bos
ton Bed Sox by walloping out a fl to 1
will at St. Louis. The White Hose are
now leading by half a game.
Cleveland Gets Gulsto.
Portland, Ore., Aug. 5. Louis Ouisto
5s the property of the Cleveland Amer
ican today. In exchange for him the
Portland club gets seven players and a
fash consideration said to bo 45.000.
The pnpers were signed Inst night. Vice
President Barnard of the Indians and
Judge McCredie affixing their signa
tures. Auto Race at Tacoma.
Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 5. With a 10,
KI0 purse as an incentive, 14 racing
drivers this afternoon will line up for
the beginning of a 300 mile journey
over the speedway course in the Mouta-marnthon-Goldenl'otltttcli
annual elas
tic. ' Ralph De Pnlma, the sensational Ital
ian racer in his powerful Mercedes and
Barney Oldfield in his Blue Delage
flier are favorites in today's contest,
lint the galaxy of stars entered makes
picking a winner nn uncertain business.
Speaker Will PlaT.
Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 5. Tris Speak
.,r l,n it was thought would be out
of the game for several weeks, will be
in the Indian lineup iuih ii"
tho battle with the Athletics. Tris
jrut nervous while watching his team
mutes play yesterday and demanded to
day thnt iie'take his regular position in
center field. His injured nnkle is not
musing him any trouble. -
East Grabbed Everything.
Hills. N. Y.. Auc. 5 Two dou
bles matches and a singles match were
oil l.vfr for westerners to pick from to
day in the east vs. west tennis matches,
utter the riotous rout of the invaders
yesterday when eastern players took all
-at. f aimrles iii a row. The
matches todnv will have no bearing on
the result of the tournnment as tlie east
erners clinched their victory yester
Sr. W. Niles meets Roland Roberts, a
new star of the west in the final sing-
I... mnt,.)i Tn the doubles Johnston and
tirif fin "play Behr and F. B. Alexander
and Murray" and Davis meet Williams
and Church. The westerners generally
lu.lieved tn have a trood chance for
todnv in the doubles. The Niles-Roberts
snatch was a problem for the prophets.
' Yesterday's results proved a great
surprise and one of the stiffest blows
the west lias had from the east in a
long time.
" Most thrilling of the four rattling
good matches was R. Norris Williams'
defeat of National Champion Johnston.
Salem's hopes for the Intercity pen
nant will play a double-header with
Rainier at Rainier tomorrow. The hall
grounds at Rainier, which for a good
part of the season have been under wat
er, are in good condition again, nnd as
this is the first exhibition on the home
(.'rounds since the Runner team entered
The league it is anticipated that the
fausof that town will turn out in lare
numbers and make the occasion. n lively
Pacific Coast.
Los Angeles 00
Vernon 05
Man Francisco 03
Portland 50
Halt Lake 53
Oakland 48
Yesterday's Results.
At Vaughn Street Portland, C; Oak
land, 0. .
At Wan f ranciseo isttit i-aae, a; nun
Francisco, 0.
At Los Angeles Los Augeies, ver
non, 2.
National League.
Brooklyn 50
Philadelphia 53
Boston 51
New York 47
Chicago .. . ; 40
St. Louis 4
Pittsburg 40
Cincinnati 39
American League.
Chicago 59
Boston -50
Cleveland 53
New York 53
Washington :0
St. Louis 51
Philadelphia 19
Western Lawn Tennis
Championship Battle Is On
Lake Forest, 111., Aug. 5. Western
tennis sharks gathered here today to
start play in the twentyninth annual
championship tournament of the West
ern Lnwn Tennis Championship, which
will be held on the courts of the On
wentsia club. Play will be continued
to August 12.
There will be five events, the men
nnd women's singles and doubles, and
the mixed doubles. " -
Interest centers in the men's singles,
where westerners will attempt to re
gain the title taken by George M.
Church, of Tcnafly, N. J., who won
the western tennis singles champion
ship at last vear's tournament. Church
will meet tlie winner of the singles in
the final round. Miss C. B. Neely of
Chicago, holder of the woman's title,
will meet the winner of the women s
singles. ...
First, second and consolation prizes
will be given in each event. The win
ners of the men's uuuuics win -
western champions and will lie eiignue
to compete against championship teams
from other sections or me
the preliminary national doubles, which
will be held on the Onwentsia courts,
August 15, !! and II, winners m
this latter event will Play Messrs.
William M. JoJhnston ami inrei.ee ...
Griffin, national doubles cnninpio.i,
for the title at the West Side Tennis
Club, New York, during the week of
the National Clinmpionsliip, which be
gins on August 28.
Only payers who u.c ,...........
clubs affiliated witn tne i nn-u
States National Lnwn Tennis associa
tion and its subsidiaries, are eligible to
enter the tournament.
Rickreall Items
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Rickreall, Aug. .'). Mrs. Wm. Hill
and son, Edwin, made a two days visit
with relatives ill Independence lust
week. The Misses Thelma and Mar
guerita Grifin accompanied her there
to visit with their griindmotner before
returning to their home in Portland.
Mr. ami Mrs. Price and children and
Mm. Peter Cook, Mrs. Price's grand
mother, and Mrs. Ramsey motored to
Portland last Friday, returning Mon
day. .They visited with Mr. and Mrs
(J rover Healer, Mr. Price's sister, who
moved there some time ago.
Mrs. John Vaughn aud son, Fred
were Independence visitors on Friday.
Lenore and Virginia Craven of l)ul
las are visiting at the home of their
uncle, K. F. Craven.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley and daughter,
Pauline ami Madeline, of Monmouth
visited at the home of Mr. Kiloy's
father, David Smith on Sunday. Little
(ireew lliley who has been visiting here
for a week returned home with them.
Miss Katliryn Fox spent Sunday
with her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLean with
Miss Zela aud suns, (truce ami Clair,
sient Sunday at the home ot Mrs. Mc
Lean's mother, Mrs. J. .1. Burch.
Miss Bliss Davis of the Zena Hills
is in Kickreull visiting with friends.
T. W. liurch was a business caller In
Salem Monday.
Mr. Xesmith came up from Portland
to visit. with his daughter, Mrs. F. It.
Hev. and Mrs. Burns came over from
(juiliubv Park Monday bringing with
tlmm Mr. ami Mrs. Sulir and little son,
r..tnniiiiif Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.
o :.....:.,. f.. i -Linn nil
'(.nil. enve verv interesting talks on the
4". i ',...,. their .meri-
there to .mite a large audience
in the church Monday evening.
You can make ana save mon-
T by reading the Journal.
' New Today MlumM.
, Washington, Aug. 5 When
the senate goes into executive ,)c
session, all is solemn and ue;i- 5
ous. For instance, this story
leaks out:
' ' May I ask what sort of
man the nominee Is?" asked
Senator Penrose of Senator
Stone when Abram Klkug was
ii for confirmation as Turkish
ambassador. ,'f
"A liberal, intelligent, genr-
ons.-minded man," said Stone.
"I hope he 'II not forget to
be liberal in the coming cam-
paign," said Penrose.
" 1 'at riot ism should dictate
. his course," replied Stone.
May Stop Personal Press
Agenting by Congressmen (
at Government Expense
Washington, Aug. 5. That dearly
loved institution, "the: leave to print"
under which congressmen annually
send, postage free, to their consti'.u-
ents tons of imaginary speeches they
never made liberally sprinkled with
mythical "laughter" and psychological
applause ' is to lie curtailed if
bill considered favorably today by both
nouses, passes.
A bi-partisan report from the joint
printing committer urges these facts in
favor of the lull:
A million volumes a year, many
printed on fine paper and bound in
leuther, have to be sold as waste pa
per because no ones takes the trouble
to frank them out.
Janitors ami building superintend
ents complain that whole basements
are literally filled with virtual waste
paper, so 'that the government has to
rent additional space to store coal am)
Private manufacturing firms, acting
in collusion itith senators and members
have had printed ami funnked at pub
lie expense "putts virtual nds
though described as "expositions"
of their plants, factories ami indus
tries. T'ne present rules of both' houses
A member or senator may obtain the
printing of anything as u "public document."-
Sixteen -hundred arc auto
nuiticullv struck off; thereafter the
senator or the man lie is aiding inny
have the government printing oifi
strike off us many more as he wishes
at the cost. The senator s frank will
send any number.
On a "leave to print" in the record
campaign text books, works on various
religions, mcilicul theories, etc., are in
sorted as parts of speeches, technical
Then they, or any excerpt of tiein,
are frunkalile. It took an unusiiul
storm in the senate to prevent Senator
Penrose from having thus printed the
Bethlehem Steel cuinruny's nuti-gov-
erunient armor plate plant propagnn
A member may say "Mr. President,
I ask leave to extend my remarkes in
the Record," ami then write at any
length on anything.
The new bill provides for cutting
down of departmental documents, nil
of which are by law required to be
printed now, and provides that senate
and house committees must examine
every document which it is proposed to
print. To prcvoirr, possible suppres
sion of reports which the senate may
wish printed it is provided the houses
may overrule committee action, or in
action. This bill has passed the house at
previous sessions anil the senate in pre
vious sessions, but if both bodies ever
passed it, in the same session, it was
invariably found the two measures
differed slightly, and a compromise
never has been reached.
The aniu.al waste is estimated at
110(1,1100, for printing; that for frank
ing cost to the postal department can
not be measured, but it is said to be
much mora than that.
Scarcity of rennet extract for cheese
making has led to the suggestion that
packers' aud farmers save calves' ren
net stomachs for shipment to rennet
manufacturers, and the following meth
od of preparation is recommended by
the duiry deportment of the O. A. O.
The reniiet stomach, which is the
fourth stomach of the calf, i obtained
from calves only that have lived on no
diet other than milk. It is removed by
cutting where it joins the next stomach,
and (-leaned out by sipiee ing out the
contents. The thick muscular part of
the neck is cut out ami the stomach
split open 'so that it will lie flat. The
tat from the outside should lie peeled
off but the inside of the stomach should
not be washed with water. The rennet
is then stretched v.ellaiid salted heavily
on both sides 'immediately and left
day or two iu a cool dark place away
from the flies, to drain. Plenty of' Suit
should bo on both sides. All rennets
must be drained aud kept cool until
ready for shipment, when they are
packed in tubs or boxes. They spoil
readilv and must be kept cool and suit
ed. When thoroughly dried they will
keep indefinitely, and where only a few
are secured each weeK, it is a good
practice after salting and draining, to
haiic ui in the nir to dry
The price received two months' ago
tor rennet was 1.' to 1.1 cents each, but
it is said that manufacturers no doubt
'nri willing now to pay a few cents
more, due to the great scarcity.
Wedding Invitations, Announcements
and ( ul'ing Cards Printed at the Jour
nal Job Department.
Candidate Hughes Is
Off On Initial Tour
Heads for West Coast
New York, Am?. 5. Republican nom
inee Hughes started his stumping tour
today. Ic will carry him across the
country to the Pacific coast and back
ugain.j with a few days' vacation
sandwiched in between times, at some
spot in Glacier National 1'ark, Mon
tana. Originally Candidate Hughes plan
ned a dignified speaking tour with set
appeals for votes, in only a dozen or
so of the big cities en route to the Pa
cific, coast, lie expects -to remain a
day or so ill each of these largo cit
ies conferring with local leaders. But
the moment he announced a transcon
tinental tour he begun being bombard
ed with appeals from republicans for
speeches in their home towns and to
day it appeared that Hughes would do
a regular "barnstorming" tour rear
platform speeches ami all.
Four years ago Colonel Roosevelt es
tablished a precedent for liveliness in
transcontinental tours and With Hughes
ability as a campaigner his friends
were betting today he would equal if
not better the Rooseveltiau record for
strenuositv in speaking dates.
With the governor travels Mrs.
Hughes. It is a bran new departure
tor the wire of a candidate to be with
him on campaign tours. But Mrs.
Hughes has always been one of her
iiusbuud 8 most trusted advisers and
assistants rh mapping political strate
gy, and besides she wants to sec that
he kept well, so it was decided to have
her along. Governor ai.d Mrs. Hughes,
two secretaries, a messenger, the gov
ernor's personal press agent, Carl D.
Sheppard, formerly a Washington news
paper man, and a messenger will occu
py one private .car on the trip.
Hitched on to this will be another pN
vate car for politicians, local commit
tees, and newspapermen.
On Monday. Governor Hughes will
make the first set campaign speech of
the season at Detroit. Tuesday he w
speak in Chicago,mid then he goes to
St. I'll ul.
Silver Cliff Notes
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Silver Cliff, Aug. 5. Frank Atwood
George Brewer and family motored to
Silverton Saturday.
Russell Doin mho has been visiting
with his sister, Mrs. Christy of 1'oit
land, has returned homo.
Roy M. Fox was a Silverton visitor
Mrs. Albert Mulkey of Fairview and
Miss Verim Baseman of Mill City vis
ited at tho Miner llubbiird home Thurs
day. Mrs. C. Strom called at the II. W.
Strom home Thursday.
Mr. Hunter is the owner of a now
Ford. .jf
Mrs. Charles Scnaefer and sister Miss
Baroata Wumlcr visited at the O. M.
Baker home Friday afternoon.
Mrs. V. J. Phitippi returned home
Saturday evening from Albany where
she lias" been visiting her mother, who
is in the hospital there, several days.
Mrs. Adam Schleis nnd Mrs. Hoidt
were Sunday visitors ut the Matt Muel
ler home.
Miss Bertha Sehnefer and Mrs. Rost
Bachman and daughter visited with
Mrs. Curtis Cole Friday arternnon.
Mrs. Vircil Taylor and son of Meha-
ma visited at the O. F. Harold home a
few days the first of the week.
Mr. and Airs. Charles Schater and -Mr.
Wunder und daughter Miss Barbara or
Portland visited Sunday at the William
Croisain home on McCulloy niountiiiii.
.Mrs. Curtis Colo and son and -diss
Alta Harold were Albany visitors Sut
urday. Mrs. O. M. Baker and daughter Mar
cel visited Sunday at the. Geo. Cris:
man home. v
Mrs. Liston DiirKy spent Saturday
night at the Charles Schuefer home.
Mrs. C. ri. linsman ana .Mrs. .icss
Chustein and sun were Hiinduy visitors
with Harry Chrismnn.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Schafer of Salem
motored over and upcnt Sunday with
his father and sister. Ptayton Stand
., Mf POCR.IJT ,.
Sunday and Monday
iff I i
l . -
f . -
v4 -
Independence Items 1
(Capital Journal Special Service.) j
Independence, Ore., Aug. 4. Miss'
Grace Wallace is visiting friends at i
Astoriu and Seaside this week.
Miss Thelma Toney returned home on'
Simrhry after spending her vacation in I
.Mc.Miinivillc und PortluiKl.
Mrs. J. Alilerson, of Albany, is the
guest of her purents, Mr. M. W. Slix
and tnniily, this week, ,
Mr. C. L. ritclinrd, a prominent linn
buyer, returned this week from his home
in New York.
Miss Ada Kctchuf returned on Wed-1
nesdny from Nve Bench after spending i
her vacation there.
Misii Thelma Toney resumed her posi
tion ut h'lliutt and O'Brien's store
this week.
Mr. Arnilne Young left Sunday for
Walla Wulla, where he expects to ro-
iii ii i ii for some time.
Mrs. Sain Cox and Mrs. R. C. Stunts
ami little son returned home on Tues
day from an outing at Newport.
.Mr. O. A. Krcamer nud . S. Kurre
attended the Knights of Pythias con
vention held in Portland this week..
Both being delegates from the K. of P.
lodge here.
Mr. K. C. L'ldriilge was a Portland
visitor this week. I
Miss Zclphn Cross is spending u few,
days in Portland.
Mr. C. W. Irvine purchased the P.
Alexander residence ou Monmouth I
street this week.
Thursday afternoon the members of
the Needlecraft of the Presbyterian
church, were entertained at the beau
tiful home of Mrs. C. A. McLnughlin on i
Fifth street.
Mrs. McLaughlin ami Mrs. J. N. Jones
oeing the hostesses.
1 ho afternoon was devoted to fancy
work and chatting. I
Late in the afternoon the hostesses'
served a light luncheon to the guests, j
The guests present were: Mrs. H. K. I
Owen, Mrs. W. W. Percival, Mrs. M.j
Fluke, .Mrs. K. Kuef, .Mrs. C. Davis, .Mrs.
Walker, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. J. Bohun-1
non, Mrs. Spur, Mrs. C. Skinner, Mrs. P.
Drexler, Mrs. H. Muttisoii, .Mrs. P. Pick
ley and Mrs. W. Bice.
Mrs. I. Rami left Tuesday for her old
home ill Pennsylvania where she will
visit for four months.
Mrs. Sadie Smith returned tn her
lioiiie in Dallas after spending a few
duys here.
A number of Artisans attended lodge
ut Dallas on Wednesday evening from
The hop growers of this vicinity are
spraying their hops this week. They
report that the hops will be good this
.Mr. tiny Walker was a Portland visit
or this week.
Mrs. Claude Skinner ujid Mrs. P. M.
Kirkland were Salem Visitors on Wed
nesday. Mr. R. W. White returned home this
week after spending a week in tho
Mr. Lynn Huntley and Mr. Reeves
left Tuesday for a fishing trip on the
Yachats river, south of Newport.
Misses Bnbc Damon nnd Beitha King
lift Wednesday for Portland where
Foot Prints on the Sands of Time
they will join a party of friends and
go to the mountains ir an outing.
R. P. McClclliiud, of Philoinutli, was
an Independence visitor on Tuesday.
Miss .Mabel Cooper is visiting at the
home of her parents here.
Dr. O. K. Butler and wife are spend
ing u HI iluvs' outing at Crater Lake.
Farewell party for Mrs. Irvin Baun.
The members of the Kensington club
gave u farewell party for Mrs. I. Baun:
on .Monday ut the home of Mrs. Dr. L. j
Boganu) I
.Mrs. Baun left un Tucsdav for her!
old home in Pennsylvania for an ex-1
tended visit to her parents.
The members of the club presented :
Mrs. Baun with a Rebekuh pin. j
Dr. L. L. Hewitt and family left this'
week for an outing at Bnr View. I
ilrs. K. Tuwiisend returned to her 1
home this week from nil extended visit
to her purents iu North Dakota.
Mrs. G. W. Conkey entertained the
S. S. club at her homo on Monmouth'
street on Wednesday afternoon. A short
program was rendered, alter the pro
gram, the hostess served a luncheon to.
the members of the club.
The members of the Kill Kure club:
gave Mrs. Kveret Cook a surprise party'
ut her home on Monday evening.
It being Mrs. Cook's birthday the
members of the club presented her with
a shcrbert set. 1
Father Forget returned to Lis home
this week after an absence of a few
weeks. Ho will cotiduct services ut the
Catholic church on Sunday.
I Mr, and Mrs. Tom Fennell entertain
ed about 60 of their friends at a picnic
dinner given at their beautiful coun
try homo just across tho river from here
on Sunday. Evcryono reported having
a most delightful time.
I Born, to tho wife of Mr. Dinkol, of
'this city, a son;" on Thursday, August
Mrs. C. A. Austin, of Portland, has
been the guest of her sister, .Mrs. O. F.
Cosper, this week.
I Misses Genevieve and Helen Gillespie
are visiting friends at Mt. Angel. .
Mrs. S. K. Owen was a Salem visitor
on Friday afternoon.
We mail your paper to you during
your vacation. Phone 81. ,
Investigation Proves
that various disease germs have their breeding place in the waste
products of the body. Don't, .then, let your bowels clog and throw
these harmful germs back on the blood. Take no chances with be.-ioua
Illness. Keep your bowels free, and the bile regulated with
which promptly and surely relieve constipation. Indigestion, billousnese
nrt aick headache. They are compounded from drugs of vegetable
origin-harmless and not habit-forming. Ths experience of three
generations show that Beecham's Pills prevent disease and are
A Great Aid to Health
' ,5l;,c,,OM PeUI value to wornaa with avsry bea .
Seki by druggists threugv t the world, la boaes, 10c XSe.
The p'ograin for the Linn county
Fnir at Scio has been completed, the
venr's session being scheduled for Sep
tember (1, 7, Nth.
Governor James Withycombe will fce
tin) principal speaker on the iipiinng
day ami other well known men will be
secured for the program.
There is to be an aeroplane flight
each iluy. Lust year the mini secured
to make the flight failed to arrive rod
in order to safeguard themselves this
year a large lmnd bus neen reipiind
wnicli demands a flight each duy of tho
The racing program will be the eipml
of any ever singed at the lair and with
a big display of agricultural products
and other interesting exhibits the mir
promises to be the biggest event rvir
held in Scio,
Dunces will be held on the fair
grounds each niuht and there will be
plenty of carnival amusement and ttli
er attractions. Staytou Mail.
As he was entering his premises n lew
days ago, J. D. Drake noticed a piece
oi kale traveling along in the direetii n
of the sidewalk, To satisfy his cinio
sity Juno set a trap under the walk
ami when lie went to look at it si tee
time Inter the trnp was missing. The
mystery was solved Monday, howovor,
when John Booth killed a large nioua
tain beaver under the sidewalk on Wa
ter street which had Mr. Drake's tinp
painfully attuched to its leg. Mr.
Drake says there are lots of them is
the vicinity of his farm nud the crly
way ho can account for the animal be
ing in town is that it must have follow
ed him home from the mountains sine
night or was frightened out of lie
woods by a family jar which is w.iil
to have taken place In that vicinity a
few weeks ago.
Since the papers have had so mm a
to say about that Kustern Oregon Sena
tor's hare bide hat, June propose to
go him otic tietter and order a genuine
beaver hat made to measure, Silveiton