THE DAILY ' CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 2, 1916. TWO KNIGHTS TAKE TRIP PRISONS ARE TO TO FACE 1HW0RST She'll be tea-happy She has sent for the Taste Packet and nerw she is finding out which Schilling's Tea just exacTly suits her. Please don't misunder standthere is only one quality of Schil ling's T ta, but there are four distincl taste- types. Whichever you like best is the kind for you to use; all four of them brew tea of . indescribable charm. Send for the Taste Packet The only simple, sure ttiny t gel the right ten. Contains four parchmyn envelopes of Japan, English Breakfast, Ceyoit, Oolong etitugh fer fve r six tups ef each. Mailed promptly in receipt ef 10 eetsts (stamps ir (tilt). tAddress: tA 'Schilling W Qtmpany 333 Second Stree7,an Francisco Schilling's Best SOCIETY By AI4NB Salem society aumiucitng at Agate Heath enjoy a round of guyetles. The cottages have all been opened for the xranon and each week end is crowded with jolly house parties. The Uvuih has become the mecca for number of the smart set in the pnat few seasons and continues to grow in popularity. The Thomas A.IJveslcya have rocont ljr joined the SSulem colony and have just conflicted an attractive now cot tage which was oeued Suturday even ing when a group of merry makers gathered for a house warming. Danc ing was enjoyed ami Inter the ovcuiug was rounded out by a sea food supper. Tnose participating in the gayoties besides the hosts were: Mr. anil Airs. John J. Roberta Mrs, Krederio 1). Thielsea, Mr. and "Mrs. Walter McDou gal, Mrs. Harry K. flay, Mrs. W. fen nel! Dyer, t.'oi llofer of Salem, Mrs. William Made and Mis Katherine Blade of Hilverton, Mr. and Mrs. l'erry Young and Miss lanliclle Young and Mr. and Mrs. Kooky Mason of Albany, Miss Mary Church, . Minn flenevive Church, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robert son of I'ortlund. Mrs. William C. Kuightou's guest, Miss Roselle Crump, a charming girl of Buffalo, arrived today and several smart affairs already have beon plan ned to make the eastern maid's visit Keep these appointments dentist and three times a r.Lyoifs PERFECT Too fii Powder PrtparmJ by m Doctor mf Dtntal Sargtry Send 2c stamp today for generous trial pclc 1 age of either Dr. Lyon 'a Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cream. I W. LYON A 80NS, Inc. ... ' 8 6 J W. 87th 8L, N. Y. City - J Sold through grocers only In standard packages, 8-oz and I-lt. THOMPSON in this city delightful. Mrs. Klliridgo 0. Tiiuiiins and small daughter, Barbara, who have nlso been Mrs. kmirlitoii s guests tor a few days returned to their home in Salt Lake to day. Mrs. Hurry K. Clay, who has been tho guest of the Thomas A. Liveslev s at Agate Beach for a few days return ed home last nights Kuticing nearby outing places and the warm weather lured many motor ists Sunday, who enjoyed their, leisure picnicking and fishing. M chimin which is always an Ideal outing place was the mecca tor a party of Salem folks, including Mr. and Mrs. Hussell Catlin and their guest Miss Lois l'hcnrs of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. K. 0. Cross, Miss Veda Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spcnrs and son, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis 11. t russ an. I small sons. Miss Laura Handle, Dr. I'rince llyrd, .lames loung aud Klmer T. Lmddcn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBougiil, who motored to Newport to visit friends over the week end, returned litst even ing. Miss Edith Carter Kunev will leave to morrow for the Cascade mountains, where she will join a pneUy of friends for a few weeks outing. twice a year with your day with LjeC Senttle, Wash., Aug. 2. Harry G. Hammond was back in Seattle today from XeXeil Island federal prison pre paring to test, if necessary, the con stitutionality of the habitual criminal law, under which persons convicted three times may be sent to the peni tentiary for Hfe. Hammond is 37 years of age. The shadows of seven peuiteatiaries have bleached his tbin features white. His eves are sunk in their sockets, "lie "fell" first in Michigan. Then it was Bridewell jn Chicago - then Canyon. City, then "big house" at Leavenworth, Kansas. After that Hammond drifted to Seattle. He found a good job at more than living wages and "tell" ngain. Thev caucht him at St. Louis, brought him back and sent him to Mc Xeil Island. He has Berved His term and is back in the county jail charged with grand litrnenv. If Hammond is found guilty, he may then be charged as an habitual criminal and "sent up" for IWe. While Hammond was in the Island nriunn he snvs he "eot religion.' The authorities doubt his sincerity. 11a -oirnte letter to Thomas D. los tcr, chief of the secret service here, declaring that he had, and asked Fos ter's aid in fi'iuling employment n his release day came. In thA Hflllin letter he made a com plete confession of his long series of crimes, naming tho penitentiaries i which he had been imprisoned. This was the information that is necessary to prove n man habitually a criminal, and Foster turned it over to the prose cuting attorney with the recommenda tion that Hammond be "habitualed. So thoroughly is Hammond "going after" the habitulat criminal act that o i. writinir a book. "Prison Kcniiuis- eeuees." which he hopes to have pub lished scriallv and Hammond is a i . nf unrest Enirlish to show the unfairness of tho law and the awfuluesB of prison lite. PERSONALS ltorrv M. Hawkins of Albany is in r. Wftift Thi Dalit was in the Mr! and Mrs. 0. B. Gingrich and son left today for Scabeck. A. A. Bvnon wn in Portland yeuler i... ,;,'.,-.. I t tin' Steward. lilt, n-nioiiivu v - r v nf the read estate firm ot Sott & li.vuum, s transacting business in Mchama. a v. t.wart and E. E. Mathews rViJ.! Ilr.,rr,ii WI'TJ rOEiste'cd I'CS- Ul luaiii w....-.., c Lloyd Rigdon returned this morning froui Portland wiiero no ianniiiu ... . i. if ;.,i1. r,e TvthMu narndc. Ray i Richardson and wife will leave tomorrow for a two weeks' vaca tion at Cnscadin. , i. o.i m H. r. Martin and dautrliter. Svbil of Manila, Philippine Islands, are in the city, the guests oi Mr an.l Mrs. S. S. East, HOB Court street. Mr. Martin is vice governor of tiio Philippines and with his family is en route to Washington. r... l.'uttlA Kavlor. suneriutendont of the pnstol savings department of thel Salem post otnee, win leave ucv ilav for a month's vacation in Alaska. fr nn.l Mrs. Roma Hunter and danchter. Miss Macyle Hunter, return ed Mondav from a two weeks' sojourn at Newport. Tl.n members of the W. C. T. U. were entertained recently nt the home of Mrs. Lvdia 11. Bowerman, 1069 Leslie Btreet. Tho afternoon was passed in IK- nml Mrs. K. A. Pierce of Port land, a'dnuuhter of tho hostess favored the miettts with several delightful vo cal solos. Later a duinty collation was srvnrl. The L'uests were: Mesdnmes Anna Vitch. Louisa Kramm. Alice Mjles, hs ther Armstrong, E. Wooten, A. Whito, Vera Friekev. Holt, Wusie nenu, J-s- sie I ndergrotr, tiarry isnoues, itcorgc Hunlict, E. M. lxiw, E. A. Pierce ot Portland, S. E. Purvine, Jennie Munn, Emma Train and K Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Townsend of 444 S. High street hnvo had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. hrcu cselson or i.os An iielcs, who were en route to Portland in their ear. Mrs. Cordelia linger Bnd son, Harold Hairer. left vestcnlay for a motor trio thromih Southern Oregon, Crate ljike nnl other interesting points. They will be away for about a week or ten dnvs. An en.iovable affair of Monday af ternoon was tho surprise shower given Mrs. fluv Thrapp by the members of the Mother's club of the Highland dis trict. About St guests gthered for tho afternoon and tho honoree was showered with pretty irifts. Those present were: airs. McFadden Mrs. II. E.. Pembcrton, Mrs. Oeorge W Stoner, Mrs, M. O. Barton, Mrs. W. P, Rinele. Ma. J. A. Cariienter, Mrs. 8, A. English, Mrs. Jessie Farrel, Mrs. J. E. Hoekett, Mrs. M. .1. Cross, Mrs Herman Mummell, Mr F. J. Mcleod Mrs. N. K. ObbotCMra. Don Nichol son, Mrs. K. L. Prince Mra August Merger, Mrs. C. Craig, Mrs. Ivi Mi Cracken, Mrs. Oeorge Oould. Mrs. i A. Cole, Mrs. C. Ross, Mrs. Herbert Hale, Mrs. A. Carter and Mrs. Swartx. Miss Beatrice Sanders of Albany i visiting ar the homo of Mass Ruth Fisher on the River road. Miss Sand ere will return home the latter part o the week. ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S TUB ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap MbeUtotaa coat YOU sum pdot. Portland, Or., Aug. 2. By automo bile and steamer, delegates to the Kmgbtg of Pytnias supreme lodge went up the Columbia Eiver to Bonne ville today, where they feasted on salmon. Brief sessions of the supreme lodge and the supreme temple, Pythian Sisters were held this, morning. The biggest event today, the second day of the conclave is the parade tonignt of the Dramatic Order. Knights of Khorassan. Resplendent in oriental costumes, many of the best patrols of the nation are to march through gaily decorated and illuminated avenues, Officers have been elected by the grand lodge, domain of Oregon, K. P. They are Harry O. Wortman, Medford, grand chancellor; Leslie M. Crouch, Portland, grand vice chancellor; Arthur Holgardt, Elgin, grand prelate; Walter G. Oleason, Baker, grand keep er of records and seals; J. W. Maloney, Pendleton, grand master of the ex chequer: Otto Offenberger, Nehalem, grand master at amis; Martin White, St. Helens, grand inner guardian; B. B. Maxfield, St. Johns, grand outer guardian, and Willard L. Marks, Al bany, grand turstee. Capital Journal Till Touched for bmall Sum Money amounting to $24.(0 was stolen from the desk of the circulation manager of the Capital Journal last nieht. and a warrant charging break ing and entering has been issued for a young chap named Carroll Powell, a member of the 7th company oi coasi artillery now at Ft. Stevens. Powell, who had been given a 10-day leave of absence, dropped off at Salem Saturday night to visit his old Med ford friend, Russell Badmunds, who is connected with the circulation depart ment of the Capital Journal. He was in uniform, was carrying his rifle and was broke. Eadmunds advanced him a bit of money and invited him to bunk with him at the Capital hotel. This morning when jutdmunus wose he discovered that his friend had gone. Also he discovered that nis keys were gone. And, impelled Dy a suspicion that other tnings were gout: as well, he hurried over to the ( apitat Journal office where he frTund his keys in the cash drawer of the circula tion desk. Only a portion of the cash in the drawer was taken ten dollars in silver and $14.70 in pennies. Eadmunds still has the uniform anu the gun, but he is short a suit or .clothes. , Thn iinlice are making every eitori to apprehend Powell, who is about 18 years old and a resident of Medford. HUBBAM NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) UMiihsni n Anir. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Weaver, of Needy, lost their baby boy Saturday afternoon. It died at the Hubhard hospital wit spasms. Mrs. Elmer McTiramons passeo away at her homo last Ffridny morning. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Poofc anu lamuy, Dr. and Mrs. Weaver and daughter, Francis, left last Saturday for a two weeks' sojourn at the seashore. Mies Ida Christen, Miss Jiarie uy- ers, Mr. H. A. Stebinger and Mr. L. Mc- Adams motored to wunoit cipnngs ouu day and spent the day. Mrs. Dr. Schoor has returned from a visit with friends in Portland. L. A. Beckmau was a week-end visit-, or in Portland. Miss Gladys Moomau gave a party on her lawn last Friday evening. The lawn was tastily decorated with jacn-o tan torns and a very pleasant time was en joyed by a jolly bunch of young folks. Mrs. Geo. ituey ana cnitaren, .Marion and Marguerite, from Portland, arrived last Thursday and are visiting her sis ter, Mrs. J. U. l.angdon. Mr. L. S. iterslioerger returneo iroro Elmira the last of the week. His fam ily is remaining there for an indefinite period. Miss uiauys Aioomau spent nuiunnj and Sunday with friends iu Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. it. w. uaDie were shopping in Portland Tuesday. Mr. A. Christen, Miss Ida l-nristen, Miss Voda Laukius ware Portland visit ors Tuesday. Miss Marie liyers was a aaiem visitor today. Fruitland News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Fruitland. Ore.. Auor. 2. W. O, Wilham and his family attended camp meetincr in Salem last Sunday. Mrs. Anna Oirod's youngest child William, was taken to the Willamette sanitarium last week for an operation on his leg. He is getting along splendid ly and is expected to return next Fri day. Miss Priscilla Otterbein, Mrs.-Percy and little daughter, motored from Falls City last Sflsniay to visit the Otterbein family, refnrmng on Monday morn' inir. Next Sunday afternoon will be the regular preachinc day at the church. Hay bailing started in Fruitland this week, the lutest it has ever started. Some years it has started as early as the 2MH of June. Many of the Auburn people attended tho Sunday school here last Sunday. Mr. Dave Purvine came out on a mo torcycle from town lust Sunday to see the Bellamy family. Admits He Burglarized 100 Seattle Houses Seattle, Wash., Aug. 2. After admit ting that he had burglarised more than 100 homes in Seattle, Jim Thompson, alias "Barefoot Dane," sat in a little room at police headquarters and enter tained officers today with the story of his operations. Ha was captured at 0:30 o'clock last nitfht when he walked into a trait set by detectives, after they had waited two days and two nights for him. Officials Say Each Side Must Make Concessions to Serve Public New York, Aug. 2. City officials, aided by state authorities today pre pared for the worst in New York's street car situation. They were con vinced they said today, that the most disastrous tie-up in the city's history is inevitable unless both sides concede points which each up to today has per sistently refused to consider. The public service commission today began a formal inquiry int othe situa tion. Representatives of employers and employes were summoned. The ten thousand militiamen, includ ing coast defense and naval reserves who remained in the state after New York's quota had gone to the border, were prepared for instant cjl. At the first hint of need for them, Governor Whitman will send them into New York to augment Police Commissioner Wood's ten thousand bluecoats. The street car companies today con sidered the situation so desperate they appealed for the public's sympathy iu full page advertisements in all local newspapers. These advertisements carried the charge that the employes "are being threatened and intimidated by the Amalgamated Association of Electric Street and Sailway Employes, an organization with interests in var-1 ious parts of the Unitetd States. " The company also announced it is ready to talk grievances with its men individually or through their own representatives. It will not recognize any committee affiliated with the na tional union. It was estimated today that about 3,200 men are out in New York 2,000 from the Third avenue system in Man hattan and 1,200 frem Bronx lines. All cars today were under heavy po lice guard. Jitney drivers are reaping a veritable harvest. (Continued from Page 1.) Appain. .All night long fheyHsept the Appom brilliantly lighted, lights were not doused until daybreak. Tho Ap pam is now in the stream where she caa be seen for several miles. Made Oood Progress. The Deutschland, leaving Baltimore yesterday afternoon made good progress during the night, though not showing any speed calculated to distress the press boots following her. At times she approached 18 knots, but for the most part was content to pur along with the tug Timmins nrouiid 10 knots. Kntnmon's. Island at the mouth of the PatnTont river was oassed at 2:14 o'clock. th a rate it was apparent sne would be able to rench the capes about .tart, thin Avenino bv loafine along to day. There would be no reason for her holding back, if her purpose was to run the gauntlet after dark without stop nine at Norfolk or Newport News. Watchers in this harbor this morning were in despair of spotting the suDma rine unless she came In close, knowing of the green paint that had been used to increase her "low visibility." DltD WALTERS At her home in West Sa lem, Wednesday, August 2, 1!1", Mrs. Ellen L. Walters iu her 71st year. Besides her husband, J. P. Walters, an old soldier, sue is survived by six children: fl. i. Walters ami airs. w. W. Boone of Salem: O. l. Walters ot San FVaneisco. A. V. Walters of Chi cago; Mrs. J. K. Smith of Seattle; Mrs. h. t'owell ol siuui rans, a. v. She is also survived by eight grauu children and one uroat craml chilli The funeral services will be neiu Thursday aftornooii at 2:30 o clock from the home in west caicm anu win be in charge of the Christian Science reader. Burial will be in the city view imptv. For the oast six years airs, waiters uaa maue ner nemo m " mcm. t l i l ' V2nlm Sika ws. married to J. i. Walters uZ years n. On Seutember 18. 1914, their rri,ion weihlinir was celebrated la west Salem, M'ALLISTER In the city, Tuesday August 1, 1016, Mrs. Susan McAllis ter, in her 55th rear. She is survived by a husband living in Portlnnd where the body was for warded yesterday by Webb & Clough. BORN DYKSTRA To Mr. and Mrs. V. Dyk r. Ninteeuth and State streets .lulv 30. 1916. a son, to be named Valley William. BECKER To Mr. and Mrs. Ed Becker, - at their home near the fair grounds roads, July 81, 1010. a son. Pineapple Pepsin for Sick Stomach You'll say it's the most remarkable thing you have ever experienced, the way a few doses of NATOL F1NBAP PLB PE1"81N COMPOUND corrects digestive troubles, stops sick head ache, brings back good hearty appe tite and restores a disordered stomach to good working condition. We've never sold or - handled anything to equal it and think so much of its merits that we offer 50e and 1.00 bot tles with a positive guarantee of re sults or monev back instantly. Try 1 it. J. C. Perry. Looh for the Label No one can imitate the quality or the taste of. delicious, wholesome, pure Pan-Dandy Bread. So, naturally, they try to imitate the shape of the loaf and the name. ir Pan-Dandy Bread rite For your own protection, therefore, insist on seeing the Pan-Dandy label on every loaf. Tan-Dandy is the regular 5c loaf. Big-Dandy is the economical loaf 10c for more than twice the amount Both made with the best of flour aud with pure tested milk. At all grocers, SALEM 240 S. State House News State Treasurer Kay has announced to annual apportionment of interest collected from irreducible school fund during the year to the counties for school purposes. The total amouut of the interest is 3ii9,483.96, which is an increase of $9417.96 over last year. The fund is apportioned amqng the counties according to population. The total school population this year is 208,748. This is 2990 more than last year, and makes a per capita of $1.77. Following is the apportionment: Baker, $11,189.94; Benton, $7,373.82; Clackamas, $20,493.00; Hatsop, $9,457. 11; Columbia, $6.6ti5.82; Coos, $12,016. 53; Crook, $.'5,177.25; Cuiry, $1,486.80; Douglas, $11,818.29; Oilliam, $2,086.83; Grant, $3,738.24; Harney, $2,674.47; Hood Eiver. $3,623.19; Jackson, $11, 804.13; Jefferson, $1,816.02; Josephine, $5,175.48: Klamath, $4,954.23; Lake, $2,709.87; Lane, $20,716.17; Lincoln, City Market Coal Co. Distilled Water On account of the backward season we have decided to reduce the price of ice greatly. If you are not getting your ice at reduced rates see us and we will explain the system. Originators of immediate delivery. We deliver to any part of Salem. PHONE 474 141 N. HIGH STREET Crisco pie crust is rich, wholesome and delicious, for Crisco is all vegetable and all pure. Crisco's digestibility is especially important in relation to pie crust, in which so much shortening is used; it is a scientific fact that shortening is unchanged in the baking process. It is still in a raw state, merely having been distributed throughout the dough or crust. RISCO Fop Frying r of (Clip this Recipe) PLAIN PASTRY 1 cupful flour 1 teaspoonful salt cupful Crisco coM water (Clt JnW rmmvrtlmemh) Sift flour and salt and cut Crisco into flour with knife until finely divided. Finger tips may be used to finish blending mateftils. Add pradually sufficient water to make stiff paste. Water should be added sparingly and mixed with knife through dry ingredients. Form lightly and quickly with hand into dough; roll out on slightly floured board, about one-quarter inch thick. Use light motion in handling rolling-pin, and roll from center outward. Sufficient for one small pie. I ROYAL BAKERY Commercial Street Bell-ans ! Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. ; $3,902.85; Linn, $14,384.79; Malheur, $5,784.36; Marion, $23,732.16; Morrow, $2,672.70; Multnomah, $94,234.80; Polk $9,425.25; Sherman, $1,906.29; Tilla mook, $4,115.25; Umatilla, $12,451.95; Union, $9,439.41; Wallowa, $5,872.96; Waseo, $7,490.64; Washington, $14, 744.10; Wheeler. $1,070.01; Yamhill, $12,349.29. Supplementary articles of incorpora tion were filed at tho corporation de partment this morning changing tho name ot the Senttlo meat market at Portland to Friedman's market. Notice of dissolution lias been en tered by the following corporations Prince Shoe company, Portland, and. Sunset Theatre company, Astoria, Ice A New Kind of Pastry -For Shortening tcAe waxing Ice &