Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" SATURDAY KVKNI N(l, August 5, ll'lii. CHAELES H FISHEE, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCETT SUNDAY, SALEM, ORKGOS, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L g. BARNES, President CHAS. II. FISHER, Vice-President DORA C. ANDRESES, Sec. and Treat. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily by carrier, per year . $5.00 Per month Daily by mail, per year . 3.00 Per mouth .45c ...35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES Kew York, Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, V. H. Stockwel 1, People 'f Gas Building. THAT PESTIFEROUS "NOT" The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porta. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects gcttitng tho aper to yon on time, kindly phoue the circulation manager, aa this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phot Main 81 beforo 7:;i0 o'clock an d a puper will be eent you by special messenger if the carrier has missed you. THE BROTHERHOODS' SUBMARINE WARFARE In the dispatches yesterday concerning the impending strike of the railroad brotherhoods occurs this paragraph: "The railroads and the National Chamber of Commerce had requested an investigation of the whole wage sub ject. The brotherhoods opposed this on the ground that the strike was purely a matter between themselves and the road officials." If the brotherhoods are as wrong in their contentions as they are in this view of the matter, they have no case at all. In some strikes this might be true, but in this case it is far from it. The railroads are public utilities on which the entire people of the United States rely. The public is therefore not only as much in terested in the matter as the railroads or brotherhoods, but in a larger degree. Railroad transportation is an absolute necessity to the life of the nation. It is a neces sity to the lives of the people. Without it, barring all the interference with business and the tremendous financial losses that would follow its stoppage, the lives of the peo ple depend upon it. The larger cities would in a short time be without food supplies, fuel and all other neces saries of life. Within twenty four hours the lives of thousands of babies would be endangered through depriv ation of the usual milk supply. The sick and the dying would ask in vain for the presence of loved ones. In That little word "not" has caused much trouble in newspaper offices, and more profanity than great over grown sesquipedalion words big enough to absorb it and not know it. It represents to the newspaper force what the letter "H" does to the cockney, for it has a habit of dropping out of the place where it should be located, and bobbing up smiling and ready for business where its presence is an insult, an abomination, almost a crime. Whether it drops out or sneaks in, the result is the same. for it makes the editor or news writer say exactly the opposite of what he intended. Year after year reporters are driven to proianity and editors, who seldom swear, to emphatic objurgation in dynamic language. When the editor painstakingly writes an entirely new and profoundly interesting dissertation on the tariff, for instance, he peruses the proof with careful eye and fear ful forebodings. He inserts a comma here, marks a typo graphical error there, cuts out a capital letter, and marks the wrong position of a space band, and then he turns it over to the linotype operator for correction. Then that soul-disturbing "not" either drops out, or sneaks in when the operator isn't looking and after the paper is out "the editor sees the cherished child of his weary brain going back on its parent and making him indorse things his soul abhors, until in sheer desperation he goes around to where the saloons used to be, and gazing at the pink and yellow things now behind the counters vainly wishes things were different from what they are. We are taking chances in this, mourntul ditty on that little, mean, sneak ing "not;" for by the time its heart throbs get into print, those three measly, ornery little letters will make us out a liar, and never stutter in finding the proper place to sneak in and accomplish their fell purpose. I THE TATTLER ::: Picked from' a recent issue of the Saturday Evening Post: "A pessimist is a person who is married to an optimist. Iast chance to see the Snlem "Mi kado" company tonight.. People's pop ular prices prevail. Hop conditions arc favorable. But this must not be construed as an argu ment in favor of toadyism. A youngster brings in new tlint the bathing beach is-more popularer all the time and thut 's going some. The vacation idea appears spread to the penitentiary. . to have STATE MCWC uinm uiiiikj The Oregonian says of the speaking at the Baker theater at Portland Friday night when Mr. Watson of Indiana "opened the campaign" for Hughes that "he put those present in the best of humor by a display of his ex traordinary wit." A careful perusal of the write-up fails to show any evidence of wit. Mr. Watson however did state that "since Mr. Hughes went on the supreme bench his decisions had always shown keen judgment, a pro found knowledge of great affairs and a deep sense of justice." Maybe this statement is what the reporter 77 "&V vrinnAAnnn 1 , 1 17 T a called "extraordinary wit." If so he fails to distinguish short a nation of 100,000,000 people would be left stranded hpTWP(m wi, aH hn Wh:o nni. uf T.7" and thrown back a century in means of communication Even the autos could not be relied on for local service for , there would soon be a shortage of gasoline. It is the nation interested, not the parties to the dis ' pute. It is for the latter and each of them, to settle their quarrel in a manner that does not interfere with the rights of neutrals. The same principle is involved that cropped up in the dispute over submarine warfare. The United States stands in the same relation to the quarrel ling parties that it did to the submarines. It did not un dertake to stop this kind of warfare but insisted that it be conducted in such a manner as not to endanger the lives of neutrals. ! The brotherhoods strike is in the nature of the sub- marine war. The United States does not undertake to say that strikes shall not exist, but it will insist that they be carried oh in such a manner that the lives of Americans are not endangered. If the brotherhoods can fire a tor pedo into the railroads in such a way that American lives are not endangered or neutral business destroyed, it will not interfere; but governments are for the protection of the whole people and ours will not stand idly by while the people are starved as the result of a quarrel between factions. Both the railroads and the railroad employes have a duty to perforin to the public, and it is up to both to set tle their troubles in such a manner as not to interfere Willi mat ijuuiiv o iigin-o. We are not pretending to pass judgment on the merits of the dispute, but simply to call attention to what both disputants owe to the balance of the country. The brotherhoods owe it to themselves and to their order to see to it that that order does not become an in jury to their fellow citizens. Should wiser counsels be ignored and the strike be carried out, a blow will be struck at unionism from which it is extremely doubtful if it ever recovers. No order can exist without public senti ment behind it. Unionism now has the sympathy and support of a majority of the people of the United States. Can any one believe that sympathy will survive business disaster? the deaths of countless babies? hunger and the hundreds of miseries that will certainly follow the pro posed strike? Disaster can be brought on the country once in this manner, but it is a moral certainty that steps will be taken to provide against its repetition. It may mean the taking over of the railroads by the government. It may mean something else, but it will surely mean some thing that will prevent the recurrence of the strike if it comes. between wit and humor. While not agreeing with him about the wit, we are in hearty accord with the extra ordinary quality of Mr. Watson's statements. Was the decision about the Danbury Hatters an evidence of his deep sense of justice? Was the decision of the Oregon California land grant cases an evidence of his "profound knowledge of great affairs and keen judgment?" Or was this an example of his "deep sense of justice?" The open season for campaign orators begins Monday with political spell-binders oiling up their jawbones, greasing their elbows, polishing their speeches and hunt ing alliterative sentences with which to embellish their arguments, and capture the elusive but sometimes senti mental voter. The voter whose patriotism is aroused, as Roosevelt so well knew, by thite true things about the old flag, our glorious common wealth, Lincoln, Washington, Jackson, unflinching Americanism and all that, all of which all of us know and believe, but which these "orators" spring as their own discoveries and private property. It is really a pity that the open season for Campaign orators, is not like that for deer with the bag limit removed. According to records in the office of the secretary of stute, the state has ex pended ji4,4!M!,5!i".77 of the total legis lative appropriation of (i.lii7,S47.2S in the first lii months of the biennial per iod ending December 31, 1910. Amounts expended from the industrial accident fund and other special funds increase the total of state expenditure to $fi,0PU, 541.35. A sum somewhat in excess of $300,000 is required monthly to oper ate the state of Oregon. The receipts of the state industrial commission for the month of July were the highest in the history of the com mission $93,M50.U1. When the Celilo canal was in course of construction the tate strung a tele phone wire from Big Eddy to The Dalles, using the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company's poles. To avoid paying rental on 180 poles at 10 cents each, the state, tarough .Secretary Guod in of the board of control, has sent to the company a check for 17'cents, its share of the earnings of the line for the year. The total number of calls reg istered over the line was one. The Rural Credits law, the objects and workings of which are told in an article in today's Capital Journal, should be read not only by every farmer, but by every citizen. It is the most important law placed on the statute books in recent years, and marks the beginning of a new era. It is enacted to give the. farmer a square deal, and to permit him to get money for carrying on his business, with the same ease the business man can secure loans. The Capital Journal will undertake to analyze it later. ' The first steps were taken yesterday iu the direction of employment by the state of an expert aurist and oculist. Superintendent Moore of the school for the blind states that about two-thirds of the pupils in the institution of which he is the head can see a little, and he believes it possible to restore complete vision in mnnv eose-s, and Superinten dent Tillinghast of the mute school is of the opiuiou that expert treatment might restore the hearing of a number of his pupils. The board of control has authorized these gentlemen to investi gate with a view of ascertaining the cost of an eye and ear specialist by the year. IjWiss Kramer Resigns After 11 Years service After 22 years' service as teacher in the public schools of Snlem, Miss Em ma Kramer presented her resignation Inst evening to the board of education. The expressed opinion of the members of the board was that Miss Kramer was one of the most efficient teachers in the city and that the resignation should be accepted with regrets. In retiring temporarily from teaching. Miss Kramer did . not want any recom mendations, but just a memorandum of her services in the city schools. Miss Milam also presented her resig nation, which was accepted. On the recommendation of Superintendent John . load, .Miss Bmler of the Lincoln junior high school, will be transferred to the Washington junior hiL'h school. Other changes will bring Miss Campbell i or tuc Kielimoiid school to the Lincoln junior high in Miss Bailey's room and Miss Austin to the Richmond school. Miss Gertrude Rosehe was elected to the position vacated by Miss Austin. Iu a general discussion of the erec tion of the frame one-story building on the grounds of the three junior high schools it was decided to take the mat ter up njjnin at a special meeting cull ed for Thursday evening ns one member of the board. Hurley O. White, was absent Inst night. iu the case 0f Hoy I'ngh vs. Mux (iehlhar, county clerk, D. (.;. Dinger, county treasurer. W. M. Bushev. coun ty judye. and W. H. timdet and J. T. Beckwith. county commissioners, that the order heretofore entered dismissing this proceeding be put aside, and that plaintiff is to have ten days iu which to file his amended petition for a writ of mandamus, and that the clerk issue a second amended writ of ninndnnius bused upon second amended petition, plaintiff to have five days additional in which to serve second amended writ. Portland and Back $2. 75 Every Day of the Week $2 Sat. & Sun. a comfortable ride on all steel cars. a quick ride on well ballasted track. your choice of seven trains each way. convenient hour of arrival and departure. Our local agent can explain many other reasons why you should use the SOUTHERN PACIFIC JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent Jn the decree of divorce given the plaintiff in Judge Calloway's court in the case of May Johns vs. Paul Johns, noted iu this column yesterday, the plaintiff is given custody of tho minor children and is allowed 10 n mouth from the defendant toward their support. New Today ads in the Journal will be read in all live Marion county homes. RippIinfRhuinQS p went ricwon if Governor YVithyeombe today appoint ed MisMarguerite E. Howotson, of Portland? ns a member of the state in dustrial welfare commission, to succeed Miss Bertha E. Moores, of Portland, resigned. Miss Howatsou's appoint ment becomes effective imemdintely and expires January 1, 1W10. . The industrial welfare commission consists of three members and a secre tary elected by the members of the com mission. This commission has the pow er to ascertain and declare standards of hours for employment for women and minors, stuudurds. of conditions of labor for women or for minors, stand ards of inimum wages for women, in any occupation, and standards of mini mum wages for minors in any occupation. Articles of incorporation were filed nt the corporation department this morning by the Motor Parts company of Portland, capitalized for $20,000. A total of 247 accidents were report ed to the stute industrial accident com mission for the week ending August 3. One only was fatal. Of the total num ber reported, li'S were subject to the workmen's compensation act, 19 were from public utility cohrporations, and .10 were from firms and corporations which have rejected the act. FAT AND LEAN In August heat is at its worst; the sun roasts' on, with zeal accurst; all brown and wilted is the grass, the sky looks like a sheet of brass. Oh, August always hits me hard, for I am well eaurorjed with larrl- T scored two hundred in the shade, when last I had my person weighed. And as I sizzle in the warmth, I wish I had a slender formth. My neighbor, Wilkins, has no fat; he s lean and limber as a cat, and in the burning August days, serene and cool he goes his ways; no wilted collar on his neck, he likes to see the heat on deck. He doesn't nave to mop a brow that drizzles sweat, as I do now. I envy him his lanky shape, but .-.J, wi iuca no escape. Ana, as 1 envy, comes a thought with hope and consolation fraught. Full soon the wintry winds will blow; there'll be all kinds of ice and snow and then, while freezing Wilkins shakes, the fat man who in August bakes, will calmly view the bitter storm, by his own store of grease kept warm. Thus things are balanced on this earth, and, reconciled to am ple girth, I tell the sun to go ahead, and paint the solar system red. WW V, LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1863 CAPITAL - - - - - $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT (Continued from Tnge 1.) cribable to his heavy losses." Another official statement issued at Verdun vesterdav follows: in the region west of Kialkit. A Turk ish attack near Kygi was repulsed. All Attacks Repulsed. Berlin, Aug. S. British troops lost heavily in an unsuccessful attempt to advance in the sector north of Ovillers and iu Fourcnux forest, the war of- weeks of hard work. Mr. Morgan, who lives on route eight, says he got so tired of berries that at times he was almost tempted to do what he was watching to see that his pickers didn't do go be hind a bush and rest. As an example of what can be done picking berries in a short .time, Peter i -Mertuot nncl his witc, who live down j the river about six miles, made $7i.00 I iu 1(5 days. About t.00 of this was made by their two little children. The i ami iv is leenng pienseu wito tne Te On the Trout of General Ters.tytm- "oe announced this afternoon. Jr: I renr 1'ozieres a new battle has de-1,' "' i"''S: uruirB iui uuirr jvuue. jie nus a rive acre tract and is going to put out a half acre of berries on it next season. ' , , : . , ' . i veloped, the British launching fresh at combat, repulsed a Russmu attack. Aujtn,.kli- South of Maurepas. in the re Austrian flyer Wednesday shot down a'gion north of the Somme, a French ad rurimui biplane. "The situation on the Italian front is unchanged. On the Isouzo front ihere was livetv enemv artillery fire." . Austrians Fight Back. Petrograd, Aug. S. The Austrian took the initiative both iu Galicia and uu the Bukowina fruutier yesterday nurl launched heavy counter attacks against the Russians, it was officially an nounced today. Iu Bukowinn, ait Austrian force esti mated nt nearly a division Stacked vanco was repulsed. tin the Veuluu front bitter fighting is going on iu the region of the Thiau mout work. Chats With Farmers J. B. Simpson, who lives near Fruit land, tells a Capital Journal represen tative that he raised last year four tons and 400 pounds of beans on an acre and a half of ground. For the four tons he received from the cauuery $45 a ton, and old the balance at two Joe iferthof and his wife, living neighbors to the Peter Merthof family, made 7l.75 during the picking season. Iu this same neighborhood one young ! girl made $23 and another made $33. i small Kiissian detnchuieiits occupying) cents a pound. This made a total of tne mountain passes southwest of Kuty. $1S8 from the acre and a half, a result in the region of the Kiver Toheromoch. so gratifying that this year he has The Russians were compelled to with-i eight acres planted to beans, and the draw a little to the northeast before I outlook is excellent for a heav-v erop. superior enemy forces. ) Mr. tsimpsoii 's experiment with beans South of Brody, obstinate fighting has has passed the experimental stage. There , developed along the River Sereth. Ann-1 is a emaller element of risk in beans tnun forces attacked Russian detach-. than in almost anv other erop. He ex- I me ma which had crossed the river ir peets to plant SO' acres to beans next the region of Peniaki and Schistopady year. ', but were repulsed. ' ' - On the Caucasus front Russian de-1 The berrr picking season is practical- Itachments advauced several kilometers ly over, after a steady stretch of five State House News t A marriage license was issued this morning to Jacob T Mishler, aged 70. of Hubbard, and Effie Hostetler, aged 57, of. Silver Creek Falls. The Nation's Favorite Butter Nut There Is No Better Aranthus E. Thomas of Scotts Mills has taken out a civil war veteran's license to fish and huut. A huuter's license has been issued to Murray L. Hart of Salem, and an angler's license to v'hss. R. lwan of Arliugtoa. Judge Calloway has issued aa order Always Watch This Ad Changes Often 1 Btrictly cornet weight, aqnar, 4eai Md rice, rZZ ' " "d ,B 1 W per pound for aid no. Bit Itoek Of ill Bin 1 r a "r "a "" na Douauigi, Booting paper linoleum. tad 4 oomgatat 7 eeoad Und H. Steinback"Junk"Co. Tha Eoom of Half a Million Barm,. 108 North Commercial It :