Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 02, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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3 0flqDDnonolnr
TpHE biggest room in the world
is room for improvement
But when Nature's best pipe
fnkarn lin ViAAn naturaltv
improved into VELVET, that
room shore gets some
IT is impossible for any
artificial method to im
prove on Nature's slow,
sure way of perfectly maturing
tobacco. VELVET is matured in
Nature's way.
The two years
ages in wooden
hogsheads gives
it that mellowed
smoothness you
taste in every
pipeful of VELVET.
frll M Pipeful of VEL-
i iiih 106 TiM 56 M,,al"llnei im
Scotts Mills
(l'upitnl Journal Special Service.)
iscotts Mills, Or., Aug. 1. Scott
Milts school directors have completed
hiring the necessary number of tench
em for our school the coming year.
1'rof. istult i principal of our high
Hi'hnol. He in lately from essttern Ore
con, but formerly from Columbus, Ohio.
Miss Stella Koper, teacher of the junior
high, in from l'ortlniul, a graduate of
Kcid college, and has been engaged in
teaching in the Portland night high
school for the pant year. Miss Alice
Estes, of Hcetts Mills, will teach a part
of the grade and Miss Urnce Skielda
has charge of the primary room.
liev. 1 0. Russell preached at the
Friends church Mabhnti morning and
There were four peraoua baptiaed here
Sunday by the evangelist 'that ia hold-
iai! meetings nt the Christian church.
Mr. W. 11. ('oiiiiiitiua and Mr. anil Mrs.
Acldleiimn have gone to West Stuytou
to finish cultivating their apple orchard
at that place .
Kev. ('heater Hndlcy and family, also
Mr. Fred Crozier and family, nil of
Itosednle, motored ta Scot Is Mills last
week and spent aevernl hours colling
on friends here. Mr. Crozier wna ac
companied by hia brother from tho vast,
whu thinks of locating in Oregon. On
their return home they stopped at tho
Abnqua and had a picnic supper.
.Mrs. I.. C. Russell and children re
turned to their home iu Marion list
Suturdny. She waa accompanied by
Misa Ksther Coulson, who will rcuiniu
in Marion for aevernl weeks with lira.
i Kev. Josephine Hockett, pstf Of
Friends church in Highland, accom
panied by Mr. Hoekett, were cnllera on
; Home of their f rieuda here the paat
Mrs. W. I,. Taylor is .rlaitiug frieuds
Greatest Woman Swimmer and Star of Wm. Fox
$1,000,000 picture coming soon to Salem's only
exclusive Picture Theatre.
Ye Liberty Theatre
In a Class Separate
Sport News
Great Tennis Battle Friday
White Sox Reaching After
" Pennant
Pacific Coast League Standings
W. L. Pet.
Los Angeles 63 40 .577
Vernon 65 51 .500
San Francsco 62 54 .534
I'ortland 4S 52 .480
Salt Lake M 56 .477
OoJiTand 45 75 .375
Yesterday's Results
. At Portland 0, Oakland 4.
At San Fnuictseo 6, Salt Lake 4.
At Los Angeles 2, Vernon 0,
New York, Aug. 2 East will meet
West next Friday at Fox Hills in
what will be the greatest tennis bat
tle of this season, the big intersectian
al series.
On tlio court opposite Willinm M.
Jobimton, national champion, will be
former national champion, K. Norris
Williams. J'eek Griffin, doubles cham
pion, will tae lieorgc M. i iinrcn.
Willis E. Davis, the " bullet ".will fight
it out with. Karl liehr, former middle
west champion, while K. Lindley Mur
ray, the indoor title holder opposes
Watson M Washburn. Roland Reberts
Snn 1-Yfiucisco . city champion, will
tncklo either Nat Miles or T. K. Pell.
Only Four Potuts Shy
Chicago, Aug. 2. With emly 4 points
separating the White Sox from first
place in the American league Chica
go fans today were predicting a pen
nant. The Sox double win over the
Athletics yesterdov gave them a rec
ord of seven straight wins, and today
tliey are out to make it eight and
first nlace. A win for the Sox today
atid a lose for tiie Boston Bed Sox
will put tho cluongoiuis on top.
Game Jockey Dead
riiinnim. Anir. 2. Horse rni'iuEr fol
lowers mourned the death of n game
jockey today.
St x teen year old linymonu iincn
u-ou ,lu.l n n result nt' il ill l ies receiv
ed during the racing meet. Hack fell
from Ins horse on tnc last any or un
meet. He died following nu operation.
Iiu first ami lust mounts were at the
llawthurne track. He won the first
nml staged a clever ride in the lust.
His home was nt Lntonia, iy.
Woodburn - Dropped
Intercity League Standings
W. L. Pet
Baby Beavers 13 5 .722
Salem 12 6 M7
Woodburn 11 ti .647
Bradfords '. 9 8 .529
Kirkpatrieks 7 10 . .412
Rainier ..:... 7 10 .412
Montavilla - 5 12 .294
(Jamas .; 5 12 -.294
i ; I : - &'
At a nseetinjr of the intercity league
directors held in Portland Monday
night the Woodburn franchise was de
clared forfeited to the league. The
refusal of Manager Huildleson to pay
the expenses of the Cumas. team to
Woodburn last Sunday caused the ac
tou on the paxf of the doctors. Wood
burn was not represented at tiie meot
ing Monday night, so the other direct
ors could do nothing but drop the team
from the league. The Woodburn man
agement will lose the $75 which was
put up as a guarantee that.it would
complete the season's schedule.
McMinnville and Vancouver are both
considered as successors to Woodburn.
Hoth cities are willing to put teams in
the league, and it wns decided that
'he choice be left to President Bay.
McM.inuvlle ts tiie beat baseball city
of the two and will probably get the
first chance.'
and relatives iu Portland.
Mr. Lewis Coulson, who attended the
laud drawing in Spokane, is at home
Ho reports immense crowds there.
Russell Hume, son of Dr. Hume, of
this place, met with what seemed to be
a aerioua acciuciu iiisr ween winie word
ing ou the rond. A fellow workman
threw a pick ax out of one aide, as he
thought, but it hit young Hume, who
wna standing near and knocked hull
senseless. His father waa summoned
and he soon recovered eonsciousneaa, nl
though suffering from severe bruises.
A Inrge audience gathered at the
Christian church Sunday afternoon to
listen to .IS mes M. Price, of Portland
on prohibition. He ia working under
tho auspices of the state prohibition
committee. We were surprised when he
was iitroduced t see a boy not more
than years old, and we were more
surpriaed as wo listened to an eloquent
and able speech of an hour or more in
length. His talk was mostly on the
two amendments to Oregon dry la,w
the brewers' and prohia' he also spoke
on the uufeasibility and utter uselosn
ness of passing a dry law and then
electing men to the legislature who are
not in sympathy with the law. Mr.
Price is a boy of whom his father and
aiother can well be proud.
Kilbane Confident
New York, Aug. 2. ' If I can 't lick
this bird Johnson," said Jimmy Kil
bane, in a telegram received here, re
ferring to Leo, the dusky heavyweight,
" 1 11 retire to mv original trade of
strawberry picking."
The featherweight offers to give
away six pounds and meet Johnson
withiii three weeks in a ten round,
no dee i si on bout here.
Will Probably Change Plans
and Speak From Train
By Perry Arnold.
(United Press stuff correspondent.)
New York, Aug. 2. Political lenders
decided today that Charles Kvaus
Hughes is going to live up to his repu
tation as one of the ost strenuous
campaigners in the business.
Scanning todny tho itinerary for the
trip on which lie starts Saturday, re
vealed the fact that in a brief month,
tho republican candidate plans to jaunt
over 10,000 miles spreading gospel of
hia views and appealing for votes. Four
years ago Colonel Roosevelt set up a
mndk for atrenuosity in cninpnigning
when he traveled 13,000 miles in 40 odd
days. It was over very much the same
ground that Hughes will cover. But
Koosevelt included the south in his
jaunt and Hughes' stop below the Ma
son and Dixon line is nt Lexington, Ky.
II "The Homa of Trtangls"
It was indicated at headquarters to
' day that the trip starting Saturday is
'merely a forerunner of Hughes', stump
ing. The itinerary of the present jour
ney doesn 't cover the . middle west
ignoring Ohio in particular, where the
republicans. have already determined to
concentrate and the middle Atlantic
states. Only one chunk of New England
Maine is included. Authoritative
information is that the republican nomi
nee will make ' later. " round up" trip
including these sections.
Mexico Main Issue.
The goveraor (incidentally the nomi
nee prefers to be called "governor."
rather thun " justice V or '.'judge"
Hughes), hag about given the idea that
he. can make the western trip without
the old fashioned "rear platform"
talks. The original idea o'f the tour
was to visit a score of the big cities
between New York and the Pacific
coast, remaining over night, or possibly
for a couple of days, addressing a big
muss meeting then conferring with lo
cal leaders. But the moment it was
announced that a tour would be made,
the "republican committee began to be
deluged with demands of state and lo
cal republican leaders for speeches at
all sorts of towns and villages ns well
aa the big cities. Every state leader
had a pressing reason demanding a visit
from the nominee as essential to repub
lican success. Efforts will be made so
far ,ns possible to snve Hughes' voice
for the big speeches, but it wns never
theless admitted that he will make a
big number of short talks.
The candidate has been working for
several weeks mapping out the series of
speeches which he will deliver on this
trip. He will enlarge on his speech ac
cepting the noininntiou, probably devot
ing an entire spech to each section, but
iu every one, those close to him any, he
will ram home what republicans consid
er the principal issue of the campaign
the Mexican situation.
(Cop.tinned from F8ge One)
A Close Victory
Boston, Mass., Aug. . Following
three dull bouts, Johnny 0'l.eary of
lluttulo. hammered detent to r.ver
Hammer of Chcago tn 12 rounds and
overcame a verv pessimistic crowd at
tie Arena A. A. last night. 0'l.eary 's
victory was only by a narrow margin.
Two Cyclones in Vaudeville 1 1
Classy Entertainers n
grcss iu New. York, would pnralize the
central western states and work untold
loss and hardship, according to state
ments today from railroad and grain
While there is not the promise of the
bumper crops of last yeur,( indications
are that this year s crop will be well
above the average. Even under the most
advantageous conditions, facilities of
western railroads are taxed to meet the
crop movement every fall. -
Assuming that in the event of a
strike, at least 00 per cent reduction in
railway carriage, shippers pointed out
that perishuble products weuld be given
the preference and that the grain and
cattle nioveiueut -wouiu practically
Tho grain now iu storage as the east
ern milling and shippera centers
would be totally inadequate to witn
stand a prolonged blocaade. One result,
it was nointed out, would be to vastly
increase the cost of grain in clevntorB
and t decrease the value of vrops neia
in the hauds of the -farmers. - Unless
such a strike should - be ended very
soeedilv. or some way found to snove
iruins, rue lOIIll uviiioruur.niiou ui i"
crop 'movement would' be speedily fol'
lowed by a period of extremely high
prices and food shortage in the popula
tion ceuters in the middri west.
In the. view of locnl transportation
authorities, western' shipping - points
would feed themselves first and east
ern cities depetidiug on Chicago, Kansas
City and St. Louis shipments for their
food supplies, would come as near star
vation as at any time in the history of
the I'nited States.
A Long Steady Fire
for Home Canning:, or
A Hot Quick Fire
For Jam or Jelly
Are both easily secured when the work is
done on
The fuel through a pipe, always ready to
serve with no work on your part
Makes Canning Season
A Pleasure
The Gas Co. Phone 83
A strike would mean, according to the
bureau of railway economics, today, the
greatest transportation tie-up in the his
tory of the country, with accompanying
prostration of cmerce that may send
the financial loss to the nation searing
unto the billions of dollars.
Advance reports reaching Washington
indicate the railway employes will vote
overwhelmingly to go ahead with the
strike unless their demands were granted.
If the strike comes, half a dozen reso
lutions of forced arbitration will in
stantly be presented to congress. Many
of them have been drafted for weeks,
but withheld ou the possibility that the
trouble Will bo avertcu.
They order, on the ground of public
emergency, an immediate settling of the
strike bv mediation.
.Should these measures be pressed,
congress appears due for one of the
hottest tights the capital has seen in
years. The four brotherhoods are de
terminedly opposed to mediation and
have given notice that the men who
seek to force it on them will feel the
full political power of 400,000 orgnnized
voterH in the fall elections.
Their fight will be led by Senator
LaFollctte, who has prepared an ex
haustive speech charging tremendous
"watering" of stock by railroads.
Counter offensive probably will de
mand an immediate physical valuation
of the roads.
The railroad faction will insist that a
national strike means widespread food
shortage and actual starvation in some
of the larger cities.
Sentiment is for Strike.
Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 2. "Sentiment
among the 400,000 members of the rail-
wnir Krt Ii nrl, nnd a ia nira.nilialminrrlv
in favor of insisting that their demands
be granted," William G. Lee, presi
dent of the Brotherhood of Railway
Trainmen said here today before be
left for New York where the "strike
vote" is beig counted.
"Railroad officials are frying to
make the public bvlieve that by grant
ing our eight hour demands, trains will
I be stalled between terminals," said he.
I "That is not true. The men can still
j continue to work 10 hours a day, as fed
ieral regulations allow, but they will get
I overtime pay."
.Loss Would Be Billions. . '.
Washington, Aug. 2. Four, hundred
thousand men earning annually 400,
000,000 employed on 250,000 inilea of
railroad these sre the figures involved
in the threatened atrike ot the railway
Coming Friday
In "Tne Primal Lure"
; JJkeXinks
IV earn tforec
wwparpwwi iim
Jfian Skin Deep
MERE surface beauty doesn't wear
well, either in shoes or human
' beings.
. " Star, Brand " Shoes delight the eye, but more
than this,- they wear better than other shoes be
cause they are good clear through.
They ar made by Roberts, Johnson & Rand, the
' world's largest shoe manufacturers. The more they
. make the less they cost to make. This saving goes into
. extra quality. .
There are lots of good shoes, but
"Star, Brand Shoes
Are Better"
Made in all styles an d sizes all . prices for women and
- children. Kvery pair honest leather. Xo substitutes for
leather ' are ever useA
Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention.
We Pay Postage on Mail Orders
ii ' jj