Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" WKDXKSDAY KVKX1XG, Ausst CHAELES H FISHES, Editor and Manager. It w ! 1. PUBLI8HED EVEHY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg.Co., Inc. It. g BABNES, CH AS. H. FISHER, DORA C. ANDRESEN, President Vice-President See. and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally by carrier, per year $3 09 Per month Daily by mail, per year . 3.U0 Per month FULL LEASED WIRE EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York, Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, W. H. Stockwel 1, People 'a Qua Building. The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the. orth. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or i.eglccts gettitng the Mpe to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only srr we can determine whether or not the curriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be Bent you by special messenger if the carrier has missed you. MR. HUGHES' KEYNOTE SPEECH The speech of acceptance delivered by Mr. Hughes is a lengthy one, so lengthy indeed that the Capital Journal could not print it yesterday without cutting out about all its other telegraph news. It would have required about a page and a half to hold it, as it contained some 8,000 or 9,000 words. To boil it down would be to lay the Capital Journal open to the charge of attempting to garble it. Editorial comment upon it is varied, just as political beliefs are. To the old stand-pat politician it seems strong and convincing. To the rabid democrat is per haps appears weak and forceless. A midway opinion would perhaps be nearer the truth. One thing crops out throughout the whole, and that is that Mr. Hughes is relying entirely on what the democrats have done they should not do, and what they have left undone that they should have done. It is a negative campaign he fore shadows. Another peculiar thing about Mr. Hughes' campaign key-note speech is that while attacking the administra tion for what he is pleased to call its shortcomings, he never once asserted what should be done or what he would have done under the circumstances. It was a critical speech entirely. He spoke at some length on things the country should do in the way of preparedness and in some other ways but that was all in the way of outlining his policies. He said for three years the Mexicans had been torn by internal strife, but he forgot to 'say that this condition had existed not only for three years but for five, two of them while Mr. Taft was president. He says we should have had a firmer policy with Mexico, but he does not state whether he means we should have had war, or intervention, yet one of these is necessarily implied in his assertion. He says he is in favor of equal suffrage, and he goes further than his party platform in this direction, inti mating that personally he would have the question sub mitted to the states in the shape of a constitutional amendment. Taken all in all it is an artful speech, the speech of a trained politician who points out all the weaknesses of his opponents without suggesting a remedy, or binding himself to anything better. It is also the argument of an able and brilliant lawyer, who is relying on the power of oratory and the intricacies of argument, to influence the jury, rather than depending on the weight of evi dence or the preponderance of testimony. Mr. Hughes is a past master in this line, both from natural ability and life-long training. This crops out through his en tire speech. He repeats trite things such as that he "stands for the unflinching maintainance of all American rights on land and sea." "Utterly intolerable is the use of our soil for alien intrigues. Every American must unre servedly condemn the mand support every effort for their suppression," and many more things that every American regardless of party stands for. In some ways Mr. Hughes descended to arguments be neath him. For instance he said: "Our opponents promised to reduce the cost of living. This they failed to do; but they did reduce the opportunities of making a living." It required some nerve to make that assertion before an intelligent audience in the light of the unex ampled opportunities that have been opened for all classes and the unequalled prosperity that for nearly two years has blessed the country, the east especially. True, these opportunities were not due to the democrats any more than to the republicans, for neither had any thing to do with the causes that produced them. They were the natural result of conditions in Europe; but that does not justify his statement that the people "had been deprived qf opportunities of making a living." It was a piece of ward politics unworthy of so big a man as Hughes. His arraignment of the administration is presented as an able lawyer presents his case, and like most legal presentations is made to bewilder and mislead the jury. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SGS CAPITAL Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ..45c 3oC TELEGRAPH REPORT $500,000.00 It is in its entirety the speech of a lawyer who has a weak case, a candidate who has no issue and who can only attack what others have done. The intelligent reader of Mr. Hughes' speech will not have his opinion of Mr. Hughes heightened, and it is probable the very high opinion most Americans have had for Mr. Hughes as a man and judge will suffer somewhat from a study of his speech. At 5:35 yesterday the Deutschland that has been the cause of so much speculation and guessing for some weeks, slipped her anchor and in tow of the tug Tim mons that has stood by her so faithfully started for the ocean. The harbor woke up and gave her a send off that must have made Captain Koenig's ears tingle and his of ficers and men proud. Every whistle in the harbor turned loose and tooted a friendly good bye. It was a tribute to human daring, a recognition of the bravery of the officers and crew, and an expression of that ad miration all real men have for gallant acts bravely per formed, and this whether done by friend or foe. Those whose sympathies are with the allies as well as those favoring the Teutons, alike are forced to hope the frig diver and her gallant crew may get through safely, and reach their home port without mishap. San Francisco it is claimed has an organization of some eight or ten thousand voters, who regardless of politics, are pledged to but one thing that is to vote against any and every measure that savors of "reform." The members claim they are tired of having first one faddist and then another spring some illy-conceived "re form"' at every election. They admit that some "re forms" are needed, but that' Jiorse has been ridden to death, and their purpose is to help put an end to the whole business. Here in Oregon we have reformed so much, so far, so fast, so indiscriminately that the average voter feels like he was in a reformatory for life. We have reformed almost beyond reformation, and should have a rest. Will the Oregon City political Moses kindly make a note of it. That little chap who was found a few days ago in a tiny boat floating down an irrigation ditch in Arizona, starts life with a wealth of romance woven about him. Every mother in the neighborhood wants the baby and the men are equally desirous of giving him a home. Among those desiring to adopt the modern Moses is one millionaire cattleman. It would seem that he is a lucky infant in this respect, but still if he has to go through life with the name tacked on him that has been given him temporarily, fate will largely even up her favorable gifts. It would take more than adoption by a millionaire to compensate for "Phoenix Moses." The fellow who has a liking for juggling with figures might find a good opening in making a calculation as to how much work that piece of money found last Sunday near Wheatland could have done, how many debts paid and all that had it attended strictly to business ever since it was made in 1715. It probably was onto its job pretty steadily up to the time it was lost, but as that date is unknown, the period of its iddleness cannot be determined. Evidently it had a long vacation, and came back to find all of its kind gone out of existence. Nothing can be proved about the fighting abilities of militia by referring to Bull Run. It was a case of militia on both sides there except a few regulars, and these were on the Union side, which lost. The anonuncement is made that a treaty has been made between this country and China by which parcels can be sent by post at a charge of only 11 cents a pound. Mr. Hughes should have criticised it. l7ippttnRhiimos .1 I I ANCESTRY Among my forbears there were princes, and conquer ors, and kindred quinces. My pedigree is fine and stately; no wonder I admire it greatly; but no one snares my admiration, 1 " conversation. When of my blue blood I am boasting, I usually get a roasting from some cheap skate who'd think it bother if asked to name his father's father. "I started out in life obscurely, and I was educated poorly," remarks the skate, who's made his riches by dealing in machine-made ditches: "advantages. I hadn't anv nac to scrap for every penny. My parents couldn't read or figure, and all they left me was the vigor, which kept me always busy humping, while all the blue blood stuff was slumping. While, you from princes were descending, I upward from the rut was wending, and O, patrician, let me. tell you, that I can buy you up and sell you!" When ever I would tell the story of how my fathers conquered glory, as rulers, statesmen, sages, fighters, I'm headed off by some cheap blighters. SUPREME COURT WILL TAKE VACATION At the conclusion of the hearing of the case of James Level, to determine UU'l and none will stand my whether or not he is illegnllv confined in the Multnomah enuntv jail, which hearing is bcinj held t.'ulav. the su preme court will adjourn until Septem ber 3. : THE TATTLER Pretty good butliing beach, what? Farish sort of rushers, those Russiuns. Anyway the local "Mikado" com pany had a lot of fun. A few State street sports are betting on the Deutschlund's chances of getting home. The regular monthly go-as-you-please between the collectors and the collectecs is in progress. Going east with uo return ticket an other big shipment of Suloui loganberry juice. A grouch says that "Riverside Dip" sounds like a dance. Well, what if it doesf August started off with a building permit, aud that 's a good sign. , Reports are current that "The Birth of a Nation" is coming back after a while. The picture may become the " Uncle Tom's Cabin" of the movies. Court House News A default judgment has been entered in the case of Henry Saalfield vs. Josephine Armstrong and Alex Arm strong, an action to recover money. Alleging that a hop contract had been related and asktng for cancella tion of the same, Rose Mullory nnil Mu Mnllorv have filed nn action against .1. .1. Met.ler. A demurrer has been filed by the de fense in the case of Samuel' Shaffer vs. Karl Gnriliuer. Insufficient cause for action is given as grounds for same. Appraisers appointed by the county court in the estate of John V. Schmidt' have reported a valuation og "00.54. und the court has issued an order di recting the administrator of the estnte to distribute the funds to the heirs. On grounds that the defendant has not filed jiii answer and that the time permitted by the statute has expired, a motion was made yesterday to have judgment rendered for the plaintiff. John Sennit, a sailor who was sent enced to the Marion county jail several mouths ago for attacking a man with a hatchet, anil who was paroled on condition that he report to the dis trict attorney once a mouth, has just been heard from at Xugnra Falls,. 3icw York. He has been pretty much all over the world stnee leaving Salem. Sheriff Ksch is holding an automo bile which was attached on behalf of Thomas Catherwood to satisfy a claim by t'atherwood against (leorgo Clan field. Clanfield has filed an action asking for an injunction to prevent the sheriff from foreclosing a lieu on the machne. Also he asks a judgment of $." a day for the ttme the ear is held. Angler's licenses hiii'e been issued by the county clerk to the following res idents of Salem: John Knowles, T. W. Steigur, John Bailey, George W. Lewis. A. J. Lemmon, A. J. Krenger, J. J. Klliott, J. X. Skaife, J. I). White, Ed ward Tallman and Fred Tiieuer. Thom as I). Ynrnes of West Salem also took out a license. Hunter's licenses have been issued to J. K. Commons of Scotts Mills and to A. J. Viik. Francis W. Young, J. K. McCnmnioii, A. .1. Lemmou, Joe Mc Kali and 11. XI. Reese, all of Salem. A hunter's license has been issued to J. .. Commons of Scotts .Mills. The defendants in the case of Ben jamin Howdcn vs. Sarah K. Bowdcn et ill lint, lillvimr tl I moa rtnl .IiiiIita !"!iiln. way has entered a decree that plaintiff is sole and exclusive owner ot notes, mortgage, bank account nud real prop- erty named in the matter. I Marriage licenses have been issued , at the county clerk's office to Hugo V. Kcil, 24, of Aurora and May Anna, Heminghnus, 30, of the same town;! Richard U Melbauer, 30, of Clinton-1 ville. Wis., nud Imo'geue Miller, 2S, of. ;Oervais; Willis Sumner, ), and Hose, ! hiuz, both of Salem. An answer was filed this morning in: the divorce case of Wallace Hart vs. K.stellu llart, in which plaintiff prays for a decree dissolving the bunds of matrimony now existing between him and the defendant and awarding him j the care, custo.lv and control of his, minor child, Virginia Hart. A motion has been Piled by the plain- TRUST an old-time smoker to pick wisely! A lot of them have been smokirg the OWL (or a good many years. Every year they're a little more convinced that tt'J an extra good hve-ceru cigar. iTh-M:lfior Dollar Ci?r !l JJotl II He's cured our gouts and indigestions by picturing the "Foolish Questions," that idle gents are always asking; and in his genial humor basking, we can forget a while the sorrows that seem to threaten our tomorrows. This Goldberg is so dad-blamed funny he makes all human life more sunny ; when you are look ing at his drawings you cease your frettings and your pawings, and just lean back and grin and chortle, and say, "His fun is more than mortal." His wit is sure an end less bloomer, and naught can stay his flow of humor. As he main tains his pictured joking, the rich Tuxedo he is smoking. No doubt while plying his vocation, he finds in that an inspiration, like count less others, who, as winners, find "Tux" as useful as their dinners. tiff in the case of C. B. Rhoades vs. Mrs. R. L. Moudy.. that judgment be awarded on the grouads that the de fendant fai'ed to answer within the time required by law. In the matter of the estate of Mary A. Dressier, incompetent, Frederick S. I.uniK)it, guardian, reorts to the coun ty court a bill of $:i"3.44 for real prop erty belonging to the woman aud ad vises acceptance of same. Some Strange Tilings Happening In Oregon Portland. Ore.. Aug. 2. Strange Trust Prices Bigger Office, Bigger Business, Better Methods, Better System, More Patients, More Hygienic THAN ANY TRUST DENTIST IN OREGON We examine your teeth (not your pocketbook) free of charge. Part of every dollar you give a Trust Dentist goes to help keep up the Trust in Oregon. Can you afford to pay $2 for $1 worth of old style dentistry just to help the dental combine crush competition? Painless Parker Dentist N. E. CORNER STATE AND COMMERCIAL, SALEM 32610 Washington St., Portland Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Oakland, : Bakersf ield, Fresno, Sa Jose, Brooklyn, N. T. The Nation's Favorite Emitter Nut There Is No Better Always Watch This 'Ad" Strictly correct weight, iqnare deal jnnk, metal, rubber, hide and furs. Big stock of all sites second hand Iron for both roafs tad boUdiaga. , linoleum. H. Steinback Junk Co. The Hobm of Half a Millioa Bargtiaa. 102 North Comnarcial It It. L GOLDBERG Creator or "FoolUh Qat ion,. " I'm the Cay. " . Movim Cartoon, etc. "I find In Tuxedo a good foiacco. Ill fragrance and flavor ait fine. I tut tl regu larly end endorn II highly to all my frltndt." things are happening in the northwest, according to reports reaching Portland today. Oregon and Washington have. had a touch of the wild and woolly,, a little shark excitement, and a spook thrill. . For instance, ranchers near White Salmon, Wnsh.are hunting a cougar thut killed two horses on the Ben Bread' love estate. In John Day, Ore.,, bear continued raiding pastures. A shark five feet long was nailed at Seaside, Ore. A sow that tried to kill men ap peared near Coquille, Ore., and .a "shadow of mystery" who has bees, seen prowling around houses near Marshfield is still doing business at th old Ntund. Gut in Half Painless Parker Dentistry 50 Less THAN TRUST DENTISTS CHARGE Hours 8:30 to 6:30; closed Sunday. -Changes Often MMMMMH and highest price for all klada el I pay 0 per pound for eld rigs, i incubators. All kind eotngate T Hoofing paper aad aecoad kaad X MM