Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 02, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Story of WarPeace Views of Warring
Nations After Two Year's Conflict
British Peace.
By Ed L. Keen.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
London. July 12. (By mail.) This j
at or j has to run several hundred wonts
o a to march up with Ackcrman's,
Sim's, Wood's and Hearlcy's. Other
wise, it could be told in 10 thus: Eng
land is ready for peace now on her
own terms.
She is just as rea,dy as she was the ! ha death under such tragic circumstnn
day after war was declared. War weari-ocs warned us that it would be a war
ucss haw not discouraged her. The aw-jf from two to three years' duration,
ful drain of blood and money, the know-1 The end is not in sight. Let the enemy
ledga that every day's prolongation of 'talk of our being a conquered people,
the struggle means a bigger bill in bothi'e know different,
to pay, has not abated her zeal or re- "Our armies are stronger, better
leased her determination to win what equipped, and in better spirits than ever
he went to. war for. The military re-1 before, the relations between ourselves
verses of the last rear have stiffened and our allies are more cordial, more
her purpose to accomplish a peace that closely cemented than they have ever
will remove forever the "Menace of
Prussian militarism."
Yes, there is a peace-at-any-price par
ty in Kngland. But its members are
negligible its influence is ml. Some
half-dozen of them -are in parliament
because there has been no general elec
tion since war began.
As proof of this, witness the special
election in Merthyr Tydvil, South
Wales, the red-hottest socialist consti
tuency in all Britain. Keir Hardie, ever
a consistent peace advocate had repre
sented Merthyr Tydvil in commons for
15 years. When he died his sent was
contested by two members ef tha labor
party, .Stanton and Winstone, the form
er a 'Supporter of Britain's war, the
latter a Hurdie pacifist. .Stanton had
the nerve to tell the eoal miners he
was for continuing the war to the fin
ish, even ii it meant conscription twice
over and they elected him by a vote of
10,2Sl3 to li,080. If Morrell, Snowden,
Trevelyn, Outhwaite I'ringle or Mason,
all from far leHs radical constituencies,
should stand for re-election, there can
be little doubt as to the result.
Cabinet's Many Failures.
The British public anil its govern
mental servants don't always agree on
j;rcat questions. There has been much
popular dissatisfaction with the w.ar
eabinet. The diplomatic blunders where
by Bulgaria was lost and (icrmnny en
uliled to overrun Kerbia and Montenegro
and involve the Entente in serious dif
ficulties with Greece; the military mis
calculations which resulted in the evac
uation of Gallipoli and the surrender
of General Tow nshend 'b forces atjvul-el-Amaru;
the failure to exert a strong
er economic pressure upon Germany by
tightening the blockade; neglect to in
tern enemy alieus in England, etc., etc.
on these matters sections of tho pub
lie have expressed their opinions
On the question of peace, statesmen
mid common folk with the unimportant
Exception referred to, are one. There
has been ne criticism of the replies of
Premier Asquith and Foreign Secretary
irpy to Germany's pence overtures.
England is ready for peace on ner
own terms. England's terms are thosojtling the wur France did not four that
of her allies. The general principles . in diplomatic, negotiations with Gei-
for which she is fighting have been re-1 many she might be worsted. Mio is Central powers have convinced the tier
peatedly stated. Only one of her spe- j willing to let her victory in the Agodir nlnn people that every great military
eific terms which the allies endorse has case stand as a witness to her diplo- advance was o stew toward victory and
('ecu laid down: that is the restoration
if Belgium. The Germau chancellor's
recent tentative offer to create a new
Belgium, not a Frnnco-Kiiglish vassal,
but between whose people and the Ger
mans there should be the collaboration
of neighbors, brought a prsnipt and spe
cific respotnse from the British Pr--mier:
Must Restore Belgium.
" We, the allies, are determined to see
ence more the old Belgium. (She must
not be allowed to suffer permanently
from tho wanton and wicked invasion
c'f her freedom. That which has been
broken down must be repnired and re
stored." As for the other terms, Bri
tishers feel that it would be futile to
discuss them now. Here is what Kir
Kdward Grey says on this point:
"The first sfep toward peace will
come when the German government be
gins to recognize the fact that the al
lies are not beaten and are not going to
be. The one thing that is more respon
sible than anything else for the pro
longation of the war is that the Ger
man government goes on telling the
German people that they have won the
war, that the allies are already beat
en. If any of the allies have a spe
cial right to talk peace at this time it
is Fiance on whom for weeks past the
concentrated fury of the German attack
has fallen. But France is not talking
"Under tho relations governing tha
allies we are bound uot to put forth any
terms of peace except in common agree
ment aud after consultation with
But these men are politcians. So lis
ten to Arthur Henderson, labor's mem
ber of the war cabinet:
Peace Talk is Futile.
"Who are the people most concern
ipg themselves about peace negotia
tions,, who apparently would accept a
patcbed-up peace of any kindt They
are the enemies of this nation abroad,
who are boasting that the allies have
conquered. They have been joined by
"1lflL- ' 1 rrn" ' stronger forces did want and got it.
If You Suffer from Backache, Lumbago, Kidneys or Rheu- the ri"rstgra7ew"
i T1 II nf i J MWITDir h "postponed mobilization of the Ger-
matlSfll lake HOI Water anfl AWUKlt man army three days at the beginning
! of the war."
I The chancellor replied that he regret
American men and women must guard; rheumatism, gout, gravel, neuralgia ted that he could not have postponed it
constantly against kidney trouble, bsaid sciatia result.. It was Dr. Pierce iuigcr.
cause we eat too much and all our food who discovered a new agent, called yen tne nocialists know that the
is rich. Our blood is filled with uric; "Anuric" which will throw out and chancellor will make pence whenever it
acid which the kidnevs strive to filter eradicate this uric acid from the sys- houorablv possible. The people know
out, they weaken from overwork, be-1 tem. Dr. Pierce believes "Anuric" to it too and they are ready to help,
come sluggish; the eliininative tissues; be 37 times more potent than lithia, The people talk about peace. There
clog and the result if kidney treuble, and consequently you need no longer are rumors of peace constantly. It is
bladder weakness and s general decline fear muscular or articular rheumatism impossible to discuss peace terms in the
in health. I or gout, or many other diseases which papers, but privately the people are pre-
When your kidneys feel like lumps of ; are dependent on an accumulation Of paring themselves for any peace confer-
lesd, when your back hurts or the urine1 uric acid within the" body. Send Dr. ences that may develop, they will be as
is cloudy full of sediment, or you are Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., prepared for peace as they were for
obliged to seek relief two or three times 10c, for trial package or $1.00 for full war.
.luring the night, when you suffer with treatment ,'Aouric." So far as Germany is concerned, the
sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, Dr. Pierce's reputation is back of this president of the I'nited States, whether
acid stomach or vou have rheumatism medicine and you know that his he is Wilson or the republican nominee,
when the wea'ther'is had. get from your "Pleasant Pellets" for the liver and will be welcome as a peace mediator
drueeist "nuric " Because of uric his "Favorite Prescription" for the ills provided he does not come forth with
acid in over abundance in the svs- of women have had a splendid reputa- a definite program and demand peace
tem backache pains here and there, tion for the past 50 years. along the lines desired by people in Am-
a few mistaken people at home.
"Against nil such talk we must be on
our guard. We must see that peace is
(...: i ..." i
:, , S .... ,
' K'. VI ! IUG DUlitKnL mm IUO UU"
paralleled sacrifices we have been call
ed upon to make, I am convinced of
the utter futility and actual danger of
peace talk at the present moment.
"We must guard against the dan
ger of becoming weary and discouraged.
The gallant soldier who recently found
oeeu, aim we are an or us more deter
mined than ever."
Henderson represents a class of popu
lation that has contributed four-fifths
of the British army!
French Peace .
By Henry Wood
(I'liiteil Press staff correspondent)
Paris, July 5 (By mail) Prance is
oien to the consideration of a peace
impoed by herself and her allies.
None Dthor.
. Within the last three months, or the
last quarter of the first two years of
the war, France four times offically
has satil so.
A formal declaration by her presi
dent, a formal statement by her prime
minister, a spontaneous outburst tn her
chamber of deputies and u great man
ifestation by the French people them
selves all have said this and France
closed the second year of the war with
an absolutely Bolid front for a peace
for all time to come.
May 14 nt Xaucy, President Poin
care delivered perhaps the most re
markable address that ever fell from
tho lips of a French president.
crystallized the sentiments
of the
Frem-h on peace
"Wo-do not want our encnites to of-
fer us peace," he declared, "hut we (
want them to demand it of us We do
not want to nccept tne conditions tney :
have to offer; we want to impose ontrul observers, declare there is no pos-
inem our own "e no nut wunt a peace siniiity 01 peace.
that will leave imperial Germany mi- The people the world over are eticour
tress to recommence the war when she' aged by peace talk and at the end of
chooses; we want a peace based on re-1 two years of war they are ready to
stored right with serious guarantees of nuike pence, each on its own terms. So
equilibrium and stability And until arc the German officials, the British
that peace is assured; until our enemies ' cabinet nnd the government of France,
recognize themselves defeated, we will but the public terms are such that nil
never case the fight" agreement could not now bo easily
The French press without a dissent- uiade.
ing voice upheld these words Prime) The great difference between the ul
M mister Bnniid within a week pub- i(,H ,, the c'cnetral powers is that the
licly confirmed the position of M. Pom- Central powers are open to impartial
care ns that of the French government mediation while the allies discourage
'tlf- Ulio idea.
Wants Permanent Peace j The allies, when their armies were
lu refusing- to nccept the olive being beaten back in France, and in
brunch of diplomacy us n means of set- Russia and when Servin was invaded.
nintic. superiority. Geimnuy refused in that becuuse there hnve been so ninny
July nnd August of 1!)I4 to accept dip- f them the Central powers have been
macy to settle the controversy. She victorious.
insisted upon war and France insists) Tlnt is tie IPace situation nt the
that Germany must finisn with war. I close ot the second year of the war, uc
Followlng these declarations there cor(i,g to tuc vi(,w j,, Berlin. It raises
came within a week a spontaneous out- ninnv qm,stinns. Would Wilson be nc
Uirst in the French chamber us still ceptablc as a mediator or. if not Wilson,
further affirmation that I-ranee does then thc 1)cxt ..j,!,,,,, j VullM (i(,r.
not want even to discuss n negotiable i mnny insi!!t 011 t,,e sl(, )U!i
l'''"- . ,. ' , I outlined J .
M. Kill t iii-Dugens sociulist member, 1
hud just returned from Kientl.al, Swit- vrenuauy s reace xerras.
.. ...II Ul HIIHWir il..,kl11it n. .num.
zcrland, where in a private capacity he-
had attended the second international
socialistic, conference to bring about
peace. Arising, he demanded the riyht
! . v. . . .
..,uk n "ci-ilniii .lisi-nurses n ro-
uounced recently in the name of France
some of which were not calculated to
i.ri..,r .,im ,.o 'rh two liliu-k ofl
nutions that have rushed nt each oth-1
er's throats -'
li .,t .... fiirrhi-r. The chnmber to
a man rose in a storm of protest. It Tll,,y K"o,v that if the chancellor makes
was long before President Deschanel peace now he will not insist on the an
could make himself heard. "I am ns-! nexntion of Belgium nnd Poland and
founded," he finally munugeil to cry . that his terms will he " moderate." The
out, "that any Frenchman could even conservatives lead the party which be
intimute tliut'the provocation for the lieves Germany has been decisively suc
preseiit war did not come solely from cessful in this war and they tnink Ger
the side of Germany. " M. Rtiffiu- many should dictate iron clad terms.
Dugens npologized and the only chance They know the chancellor will never
ever offered to the French chamber to support their terms so they are out to
discuss peace wus buried. i oust him.
The people themselvs followed quick-1 Tho. harder they fight the stronger
ly, within a week, w'th one of those the chancellor becomes. tJismnrck had a
manifestations that mark epochs in the snap compared to the chancellor's posi
life of nations. Before the present tion today. Bismarck hud everything
war France was not united on the qucs- his own way, but his view of the world
tion of preparedness. If a regiment of did not extend beyond the boundaries if
troops passed it was certain someone the United German empire which he
would applaud and cry "Vive l'ar- founded.
mee", and that someone else would J Today things are different. Ger
shout "Vive la 1'aix. " Noisy groups many needs a chancellor who can see
would form, ami riots were likely to
Cheered Dead General
On June 1. in honor of her dead Gen
eral: Gallieui. Paris witnessed tiie first
great military display that has taken
place since the -war began. Ascension
day is one of the great national boli-
days of France. Representatives of all'
France lined the streets through which;
ine tunerai cortege passed. The only requirement of the Germau
Ordinarily people do not applaud at' people regarding a peace maker is that
funerals. But the French, waiting un-lhe be "FAIR."
til the body of Gallieui had passed ap
plauded and cheered the troops repre
seining every branch of the French
A quiet handclapping began at sight
of the troops, it grew louder and
more prolonged until it extended down
the lines of thousands upon thousands
of people from the Invnlidcs to the
Gare de Lyons, it continued until af
ter there was not a soldier in sight.
There was not one note of opposition.
Among the thousands of applnudcrs
there were hundreds of women wear
ing snuill bunches of violets, women
whose mourning garments showed they
had lost a son, a father , a brother or
a sweetheart in the war. Many of
them had siieut almost their last inouey
to purchase tho emblematic flowers.
Tho violets hail been iutended for
Gallieni, but when the cortege began
moving, these women suddenly saw-
broader and larger. They saw in the
dentil of Gallieui the man who hud
merely saved Paris, while in the troops
that followed they saw what must ul
timately save all France. And as if bv
some sudden, subtle instinct the hands
raised to shower the violets on, the
bier of Gallieui were stayed and the
flowers fell instead on the troops as
tney passed.
It was the final solemn manifesta
tion of France that the voice of their
president, the voice of the premier, the
voic pt their chamber of deputies, had
been also their voice and that France
wants a continuance of the war until
the peace that she and her allies de
sire can definitely be imposed.
German Peace.
By Carl W. Ackennan.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Berlin, July 5 (By mail.) Germany
wants peace becuuse she believes she
has won the wur. The allies don't
want peace because they believe they
will wiu the war.
The difference is between the "has
won" and the "will win" and so long
as there is this division the ncutrnl din.
lomnts in Berlin, the best informed neu-1
said to the public: "Don't mind these
things; we will win ultimately. The
e"',s- will be influenced by
military d.-vch.pments The election m
1 "'led Mates will have its effect.
Internal affairs in the vnrimis pniiiili'inii
"""" in ine various countries
w,n ""-.reuse or modify the respective
Pe views.
Ihcre is a peace party in Germany.
Chancellor von Beths.ann-Hollweg lends
it. Some of tho conservative members
"t tne Keiclistag are Ins opponents.
Germuny m her relation to the rest of
the world, ouch is the view point of
von Bethmann-Hollweg.
Ready for "Honsrable Peace."
The conservatives have the stundpat
view point of Bismarck. The chancellor
is a progressive. So is thc kuiser. His-
tory will show that neither the kaiser
nor Hollweg .wanted warr but that
Public Opinion Rules.
The war can end by fall or before
there is another winter campaign i'f, as
the chancellor and Count Tisza said, the
interests of the Central powers as Euro
pean nations are respected. The Ger
man people believe they are fighting a
defensive war and they are ready to
make terms at any time their future ex
istence as a nation can be secured. Ger
many, like England, must insist public
ly 'upon broad terms, because publicly
the national leaders cannot change their
positions too ranch or they will lose the
confidence of the public and inspire too
much hope in the hearts of the oppon
ents. While in Vienna recently, Ambassa
dor Penfield said: "It is all right to
talk about these foreign countries being
ruled by emperors, czars, kings and
presidents, but when the people through
out the world begin to talk peace as
they hnvo this summer, peace is coming.
"Public opinion rules the world and
public opinion will bring peace."
Russian Peace
By William Philip Sinuns
(United Press staff correspondent)
Petrograd, July 5 (Ky mail)
"you can't write an article about
pence in Kussia, declared iSeririus
Mi.dlovsky ex-vice pres.deut of tho
third imperial Duma mid president of
tho bureau of progressive Bloc us we
paced the long, hardwood floor of tiie
Duma lobby.
"You can't, because there is but one
thing to be said about it one short,
sharp, emphatic word No!"
This sums up fairly well the attitude
of the Russian people regarding peace
on any other basis than an allied vic
tory. Two years of war waged under
trying circumstances finds them more
determined than ever. They feel that
they have just begun to fight because
they are just now getting organized
lor Hunting.
Rumors of a separate peuco with Rus-
sin have been spread with considerable
frequency. It has been said that there,
' 1,1,1 pence parry nerc, nun a con -
sidernble element among the popula -
tion deiminds peine. 1 luiva failed to
liscover such a party or such nil eli
It is a German lie!" the president
of the Duma, .Mi kail Rod'.ianko said
when I told mm that neutrals had
been informed more than once Hint
Russia might mcept separate peace.
lid not say this in anger. Rut her
lie smiled. His attitune was consider-
ably like that of alrk Twain who,
nue i iiiioinicu or n.s own leporieu
lemise replied with n dry chuckle thu
the report had been grossly exagger
ated. ' "
Koilzinuko was empluitic but unfret-
ted. He appeared to know whereof he
Has Thrown Off German Yoke
"Pence now would be trie greatest
low ever' suffered by Kussia,'' Shid -
lovsky declared. "Perhaps our grout-
est benefit to be derived from the war'
is our economic independence ol Iter -
many. Peace at this junction would
fail to give us this. Kconomiciilly Ger -
many has exploited us for long. She
has called us the ' hinterland' of F.u -
rope peopled by liiissiaa barbarians
fit only to be her vassals uml a source
of profit.
"We have thrown off this yoke.;
The commercial treaty she imposed
luring our war with .lapaa, more ben-
eficial to (iermany-fhim to us, no long -
or binds. When pence- and victory
I'omu, Kussia will hold the new free-: timont In Italian diplomatic ' circles,
dom she hml won and develop her own lit. is repeated bv King Victor in the
industries to the profit of her own ', field. It is endorsed by the people of
people. t,t. kingdom.
"These lire some of thc benefits of! In Austria, Italv tights a iiated and
the war which Kussia expects. I'ntil an hereditary foe. In (ierinany she
liermuny is beaten we can not get 0q ,,ses an "industrial and commercial
them. Tan you wonder than every menace. " The Italians are naturally
Kiissiun suys 'Nol' when yoi lit ion j liberty-loving. This characteristic be
peace nowf " ; Kim their war and will continue it, they
"Hut the peasants alwuit Ko per cent declare,
of your population are they fori To Italy anything, even the greatest
war?" I asked. The leader of thc bloodshed mid the greatest sacrifice,
biggest bloc, the controlling group of is preferable to u (Icrman domination,
the Ihinili, replied with a satisfied ' Austriansl " she hisses at the house -s
smile: socialistic deputies who cry for a
"They are, and they have every change in government. She frowns on
right to be. They were never more j ex-Premier (liolitli's alleged attempts
prosperous than now. Their spirit is to return to power, liiolitti has been
fine. Vou won't find any class of railed Italy's peace at any pricer.
people in HusSia more optimistic thus I War certainly has sobered and hard
they." j ened the people. It has made sturdy,
Peasants Are for War , stubborn patriots of nil classes, cspe-
And he should know, being a laud-' ciully ot the women aud children,
owner and farmer himself. He came; (ienernlly Italy wars to save her al
direct from his plantation down near lies nnd herself from "oppression."
Moscow t take part in the Duma pro- ' - ' ' "- " - - -
Veedings, fresh from among his conn- (Continued on Page Seven.)
trvfolk, the backbone of Kussia. To
the president of the Duma I put the V D MPrtntrlr in Will
"Whjit is the attitude of the peas-'
ant towards the win!" i
"He is for continuing it until Hus-j
sia wins." was the reply. "He knows' The value of the estate of thc late
what (ierman domination means and-.K. P. ,Mc 'oruack, whose will was ad-
Joesu't waul it,"
"American newspapers are reporting
lots of pence talk these ilays," 1 sug- jThat an appraisal will show a value
gested. " Whaf yo you tbinii of itf" j in excess ot $1,000,000 is suggested by
"Seems laosfiy of German origin, "(those familiar with the affairs of the
Presidest Kodziauko said. "Most of it!deol capitalist.
appears to come from Herlin through J Percy M. Collier of Kiigene is nam
your correspondents quoting (rermniijcd as executor of the will, which was
i drawn up January 25, 1IH.T. The names
Calcium's Value
In Tuberculosis
Aa a tonio and remedial agent In tha
treatment of tuberculosis, thla ele
ment Is being- studied by scientists
and physicians everywhere.
For more than two decades users of
Eckman'a Alterative have tested Its
efficacy In such cases, for calcium
ehlurid Is one of tha chief constitu
ents of thla preparation, which haa
produced beneficial reaulta In thou
sands of instances. And in this form
It Is so combined aa to be easily
If you are thus afltlcted, a trial may
prove thla to be Just what fa needed
to assist Nature In bringing aboot a
return to normal health
It la safe to take, because It con
tains no polaoneus or hablt-formlng-druga
of any sort.
At your drufrgiat'e.
Kckmaa Las-oratory, Philadelphia.
To Make Up Her Mind for
Surgical Operation. She Re
fused; Cured by LydiaE.
Pinkham Vegetable j
Compound. j
Philadelphia, Pa. "One year ago I ;
was very sick and I suffered with pains I
in my side and back I
.until I nearly went '
crazy. I went to I
different doctors and :
they all said I had :
female trouble and
would not get any j
relief until I would
be operated on. I ,
had suffered forfour
years before this
time.but I kept get
tine worse the more
medicine I took. Every month since I
was a young girl I had suffered with
cramps in my sides at periods and was
never regular. I saw your advertise
ment in the newspaper and the picture
of a woman who had been saved from
an operation and this picture was im
pressed on my mind. The doctor had
given me only two more days to make
up my mind so I sent my husband to the
drug; store at once for a bottle of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. and
elieve me, I only took four doses be
fore I felt a change and when I had fin
ished the third bottle I was cured and
I o. m t ., ,v, -
jieee to DUKIh mv fetter Ind am onlv
too glad to let other women know of my
cure.' Mrs. Thos. McGonical, 3432
nartviiie street, rniia.. ro.
officials. The rest to all appearances
is prepared bv German agents in the
United Ntntcs."
" But all neutral countries nre hear
ing considerable about peace. Do you
believe there is a movement on foot to
bring about an early end to the war?"
I queried.
Peace Talk is "Unfriendly"
All 1 cna snv is this:" he ansjver-
led. "Any peace talk now is unfriend
ly to the allies, so 1 leave yon to guess
who is doing most of the talking. If
it does the Germans any good, howev-
; cr, ro tain pence, let tnem in in. it cor-
; tainly does us no harm. Still this is
no time for neutrals to ntteinpt to
start negotiations.
Here the presiding officer of Hiis-
sia's representative body laughed gnodj
naturedly, adding: "And if the I nii
ed States tries to make peace between
! Germany ami the allies at this stsue
!nf the "name, wo ivil r f,,c,rii
i her. "
Though said in the most pleasant
j fashion imaginable, the Duma leader
clearly meant what lie said. More-
over 1 had been expecting the remark
Statesmen in France hud said tho same
thing to me, time and again. Knglish
inen say it. And the Italians, lielgians,
and Serbs, lu Russia, ns in other al
lied countries, one is frequently linked
the nnestinn
j j9 America going to try to make
. neace'" Hv the wnv it is'nsU,.,!
can detect 'resentment. iilK- likes
the i.lea. Primo Minister Aristi'do Hri-
, and, of France, upon assuming office
I "U'n will have uence thrnnnli vie-
tory." lu Kussia they sav the sunie
; thing.
i Italian Peace
I By John H. Hearley
(Tinted Press staff correspondent)
Itnme. .Inly !i IHv ninih (lnlv nn
Allied neacc Van satisfy Italy. Th.. war
viH continue until only nil allied peace
- can be obtained. This is today's sen-
.u. i . invwiiiavn ui miii
Remembers All Relatives
mitted to probate by the county court
yesterday, is estimated nf SO0,000.
lot t hnrles A. J'urh and V. Hose Pratt
'appear as witnesses,
Jiubre Itusiiev of the county court
rxaf':! fi- "'i'-
pniiacrs of the property.
The executor is authorized and em-
Whtn Itching Stops
There is one safe, dependable treat
ment that relieves itrhinx torture in
stantly and that cleanses and soothes the
Ask any dniRgist for a 2Tk? bottla of
semo and .apply It as directed. Soon
you will find that pimples, black beads,
eczema, ringworm and similar skia trou
bles will disappear.
A little zemo, the penetrating, satis
fy in ir liquid, is all that is needed, for it
banishes all i-kin eruptions and makes
the skin soft, rmooth and healthy.
Zemo, Cleveland.
f - WW
y i
We carry a full line of the season's latest in Bathing
Suits. Prices within the reach of all : ,
Brick Bros.
The Store that guarantees every purchase.
Corner State and Liberty Streets.
is one of the greatest foes of
womanly beauty. It is quickly
cleared by correcting the cause
sluggish liver with the aid
of the gently stimulating, safe
and dependable remedy
Lari.il S.U ol Anj Madicin In tha WrU.
SM tttrjwWi. In boxes, 10.. 2S
powered to sell that portion of the
property not specifically bequeathed,
but it is stated ns not improbable that
The beneficiaries who would otherwise
receive cash are likely to foun a cor-
jporatioii for the further development
or the property,
As the will was made prior to tin
idcath of Mrs. .Mary Moody, wife of
j tnnncr governor .. r , .Moody, tout por
tion of t(o properly bequeathed to her
becomes part of the general estulo.
This consists of furniture, jewels, sil
verware and other articles which be
longed to .Mrs. .Mct'nninck, wife nf the
deceased, who died a number of years
Herbert F. XfcCoriiack, n brother,
and lour sisters, are given $10,1111(1 each.
Six nephews nre given iIil'.'iIK) each. Six
nephews and nieces of K.Iiih .Moody
McCornacy. deceased, are uiven each
an equal share in lots 0, 7, N, tl and 10 I
of block Mil in the city of Salem, iilsO
the sum of $10110 eacii. It. .1. K. Me-'
Cormick is given $10,000 to be held in'
trust by him during the lifetime of a
Starting Tomorrow
OF, .
A riot of Fun Tingling
Tunes, whirlwind Dances
. Costumes and Scenic
Not a Moving Picture
sister, l.eathe M. Wells, for her com
fort and maintenance. The balance of
the priqierty is bequeathed equally to
twenty-six nephews and nieces.
To prove the safety ami value of
his pnruchutc n French inventor drop
ped 1,000 feet with it froai nn aero
plane. Argentina has the longest piece of
straight railroad track in the world, a
stretch of 175 miles.
'I in., i " .urn in i m .i hi ,iiin,iii
Wrr 1
! 5il:5E;i,;fc iiLtiM'iiini
!iffiiiiifp X'
I li I u ii ii mnr
Paramount Weekly
'alt, I tlH i'Ullillii III'
.iJ:iHlHll.nll:i. il'lilm.l.illl:llri:il,lll)!li!liil,.i;ii:iil'llii:liiniilltliii,) -l,, l,;h;iljllll,im!U
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