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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, VvEDNESDAYrJULY 26, 1916, K1VK n GOING home to sup per? Wait a minute you may have some guests tonight. Better be prepared. A pocketful of OWLS is a safe guarantee of a pleasant evening. Just hand a quarter to the cigar man and have a few OWLS on hand at home just for hospital ity's sake. MM SBVX I U V-da fJJ X. 3jjx M. A. CiUNST & CO. ' If INCORPORATED '111 The Million Dollar Cigar M 10 10 NEAR1NG ITS All Flants Have Been Kept Busy and Must Have Greater Capacity Loganberry harvest in the Sali-m dis trict will not bo over lief ore the lust of next week. Vehicles of all shapes, sizes and conditions, laden with the luscious berries, continue to stream into town rom all directions. Activity at the plants where the juice that is to ninkj! Malcm famous is bring . manufactured ! continues unabated. . One fact of special interest to the people of Salem is that the crop in this immediate field is 'holding out better than in other ,Jart8 of the valley. This fact serves to give emphasis to the as portion that, while the Willamette vol-. ley is the loganberry center of the world, Salem is the longanberry center of the Willamette valley. That plans for the promofion of the juice industry are being carried for-1 ward on a big scale is evidenced by the appearance in this week's issue of the" Saturday Evening Post of a full page advertisement of "Phez," the product of the Pheasant Fruit Juice company. This is the first advertisement i of this size ever published in the Satur- j uny evening I'ost uy an wregou muuu facturing concern. Some Big Advertising. This advertisement in the Saturday Evening Post means more than just ad- j vertising. It means that the publishers of the Post have to a certain extent at least investigated the loganberry juice proposition and are satisfied that it holds possibilities fully in keeping with LAWYERS lh,frta vmfnfw1 Rnrnoration Law. Unsocial Agents. Trusts, Escrow and ( Accounts. Estates probated. Collec tions, Deads, Mortgages. General practice in all courts. Correspondence solicited. Prompt attention. Bank references. Fourteenth ytar. j .', LOANS PLACED ON PORTLAND PROPERTY Hosessohn&Mosessohn 1 714-715-71i Chamber af Commerce BMs I PORTLAND. OREU the claims mude-for it by local enthus iasts. In addition to the prominence that is being given loganberry juice through the medium of publications of general circulation every mnil from Salem is carrying literature to jobbers in all parts of the world. The couviction will be carried to every person who drinks loganberry juice that the berry from which it is pressed "grows to perfec tion only in the Willamette valley of Oregon where the nights are cool." During the pnst two weeks sales ex perts intent upon examining into the loganberry juice matter at first hand have been in Salem. They have come from the east and from the south. One of these, Mr. Bills, in the employ of the Pheasant company, who comes from Chicago, started on his return trip to that city today. Last season he sold three carloads of the juice in Chicago. This season hiB sales in that market amount to 35 carloads. Glass Factory Needed. A development iu the situution which may result in the starting of another in dustry here pertains to glass containers for the juice. During the past 10 days local manufacturers of' the article have been canvassing the glass factories of the entire United States iu the effort to obtain sufficient glassware to meet requirements. With this demand already practically completed there seems no good reason why a glass factory should not be put into Snlem. People who aro fond of figures are devoting some attention to the signifi cance of the 1011! crop of loganberries to Sulein and the Willamette valley. It is estimated that the total acreage de voted to loganberries iu the valley is 2,500. The average yield per acre is two tons. This is a conservative opin ion. Some reports have come in from growers this season that they have picked four tons from an acre, but thiB is exceptional. Allowing therefore two tons to the acre the total is 5,000 tons, or 10,000,000 pounds. Growers have re ceived from two and three-quarters to three cents a pound, which amounts to $275,000 or $300,000. Pickers receive one cent a pound, which means that 100,000 or thereabouts has becu put in to circulation in this manner. And the end is not yot. The cam paign for loganberry juice as an article of commerce has but just begun. CATTLE SHORTAGE IN EAST Portland, Or., July 2(1. That there is a cattle shortage in the eastrn mar ket was indicated today when stock men in Lincoln county began shipping "feeders" to South Omaha. This is the first time in Oregon history that such stock has been sent. "Feeders" are cattle not yet ready for slaughtering. Heretofer all ship ments consisted of fat stock. Two car loads of "feeders" started east today. i. I x4 ' 4 4 MIX im S Ua . 3 S i -f 5: " OPENING O? ACT II, THE MIKADO, JULY 31-ATJGUST 1. In tliis scene where "Vum-Vum" is preparing her toilet for the wedding, I occurs two of tiie daintiest songs,' "The Moon and ," sung by "Yum-1 Yum" and "Sit. With Downcast I Kyeri", sung tv ' " Pitti-Sing,"' thnt. can be found in the whole rango ofj comic opera. While the ladies chorus "Braid the Haven Hair, " in one of the; Sullivan tuneful melodies loved thej world over. i Heserve your seats nt Oraiul box of fico after 10 a. in. Monday. First conic first served. Prices, $1.00, 7;jo and 50c: children 25c. As to whether this o)iern enn be staged in two weeks time, the follow ing from the Petnlumn Argus is the answer: "It was n scream Crom start to fin isii. i-id you ever hear anything so funny in your life? And the music was simply fine. I never heard Miss lloux sing better in mv life. And Mr. Wilson! He was a whole show in himself.". This was tho comment, heard as the large audience iu attendance at the Mikoda Monday evening moved out of the hall. The atrair was a grand success, and the Petftluma lodge No. DM, B. P. O. K., who prosonted the opera under the direction of George T. Wilson, has been widely complimented for the uf Tjnr. Under the general direction of nn executive committee, a remarkable feut was aoeomplishel iu tho prepar ing of this nmnzing nnd sectncultir production within the short period of little more than two weeks. Its success reflects great credit on the commitee and on ihe able director, Mr. Wilson, as well ns on the sub coi'inmittee and the participants. The affair was a musical fantasy, sparkling with brilliant songs, with comic features embracing wit and hu mor, with amazing costumes' of the leading parts and the rich and strik ing chorus scenes and novelties. JUNE STOCK PRICES FIVE MI Generally Prices Are Than Since 1910, Still Cliitibing er and tH2.04 compared with $00.31 a year ago, and $411.02 as tho five year average. Horse prices incrensod about 0.1 cents a head during the mouth ending July 15. but they have, declined during recent years. The July 15 average was $133. 04 compared with 4133.81 a year ago and $141.87 for the five year average. Washington, July 20 Prices paid for hogs, cattle, sheep and chickens dur ing the month from June 15 to July 15 were about five per cent higher than usual, the agricultural department an nounced today. Hog prices increased -0 cents per hundred pounds in this period, averag ing $8.40 per hundred pounds on July 15. This is higher than any month since Juno, 1910. A year ago the aver age was $8.84. The average on July 15 for the preceding five years was $7.25. Beef cattle declined 13 cents per hun dred pounds in tho past month and on July 15 averaged $0.78 compared to $6.: 07 a year ago and $5.33 which was the average on July 15 for five preceding years. Sheep prices declined 21 cents per hundred pounds during the month, but prices still are high, averaging $0.3.1 per hundred pounds compared with $5.35 a year ago and $4.48 for the five years average. . Milch cows prices advanced each month this year, the past month experi encing an increase of 41 cents per head. The average per head on July 15 was COCOANUT OIL MAKES A SPLENDID SHAMPOO If you want to keep your hair in good condition, be earefu what you wash it with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries tho scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Just plain mulsificd cocoanut oil ( which is pure and entire ly greaseless), is much bettor than the most expensive soap or anything else you ran use for shampooing, as this can 't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hnir with water and rub it in. One or two tcaspoonfuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinsoB out eas.iy and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. Tho hair dries quicklv nnd even ly, and it leaves it fine and silay, bright, Unify nnd easy to manage. You can get mulsificd cocoanut oil at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to last everyone in the family for months. "I have nothing but praise for rl lie new miuiBter." "So I noticed when the plate came around." Puck. u El EI n u El Hi of the Lands hways Millions of miles of long distance wire stretch ont from your telephone to practically every city and town in Ore gon, Washington, California and parts of Idaho and Ne vada. ' When you must have quick action remember that a word to the operator will clear the track, two miles or two thousand, day or night. Prompt, reliable long distance service. Consult the list of toll rates to cities hereabout; it's in the front of your Bell directory. 1L 2L Grand Opera flouseLast Time Tonight ELUOTT-SHERMAN PRESENT THE D. W. GRIFFITH PHOTO MARVEL PLENTY OF GOOD SEATS AVAILABLE Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2 5000 GREAT SCENES 18,000 PEOPLE 3000 HORSES 30 PIECE ORCHESTRA Two and a Half Hours of Unequalled Thrills The Most Talked of Event in the History of Salem LAST CHANCE1 SEE IT NOW jj e! asBscizzsssgCiSsssassssssa&QQa ezbesiseehsessszszzzzzzei E3 a a H CI The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. IS BIG ONE THALIA IS Few Lice and Little Mold One Contract Is Reported at 11 Cents Local dealers aro agreed that the 1010 crop of hops in this section will bu u big oire, although they do not ngreo en tirely with the assertion mailo in other quarters that it will be the equul of tho highest yield ever recorded. There is much less lice and mold than might have been expected because of the wet sedsnu. There is not, however, as cheerful a prespei.t for good prices as there is for a big crop. The export trade from the Pacific const is rendered unccrotuiu by tint l.ritifli embargo, and dealers me making cclculntionB on the domestic dn ii'iftnd only. A contract is reported as having been made by which O. O. Mu Clelhn agrees to take 20,000 pounds from llr.iij- Kee and Orissell Bros., nt 11 cents, but nine cents is about the best that can be hoped for at present. A bulletin from the United RtutCK depnrtmimt of commerce snys there will be a deficiency of 1,000,000 pounds of hops iu Australia this year. This de ficiency will bo made up by importa tions from the United States, England or New Zeulund. There is a duty of 12 cents a pound on such imports. Australian growers have, under these conditions, become accustomed to high prices for their hops and rarely liave they had to accept less than 30 cents per pound. There has been an unusual ly heavy yield this season, however, and this heavy yield in conjunction with large imported stocks has had the effect of depressing the market to an extent novcr before experienced. The price has fallen to 10 cents, and as it costs fro mlS to 20 cents per pound to get hops on the market this low price liss been very hard upon the growers, and they are making an effort to have the government increase the import duty from 12 to 21 cents a pound. Aus tralian conditions will affect the mar ket in the Pacific northwest when ex ports to Kngland are again in order, c ..Ai,,,.,,,,..!- r.. " - ii iff Is.' ''-i:':...v-'- ft New York, July 2(1. Still a further i no refine in the spread of the infantile paralysis was indicated in tho iiealth statis tics today, in the 24 hours ended at 10 a. m. there were lliit new cases, and 35 deaths reported in greater New York against 1")0 nnd .'IS respectively yesterday. To date there has been 3,2fl0 'cases reported and 0S2 deaths. Zemo for Dandruff Yon do not want a slow treatment wnen noir Is lulling and the dandruff germ is killing the buir roots. Delay means no bair. Uet, at any dm:r store, a bottlo of temo for 2Tc or fl.OO for extra larxe size. Use as ilirn'ted, for it does tho work quickly. It kills the dandruff germ, nourishes the hair roots nnd immediately stON itching scalp. It is sure and safe, is not greasy, is easy to urn and will not stain. HoaM nnd shampoos are harm ful, as tkey contain slkuli. The best thing to use is tuuio, for it is pure aud alto inexpensive. Zcino, Cleveland. Toast fliat TicMes Hie Palate Pan-Danrlv makes wonderfullv annetizini? - j j a i a toast that just rounds off a perfect brcukfust - Its delicious, melt-in-the-mouth flavor makes it one the best appreciated items of the meal. Pan-Dandy 5C Pan-Dandy Eread Big4any IOC That's because Pan-Dandy is made right made with the best flour that money ttiu buy imd with pure tested milk. ' ' ' ' Yet this perfect bread -eosts no myre than tho ordinary kind. Try a loaf for yourself today all grocers have it. SALEM ROYAL BAKERY 240 S. Commercial Street S. A. D. Puter and Others Are Under Arrest 8iui Franeiscjn, July 28. Federal District Attorney Clarence Kennies of Portland, today stated that he is ready to prosecute the men named in the indictments alleged Oregon land frauds issued by tho federal grand jury tat night. Ho conducted the testimony beforo the grand jury. 8. A. 1). I'litci"; who figured in the Oregon land frauds trials in I (Mill, was indicted as the chief mover in plan by which, it is alleged, the defendants represented that, tho government wns co-operating with them in forcing the Houtheni Pucific to sell its Oregon grant lands. Itvsides Puter, who re sides in Berkeley, three of his sons ami a son-in-law were indicted, in addition to V. j. Murrny, Montreal; J. 1 Van Wornier, f resno; A. Ii. Jiakor, Kcr niiui, Cal.; P. Hull, Kin Francisco. SUSPECT FOUL PLAY TOO WEAK 10 FIGHT San Francisco, July 211. Circum stances (minting to foul play were din- covered by tho police- today lollow ing tho death of Frank Kellar S12 Twenty-first avenue, Seattle. Kellar was found lying on the rail road tracks at Fourth and Townsend streets late last night. Huth legs had been cut off by a truin. lie died today. Investigation sliowc! that he was without any money or valuables, al though well dressed. Marks upon his head anil body pointed to a struggle, and tho (Hilice think Us may have beeu attacked by robbers and placed on the railroad track, "Why did you strike this mailt wns the ipn-Ntion asked by the magistrate. "Well, your, honor," said tho gro cer, "what would you do if you kept a grocery and a man camo in and ask ed you if he could take a moving pic ture of the cheese 1" The "t,'oiuo-lac.k" .mail was rcully novcr down-ud-out. . His weakened condition because of over-work, luck of exercise, improper eating and living demands stimulation to satisfy ithe cry for a health-giving nppetito nndithu re freshing sleep essential to . strength. (lO 1,1) HEDAIi tlaurlcm Oil Capsules, the National ltemcdy of Holland, will do the work. They are wonderful I Threo of these capsules each day wilt put a man on his feet bufore he knows it; whether his trouble comes from urlo acid poisoning, tho kidneys, gravel or Btone in the bladder, stomach derange ment or other ailments that lict'iill tho over-zealous American. Don't wuit un til you are entirely down-and-out, but take them today. Your druggist will gladly refund your money if they du not help ymi. .'I.'ic, ."0o and 4U00 per box. Accept no substtitutes. Look for tho inline H l.l) MHDAIj on every box. They lire the pure, origiuul, im ported ilnul'lcm Oil Capsules. llcavv drinking like heavy eating shortens life. Help Digestion To keep your digestive oreans in Rood working or- uer losuwuiaus you i i tone your stomach andj regulate your bowels.ake-q UmA 8.1. f Any MiM b Sold rr IabsMs.1.