Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 31, 1916, Image 1

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Roar of Explosions 'JLi Hurtling of Missiles Made It Like
European Battlefield Concussion Smashed In Windows
Five Miles AwayTen Lives Lost and Damage May
Reach $40,000,000 Fire Started On Loaded Cars
The cause still unknown
Known dead two. Twenty-five missing.
Tho injured 110.
Destroyed by explosions or fires 17 warehouses, six piers, four;
barges, one tug boat, 85 freight cars, many of them loaded with muni
tions. Estimated Property Damage. . .
On Black Tom peninsula:
Rational Htornge company plant and stores, $12,000,000.
Lehigh Volley railroad, $1,125,000.
Central Railroad of New Jersey, $50,000.
Ammunition in cars and barges, $5,000,000.
Mornn Towing company, barges, $i0,000.
Other barges and cargoes, $200,000.
Total, $lH,.r,()O,(T00.
In Greater New York, (mostly plate glass), $300, 00.
In Jersey City, (mostly windows), $250,000,
On Ellis Islund, $100,000.
On Bedloe Island, where Statue "of Liberty is located, $159,000.
New Jersey points outside of Jersey City and Black Tom peninsula,
Total damages, $19,510,000.
Responsibility for the Catastrophe. , ,
Four inquiries to fix responsibility under way by:
The federal government (under l.iw regarding interstate transporta
tion of explosives).
Jersey City (under municipal explosive regulations).
The railroads (fc fix blame, if any, among their own employes).
The police authorities around Bl ick Tom.
Arrests M vdo So Par.
Albert M. Dickman, Lehigh Valley railroad agent, stntioned on
Black Tom peninsula.
Alexander Davidson, superintendent of the Rational Storage com
pany's property on Black Tom. peniisuln.
Warrant hug been issued for arrest of T. B. Johnson, president of the
Johnson Lighterage company. '
All three men charged with "ciiminnl and gross negligence" in
causing death oft one of the kuowa victims of the explosion.
By J.P.Yoder,
(United Press Staff Correspondent) .
New York, July 31. What appears to be the first real
evidence regarding cause of the great Black Tom explos
ion that rocked New York, Jersey City and nearby towns
and was heard in five states Sunday, came this afternoon
in a statement from John Kilfoyley, 197 Baltic street,
Brooklyn. Kilfoyley worked unloading ammunition from
freight cars Saturday.
In a statement made to Police Sergeant O'Conner of
Jersey City this afternoon, Kilfoyley said the fire starfed
in ammunition loaded freight cars and not on the John
son company's explosive carrying barge.
Kilfoyley, according to O'Connor, told the following
"I worked late Saturday night unloading freight cars.
I wa3 tired and went to sleep about 300 yards from the
end of the peninsula. About one o'clock some one awak
ened me saying there was a fire. I looked and saw it was
the freight cars.
"Some time later I was knocked unconscious by the
first explosion which I am sure was freight cars. Then
the stuff on the barge let go."
If Kilfoyley is sure of his facts he probably will be the
star witness at any investigations.
Late this afternoon police officials and officials of the
Lehigh Valley road, after a careful examination of their
records, placed their extreme estimate of dead at ten.
Cause Still Unknown.
New York, July 31. Mystery early
today still beclouded the real cause of
the explosion and fire which early Sun
day morning occurred on Blnck Tom is
land. Whether a fire, starting on the
barge loaded with nitro cellulose or ig
nition of freight cars loaded with high
explosives was the cause, no one could
tell today. Perhaps the exact cause
never will be known.
The condition of the area of drvnsta
tiou made it impossible today to ex
amine the scene of the 'first terrific im
pacts. At 8 o'clock flames were still
flaring high from wreckage of railroad
cars and warehouses and Black Tom.
which is really a peninsula. At that
hour shrapnel and three inch shells
buried deep in the ruins were being ig
nited occasionally by the" bent, in a des
ultory pop-pop that keep workmen and
crowds of spectators at respectable dis
tances. Dead, missiug and injured lists admit
tedly wen mere estimates lip to noon
today. Tho very nature and extejit of
the blast aud fire made impossible thus
early anything like definite compilation
of life loss. Only a visit to the scene
can mane one realize how difficult it
will be, even after several days of
search of ruins and records to tell the
exact loss.
Three Dead, 23 Missing.
Up to 8 o'clock only three known
dead were marked down. Twenty-three
others were missing and J Id were known
to have been injured. The list of in
jured does not include those hurt miles
away from the fire by falling glass.
Investigations were started today by
the railroad companies. Jersey City au
thorities, the state and the federal gov
ernment. Agents of each were on the
scene and will remain until they have
gone into every phase of the case.
Estimates of the property damage
run all the way from $10,000,000 to $."0,
000,000. The consensus of opinion
among Jersey City officials was that
the Intte figure would be nearer cor
rect, after complete tabulation had been
made of thousands upon thousands of
shattered windows and otker similar
damage done in Jersey City, Brooklyn,
Manhattan and a dozen smaller sur
rounding towns, cities and hamlets.
This one item of smashed glass alone
has been estimated at more than a mil
lion and a quarter dollars.
Only the facts that the two major
explosions occurred at the hour they did
2:03 and 2:35 a. m. and where tlicy
did, undoubtedly prevented far greater
loss of life and vastly more property
damage. Black Tom is situated at the
bulging end of a long peninsula that
juts about three miles off Communipaw,
slightly south of Jersewy City and south
of -Ellis Island and the small plot of
land in Rew York harbor on which the
i Statue of Liberty stands. Had the ex
plosions occurred on the mainland of
either the Rew York or Jersey coasts,
the shock, officials said, would have
been much more violent.
Its Terrific Force.
As it was, the giant eonenssion of the
explosions pushed in windows five and
six miles away and the shock that was
carried to Manhattan rocked giant sky-
(Ceatiaisd 01 Pais Three.;
. New York, July 31. William
B. Qitzgerakl, national organ-
izer for street railway employes,
announced late this afternoon
that all employes of the New
York Railways company had
been organized and a strike
would be called tonight. He said
the strike will "stop every sur-
face car in Greater Rew York.'
Immigrants Surprised by
Shower of Sheep Skin
Lined Overcoats
New York, July 31. Miss Liberty's
gown was torn a little and some of her
skin punctured by Bhrnpnel bullets but
the famous statue on Bedloe Island to
day was found to bo surprisingly free
from injury, considering its location less
than a mile from the Black Tom penin
sula. Munv freakish incidents were renoit-
ed here and elsewhere. The main door
giving entrance to the Htatue of Liberty
was wrenched off its hinges as by a
giant hand; the iron cover to a powder
magazine was torn away, all doors were
crushed in and probably a hundred bolts
joining the pinto swhich compose the
giant figure were broken or sheared off,
A number of angle bars were twisted.
It was some caprice of the exploding
forces that left the giant figure almost
There were lots of other freakish
stunts which the explosive forces did in
and around New York and lots of freak
ish things which people did under the
stress of excitement. tteTe are n few:
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., up at I'ocan
tico Hills, was awakened by the ex
plosion, got up and tried to find out
where the "earthquake" was located
Policeman Henry Dohcrty, patrolling
ttie waterfront in Jersey City, found
himself in the water, with every stitch
of his clothing stripped from him ex
cept a sort of breech clout.
Charles Cutler, barge man, wns hurl
ed high into the air and landed safe
ly and softly in a car of borax.
Immigrants at Ellis Island were
thankful for what was apparently a rain
of heavy sheep kin lined overcoats.
Nobody knows where they came from.
Not a solitary window in the 12 story
buildiug occupied by the New York
Plate Glass Insurance company, which
will have to pay millions in insurance
for smashed windows in and around
New York, was broken, although those
in nearly every building around were
A janitor in a building far downtown
forgot to close windows in the struc
ture when he left Saturday noon. His
forgetfulness saved the glass. The win
dows in every otker building near about
were broken.
Coming by Hundreds Still
Supreme Lodge Convenes
Portland, Ore., July 31. Knights of
Pythias from nil over the I'nited
Mates took possession of Portland to
day. Formal sessions of the supreme
lodge open tomorrow. The supreme
temple, Pythian Sisters, begin their pro
ceedings with a mcmorinl in tho Elks'
hall this afternoon. Delegates to the
grand lodge of Oregon, K. P., arrived on
every train this morning.
Sixty-five thousand dollars to pay
convention expenses was deposited at
the First National bank today by Thom
as D. Meares, supreme master of the ex
chequer. Mnuy prominent men are being boost
ed for the office of supreme vice-chan
cellor. Seven candidates are actively
campaigning. John J. Brown, president
vice-chancellor, automatically advances
to the position of supreme chancellor
during this biennial.
Among those in the race are Robert
Barns, of San Francisco; William I.a-
dew, of New York; C. 8. Davis, of Den
ver; William Broening, of Baltimore;
Richard 8. White, of Milwaukee; F. M.
Beck ford, of Laconia, R. H., and Fred
O. McArthur, of Winnipeg, Man.
Atlantic Citys supporters are already
making the welding ring with their urg
ings that the next convention be h
there. A number of other cities are ac
tively after this prize. Those making
the msst aggressive fights at present
are nuriaio, ntisourg, .Norfolk, Kicu
mond and Chicago.
All delegates to the supreme lodge,
the Oregon grand lodge and the Pyth
ian Sisters supreme temple will meet
tonight at a- reception in the Baker
; tneatre,
Death Toll Sunday Was 117,
Making 244 In Four
Gary, Indiana, Had Heat
.Record 116, and With It
Three Deaths
Chicago, July 31 Cooler weather was
in sight for the middle west today,
after a day of record hcut. A cool wave
according to the weather forecaster, will
hit this section tonight. Today it will
be cooler than yesterday, but still hot.
Death 's toll in ; Chicago yesterday
from the heat was 117. ' This makes a
total of 204 deaths in Chicago in the
last four days as a result of tho heat.
Ninety-nine babies have died since Fri
day night. The number of deatliB in oth
er cities throughout the middle west as
a result of the heat were not obtainable.
It was estimated, however, that they
would add at least 150 to the list. Mil
waukee alone reported 22 dead for yes
terday. Suuday was' Milwaukee's hot
test day in 45 years. It was 102 de
grees by the government thermometer.
Heat records for Chicago were smashed
as far back as 1901. A temperature of
101 was recorded. In July, 1101, the
mercury registered 102 degrees.
So great was the jam at bathing
beaches here that police reserves were
called to clear the streets leading to
the beaches. 'I
Gary, Ind.f was e hottest plafe on
titi n.nn orlfk I 1 tX Vhra. rllAil ''.till ttlA
UD 1111. 1 1.1111 I w . HI 1 V..i. ...... ....
heat there. Ia was comparatively cool
-t . i. - r : 1. r-l T i. .. .i Ami
along lilt? .tie&icuu uviurr, ik .4 uav atiu
ban Antonio registering 88. ,
East Will Oet It.
Washington, July 31. Cool high
winds, sweeping out of the northwest,
will bring relief from the hot wavo in
the lake region and the country between
the lakes and the Rockies the weather
bureau said today,
'The east is to get its sharo of warm
weather at once. It warmed up today
aud will get warmer it was said. The
prediction held good for the east, south,
Ohio valley and extreme west. In the
Rockies, it is to be normal.
Phoenix, Ariz., July 31. "Phoenix
Moses' came to towa and the curicus for
miles around are wondering where from.
Two tanned ranchers, working an ir
rigation ditch under the blazing sun this
morning a few mile's to the north of
hore, using a mud spattered shovel as a
boat hook, pulled a tiny boat to the
sandy bank of the ditch. It looked
like a box some children might have
decorated with huge buii flowers. It
was gorgeously upholtstcred. The ranch
ers were mystified.
Under the canopy of flowers was a
week-old baby boy, daintily clothed and
asleep. Astonished, two pair of rugged
hands reached to lift the child from
its handsome throne.
'Sav, Pete, this is just like the
Bible," snid one of the pair, both of
whom refused to give their names said
they were just ranch laborers 'remem-
Th ' feller that hugs bis wife in
Company very often kicks her at home.
Ever notice what puray women th
girls have grown t' be that you used
t turn- up your none at wnen. you
went t' school!
Russians Capture Many Pris
oners In Campaign In
British Make Small Advance
But No Important Gains
Are Made
Petrogrnd, July 31. After fierce
fighting around llrody, the liiissiun
forces have thrust their way forward
again, this time taking ground from
the Teutons up to the rivers Uruberki
and Seret. The war office statement
todny made this announcement.
The war office asserted that in the
region of the Siockiiod river the Ktts
sian forces were fighting their wny
rorwnrd. At due point, among the
prisoners captured, in this thrust was
the whole Thirty First Honved Aus
trian regimeut including the comman
der anil his staff. At tho other plac
es along the Stockhod river, 035 Teu
tons were captured with four machine
Northeast mid southeast of Bnrnn
oviteiii, the statement suid, tierce ar
tillery operations were in progress.
From tho Caucasus, the Grand Duke
Nicholas reported further advance
from Kr.inguii ami repulse of a Turk
ish attack directed towards Mossul in
the region of Disyginver.
French Betake Position
Paris, July 31. French troops bril
liantly retrieved a temixmiry liermun
footing obtained around' Monaeu farm
according to today's coiiMnunicue. The
enemy had taken a slight, hold there,
but French counter attacks drove them
out and back. '-,
i Violent German attacks nlong the
Somnie around Monaco and Hem wood
were checked with terrible losses to
tho attackers, according to the offi
cial communique today.
French troops are consolidating and
strengthening positions which they
won yesterday north of the Somme in
a Sweep forward which took Oerinan
positions along nearly a four mile
The official statement detail oil
"numerous" German counter attacks
against llem wood and extremely vio-
leut com oats in tuat neighborhood, in
which the Uermans were repulsed.
"In tiie course of these attacks,"
the statement asserted, "our left bank
batteries enfiladed the enemy, causing
heavy losses to them.
"Around verdun German attacks on
Hill 304 were checked by French fire.
In the region southwest of Fleuiy, the
French progressed further. A German
grenade nttuck west of Vuuxchapel
was unsuccessful."
"Honors Are Easy"
Berlin, July 31. Anglo-French at
tacks yesterday uiorning, along the
front from Longuevnl to the Homme,
were everywhere repulsed, with san
guinary loss according to the war of
fice titutcineiit today.
In tiie eiiHtern fighting zone also,
'he war office declared Russian at
tacks had been repulsed.
.Northwest, and west ot Hucznc.
the statement asserted, "the enemv
IH'iiet rated our first line, but were
driven bach. All attacks were victor
iously repulsed."
Between Poiseres and Longuevnl the
report said, hand to hand combats were
progressing in favor or tho Teuton
army. In this lighting inl prisoners
and 13 machine guns were cuptnrcd.l
South of the Homme the statement!
snid, violent artillery combat was con
tinuing. Describing the iiiiHsinn fighting, the
wur office said between Witonier. and
Turgo southwards and also on bot'ij
siilt-tt 01 lue uipu. inr nusniuiuf vtrr
again repulsed with heavy losses. IScnr
Zarcc7.e the Muscovite troops penetrat
ed but a counter attack drove them
In this sector 1.SS1I prisoners were
taken yesterday.
Emperor Catches Cold
The llnstue, 'duly 31 Emperor
Franz Joset! caught a severe cold while
iiiMiN-ctinir troops at Hchoonburn Fri
day and is how eonfiued to his bed
according to advices received here to
day from Vienna.
ber Moses and the liullrushesT"
The bnby, well nourished, is very
beautiful with well defined aristocratic
The two ranchers drove to town on
a buckboard, oue holding the tiny boat
across his knees.
Before delivering their precious
charge to the authorities the two god
fathers christened the child "Phoenix
And today every woman in the whole
region ia wondering who the mother is
who will live quietly by and watch
Moses grow to manhood under some oth
er mother s loving care.
St. Helens, Ore., July 31. Six
, men were killed today by an ex-
plosion on the Deer Island road.
A powder house blew up.
The dead:
George Hammer.
Herman Voss.
Guy Lewis and son.
Joe Kellan.
One, unidentified. ijc
All the victims were terribly
mangled. 'The cause of the ex-
plosion is unknown. ' ijt
England's Note Not Satisfac
tory As It Ignores Objec
tion to Principle
Washington, July 31. The blow
launched ugninst the British blacklist
in the American note published today
is but the first act of aggressive move
for this country's share iu world trnde,
now and after the war, officials inti
mated today, .
Government officials are inclined to
see in the blacklist Jhs allies' prelim
inary step iu a trado war against Ger
many, which was clearly outlined at the
eaonomic conference at Paris some
weeks ago. The necessity of keeping
clear of "the war after the war", and
of showing Knglund that the United
Htntes ns n neutral will not participate
in, nor allow herself to become victim
of, any such move, is understood to
have been one underlying renson for Vag
American blacklist protest.
The far reaching effect of the black
list upon neutral trade and the feeling
that the trade war to follow military
peace may contain even more serious
consequences to neutrals, determined the
administration to enter n vigorous pro
tost upntnst the principal involved. It
wns feared the I'nited States might be
considered committed to the allies trade
policy through keeping silent.
It is for this reason that England's
preliminary reply to tho protest, given
the state department Saturday is un
satisfactory to the government. In it,
the British foreign office took up only
the question of immediate application
and extent of the blacklist, without
meeting this government's contention
against tho principle. . -
Hughes To Be Notified of
Nomination at Carnegie
Hall Tonight
New York, July 31. Hotel lobbies to
day looked as though a republican con
vention were on in New York. Hundreds
oT G. O. 1'. lenders were arriving from
all over the country anxious to see
Charles Kvans Hughes officially advised
that he was the republican standard
bearer and to hear him shatter anoth
er one of his famous sileuces.
Up to date not a solitary republican
leader, except National Chairman Will
cox, knows what the nominee will say
in his speech of neceptuuee. In his
speech customs requires that the candi
date shall sound a "key note." Usu
ally the standard bearer gives out ad
vance copies of tho "key note" in
plenty of tjuie so that it con be fully
circulated by the press ussociutions. But
Hughes, again pursuing his silence plan,
has withheld nil advance information.
Carnegie hall, where the notification
ceremonies will be held tonight, seats
nearly 4,000 people and it was expected
that every sent would be occupied nt H
o'clock when the meeting will be called
to order. Henator Warren G. Harding
of Ohio, who wns chairman of the Cri-
cago convention, will moke the formal
speech notifying Hughes that the party
has selected him to make their presi
dential race. Then Hughes will respond
probably about 10,000 words outlining
his views on every possible subject at
issue between the two parties.
F.verv effort will bo mado tonight to
make progressives feel at home, ltoosc
velt has befn sent box sent tickets. A
score dr more former bull moose lenders
will be present.
Prices Were Stronger
But Business Light
New York, July 31. The New York
Evening 8un financial review today
In a market made up almost wholly
of the operations of the professional
element, prices generally were stronger.
There was no evidence of pubic par
tcipation while the larger Wall Street
interests were not in evidence ns mask
et factors. .
. Transactions in the early trading
generally were light in volume on
movement of pricej that, tended in the
direction ot higher levels in the greater
184 Lives Are Known To Be
Lost and List Will Be
Much Larger
Priven by 40 Mile Gale-fire
Raced Through Dry .
- Underbrush
Iorth Bay, Ont., July 31. On hund
red nnd eighty four lives have so far
been reiwrted lost in the greatest for
est fire northern Ontario has ever suf
f'ored. More than two million dollars'
property dumnge has been done.
The fire district forms a strip of
territory shaied like the letter J wiU
liourkes forming tho end of the basej
Cochran the junction with the cross
bar and Hearst and Ironuois at vithnr
Tho fire broke out at 4 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon and whs reported sim
ultaneously at several points forming
a semi-circle from Bourks to Hearst
over ft hundred mile frontage.
driven uy a forty mile an hour wind
from the south, the flames rolled over
tho countryside just liko a heavy
thunderstorm coming up ahead of a,
hurricane with everything as dry n
tinder there was never a chance for
people to save anything.
The villages of Bourkes, Humore,
Mathoson, Mushkn, Monteith,- Kelso,'
Iroquois Junction, all wore completely
wiped off the map, the flames consum-
ing everything before them. tJochran
is still burning but all the- business
section of tho mining town his gone,
while Iroquois Falls has disappeared
except the large pulp mills of the Abi
tibi Power and Pulp company.
A heavy rainstorm, on Sunday provi
dentially stopped further disaster.
. The dead that havo been recovered
so far are as follows:
Rumore, 18; Matheson, 34; Nushka
and Monteith, 98; Kelso, 2; Cochran,
20; Iroquois Fulls, IS.
Most of the population are prospect
ors except at the larger tswns such.'
as Iroquois Falls, where the mills pro-:
vido employment and at Cochran where
there is a population of 2,000. Matheson"
has a population of 800 as has also
Iroquois Falls while Iroquois Junction
has about 000 population and Kelso 200.
Fate of Many Unknown -
Toronto, Ont.f July 31. Tho biggest
bush fire in history of Ontario prov
inco was still raging today. Loss of
200 lives is feared.
Already tho fire has covered much
of the territory from Cochrane to
Hearst. Timber, valued at millions of
dollars, is believed to have been con
sumed. A dozen towns and- villages
nro in the fire zone. Telegraphic com
munication has been destroyed and it
is not known whether they were de
stroyed or not. Fate of two hundred
settlers in the fire district is unknown.
Tho towns of Cochrane and Mat new
son are reorted to hnve been destroy
ed. Ik'tween them lie the settlemnta
of Iroquois Palis, Ilushka, Watahbag
and Kelson all in tho disUiet report
ed swept by the flames.
number sf Issues. - Modest weakness
was reported in Third Avenue, but lit
tle of tho stock, came out.
Munition shares wen firm and til
some cases substantially higher.
While reactionary tendencies wer
reported in certain parts of the list In
the early afternoon the general market
held the early betterment, with opra
tiona extremely light. Traders put
forth tho idea the destruction to win
dow glass from the explosion would
cause enough tire punctures to add
materially to the business of the tiro;
companies, but the suggestion didn't
take well enough to bring in any In
quiry for tt" tire shares, although
Goodrich showed some firmness on
traders operations.
In a sood part of the afternoon stag
nation was reported in most of tho
Oregon: To
night and Tuea
day, partly
cloudy west; fair
east portion;
westerly winds.