EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1916. Look for Special Sale Announcement in Tomorrow's Paper A Big Assortment Of Bathing Suits For Men, Women and Children The Season's Newest Colorings Styles and Trimming. Wool or Cotton Suits' at various prices Special Sale of Boys' frO 85 Palm Beach Suits - yOm Here are new stylish suits for boys best made in Norfolk and other styles knickerbocker and straight trousers. These suits sell regularly at $5 and $5.50 Why not outfit the boy now at a generous saving? QUALITY AND SERVICE TV K7 All Around Town COMINGEVENTS TONIGHT Cherrian Km ml Concert ot Will sou Turk. Drink Cereo, the liquid food, the health drink. Ask your grocer. tf o Auk. 5 "Tho Mikado" at Op era Hoiihu. Aug. 7. Concert ut Chcmnwa by Chcmnwa Indian string quartet. Aug. 15. Third numiul picnic Southern Pucifio employes at atnte fair grounds. Sept. 18. Opening day of city Schools. Aug. 25. Cherriau excursion to Marshfield. Bept. 25-30 Oregon State Fair. ... At the monthly meeting of tiie Elk Imltin Invt ovciiinu. 8. II. 'm-iicltlm wns ! initiated into the niyst -lien of hlkdnui iiinl a tiilk wns given by A. .1. Ander son Opliriil Institute of Portland, enpi convention of the Kilts at Jinltimcrit. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse u correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bid.'. - The Salem Orange club whose mem bers are graduates and students of the O. A. C. will soil ire cream cones this evening at the band concert in Will son park, the proceed), to he forward ed to Company M', at Imperial Bench California. Denlson's Baths, foot of State street. Safe, convenient, first class. tf The Southern Pacific carried 127 persons from Sulcm to Silvertun yester day to utteml the meeting of the Mar ion county Veterans' association. The attendance was estimated at more than 500. Wards Drug Store will supply Its customers with pure grain alcohol ac cording to luw. augl Since the recruiting office was es tablished in Salem July (. more than 40 recruits have been enlisted at this office for the V. S. army, breaking the record of the northwest for cities of this size. Today Kalph V. Mason of Aurora, Oregon, was accepted and will he sent to Cortland tomorrow. Dance at Brooks Saturday night. au5 CHIROPRACTIO IS THE MASTER SYSTEM If your spine is right, you are right. Those who have tried every old method and found no relief should try Chiropractio and get well. Many hundreds of grateful patients in Salem and elsewhere can substantiate my statements. Six adjustments will be given for tho small fee of $5.00. Hiffieult cases, which require X-ray examinations and Spiuogrnphs can ob tain them at a nominal fee. Only ex pert Spinograph work. A talk with the old Chiropractor may lead you to health and happiness; act now. P. II. MAY, D. C, Hubbard Building. Phone 572 HOUSEKEEPING Rooms to Rent Apply Within Albert S. Campbell of Portland, a pnrolled patient, disappeared from the state asylum for the insane yesterday. He is about 53 years old, and is de scribed as not dangerous. ' On and after Aug. 1st,' 1016, and un til further notice I'ry's Urug Store will supply its customers according to law with pure grain or ethyl akohol. tf Miss Anne D. Sweezey, librarian of the Salem public librnrv returned Tues day from a month's vacation at Se attle and other Sound points. Yes terduv she left with the Chemeketa Camp fire girls for a few days camping at Mehama. See our display of cantaloupes, 5c each, 3 and 4 for 25c. Hoth tirocery. Announcement is made elsewhere in today's issue of the decision of tieo. T. Wilson and those working with linn to give "Tho Mikado" at the opera house Saturduy evening at popular prices. This sign in your window will be seen only by the people who happen to pass by, and look at your window. Your advertisement in The Capital Journal classified columns will be published in over 4,000 copies daily and will be seen by an army of interested readers. ' PHONE YOUR COPY NOW. d 81 3 Big Specials Beef to Boil 8c per pound. Choice Roasts of Beef 10c per pound Treaty Signed Today for Transfer of Danish Islands Near Canal Washington, Aug. 4. The treaty be tween Denmark ami the I'nited States for the purchase of the lanish West Indies for 2."i,000,000 was signed In New York today by Secretary of State Lansing and Minister llrun, the state department announced today. Juirly ratification ot the treaty Is expected. The sentiment of the United States senate favors such action and unofficial word from Copenhagen is that the conservative party which re jected the proposal for the sale in l!l2 is now opposed to the sale. Chuirman Stone of the senate for eign relutions committee said today the opposition to the Danish West Indies tiiirchjlMA ulmnrentl V watt m'lrlitfihlc and that he believed the vote to con-fmembers will be initiated at the next firm the treaty would be unanimous. The only opposition nt all was be cause of the price he said. I nder the treaty the United states obtains the islands of St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas, cast of Porto RI'O. lt Isurrendersl its disVoveif rigiits in the north of (jreenland. The treaty must be ratified by the Danish and American governments and the people of the islands. The house of representatives as well us the senate will have to ratify the treaty for this country because of the money involved. From the I'nited States standpoint the chief gain in getting the islands is strategic. For Kuropean govern ments to hold the West Indies is con sidered to threaten this country s in terests. Grand TJrJion Coffees teas; etc. Phone UOS or call 210 N. Commercial. Dr. R. I. Tower and wife of Seattle arc in the city visiting the parents of Mrs. Tower. Mr. and -Mrs. tieorge Mar tin. 10H2 North Sixteenth street. They have been touring Idaho, Washington and Oregon and will remain here sev eral days. o Early Triumph Peaches 25c basket; The Dalles Apricots $1.25 crate. Hotti (iroccry Co. The correct address of soldiers in Company M is Imperial lleach, Cnli fnrnm. The eoini'iinv completed its five mile march to the beach yesterday nnd todav it is established in its new lieaddiiarters. in addressing letters, .just add "in care of Copany M." If its building materials come to us. Kails CitySnlerA Lumber Co., ''t S. 12th. l'hone 813, Hop conditions iri all parts of the cnuntv are rcnorted unusually favor able and in the low lands, the best for many years. So far no blight has ap peared" and from the standpoint of the tirst week in August, a iiuuiper croi is in prospect. o ' Mikado cast attention: Meet at the opera house tonight at S o'clock for re hearsal. Dr. Hauel's new discovery, Cereo, a substitute for coffee, will be demon tr..tp.l in Medford nnd other cities to the south this week by David Ware ham, who leaves on the trip tomorrow morning. Cereo is advertised as a liquid food that tastes .rust like coffee, yet is very nourishing. o Grand Union Soap Powder now at Lockwood's, 21tt X. Commercial or phone IMiS. lore songs are still popular notwith standing the general impression that love is often but a temporary infatu ation. Tonight at the Chcrrian band concert in Willson nurk, Tom Orde manu will sing, "In tiie Land of Love with the Song llirds." Why buy a hot watermelon vou can get a real cold one nt lb, Hoth Croc. Co. when le per Juicy Tender Steak 14c per pound Boneless Rolled Prime Roasts of Beef 15c per pound Midget Market 371 State Street Originators of Low Prices C Notwithstanding the fact that every mi,, who miirht have been nt the neacn last evening was nt ta- Cherrian dance Riverside Jlip receipts yesterday was $14.10. With the gradually increasing temperature, .Manager vtiison is mim ing for a record breaking crowd Sat urday evening and Sunday. Grand Union Goods, free new price- llf rr.itlv reduced nrices. I all and get one at Lockwood's, Slrt N. Com mercinl St. Chief of Police Wolsh yesterday turned over tiie cares of his office to K..rir,.,iiit. Folalid and stinted on a two weeks vavation. lie was accompanied lv his wife and son. They went first tA Scin. where Mrs. Welsh is to remain while the chief ami the boy go to Breiteubush Hot Springs. For the picnic of the Southern Pa cific employes to be held at the state tair grounds Tuesday, August lo, two special trains will rim, one coming from, Portland and the other from Hosebtirg, each arriving about 11:30 in the morning. While this is a railroad picnic, the public is invited. o Frame that picture now. The Frame Shop and (littery, 415 Court St., has a window full of trames made from short lengths of mouldings, only 25 cents More frames inside ot large size at 35 and 50 cents. All post card size frames are fitted with glass. Come ear ly so us to have full choice. The river is gradually settling down to a summer gunge although it is not falling very fast. Wednesday the guage was 1.1 Wet above zero, Thurs day, I loot anovc and today .Si of a toot above. The genuine resort cli mate font i nuos as the maximum yester- lay was iu and miiiumim. ov degrees above. A special dispensation has been grant ed the Foresters of America, Sherwood cainp Ko. 1!) o. Salem whereby for the uext dl) days, new members may be taken in for an initiation fee of $1. C. J. Bench is chief ranger and meet ings are held Thursday evenings at Hurst. Hull. It is expected that 2o meeting. Grand Union Tea company re-estab lishes agency store. Salem people, es pocially the good housewives of this city, will be pleased to learn that the lirnud Union has re-established their agency store in Salem. The business will be in chaige of (.', M. Luckwood who formerly conducted the business so successfully for over five years at his store at 210 North Commercial street. Eay Pomeruy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. I'omeroy of. this city, was among those who passed the examinations re cently of the state medical board. At present be is head interne of Vincent's hospital, Portland, and now that , he has passed the exams, if entitled to be addressed as Dr. Kay I'omeroy. o W. P. Olds, senior member of the drygoods firm of Olds, Wortmau 4i King of Portland, become suddenly ill while a passenger this morning on the Oregon Klectric. Vpon arrival of the train at Salem he was taken to the Marion hotel and given medical at tention by Dr. Morse. He recovered in a few hours ami wns able to take the 1:50 Klectric for Portland. This is a gloom story. It does not concern gasoline, but has to do with one ot the other necessary things of life. Flour has been advanced 40 cents Columbia River Highway auto excur sion from Salem to Bouneyville and return, Sunday AifJ. ti. Make reserva tions at cor. 11 igh and Ferry, or plume Hoi). aug5 Fred S. Bynon, T. L. Billingsley, Win. Oahlsdorf and Win. Metiilch'rist,! Jr., are in Independence and Dallas today working in the interests of the; excursion to Marshfield, August 25. j On the window of the building at 4G9 1 State street in which new display win-1 dows have recently been placed, is thei following notice. "Chicago store will' open about August 10. Fancy dry goods i and merchant's samples. Agnes Mc Kvoy, prop."" J Cato Sells, who has taken an active j interest in Indian affairs, will talk j tonight before the institute at Clients- j wa. He is an appointee of Secretary Lane, and is considered one of the best informed men on Indian affairs in the country. I In the case of the injunction suit brought by (Frank 8. Ward against; the city restraining the city from pur-j chasing the paving plant now in the! city mill in use on the fair gronndsj road, Mr. Ward says tiie object of the; injunction was not to prevent the city ; at any future time from buying a plant, but that it is an injunction a gainst this special machinery and tiie method of its purchase. o 1 Members of the Knights of Pythias ami Pythian Sisters returned from Portland last night loud in the praise of the Knights and Ladies of that city, and for the special care taken to give visitors a good time. Among those who attended the grand lodge meetings of the Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sisters are, W. B. tiilson, 11. A. John son, W. li. Sunimervills mid wile. Otto Schellberg and wife, Mrs. Irene St. Helens and J. C. Perry. The meeting next year will be held at Marshfield. The 250 teachers and students at tending the Chemawn summer institute j at the Salein Indian training school will ninke a special visit to Salem next Tuesday afternoon, according to lien- juiiiin Brick, ilire.ctor of the tourist j mid publicity department of the Coin-I men ial club. At present the plans are I to secure a special run 1 mm (.bemuwu on the Klectric, bringing the students and teachers to the city about four o 'cluck. They will be shown about tho citv ami the state institutions and stay for the Chcrrian band concert. Attending the institute ure prominent teachers and professor in Indian work from all the agencies in the northwest and from several colleges in the cast. The school of instruction of the aux- As the acorn grows to be tho mighty onk, so children, when rightly nourished, grow to bo sturdy men and women. Good flavor and the essential nourishing elements for mental and physical development of children are found in tho famous food Grape-Nuts Made of whde wheat and malted barley, this pure food supplies all the nutriment of the mains in a most easily digested form. .. t It docs the heart good to see little folks enjoy Grape-Nuts and cream. "There's a Reason" Sold by Grocers. When In 8A1EM, OKEGON, stop it BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths BATES: 75c, 11.00, $1.50 PEE DAT The only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatrei ard Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home. T. Q. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Free Auto Bui. a barrel bv an the mills in Portland,! iliary ot the Salem Kitle club was at Keattle nnd Sound uoints. nil of which! tended by I'i last evening. The school ... , . ' . I V tt .1... . means tnat next ween ine good people of Salem will be privileged to pay 10 cents a sack more for their Hour. At least that is the general impression today. , READ THIS (irand 1'iiion goods, tens coffees, -soap powder, etc., can now be secured at former locution 21ll N. Commercial street or phoiie-lMiS.- ('. M. ' Lockwnoil. ' . aug7 is made uu of those who are preparing''!1 themselves for higher offices in tiie military service and is colled a nun commisioned officers school. They were put through the school of thciie squad by Captain Rosenberg nnd jii i the near future will be given the man- mil of arms. Appointments as perma- $ neiit officers will soon be made, based on nn examination. Next Sunday mem- bci-s will go to the Finzer range tor a preliminary shoot. Instructions will be given in handling a K ra g-J urge n sen, such as trigger pull and wind itctiec l tion. What 2 CSS 5 Will Buy at Damon's 15 Lemons for 25c 3 lbs. fresh Crackers for 25c 10 lbs. new dry Onions The New Submarine Aug. 4. The Xew Submarine has given up making a landing in the Chesapeake Bay, and will probably come around by the way of Portland. This is great news. The reason is they heard thev could save more moneq by buying their supplies nt the Farmers Cash Store. NEWPORT-NYE BEACH Automosile Passenger and Ba(- i gage Transfer Furnished Tents and Cottages.... Correspondence Promptly Answered L. D. PICKENS, Box 274 mm CAR5 o; Any kimd ATtiwcr Any time Otis Griswold, who has been conduct ing a newspaper mar Walla Walla, in in the eii.v visiting his mother in east Salem. He was formerly in the job printing business in this city. for 5 lbs. of best Jap Rice for , 25c 25c i 25c 25c 3 A free employment office Is being conducted at Commons Mission, 241 State for benefit of the public. V m. Kenyon, Supt, o George Quayle, secretary of the Eu gene Chamber of Commerce in writing the Oregon Flax Fiber company of Sa lem, notes the fact that the machinery purvhnsod by the Kugene men for cut ting flax proved quite satisfactory. As there are only two mowem of the kind in Oregon, and as the Kngene men hap pen to own both of them, the Oregon Flax Fiber Co. is promised the use of one in a few days. This mower cuts the flax to within one and one half inch of the ground, while the average mower leaves alxmt si inches. As the length of the fiber is what counts in tlnx, it has been fouu.l advisable to pull it, but the Kugene people seem to have solved the problem by securing a machine that will lose only about nn inch of the stem, avoiding the slow work of pulling.. Theodore Hoth Is president or tne Oregon Flax Fiber company, and Kd Seiiunke, secretary 5 large rolls of Toilet Paper for 15 lbs. of new- Potatoes for 4 lbs.'urve Cut Macaroni for 25c 4 doz. heavy Jar Rubbers -25c 1 1-4 lbs. of Tillamook Cheese for 25c 3 1-2 lbs. of Best Head Rice for 25c One lb. of best Creamery Butter for 30c 5 Bars of Fels Naptha Soap for 25c One lb. of Steel Cut Coffee for 25c If you can't come to the store, phone 68 and we will deliver your order. Damon & Son . Hales Karly large and lucious, 20c Basket PparnPC Triumph, Kxtra size and quality ...,25c Basket 1 tavuto Triumph, medium size 20c Basket Triumph, small size 5c Dozen GrapeS California Tokay, 75c Basket; 15c Pound. Annlao Karly Harvest, large and sweet : 15c Basket AppieS Yellow Transparent, fine Cookers 15c Basket ApriCOtS 4lV flasket. Peach Plum loc Basket. BananaS dozen. Oranges :Wc and "uV Dozen. LemOnS -W' Dozen, Watermelons 2c pound. p i Fancy Turlock Cants. 3 for 2.V. LuRlS By Express Saturday a.m., 4 for 2."c, 3c each. N'ew Corn 2dc doz.; Xew Teas oc pound; Stringless Beans 3c pound; Potatoes It lbs. VPOPtlnlP r -'""-'i Onions 3c lb.; Hot House Tomatoes !iHUUivo 1Qe )b . rnifol.nill Tomatoes 2 lbs. 13c; Peppers loe lb. Beets, Carrots, Turnips, etc., 3c bunch. Mrs. Sawyer will make an especial please you this Saturday. Cakes Westacott-Thielsen Co. 426 State Street effort to 'Salem's Best Market Place" 855 N. Com'l St. Phone 68 I DONT TELL YOUR AGE . Gray hairs are no sign of old age, but tired eyes make you look older than you are. " , CORRECTLY FITTED EYEGLASSES will take away that tired look. Let us relieve you of eyestrain. Miss A. McCulloch. Optometrist, 20S-9 Hubbard BUg. Phone 109 land treasurer. t