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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1916)
9 ft .. FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES . , CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY . - - to .. . ... . THIRTY-NINTH YEAR -NO. 151 SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS ?TNAD n w 1 nTdrnmnir v v. I; tu rII i bas?ofj ppu es Fifteen Miles Away Monday, Tuesday Take Town-Turks Nearest Base of Supplies Now at Sivas, 130 Miles West -Rains and Mud Hamper Movements in Galicia But Slavs Press On-British Digging In to Hold Gains Causes Lull On Western Front Petrograd, July 27. Heavy rains are impeding the pxogress of the Russian drive into Northern Galicia. The Styr, Stochod and Lipa rivers are swollen over their banks and the sticky marshes hedging the Stochod in particular have been rendered even more impossible. Russian forces are battling against the elements as well as against the Teutons, but notwithstanding are steadily forcing onward. Brody is harrassed on two sides by a Russian battering ram which is gradually crushing the resistance of the Austrians. On the extreme north General. Kurop.tkin's forces are successfully repulsing furious assaults by General Von Hindenburg, inflicting heavy losses on the Teutonic columns. Petrograd is expecting Caucasus under the Grand Duke Nicholas. Rate of! ..progress of this force against the. Turks has been ex- j tremeiy rapid, un luonaav grand duke at a point 15 miles distant from Erzingan. On Tuesday the war office announced capture of the town. Since Erzingan's capture deprives the Turks of any base nearer than Sivas, 10 miles further west, a rapid re- tivPtnenr. npnvlv tn this nmnr rvmv hp evnonrorl tirement nearly to this point Capture of a large quantity of war material by the 'Grand Duke Nicholas in his occupancy of the former Turkish supply depot at Erzingan was announced today. The war office statement did not detail the booty but an nounced the Russian column was in pursuit of the re treating Turks. On other fronts the war office an nounced advances and repulses of attacks. At only one point was a Russian attack stopped and this was where a single company of Russian troops attacking the enemy south of Lake Voltchino, encountered superior forces and was driven back. In the district of Lobuzy the battle was confined to artillery engagements, the statement asserted.' A small ene my attack directed against Urochistch and Bcreznome was repulsed. "Along the river Sloniowki, ' ' the statement continued, "fights are pro ceeding for possessioa of the cross ings. We advanced at some points. Ian battle on Tuesday we took 8,.".7S prisoners, five guns and 22 machine guns. our forces are pursuing the re treating Turks from Erzingan where wo captured a depot of war material." British Are Digging In London, July 27 With the next few days the British advanced lines must withstand Germany's most pow erful counter attacks since the stnrt the aHied offensive. The liewlv won -"sitions out of Pozieres from which the Ten Inns were forced out will be the point of attack. This was the opinion of militnrv ob servers here today. Tl.iy pointed out that the flormans have admittedly transferred large reserve forces o this salient from Verdun. Knowledge of mi ihci mane me nritisli success re ported vesterd.iy bv (ii.i, Ilaig al! ttie more satisfactory, but it likewise enve notice tj military experts hers that the While eiittin' a magazine in a ham- mock yisterday Jfiss Tawney Apple severed an artery in her aone. Iler nudher, who wm irouin' in th' cellar, escaped uninjured. Publishin' cam- pnign contributions after an election is jist like lockin' th blacksmith's shop after a country bank has been robbed, further gains by the army of trie omciai reports Dlaced tne may be expected. Germans, feeling the menace in the British encircling movement, from Po zieres westward and eastward from Hill 14U.80utli of Thiepval, would at tempt its checking with every source of men and guns at their command. In their positions al Pozieres, the British are only a trifle over six miles from Bapaume, the immediate object ive of their drive. At one point at least they have penetrated t-ie third line of the German front. If they can press the intervening six miles to Ha pauine a German retirement along a front of 15 or 20 miles is almost inev itable From Pozieres on ti Bapaume the country is nearly flat, with none of the ridges which ' dot ihe territory just south of Thiepval, except one Knott. Hiiow-i ns Hill lliO. None of the official statements shed nnv liuht. on! whether this position, lying nort.iwest of Pozieres, is traversed by the two strong trenches which Haig reported i (Continued oa ?aga Three.) Oklahomans Bad Medicine; 1000 of Them Held in Camp Because One By William O. Shepherd. (Tinted Press staff correspondent.) San Benito, Texas, July 27. Colonel B. L. Bullurd, of the Twenty-sixth Tnited States infantry, grizzled and grim, sat with his feet on the side board of his tent in the center of a 50 mile square stretch of territory which he commands, and while orderlies came and went he kept his eyes on the camp of the First Oklahoma militia, across tne road. Colonel BuUard's teat has not always been across the road from the Okla homans. It used to be eomewhere else. But Billiard had it moved for the single purpose of keeping his eye on the Ok lahomans. Watching Mexicans in the San Benito district, which is the mus siest and the rainiest district on the border, with his seasoned troops of reg ulars, has been Colonel BuUard's job I for nearly three years, but watching Oklahomans will occupy his attention lor the next two or three weeks. . ken's attempt to keep his measles a sc I He has imprisoned a thousand Ok-'cret lahomans in their pasture camp and his job is to aee that they stay imprisoned. Colonel Bullard'a trouble began brew- ing without the colonel knowing it, nearly thousand miles away from here in Oklahoma City about a week ago, when Lawrence Attken, a street car conductor, 23 year old, and married T American Note Sent Today Will Be Made Public Next Monday By Robert J. Bender. (United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, July 27. The American note on the British blacklist was for warded to London last night, Counsellor Polk announced today. At the same time it was made known at the White House that President Wil Bon was devoting the. day to work on other state department matters. The note sent to England will be giv en out -for publication Monday morn ing. The protest is divided into two parts. In the first place this government will insist on specific guarantees as to the effect of the blacklist of American firms. In the second, the whole ques tion of the principle of such a boycott will be entered into, tho United States resisting Englind's contention of her tight to establish it. The specific guarantee is wanted im mediately. The mutter o" the principle at siake will bo tli:cshd out in the time it t-ikos for locrsstiiy cMpiomutic exchanges. The guarantees demanded are: That blacklisted firms be allowed to J!Iacta tt"d 'ollect That there be no extension of the Stated 7.". J' , tries or the united stated. That tho blacklisted firms be not pre vailed 1 rum dealing with neutral countries, particularly South Amer ica. Mov-lp Vprv ftiiipf LlUOlftCl fCIJ UUICl Prices Somewhat Lower New York, Julv 27. Tho New York Evening Sun's finnneiul review today said: Operations in today's stock market were light in all part's of the list with the general tendency of prices in tho di rection of lower levels. The moro im portant interests took ao part in the speculation while there was no indica tion of outsido participation, except to I a slight extent in some of the high class . .... . . r issues in which investment buying was reported. At times in the afternoon trading came almost to a standstill, even active efforts by professionals against the poorest variety of stocks failing to ex cite any interest in the market. And efforts to bring about stock rise in the rails failed to create anything more thau passing attention, although they carried prices lower. The small offerings of these issues were quickly absorbed by representa tives of big houses, especially in the case of Reading and Union Pacific. Steel common in the lute trading got back to its closing of Wednesday. HAS A TWO-FOOT JOB El Tnso, Texas. July 27. As feet in spector of the militia and regulars along the Mexican border, Mnjor William W. Keno, of the armv medical coris. lirnli. ably will hang up a new record for see- inv 'em. Hi. work ; ,,;, i.,..i important one by armv officers. Keno wil lexamino some 200,000 feet it was estimated today, as there are about 100,000 I'nited Stnaes militia and iius uiung me nuraer, Has Measles only to Tilde Sam with the militia cere mony, got on a train and came to Tex as with his stute's troops. He lind a fever then aud when he took the ty phoid fever serum he got some more fever, but he (lid not complain. As I.ieutennut K. Whitney, of Wewo. ka, Okla., told me when 1 motored In hot mud out along the Hio Grande to witness Colonel BuUard's woes, the "whole trouble was that Private Alt ken was too good a soldier to com plain." There are various kinds of "walk ing" diseases, notably "walking ty phoid" in which the patient walks about his fellows In spite of illness. It now develops that Private Attken, be cause of his fortitiude, was suffering from "walking measles." There is a very general fear that there are measles on the guns, measles on the tents, measles on the eround. ami (even measles on the flag in the First 'Oklahoma camp, owinir to Privit. Att Truth is out. Attken lies in a huee tent, cared for by a nurse and three j surgeons. The whole regiment is ouar- jautiued and confined to camp i "Attken should have told " said-a bunch of Oklahoma militiamen across 'the "dead lime " to a United Press J reporter, ' II SPOKANE WILL BE ENDEDJTONIGHT George T. Lennon of Spokane First, A. M. Anderson Mukileto Second OF FIRST 2 WINNINGS WASHINGTON MEN GET 48 Tomlinson of Baker City Only Oregonian California 1, Montana 2 Spokane, Wash., July 27. While a great crowd blocked the uisles of the American theatre and packed tho street outside, 1,500 men and women were ap portioned sections of the Colville In dian reservation lauds today. Winners will get the acreage at n low price, iu lots of from 40 to 320 acre each. Karly in the morning the throngs be- - r gun assembling. When the theatre was tilled scores stood around the doors and in the street until the thoroughfare was choked and traffic turned nside. The fire chief took charge, assisted by a detail of policemen. On the stage were four metal ctnis, each the size of a barrel. Each was full to the brim with names written on cards. At 10 a. m. the contents of each bar rel was dumped upon the floor und the cards thoroughly shuffled with n shovel. Then four little girls began picking out cards at random. As the names of the applicants were handed to Mayor Fleming, who presid - ed, he read them aloud. Excitement was mteuse when, pie tirst names w;cre drawn "George T. Lennon, Spokane," rend Fleming, as the first card was handed to him. 1 .einum's friends cheered. Fifty names were read in the first half hour. The work will continue until nil the land is apportioned. A. M. Ander- I ".n- of Mcckillio. Wns1'- cond i witiiini. COL. BUTLER'S WIFE . 10 RECEIVE PENSION Officer Making Investigation Reports He Had Right To ' Be with Mrs. Spannell San Antonio, Texns, July 27. The widow of l.ieut. Col. M. (', Butler slain by Harry Spannell, hatel proprietor, in Alpine last week, will receive a IKMisiim. The official report of Col. J. A. Gaston, commander in that dis trict, clears Butler's name and assigns unreasonable ienlousy as SpniiucH's motive in shooting his wife and But ler. According to the urmy code, the fact that Butler .had a "moral right " to be with .Mrs. Spannell shows he died "in the line of duty," willed must be proven if a soldier's widow is entitled to a pension. According to Gaston's report, Span nell had an argument with Butler n bout .Mrs. Spannell prior to the shoot ing, after which Butler avoided Mrs. Spun noli as much ns possible. Knrlicr in the day of the shooting, Butler and Spannell, with their wives, culled on a mutual friend who was ill. Tpon re turning to the Holland hotel, of which .S ji n iiell is prjprietor, the two wom en went o Butler 'a rooms. Mrs. Butler left tne room for a moment and Span nell, entering, upbraided his wife tor being nlouo in Butler's room Mrs. Butler returned, ending the argument. This was suid by Gustun to have been the immediate cause of the shooting. Soon after Siiniiell took his wife ami Butler for ail automobile ride and shot them both. He gave himself up and is now in the county jail nt Kl Pnso. MILITIA OET BETTER PAY Washington, July 27. The action of the senate iu providing foreign service pay fur the regulars mid militiamen will add just 4S.!,(t44 to the monthly cost of keeping the present troos on the border if the house ncecpts the sen ate action. The estimate of the total monthly cost of maintaining the bor der army has been 4110,000,000, Aid for Families. Washington, July 27. Aid for de pendent families of national guardsmen and regulars on the Mexican border not to exceed t'lO a month was ordered by the senate this afternoon as an amended bill. Teacher Jimmy, what did Coperni cus do for modern science! Jimmy He discovered de solar flex LAND DRAWING AI IS POLITICAL CAPITAL Hughes Consults New Mex ican Senator Over Condi tions On Border New York, July 27. Charles E. Hughes journeyed to hot and sultry Now York from cool Bridgehampton today to consult with Senator R. It. Fall of New Mexico, who has recently returned from the Mexican border where he has been investigating con ditions. Alter spending onu uour in confer ence with Senator Fall, Hughes Mated he had enjoyed "a pleasant .conversa tion," aud would say nothing further concerning the consultation. Senator Fall refused to omment on the Mex ican situation or to discuss his talk with tho republican candidate. (leorge Li. Lnckwoul, publisher of the Muncie, ml.. Press, called on ..ugiies today to assure him that the republicans: would carry Indiana. Luck wood said the progressive party in Indiana is dead. Anion v other callers at lluirhes' headquarters were Julius Uosenwnld of the Sears Uooliuck company of Chi cago; r. V. Kstabrook ot Chicago, and Joseph Keating of Indiana. I lie itinerary ot tho candidate s western tour is still incomplete and will not be announced for several days. Hughes will return to Bridgehampton this afternoon to continue work on his iinin hi iii i j uu 1 1 in (.un 1 1 nut VMHit it soeech of acceptance. Ke will not plcte his speech until late in the week, ns he feels tiiat new issues are arising every day which he must deal with. First Political Lie New York, July 27. "Such talk is troasoii," said Vance MeCormiek chairman of the nationnl democratic committee today in discussing charges that President Wilson had decided to keep the national guardsmen on the Mexican bonier until ntter the election . because he feared he had inclined tne 1 enniitv of the militiamen. "National guardsmen are loyal" pa- triots," said Met orintck. "luey join the service lor service and they nro nil good soldiers. There may be a few grumblers unionr them, but they are inspired by political purposes by out siders. "President Wilson sent the national guard to the Iwirder for protection, ev ery on" knows that, aud to infer he sent them for political reasons or will keep them there for any other reason thau protection, is rot. Such talk is treason." Democratic headquarters took on an old time nsr-et today when Col. John I. Martin of St. Louis, sergeant at arms of the democratic national com mittee for tup Inst twenty years, nr rived and went to work nt his desk. Col. Martin has recently resigned as revenue officer of St. Louis. EPIDEMIC STILL BUSY Xew York, July 27. There was a alight decrease in infan tile paralysis crises reported in Greater New York today, but the additional sufferers 151 brought the total up to tf,4U since tho plague started six weeks ago. Deaths today numbered 31 against .'15 yesterday, milking a total of 71.1. Health officials today issued a warning ngninst quncK remedies. LlGEsiiSiE REC0RDEDSINCE181 Quincy, 111., Holds Record, 105 Middle West and Plains Swelter Chicago, July 27. While reports of heat suffering poured in from all parts of the middle west mid west today the mercury continued its upward climb. Another scorcher was toduy's prediction bv the weatther bureau. Unless the mercury tumbles quick this will be the hottest July 27 in the history of plains states. Government records show the present heat wave is the longest since 1H71 as far buck as the records go. The hottest spot in the United States ycBtcrduy was (Quincy, III., where 105 was registered. Pontine, 111., registered 104. There were plenty of HO's. At noon the mercury climbed of 100 in the loop here and indications were that it would go higher. Three deaths were reported from the heat. Arthur Sheehnn, aged 40, an insurance agent, became affected by the heat and jumped from a second story window to a brick pavement. He was Instantly killed. Score Dead in Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio, July 27. Ohio swelt ered todny in one of the hottest days of the summer. Health officials report nva, MjtnrA nt .lantliM u 1 , 1, ! n t !. i I n at '24 hours. Temperatures throughout thej""1 P"1"1 of citi"n' "g"8 the out' siaie range iron, rt to iuv. ONE BOMB SUSPECT IS UNDER ARREST OTHERS WATCHED Warren K. Billings Ex-Convict Taken In Charge at Lane Hospital CARTRIDGES LIKE THOSE IN BOMB, FOUND IN ROOM Lodged In House Where Schmidt and McNamara Once Stayed San Francisco, July 27. District At torney Fickert at 0:30 today admitted that the police had arrested another man in connection with the dynamit ing conspiracy, who has not as yet ap peared .in the case. He declined to give any clew t the name of the mnn or to divulge where he is being held. Fickert would not confirm reports that still another muu had been arrest ed hero. Unconfirmed reports were also cur rent that Thomas Mooney, who recently failed in un attempt to organize an Uni ted linilronds strike here, had been lo cated iu l.os Angeles. Israel Weinburg, a jitney bus driver who wns detained at the same timo ns Mrs. Belle t.uviu, was examined ngnin by the bomb squad today regarding the disappearance of Mooney nnd his wife. It is not known whether he has informa tion of value to tho police. Captain Duncan Mnthosou, head of the bomb squad, declares that so far thero have becu no confessions, but thero is n strong belief among at taches at tho hall of justice that tho police have some definite information from a reliable source and are not by any means working iu the dark. "All our information indicates that this crime was but one of a series of bomb outrages planned for San Fran cisco and vicinity," said Mathesou. "The plot will bo shown to bo very wide spread when all the fuels are made public. "Wo find that Thomas Mooney left Sail Francisco Suturdny afternoon at 4 o'clock. We believe we know where he is, but beyond that I can say noth ing. We are looking for his wife mere ly for Mooney himself." They Want Thomas Mooney. San Francisco, Cab, July 27. With one bomb suspect under arrest and Mrs. Belle l.uvin detained for examination, the nulico todnv sent requests all over I the country for the detention of Thomas Mooney, who, they believe, may give them further information regarding the bomb outrngo here which has already cost nine lives. Such closo secrecy has been miiiutuin ed regarding the activities of the spe cial bomb squad of the department, that the police will not even admit that Warren K. Billings is under ar rest, although froln other sources it is known that ho is. Billings, who hus served n term iu Folsom prison for car rying dynamite on a passenger train, wns taken into custody at Lane hospital when ho appeared at the free clinic tncre for treatment. No newspaper men have been permitted to see him and a "sweating" which was begun yester day, continued today. immediately after Billings' arrest, po lice hurried to the lodging house of Mrs. Belle l.avin, where Billings roomed, searched his room and took Mrs. l.uvin into custody. This was the house nt which Muthew A. Schmidt and James B. McNiiniiua stayed when they were plan ning the dynamiting of the Los Angeles Times building six years ago. At thut time Mrs. l.avin was detained. She was cross-examined at length today. Tho search of Billings' room disclosed 2n0 steel nosed cartridges of .22 and .32 calibre, hidden iu a tin box. According to the police, these coincide with bul lets picked up near Hteuart nnd Mur ket streets Saturday after the bomb ex plosion. An automatic jdstol was also found iu tho room. The latest bomb theory of the police, it was stilted today, is thut the infernal machine wns exploded iu an effort to kill or in ni in representatives of tho L'nifcd Hnilronds who were marching in the parade. Mooney, who recently at tempted to start a strike of United Itnilroads platform men, is wanted in the belief that he may have information that will be of value to the police in this connection. Photographs of Billings were shown today to Newton Potter, proprietor of the Metal Welding Works, who recently sold two strangers a steel container for explosives, similar to the one believed to have been used in Saturday's infern al machine. He was uuable to Identify Hillings as one of the two men. With the death last night of Thomas Turnbuli, the death list as the result of tne explosion was brought up to nine. All of the persons injured are progress ing favorably and it is not believed further deaths will result. Thousands of San Franciscans last night attended a mass meeting to voice HAS DEUTSCHIAIID llft'S FROM SISTER SHIP IS QUESTIOEI Orders for Vessel to Go Out Over Night Suddenly ! Cancelled i WISE ONES THINK SHE HAS -WHAT KIND IS MYSTERY Either Good or Bad News. Might Delay Departure Say the Guessers NO WORD OF BEMEN Boston, Mass., July 27. Al though no word, not even a ru mor has been heard of the sub marine Bremen along the New f.iiglunrt coast, the interest along Boston's, waterfront remained unabated early today. Two tramps arriving shortly after daybreak, failed to report uny "auspicious looking craft," and the foreign battleship that in believed to be the allied pa- trol for this section of the coast, has disappeared. The weather is Fomewhat clearer out on the bay today. $,). By Carl D. Groat. (United Press staff correspondent.) Baltimore, Md., July 27. Either alurmrtig information or good nows of the submarine Bremen kept the Oer mnn wonder boat Deutschlund in Dort today. Which It was, the managers of the undersea venture refused to say. ' Orders for tho vessel to co out over night were suddenly countermanded. Inasmuch as . news of the Bremen was tho determining factor in the mat ter of the Deutschlund sailing, it waa accepted as true that at the Deutschlund 's sister ship had been heard from. Perhaps, it was said, the Bremen had met with mishap and that the Deutschland would not make an at tempt to run the allied blockade. On tho other hand it was suggested choer ful information determined the manag ers to wait a little on (he Bremen's coming. the tug Timmins has extra coat aboard prepared either for a run out beyond tho three mil line at the capes, or to intern for a timo in a cove down Chesapeake bay. One theory was that tho Deutschland hnd been found defective and hence) cnuld not quit port. But during the forenoon, the Deutschland submerged anew und as far as observers eouUl learn, this was satisfactory. Spy Ship to Follow Her. Baltimore, .Md.. Julv 27. When tha German submarine sea freighter Dcntsclilund skims down the I'utanscn. for the capes, en routo home, a biff bear tramp steamer, the Ardgryfe, w due to follow her as a spy ship. An officer of the watch boat admit ted to the United Press today that "wo plan to go out when our friend over yonder does." He wns reticent about his purposes, though he admitted that he and his Jupnucjo crew aro keep ing a lookout. "Look up our record iu port," ha said. Thut record showed only that sh camv in light, it did not tell where, she goes 'from or whether she will dog the submarine farther than the capes. i no Arugryte carries a swarm of lit tle brown men. They watch well. And the ship's wireless can tell tales if sht wishes to take a chance with the Am erican neutrality rules and the radio inspectors. Such things have hap pened. The Deutschlund was still screened today behind her barge protectors. Tho tug Timmins wus ready to tow her. Along the river watchers predicted she would head out soon. A scorching July sun turned the oily harbor to a, shimmering rainbow. But with the vessel cleared it seemed (Continued on Page Tw. ) , 1 THE WEATHER Z I 'VMEtt WILL If 1 BE PASC BAH. J OR '"Oregon: To night and Friday generally fair; warmer oxeepi near the coast; southeaa t 1 1 X winds. . I unui i w (Continued oa Pago Four.) V i