THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JULY 26, 1916. SEVEN 4KHHHHIIIIItHHtKHtttHtHUHIItttttH4tH TENT CITY, NEWPORT, OREGON Fifty clean, airy, furnished tents and cottages at reasonable rates. Located in grove, in view of ocean, sidewalks, electric lights and city water. Three blocks from beach. For reservations address A. J. VAN WASSENHOVE, Box 5, Newport, Ore. M SEA CREST COTTAGES Right at the beach Completely furnished 2, 3 and 4 room cottages overlooking the ocean, unex celled view, well lighted grounds, sidewalks, close to stores, natatorium and bathing beach. Light and water in every cottage. Write for rates or further information. CHRIS ARMS, Newport, Ore. H. H. CROWDIS NEWPORT TRANSFER CO. WTLL GET YOUR BAGGAGE CHECKS ON THE TRAIN AND DELIVER YOUR BAGGAGE TO YOUR HOUSE AND CHECK YOUR . BAGGAGE AT YOUR HOUSE FOB RETURN WRITE OR PHONE Va PHONES 3702 and 3752, NEWPORT, OR. LIVERY RIGS AND SADDLE PONIES. WOOD FOR SALE. Nye Beach Grocery Co. B. F. DTJRALL, Proprietor. Beach and Coast Streets, Nye Beach, Newport, Oregon. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET SUNDRIES, ICE CREAM AND SOFT DRINKS. DELLICATASSEN A SPECIALTY THE SAUNDERS CHAS. SAUNDERS, Proprietor. One Block from the Beach, 20 rooms comfortably furnished, all out aide, 2 story, comer Agnes, Coast and Beach Streets. NYE BEACH, NEWPORT, Oregon Whitten Camp. Grounds For Rent, Furnished Cottages One to Seven Rooms. Also Furnished Tents Prices $2.50 to $9.00 per week. ' M. F. HULL, Proprietor NYE BEACH, NEWPORT, OREGON NEWPORT BEACH NATATORIUM O. & PURDY, Owner and Manager. WARM SEA WATER PLUNGE AND VARIOUS AMUSEMENTS WATER GAMES DAILY Located at Nye Beach, Newport, Oregon. Steamer NEWPORT Running Between Yaquina City and Newport MM VAN'S FISH MARKET Dealer In FRESH and SALT FISH. OYSTERS, CLAMS, CRABS, BUTTER, EGGS, BUTTERMILK and FRESH VEGETABLES. 'Phone 3452, opp. The Grand, Newport, Oregon. OTHER SPORTS GIVE . (By Lamar Tooze Newport, Ore., July 26. (Special to the Capital Journal) The ckautauqua over, Newport wis settled aown tor the rest of the season to the joys of the beach. The week's weather has been ideal and conducive- to out of door pastimes. Trolling for salmon has lured many to the deep sea. Even the possibility or probability of mal de mer Has not detained toe many Isaac Waltons from taking a trip out across tne bar to the briny blue. Salmon troll ing is the angler's greatest pastime A Chinook salmon will put up a fight that would shame even a Mexican ar my. They fight until the finish and in many cases release themselves be fore they can bo drawn aboard. Sev eral sea-going boats make regular trips to tho open sea every day. The sunshine has stimulated surf bathing likewise. Newport's beach is famed all up and down the coast tor the excellence of its bathing. There are no strong undertows or currents, characteristic of most Pacific coast beaches. The Natatorium at Nye Beach with warm salt water, offers an oppor tunity for bathing and swimming to those who dislike the rigors of the surf. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Day of Portland, are located in one of the cottages at Cherry City for a week s so.iourn. Hobart Mitchell, who has been pass ing a vacation at Agate Beach, return ed during the week to his ' home ' in Portland. Mr. Mitchell is a son of McKinley MUchelb, formerly a resi dent of Salem, and is a sophomore at Stanford University. Judge and Mrs. B. iF. Rhodes and children of McMinnville, are located in one of the cottages at Cozy camp for a week's vacation. Judge Rhodes was formerly county judge of Yamhill county. A. A. McKay of Albany, is among tne summer people at this resort, tie is registered at the Abbey. J. T. Cookingham of Danville. Illi nois, is passing a couple of weeks at the New Llitf House. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Eu gene, came last Friday and are occu pying one of the ssunnyside cottages. A. , Benson of Portland, was a Sunday arrival at this resort, He is staying at the Abbey. T. A. Livesley of Salem, came Sat urdav to pass a few days at his Agate Beach cottage which was recently com pleted. Miss Ada Ketchum. of Independence, is among the Marion county people at the seaside. Miss Mary Whipple Beck of Corval hs, is enjoying an outing at Nye ueocn as a guest or the IHunon. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dueker, Mrs. A II. Labbe and Mrs. O. S. Kauffman. of Portland, composed an automobile par ty which arrived at the seashore last Saturday evening to pass ft. week or ten days at the Whitten camp greunds. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Beard of Rose- burg, are ensvonsed in one of the Sea Crest summer cottages. Miss Irene Drack. and Miss C. V Borma.n of Portland, are among recent arrivals. Mrs. Kllcn Sterling of Missoula. Montana, has returned home after passing several days at the Damon. Lessie Cornwcll of Walla Walla, w asiungton, is sojourning at the Hotel Nicolai. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mctzeer and daughter of Corvallis. arrived last Thursday for a few days respite. - Mrs. S. U. .Uiidiey of Weiser, Idaho, is among the Gem state residents at Nye Beach. Robert Wylie of Corvallis. reached Aewport several days ago and is reg istered at the McAlliBter House. Mr. and Mrs . F. H. Sherwood of McMinnville, and Mr. and Mrs. U. V Marshall of Nampa, Idaho, are located in one or the cottages at Cozy ramp. Mrs. Mary Bender, Mrs. II. C. Sni der, son, Leslie, of Portland, and Mrs. Sevilla Rank of St. Paul, Minn., have completed a stay at the beach. They were located in a cottage at Tent City. The Misses Dorothy Steusloff, Mae Steuslolt and Jennie Pry, of Salem, reached Aye .Beach during tho week and are guests of the Damon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter of Al bany are located in a cottage at Nye Beach for a season's stay. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thurm of Port land, arrived during the week and are among tiie cottagers at the Old Play ground. Mrs. R. A. I'aterson of Clarke, Neb., is among the Middle West contingent at the coaBt, staying at the Bradshaw. P. L. Brown of Silverton is listed a moug the week's registrations at the Nicolai. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Garland and W. H. Garland of Salem are domiciled in one of the rattagos at Cherry City. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Carper of Rose burg, are enjoying the hospitality of the McAllister House, Nye Beach. Prof, and Mrs. 1'ercy Adams and children of Eugene, are in Newport for the rest or the season. I'rofensor Ad ams is eonnected with the faculty of the University of Oregon. Slualor KliLri.We of . Independence, who has been passing a vacation at .Nye Beach as a guest of the McAllis ter, departed during the week for his home. Asahel Bush, Jr., of Salem arrived in Newport Saturday and stopped at the Abbey. Mr. and Mrs. Bay Prescott Johnson of Munsey, Ind., are the guests of Mrs. R. Li. Russell of Portland, at Uncle Sam's cottage. Mrs. I. P. Newel and daughter, Kath arine, of Portland are established in a cottage at Sea Crest. Mr. and Mrs. C. Whiteside of Cor vallis arrived a few days ago and are staying at the McAllister House. Mrs. W. G. Gloyd and Mrs. Margaret Gates of Portland, ere at Nye Beach for a few days. D. N. Anderson and family, of Port land, were among the recent arrivals at the McAllister House. H. H. Pomeroy of Portland, accom panied the excursion to the beach last Sunday. P. P. Proctor and family departed a few days ago in their automobile for their home in Grants Pass after pass ing ten days in a cottage at Sea Crest. Mrs. Jean Mosby of Corvallis was a recent arrival at the Parker House. Mrs. Jean Johnson of Salem is pass ing a month in one of the Kedfern cot tages at Nye Beach. Mrs. W. Kuntz and son of Salem, iie a few days ago for a sojourn at the seashore. Lewis Loomer of York, Nebraska, is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. uarmin, of the same city Mark 11. Savage passed through Newport rocently from seal Rocks on his wav to Salem. Mr. Ravage s luml ly will remain at the Rocks until the close of the season. - Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Adams and daughter, Adeline, of Cottaire Grove, are passing four weekB in one' of the sea Crest cottages. Mr. and Airs. J. M. KniclK of Port land, arrived on a Saturday boat and are sojourning at the New Cliff House Mrs. K. Lydia Meese and the Misses Lucile and Beuluh Meese of I'ortlanfl are encamped at the Hose City camp ing PTOumis. J. M. Noland and family of Corval lis will arrive within the next few days to pass their usuul two weeks vaca tion at a cottage next to the Damon Mrs. W. K. Kuutz and eon of Salem are enjoying the hospitality of Vae urand. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Prettvman of Albany are enjoying a vacation in Newport and are at the Parker House. Mrs. James K. Linn leaves the first of the week for Portland to be gone several nays. Mrs. x . 1'lancich and Miks Hannah Plancich of Portland, are located in one of the itittrtmeuts at the Brad shaw. Mrs. Agnes Rowley, daimhtern. El- thoir and Dorothy, Mrs. J. W. Jamison. Mrs. w. A. roster, daughter, Wilms, of Corvallis, Leo, Hazel and sons, Alois and Tommy, of Portland, are estab lished in the Michigan cottage at Nye Beach. Miss Nina MeNarv. Miss Marearet Stolz and Hicbard Stolz of Salem, ar rived at the beach Friday and stopped at the Abbey. Dr. and Mrs. R. 8. Striker of Port land, are domiciled in the Green wood cottage. Nye Beach, until the first of September. C. W. Boymeton of Gait. Iowa, is among the many out of the state peo ple now in Newport, Mrs. George Vesko of Salem is the guest of Mrs. Henry licdfern at Nye ueacn. Mrs. J. W. Marksburv of Coitus Grove is enjoying an outing at Nye nwro and ib located at Kom ity. Mrs. Peter Rasuuinsen of Oerinir. Neb., is the uuest of Mrs. John .Tueirer of Junction Citv, at Nye Beach,, Mr. and Mrs. h. D. Goeghagen and Mrs. George Shaffer of Kuireue have completed a stay at the beach. Tjey were located in a cottage at. Sea Crest. tr. A. Boyington of Salem reached the beach during tho week and stop ped at the New Cliff House. Mrs. Ralph Watson, wife of the for mer state corporation commissioner. arrived during the week and is domi ciled in one of the Estes' Sunset cot tages. Mrs. Carl I. Shoemaker, wife of State Game Warden Shoemaker, left last Thursday for her homo in Rose burg to pass a few davs. . She will return shortly with Mr. Shoemaker and Miss Helen Hamilton. The re turn trip will bo made by automobile, tne roads Between Newport ami the valley, by the grace of Old Sol. now being in good condition for machines. Miss Hamilton will be the houBe guest of Miss Kthel Tooze, of Salem, at the liarKlcroail ' cottage. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Thatcher of Cor- vallia joined the ranks of summer peo ple at Nye Beach last Thursday. They are staying at the Hotel Nicolai. Miss George Webster and daughter. Misa Gertrude Webster.- of San Fran cisco, and Mrs. E. 8. Lamport of Sa lem have left Newport after passing a week at the Nicolai. Thev depart ed on a Saturday boat. V. H. Huston of Albany arrived a few days ago for a short vacation at the seashore. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ash a-ul son of Bloomington, Indiana, arrived the lat ter part of the week for a sojourn at the New Cliff House. T. G. Bligh. a prominent theatre man of Salem, departed the last of the week for his homo in the Cherry ity after passing several days at the Rest cottages. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Lane of Philo math are passing a four weeks outing at the Rose City rampin? grounds. I J. V. Kolie and F . il. Wheeler of Albany, are among the latest Hub city rmiueiiis iw Hrnve ui in Deucn. . Paul D. Wetzel of Portland is a re cent arrival. He is registered at the Copeland House. Mrs. Robert Phillips and family of independence, and Mrs. 31. L. Phil lips of Monmouth, are sojourning at tne jiotei isrnusnaw. E, U. Johnson of Portland, register ed at the Abbey recently. J. D. Rolfe of Albany reached the beach during the week and will enjoy an outing here. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Anderson and son of Omaha, Neb., are listed among the recent registrations at the Nicola jNye Beach Mr. and Mrs. Glenn V. Payne and Leo Gore, of Hillsboro, arrived Satur day and will be located iu one of the Rest Cottages for a two week's stay. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McCann of Mc Minnville are among the arrivals of the week at the Abbey. Walter Winalow of balem joined the excursion to the bench Sunday and visited his family at the Johnson cot tage. Mrs. H. R. Otterstrom, daughter, Glennie and Genevieve, of Portland and Mrs. Roy Newport of Albany are established in the Thompson cottage at Nye Beach for a season's stay. Mr. and Mrs, Henry vv.tewart and daughter. Miss Irene Stewart, of Eu gene are located in the Carter cottage n the Promised Land tor a mouth's stay. A. J. Lehmer of Remmerer, Wyo., reached the seaside Friday and stopped at the New Cliff House. Samuel Fulman of Portland is in cluded among the guests of the Mc Allister House, arriving the latter part of last week. Mrs. Helen Rice of Creswell arrived during the week and stopped at the Parker House. Mrs. Mary Bayno of Salem, arrived in Newport Sunday and registered at the Abbey. Mrs. J. T. Warman, daughter, Miss Myrtle Wartnan, and Miss Frances Emerick, of Philomath are occupying one of the tent houses at Rose City. Miss Roma Hunter of Salem, is lo afa.l in nne tit thA Kod lcnrn pnt til trp . Redfern Cottages Newport and Nye Beach. All up to date Cottages nicely fur nished. Bedding extra $1.00 per week. Two blocks from beach. Screen doors and windows. Mrs. Harry Redfern Box 284 Newport, Oregon For Sale or Rent 2 Story seaside resort, Nye Beach, 20 furnished- rooms, all outside; one block, from the ocean. P. O. Box 81 Newport, Oregon PUTNAMS "THE PLACE OF GOOD EATS" FRONT ST. NEWPORT The Silver Grill Front Street, Newport, Ore. HOME COOKING CITT PRICES Sea Foods a Specialty. Next to Grand Theatre. WHEN YOU GET TO NEWPORT GO TO The Del Llanico BIGHT AWAT FOR SEA FOODS. WE SPECIALIZE IN FISH AND EEA FOODS. NpW Cliff HnilCtO Four Stories of Solid Com IWYVVJIII MUUe fort-Modern and Homelike 38 Rooms-all out- X Bst of Meals-Sea side with inspiring JjjjUL Food a Specially view of the ocean, j) l 1EI Rates $2.00 and FREE BUSS J F Fl R , up. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. WHEELER, Proprietors for an indefinite stny. Mrs. M. Savage of Portland register ed at the Abbey Saturday. Walter U Tooze, Jr., of Dallas, ac companied by his wife and little son, Walter L. Tooze, 111, will arrive with in a few days to open his cottage at Nye Beach for a mouth. Mrs. John Jaeger of Junction City, is passing a few days at this watering place. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Elliott and eon of Independence, are passing two weeks at Nye Beach. George Sale aud family of La Grande aro Eastern Oregon people at Nye Beach. They are located at Tent city. . Air. and Mrs. W. IF. Dunkley of Portland, arrived at the Abbey last Friday for a short visit.' A. L. Gore of Cresswell was a Fri day arrival on the steamer Newport. Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Kinney of Corval lis, arrived during the week and are staving at tho Abliev. Mrs. Patrick T. Byrne of Spokano, and daughter, Miss Bath Byrne, are oc cupying a cottage at Sea Crest until the end of the summer. M,rs. Bvrne is the wife of the late Mayor Byrne of Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. G. 8. ButJ.r of Ash land, arrived last Thursday for an out ing or several days duration. P. A. Younsr of Allmnv drove ovor from the Hub city Saturday to pass me wre enu wita nis wire and daugh ter, MiB Isabel Young, at. Sea Crest. With Mr. Young came the Miases Ger tie and Laura Taylor of Albany, and Robert MeMurrnv of Portland, a stu dent at the University of Oregon and son or tvuiiam -luc.Murrav, general pas senger agent of the O. R & N. R H Mr. and Mrs. D. Turner have return ed to their home in Pendleton after passing several days in one of the Suu nyside cottages at Nye Beocj. Mr. and Mrs. John'Kobinson of Kim. kane, are soinmerintr at the Dimn House. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Thompson and R. R. Thompson, of Carlton, are regis- lereo at me Auoev. Mrs. R. Lvdia Reese and daughters. ... a . . .. ' . . . ' i L,ucuo and lieuinh, of Portland, are lo ft .-a. ... . .. ' , teu in oue or tne tout nouses at Rose Jit v. J. R. Small and daughter, Thelma, of Portland, are established in tiie Kern cottage for a summer a stay. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. C. Overton of Port land arrived Fndav. and are located in one of the cottasres at Cherry City ior a montn s stay. . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chcffings, of Sa lem, reachod the beach Friday and win enjoy a vacation here as residents of Tent City. J. F, Hughes of Salem, joined the Marion county contingent at the sea side Saturday, stopping at the Abbey. The Misses Ethel and Blanche jitc- donald of Snlem, arrived during the ween and registered at the Coelaiid. Mrs;' if. S. Tuthill aud daughter, Miss Ruth Tuthill, of I'ortland, are among Saturday's arrivals at the Ni colai. - Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Trunk of Salem, have completed a brief sojourn at Rose City, returning homo Monday. Mr. ami Mrs. J. R. Cooper of Inde pendence, departed for tiieir Polk county home after a vacation at the beach as guests of the Damon. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Everett ami daughter, Eleanor, of Lebanon, arc among the week's arrivals at the Kel ly. N. J. Robertson, of Portland, is list ed among the recent arrivals at the McDonald, Nye Beach. Miss Alice Amesbury, of Portland, is enjoying the hospitality of the Da mon ut the bench. Mrs. C. S. Cooper, of Dallas, MiHS Marion Cooper, of Council Bluffs, Jo wn, Miss Ilertlia Seeor, of Cedar Kails, Iowa, ami Misa Marie I'lummer of Huntington, Ind., arrived at Nye Bench Saturday and lire located in one of the cottages lit Hunnyside. C. L. Will of Canity, renciied the beach Suturday and registered at the Abbey. Mrs. O. M. Miller and son, Dale, and Miss Hazel Mirhinwe, of llalsey, are locnted at the Rose City camp grounds for a few weeks sojourn. Mr. and Mrs. C. h. Freeman, of Port land, arrived during the week for a brief sojourn at the Abbey. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, of Rose burg, are enjoying a two weeks outing in one of the Sea Crest cottages. Mrs. Ida M, itithcock aud daughter. Grace, of Salem, are enai-onscd in a Cherry City cottage. (Continued on Page Eight.) FOR RENT CHERRY CITY COTTAGES Nye Beach, Newport, Oregon, Two Booms Furnished Fine View, Near the Beach, Near Uia . Stoies. ' GEORGE O. SAVAGE, , Box i23, Newport, Ore. New Modern Cottages ' - Unexcelled View , , Right On The Beach . J. W. LARSEN, Box 128, - Newport, Oregon -2, 3 and i Room Cottages FURNISHED COTTAGE 6 rooms midway between New port and Nye Beach. Also fur nishad housekeeping rooms near to beach. Inquire of Mrs. B. ' L. Russell at Beach St, 5 and 10 coat store. He The PARKER NICE FURNISHED BOOMS, Spleiiid View, sAll Outside Boom Front Street, one clock south front Boat Landing, opposite South Beach Ferry. BATES SEASONABLE. Newport, Oregon. FOR RENT 2 ROOM COTTAGES AND FUB- NISHBD BOOMS NTE BEACH, NEWPORT, Near the Beach JOHN H. ADAMS, Box 464, Newport A. L. THOMAS MANUFACTURING JEWELER AGATES CUT AND MOUNTED Art Pictures of Oregon Coast Scenery. Photo Supplies, Developing and Print ing; Picture Framing, Shells, Souvenir Tostuls, Watch Repairing. WHITE HOUSE Restaurant O. C. TUDDER, Newport, Oregon . NICE MEALS AT CITY PRICES Fine Rooms. Splendid View The Royal Theatre FRONT STREET SHOWING THE HIGHEST CLASS OF MOTION PICTURES OBTAINABLE W. F. ALLEN, Manager, Newport, Or.