Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 28, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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We have been telling the Public through the columns of the Daily Papers of
Great : Removal Sale
And quoting Prices which, in many instances, are less than manufacturers cost, our
purpose being to reduce our stock before moving into our new store. That our! efforts
have been successful has been evidenced by the j
iScores of Eager Buyebrss
From every part of MARION and POLK COUNTIES who have put everything aside in order
to take advantage of A SALE which they knew meant positive savings on every article
purchased. In every instance satisfaction has been given as every article and j
Every Price Was Just as Advertised
But one more day remains as Out Sale will close SATURDAY NIGHT. If you have not
supplied your every want for the season in Furniture and House Furnishings, let jus urge
you to come Saturday. ;
A $35.00 Rug, Rocker, Refrigerator or
Baby Buggy
Will be given FREE at the close of our Sale. Numbers in duplicate are given Free to every
one attending. Ask for them. We have arranged for the busiest day of our Sale.
Extra Salespeople Have Been Secured
To insure prompt and careful attention to all. Come, take a look through our stock, see
the many splendid bargains we are offering. You 11 buy.
Will Put Up Fight with Leon
ard Instead of Running
a Foot Race
New York, July 28. Freddie Welsh,
lightweight champion of the world, will
take hie title into the ring with him
tonight when he meets Benuy Leonard,
the pride of Harlem for the second time.
There are those among the sporting, f ra
ternity who believe the champion really
intends to put up a whirlwind battle
and all the "soft money" pickers are
not arifting to Leonard, despite his de
feat of Welsh at their last meeting.
Leonard's workouts have been strenu
ous, while Welsh has been Bhadow box
ing at Dougluston, L. I.
There is hardly a chance that the
title will come within the grasp of the
Harlem boy, but Leonard 's backers say
he will repeat bis performance of their
last meeting and so decisively defeat
the champion that the fans will demand
a 20-round decision bout. .
Ed Walsh a Hero.
Chicago, July 28. ha Walsh, White
Sox veteran pitcher, was a hero to
day. The big moose rescued two girls
from drowning last night. Walsh swam
ashore with one of them and then went
after the other, She pulled him under.
He finally got her to shore. In the ex
citement Walsh forgot to ask the girls
their names.
Salem, Oregon
The following price for fruits
and vegetables are those naked !y
the wholesaler of the retailor, at.'d
rot what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
producer. Correctlcas are mado
this midden advance is permanent. Jt
litis stiffened the Portia ml market.
In the live slock market, pork is
KtroiiL' n nil the tiurttnlion today for
dressed is 0,'j to II t.'iits.
Wheat in Chicago wnj in control of
the bulls yesterday on account of on
I'&xomble crop reports and advanced
4 cents on that mnrKct As yet thin
him no effect on the western quota
tions, awaiting reports as to whether
Wheat 8us:ie
Oats IIGp
I Rolled barley 35.00 '
'Corn $;m.oo
I Cracked corn $40.00
, Bran 127.00
I Shorts, per ton .'11.00
! Alfalfa, California, ton $20.00
Butterfat 0c
Creamer? butter, per pound .... 29c
Country butter 20c22c
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, enxe count, cash 22c
Eggs, trade 24c
Hens, pound 13c
Roosters, old, per pound 8c
Broilers, under 2 pounds 14c(uj15c
Pork, Teal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed 0(3)10 l-2c
1'ork. dressed ..'. lO&Jjllc
Pork, on foot 8(o'8 3 4c
Spring lambs, 11)18 7(i7 l-2c
steers 60 l-2c
Cowi 45c
Bulls 3Hi3 l-2c
Ewes .rr. - 4 l-2c
Wsther y. 6c
Tomatoes, California 00c
Cubbage 40c
Cucumbers 4075c
String garlie - 1S
Potatoes, new 1 l-2(il 3-4c
Beets 40o
Our Clearance Sale
It's both yours and ours. The whole idea in this sale is to do
something for both of us. You get the finest Clothes made-Hart,
Schaffner & Marx, at less than regular prices; we clear our stocks.
If you want to see how this figures out study the values and
prices below. You know us well, so you have confidence in what
we say.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
$30 Suits now ..... $23.85
$25 Suits now -$19.85
$20Suits now . -. - -$15.85
Bishop All Wool Clothes
$25 Suits now -1 -$195
$20 Suits now .$15.85
$15 Suits .now ......
Straw and Panama Hats
Reduced 1-2 in Price
$5.00Hatsjnow,. $2.50
$3,00 Hats now $1.50
$2.WHats now $jfjO
Men's Rubber Sole Shoes
In tan and black Oxfords
$4.50 Values now . . . .$3,15
We have splendid values all over the store; stop here and see
what a few dollars will do.
Radishes , 40
Green onions 40t
(Ircen peppers 10c
Carrots, dozen 40c
Omons, California $2..r0
Beans, greeu and waxed 6c
Onions, Walla Walls $2.50
Watermelons $2.00
Peaches ; 50(375c
Oranges, Valencies . . $4.00
J.emons, per box $0.00(ff6.00
Cantaloupes $3.003.50
Bananas, pound 6
California grape fruit $2.50
r'lorula grupe fruit $0.00
Pineapple 8c
Honev 3 K0
California plums $1.50
Apricots $1.15
BetaU prlcM.
Egss, per down, fresh ranek....25(iM0c
Sugar, eana $8.76
Sugar, beet $8.55
Creamery butter ,, 35c
Hour, haril wheat f l.0(ii'1.63
flour, valley $1.15fi'1.25
Portland, Ore.. July 28. Wheat:
Club, 93c.
Bluest cm, $1.04.
Fortyfold, 4e.
Red Russian. 93c.
Oats: .No. 1 whita feed, $27.00. .
Barley; Feed, $27.50.
Hogs," best live, $9.05.
Pri ine st eers, $7.90.
Fancy cows, $6.75.
Calves,; $7.50.
Spring , lambs, $8.25.
Butter?' City creamery, 2Sto.
Country butter. 27c.
Eggs: -Selected local ex., 27(3 2Se.
Hens, 15c.
Broilers, lfl(!M7c.
Geese, -lOtfi lie.
Copper! 28 l-2c.
Increase Facilities
: for Hauling Supplies
; By Webb Miller, . .
(United .Press Staff Correspondent.)
Columbus, N. M.. July 28. Facilities
for hauling supplies to the American
expeditiojt in Mexico still were being
increased- today. Fifty truck drivers
from Chicago and trainload of Dew
motor truck were unloaded tthe base
camp here during the night.
Captain of ten motor trains are be-
San Francisco, July 28. Kd 'Maier,
owner of the Vernon baseball club, to
day declured he will resist the effort
of the Chicago White Sox to take
"Swede" Riseberg, star of the team, at
this time. He refuses to let the in
fielder go before the close of the Coast
Howard to Take Charge.
Oakland, Cal., July 28. Del Howard,
who recently bought an interest in the
Oakland club, will arrive this afternoon
and will take charge of the team tomor
row. "Rowdy" Elliott, former man
ager, will probably depart for Chicago
tomorrow to join tho Cubs.
Will Boot for Welsh.
Chicago, July 28. Charlie White
will be a ringside rooter for Freddie
Welsh when the champion meets Benny
Leonard of New York in a 10-roiind
bout nt Brooklyn, N.Y., tonight. The
Chicago lightweight w'ob due to hit New
York some time today. Fearful of a
championship upset, White wants to get
a glimpse of bothjncu in action. The
Chicngoun has bouts scheduled with
both men.
Watching the Scoreboard
Pacific Coast League Standings.
I.os Angeles 50
Vernon 02
San Francisco 58
Salt Lake 50
Portland 46
Oakland 43
.52 1
Yesterday's Results.
At Portland, no game with San Fran
cist'o, rnin.
At Oakland, 1; Vernon, 0.
At Los Angeles, 2; Salt Lake, 5.'
(Continued From Pag On.)
and Milwaukee were the hottest places
in the United States.
Hottest In Its History.
Chicneo, July 28. The death toll in
the middle western states for the last
24 hours as a result of the most terrific
heat wave in its histoTy mounted to 90
at loon today and indications were
that it may g9 much higher before the
day was over.
Twenty-nine lives were snuffed out
here between midnight and 8 oclock this
morning, bringing Chicago' number of
dead since noon yesterday to 47. At
noon the official mercury here stood
at 66.
Other eities reporting fatalities as a
result of the heat wave were: Minne
apolis, 1; Gary, Ind., 4; Pekio. III., 2;
St. Louis, Mo., 2; Rock Island, 111., 1;
and Phoenix, Ariz., 1.
ing withdrawn for duty in the quarter
master's corps. They are being re
placed by lieutenants from the Massa
chusetts and the New Mexico militia
Many motor trucks have been trans
ferred from the transportation service
to the road repairing gangs. '
Following heavy rain in this region
the temperature dropped; lower, last
night than any time since March.
Militiamen sleeping on the ground
scurried for - extra blankets. - Dust
storm accompanied the cold winds.
Closing Out
Our Trunks
Woolen Mills
Special Values
Men's Shoes
Soft -yet Starched
Wafer Thin COLLAR
I5c each for 90c
Notice is hereby given that a meet
ing of the policyholder of The Pru
dential Insuranee Company of America
will be held at the Home Office of said
Company iu the City of Newark; New
Jersey, on Monday.'tbe fourth day of
December, 1910, at twelve o'clock noon,
for the purpose of selecting fifteen per
sons to be voted for by the policyhold
ers' Trustee as members of the Board
of Directors nt the annual election of
Director of the Company to be held on
the eighth day of January, 1917.
At such meeting every policyholder
of th c.n or)tion who is oi the age of
twenty-one years or upwards and
whoa policy has been in force for at
least one year last past shall be en
titled to cast one vote in person or by
Demand Is Strong and Prices
for Valley Are From 30
to 32 Cents
The wool market , shows -a healthy
condition; and there oppears to be no
ground .or statements made in certain
newspapers that there is a combination
among buyers to keor prices down.
Valley wool is to a great extent being
held by the growers, most of whom
want 35 cents ajpound, and this is so
much more than the . buyers are will
ing to pay for it that it is difficult
to tell wiien any wi'.l be sold.
Wm. Brown, Salem wool merchant,
stated iu an interview with a Capital
Journal representative this morning
that valley wools started off. rather
high this ye,ar, comparing prices here
nt the buying with the real selling
values in Boston. Growers and farm
ers generally looked for a repetition
of the mohair business. This failed to
materialize, and at present values are
about on a pnrtiy with the eastern mar
ket. Locally,, prices are quoted 30
cents for coarse and 32 cents for me
dium. Vallcv wools hnve been very
disappointing in condition, no doubt
caused by our hord winter. However,
that has nothing to do with the care
lessness of putting up the wool. Most
of the coarse wool comes iu with
dung tags weighing a pound or more
to the fleece. This is deplorable and
causes dealers a heavy loss, as all tags
must be removed before baling or the
wool will be rejected in Bosto or a
heavy reduction made. Also a great
deal of the coarse wool comes in wet
and often is packed, in this condition,
causing heat and rot. These things
work eventually agaiur.t the farmer in
price. Every farmer should carefully
handle and look over every fleece be
fore sacking. In this way only can we
get to an honest standard.
Referring to the report of a buyers'
combination, Mr. Brown said "It is
our aim to give the tr:ie side of every
thing. It never pays to deceive eith
er the seller or th buyer. There is no
such combination so far as I know."
State University Well
Represented On Border
(Linn W. Nesmith, in the Eugene
Palm City. Cal., July 23. (Spe
cial to the Register.) The University
of Oregon is well represented here and
is pluying its purt iu the upbuilding of
the Third Oregon infantry. Taking in
to consideration the fact that the uni
versity men had no training there, it
is my opinion that the school is remurk
ably well represented, especially so in
M company.
Millar E. McGilckrist, company clerk
in M company, and a member of the
Sigma Chi fraternity, heads the list
as being the youngest university man,
and the last to graduate. He is the
most popular and well liked private in
M company.
Ralph Moores Is Private.
Ralph D. Moore, nephew of the
Honorable Charles B. Moores, repub
lican candidate for the nomination for
secretary of state nt the recent pri
mary, is a member of the Kappa Sigma
fraternity anil a private in M company.
Young Moores is a good soldier and
a splendid character in every way.
Corporal Carl D. Gnbrielsen is a
member of the Beta Theta Phi frater
nity and one of the most efficient cor
poruls iu M company. Corporal Clif
ford W. Brown is a Sigma Nu, and a
son of the Snlem cnpitulist, William
E. Brown. Corporal Brown is also
mess sergeant, which is the best evi
dence of his efficiency.
"Scoop" Houston In Company M.
Corporal Houston is an Oregon man
and a newspaper mnn in private life.
He also is a member of M company.
Corporal George Gabriel, of A com
pany, is a member of the Phi Delta
Theta frnteruitv. Lieutenant Biles, of
F compauy, is also a member of Phi
Delta Theta.
Kent Wilson, a member of the hos
pital corps, is a Alpha Tau Omega, and
Corporal Richard B. Flynn, of G com
pany, is a Phi Delta Theta.
If there are any more fraternities
in Eugene that are not represented in
this regiment they have been organized
since I left good old Oregon.
Men Make Pine Showing.
The university is to be congratu
lated upon this showing and also on
the splendid charaoterof these men.
They are a credit to the institution.
If we return to Oregon before the
university opens there re two pros
pective university men in M company.
They are Frank J. Miller, Jr., son of
the Honorable Frank J. Miller, public
service rouiinisisoner, and Allen Car
son, son of ex-State Senator John H.
Carson. " ......
: NEW today
Rate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word. le
One week (6 insertions),- per word....5e
One mouth(26 insertions) por word 17o
Minimum charge, 15c.
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
HARRY Window washer. Phone 768.
RUBBER Stamps made 165 S. Coral
GIRL Of 19 wishes work.Pbone. 248
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
- nal office. .' X tf
491 N. Cottage. .
Journal office. ,-
WANTED Teams to haul wbii fir
wood near Eola.,' tf
FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. , tf
FOR SALE Large young team. Mrs.
E. Thomas, Marion, Oregon. auglT
WANTED Lady solicitors to work in
Salem. Apply at 770 So. Commercial
St. . ...... tf
$5, worth more. Dr. , May, Hubbard
bldg. july3l
FOR SALE A modern 5 room bunga
low, price $1325. Adrtress W. L. care
Journal. july28
WANTE&KWood cutter near Inde
pendence. 1105 Leslie St., Salem.
Phone 692. . , tf
FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates reasonable,
close ia, 160 Court, tf
FOR SALE Registered shorthorn bull
2 vears old, miiK strain. Phone D. K.
Hart, Salem Hotel. julj-28
FOR Good meals and comfortable
rooms at reasonable rates, phone
1013. july2!
WANTED Position as housekeeper
bv lady with 4 yr.. old child. Phone
612-M. july29
WANTED Steam- wood saw, give
price. H. D. Indnn, Box IjO, R. P.
D. No. 2. Salem. july.'ll
ADS nnder this heading 1c a word.
Read for profit; use for results.
FOR RENT Large front room, suit
able for millinery or art shop. Ladies
Outfitting Shop." 165 N. Liberty. j2
WANTED Some clover and vetch
hay in exchange for cow and horses
or will pay cash. Phone 8412. july'JD
WAXTED Boys for delivering and
selling papers, must be 15 years of
age. Call, sec circulation manager
before 2 p. m.
LOST Black seal bag on road be
tween Salem and Albany. Namo
Evans. Return to Painless Parker,
Salem. Reward. july29
FOR SALE 3H half truck Stndaba
er 'wagon. Will trade for heavier
wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 2786
Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf
I'ARM FOR SALE By owner; cheap,
acres on Lake Labish, 4
miles north of Salem. Will sell all
or in tracts. Phone 634-J. tf
FOR SALE Or rent at a bargain, if
taken at once, four room .cottage at
460 North 23rd St. K. M. Hoflnell,
State land office. july2t
FOR SALT; Single express and double
driving harness; . five acrcB first
class loganberry land. 211 Soutli
High street. - ' july29
FOR RENT New house of 8 rooms,
with all moderti improvements. Also
one furnished honse of 7 rooms. Ap
ply 325 North 14th street, or phone
2214. julySt
CHIMNEY. SWEEP Window clean
ing, floor waxing, 20 years experi
ence in all those professions. Best
electric vacuum cleaner in Salem for
rent 50c. da v. I 'm a citizen here.
Phone 1041. , , jnly28
.. 337 Court St. From $2 to $6 paid for
2d hand mens suits. We buy, trad
and sell jewelry, musical instrument
, tools and guns.. augll
Will Notify Hughes
Sometime Monday
Washington. July S. Adminsitra
tion leaders have their political eyes
and ears turned toward next .Monday.
On that day Charles Evans Hughes will
receive official notification of his
nomination for president and will reply
with an address marking the opening
of hia campaign.
. Those close to the president say they'
are "not worried." about what the j
former justice my say. Nevertheless
they are certainly "keenly interested.";
They believe the speech will be divided
into three main features: A criticism
of the president' Mexican policy and
foreign policy. t
"General charges that the demo
cratic party is unable to cope with the
business upheavals Round to come alter
the war.
"Appeal for the restoration of the
republican party to power to 'bring a
return of respect abroad and business
like administration at home."
The president has, not waited for
Hughes' speech to prepare his own ad
dies of acceptance. He has been
working on it for some time. One of
hi intimate friends expressed the be-
ly reduced price. Ctoing to Montana.
A 1 condition, looks like new. $650
- it taken at. once. Call 7F22, or see J.
" B. Knight . at Maxwell garage. j!31
HAVING LEASED The property and
bought the business' of the ladies
outfitting parlors at 165 N. Liberty
street, will move ' my hemstitching
parlors from the Hubbard bldg. to
the above named"' location. Phone
1032. E, A, Adsitt, . - augS
lief today that the first draft was com
pleted subject to change . should the
republican candidate spring any sur
prises. Senator James, who will notify th
president of his reuominatlon, is, how
ever, waiting on Hughes', speech Mon
day before outlining what -he will say
at the notification, meeting in j.Vw