THE DATLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OK(m,uNt. SATURDAY. JULY 29, 191(5. I ... JUmt woum f 4 Cr!md Now the note ft AY twrU ,,, x Aivd err Mvfe loved fo run - - A looking for some fun writ on ppT jfrggrv- ( rvw Prpc'V i i J 1 ' gwn fw1; - . but n's upsiot L r I II OV'mE " ' V : - ' ' Y i -Y t6wH.W'UU J L -J &Wl.erD I 1 rT5 inside . r ft fa HAVE TO SVE,"J i t," X- PtRcv, doc n J V s Lb: I I V4 VHUA ON HlMiEr L r : he'5i went an; - - I J , r ' i wvf Aiv the Doc 1 1 .v...v.- Ufaotryir grss Ke 3 seen - And sw the lmb wa-s, Ien , r fiea it thro hism4une Willamette Valley News EAST HUBBARD NOTES. Mr. unit Mrs. Amos I. ins tnui family of Blodgett. visited witli rdutives ut 'Aon over Sunday. Josse No'fziiror of ni'thi'l wns n lruesl nt tlio lioiiie ut' is. .1. K.ufuiuu Suturduy ! ri,,m aml banquet tublcs wore bciuitiful niglit und .Sunday. I ili'i'Oniti'd with cut flmvors from the aa.l .1, ). Misliii'r. Friumls of the 'fam ily will tjiithor at the liuiac nt 1 o 'clock. Tlio Id'lii'kiili and Odil Fellow lo.l'cs enjoyed a ncinl time Tiicsday evouing wlica the newly elected officers were installed at the lodt' rooms. The lodge Horn to rM. uikI Mrs. f.evi ("hristiier I). Mr. 1 homes of the members. The officers in- SILVERTON LAND DEAL. Vith prtr.'tirally every house in Sil- vorton occupied at tho jiresent timo and few new ones under course of construc tion, many people have been wondering Willi t ISilverton will do with the in creased tuilill ttt 1 if ill line til nrriva with of nonr Molaliu, Moudav, Julv 17, inl,l".,lll'u.a li., Mary tlnllop; V.I the starting of the new mill now being little trtrl. 'ill., Lizzie try: Secrelury, I lella dnlile; i constructed bv the (Silver Fulls Timber D. Stiller ami John Uestetler and v I ... "7. vO. "i. ' v "..'u'"1 "M!V- " Vlut '"or w,u of Yamhill visited with friends ! ' "i .1,. Ml... nZi.Y' v . Vi? ' ..... . "", "T Ium.1"1'9. lu ."" "V .. Here .uriln, and Sunday. I CoyleT I. ft K U Mn'rie wk: H.V v. ! I, I ' ZZ I. "I I.I..1 t,y ........ WW..I... .....I 11 U'..ll.... T .1 I U 1 I.Vi:.l. ..... . ' . .- .....-i. .... ....'i uuiliisiiiu; L. 1. r.uuu . nrril'.iil III till! lt.' Milli. 1 .n A.... The hiive elop- incut t'ompany, which wna incorponited several months ago and which is eom posel largely of Portland business men. closeil a deal a low days ago with and (.. Ksther Johnslon: I.. S. V. 11.. Kdith ' .rnv...i ;.. ;t,. n. -. .laughter l'enrl. of Woodburn. and Ni. h-j Fainter; 1. I)., Hiram Uallop; O. li., T.!tion work was started, and nearly every .iib mruinir nun wue iook niuner wiin .lounsiou. jirs. is, in. .Melvin acting as ( available living room is occupied. lnu Koth ami family Sunday. district deputy president. After tne in- problem, however, is believed to ljist Tuesday evening .Mr. and Airs. Htnllation refreshments were served iueen solved. The North Side Dev i.rsier Aioirews eutertaineit at an rroum flipper, Mr. and Mr, .lames An ilrews nuil sons and Mr. and .Mrs. Hugh Wolfcr nuil two little sons. Mr. and .Mrs. S., .1. Kuufmuu and chil ilren Lester and Agnes went to Newport liuit Tiicduy morning to stay about two weeks. The Missionary meeting which the children at Zion held I;it S;ii!d:i own ing, was a success. Nearly one hundred children occupying the front seats, n short program of song and recitations wan given. A Collection for the child ren ' Wellf:ire Home ut Kimsin Cite the nnmpict hall. l.uterprise. LOST HIS MEmORY. who hus becu working for Frank Yor gen a t'nn days, was noticed noting ipieerly while seated at the dinner table Wedmnday. After a time as his mental biiunce did not return, t'oustable (.'has. Kiuer was culled, who iu eoinpmiy with Justice of tho l'cace rrittendeii, went out iu .1. ,(. Ilershberger ' car to .1 .rumes Rogers, u native of Kngland, I Wolfnrd k Comnanv for ninety-two acres of laud adjoining the mill prop erty, and it is presumetd that lliev will lay the tract off in city lots, erect lis Sunduv in Mr. Hottiniier ' new cnr. Mrs. Charles Genuine of Portlund, spent last week at the home of John liuber. Mrs. H. Shank and daughter, IJox ana, and Melvin and Ernest Knupp were Sunday visitors ut 0. H. Hay's. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rny and Edna Hay were week-end visitors nt Lebanon. Hazel Lnmbert spent -fSutnrday and Sunday nights at Staytou. Effie,Tona and Cora Ray, Lula and Gladys Downing and Vema Shank, and Joe Pietrok spent Thursday evening at the Ed Smith home. Grace Shank and Frank Lambert called on Mr, and Mis. Fred Ficklin of Stayton. Mrs. Harold Towncs and son, Theo dore, of Portland, are visiting at the I). Townes farm. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hubberman, -ars. M. F. Ryan and Wm. and Lloyd Mcln tyre motored to Salem Sunday. Maude, Fred, Dorothy and Nick I.u lay motored to Albany Sunday. They were accompanied by Margaret Smith. The Lnlny Bros and Antone Sclun dler are ding some cnrpenterwork for H. R. Shank. Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Hottinger and daughter, Frances, and Mr. and Mrs. II, Sen motored to Albany and Corval grounds. All went home with the hope with the hope that this will be so and will work with that end in view. Duriug the campmeeting there were many conversions, many definitely healed and 17 were baptized. It was the strongest meeting yet held from a spiritualistic standpoint. It was the consensus of opinion that these meet ings should be of longer duration to sat isfy the the public and in order that there mnv be tin Htniitiium in tin. mirlui of successes, as it was this year Wood- Duru iiuiepemieut. FERN RIDGE. Judge .aud Mrs. Bushey, of .Salem, spent the week-end with Mrs. Bushey 's L'ncle, William Imbler. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Siegmund, of Sa lem. Visitn.l rwi.r tliA naob.mi.1 tcill. their son, Floyd, who is spending the summer at ino nome oi ais granututuer, Jacob Siegmund. John Zolkoske snout Sunduv nt. Turin. . . 4 peuuuime. Algio Moss returned from a motor trip io ppoKune saturnny. I Air. and Mrs. Jacob Et el entertained a party of friends iSuuduy evening. Stayton Standard. Misses Ruth Roy. Caryl Ruble, Sylvia f Sestllk. Margaret SehniWnr. RViwIr. i en, Verda Hum inn n and the chaperone, Miss Barbara Wunder. Stavton Mail, MRS. WELCH DEAD. DEATH OF MARIE WILLFORD. After an illness lusting several r,ul'"-'' airs, vtoicii is survived oy mouths, Miss Marie Willford passed , nusDlin,l. little duughter, Mabel, away at her residence on the Tacitus am'. B two weeks' old baby. Other sur-, highway last Monday eveuiug at 0:15.!-Y!vl".K relllt;vs "re her father. Jacob The deceased was a popular pupil of the r" of W est Woodburn, two sisters, East Side school and will be greatly " FJ ells of West w odburn, missed bv her classmates. Brave ana: JIrs' J' " Nrv'l 0 Portland, hopeful till the lust, this youthful suf- elch was 29 years, 5 montha ferer afforded a grand example of pa-J??1' 8 I 0,(1 nt tl,e time f ller death, tience in her illness. She leaves to ' ilr; am' Jr!- Welch wore married Julf mourn her demise, a father, mother.' li!.n- at '''sonville, and have lived three brothers and two sisters, all of" iS , tion most of the time since, whom have the svmpathv of the com-'Tlle lereaved husband and childrea munitv in the loss" they have sustained, i h"va "le slIlccre sympathy of the entire ( The funeral will take place from her j """'" J aurora uuserver. j residence Friday ( tomorrow) moruingi . 1 - ;aud thence to St. Luke's church, where! ,,iR,' -r "oes the booster erow t" a muss of requiem will be sung at 0! 7,??" 1 Know m.v boy." i o'clock. Woodburn Indepedet. I ' 1 11 tcl1 "ou'" paid "It's th I i (nature of the male. He can't sleep and ; MKS. UABE VANDERBECK DIES, ' """ ' iei auyuouy else sleep." I.ou Ann Welch, wife of Albert vteicii, dieil truluy afternoon, July ui ner nome northwest of Aurorn. neral services and burial took placa Sunday. Interment at ino Rntioviiia ceral """I'tery. jsirs. Welch is survived 21. Fu- ANNTJAL PICNIC AUGUST 13. houses and place the same on the mar KUt. Just whut the object of the new com pany is. as yet is u matter of specula tion, but the general opinion is that tho laud will be used for a resilience dis trict anil mmte an addition to Silverton.T Aegerter motored up to Lewis Ray's sheep rnncii ten miles above Mill CUv Sunday. investigate. They found that Honors Tho church was crowded und everyone ( hud not been violent, but that he was it is a beautiful building spot and oom felt satisfied that the children hud done evidently temporarily ott, his main il- prises all tho land the Wolfnrds owned 'i. i iuu'u ueiug inai mo oiiiucr laoie was a i ia that vicittitv. Quite a number of pontile from around '. piano un.1 ho was on tho nroirruiii for a I Huixiard attended the Suiuts uieeting at vocal snlo to his own ticcouipiiniiiicnt. Woodburn Huuiluv cveuinir. i He was ukcu to Salem and niiestioned I Mrs. Sam Nofziger was seriously ill; before tho county judge, where it le- A special meeting of the city council last week. Mrs. Josephine Yoder is stav-! velotiud that his memory was u blank, was liel.l Tiwlnv .,.,;... ,,r'.h ... ing with her and doing her huuso work.! He knew lie had left his wife, but when i pose of discussing the auxiliary water I -Tribune. SILVERTON'S WAi'ER SYSTEM. M. F. Ryan, daughter. Marguerite. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hubberman mo tored to Mill City Thursday. Effie, Tonn, Cora, Elmer and Irvine Rnv, Crystal, Bessie, Verna Shank, trunk M osier and David and Ernest r i j , , m. , aa le ottr W11e "ave that $75 Airs, (rillin nnderbect Hinri An. .n m , wu..... gvnu uiier uii. morning at 8:uM) at her home near St.j 'Yes, so far as mv domestic rela Louis. She had been .n poor health forjtions are concerned, I'oclieve in peace the past two years. Gervais Star. at any price." .-tiiii .Miller lost two vuiuiiliiu cows' or where he Wednesday from poisoning, caused bv 1 taken to the eating wild turnip. Mrs. Susan Lias will g to Blodgett this week to visit her uii Aui..-' Enterprise. Hubbard Enterprise. did not know, tie was usvliim for treatment. SILVERTON MOTOR TRIP.' j If pioscut plans develop ISilverton Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brenner of Ptav- ton, spent Sunday ut the P. H. Lambert home. Peter Fiedler nnd wife, and rhilip rietrok called at the G. H. nay home Sunday evening. Stayton Mail. FAREWELL TO THE WELLERS. Mr. ami 'Mrs. Elmer Hall, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hall and Aiiss Mabel I.nntz It was unanimously voted bv the' U. S. Miller received Q. Hlietler of Johnstown of Hubbard schools the first half of lust term, Hint their daughter, Miss Kosella, was married June IS, and wm now on lier woddiug trip through Montana. The groom's unme was not given. Mr. Shel ter thinks well of Gregou and said he expected to make a tr;p to tho west agnln next year. Hs has been con ducting touchers training c'msses this summer. Mrs. Elmer MeTimmonds died Thurs day morning at 10, at her home oast of town, of tuberculosis of tho bone, hay ing been ill the past thres months. An eiaininatinn of the body by Drs. Kchoor of Hubbard and Armstrong of Wood burn proved the correctness of the diag Jiosis of the ciiso. Tho rigi.. hip wH es roinlly affected and otner ports also, runerul services will be held at the Hopewell church Friday afternoon at o'clo. k; J. K. Lehman will conduct the ervire, assisted by N. L. Hirshberger Sunday. August o, for a ; members present that the bid of the Sil- Musical guessing games, together tolum jia highway. l heVer Falls Timber Co.. in the sum of kodak pictures of many present, th all those owning auto- j ,l,iino tor the const met ion of the aux- on a screen improvised by Mr. J. J. t in this city early on the iliury water system be accepted and I furnished merriment tor the comi nutBAKU hws. ;unj tho surrounding country will turn i out ou uiasio, Sundav. August tl, for a lot '.or from S, trip over the toluml l a., principal plan is to have mobiles to meet uiorniug of that day and make this won- that' the mayor aud reooruer be author ueriui scenic, trip, tlonnnu -Messenger. Used to enter iuto a contract wit lithe who conceived the idea, says ha will company. Tribune. have ponuants and other necessary sup-i ' . piles roiuly to properly decorate each j HURT IN LOGGING CAMP. car in the long procession, Machinists will t along to take care C. O. Pituey. while working In the question und the letting oi the contract for the work. After the roll call, which found Coiiiieilmen Burr, Digcrness, Hnr wood aud Davis iu their seats, aud the rending ot former minutes, the council delightfully entertained Rev. and Mrs. went into executive session ou the wa-jo. C. Welter aud Mrs. Warburton in a ter question. farewell party on Tuesitnv eveninir of this wee at tho J. J. Hall reside with thrown Hall of any auto trouble that may como up j camp for the silver Falls Timber com- and tnore w ill also be doctors along to panv, met with quite a serious injury on : soendid rOVIVA VOll in It... .ii-niit Ihnl m '1I. ..-..1 ... 1.... i. furnished merriment tor the company. Delicious eats were followed by a most felicitous and hearty expression of the good will of the people in a presentation of a handsome picture of a musical sub ject to Mr. and .Mrs. Weller. Mrs. War burton also received some daintw fancy work. About forty of the intimate friends of the Wellers enioved the hospitality of the Halls. j Plans are nearly perfected for the ari j mini outing of the members of St. Luke's parish, to be held iu the city I linrlf. Siui.1,11- Xitiriwt l'l Tl,., ln,i;ud 'f jthe Altar society, assisted by the Young , -v,i,i i-t-i.v uiuut-r. Races, games aud sports for young andl uiu win oe on me progrtiru. jit. 'Angel band w ill give a concert and an orches tra will dispense music. There will also bo several musical numbers. A baseball ir.-ime iw l.tiiti.T n i-rn iivil lidlm-oun fhu 1... cnl team and one of the top-notchers of the Iuter-City League. Woodburn In dependent. VETERANS WILL MEET. Preparations nre bow under way for the meeting of the jlariou County Vet erans' association which will mnpt in Silvertou on Thursday, August 3. lue meeting win lie for one day and will be held in the city park. L. J. AilntiiB Ima neon a.nri,t I (.,,- tl... mi. dress of welcome; Mayor Potter will speak; Ladies' quartet will sing, besides other program features to mats the dav pleasant. eterans from different points in the state outside ent and Ifxjfssfras iv rw I '' --TV r iv, ! rT - JMI...U ...J i. j p" VtrV-' v'- HER PAIR OF SHOES reduce the swelling and soothe i urea rer. her tside of the county will be prea-,' n, 1 ,n'0r,7,, ln .f'V? ami ''"J K''h wek sl" took unopened the "boys of the old brigader! til f". Lh "i?1"4'1"0'! -waffe ?f;UV". '"velope home to her mother. ining a day long to be remem-, ' "Ji,, " ttL "jl revive you in tho event that you are Thursday afternoon of last nk. amliu- n t...i .1..... OVerCOUlO by the bemitil'nl Neeneri- vuu f... m i... 1. .I......,!. l... i ' ' are bouud to see. iuiured internally. He wn enoni'cd at Those desiring to join this merry orO'd of fiilverton boosters should reg ister early. You can register nt the Hubbs real estate office, J. W lfard logging where a donkey engine is used, ami in some manner, as the engiue start ed suddenly, a large cable struck him iu the pit of the stomach with suffi Co., Ames Hardware, Johnson's drugjcicnt force to hurl him some distance sior, ntoeuiammer s drug store or place your name with ir. Messenger. It frrti be a trip worth tuking and vou will Ln with a happy, jolly bunch. Tri- jurr will "ln- nature. Silvertou Tribune. CLOSE OF CAMPMEETING. The Church of God campmeeting In Woodburn closed Sunday evening and the campers left for home the nevt day. While it wii nnt n wa11 iki. He was taken to the Mlverton hospitul . year as In preceding years, it was ner that evening, and Sunday was able to.ertheless full of luterest. The crops go home. It is nnderstood that the in-j prevented many from eominir Tt U . jury will not prove to be of a serious I ..pcted that next vear th re will be th largest attendance yet seen ou these are planning a day long to be remem oerea. ouveriou Appeal. ENJOYED OUTING. The gymnasium girls of the Staytoa high school hiked to Taylor's grove on the Little North Fork Saturday morn ing returning home Monday evening. The girls started from here at 4:40 a. m. and arrived iu Mehama at 7::!0 a. which is considered very good time for their first attempt at hiking. In Me hama they waited till 11:30 a. m. when their chaperone, Miss Barbara Wunder arrived from Portland. The girls report that they had a very enjyable time and nre planning more hikes to other places. Those enjoying the outing were: ing to help support the family-- wMeh to bi Tew a,V ttaS lazy, good tor nothiug father. This earned tn mn, .1... ,-.JzL. man was too ln.V to even hA : i . V". . . raw. ler; .rl, v. ..! i . i. , . . . i '"'"1" "r uu tooscco ior ner worK. ne would leave hnm. int.. ;n'in ..i ..... . .. .... !! t k . .r. ". nVelS-, .HeiU,s m ,ld "w" t tor a pair o T hJ T a'" moru,,!58 lynglahoe." is to be pietoriallv relite.1 ia in Ded. reailiniT n.iveU .miJum. i..a i.i... . ....... . 1 ... . . .,i. . i ir .i .. , i notopiays at tne Bligh taea- LIT Jt e-.,-h "u11 -h,s ifeire on.Sun.lav and -louday in a Brt and dauirhter rroviilin the am-ioi- i ... .... . """ " The girl .i,le,l ah-As. Thi wrt.'S3rt "sLoes nVm " she wore were fallin- from her feet.j There is a lesson in this feaure tot all day behiml to 7. J'A7.tlv'! tor th spent wnh her fee, ia warm water to! and'wUn pM'