Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 31, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal'9
July at. 1310.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President Vice-President
Seo. and Treat.
Dally by earrier, per year $5.00 Per month c
Dally by mail, per year , , 3.U0 Per month 3oc
New York, Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chicago, W. H. Stockwel 1, People's Una Building.
The Capital Journal carrier bovs are instructed to put the papers on the
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Phono Main 81 before T:30 o'clock an d a paper will be sent you by special
messenger if the carrier bus missed you.
A report recently issued by the Smithsonian Institute
points out that the $20,000,000 government nitrate plant
recently authorized by congress will be only a drop in the
bucket toward meeting the military and agricultural
needs of the United States for an independent source of
cheaper nitric acid for the manufacture of explosives and
ammonia for fertilizers.
The report of the Smithsonian institute among other
things says:
"If the entire sum were to be put into power-site de
velopment, it would furnish somewhere around 150,000
horsepower, capable of yielding in the neighborhood of
50,000 tons of nitric acid, or about one-fourth the esti
mated military emergency requirement alone; and at
that, the entire cost of plant installation, running into the
millions of dollars, would have to be additional. To satis
fy government estimates of around 200,000 ton wartime
requirements would entail a power generation of around
600,000 horsepower, or some 50,000 more than the entire
Niagara power development. Such a project would cost
around $80,000,000,000 to eventuate and in its operation
during peace times as an agricultural proposition in com
petition with other sources would necessitate an annual
subsidy running into the millions of dollars, without of
fering a single advantage excepting as a preparedness
Members of congress, army officers and others familiar
with this situation are urging that even if the project ful
fills all the projectors hope for it, it will supply only a
small part of the more than 600,000 tons of nitrate of soda
now imported yearly from Chile. To relieve the strain it
is reported that ammonia is being made in ever increas
ing quantities as a by-product from the coking of
coal. It is estimated that from this source if all the am
monia was saved from all the coke ovens it would amount
to about 700,000 tons a year, and so far no means have
been discovered of converting this by-product, ammonia,
into nitric acid, for use in explosives, and its use in con
fined to agricultural and other industries.
The Smithsonian report shows that the only present
hope of securing an abundant supply of cheap nitric acid
and ammonia which will make the Unitetd States inde
pendent of foreign supply, and at the same time reduce
the price of fertilizers so the farmer can afford to use
them, lies in the development of water powers, for by the
use of the very cheapest power alone can the supply of
atmospheric nitrogen be obtained.
This is a grave national question and one in which
politics and pork should have no place; yet no sooner was
the measure proposed than several places were after the
locating of the plant at some trifling power source, or at
one that would require more than the whole twenty mil
lions to harness a wofully insufficient power.
If the administrative officials who will have charge of
the work are good businessmen they will consider the
Pacific coast before all others, as the place for the loca
tion of such a plant, or any number of them. Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, California, all furnish ideal sites
where the greatest power can be brought under control at
the least cost.
About all that is required for the work is power and
air, and in the northwest both of these are of the best.
Oregon has water power, going to waste most of it,
variously estimated at from 3.000,000 to 6,000,000 horse
power. It is also the most easily secured power anywhere,
requiring no vast dams or expensive canals. Plants can
be placed along such streams as the Santiam, the McKen
zie, the Rogue or Deschutes, or any of the dozens of fine
streams that pour their floods down from the high areas,
taking advantage of the entire force of the stream over
and over again at a minimum expense.
Another important feature i& the regularity of the
flow in Oregon's streams. The snows from which the
streams derive their flow are high in the mountains, and
last almost the year through. The Cascade mountains
extending for about 250 miles across the state are a great
natural reservoir, with an average width of forty to fifty
miles. The precipitation is about forty-two inches, meas
ured as water but about thirty feet in snow. The result
is a great frozen lake situated at an average height of
more than 2,000 feet above tide water, a lake 250 miles
long, fifty miles wide and three feet and a half deep. This
is one of the sources of supply available for Uncle Sam's
proposed power plant.
Another important feature is that the land ana water
power are still the property of the government or the
state, and can be secured at a cost trifling compared with
that of the suggested sites in the east. Here is an oppor
tunity for our congressmen to get busy and do something
of vast importance to the state as well as to the general
Today ends the second year of the war in Europe. The
allies are making a hard drive along the western front,
and have made important gains, but it remains to be seen
whether they are to be of any more real effect than the
German drive at Verdun. The indications are that it will
not, and that the Germans will be able to hold against any
thing that can be brought against them.' Mile after mile
of trenches may be captured, but when this is done there
are still other innumerable miles of them to be taken and
before this can be done the Germans say there will not be
enough of the allies forces left to take them.
The Russians are driving ahead on all fronts, and it
seems probable that they alone will make a marked suc
cess. It looks as though they would force the Turks into
asking a separate peace, and if so, it can be taken as a
verity that the Russian bear will have his paws on the
Bosphorus when it is all over. The Russian drive in
Galicia goes on practically unchecked; but the ultimate
result of this is doubtful. As it advances into Austrian
territory, its danger is doubled and trebled, and beyond
a certain point it will probably be impossible to advance.
The war's toll of lives is placed at 3,805,000 and its cost
at $49,356,000,000. This is a staggering sum, but from
the present outlook it may be doubled before peace at last
comes. And all this loss of life, with its attendant suffer
ing and hardships, and this tremendous burden of debt
is due ostensibly to the fact that a crazy fanatic assassin
ated two persons. Strange as it may seem it is also due
in part to the telegraph and the means of rapid communi
cation of modern times. Had the dispute been carried on
through the mails, or by messengers as in the old days, it
is probable passion would have had time to cool and that
the matter could and would have been settled without re
course to arms.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SGS
CAPITAL $300,000.00
Transact a General Banking: Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
Under the provisions of the Shackelton road bill, just
enacted by congress, Oregon will get a considerable
amount of government money to be expended for roads
in the forest reserves. Naturally Portland wants this
money and is now demanding that the state's congres
sional delegation secure it at once for an automobile loop
road to connect with the Columbia river highway. This
road would of course be of no use for any purpose except
automobile pleasure tours, which is about the highest
conception the Portland newspapers have of the use of
public funds. They look upon such appropriations as
"pork" which belongs to anyone who can grab it first.
There are many places in the state where roads might be
built through the forest reserves which would be of gen
eral use and benefit to the public but the Mount Hood auto
loop will probably get the money just the same.
One of the most attractive special editions issued in
Oregon for tome time past was the automobile edition of
the MarsKfield Daily Times. It was splendidly printed
and arranged and matter timely and well edited. The
large amount of advertising space used indicates that the
businessmen of Coos Bay are enterprising and progres
sive in their methods, and are quick to recognize the value
to the community of a good newspaper.
jsnu it., j
My wife keeps busy round the shack; she works until
she strains her buck; she cleans the dishes and the spoons,
she darns the shirts and cooks the prunes, she molds the
pies and bakes the bread, and sends the
nineteen kids to bed. And every now and
then I say, "You've had a long and weary
day, so let us don our lids and go to see the
moving picture show. Or let us seek the ice
cream joint, and ou insides with cream
anoint. Put on your f arthineale. mv Belle.
and let us go to yon hotel, and buy our din
ner for a change, and eat it in surroundings
strange." Then Susan Belle puts on a
smile, and sings around the cooo awhile.
i ana Dias larewell to cares that cark, and
says she's happy as a lark. Some small attentions, such
I as these, the jaded frau are bound to please. They lift a
j burden from her mind, and they relieve the weary grind,
j I know so many working wives who might have sunshine
I in their lives, if their Old Men would only say, "You've
; naa a nara ana areary aay, so let us go, on eager feet, and
i-see me aogngnc aown tne street."
sc j)c sfc 3jc sfc sc sjc sc sfc sje fc sc sjc
Pessimists are saving that chunk of
the middle western heat is ou its way
to the Willamette valley.
O, you bathing beach!
The home team won another game
yesterday, and the flop of the pennant
becomes more audible to the nnked
' Temporary widowers are numerous
in town. "Mother" and the young
sters are enjoying the annual family
The recently arrived easterner who
lias remarked that it looks like early
fall is respectfully informed that there
ain't no such animal in these parts.
Not a loganberry wi'll be left on
the vines this season when tiie picking
is over.
An iilot in East Salem meekly in
qnirwhether anybody has tried making
loganberry seeds into pies.
Another prospect for a bit of easy
money went glimmering iu the circuit
court Baturdnv.
Home-made apples are beginning to
appear in the markets.
reaches are ripe.
Turner has ceased to be a feature
of the daily war news.
The American soldier is the best fed
in the world. Thisr statement means a
whole lot more to Salem folks than it
did a few months ago.
Xo more jury work will be done in
Department 1 of tiie circuit court un
til October.
The July term of court came to an
end Saturday with the ease of E. H.
Sprangcr of" Portland vs. E. S. Bud
long, as street commissioner of the city
of Salem, an action torecovcr damages
for injuries alleged to have been re
ceived by tho plaintitr because ot a
defective sidewalk. Th jury iu tint
case returned a verdict tor the uo
feiidnnt. With the exception of J. T. Cooper,
Leslie O. Hunter and J. 11. Dunlnp,
who were retained tor possible vacan
cies on the grand jury, all the jury
men have been discharged.
Judge Kelly will hold court in Al
bany next weojj.
Lewis Reed, who was arraigned be
fore Judge Kelly Saturday to answer
to the charge of stealing an automobile
from parties at Aurora, changed his
Idea ot not guilty to tunt dt guilty,
and was sentenced to trom one to-ten
years iu the penitentiary and was then
paroled. Reed has been in the county
jail since April.
Stating that they were living to
gether when the case was filed and
have been living together since nnd
that all difficulties have been condon
ed by these facts, the defendant in the
divorce suit of Winwood Kobins vs.
Irene Etta Robins bus filed a motion
for dismissal.
An action has been instituted by
Jennie E. Taylor for the restoration of
title to 104 acres of lnnd in Marion
county. She alleges tnat C. R. Coch-
mnD tn whnm tli Inti.l urn a iml.l him
failed to live up to the contract mud
when tne land was soli.
Hearing of the final account of Jul
ian Provost, administrator of the es
tate of Caroline Provost, will be held
by the county cuurt September 2.
Judgment for $1130 is fiven the
Star Laud company against Katie
Holmes and J. P. Holmes by a decree
entered by Judge Galloway Saturday.
Suit has been filed in the circuit
court by the First National Bank of
Alhanibra, California, to collect from
W. A. Sipprell, F. O. Stpprell and
Lucy Dencer the sum of $2700 with in
terest at 7 per ceut from November 30,
The ease of Patrick Geelan vs. Mary
Pulasky et ol has beeu settled out of
Anna Simmons, administratrix of
the estate of J. D. Simmons, filed a
final report with the county court Saturday.
Fred J. Siewert, executor of the will
of the late Daniel A. Siewert, has peti
tioned the county court to issue an or
der setting- aside $1000 for, the main
tenance of the widow of the deceased.
The Mistake Is Made by Many Salem
Lock for the cause of headache.
To be cured you must know the
If it's weak kidneys you must set
the kidneys working right.
A Salem resident tells voti how.
Mrs. M. B. Churchill." 705 Belmont
stref, Snlem, says: "Three years agJ
I ws down in bed for a week with my
back. I couldn't get up or down with
out assistance and my back felt weak
and lfcine. I was sick "all over. Hearing
so many recommend Dean's Kidney
Pills, I sent for a box and had taken
only a few doses when I felt better.
Two boxes stopped the trouble and in
every way I feel like a different per
son.1 Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
imply ask for a kidney remedy get
Poau's Kidney Pills the same' that
.Mrs. Churchill had. Foster-Milbum Co.,
'Props, Buffalo, Jf. T.
Over .1
C Nearly all its
advertisements are
intended to induce
you to spend money.
This bank offers you an opportunity to save
money and increase your buying power.
Your savings account here accomplishes two
excellent results.
It helps you to resist ill-advised spending, and
develops instincts which will enable you to
turn your savings into remunerative
1 I TF J 1 r T 1. l
iufiiiuer reuerai unserve Dank
Salem, Oregon
fruidtnt Amtrican Stcitly fir Thrift
subject of
teaching thrift
to children in
th public
schools has
been consid
ered it has
been assumed
that almost
the only way
It could be
done was
through the
of school sav
ing banks, but
K. II. V:lsoi 'suoerintcnder.t of the
department of education fA the
State of Oklahoma has a very prac
tical sut;stion which has met wii.h
the approval of his co-workers. Afri
culture is taught in the high schools
cf that state, and it is hn idea to
have the teacher of agriculture as
duty during the summer vacation
months supervise the school gar
dens and the work d'."ne by boys on
vacant lots and truck patches boys
who would be idl; durrfc thi? tiine
and hoys who want to malar money.
He suggests that the citiient should
be impressed into encouraging the
boys to use vacant lots for truck
patches in this way and to give them
first consideration when buying prod
uce. a!si that th'jy establish cxnneties
where the boys will be able to can
their prodiici until they can dispose
O? it at a profit.
Mr. Wilson has suggested to the
boards of education in Oklahoma that
they adopt his plan and give boys
and girls a chance to use their time
profitably and impress upon their
minds that they ought to make th
money that they spend. These sug
gestions would be practical for any
state. The plan would not only teach
a boy the value of time how to be
thiifty, but would also make him in
dustrious and saving.
Fifty thousand families In New
York City last year received aid from
six of the largest charitable societies
of that municipality, and the investi-"
gators for the societies show that
thriftless habits were the cause of
most of the distress and the same
families are annually the recipients
of charity. For shiftltss parents and
shiftless homes destroy all ambition
and do not beget an independence in
the children that would make them,
al-hor charity, when they are able to
It b '.rell known by those who have
made L'ie subject the matter of irt
veittgation Uiat although at the age
of 45 fully 80 per cent of men are
established In whatever pursuit they-
i follow, and are in receipt of incomes
in excess of their expenditures, at
the age of 60 it has been found that
&S per e?nt have receded in their
financial independence and are de
pendent on their daily earnings or
upon their children for support All
this Is the result cf failure tn take
into account the fact: "There can
be no profit if site outlay exceeds it,"
HARBT BTJLOER SUICIDES ficer, committing suicide Sunday. Bul-
ger, who has been attached to the
Portland, Ore.. Julv 31. Ill health isi Multnomah county courts for nine
believed todav to have been the caused'"' f!1"' hi ,,1'r?l?h head
, xr '. ... . .. . while sitting at his desk in the court
of Harry Bulger, chief probation of-hou3e. He left a widow.
The Nation's
Botter Nut
Tkere Is No Better j,
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
Strictly correct weight, square deal and highest prieea for all kUda '
jnak, metal, robber, hides aad fare. I pay 8e peT peoad for U rfl X -
Big stock of an sizes second hand laenbatora. All n. .is
lroa for boU roofs and baildinga. Hoofing paper aad seeoai kaad
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The Hons of Half a Uillioa Bargmlaj.
101 ortk ComaaarcUl It
v I