Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 28, 1916, Image 1

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Weather Bureau Predicts 100 Degrees for Seaboard, and
Abnormally Hot Weather Due On Pacific Coast-Last
Night 26 Deaths in Chicago Were Due to Heat, and In
24 Hours Total Was 44 Little Hope Held Out of
Lower Temperature . .' ,
Washington, July 28. The weather bureau today held
out a little hope to the middle west that the terrific heat
of the past few days might soon come to an end but any
hope for that section is at the expense of the Atlantic
seaboard. (
There is 100 degree weather in sight along the coast,
it is declared. And this will mean greater suffering than
has been felt in the middle west, where, for the most part
the humidity has been low.
A series of thunderstorms presaged by the increasing
heaviness of the atmosphere in the Mississippi Valley may
break the tropic spell it is believed. If it does not, the
weather that has been ruining crops in the country and
smothering babies in the cities is likely to continue. The
Northwest shows no atmospheric conditions that would
aid to bring about the prayed for change this side of the
Rockies. At the weather bureau the blame is placed on
"Bermuda high." That is a way of saying the area of
high pressure air over Bermuda and the surrounding
Atlantic is largely responsible for keeping the weather
elsewhere. This area of high pressure air has prevented
the hot currents from the mainland from moving out
to sea. - -
Even the Pacific Coast is not to be exempt, it was said
today, and may expect an abnormally warm spell in the
course of a few days.
Chicago, July 28. Twenty six per-
Rons died here during the nieht ns a re-1
suit of the terrific heat wave which!
1.- J 1 i L.
iihu wen sweeping pruine suites me
lust two weeics, reports to the coro
ner's office stated today. This brings
tiie to'ai number of dead in Chicago
us a result of the heat up to 44 within
the last 24 hours.
The total number of victims wile
swelled to 47 with reports from Min
neapolis, Rock Island and Phoenix,
Ariz., of one victim at each place.
At the weather bureau the predic
tion for the middle west was "fair
and continued his temperature."
Storekeepers are nlanning to close
their stores an hour earlier. So in
tense was the heat today that contrac
tors would not let laborers work for
fear of heat prostrations.
The health department, issued bulle
tins warning mothers to watch the
milk served their babies. Milk deal
ers were warned they would lose their
milk license if their milk wasn't pas
teurized. Thousands of tons of ice
were given away, in the poor districts
here in an effort to bring relief.
At Kl Paso, Texas, ond Brownsville,
the thermometer resist red SS, and San
Antonio showed only 8(1 while at Free
port, 111., the mercury climbed to 101
in the shade, beating hent records for
the Inst 25 years. At -ew Orleans the
temperature was 90.
The lowest temperatures for Kie day
-wore recorded at Bjston and San Fran
cisco their thermometers registering
I.asi night was Chicago's hottest in
.its history, the weather bureau stateit.
. At 1 a. m. the mercury registered J
degrees.- A1". 7 o'cl' weather bu-
renu stated that Chicago, St. Louis
(Ooatinued oa Pan Sit.
Constable Plum' brother died at th'
age o' ninety-eight yisterdny. If he'd
lived three months longer he'd o' bad
enough coupons t' git a suit ease. Some
. fellers er like automobiles th' cheaper
they er th ' more noise they make.
, . '
Chicngo, July 28. While the
middle west sweltered under a
blazing sun todny, residents at
Winnemucca, Nev., shivered in a
temperature' of 36. "The cooU
est spot in the country," aid
the wenther bureaut.
Gerrhan Officer Predicts War;
Will Last Long Germany
Holds Fast All She Gained
By Carl W. Ackerman.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
With the German Army Before Ver
dun, July 27. (Via Berlin, Amster
dam anu London.) Germany's mastery
here at Verdun ro'obed the French of
their greatest chance to co-operate in
the allied drive. If French positions
had not been under attack by the Ger
man forces, troops under the tri-colors
could have had hammered there simul
taneously with the British thrust. But
Germany now dominates the city.
German officers say the main thing
now is not whether Germany is to take
Verdun jut that the Teutonic forces
remain as masters of the battlefield.
Traveling all along the German front
in this section, talking with officers and
men, I find a different opinion as to
the war's end from that entertained
elsewhere. The belief of all was best
expressed tonight , by the grandson of
Geueral Von Steuben, the Prussian hero
of the revolutionary war, - who said:
"The war will last long."
For 10 miles on each side of the Ver
dun trenches, the face of the earth has
literally been blown off. It is poet
marked with shell craters, in some
places vast holes 30 to 50 feet deep.
Fighting has gone on under ground.
Universal respect is accorded French
bravery by the Germans here. "French
bravery in the underground trenches,"
said one staff officer, "was what pre
vented "uerman troops from capturing
the city.' "i
Today, from the summits of Hills 171
and 310 the progress of artillery at
tacks on the hills of Froid Terre, Thin
mont, L 'Homme Mort, could be plain
ly observed, as well as the details, of
small infantry attacks, tor fourteen
hours the newspaper correspondents
were permitted to walk and ride along
this enormous battlefield. From ob
servations on the journey and from con
versation with the men who are doing
the fighting, I am convinced the Anglo
French offensive has not affected the
German positions here. Preparations
before Verdun were temporarily halt
ed only by order from German head
quarters. At dawn this morning, I motored to
ward the battlefield from Hill 171 and
viewed the famous left bank of the
Mens. Forges immediately below the
hill were (rumbled into ruins. Here
Brakes Would Not Work, Car
Ran Away and Strike
breaker Is Killed
New Tork, July 28. The strike
which has tied up surface cars in the
Bronx and Westchester county, and
which threatens to extend throughout
Manhattan, claimed its first life early,
today. When brakes on a car at 177th
and Boston Road failed to work for
some unknown reason, and the car
and a trailer plunged down hill and
were splintered against a subway pillar,
Motorman B. Horn, a strikebreaker,
instantly killed and two plain
clothes men and another strikebreaker
were seriously injured.
The accident followed minor clashes
in which many cars were put out of
commission and SO or more men re
ceived minor injuries. Several hun
dred police reserves were on duty today
while national officials of tho Amalga
mated Association of Street Knilway
men threatened to tie up surface lines
of Manhnttnn.
William B. Fitzgerald, head organ
izer of the strikers, announced today
that he had received offers of financial
support from Portland, Ore.; Cleveland,
Boston and Chicago.
Boston, Mass., July 28. Cap
tain Frank B. Howarth, com
mander1 o fthc White Ktnr liner
Cretic, which arrived todny
from Mediterranean ports, stat
ed today from information
which lie had received from an
authoritative source, ho under
stood that a merchant subma
rine which preceded the
Deutschland, had been captured
and taken to England and that
the Br men was also at the
same place.
San Francisco, July 28. All eight of
the men indicted this week on Oregon
land frauds charges have been located,
according to the United States marsh
al's office today. S. A. D. Puter and
A is sons have all surrendered and have
been released on bail. Attorney Frank
lin P. Bull surrenderer d yesterday and
gave bonds and W. L. Murrav reached
I New York from Montreal last nioht and
surrendered, furnishing bail.
was dungcrous ground a no man's
land, where no one was permitted to
enter. Towns near-ubout were in ruins.
In the distance Dead Man 'a hill was dis
cernible it's brownish summit flecked
by white puffs of shrapnel shells in the
blue sky. Through field glasses, dusty
furrows ploughed up me slope by
French artillery shells could be plainly
seen, the shells exploding after churn
ing the ground in irergular rows.
From Hill 171 we motored in a round
about way behind the lines to Hill 310
which the French bombarded yesterday.
Fresh shell craters scarred the daisy
and poppy field. Below a spider web
of trendies led to Fort Souville. Near
by was another hill bombarded into a
brownish mass of soil. Through glasses
the German lines near Forid, Terre and
Thiumout were dimly discernible, mark
ed more plainly by the line of exploding
shrapnel in the sky than oil the earth.
Later we visited the Argonne forest.
If the earth had been robbed of nil
living things for 10 miles on either aide
of the trenches behind the lines, the ac
tivitymakes up for it. Soldiers go to
and from the trenches in automobile
transports. Bodies of recruits maneuver
on hill sides being schooled in band
grenade and other attacks from old line
trenches, captured long ago. Little
Serbian ponies, burdened under machine
guns scurry back and forth. French
women and childrenworking in the
fields or playing in the streets are ev
erywhere seen. Here and there soldiers
are burying ammunition of building
store houses. Enormous supplies of
grain and foodstuffs are being stacked
in temporary shelters.
It may be said that the Verdun op
erations have goue through two stages
first everything above the ground in
front of the trenches was swept away,
second, German advances carried the
strongest points held by the French.
Portland, Ore., July 28. Pythian sis
ters from all parts of Oregon conven
ed here today in their annual state gath
ering at the Pythian Temple. This
I conclave is preliminary to the Supreme
i.odgn rytman meeting Here next week,
when aelegates will come from all see
'Hons of the United States.
English Advance Toward Lon-
gueville Meets Strong
Expected Kaiser Will Make
yespsrate Attempt to Re
gain Ground
By Ed. L. Keen.
(.United Press ;tni'f Correspondent.)
London, July 8. The same desuernte
hand to hand fighting by which the
British wrested 5'oziercs from the Teu
tons was proceeding today in tho out
skirts of Longuojial and beyond the Del
ville woods northeast of that town, as
well as in the FJirueoux woods.
Gen. Haig reported that in one of
these clashes aft Delville woods his
troops had been successful. The Ber
lin stutement insisted the fighting was
still in progress' there and that the
British attempts had broken down. Be
forethe German positions.
liaig claimed "further proeress"
around Longueval and Pozieres.
The British report had it that strong
German counter attacks, presumably di-
recieu at trenencs newly won ny Kitch
ener's men around these positions had
been beaten off with heavy loss to the
Elsewhere he reported artillery com
bat while the Berlin statement con
formed with the additional information
that north of the Somnie it increased
to "the highest .strength." Both Lon
don and Berlin statements nereed on a
German patrol engaging the British
lilies in the Neuve Chapelle district;
the British admitted German temporary
occupancy ot tirst line trenches at two.
points but asserted they were ejected
by counter attacks. Berlin made no
claim of German troops occupying any
ground, out spoKC of booty m mens and
in guns and concluded wit hthe declar
ation that the allies could not boast of
any progress.
South of the Soinme official state
ments from both sides indicate heavy
artillery. duels. The French statement
revealed first success of the Russian
troops sent to fight on the Flanders
battle front in a reconnoitering expedi
tion at Aubervive. Berlin and Paris
reports agreed on fighting around Thin
mont, both claiming repulse of attack.
Petrograd merely reported successful
advance of Russian troops both in the
sector around Brody and in tho Caucas
us. The Berlin version admitted con
siderable ground gained by the czar's
torces in tne northeast or Svmiuchy,
but stated counted attacks wero pro
gressing. Fighting is Fierce.
London, July 28. Until today Bri
tish troops fighting to push through in
the Pozieres sector, have been thrust
ing up hill. Today they have the ad
vantage of attacking an enemy unaid
ed by natural cover and now ousted
from the permanent steel and eoncreto
constructed trenches, perfected in tho
long months of the deadlock in the
line. i.
Foremost among the disadvantages of
General Haig's position was the fact
that the kaiser is making superhuman
efforts to stem any further breuk in his
lines. Reserves have been stripped from
nil along the remainder of the German
front to be massed neninst tho British
or used in desperate attacks. Special
dispatches from Verdun sny the German
attack there has waned into a mere ordi
nary assault instead of the holocaust
of flame from artillery with which the
French fortress has been deluged during
the lust six months with practically no
concerted infantry attacks.
Experts here agree that the kaiser
will make desperate attempts in con
certed counter attacks to win back th
ground wrung inch by inch almost
from his soldiers by the British. An
advance very much farther along the
frond from Pozieres'to Bapaume by the
British troops would menace the Ger
man forces further south
Beat the Brandenborgera.
London, July 28. British troopshave
driven the German Braidenburgers out
of Delville wood, according to General
Haig's report -to the war office to
day. The British communique said: "The
Fifth Braudeuburgers were the Teutonic
troops thus ejected from the little area
northwest of Longueval-which has been
the scene of hand to hand fighting fsi
the past week.
"One hundred and sixty-three prison
ers were captured in Delville wood, the
whole of winch is now ours," General
Haid reported. "Two German counter
attacks were beaten off with heavy
loss to the enemy."
"Further progress at Longueval,"
was announced by the British command
er in chief, who also related gains near
Pozieres. '" Near Neuve Chapelle," he
(Continued oa Page Five.)
Fell Heavily to Sidewalk
While Talking to Nieces '
at Electric Depot j
E. P. McCornack, owner of the Me
Coruack building in Salem, prominent
in business and lodge circles of the
city, dropped dead this morning at the
Oregon Electric at 7:15 o'clock, from
heart failure. He had accompanied his
two nieces from his home on Court
street to the dopot, carrying their suit
cases and had been waiting but a few
minutes when he fell, striking his head
heavily on the walk. Dr. W. H. Byrd
was at once summoned but Mr. Alct'or
nack was deM before he arrived.
For tho past year Mr. McCornack had
been complaining of a heavy feeling in
the chest and his sudden death this
morning was due to hardening of the
arteries and heurt failure.
In the death of Mr. McCornack, Sa
lem has lost one of its most public
spirited citizens. During his long resi-,
deuce in the city, he hud been active
and interested in civic affairs and 89 a
member of the Sulem hospitul board,
always took an active part in its man
agement. He was a thirty-second Ma
son, member of the Al Kader Shrine, of
Portland, and in Salem Masonic circles
was n member of De Molay Command
ery, No. 5, Multnomah Chapter, No. 1,
and of Salem Lodge, No. 4.
Besides his Masonic affiliations, he
was a member of Chcmeketn Lodge, No.
1, I. O. O. F., of Salem, Ore.; Lodge,
No. 33(1, B. P. O. Klks; an honorary
member of tho Cherriaus and of the Su
lem Commercial club.
He is survived by four sisters und
four brothers: Mrs. E. P. Genry, f
Portland, who arrived this afternoon;
Mrs. C. M. Collier, Mrs. J. O. Stevenson
mid Miss Mary E. McCornack, all of
Eugene; Dr. H. F. McCornack, of Eu
gene; J. K. McCornack, of Spokane;
t H. McCornack, of Klamath Falls,
and W. A. McCornack, of Oakland.
The funeral arrangements have not as
yet been made, but it is probable they
will be held next Monday. .
Mr. McCoruack was born 05 years
ago in Kane? county, Illinois, and came
to Oregon with his father; passing his
boyhood days on his fathers farm near
Eugene. In 1808 he entered the pre
paratory course In the Albany collegiate
institute where he remuinod two years.
He entered Pacific university in 1871
and was graduated in 1875.
After his graduation, he taught in the
public schools one year at The Dulles,
and Inter began the study of law with
the Hon. I.. L. McArthur. A year or
so later he went into the field as deputy
United States surveyor and when in
this work wash elected clerk of the state
board of commissioners for the sale of
school lands in 1878. It was while in
his work as surveyor that ho become
acquainted with former Governor
The position as clerk of the land
board was held from 1878 until 1887.
While clerk of the board he become
interested in the timber interests of the
state and the general development of
agricultural interests. In recent years
he had given part ot his time to the
development of irrigated tracts near
Klamath Falls.
In 1891 he was elected president of
the First Nntiounl bank, located at the
corner of Commercial and Chemeketa
streets and remained president until
the bank wns liquidated in 1000. Besides
his timber and land interests, tie was a
stockholder1 in the First National bank
of Klamath Falls and had many other
interests in the state. His wealth was
estimated at between 100,000 and
'41500,000, the greater part of it being
I made in large lumber transactions,
j On October 20, 18D8, he was married
.to Miss Edna Moody, daughter of form
er Governor Moody. Since her death,
October 12, 1005, ho has lived at the
Moody home on Court street.
His nieces. Miss Agues McCornnclc, of
Klamath Falls, and Miss Agnes Steven
son, of Eugene, have been visiting at
the Moody home for a short time and it
was while accompanying them to the
morning Oregon Electric train, that he
was stricken.
. ...
R. II. E.
Cincinnati 2 7 3
New York 3 7 3
Mitchell, Schultz and Clarke; Benton
and Rnriden.
R. H. E.
St. Loui 5 10 1
Brooklyn 9 13 1
Steele, Jasper and Snyder; Coombs,
Bell, Marquard and McCarty.
R. II. E.
Chicago 1 0 2
Boston 2 4 4
McConnell, Scuton sad Fisher; Nehf
and Uowdy.
B. H. E.
Pittsburg 2 0 0
Philadelphia 5 10 3
Jacobs, Cooper and Schmidt; Bender
and Hums.
. American.
New York 6 10 2
Notify Railroads Committee
They Will Resume Confer
ence Aug. 1
Are Authorized to Order
Strike If Agreement Can-'
not Be Reached
Cleveland, Ohio, July 2S. The four
railway brotherhoods today notified the
rnilroads committee that they are pre
pared to resume conferences on an eight
hour day at 10 hour pay and time and
a half for overtime, on August 1 in New
York. The brotherhood officials hope
for a satisfactory settlement of the de
niaiids, previously refused by the rail
The brotherhood officials will go in
to the conference backed up with the
power of the referendum vote of 300,
000 railway employes to "act as they
deem best" in case the deadlock can
not be broken by argument.
A stutement from brotherhood qunr
ers said:
"The vote docs not necessarily mean
a strike because the ballot only auth
orizes the chief executives of the four
brotherhoods to call a strike provided
a satisfactory settlement cannot be ob
tained from the railroads.
"The ballots wero sealed in envelopes
by the individual members and no one
knows what the vote is until it is open
ed by the brotherhool committee in
New York August 1. Any announce
ment before that time as to the result
of the vote is ouly a guess."
Ten Thousand Carranza
Troops After Him and His
Capture Is Emminent
Mexico City, Me., July 28. Pancho
Villa is being driven into a trap. Ten
thousand Carranzista troops are driv
ing him and his capture is imminent,
according to officials here. The an
nouncement was made in reply to rum
ors from the Cnited Stntes border that
the bandit chief is moving toward Tor-
"Such a storv is ridiculous." it was
stated todny by a high official. "Villa
cannot move south."
Kuolv to First Chief Carranza 's note
suggesting a joint commission for set'
t lenient of the border difficulties is
expected hourly from the United Stutes.
"Settlement of certain matters." ac
cording tKtlie view of officials, is prob-
! t.. ii..
awl uemyiiis; ji. 111 inu nii-uiim imu,
Mexico City expects the American ex
peditionary force will be withdrawn,
thus avoiding discussion on this point
when the confercsees between the Mex
ican and American commissioners be
Ready for Bandits
Kl I'nsn. Texan. .Tulv 2S. "If there
are any bandits planning raids on the
llig Hend country 1 hope they attnek
now," wns the substance of a message
received hero toiuiy jrom toi. joscpn
nu.tmi finmmo nilei- n the llifr 14eiwl
district, in reply to a query whether
an hdu siiiiit-ient troops, uasiot aim
ed that the .border partol in that dis
trict was made up of the Sixth Uniied
States cavalry, Fourth Texas infantry
a detachment of Texas eavalry; a bat
talion of Tenth Pennsylvania infantry
and a battalion of the Sixteenth Penn
sylvania infantry. For more than a
week reports have indicated Villistas
in the vicinity of Bouqnillas, Mexico,
were planning to raid American towns.
Chicago 3 0 2
Mia w key and Nunamaker; Williams,
Cirotto anil Sclialk.
K. H. E.
Boston 3 8 2
Cleveland 2 9 2
Share and Cady; Gould and ONeill,
B. H. fc.
Philadelphia 11 5
St. Louis 8 8 2
Schtthaa and Picnich; Groom, Koob
and Severoid.
B. H. E.
Washington 0 7 3
Detroit :.. 3 8 0
Avers, Dumout and Henry; Dubuc
and' MeKee. - -
Police Chief Matheson Says
Men He Wanted Are
Under Arrest
Mrs. Smith Identifies Billings
As Man She Saw with
Suit Case
San Francisco, July 26. Chief of Po
lice White, Captain Duncan Matheson
of the police bomb squad, and District
Attornoy Fickert, announced todny that
they believe they have in custody th
men who were responsible for Satur
day 's bomb outrago which cost the Uvea
of nine persons.
No names were mentioned by the of
ficers, and no indication was given as
to which one of. the suspects now held is
believed to be tho leader.
All three men agreed that the ex
plosion was not the result of an anarch
istic plot, saying anarchists had noth
ing to do with it. i
Captain Muthcson indicated later that
while there m'ght be moro arrests, they
would probably be of minor importance
und that all of the men whom the po
lice have bceu most auxious to take into
custody aro now detained. He also hint
ed that he is in possession of import
ant evidence not yet made public.
A. T. Phillips, A. E. Larke and J. C.
Brown, sailurs from Ooat Island, told
Captain Matheson today that they say
a wildly excited man aftor Saturday's
explosion running towards the Ferry
building. He was hatlcss, was mop- '
ping his brow, and appeared - greatly
agitated, they said.. . ?
Writs of habeas corpus for the re
lease of Ed Nolan and Isidor Weiuberg,
two of the suspects under detention,,
may be sworn out today unless soma
formal charge is lodged against them.
Attorney William ft. Haggerty, Nolan's
counsel, told Matheson that he expect
cd to take such action at once. - i (1.
Reisuer, attornoy for Weinberg, served
similar notice on behalf of his client.
Captain Matheson conferred with Dis
trict Attorney Fickert preparatory to
filing charges.
Charles D. Gillespio, of Oakland, to
day found a crudely constructed in-
fernal machine under the porch' of his '
home. Wrapped around a pipe whick '
had been filled with black powder, ' .
connecting with a fuse, was a piece of ,
rough brown paper bearing a note writ
ten in a woman's hand. "For your :
wife's sake, I will warn you,? it read
and' ordered Gillespie to "disappear in '
a hurry. It was signed. Mrs.. 1" . Tha
Oakland police do not take the matter
After Railroad Employes.
Simultaneously District Attorney
Fickert announced that he has evidence
that Saturday's bomb was intended to
explode in tho rnaks of the United
Kailroads employes marching in tho
preparedness parade.
Ho denied that Thomas Mooney, who
was arrested last night, was in Mrs.
Mooney ' Market street studio whea
the explosion occurrod. He claims to
know whoro Mooney was at the time.
He also asserts that Mrs. Mooney was
seen near Stcuart and Market streets
carrying a suit case.
The district attorney declared that .
the explosion some week ago which,
wrecked the smoking car of a Southern
Pacific train at the Oakland Sixtoonth.
street station, was not an accident, but
was tho result of a plot.
Fickert and police officials today con
tinued their "sweatiug" of the sus
pects. The first to be examined waa
Warren Hillings. This man, the polica
believe, has already laid the founda
tion for the revelation of important in
formation. Henry Kalmbach, ono of the police
bomb squad, appeared at headquarter
today with John Farrar, who declares)
be saw lour men in a water ironi suiuvm
just prior to Saturday's explosion.
They were talking excitedly. Farrar
will confrout all the male suspects in,
an effort to ideatif some of them.
(ContlnanJ tm "age TarO
' J .
1IUU illinium .
Oregon: To
...... J Ua.ik
day fair; warmer
east portioa Satur
day; northerly
H0tY DO You UK A