EICHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. AUG. 2, 1916. "Salem's Big Department Store" A Big Assortment Of Bathing Suits For Men, Women and Children The Season's Newest Colorings Styles and Trimming. Wool or Cotton Suits at various prices $3M Special Sale of Boys' Palm Beach Suits Here are new stylish suits for boys best made in Norfolk and other stylesknickerbocker and straight trousers. These suits sell regularly at $5 and $5.50 Why not outfit the boy nmu) at generous saving? QUALITY AND SERVICE If a All Around Town MM .- ' , COMING EVENTS TONIGHT Lecture at Chemnwa by Adnlph A. Boric, of Tufts' collie, Cambridge, Mass. Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. Robert Muths of the city fire de partment, with leave of absence for two weeks, left tor Newport this morning. Dr. Ana". 3. Cherrinu picnic and dance, state fair grounds. 'Aug. 3. Marion county civil war veterans' association meet at Silverton. Aug. 15. Third aautiul picnic Southern Pacific employes at state fair grounds. Aug. 25. Chcrrian excursion to Marshfield, Sept. 25-30 Oregon State Fair. l sultutioii, examination or prescription, o ' Business at the Salem postoffice for the month of July was ns follows: Amount received from the sale of ifCittumps and stamped papers, !, HUM; amount received from second cluss mat ter, 1-12.43; from third ami fourth class alter, $27.35. Tulnl, !fli2S!.72. Wards Drug Store will supply its i customers with pure gruin alcohol ae. Although the price of gasoline has advanced one cent this extra tariff ap parently has knd no effect on those who want to riilc in their owns cars, as Vick llros. will unload eight carloads of fords every day tor the next, two Weeks. The models for the coming year are the same as Inst but the price has been reduced, nil hough there has been a general upward tendency in the raw materials. Senator A. M. Lgfollette says that the best cunning peaches will be ripe in about eight or ten days and that tiie average retail price will be in the neighborhood of $1.25 a bushel, lie say unit, m general, the uracil crol Stone makes no charge for con-1 will not average tip with lust year and mat several orclianls in the county will make a poor showing. His owu big crop this yenr he attributes to the spraying and cureful attention given ins orchards. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glaase M correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bld'. The open season for deer does not liegin until August 15. Drink Cereo, the liquid food, the health drink. Ask your grocer. tf Fir Chief Hutton left this morning for lireitcnhusii Hot Springs to spend his annual two weeks vacation, Denlson's Baths, foot of State street. Bale, convenient, first class. tf o The grading and drainage crews are working1 steady on the fair grounds road and the water company is laying pipe. I no curiiuig n the seven blocks of the road will be finished this week and the actual paving under headway by next Monday. On and after Aug. 1st, 1918, and un til further notice i'ry'a Drug Store will supply ita customers according to law with pure grain or ethyl alcohol, tf o This 1b a story of gloom for those who have, and of secret enjoyment for those, who haven't. (lasoline 'advanced not her cent a gn!loii August: 1 ami now those who ride will burn un the gaunt the rate of 21 cents a gallon. All of which is a serious set back to those who were saving up to buy a Ford lined the price dropped SO. " cording to law. aug4 For the benefit of its customers and for the thirsty public in general, the Capital National bunk places a 31)0 pound block of ice in the cooler inside Ihe bank every three days furnishing ice cold water lor the fountain on the sidewalk. Dr. 0. Hartley, specialist, inflamed, bleeding gums and pyorrhea. 41tl U. 8. Hank, llldg. 1'honc ISrt. Parcel post packages as heavy as 11 pounds may now be sent to China ac cording to a recent ruling of the post on ico Department, ami tor the nnv: lego of sending this distance by mail, there is u charge of 12 cents a pound. I no parcel post rate net ween Salem and China went into effect August 1. We will always gladly furnish esti mates on your bill of lumber. Fulls CitvNulom Lumber Co., 34!l S. J2th. I 'ho no SI 3. The Marion county Veterans' associ ation is planning for a big meeting at Silvertou tomorrow. A special will run from Snlem leaving Trade ami Com mercial streets at It o'clock and the S. 1 depot, fifteen iniites later. It is exacted that fully 2(1(1 will attend from Salem. Tne school board of education will advertise for bids this week for th one siory nuiiinngs to tie erected on the grounds of the three junior high schools. At Washington junior high school, a two room single story building will be erected, mid at Lincoln and Kirant, n one room building. These ex tra buildings are necessary on account of the crowded conditions in the three junior high schools. Plan and specifi cations were drawn by tieorge M. l'tst. John W. Todd, the new superintend- ent of tho city schools arrived in the city yesterday with his tnnulv anil is now giving his attention to the work of tho schools. In Mr. Todd's family are Mrs. Todd and four children. The two boys are ago nino and seven years anil the two girls, four and one and a hulf years old. Mr. Todd is a brother of Miss .lunia Todd if Lausanne hall aid of the Kcv. K. II. Todd, president of the College o Puget Sound, Toconin. The Spanlding Logging company re ceived an order this morning for ship ment, of lumber to Calexico, Califor nia. The order will be shipped to Ma jor Thomas 11. Hanson, quartermaster of the I'. S. troops at Calexico and will be used in the building mostly of floors for tents. The lumber to be shipped is mostly 2 by (I, 2 by 12, 1 by 12 ami I by 3. All of which indicates that the government is making arrange nieuts for n long stay i the troops at Calexico. When Company M moves into its new quarters at Imperial City, the tents will be floored with lumber. Attend Picnic and Send Band to Marshfield Ihe big event of the summer will happen at the fair grounds tomorrow afternoon and evening as the Cherrinug ana all friends of Cherrians will gather , me grounds tor a u.ao dinner and a dance and entertainment. -The program is about like this: Every Cherrian to the number of 120 is commanded by King Bing to appear in uniform and if they have families, to bring them along. The dinner is what might be called of the picnic style in which everyone brings a well filled basket. The dinner will be served in the restaurant, everybody eating a t the same time. During the nroeress of the dinner, scv. oral entertaining features will be in- irouuced by i'red S. Jjynon, who is the committee on entertainment. For those who came minus the lunch basket, re lief will be afforded bv William Ate. Gilchrist, Jr., who has been appointed master of the hot dou and hot coffee I department, and wh0 will for a slight. cunsiiierunnn serve not drinks and hot dogs. Mr. McOilchrist will make no money himself for his work, as the proceeds go into the Cherrian treasury. After the dinner and a few other pleasant features, the jitney dance will follow in the machinery building. For those who have n thirst, soft drinks will be served. The Cherrian band will play and the Cherrian orchestra will furnish the music for the dance. The price per dance is five cents and the dancing committee of which M. L. Meyers is high chief, announce thnt every jitney dunce will be a long one, provided of course There is not too much of a rush. The money received from tho dance and stands and William Lerchen's bur will go into the Cherrian strong box, to help defray the expenses of the band to the Marshfield celebration. This great event, under the auspices of the Chcjrinns, and to which all are invited is scheduled for Thursday evening, August 3. Carranza Soldiers Rob Mexican Peons By Webb Miller (I'liiteit Press stuff correspondent) Columbus, N. M., Aug. 2. As pun ishment for dcalin;.' with "gringo in vaders," Cnrian.a troops in the wake of the American expedition systematic ally robbed the natives oT the gold and silver tney untamed ly selling (leenil Pershing's column supplies. Manyl Mexicans have brought such stories j to the American lines it was leu-nod today. I he do tacto government troops created a virtual reign of terror on the heels of the withdrawal bv the ex peditionary forces. From eacn village one native was forced to name every Mexican that sold supplies to t!:e "gringoes."' Sounds of Cnrranz-i sol diers the hunted the Mexicans down and robbed them of the American mon ey. Torture was resorted to when the natives refused to divulge tna hiring place of the money. Sir Roger Casement Will Hang Tomorrow MAY LAND AT PENSACOLA London, Aug. 2. Roger Casement! will be hanged tomorrow morning, it i un ueuuiieiy nnuouuceu lonignt. Preparations were going forward nt Pentonville prison for the hanging of the Irish leader, iu the meanwhile the prisoner's counsel declares Casement seems utterly unconcerned nt his nn- proaching Ifate. His condition was said to have unproved since his trial when he appeared haggard and de pressed. Premier Asouith acknowledged re ceipt of a monster petition signed bv prominent Irishmen today appealing ror clemency for Casement .but did not hold out any hope of exercise of mercy toward the condemned man TODAY'S BALL SCORES IT. American. Ti. Philadelphia 2 7 Chicago S 13 JoJhnsou, Williams and lluley; cottc and Lapp. It. H. Boston 5 H Detroit 2 S ('mi ll. K. S 3 li 0 Oould JT. 13 Fisher and Thomas; Poland ninghain, Diibiic, and McKee. R. Washington 0 Cleveland 3 (lallin, Avers and Ainsmith; and O'Neill.' National. R. Pittsburg 2 Xew York li Mnnimnux ami Schmidt; Benton ami Rnriden. , R. II. ' E. St. Louis "' 10 1 Boston 3 S (I Ames, Wiilinnis and Gonzales; Tyler, Hughes and Blackburn. R. IT. V.. Chicago N 0 7 2 Philadelphia 1 11 1 Prendergast and Wilson; Alexander and Killifer. 12 innings. R. II. K. Cincinnati 4 11 2 Brooklyn ' 21 u Schneider and Wingo; Pfeffer am1 McCarthy. 13 innings. Mikado Well Presented Pensacola, Ha., Aug. 2. Be lief that the German submarine Bremen will dock here was strengthened today with the presence of several allied war ships in the gulf oi'f Pensacola. Also the destroyer Koe, station ed here, left today to engage in aeroplane maneuvers. No aero planes were found but the de stroyer is patrolling just in side the three mile limit beck and forth. Several tugs are cruising just within the limit off tho harbor entrance. Confidence Men Got Gus Demas Bank Roll This is a story of misplaced confi dence in which Gus Demas, a Greek ; bootblack, playing the lending ns well as the losing part. According to Demas, a Greek met him ! accidentally on the street yesterday and ! with tearful eyes toll him of $12,000 : that had been left to a young Greek I in the city who was supposed to be I working ns a bootblack. The stranger I said that the money uul been left by a man who had wronged IH-uins' father years ago. While talking with the stranger, a third Greek appeared who vouchsafed for the $12,000 story and showed that he had money by going to a bank and returning with a big roll ' of equal amount. .lust as a matter of good faith, De mas was asked to show that he had some money and with the strangers went to the V. S. bank and checked out his ac count, ninouuting to 050. This was put in a box supposed ty contain the 12,00(1 left to Demas and the $12,000 supposed to have been drawn from the bunk by out of the strangers. By this time, the three had walked to a point on South High street near the Fry residence. Here the transfer wus to be made when according to De nnis, one of the men produced a hand kerchief and a minute later Demas be came dnzen. He was instructed to go to his room with the box pud wait tin arrival of his newly made friends. Af ter waiting a time, he become suspicious and on opening the box found only :m old newspaper. The loss was nt once reported to tho police who this afternoon report no trace of the confidence men. Warrants have been swum out for their arrest. This is the end of the first chapter of misplaced confidence. prices Shaded Lower But Market Was Lively Now York, Aug. 2. The New York Tvening Sun financial reiev today said: Professional pressure against pi ices in today's trading caiired the greater number of prominent issues to lower levels, the selling, however, failing to bring about an active market or to attract liquidation from substantial quarters. Following an irregular opeuiu.j in which price changes ns a rule were con fined to small fractious the .-renter number of issues in the early tr-i-liiig moved slowly in the direction of the lower levels. Railroad stocks showed a fair degree of life in the first hour under the lead ership ot Luion Pacific. Talk again was heard in the street of the probab ility of the declaration of an extra' dividend on this issue. In the early afternoon sentiment on i the floor turned decidedly bearish and j vVc", pressure was exerted in most pnrts of "i""v the list, however, without britigin'r Portland, Ore., Aug. 2. Kdwurd out stock in any volume. Further lo:.s- J Beals, weather man, measured his waist es were recorded by the stocks which I by mistake with a 15 inch ruler and were the weakest in the initial Ir.ins-! cave his tailor the exaggerated linii ii- actions, including Industrial A! iiol, ! sions. His new flannel whites were nino .Maxwell Motors and Willys-Overland, j inches too gross. Beals' friends thought the latter showing a decline of upward: he was wnstisg away when he paraded oi tour points Horn Wednesday tlos- with tho Pvthians, ing. Although the rails were not sold oa strike talk, the dullness iu tiie group ns n whole reflected the labor situation, wnne me poor weekly go erwnioi-: port ot weather conditions in the great iiuriciiiiiirai secuiuis ot tne country con tributed both to the general u'e.-ice of intciest in the dealings and lo the bearishoess among traders. .Obregon Wants Mines Reopened Mexico City, Aug. 2. General Carl Malcotte arrived here today for a con ference with Minister of War ObrcgonJ to piun concentration of forces for Villa's capture. Malcotte announces hero his determination to make a quick job and to take the bandit gen eral at '-all costs." He stated a special representative had been sent to give assurance to the Guggenheim Kxplora'tiou company of protection from bandit raids and guar antees of such facilities us it may de sire in order to permit resumption of the Veliirdenn mines. This, General Malcotte stated.would bring eondi-j . The audience at the Grand theatre last night showed the effect of the counter attraction of the opening of Riverside Dip, but those in attendance were more liberal with their applause than on the previous evening, and to tell the truth "the Mikado" as present ed last night merited it. The performance was smoother throughout and there was more "pep" injected into the various scenes, while the orchestra played a better accom paniment, and picked up the encores in a snappier manner. Mr. Wilson made an announcement between the acts and said in part: "Ladies and gentlemen: You will par don my making an announcement in costume, hut I feel that a word of ap preciation is due you for your expres sion of our efforts and also the cast for the work they have accomplished in staging this standard opera so cred itably in tho length of time in which we have accomplished it. This opera we are presenting tonight has lived for a period of 31 years, has been translat ed into other languages and produced in almost every modern tongue. "There is n reason for this and it is that when Gilbert wrote the libretto he created types thnt were universal. The scene could just as well have been laid in France, Germany or Russia, or in Jnpnn. . . Dl, I ;a ,1... wi;t;..ul ri-nflni' . i uu'ihiii it- iur i.v...... ... ......... tions in Durnngo practically up to common to all -systems of government, normal since all the farmers of that 'Ko-Ko' is the cheap man of small enli- Btnte have put a large portion of their fbre suddenly raised to an exalted posi uimi miner cultivation. Rut That Riverside Din ! 2500 Saw Dedication or Kiversiae Uip Riverside Dip, Salem public bathing beach, established by the Comnien-i.il club, was formally opened last n;t.ht with an attendance estimated at 2.V.O. iiesmes .inn -wno enjoyed tne spoils loniung on from this sole of the river. The official program began with, the automobile parade at 7 o'clock forming nt the .Marion hotel and led by the Cherrian band. The main event of tne evening's en tertainment was the swimnuVng cm tests put on by the Meyers department stoic, with the awards of bathing suits for winners in the four swimming match, . In the match for boys under 13, th? first prize was won by Donald David son -ami tiie second prize, by Frank Jarvis. In the contest for boys over .'0 years, Florance Legget won' first and Louis Walker, second. For girls under Hi, Alice McClelL-n nun awarded tne rust prize ami Kli'.a both Bayne, the second. In the Indie' contest, Miss Klizabeth Spitzbnrt was awarded tne first, prue and Miss Flor ence nicotine, the second. In the men s race, Claud Steusloff was fivst and Willnrd Martina, second. The judges in the swimming races for the Meyers' prizes were R. Bishop, Wiii, Gahlsdorf and Fred L. Mangis. Attorney John Bayne was the otficial announcer. The opening of the beach was a suc cess iu every particular ami the at tendance last evening was but a fore runner of the crowds that will be found NEWPORT-NYE BEACH Automobile Passenger and Bag gage Transfer Furnished Tents and Cottages Correspondence Promptly Answered L. D. PICKENS, Box 274 mm CAR5 op Any kind T 1 1 I I . ,n m I H Any time that position and consequently mukes Will Not Resume Work. (many mistakes. 'Xanki-Poo' is the ro- New York, Aug. 2. Officials of the ! tnantic young lover working under the Guggenheim Kxplorntion company said 'cover of mistaken identity. 'Yum-Yum today they were ignorant of anv I ' Pitti-Sing' and 'Peep-Bo' are typical special representative" said to being school girls at the giggley age. Jntislia offering protection and guarantees in is Hie husband tuisting old maid wnn KETCTpK JNWSIBLE BI-FOCAL The Frame Shop at 115 Court street, will offer on Special sale Saturday some 250 picture frames nt 25c to 50c each. These frames are mado from tdiort leneths or lcinnants and nre I just the same as nre sold in tae fram ing department. But at about one fourth regular price. These prices will include glass and fitting. W. E. Slater and Milo Rasmussen, well known F.Iks of Snlem who passed the examinations aa uufo drivers for tho V. S. army, writo 11. .1. Wiedmor ns follows, from San Antonio: ".lust Winded iiere slid will start in Iwn limiri on the last lap of our journey about $1 00 300 llliles Irmil her.. Wn ..ill",.... l. ' sent to Fort Sam Houston." Special Sale their mining district. Mining in Mex ico would not be attempted at present. it was said, because of luck of railroad facilities. The transportation committee of the Marshfield excursion will go to Inde pendence and Dallas tomorrow to se cure the names of those who wish ac commodations for the Coos bay excur sion. Next week, the committee will go to Woodburn, Gervnis and Silverton. With PVerV Cash OrdPr of i 'x,'rsion will eairy not only rep Thursday & Friday KRYPTOKS Made by me are no better than tluwe, made iy otners out in tno tit of lenses is the real north. I not only give you the best lenses that money cau buy but guarantee to fit jour eyes correctly satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 1 can refer you to thousands of satis fied patrons in Marion and Polk counties. ' You pay no more for scientifically fitted glasses than you pay for poorly fitted ones. Dr. KI. P. MENDELSOHN, doctor or optics I 210-211 United states Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tmj river seems to be holding its own, as the gunge today is 1.1 feet a nova ro, the same as yesterday. One fvur ko loony tne gunge was ,o or a toot below and two years ago, .7 foot below. The sunnier climate ulso con tinues about right notwithstanding tho predictions for a hot wave, as the max imum yesterday was 71 above ami the minimum, 5.1 above. Tha first lectureof the sunier insti tute at Chemuwa will be delivered this evening in the auditorium nt Chemawn, at o'clock by Adolph A. Berle, pro fessor of social ethics, Tutts college, Cambridge, Mass. He will seak on "Kducation which Educates. " The next lecture will be given Fridnv even ing by Dr. Arthur P. Wedge, of Bos ton, aMss. Luther jr. Chapia mads a trip to Mt. Angel, Aurora, Donald and Woodburn today to asuist iu .making plans for lo cal com shows this fall. The gvncrul com conditions are belter than the average and are showing much better man expected consiilerimr tne tnit'nv. oralde weather. With the usual hot weamer in August, th corn crop will average better than a year ago. $2.00 for Groceries, 1 will give 12 pounds of Sugar for These are some of our prices: 3 pkgs. Maccroni 25c resentative people from Snlem, but the surrounding towns ns well. of Jtion who does not know what to do in (each evening nt "The Dip'' especially nncii i ne usunt .august not wave ap pears along the Pacific coast. Hereafter, the beach will be open to the public every day after 2 o 'clack, in dairg.i r.f Arthur, I!. 'i!son end F,. .!. Mangis with Mrs. Horsey in charge of the indies dressing rooms. Congratulates Hughes On His Bold Stand Denver. Col Vug. 2. Miss Anne Martin, chairman of the National Wo man 's party, today sent from here the lonowing message to Charles E. Hughes: "Your declaration for the nntional woman suffrage amendment makes the women of America your debtors for very deemed views ot me ami ne I Mikado' is the jolly monarch of the 'Old King Cole AYas a Merry Old Soul' style. From these materials Gil bert constructed a most ingenius nnd humorous plot and Sullivan set his rhymes to jingly tuneful music that has become familiar and loved the world over. Xo two men since Gilbert and Sullivan have been able to collabor ate -so successfully, and the comic op eras (so-cnlled) which are now pro duced scarcely outlast the season in which thev are first presented LAWYERS' Abstracts eiamined. Corporation Law. Financial Agents. Trusts, Escrows and Accounts. Estates probated. Collec tions, Deeds, Mortgages. General practice in all courts. Correspondence solicited. Prompt attention. Bank references. Fourteenth year. LOANS PLACED ON PORTLAND PROPERTY Mosessohn & Mosessohn . 714.715.71t Chamber of Commsrc Bids. PORTLAND, OREGON STENOGRAPHERS Why Not Use Colombia QUALITY Carbons? Made in Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed fjoa Each Sheet Colnjnbia Carbon Pa?er Mfg. Co. 83rd t Broadway, Portland, Ore. It is the opinion ot the cast and your couras-e nnd stntemniwiii,. mino also that a stnndnrd opera such as I Miss .Martin state,! in n ;,!.,-,;... Arrangements will be made by the wc are presenting here tonight should I that the woman's pnrtv was not playing Commercial club whereby the teachers be seen by more people of Salem than j politics. coming from the entire northwest who; have witnessed it thus far. as it is edu-1 "If President Wilson comes out for are attending the summer institute at , rational to a certain extent as well as . the federal, amendment or the present Chemawn.niav be brought to Salem for : entertaining, and the younger genera-' democratic congress passes it the ni-esi- How- there womnns' d pkgS. MaCCl'Oni OCIau evening's entertainment, which will'tion who have never seen it should not dent will not be opposed by uS. 3 PkES SDaCettl 25cli", l,",, a ride nlwut lh city and a i miss the opportunity. We therefore will ever, from present indications t r K r L 1 oir '"'rimi! bund concert. As there is at-, present it at popular prices of 50 cents i will be nothing else for the won O IDS. Uatmeal Z5C ready an attendance ot more thnu 200,, and 35 cents for reserved seats, 25 cents! party to do but to place its e 6 bars of White Soar) arrangements will be made for a spo- j genoral admission, and 10 cents for chil- strength behind Mr. Hughes." cuil train on the Oregon hlectric 6 bars of White Soap . . . 25c 1 can 15c Corn 10c 1 can 15c Peas 10c 1 can Tomatoes 10c 1 can 15c Salmon 10c 2 lbs. of German Amer ican Coffee 55c 1 large cake Toilet Soap, ,5c Total $l00 Our phone is "66" We de liver phone us your order. Yours for business, Nichols Grocery 247 N. Commercial Street 3 I dren next Saturday night. The opening ! of the bnthiuc bench tonight has cut The Riverside Dip committee from down our attendance and conscquently the Civic depart men t of the Comnier-! ninny who would have come here jossib cinl club, with Dr. W. II. Hyrd ns ly, have not come. We feel also that chairman, met this morning and took 'there are ninny people iu Salem who definite action on two propositions ,li,l not feel they could afford to bring that have been presented. Requests! their families at the prices prevailing have been coming to the Commercial tonight, who would come at popular club that a dancing floor be erected at 'prices. Thanking you tor your atteud the bench and that dancing in buthing; ance and appreciation I trust thnt yon suits be permitted. The committee sat! will all tell your friends of this an down on this proposition good and I nouncenient and asist us in fillirTg the hard, nnd it was definitely settled that! house next Saturday." there would be no dancing on tliej , , beach. The other proposition wus thnt i WOULD TAKE POWER of holding a special weekly event nt I FKOM COMMISSION the beach, iu which there T.ould be special sports and entertainment. This! Washington, Aug. 2. Attacking the met with the favor of the committee j interstate commerce commission .is and arrangements will be made for one I having vi.-'uallv turnc I over to the big evening once a week for special IMipunts and other powder mnnuf ict-.ir-nttrnctious. itrt ;t8 ,iutv of regulating .-xplosi e . " I cargoes. Representative Hamill of Wedding Invitations. Announcements' New Jersey introduce 1 a bill this nf nnd Calling Cards Printed at the Jour-j termon to' ,a! s i--h imi'.ioiity away nal Job Department. (from !Ve interna a' c.nui-ir conimis- Have the CnpitaJ Journal follow you during your vacation. Phone 81. When is SALEM, OEEGON, sto at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths BATBS: 75c, $1.00, 11.50 FES DAT The only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatres aid Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Horns. T. Q. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones, Free Anto Bos. The Korean Restaurant is now opened in our new loca tion at 110 1-2 Com! street. Everything new and clean. All kinds of Chinese and Spanish dishes. Pay us a visit. $ DON'T TELL YOUR AGE Gray hairs are no sign of old age, but tired eyes make you look older than you are. CORRECTLY FITTED EYEGLASSES will take away that tired look. Let us relieve you of eyestrain. Miss A. McCulIoch. Optometrist, 20S-9 Hubbard Bldg. phone 109