Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 31, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Condensed News from Various Departments
Clearance Prices on Women's
and Misses9 Ready -to -Wear
New Showing and Sale of Latest Coat Middies Sport
Stripe Effects Special $1.59
New Middy Skirts of White Pique and Galatea
Cloths : ; $1.25 to $2.75
A Sale of ,,New Middy Blouses, laced front, red, blue or
white trimmed. Extra Special .89c Each
A Showing of flew Smocks, the Latest Summer or Out
ing Garment and Very Inexpensive. See the window Show
ing of New Porch and Breakfast Garments
Skirt and Sacque of good materials, in plain and stripe
effect. Ask to see them.
Special sale of new beautiful Wash Silks in rich stripe
colorings; an unsurpassed variety; 36 in. wide; extra
Quality, 98c a Yard
Meyer's Swimming Races take place Tomorrow Night
Tuesdayat the Opening of Salem's New Beach.
Swimmers of known ability have entered in these races and there will be some
close finishes. Join the crowds tomorrow evening. Races will take
place after the parade.
Five Races-Ten Prizes Given hy the Meyers' Store
First Race 75 feet, for girls under 16 years; first and
second prizes.
Second Race 100 feet, for boys under 16 years; first and
second prizes.
Third Race 50 yards, for women and misses; first and
second prizes.
Fourth Race 100 yardsfor men a"d boys; first an.d
second prizes.
Special Race 75 feet, for boys and girls (13 and under) ;
first and second prizes.
Salem's Big
Mrs. Mooney Identied As Wo
man with Billings When
He Had Suit Case
First gnme
If. II. E.
8 2
12 1
H. K.
2 2
I ...... 1
I All Around Town j
July 31-August 1. Comio op-
era, "The Mikado," opor
house, auspices Moose lodge.
, Aw. 3. Cherriaa picnic and
dance, state fair grounds.
Auk. 3. Mnriou county civil
. war vetoraus' association
meet at Silverton.
Aug. 5. Oherrinn excursion
to Marshficld.
Sept. 25-30 Oregon State Fair.
Dr. Mendelioha, specialist, flu glass.
M correctly. U. g. Bank, Bid.'.
After a hike estimated at 100 miles,
more or less, Dun l.angciihcrg, A. J.
Porlich unit I. II. Wenger are lionie
from a true to nature" tour at Pacific
City count H)ints. Tlie tourists clitiin
the walking was done on foot,
A Snap will teach and sell my bus
iness. Owens, Hatter, 4tt," Court St.
The official trip of the Portland del.
'Ration to Mnrshfield is advertised for
Wednesday, August 23, with a return
from Marsh field Sunday morning, Au
gust 27. Which mcnns'tliat the Snlom
delegation and the 1'ortlnnd contingent
will be in Marshfield the same day.
Drink Ceteo, the liquid food, the
health drink. Ask your grocer. tf
a A. Douglas Hamilton, a, well
R. E. Cookingham of H08 Ferry
street is glad that he attended the sale
at tho (ieor & Kreuger furniture store.
II is the mini who drew the lucky
ticket, number "1S w'slch entitled him
to pick out almost anything he want
ed, lu this case he selected an Axmjn
ister rujf, valued at if.17.o0.
The Adsltts have Just opened dress
making and hemstitchin- parlors at
ths X. Liberty, in tho place known as
Ladies Outfitting .Shop, .hone 10.12.
The excursion yesterday to Newport
of the employes and friends of the Sa
lem, street ear railway carried 327
from Salem, and In- Ink inn nn man.
irers at Albany mid V II Mil ill II II l-rt VU.I
in Newport with 440 excursionists.
r-veryuiing puascii ot r lovely, anil ev
ervbodv arrived home in Knl,m t
12.40 Sunday morning, having had 12
nours ruling lor ;.;u.
Get your outing and camping sup
plies at K. L. Stiff & Sou's.
W. B. Gtlsou and J. C. Perry, dole
gates to tho With annual convention of
the Oregon Knights of Pythias Ornnd
l.odgo, left for Portltimt' this nl'ter
uoon. Several members of the lodge
will leave on a Into train this evening,
but the majority or those to attend
will join tho Albany excursion tomor
row morning, lenviug Albany at P
o'clock. The Albany delegation will
tako part in the parado Tuesday after-
We axe headquarters for tents, awn
ings, wngou covers and campers sup
plies. K. 1,. Stiff & Son.
With the advent of the summer
mouths, the thirst of several people
living in Salem, and vicinity aimears
l to be increasing. For the month jf
,j Come to us with your building wor-
" ""' i our iiusineSN. .mils Citv
Snlem Lumber Co.. :I4!) s. l-r,. Pi,..,,..
! W. C. Dyer leaves this evenine for
St. Louis, .Missouri, to attend the ses
sions of what is known as the $100,000
club. This is made up of agents of the
.Missouri Stntc Life Insurance compa
ny who have sold .$100,000 worth of
life insurance during the past, vear
ending duly 24. As Mr. Dver is'able
to qualify, he will be presented with
transportation to St. I.uuis and return
and all expenses.
With a total rainfall of 2.92 inches
for the month, July of Idlii closes with
the record of the wettest monta for
the pnst 25 years. July of oie vear
ago received a rainfall 'of only .nil of
an inch. The river also make's a rec
ord for 2.) years or mure, as the aver
nge guage for July was H.2 feet above.
One year ago the July average was .1
below zero. The temperature has been
much below the normal, as the mini
mum niiiht temnerntnreu liuva v,..,..l
i between 4S and 3d and the maximum
I day temperatures, between ti2 and SI.
'" e uayg nave neon cloudy
'and tho heaviest rain for any day was
on the 23d when the government 'gunge
.showed a rainfall of one inch in the
vras committed to the state hosoital
for the insano Saturday night He is
accused of attempting to assault an 8
year old girl, daughter of a well known
family, Saturday morning, lie was
committed to the asylum on the rec
ommendation of Dra. W. H. Davis and
J. H. Robuct of Albany. Hamilton ha
been a familiar figure on the streets
fo Salem as a curb-stone preacher.
With a sign on his hat announcing bis
nanus and profession, he has delivered
many ." sermons, " listened to by the
idry curious. , lie has been considered
harmless! heretofore. .
.--.. o . .
Denlson's Baths, foot of State street.
Safe, convenient, first class. tf
that the legal amount of booze could
be shinned them. Almost all of these
shipments were tor the regulation two
quarts of whiskey. The regulation
drinkers in and around these, parts are
not much, ou beer, although several
shipments were made by freight from
Sau Francisco, llornhrook appears to
be losing its hold on the habituala as
the orders are now about breaking 50
50 with that suburb of Oregon and San
Francisco, At the beginuing of the
year, llorubrook had the long end of
the string, but it- appears that the
llombrook dispensers were not able to
hold the business. The legal amount
of spirituous liquors is two quarts for
every four weeks.
Before the School
Bell Rings....
See to it that your children's eves
are thoroughly and scientifically 'ex
amined. You, as parents, owe ' this
precaution to them and should not fail
to do your part in correcting your
child's vision before it Is too late.
I make a specialty of correctly fit
ting children's eyes and do not use
drugs or drops in making examinations
as they are dangerous.
If after making the examination I
find they need no glasses, I will frank
ly tell you. My charges are very rea
sonable and 1 replace broken lenses
while you wait. 1 guarantee satisfac
tion in every respect. Ask your neigh
bors about me.
210 211 United states Nat l Bk. Bldg.
San Francisco, July 31 Indictments
making formal charges against Edward
Xolnn, Thomas Mooney and AVarren K.
Billings . in connection with the San
Francisco suit case dyiiumiting will be
asked by District Attorney Fickcrt
when the grand jury meets tonight.
Fickert announced today that he would
urge the grand jury to charge the men
with murder in the first degree.
These announcements followed the
identification of Mrs. Kcna Mooney,
wife of the suspect, by Miss Estclla
Smith as a woman she saw with War
ren Billings when he carried a suit case
to the roof of a building at 721 Mar
ket street shortly before the explosion.
The identification was positive. Miss
Smith declaring she could not be mis
taken. Coroner I.eliind announced today that
the inquest into the deaths of tho bomb
victims would begin tomorrow.
The police arc making a wide search
for a man known as "Big Swede" or
"Big Monte", supposed to have infor
mation regarding the dynamiting which
may have an important bearing on the
Bit by bit the police hnve pieced to
gether the net of evidence in the case
and today Captain Mntheson, in charge
of the bomb squad, offered for the first
time what he believes were the inci
dents leading up to the placing of the
infernal machine ou July 22.
"I believe the bomb was to have been
thrown from in front of 721 Market
street." said Matheson. "Billings and
Mrs. Mooney had sought a place on the
roof of this building, according to Miss
Estelle Smith, the stenographer. They
were to have been taken there, we be
lieve, by Isidor Weinburg and Julius
Kohn, who were to have whisked them
away later in automobiles.
"We believe the plot was aimed at
the United Railroads division of the
preparedness parade, and that the bomb
was timed for 2 oclock, when that di
vision was duo to pass. Mooney, Wein
burg and Kohn waited on the sidewalk
outside while Billings and Mrs. Mooney
went upstiiirs with a. suit case. i
"We believe that, as 2 o'clock nenj-j
ed, they feared the .bomb might hnve'.
iieen mistimed or that the United Rail
roads division would not pass on time
They hurried towards where tile United
Railroads men were lined, we believe.
That they did not reach there was due
to the way in which, the police handled
the crowd. We believe the persons in
volved took a chance, put down the suit
case nnd fled."
Matheson said one'niore man who, ho
declares, was a prominent figure in the
alleged plot has yet to be apprehend
ed; '
It is rumored that the following
prices win prevail for the Ford cars
the coming year, beginning Aumist 1:
Ford touring car, delivered in Salem,
413.25; Ford runabout, Salem price,
-fc'ltW'J-.. l.....l ..l i -
i ".-"jiuii. iiviihtcu price,
375. The probabilities are there will
be no change in the model. It is said
that these prices are guaranteed not
to be lower for the yenr, but they may
bo higher. If this rumor of price is
correct, for' the coming yenr, Fords will
be ifHO cheaper than last year,
On and after Aug. 1st, 1916, and un
til further notice Fry's Drug Store will
supply its customers according to luw
with pure grain or ethyl alcohol, tf
R. H. Mills, local manager of the
Spaulding Logging company, return
ed yesterday from San. Francisco,
where he has just opened an office in
the Mills building for the company.
C. C. Iinrgrove, who has been travel
ing for the company will be placed in
charge. The opening of an office in
San Francisco by the Spaulding Log
ging company was found to bo advis
able on account of the company's in
creased business in that state and the
general favorable conditions of the
lumber business.
With the formal opening of the
uracil, nercntter to be known ns
"Riverside Dip," tomorrow evening,1
the bathing season will be on in Ha-1
lein. Yesterday, there were 500 paid
admissions into the ground and about
100 children under the age of 15, to
which the bench is free. It is figured
that more than 2000 will take advant
age of the opening tomorrow night,
with the band playing and the swim
ming matches adding to the pleasure
of the evening.
Lai Cow' a Chinaman employed at
the 1 roisnii ranch south of the city
met with a serious accident this morn
ing. He was driving a hop sprayer into
town for repairs when the team be
come frightened, throwing Lai Cow
head first into the machinery. His
head was seriously cut in several plac
es with a six inch gush across the top
and the .scalp over the right eve bad
ly torn. Dr. O. B. Miles, Dr. E. K.
Fisher and Dr. (lani.jobst were called
nnd carried the injured man to tie
Willamette sanatorium for treatment.
The team ran from a point outside the
city limits to Mission and Commercial
street and was finally stopped by a
Pittsburg 0
Xew York 7
Miller, Adams and Schmidt;
and Rariden, Kocher.
Second game R.
Pittaburg 0
New York 7
Jacobs and Fischer; Tesreau and
Rariden. Carpenter replaced Jacobs.
.First gnme R. II. B.
Cincinnati 3 10 3
Brooklyn 8 13 2
Toney, Schulz and Clarke; Smith and
Second game; R. II. E.
Cincinnati 0 5 1
Brooklyn 4 7 1
Kuetzer and Wingo; Cheney and
First game R.
St. Louis 4
Boston 3
Doak and MdnzaloB; Barnes,
rnd Uowily, Tragressor.
Second game .. R.
St. Louis 1
Boston 2
Steele and Snyder; Ragon,.Allen nnd
Gowoy, Tragressor.
R, II. E.
Chicago 2 5 2
Philadelphia 4 10 1
Vaughn, I'rendergnst and Wilson;
Rixey and Killifer.
IT. E.
8 3
10 3
American. I
R. II. E.
Xew- York r.. 2 7 1
St. Louis 4 11 1
Shawkey, Love and Xunniunker;
Hamilton aud Severoid.
R. II. E.
Boston ti 9 1
Detroit 0 2 1
Ruth and Cadyj Covaleski, Dubuc,
and Stannge. .
Washington 1 1....12 I
Cleveland a 13 7
Harper, Duiuoiit and Henry; Louder-j
milk, Klepfer, Lambeth and Daly,
lliiladelphia 3 0 2
Chicago 4 11 1
Sheehan and Haley; Williams and
Lapp. Faber replaced Sheehan. Uin-i
nings. !
No Hope for Relief
For Starving Poles
Washington, July 31. The French
foreign office, through Ambassador
Sharp at Paris, has sent a Polish re
lief memorandum to the state depart
ment announcing its views coincide
with those expressed in England 's
memorandum of n few days ago. It
now rests with Germany to decide
whether the central powers will meet
the conditions demanded by Great
Big Cast AH Local People
Large Orchestra Accompaniment
Grand Theatre Tonight
.. RESERVED SEATS 75c and $1.00
Germany Will Not Agree.
Washington, July. 31. Germany's re
ply to England's last and final pro
posal for Polish relief was received at
the state department today from Am
bassador Geratd. It is understood that
the German government refuses to meet
the demand of England and that the
chances of reaching a Polish relief
agreement are very slight. The depart
ment has not yet made public the txt
of the reply.
M. J. O'Brien Held
Until Friends Arrive
"Chief, I wish you would send mo to
the insane asylum."
This request made by M. J. O'Brien,
of Camas, Wash., who had applied for
lodging at the police stauon Saturdny
night nnd had been permitted to sleep
there, changed the aspect of the case
from one of common vagrancy to some
thing more interesting. He had just
been turned but yesterday morning
when he made the request.
Chief Welsh questioned the mai nnd
drew forth the information thut his
home was at Camas aud that he had
made over his property to his family
and left them. He had lost his job.
He wanted to be taken care of, and ho
did not much care whether he was sent
to the asylum or the peniteneitry. He
did not impress the officer as being
insane, but seemed to be in a condition
of despondency, and for fear he might
commit suicide he was locked up.
.Through the Knights of Columbus at
Vancouver, Wash., of which order he
had stated he was a member, the police j
department got in touch with O'Brien's
family at Camas, nnd this morning in
structions were received from them to
hold him until they came. Later a mes
sage was received from Sheriff Bic-1
sicked, of Clark county, Washington, I
stlltinir thnt he wimlil pnme nt'tcr !
O'Brien this afternoon.
There are seventy-four patients at
the state tuberculosis hospital.
turned away.- The attraction was the
showing of the 1 00,000 film, "From,
tiio Cross to the Manger.'
Captain Rosenberg will take charge
of the Auxiliary of the Siilem rifle
club at the drill tonight in the armory.
Besides a review Of previous instruc
tions in flank movements and individ
ual steps, the company will be given
a special squad drill. Tho Finzer
range, formerly used by Company M
will be ready for target practice by
next Sunday. The requisition for the
last order of 4S rifles has been honor
ed and the guns will soon be shipped
from the government's arsenal at Ve
netin, Calit.
Business is good at the U. S. recruit
ing office in the Keith hotel. Sergeant
Schuster in charge, reports the follow
ing enlistments, the applicants having
passed the physical examination Sat
urday: Robert P. Walbert, It), of Xew
Rockt'ord, N. D.; Kenneth Gardner, 10,
of Xew Rockt'ord, X. 1).; . Warner .1.
Dickenson, 21, of Omaha, Nebraska;
Fred Anderson, Hi, of Salem. Hubert
son Brooks, age IS, ami Phillip ,1ns
coski, 17, took the examination this
After traveling through Idaho, Wash
ingtou "and parts of Oregon looking
for a desirable location tor a home.
VXc Albert Morefield and family had
no desire to travel farther after they
had visited Salem and vicinity for sev
eral clays. In tact, Dr. Morefield was
so impressed with this part of the
Willamette valley, that he purchased,
through the agency of .1. E. Scott, a
")0 acre tract on the Asylum, road four
miles east of the city. The transac
tion was for $8100 cash. Dr. More-
W7IITK To Mr. nnd Mrs. H. X. Whito
I 470 South Sixteenth street, Sunday,
! July 30, lillii, a son.
field will return to Salem next spring
to mako his tract his' permanent homo
and will begin several improvements.
The land belonged to .loe Hurtosz and
was used as a dairy ranch.
Chief of Police Welsh is in receipt
this morning of a letter from Dewey
McKlrnth, who is if member of Co. M
I now stationed at Piilni City, Califor
nia. Dewey says: "Having tine weath
er down here. Some of the boys have
been sick. 1 hnve been in the hospital
two days. There have been two de
sertions so far. Both of them wcro
cooks, one from the machine gun
sqund. Old .Mm Walton was put in tho
guard house tonight for staying in San
Diego too long. All the boys are broko
and are counting the days till pay day,
which is August H. There was ft lot
of fun in camp last night about twelve
o'clock.. The mules not loose and
rstnrted to. kick hell out of tilings."
The letter is dated July -'7.
Whan in SALEM, OREGON, ito at
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
BATES: 75c, fl.00, 11.60 FEB DAT
The only hotel in the business district
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres ano
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away From Home.
T. P. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Boa.
George D. Eyre left today for a two
weeks vacation at Marshfield. He re
ports that on his return he will begin
buying hogs again and believes thnt
tlie market will go as high as il a
Indian teachers from all parts of tha
northwest are attending the annual in
stitute at Chetrinwa, tieginniug this
eveuing. I p to noon today, 100 had
registered aud it is expected this num
ber will bo largely increased by tomor
row. The boys at tho Oregon State Train-
The funeral of E. P. McCornack who ing school are making hay while the
lied Fridaymorning, was held at 10:30 "un shines not metaphorically speak-
o'clock today from the Moody home: ing, but as an actual fact. The hay
Made In Oregon
100 Copies Guaranteed froa
.Each Sheet.
p Oohunbla Carbon Fver Mfg. Co.
13rd Jb .Broadway Portland, On.
The Korean Restaurant
is now opened in our new loca-
tion at 110 1-2 Com'l street.
Everything new and clean. All
kinds of Chinese and Spanish
dishes. Pay us a visit.
Automobile Passenger and Bag
gage Transfer -4c
Furnished Tents and Cottages..
Correspondence Promptly
v L. X. PICKENS, Box 274
mnbla QUALITY Carbons? f WlYlli
, nX . eras. 1 mm VllWrnifm
CAR5 op.
Any kimd
on Court street. The services were con
ducted by the Rev. Carl 11. Elliott of
the First lresbyterian church. Mem
bers of DoMolay eommandery served
as an escort to the City View cemetery
where the burial was according to the
Masonic ritual, conducted by members
of Salem loilg Xo. 4, of which Mr.
McCornack was a uiemiHT, During the
services at the home. Mrs. W. Carlton
Smith sang "When the Roses- Bloom"
and "My. Task". Toe honorary poll
bearers were ten nephews of Mr. Mc
Cornack. The active pall besrrra were
Justice CeoTger H.- Burnett, K. M. Croi-
san.-Oan .!. Frv. RoWrt Downing, T.
B. Kay and R.'P, Boise.
ing season is now on at the school as
well as other parts of Marion county,
and 50 of the boys are out in the
fields getting some valuable farmiig
While there may be some difference
as to whether it is right or wrong to
show moving pictures in a church as
part of the regular evening services,
there is no doubt but that movies in a
church will do the business when it
Iconics to inVreasTing the attendance.
Ijist evening at the First Congrega
tional church, the churclh was crowd
ed half an hour before the beginning
I of the services and hundreds were
Gray hairs are no sign of old age, but
tired eyes make you look older than you
will take away that tired look.
Let us relieve you of eyestrain.
Miss A. McCulIoch. Optometrist,
208-9 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 109