Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1916, Image 1

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3c 5C 3! 9c sjc sfs jc c jf sfs sc sjc jc
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CJf :
Von Ma-1 isen Joins Von Hindenberg to Assist In Great
Coil; Offense-First Will Be Struck In Southeast
! Where Austrians Have Been Steadily Forced Back
Fighting at Verdun Is Like Earlier Days-British Claim
Gains But They Are Light
London, Aug. 5. The Germans are massing both
troops and guns on the eastern front for a great counter
offensive under Von Hindenburg designed to stem .the
Russian advance, against Kovel and Lemberg.
jThis news was received here from several neutral
points today and was partly confirmed in dispatches from
Berlin. For several days, troops trains have been leav
ing Berlin daily, carrying reserves to the eastern front.
Berlin believes Ihe crisis of the war- is approaching on the
eastern front and for this reason, great crowds are
gathering daily to bid the departing-troops farewell.
Field Marshall Von Mackensen, who inaugurated the
reat German offensive against the Russians a year ago,
has joined Von Hindenburg on the eastern front. The
Austrian crown prince, recently on the Italian front, has
assumed charge of operations in Galicia.
Reports from Amsterdam tnda
probably would be struck in
nave acmevea tne greatest successes, Hindenburg aiming
l.u mrow uacK me wnoie Kussian line by driving in the
eft bank and at the same time silencing the Roumanian
leaders who have been ursine-
allies. The-battle, it is believed, will be gradually spread
until the whole eastern front is involved . in a gigantic
struggle comparable to that of early last summer.
It is too early to determine whether the strong German
counter attacks in the region east of Kovel form the be
ginning of the expected Austro-German offensive. The
Russian war office admits the evacuation of Rudka
Mirinskaia under heavy Austro-German attacks, but the
fighting at this point continues.
Hot Fighting at Verdun.
Paris, Aug. 5. The Germans attack
ed furiously on the Verdun front
throughout last night in violent
attempt to recapture Thiaumont work
and to drive the French trom Fleury.
The war office announced today that
the Teuton counter assaults were check
ed with heavy Josses.
The Germans launched a particularly
heavy attack against Thiaumont work
at 9 o'clock last night after a violent
riotnbardment along the Thianmont
Fleury front; The fighting continued
until early this morning.
' 'Every enemy attempt was re
pulsed," snid one official dispatch.
"The Germans did not gain an inch,
though they suffered heavy losses. In
Floury village the situation remains un
changed despite heavy fighting."
On the Somme front only minor en
gagements, in which several" German pa
trols were dispersed, occurred last
night. Last of Pont-a-mousson south
east of Verdun, a German attack in
tnvn forest was checked by French ma
chine gun fire.
In 18 air fights yesterday, two Ger
mans dropped to their own lines dam
aged and two others were brought down
in the region of Verdun.
The Germans again attacked on the
whole Fleury-Thiaumont front, repeat
insj their tactics of the previous night
when they moved forward ia dense col
umns ngainst the newly Von French po
sitions. Desperate bayonet fighting again oc
curred in the streets of Fleury, the war
After all th' care and worry a mother
goes thro' th' first thing a baby says
ia "Papa." - Constable Plum's son-in-law
has accepted a job that'll keap
him away from home as much as pos-itibJe.
the southeast where the Slavs
Kin? Ferdinand inin the
office stated. The Germans charged re
peatedly but were repulsed by the
French who defended themselves with
bayonets, rifle and. machine gun fire
from behind ruined buildings and bar
ricades. .The attack by which the French ngain
captured Thiaumont work was delivered
yesterday afternoon, French batteries
first silenced German guns which had
forced the French out of the position
in Thursday' fighting. Infantry then
sprang to the attuck and within a few
minutes had driven the Germans from
the redoubt. The French immediutely
begnn organizing their positions anil
repulsed several counter attacks.
Take Part of Line.
London, Aug. 5. German second lino
positions on a front of more than 2,000
yards north of Pozieres were captured
by the British in a resumption of the
Nomine offensive lust night, General
Haig reported to the war office this
afternoon, fc'evernl hundred prisoners
were tnken.
The attack was delivered by the An
tiiaus and troops of the new army and
was " completely successful" Geuerul
Haig reported. Repeated German coul
ter attacks against the newly won posi
tions were repulsed, the Germans suffer-
; ing Heavily.
j No important other engagements oc
j curred on the British front Inst night.
The other activity reported consisted of
mining operations.
Koninni is a small statiou 31 miles
southeast of Port taid and about three
miles from the shore of the Mediterran
ean. It lies just north of the caravan
trail leading from Egypt to Syria.
The battle is goiug on along a front
of from seven to eight miles extending
on both sides of the Hyrinu caravan
route. The latest dispatches to the war
office, filed at dusk Friday, said that
the Turks had made no gains against
the strongly fortified British line. The
combat was being waged over the winds
in a temperature of 100 degrees.
On the southern flank the British not
only repelled Turkish attacks, but cap
tured between 400 and 600 prisoners. On
the northern flank British warships sta
tioned in the Bay of Tina rendered
valuable assistance, shelling the Turkish
right wing.
Say Eusfdans Halted. j
Berlin, via wireless to Snyrllle, I.. I., '
Aug. 5. Excepting on the Stoehod riv
er and Brody fronts, the Russians have
abandoned thoir continued attacks prob
ably because of heavy losses, said an
official statement from the Austrian
war office under date of August 3, re
ceived here today.
"Ia the Russian war theatre, a hos
tile detachment entered a small section
of our trenches but was completely
ejected," it was stated. "Southwest of
Brody, Rur.sian attacks were repulsed.
Russian advances on the Hnrny-Kovel
railway failed. Otherwise the' enemy
has been considerably more quiet, as-
(Continued on Pago Faur.)
St. Paul, Mum., An. 5. At-
thochneracomuclulta, piinseoni-
communis, aualtnenususoruvu-
tus, phalaceonacuinmums, an-
illnecuborobis, and imjattripoj-
dens have all been moved. T.'iev
formerly occupied space ae.u-
each other, in Pilisbury hall,
University of Minnesota. How
they have been put in the .lew
biology building. They are skei-
etons of pre historic animals.
jc s(c sfc s(c s(c 3c 3c sc s)c sjc sc 5)4 sjc sjc jfc s(t
Itinery Mapped Out for 10,
000 Mile Campaign Tour
Beginning Today
By Perry Arnold
(United Press staff correspondent)
Bridgehampton, L. !., Aug. S. Can
didate Charles Evans Hughes and the
candidate's adviser, Mrs. Charles Ev
ans Hughes, left here today on a ten
thousand mile stumping tour which
will carry thein from coast to coast.
The republican nominee expects to
make nearly two score speeches in such
cities ns Detroit, Chicago, St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Fargo, Grand Forks, llel
enr, Butte, Missoula, Spokane, Seattle,
Coucr d'Alene, Portland, Sau Francis
co, Los Angeles, Keno, Ogden, Salt
Lake, Denver, Topekn, Kansas City, St.
Louis, Lexington, Ky., and several
points in Maine, He will not be back
in New York until about September
Never before in the history of poli
tics has a candidate been accompanied
on a sieaking tour by his wife. But
Mrs. Hughes is almost an oracle in the
family of the former justice.' Her hus
band consults frequently with her, val
ues her opinion of people and things
and on this occasion, when he is seek
ing ibe presidency, he is more than ev
er anxious to draw upon her advice.
Friend of the nominee suggest Hughes
championship of woman suffrage came
about through his appreciation of the
feminine mind as exemplified by Mrs.
Hughes expected to confer with
Chairman Willcox during tiie day and
will leave with his private secretary,
Iewrence H. Green anil half a dozen
other attaches at 9 o'clock tonight.
Tomorrow the party will speud Sunday
at Niagara Falls. On Monday Hughes
is due in Detroit for possibly two
To Raise $500,000 Fund.
New York, Aug. 5. Conferences and
shopping preparatory to his 10,000 mile
campaign trip starting tonight filled
Republican Mominee Hughes' day to
day. National Chnirmau Willcox will
leave with Hughes tonight but will go
direct to thicugo, there to open western
republican headquarters. He said today
ho might be in Detroit fo rthe first of
Hughes cnuipnigu speeches on Monday.
.Mrs. O. fl. 1'. Belmont, or the wo
man's party executive committee, af
filiated with the Hughes alliance, left
for Newport today to cauvass for politi
cal contributions. The committee has
set $500,000 as the figure they desire to
ruise to do political work for Hughes.
What part the Congressional Union lor
Woman Suffrage siiull piny in the cam
puigu will not be decided until after the
woman's conference at Colorado Springs
beginning August 10. The suffrugists,
however, will start stumping for votes
for women beginning September 1.
National Democratic Chnirinun Mc
Cormick is expected shortly to announce
the personnel of the womun's commit
tee which will work for President Wil
son's re election. He has been holding
conferences with a number of demo
cratic feminists during the lust few
Ui vs. I'ronuljlv the democratic commit
tee will pit women stump speakers
against the G. O. P. feminine orators
throughout the county.
Market Very Quiet
Prices a Shade Lower
New York, Aug. S. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
On a light volume of business prices
opened at fractional changes from the
closing of yesterday, with the early
tendency, however, in the direction of
lower levels. Outside interest in the
operations was lacking, while there
was no evidence of participation in th
market by the more important Wall
Street interests.-
Trading was confined to a few is
sues, notablv the mercantile marines,
Alaska Gold Mines, Mexican Petrol
eum, Cuba Cane Hugnr, United Stutes
Steel and some of the motors in which
as a rule small gains were recorded in
the first half hour. Stocks in the
traction companies were inactive, but
there were a few deals in the New
York railway !5's and Third Avenue
adjustment S's at slight price eonces
Tfttal dealings in the first hour were
smaller than in any similar period in
the current year, whie for the first
two hours a new record for dullness as
far as the greater number of prom
inent issues were concerned.
Price changes in the closing hour
were unimportant.
7,000 Out of, 15,000 Em
ployes Quit Others Fall
ing In Line
2,500,000 PEOPLE DAILY
The Few Cars Running Have
Much Trouble, and New
York Walks
New York, Aug. 5. The street car
strike which covers Manhattan, Bronx
and Queens, threatened to spread to a
fourth borough this afternoon when em
ployes of the Richmond Light and Rail
way company presented demands and
threatened to walk out.
. At the office of the trtaton Island
company at 2:30 this afternoon it was
said there was no strike. Inspector
Calahan reported the men had threaten
ed to walk out at noon unless granted
an advance from 24 to 30 cents on hour.
Men on the Second avenue lines join
ed the strikers this afteroon. Their em
ployers said no demands had been pre
sented and that less than OB per cent
of their employes went out.
At noon today the number of cars in
operation in all lines in Manhuttan hud
materially decreased. Ol'ficiuls of the
railways said this was due to luck of
police protection. They maintain that
strike breakers have been mobbed and
intiindatcd until it has beeu necessary
for them to stop the operation of cars
in many sections of the city. Addition
al police protection is assured, how
ever. Crowds Swarm on Tracks.
Greatest trouble in opernting the few
cars running was experienced in the
heart of the crowded east side, where
many of the strikers live. Enormous
crowds of women, boys, men and little
girls poured out of close built tenement
and swarmed to the streets and tracks.
The crowds carried chairs, stools,
buckets and all kinds Of portable fur
niture. At times it was necessary for
cars to stop 30 minutes before police
reserves could pass, and shove a passeg
through, the mob;
Police arrangements have been com
pleted, with flying strike squads ns the
(Continued on Pave BlxA
Prominent Women Form
League to Assist
Nation In Wartime
Women of executive ability, wide in
fluence and wealth are -organizing a
patriotic league of American women for
defense known as the Women's Ameri
can Supply league. It will be allied
with the Ked Cross, but will do a very
different work. Amog the organizers
are Mrs. Charles K. Hughes, Mrs. Geo.
. Mcl;ersham, Mrs. Ogden Goelet,
Mrs. William Cummings Story, Miss
Helen Frick, Mrs. I.iudley M. Garrison,
Urs. Harry Payne Whitney, Mrs. Thos.
J. Prestoa (who was Mrs. Grover Cle
veland), and Mrs. John Hays Hammond.
The object of the association is "to
supply necessities to the men at the
front and in mobolization camps, to fur
nish needed assistance to families of
soldiers in the way of work or relief,
to furnish hospital, supplies to the Red
Cross and other war relief agencies and
to create and develop in the United
States a militia of patriotic American
women trained aud prepared for such
service as women can render toward
national needs." The picture shows
Mrs. Preston,
.Senator Lewis Is Vitriolic In
His Denunciation of
Claims Troubles Were Stirred
Up to Make Political
Washington, Aug. 5. On the heads
of the "generals" of the republican
party lies the responsibility for lives
lost in Mexico, Democratic Whip Lewis
charged today in a senate speech.
Lewis announced his speech as an
answer to the Mexican issue raised "by
Charles E. Hughes in his acceptance ad
dress. He declared that irresponsible Mex
ican bandits had been encouraged to
commit acts of horror because republi
can leaders, hi jneir anxiety to embar
rass the president and create a cam
paign issue, hud given the impression
that the country was not united in sup
port of its executive head.
"Here this day, I put the' responsi
bility for the death of every American
soldier killed on the border of Mexico
in 11)1(1 upon the heads of the generals
of the republican party," Lewis declar
ed. "I charge that not until the cap
tains of the republican party shot nt
the president of the United States did
the Mexican outlaws shoot at the sol
diers of the American president:
The Mexican issue, he asserted, had
been picked up for purposes of ex
pediency only after the prosperity, had
made the favorite republican doctrine,
the tariff, impracticable.
Mexico the Issue.
"The cry has gone forth 'Mexico is
the issue.' The issue, mind you. Not
that there iB a principle to be vindicat
ed, justitce to be asserted. No. But
that Mexico is to be the political issue.
"The army is summoned the mer
cenary, tho concessiouarie, tho European
bond holder, the mining buccaneers tne
land pirates, the pillagers of the peons,
the oppressors of liberty; and nil this
procession of blood tarnished votaries
led by tho republican nomineo, Charles
Evans Hughes.
"Mr. Hughes declares that Wilson
had nothing to do with the morals of
Huertuj that it was the obligation of
diplomacy to recognizo him. With the
murdering Borgins, Hughes would ex
claim: " 'Stand not on morals, but on power
'tis bloody but hath rewards.' "
Huertn having been eliminated, peace
could have been restored with either
Villa or Carrimzn nt the government 's
head, Lewis said, had not American fin
ancial forces and republican lenders dr..
tcrmined to keep boiling the pot of Mex
ican uisorucrs.
Encouraged Outlaws,
"But by a false display of the na
tion's sentiment toward Mexico." ho
continued, "the republican masters en-
couragcii every outlaw and cutthroat to
feel privileged to assail whatever rep
resented Wilson or his policy. These
knew they would have the snmiort of a
great party in America which for years
nni been successtul in electing presi
dents. 1
"Thus it was that just a month nfter
Senator Hoot had struck his keynote of
opposition to n democratic president,
the murderers dashed into Columbus.
N. M.
'The bnudits of Villa found their al
lies in the leaders of the republican
party. All were for the destruction of
an American policy and American presi-
it-iii .
"By the doctrine of the law which
holds icsponsible those who set in mo
tion the machinery which ends in the
murder of a man, the republican plat-
iruiu minuers wno denounced their
president were the perpetrators of the
death of those Americans. When they
shot at the president of the United
States, they summoned also the outlaws
of Villa ninl Ciirriiiiza to kill his sol
diers." Senator Fall, of New Mexico, refer
ring to Lewis as more like a court
jester than a senator and his address
more worthy of a political stump than
the halls of congress, assailed President
Wilson's Mexican policy in a sharp reply-
"We have listened to the remarkable
political harangue I have ever heard,"
saiil Senator Fall, "and the like of
which I never expected to hear in the
balls of congress. Were I in charge
of th" republican campaign I would
spend every sum and resource to dis
seminate it.
"The senator belongs to the new
school of patriotism which believes pa
triotism means servility. He would
place us on the same plan as a Mexican
who never uses the word 'patriot,' but
says 'I am for Villa' or 'I am fer Cnr
ranza.' . 1 ',
"The senator would have us say not
that we are for America but that we
New York, Aug. 5. l.itro-
ducing i.'alen-r George Block,
the human basebnll. The bta-
gues are tossing George back
and forth in every direction.
$ Four times in ten d.iys recent
. ly he changed uniforms. St.
Joseph released Block to Viehi-
ta and Wichita in a few days
sent him back. St. Joseph re
& signed him and fl f-'w day
$ later released him to Milwau-
kee, which team ho Inn joirtod.
Tells How Progressives Have
Broke Boss Controland
Cites Bois Penrose
Chicago, Aug, S In a stntemcut is
sued here today, Raymond Robins,
chairman of the last progressive con
vention, comes out flat, footedly in
support of .Charles Evans Hughes for
president and urged progressives to re
join the G. O. 1. and boost its candi
date. We progressives stand at cross
roails, " RobiiiB said.
American social, industrial and po
litical life has been broken down un
,i.,r iha i.i il,i;,.;,i.i;.t; ntr,,i "
the statement declared. "A new nn-1
tiontil mind and conscience developing
social unity, industrinl standardization,
effect politicnl honesty from a self
controlled democracy this is the goal
of our American life. 1 believe in the
character anil courage of tho nominee
of the republican party. He is the most
conspicuous example in our history of
the possibilities tlint American politics
may hold for success in able and un
selfish public Bcrvieo. For myself, 1
gladly enliBt with the great majority
of the progressives of the nation under
the leadership of Charles Evans
liugiies. "
Progressives Just a Protest
Robins said the 1914 elections had
showed progressives regarded the pro
gressive candidates of 1112 merely as
tho representatives of a protest and
that Roosevelt correctlv interpreted
this in refusing to run in 1910.
It became necessary, he snid, for
progressives to consider which of the
old narties offered the best in the
"mass drift" of opinion, for voters of
progressives, tendencies.
"The primary voter mass control of
the democratic party is in fifteen
southern and southwestern states and
in the industrial cities of the nution,"
iie assorted. "The fixed southern
control of tho democratic party is in
dividualistic lu its thinking, sectional
in its sympathies and inherits a tra
dition against common labor as ser
vile. The democratic primary : voter
mass in the industrial cities is the
most heterogeneous of our nationnl
groups and the excessive pressure of
living and industrial conditions rend
ers it the most fertile field for boss
control in the service of selfish per
sonnl corporate interests.
"The primary voter control of the
republican party is in the rural com
munities of the' central, western anil
New England states. This group rep
resents the highest literacy in Ameri
ca. '
Itobiiis cited republican achievements
mid how republican progressives in
New: Hampshire, California, Wisconsin
uil Pennsylvania ."broke boss coin
trol." Ile'deiiounced the present Illi
nois democracy as being "more com
pletely under control of a corporation
boss who represents the worst In our
political system, thun ut any time in
twenty years.'"
Mexico Ready to Discuss
All Points of Dispute
By Carl D. Groat.
(I'liited Press stuff correspondent.)
Wnahiiicrtoii. Auir. C. The Mexican
government is willing to enter into gen
eral discussion or proiucins nricciing
the economic situation there, us well us
the mutter of troop withdrawal. 'This
information reached here today in con
fidential messages from official sources
in Mexico City.
Heceint of this word served to clcur
away doubt as to whether Cnrranzn had
shut the door on a discussion of other
than -military piutters in the proposed
Amcricaii-.Ucxiiwn conrcrsnce. it nuu
been believed by some officials here
thut he still opposed negotiations over
a bnroader scope of affairs.
This government will not appoint its
commission, however, until it is fully
BUtisfied that the conferees can get to
gether in a broad minded way on a
brood gunge pluu for improving Mex
ican conditions.
Frank Gloss, age 18 years, of Edger-
tou, Montana, was accepted this morn
ing nt the I'. S. recruiting office, lie
enlisted in the infantry and will leave
Monday for Portland. Sergennt Schus
ter is making a fine record ns a re
cruiting officer nud has been commen
ded bv his superior officers.
are for Woodrow Wilson,"
He gave his "political thanks" to
Lewis for Lewis' alleged statement that
Villa would have been recognized "and
order restored" is republican senators
had not obstructed the deal.
Senator Norris Declares That
Trouble Comes From
Watering Stocks
Managers Are Hired Men
Who Must Make Roads
Pay or Lose Jobs
Washington, Aug. 5. The strongest
argument ever presented for govern
ment ownership -of railroads is the
threatened paralysis of traffic due to
nn employers-employes controversy.
Senator Norris, of Nebraska, declared
Should the impending disaster full, ho
announced, he will seize the opportunity
to advance the doctrine that private
ownership of a public utility necessarily
is opposed to the public interest.
Norris will introduce a bill calling
for the construction or purchase of a
nation-wide system a line from the At lantic
to the Pacific and 'from the gulf
to the lakes. This be will propose to
operate us a model ultility, both as to
treatment of the public in rates and
to employes in pay.
"Watered stock is the great evil of
railways," said Norris. "Many of them,
must earn interest and dividends of
from two to five times their actual
"Nothing, therefore, is more uufair
and unintelligent than to 'cuss' rail
road managers. . Simply hired men, they
must opesate .With such economy to
ward their employers and with such &
niako-it-pay-regardless attitude toward
the public that the surprise is that the
blow bus not come sooner. t
Fictitious Value Cause.
"This strike is as inevitable as sum
mer or winter. . Possibly the situation
may bo patched up. '
. "But so long as the railroad manag
ers must devote their every genius and
their every item of labor toward earn
ing dividends and Interest on values
that do not exist, there is hanging over
the traffic of this country over its
business life, its food supply, its milk
trains that carry food fas its babies a .
Damoclcan sword. ...
"(iovernmcnt ownership would suc
ceed been use there would bo no water.
Admit that operation might not be so
economical and tlint term may mean,
remember, grinding the men and goug
ing the public, nevertheless, with the
tremendous watering of stock eliminat
ed, operation would pay.
"Far more important it would be
in tho public interest. A manager
would not ask 'lion high a rate can I
get. for this commodity 1 How cheap
enn I hire this manf
"Ami all rntes would be uniform,
fair without rebates or favoritism of
liny kind.
"What 1 fear in government own
ership is politics. To remedy I would
make it a jail offense for any congress
man or senator to ask for the promo
tion of any employe, once the gvoru
meat line was established.
"1 would finance the line with a gov
ernment issue of bonds and stocks to
be sol. I all to the people. If lines could
not be purchased for a fair price, I
would build others.
"One class of stock I would reserve
for emplnyos exclusively for them to in
vest in thorn when they choose.
"I believo these two lines one east
and west, from ocean to ocean, the oth
er north and south from lakes to gulf
would hnve so tremendous an influence
in mouldiag rates and treatment of
employes that further extension of gov
ernment ownership might not be noces
sury or if it wub, its advantages would
be so apparent to our opposition."
The Orange club, Salem students at
the state college at Corvallis, wore ia
charue of toe ice cream sale at the
1 til it 1 1 concert in Willsnn park lust
night. They are E. N. Pearcy, Dave
W nulit and wife, Ora Constable, Marie
Trucy and Nell Hykes. As a result of
the salu the sum of 430.40 was turned
into the treasury of tho Salem Patriot
ic Lenirne. - 1
Oregon: ' Fair
tonight and Sun
day; northwest
erly winds.
looks like