Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 31, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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    t Monmouth News -V
(Capital Journal Special Service) !
Mooorouth, Or..- July - 31. The' sum
met session at the Oregon State Nor
mal sHioal closed. Ftiday at noon, July
28. The total enrollment for the six
wwka won 827. : The true " Normal
school spirit was shown by .both stu
dents and' faculty from the first day
.until tb close oC the, last;. chapel ex
ercisea. It. is without a doubt, that
everyone who attended the session
; feels that Uieir time has' been 'very
. well spent. : If a teacher ..was lacking
in enthusiasm or needed an inspiration
when she entered the -Normal ''school
six weed's ago, before the term closed
she could not possibly have escaped the
tram of both. As for the .Normal, lac
ulty, they feel that no other session
could equal the one -just closed. .Thoy
had tke interest of every- student at
heart and they likewise ' received the
support of everyone in making the sum
floor school both a pleasant and pront
able one for all.
"fcViday morning the Normal school
classes met in regular session until
10:30 when, the last chapel of the sum
mer term was held. The students then
formed themselves into their respect
ive county groups and marched in like
ma-sner to chael each singing their
irroun songs! and giving theor yells.
After all were seated the following
program was given to the students
' Normal hymn.
:ripture reading.
' rayer.
" Nachtstueck " Schumann,- Ir." How
ard llauscom.
''Our Work" Mr. Flovd D. Moore.
"The Moon Drops Low'.' Ciidniun,
luss Mary Ilohum.
- "Some Dua'ts", Miss Rosa B. Par
"Push Your Mission,", Mr. Thomas
H. trentle.
' "Feuerauibcr", ' Wagner Brassin,
Mr. David Campbell.
- "A. Ketrospect and a . Prosect
President J. .11. Ackermnn.
My Oregon.
Churchill Addresses the 0. N. S.
On last Thursday morning during
the chapel period the Nounal school
was honored by the presence of Mr. J.
A. 1.UUJI4111I, BU11Q Slljiri lllUUllVlIf Ul
public--instruction, -who gave a very
interesting, address - to . the students.
He expressed his deep gratitude of
meeting with so many of Oregon's pro
gressive teachers at the Oregon Nor
mal school and he congratulates our
state on the professional growth made
in the school from year to year. He
explained how "teachers who have pre
pared for their work in the state nor
mal school, have the big advantage
over the teacher who has not attended
nick an 'institution of learning. He
aid that statistics show that where
the normal trained teachers are hired,
tho attendance of the school is rinsed
13 per cent. He told how out of the
four states, Oregon, liluiio, Washing
ton and Montana, Oregon's standards
tor the teachers course was the highest
r.ud that -the standards of our state
had been adopted which proves that
Oregon's standards tire the highest
and are to be looked up to" with
feeling of pride. Mr. Churchill stated
that much was being done in our state
to chance the term of school in the
rural district from six ' to eight
months and that it can be required
by law that the term be lengthened.
I he state course ot studv, he says,
plays a very important part provided
all ot the teachers unite in making it
uniform throughout the state: He told
the school of the new .pamphlet which
would be sent out in early September
wiiiuh will give many good suggestions
tor rural schools and esiec.inlty tor the
construction of the scnool building it
self which will make the building of
it possible without the assistance of
an architect, besides explaining the
great service which this pamphlet will
no douot do he stated the values at'
the recreation manual which is. now
being revised. The talk was a most
instructive one and for that fact it
was intensely interesting to the nor
mal students.
The Normal school glee clubs con
sisting of 100 students with the assist
ance of a splendid quartet from Port
land gave the cantata "Joan of Arc"
in the Normal chapel last Wednesday
evening. The quartet consisted of
Mrs. James Hums Albert, soprano,
Mrs. Lulu IJuhl Miller, contralto, Mr.
Joseph D. Mulder, tenor and Mr. lon
J.. Znn, baritone. Mrs. Lalla Thomas
and Miss Agusta linker were the ac
companists. The quartet "took the four!
The Mast Popular Chew for a
Third of a Century '
The man who chews gets by far the
tost wholesome enjoyment and satis
faction out of tobacco, especially if he
-iiw aIu tAiiAMM ' Tit
of the leaf are retained in good
plugs better than in any other form.
For more than a generation Spear
Head has held first place as the favor
ite high-grade plug chewing tobacco.
This unique distinction is due solely
to the wonderful quality and flavor of.
Spear Head the richest, mellowest,
tastiest chew in the whole world.
. Spear Head is the choicest of all
red Burley, hand-stemmed and made
into mellow-sweet plugs in a perfectly
clean, most sanitary factory.
You can't chew the flavor out of
Spear Head, because it's a part of the
i . t . i
looacco. io ncn, ripe, red suriey
taste keeps on pleasing you as long
as you keep on chewing.
Chew Spear Head and youll be
chewing the purest and most satisfying
tobacco that it's possible to make. la
10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper.
flitted tlculiey!
v ASK FOR and 6ET
; Buy It lri th lad glass Jars. '
The Best is always the Cheapest
Substitutes cost YOU same price
WiH Be Free First Night
Parade Will Start Prompt
ly at 6:30
Kiverside Dip is. the official name of
the bathing beach just across the river
and the formal opening will be tomor
row evening. . The name and date of the
official opening were i decided, jester
day at a meeting of the special commit
tee from the civic department of the
commercial elub.
The plans for the formal opening are
as follow a:
Automobiles for the parade in the
ousineas parr oi.tua city will -meet nt
the Marion hotel promptly at , 6:15
o clock tomorrow evening.
. After the parade in the business din
met, all cars will he driven'"-to" the
The regular Tuesday evening concert
by the Cherriaii band will take place at
tne uencn instead ot in Willson park.
The four swimming matches, in which
untiling suits are. ottered lv the Mev
ei'S store, will be included as part of
tne entertainment ot the evening.
For the opening evening, admission
to everything is free.
The official name, '.'Riverside Dip''
was selected from two names offered.
Mrs. C. M. Howard, of 160 Court street,
suggested Commercial lip and Mrs. F.
S. 'Kurtz;- of 770 .North' Capital street
offered the mime Kiverside l'urk. As
the name selected by the committee was
taken from the two, -Mrs. Howard and
Mrs. Kurts will each be given a season
ticket. ..
Arthur R. Wilson will be given iren
eral charge of the beach at a salary of
$00 a month and F. J. .Mangis, Bate
man and grounds keener, at the- same
sulnry. Arrangements will be made by
whieli both -Mr. .Wilson and Mr. Mang
will uo given police authority. Mrs.
.Sarah .Dorscy was elected matron nnd
will nave charge ot the women s dress
ing rooms. .. '-'
, Standing on the bridge to watch bath
ers will not be permitted at any time
and as the watchers on each end of the
bridge have tho proper authority, this
win not oc permitrea.
Bathing suits will be rented lit
nominal price.
The civic department of the C'onimet
ciuf club has expended SjOuO in prepar
ing' suitable dressing rooms and clearing
the beach.-. Everything is now ready for
tne puniic, who may enjoy the pnvil
eges freo tomorrow evening, besides en
.joying the band concert an. I the swim
ming contests.
central parts of- 'the cantata Joan,
tne .u ii nl of Urlenns! I'lulm, a youth
ful Domremy; Kobert De Hiindricourt
a provost ot Vuncouleurs; Jean De
Novelonpont, a gentleman of Mots.
Tue. glee clubs had worked very hard
lor tne success of the cantata and then-
works were not in vain for surely the
Oregon Normal glee clubs were never
in., better practice during the life . of
tne school.
A very lurge audience heard the lec
ture given by Prof. Thos. H. Gentle m
the .Normal chapel' last Monday even
ing. His topic "(ierniuuy Before the
War" was hundled with perfection.
Mr. 1'ittmun's classes in Kurnl Meth
ods and Problems, gave a most inter
esting exhibit of minature school build
ings, grounds and school apparatus in
the Normal gymnasium during the
past week. 1 lie exhibit was to show
the architectural change, of school
buildings from tho past to the. lmisent
and also a glimpse ot what the future
may be. The exhibit awakened a great
leal of interest among the Normal
students and ' arrangements are now
being made to send a part of the build
ings to the state fair in September.
' The ' group pictures of the Normal
students marked much of the social
life of' the Normal school Muring the
st week-' of school. Picnics to the
Luckiuniute' river are tin established
custom or. the summer school students.
A very pretty surprise party was
given to ' Miss Naomi Mulkey at her
home on Friday, evening. All. of her
class niatei and other friends were in
vited and the evening was spent in a
very pleasant, manner.
' The- Southern Pacific, run a special
train from. .Monmouth to . Portland, ou
Friday afternoon, the . occasion for
same; being the departure of Normal
school students. .-
Mostrof 'the: Oregon. Normal school
faculty are blauninir to leave Mon
mouth for a few weeks to take their,
vacations. ' l
"The city council met -Inst Tuesday
eveneing for a brief session.
.Miss Francel Hawley of Mct'oy .was
the guest of Miss Grace' Parker during
the ast week end.'
- Dr. F. R. Uowersox underwent - an
operation in the Willamette sanitorium
Salem, last, week but is now home
again recovering very nicely.
Miss hlva Lucas' of Dallas was a
visitor at the Lawrence home in North
Monmouth this week.
The summer institute of the Salem
Tndinan school at Chemawa opens to
day for a two weeks' session. ' The
lay was given to registration. Toniuhtl
the opening meeting will be held in'
the school sanatorium nnd will be pre-!
snled over by H. B. Penirs. siiiiervisori
of schools, assisted by W. W. I'oon, as-
sistant supervisor. I
Have the Capital Journal follow yon
during your vacation. Phone 81. '
JI )
C I i - '? - .
teSt&fc I
: Little Miss Jeuiinie Jackson,' the dnughter of n miner ot Burnley, F.nglnnd,
has collected during the past twelve months $5500 in coppers in the streets of
Burnley in aid of the war funds. For 2L'.")0 a motor amhiilnncH cnlle.l th.
"Young Kitchener" ambulance was purchased, and the remainder of the
money was handed over for the purpose of purchasing comforts for the troops.
The child was introduced to Queen Mother Alexandra at Marlborough House,
where her majesty shook hunds with the girl, congratulated her upon her suc
cessful efforts nnd was photographed w ith her. Her elder brother was killed at
Loos, and two others are now servinir in the arm v. one of whom hu been
awarded the D. ('. M Little Miss Jackson is seen wearing medals awarded
to her uncle during the South African war.
S'Sk. IfJ? J.r
i if irm xr. .xniv
The Bligh theatre announces "Sep-'
teuiber .VI orn," -newest messenger . of
up-to-date musical furce hilurity, with
which we are to become irro,uHiiitcd next
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The organization presenting it
conies direct or almost so from the La
Clears Complexion
Dort worry about skin troubles. You
ran have a clear, clean rouiplexion by
using a little semo, obtained at any drug
store for 'Sx; or extra large bottle at
.cmo easily removes all traces of pim
tiles, blnr-k lipids, nwnw. n,l .;,....
and makes the skin clear and healthy.
mo is neither watery, sticky nor
areasy ana stains noininx. "t i easily
!" .anu a mere trine for eacb
W'lwauon. It is always dependable.
1 ! Ill
t i M Vl
ill l r
l i lux
The Golden Rule of
the Road for Autoists
l onrtesy in motor driving is the
recognition of the rights of all others
either motorist or pedestrian. It is
that and more. It is the willingness to
yield certain recognized rights of your
First, do not hog the middle of the
streets, (live the .other fellow, room
to go by and when he attempts to puss
you do not speed up and perhaps crowd
him into a safety .one.
Keep out of tile ssfety zones. They
are foi the pedestrian. It is ujNo you
to make them safe.
When a fellow comes in from a side
street give him room to turn the
corner, do not crowd. When vou nark
behind another car, remember perhaps
he wishes to leave before yoa do, give
him room to get out, don 't crowd
When you expect to Btop or turn, do
not keep your intentions secret think
of the fellow behind.
Do not dodge in and around cars. In
line in traffic, remember they were
there first, nnd have Jlist as great n
desire to get throii'ih as vou have.
' Do not presume too much when you
have the right of way. Perhaps tho
otner rciiow does nor know it.
Do not cut in in front of a street
car. Remember the niotormnu is hu
man, and most of them will learn all
the courtesy you will teach them.
When you get tho "go'' signal from
a traffic officer remember to give the
pedestrian time to get out of the way.
When you see. people on the curb
trying to reach a car, or vice versa,
'slow up, stop if necessary, but let them
cross without danger. This is one of
the greatest, courtesies thnt will pay
the motoring public best.
When a pedestrian sees you coming
and deliberately pays no attention to
you, remember that some are mentally
deficient and you cannot tell them
from the clothes they wear.
Wheu you see a child on a curb slow
up. Kemember the child can start
quicker than you cun stop.
Do Not Open Your Cutout on the
streets during the day. Remember
there nro many sick people which such
a sound greatly disturbs. Do not open
your cutout at night for you probably
remember some night when you were
disturbed when trying to sleep by
some fool whose greatest claim lo fame
was his noise.
And remember that your lorn is just
a lew tunes worse tnan your cuiouc
When a pedestrian does not or wlb
not )ay any attention to your horn It
is well to remember that the deaf, hun
dreds of them, use tlia streets as well
as vou.
Our circulation is still climb-
ing up read the paper and
' Jou'll know the reason. '
Salle opera house, Chicago, where the
pieces received its premier, hnde a hit,
became the vogue and remained there
for an unbroken run of 256 perform
ances. The piece hus a delightful little story
having as its theme something about a
dnnciug damsel, who lays false claim
to the honor of being the poseuse of a
now famous nil painting of a young
maiden, caught bathing somewhere in
crystal waters miller the rosy dawning
light of a September morning sky,
which thread of story runs in and out
around the pretty scenes, the song num
bers and a tangle of riotously beautiful
tun go dnnee finales, in which every
variant , of the hesitation, maxine nnd
one step trot are faWlcly toed to the
everlasting glory of the modern dunce
(Ooatlnued from page one.)
scrapers and monster apartment build
ings ns far up town as 160th street, as
though a great hand clutched the rock
foundations of the city and shooR them.
" It had been clearly established today
that a fire that was not touched off by
an explosion started tho disaster. As
indication of the impossibility of deter
mining the start of this fire was the al
most humorous range of theories which
ran the gamut from a lighted cignrotte
to a bomb from a mysterious airship.
Bomb theories were set aside today as
not worthy, at least at this time, of con
sideration. No evidence has appeared,
investigators said, that the explosions
and fires were a result of any bomb
plotting activities.
Blew Land Away. " ,".
Some idea of this let-go of tons of
dynamite, lydite, dunite, nitro cellulose
and mecr gun powder, was seen today
when a United Press representative
went to the far end of the peninsula
where the major explosions occurred.
Most of the terrain at that point is
made land. It narrowed to about 40 or
50 feet to the pier where stood the
barge load of nitro cellulose. Two rail
road (racks jutted against the pier. On
these trucks were four cars of high ex
plosives. Today this spot Is a gaping
jagged hole 20 to 30 feet deep and over
100 feet long. Tho far end or rather
wheer the far end was is again a part
of New York harbor. There is not a
trace of the huge freight ears, except
for some" powdered wood pulp and a few
tiny bits of steel that once were parts
of great wheels and steel platforms.
Just west of this T' point that was"
an indescribable jumble of cars arc scat
tered about. Firemen concentrated 50
or more streams on these hillocks of
devastations. Shortly after 8 o'clock,
however, they were ordered from the
scene because of frequent volleys of ex
ploding sholls. They left the hosse noz
zles fastened to automatic supports still
playing on the ruins..
The known dead list was increased to
three today when a man's body horrib
ly mutilated was found floating lu-the
Think Fire Accidental.
Washington, July 31. Nothing to in
dicate other than accidental causes for
the gigantic explosion of yesterday
morning in New York harbor has been
found by federal agents.
Tells of Experience.
lU'riii,.,, f,.r th iT!.,i
Jersey City, N. J., July Ill.-l' was
literally jarred from my bed when the
first of the two titanic blasts occurred
on Black Tom nemn.nl., Klv
uig. My first drowsy thought was thnt '.
it was an earthquake. After eettinir to!'
i .;!.;. . .. t ne ..e .1.
...iiiiii !.-, v-i.-i n nil- si-i-ne vi me
i explosions a few minutes later nnd
viewing tne liner (levustation wrotiirht.
I wondered how some smaller buildings
ever Kept from crumbling under the im
pact of the blust that made itself felt
in tive states New Jersey, Delaware,
Pennsylvania, New York and Connecti
cut. Buildings shivered like
smashed by
mountainous sens.
iin. tininn
(tlnss i
was iarred from w n.lmvs lik,. ,t,r
dropsnreshokeiioffabig.log. Crock -
ery rnttled. Thousands .lushed to the
streets in night clothes and ninny of
them stayed there for hours utter the
second detonation, hugging open spaces
i, t.. ':i.i..
to be as fur uway as possible from
buildings. Many clocks nnd watches
stopped at 2:0.H and ns I afterwards
learned, elevators and light plunts
throughout this city, lower Manhattan
and Brooklyn, simply stopped dead still
for the seconds that the vibration con
tinued. Doors crashed inward and roofs were
ripped off.
Brick chimneys toppled, adding to the
pnudeinnniuin and iu us they struck tin
or tile. Then everyone realized it could
not be nu earthquake because of the
lightning-like flushes followed by
flnines thnt seemed to shoot 200 yards
in the air ftom the direction of Coin
muiiipnw. It was so light several roost
ers nearby began crowing.
Second Explosion.
I telephoned the I'liited J'ress in New
York nnd 10 minutes Inter was as near
the scene ns 1 could get. Soon aftir
the uinbuluncee came carryilii culm
(Albany Democrat.)
One of the professors in the State
lniveisity is too busy lo get out and
get acquainted with the rest of the
world, lie believes in his classes and in
this he cerluiuly lins inmlc n record thnt
commands attention.
When I lie summer school at the Uni
versity of Oregon comes to nn-enil Fri
day of this week, l'rofessnr Timothy
Cloritn, according to the closest esti
mate he can make, will nave completed
his l.'l.iiOHin elnss since he began teach
ing, in all his twenty-one years of
service he hus not fai'cd on account of
sickness, conflicting duty, or for any
reason whatever to meet every single
class for which lie hus been scheduled.
"Absent" has nevor been entered oppo
site his name.
Dr. Cloran, whose name appears in
Who's Who in America," us one of
the most distinguished Oregoniaus, is
professor of French, Spanish and Ital
ian. All college hours are too short for
him when he is teaching tncsn subjects.
From -the first tap of the bell to the
last shuffle of the departing foot, he
drives hard at his language work with
the fervor of an enthusiast. It is with
sorrow that he admits that once or
twice in his twenty-one years he was a
minute lute to dnss, thus losing valua
ble time for French and Spanish that
can never he ninde up in all eternity,
and smirching an otherwise spotless rec
ord. Dr. Cloran is a man of two enthusi
asms. Besides being a militant advo
cate of the study of the Komuiicc lan
guages, he is perhaps the best exponent
of intensive gardening in his part of
the state. The whole of his yard, in
most years even his parking strip, be
sides the neighboring lots, are a living
exhibit of whut Oregon soil, lovingly
nursed and enriched, can produce to the j
square inch. i
Dr. Cloran 's classes have averaged 50'
students, making a total of (ISO.toO, or I
more than half a million student class
nours to his credit in twenty-one years.
The Isst ten years of this record has
been made at tho University of Oregon.
Rostein &
Visit our Millinery Department, in rear room.
New Fall Hats at reasonable prices. You will be
pleased with them and we will be pleased to have
you calL All Summer Millinery being disposed of at
a fraction of its original price. One table of Hats
$3.50 to $5.00 sellers, now . v. ...... ) Qfl
Muslin Underwear
Combination Suits at half price.
Gowns from $1.50 up at Half Price.
Princess Slips at Half Price.
Drawers from 75c up at Half Price. 1
Corset Covers 17c 3 for 50c.
Corsets, Nemo and Royal Worcester at Half Price.;
Children's White Canvass Shoes, leather soles, $1 pr.
Ladies' $3.50 Pumps at .$1.75 pair
Ladies' Bathing Suits at . . . . .$1.00, $2.75 and $3.50
Pretty colors and good values Girls Suits at $1.00
Boys' Suits at 50c
Men's Suits at ............. 1 ..... . $1.00 and $1.25
Big Assortment Low Prices Blankets, Comfort
ers, Piltows, Overalls, Duck, Denims, Ginghams,
Harvest Straw Hats at . . .
looking, white copped nurses nnd police
men. Then came the fire apparatus.
Suddenly the entire world seemed to
split open. I didn't really hcur any
thing. My ear drums merely seemed to
collupse. A pillar of flame shot sky-
ward. I'noii nnd snrrnim.lii.n ti.a fil
w rd,
column rolled a circulet of peculiar col-1 ": ll.uuJY t','.r"li.v'"K
:,...,! .!,., o ...... :.. . J?'8 K"1."!1" "V ,indJ "' Baltimore,
1 ouclie-l tile top of the tlnme, it un-
biellued out until it formed a niushruoin
I shape and then came another crash of
1 i
i 6W01I".
A door just behind me fell inward. I
felt a sensation, much mngniiied, as one
gets when an elevator dips suddenly 10
or 15 stories.
Then came a whistling nnd whirring
overhead. It was shrapnel and 1 duck
ed to lie face downward until the worst
Of it seemed to slop. It luter developed,
this bombardment 'come from shnrpiiel
and shell loaded freight cars some dis-
i 4 . . , - .
' ui uie iiciniisiiiu.
, f y ,,,n,e ,nre, Kvre '"'
! I"ltI,m t;1.' n ,mW s?!"Nh explosions from
l0,,t 1". 1""'bo,' f-T'wvcs on barges
,,'" ,rttl" . ,
, e ""', least excited of any one
ubout, methodically went nbout receiv-
ing ii number of injured the policemen
were bringing out. When day came the
ground for miles around reminded me of
descriptions tho war correspondents
huye given of shell pierced earth about
a fort. The only difference was appear
ance here nnd there- of great pieces of
steel, some 10 to 15 pounds in weight,
looking like Some Hercules had twist
ed the ends in opposite directions. Sev
eral such burs were found two or three
miles uway ftom the peninsiiln.
Aberdeen, Wash., July 20. Suddenly
inheriting flOO.OIUI from nil unexpected
source, Jerome I Darlington, mill hand
The Story of a beautiful Italian model
T" r a
Matinees 2:30 p. m. Nights 7:30 and 9 p. m.
Sensational Musical Farce Hit
Original Company, Costume and Production
Matinees 10c ' Nights 25c
, . .7c, 10c, 15c, 25c
of Cosmopolis, distributed his working
clothes umong his comrades uml started
for Baltimore. The story was brought
here today by his friends.
Durlington had lost truck of his fam
ily. Hoping to get in touch with theiu,
he curved his name and address on u
''lock of timber going east. In response
nequcatn.ng mm i.mj,uimi.
St. Louis News
Capital Journal Speciul Service.)
St. Louis, Ore., July :il. Mrs. tlnbriiti
Vandcrbeck died at her home here July
27, ltllii. She leaves a- husbuud uml
three children, the youngest a girl 12
years old and a father and brother to
mourn her death. , ,
Some of the Finish brothers lire im.v-
ing back on their fnnn here.
(Iravel hauling has commenced here ,
iignin with 15 wagons. The road will
be much improved this summer.
A milliner of fanners are cutting ,
their full outs now.
The Indies of St. Louis church will:
give their iinniml ph-nic here nt Jos.
Kuban's grove, July .10. Everybody in
vited. ' "
A good many from St. T.ouls went lo
St. I'uul to uttend their picnic. ,
I. D. Bennett of Lake Lablsh re
ports the sale of 50 Inns of loganber
ries this season, from his 111 arm
tract. Kilty tons figures out lOU.tlliii
pounds. The price received whs three
cents a pound nil of which in.li.Mt.'S
necording to Uiiy's arithmetic, that,
Mr. Bennett received 1,0011 for logan
berries raised on n I it acre tract. Tm
cost this year of picking was one cent,
a Hiund and of delivery to the jitie.i ,
factory, If2 a ton. The problem is now
submitted to high school seholurs as In
whether Mr. Brunei t is abend f tho
giime for his vein 's work.
raramount weekly
. . emo, vieveiana.