Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 29, 1916, Image 1

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From Pozie English Press On Toward Bapaume, But Are
Forced Hand to Hand Fighting for Every FootTwo
or Tkr. j German Regiments Annihilated Russians
Force Teuton Lines Back On Whole Kovel Front-In
Caucasus Turks Are Demoralized
By Ed L. Keen,
United Press Staff Correspondent.
London, July 29. The. British front is withstanding
Germany's most powerful attacks. Artillery hammering
and massed attack with hand to hand fighting have so far
failed to dent the lines advanced by the recent British
General Haig so indicated in his report today. Usual
ly sparing of descriptive adjectives, the British com
mander in chief embellished his brief statement of today
with such terms as "hand to hand struggles continuing
without intermission," "violent opposition," by the Ger
mans, and "desperate enemy attempts."
It is the belief of military experts here that the kaiser
is now utilizing the great reserves concentrated in front
of the British line from Verdun and other points on the
western battle front in a bitter endeavor to wrest back
from the Britons the land they have captured in the last
few days. Despite this, Haig
His narrative indicated
ments beyond Pozieres from
the British are endeavoring to push on toward Bapaume.
There the combat was marked by unceasing hand to hand
Just north of Longueyal, at Delville wood, British
positions are under intense pressure from the German
lines. How sanguinary this fighting along the line" from
Thiepval to Longueval has been, was confirmed in Haig's
opinion that two or three German regiments presum
ably the Brandenburgers were annihilated in Delville
The Russians have made further gi
' gtiutic strides both in the eastern bnt
tlo zone and in the Caucasus, according
to Petrograd. From Tarnopol, Russian
forces under General Lezcicki, chief of
staff to General Gilinski of the Fourth
Russian army corps have overwhelmed
the Austrian lines and forced them bnck
to the south of the Dniester toward
Presumably the Russians advanced
along the railroad which winds from
Tarnopol down and back to I.cmberg.
The army of the Grand Duke Nicholas,
which already lias achieved some rec
ords for speedy advance, is still hurry
ing along, according to Tetrograd and
lias captured Ezerzany, thrown back
Turks opposing towards Kharput, and
bent back a Turkish attack from Mos-
Russians After Kovel.
Potrogrnd, July 29. Kovel is rapidly
being enveloped from the south as the
Russian armies advance unceasingly
against the Austrians in Galiciu. Cap
ture of Brody. military experts pointed
out her today, Rives the czar's forces
nn opportunity to improve their thrust
northwestward toward Kovel. Mean
while it was believed here todny the
cznr's troops are forcing onward to
ward I.cmberg. An evidence of the pre
cipitate character of the Austrian re
tirement is given in the fact that on
Thursday the Russians were 12 miles
from Biodie and on nturdny occupation
Aurelius Budd, who graduated in
June with th' masterly essav. "Amer
'iea th' Land O Opportunity,' is still
look in' fer a job. Misa Fawn I.illincnt
says snmebuddy ought t ' invent a wire
e.s mustache.
reported continued progress
particularly violent engage
which newly captured point
of the town was announced.
Petrograd eagerly awaited full word
today of the details of Brody's invest
ment. It was regarded as certain that a
considerable quantity of booty fell into
the huuds of the city's conquerors, since
Brody had been an Austrian field base,
and announcement of capture of a large
number of prisoners was likewise ex
pected. From Brody on, it was pointed out
here todnv the Russian army of inva
sion into Gnlicin will have the advtunt-
age of a railroad in the movement
against I.cmberg. Every foot of ad
vance registered along the railroad to
Kovel menaces anew the Teuton .posi
tions at Kovel.
Turks Flee Demoralized.
Petrograd, July 29 General Brnsiloff
has resumed his offensive and thrown
back the Teutonic line on the whole
Kovel front from the Roviech railway
to Kroilv, the war office announced to
day. The capture of Brody was again
"By an audacious thrust General
Lecziciki has thrown the enemy back
in the direction of Utanisluu to south
of the Dniester," the statement con
tinued. "Figures as to his prisoners and booty
are not avaiable as yet."
Further big advance of the Grand
Duke Nicholas' forces in the Caucasus
was reported.
. "A native divison of cavalry took
Ezerzany," the statement asserted.
"Up to Friday our forces captured
2.40K prisoners, 55 guns and other
booty. The advance toward Sivas and
Kharput continues. At Ossul an attack
was repulsed and the enemy fled back
in disorder." .
German Attacks Repulsed.
London, July 29 Two desperate Ger
man counter attacks against positions iu
Delville woods recently won by the Bri
tish w ere repulsed, General Huid report
ed today.
The Teutons, be said, suffered heavy
losses in the attacks which eccurerd
during the night.-
"Hand to hand struggles northwards
and northeastwards of Pozieres con
tinue without intermission," the Bri
tish commander in chief said. "We
are making progress despite violent op
position." Haig reported "abundant evidence
that the losses were inflicted during
the last few days has been extremely
severe, particularly around Delville
wood, where two or three regiments
appear to have been annihilated."
The Austrian statement, 24 hours de
layed from Vienna, admitted Russian
advance toward Brody, which the Rus
sians announced they captured yester
day and Russian encouragements along
the remainder of their line.
The French statement indicated that
the Germans have resumed their vio
lent bombardment of Verdun and claim-
(Cm tinned Pifi ThxM.)
fHf 4 , : , i ;, fell
V -ffx Ai ITX .ga'Wi' wimsb99 i,1! V ? $' I
r Vi.-- -fp' J A! !
,tKA n Tf ) J'.'y ' , '
Von Bernstorff, left,
Marshficld, Ore., July 28.
Without previous announcement
of its coming, the first through
freight train from Eugene ar
rived here during the night. It
wus composed of 12 cars includ
ing flat cars, refrigerator cars
and parlor coaches. The latter
will be used for the Knights of
Pythias excursion to Portland
The train crossed TTmpqua'
bridge. It will run three tinios
a week hereafter, but not
muoh business is expected until
the rate mutter is settled.
5C jft sfc s4c SC SC 5jC 3fC 9)C S(C
I Nothing Whatever Known
About Her Not Worrying
About the Bremen Yet
By Carl D. Groat.
(I'nited I'ress staff correspondent.)
Baltimore, Md., July 29. Fear of
spies had grown to nn obsession with
certain members of the Uerninn freigh
ter Deutscmhland todny. With two ad
ditional British tramp vessels in the
harbor for cargo and the Britisher Ard-
gryffe waking no move to leave, the
Ueiitschland watchers developed an un
usual nervousness.
Even trivial things worried them. An
expedition from the Timmins made a
hurried trip to the lmie private pier
to which press tugs are tied, after dis
covering that a private telephone line
bad been installed there. the press
men saw to it that no step was made
to remove the wires, for they knew
that German influence bad been uperat-
ng along the waterfront for several
days to clear away newspaper men and
prevent them obtaining boats.
lhe time for the Deutscbland to de
part still is an unsolved apparently
unjolvable mystery. All the talk is
that she is going out within a few
days but the truth is not in the rumor
mongers that swarm the waterfront.
Indications with. the Deutschland pro
moters are that they are not unduly
alarmed about the fate of the Deutsch
land 's sister ship, the Bremen, though
they will be if she docs not appear in
the next few days.
Two at Kansas City.
Kansas City, Mo., July 29. Two
deaths, attributed by the coroner to
heat, were reported earlv today. M
Elizabeth Sharp and James A. lie E' wee
Luderltz, right
Two Others Offer to Tell All
. They Know If Promised
Three More Arrests To Be
MadeMooneys Being
Closely Questioned
San Friincisoo, Julv 20. That War
ren K. Hillings, held by the police usi
the principal suspect in the suitcase
dynamiting case, has offered to con
fess was the belief here today.
r.mergiug from a conference with
Billing today during which the sus
pect was again severely cross examin
ed, District Attorney F. J-'U'kert said:
'Hillings has admitted that he was
it.' " - -
"What do you mean by 'it 7' "Tick-
erf was asked.
"Do vou mean he admits he was the
man who placed the bombf"
"I can t say that, ' replied rtekert.
Two other suspects have offered to
tell "all thev know" Fickert said.
They asked in return that they be
given immunity and concessions from
the nrosecutors. r ickert said the offer
could not 1)9 accepted as officials al
ready know all they want to know
from the two.
Attorney Rcisner acting for leo
Weinberg, jitney bus driver held on
suspicion, this morning applied for n
writ of habeas corpus. To hold Wein
berg and other suspects, it is regard
ed as certain that Fickert will obtain
warrants sometime today making for
mal charges against all the -men now-
Julius Kohn, said to be a friend of
Thomas Mooney. one of the suspects,
was detained ny tne police today, ne
will .be questioned by captain Mathe
sjii. Other arrest are. predicted.
- Ltader Still at Large.
Fickert indicated that the two sus
pects he referred to wanted to give the
(Continued on Page Four.)
Baltimore officials who visited the
tiuns-ntlantic merclinnt submarine Deu
tfihlaiid quoted C'nptuin Koenig us say
ing that Zeppelin uiiship freighters aio
being built ill Germany for trnns-ntlan-tie
service. "To you," Cnptniu Koenig '
was quoted as saying, "the trip of the
BeiitHi'hluiid i n great achievement.
You nuut not bo too enthusiastic over
it, for n bigger surprise is coming. A
great Zeppelin niisliip or may lie I
should say airships is being built in
Germany. In the not distant future
one or more of them will sail through
the air to the I'nited (States. Just -as
sure as thn Deutschlnnd came to Ameri
ca, so will the Zeppelin come. " Am
bnssmlor von Bernstorff visited tire
Deutschlnnd nf Baltimore and his visit
was the occasion of a gala day for those
interested in the submarine enterprise
and for Germans in Baltimore generally.
He was accompanied by Hugo tichniiilt,
New York agent of the Deutsche bank,
of Berlin, and Dr. Albert the American;
fiunncinl representative of the German
government. The three men were met
by the German consul in . Bultimure,
Carl A. I.uderitz. The ambassador was
in a jovial mood nil during the trip
about Baltimore harbor.
No Semblance of Life
In Today's Stock Market
New York, July 29. The New York
Evening Sun's financial review today
Without the slightest semblaace of
life in the trading, the market opened
at irregular price changes with the
greater number of issues, however, at
small gains, as compared with tho clos
ing of the preceding day. These repre
sented little beyond evening operations
incident to tho end of the week. There
was no public interest in the trading
and no indication of a resumption iu
the immediate future of an average de
mnnd. Trading in the early part of the ses
sion was made up chiefly of the opera
tions in United Ktutes Hteel, coppers,
munition shares and mercantile marine
Will Not Blacklist American
Firms Dealing with Black
listed Firms
Washington, July 2)1 The British em
bassy today officially announced that
assuruncea given the state depnrtincnt
by Ambassador Kpring Rice rcnnling
the scope of tho blacklist against cer
tain American firms might be consider
ed a preliminary reply to this govern
ment's note cabled to London Thurs
day night.
The text of the assurances given the
state department follows:
"There is no idea of blacklisting a
neutral firm merely because it con
tinues to do business with a firm that
is blacklisted but if a neutral firm
habitually and systematically acted as
a cover for a blacklisted firm and so
caused indirect trading between British
firms and blacklisted firms, the case
would bo different.
, "Regarding payment to blacklisted
firms, our action does not affect pay
ment to a neutral and we habitually
grant licenses to British firms to pay
current debts to blacklisted firms, un
less it is clear beyond doubt that such
payment would be passed on to or create
a credit lor enemies in .enemy rem
The embassy has definite knowledge
that large sums of money or the equival
ent in credit, has been obtained for the
German government by blacklisted
firms, it was said today. No statement
as to the alleged amount was obtain
ed as it was said such action would re
suit in the disclosure of the secrets of
neutrals and firms not under suspicion.
1 61 PISH
Of These 112 Died In Chicago 44 Babies Under One Year
Victims In Last 24 Hours Nineteenth Day of Heat
Breaks Records, Thermometer Reaching 96 Horses
Drop Dead in Streets Other Cities Lose Heavily Stores
Closed No Change Insight
Chicago, July 29. Business in the middle west was at
a standstill this afternoon as a result of 19 days heat
wave which reached its highest temperature today. The
death toll for the last forty-eight hours reached 161 at
noon today. Sixteen died today at Chicago; nine at Mil
waukee; four at Aurora, Illinois, and two at Kansas City.
A hundred and twelve have died at Chicago within the
last 48 hours. , .
At Milwaukee, Wis., and Belvedere, 111., factories were
closed down when employes found it impossible to work
in "the driving heat. Department stores here planned to
let their employes off two hours earlier. At some of the
stores those who showed - the slightest distress were
ordered home. Stout people were told they would not
have to work. Scores of horses dropped dead in Chicago
streets today from exhaustion caused by the heat. It was
estimated that several hundred persons were prostrated.
All records for the number of babies killed directly or.
indirectly by the hsv.t in Chicago were broken today when
hgures showed in the last 24 hours 44 babies under one
year of age died from the heat or causes superinduced
by the heat.
: Chicago's high temperature for the day was reached
at 2 p. m. when the mercury registered 96. .
Crops Are Wilting. f
Chicago, July .29. Dawn found Chi
cago and that section between . the
Rocky and Alleghany mountains still
sweltering from the hent today. There
was no reduction m the mercury and
predictions wero that the hot spell
would continue until Monday and pos
sibly all next week. A total of 106
dead and several hundred prostrated
was the toll taken by the heat.
First reports of serious damngo from
the torrid wave throughout the corn
section of Illinois came pouring in to
day. Reports of corn firing came in
from the com belt and similar informa
tion indicated that the Iowa corn fields
have begun to wilt under the sizzling
sun and drought.
Reports of cool breezos dovelopmg In
the far west were made by the weath
er bureau today. It held out the hope
that it may develop sufficient strength
to blow the hent out of the middle west.
The mercury here registered 86 at 2
o'clock this morning. It then stnrted
nn upward climb. Chicago's death toll
between midnight yesterday and last
night was 72. Thirty-four (ieatlis were
reported outside of Chicago.
Seventeen more dentils from the hent
were reported tojlay. Fifteen died in
Chicago and two were reported from
Aurora, III.
No Relief in Sight.
Washington, July 9. "No relief in
sight," weather bureau men Baid of the
hent wnvo today.
I'redictioua were that the west will
continue to suffer indefinitely. Any
sections of the enst Hint hnve had cool
wenther for the last day or so will be
gin to "warm up" tomorrow, it was
soiil. There iHn't a breeze or a storm
or anything else big enough to cause
relief in prospect, the forecasters said.
Heat-Crazed Kills Son.
Chicago, July 29. Crazed by the heat
Kdgnr Foster, a clerk, today shot and
killed his sou, Rnymnnd, aged three,
ami then shot Miss Bertha Brown, aged
25, in the breast three times, accord
ing to police reports.
Miss Brown is not expected to live.
Foster was arrested.
Nino at Milwaukee.
Milwaukee, Wis., July 29. Nine
deaths due to the heat were reported to
the officials during the last 24 hours.
The thermometer reached 92 this morn
ing when a cooling lake breezo again
gave a little relief. Factories closed
down and business is at a standstill.
All Factories Closed. ..
Belvedere, 111., July 29: All factories
were closed here at noou today when
employes threatened to strike as the
mercury reached 104. .
Injunction Against
Strikers Still In Force
Portland, Ore., Jury 29. Federal
Judge Wolverton's injunction restrain
ing striking longshoremen from inter
fering with the Hau Francisco and Port
land Hteamship company, was still in
force today, having been continued
pending n final hearing to decide
whether it shall be made a permanent
order. However, in continuing his m
iunrtion. Judge Wolverton modified it
so that as it stands peaceful jicketing is
permitted. Pickets may not threaten,
curse or intimidate strikebeakers.
Suffer Discomfort From Dust
Storm But Climate Beats
Home Just Now
By Webb 0. Miller.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Columbus, N. M., July 29. General
Tasker II. Bliss left today for Douglaa
after inspecting the Massachusetts and
New Mexico militiamen here and their
camps and reporting them in excellent
The guardsmen here have been equip
ped with everything necessary," said
General Bliss. "There is no complaint1
against tho foor or quarters. - The men
are suffering some discommort on ac
count of the climate and dust storms,
hut the only discontent among them ia
The enstorn guardsmen read with
amusement of the intense heat wave,
"back home." The temperatures her
continue cool as the result of rains.
Preparations for the eonrt martial
of Lewis O. Gardner, "slacker" of tbe
New Mexico militia, are being made.
Gardner continues obdurate and refuse
to take the federal oath of service. Ha
has been oonfined in the stockade her
for over a month. Military official!
are manifesting -much interest in tho
trial aet for August 7 as it will be a
test case affecting slackers in other
R. L. Putnam, pastor of the Christian,
church at this place, will leave for For
est Grove. August 1. where he has beeu
chosen to fill tho pulpit at that place.
Mr. Putnam has bejjp in Mtayton tor
over a year, and has made many friends
who will be sorry to see him and his
family leave, but will be glad that he is
going to a lurgod place where the possi
bilities for advancement are much
greater than in ytayton. He will preach
his farewell sermon Sunday morning.
dtnyton Mail.
Oregon: To
night and Bon
day, fair, warm
er east portion
JSunday; easterly
As NT ourteam)
were the victims.