Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 26, 1916, STREET EDITION, Image 4

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    i t
Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
V K D X ES D AY K V K X 1 X 1! ,
Julv 2(1. 1!1(5.
Editor and Manager.
i .
4 j
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President Vice-President
Sec. and Treas.
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Dally by mail, per year
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The Capital Journal carrier boya are instructed to put the papers oa the
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The gentlemen who put the dispatches on the wire for
the newspapers sometimes let their imaginations run riot,
and say things they did not mean and that, to put it mild
ly, never happened. A story seems incomplete to some of
these dreamers unless it has all the proper trimmings.
For instance: Yesterday a dispatch came over the wires
concerning an Indian with a name as long as a clothes
line and as unpronouncable as the names in the war zone
of Poland which are pronounced with several sneezes, a
few coughs and occasional calls for help. The only thing
that happened to the aged Indian was that he skipped his
wickeup and departed for the happy hunting grounds of
his fathers, and theirs, at the ripe age of 120 years. The
sender of the story embellished it by saying the deceased
"was 16 years old when the war of 1812 occurred and he
remembered some of its principal episodes until the last."
There were no whites on the coast in 1912, and especially
around Pendleton where the old Indian lived and died, or
for many years after. There were no newspapers in
circulation in that section. then, not even the East Ore
gonian, from which Ayoushakatsagom that was the
name he uncomplainingly carried all those 120 years
could have gleaned anything about the war of 1812 or
anything else, and besides What's-his-name couldn't read.
There were no telephone lines and consequently that
source of information was closed to him. The movies had
not arrived and even Ezra Meeker was not due for many
years later.
From these few facts the opinion is forced upon us
that Ayoushakatsagom knew no more about the war of
1812 than he did about the spelling of his name, even
though this was done in the college way by ear.
The chances are Ayou never heard of the war of 1812
until many years after it was over, and perhaps never at
all. He chased the nimble jackrabbit to his lair and did
his business for him with a spear or skillfully aimed ar
row, and knew nothing even of the pale face brother who
later would come to settle on the fertile banks of the
Umatilla and turn the bunch grass hills where Ayous
cayuse waved the black banner of his tail in the chinool:
winds that drifted up from Biggs and waxed fat thereon
that is on the bunchgrass and turned them into fields
of waving yellow grain that is the hills while Ayou
slipped his supple little brown body into the limped waters
of the blue Umatilla changing their limpidness and also
the color somewhat thereby; ignorant of the fact that
Uncle Sam, who was quite young in those days had gotten
into a row with the mother of the country and was un
mercifully chastising the old lady in a very ungentlemanly
The impression becomes more and more vivid as the
matter is viewed in all its lights that Ayoushakatsagom
was just a nice old Indian, after he was old, and never
heard of the war of 1812. The newsgatherer was a
romancer, a dreamer, that was all, and the deceased In
dian never did it.
The longer Mr. Louis W. Hill remained in Oregon the
more peeved he got. Of course he has a right to get sore
at Oregon whether he has any reason for doing so or not.
He has a right to have a very bad opinion of the state and
to tell it so, if he feels that way. Oregon will have to
stand it and will survive even the enmity and anger of
Mr. Hill. No one knows what he is sore about, probably
not even himself. But while intimating he will do noth
ing more for Oregon it might be well for him to tell tw
the things he intimates he has done for the state. So far
as the Hills are concerned, Oregon owes them nothing.
In this state, at least, they were not empire builders but
just exploiters. They built a railroad paralelling the
Southern Pacific through the Willamette valley, and a
depot at Portland patterned after the antique model of
the S. P. landing scow in Salem. If Mr. Hill feels justified
in getting sore because his efforts in this state have not
caused universal applause, he will have to go his way. He
can take his dishes and doll baby and hunt some one else
to play with. Oregon can swing on its own gate.
The latest news from the hot district is to the effect
that the present hot spell which began July 12 will be still
hotter for the next three days, at least. There has been
an average of four degrees above seasonable temper
atures during all that time. The weather man guesses for
only three days ahead, and the cooking may continue for
some time yet. Phoenix, Arizona, held the record yester
day with 106, but Quincy, Illinois, was a close second with
105. Chicago still swelters, and swims for relief. Four
deaths due to heat were reported from there and 45 cities
report temperatures of 90 or above.
The middle, west continues to swelter, and lengthen its
already long death list from heat. Estimates yesterday
placed the number of deaths since the hot spell began at
above 200, and the end not in sight. A thunder storm
eased things for a short time at Chicago but it was only
just a breathing spell. Here in old Oregon everybody was
comfortable during the day and as evening drew on wraps
or coat became a necessity. It is always that way and
what we call hot weather here would be considered
deliciously cool back in the sweatbox zone.
When the Norris amendment to the navy appropria
tion bill came up for a vote recently both senators from
Oregon voted for the amendment which would have put
off the construction of proposed ships indefinitely. There
were but three senators from states bordering on the
oceans who voted for this amendment. Connecticut
furnished one and Oregon the other two. Chamberlain
can hardly plead ignorance as an excuse, for he being
chairman of the militaiy committee should know some
thing also about the navy.
There was an intimation in yesterday's dispatches
that the Deutschland might make her stay indefinite. It
seems she is waiting to hear from the Bremen, and if any
thing should happen to her it is possible the big diver will
hesitate about making the return trip. However no. one
knows anything about it and it is all guess work as to
when she will go, or whether she will go at all. In the
meantime she remains the great mystery, only that, until
she does something, whatever it may be.
Rev. Charles F. Aked, of San Francisco, who was with
the Ford peace delegation and who, according to tile
dispatches at the time, stirred up trouble among the party
and disagreed with everybody, has resigned, giving as a
reason that he could not agree with Ford. In other words
he is of such a disposition he quarrels with his meal
ticket. He improved peace chances among the party
greatly by resigning.
It sounds rather odd that story from Eureka, Cali
fornia, about the attempt to salvage the steamer Bear
that went ashore near there some time ago, by landsmen.
A gang of loggers supplied with a big donkey engine will
tackle the job soon and with the aid of pumps to make a
channel for her expect to haul her back into deep water.
Uncle Samuel will sell a little bunch of timber in Hood
River valley, amounting to about 3:50,000,000 feet. At a
dollar a thousand it will require $:r0,000 to pay the
stumpage, and if a fellow had that much money what
would he want with so much lumber?
State House News
Articles of incorporation were filed
this morning in the office of the cor
poration commissioner by the Gear
Drive company of Portland, with a cap
italization of $15,000; the T. & C.
Stock company of Langlois, Oregon,
with a capitalization of $10,000, and the
Broadway Auto Livery of Portland,
with a capitalization of $1,000.
The Via. Vitft. cniminnv nf Pnrtlnnd.
filo.l voatnrilnv a ftrt i f inn f a .linwinir
the increase of its canital stock from
5,000 to $10,000.
An argument in opposition to the Full
Rental Value Land Tax and Homeseek-1
ers' Loan Fund amendment has been
filed with the secretary of Btate by
Henry E. Reed, assessor of Multnomah
w jr w i
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1S6S
Transact a General Banking: Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
San Francisco officials think they have the bomb plant
er located, and promise to have him in jail inside of two
days. In the good old days of the gold diggers he would
be out of jail almost as soon as in.
If the weather clerk doesn't start a fire in the furnace,
the bathing beach will not be overtaxed with bathers.
Overcoats make poor bathing suits.
Oregon gets $78,687 this year out of the federal good
roads fund, and she can use it all without any trouble.
It's seldom that I give advice, to readers, as to diet;
the doctors do it, and their price has started many a riot.
"Excelsior and basswood meal," the gifted doctor hollers,
"you ought to eat, if good you'd feel now
cough up seven dollars, lhe summer s
hard on brain and nerve, and makes us
total-lossy: some simple rules we should
observe, if we'd be feeling flossy. We ought
to fill ourselves with greens, toToastin' ears
be treated; for eating perk and beefsteak
means that we'll be overheated. You
wouldn't wear your winter duds when solar
rays are busy, yet eating meat and starchy
spuds is surely just as dizzy. I journey
forth with stately tread, where garden sass
is growing, and eat a luscious cabbagehead, when hun
ger's pangs I'm knowing. No well done- porterhouse for
me! That diet is unholy; I pluck a turnip from the tree,
and Fletcherize it slowly. No sweetened drinks, - but
Adam's ale, around my stomach washes, and when I
j hunger I regale my works with prunes and squashes. By
' eating things like these my health is buttressed strong
jand pillared, and I will bet a slice of wealth that 1 can
whip Jess Willard.
1 luf "
Plans and estimates of cost for the
reclamation of 00,000 acres of land in
30,000 acres along White river in Was
co county, have just been completed by !
State Engineer Lewis, acting in co-oper-!
ation with John T. Whistler for the 17.
S. Reclamation Service. A bulletin of ,
123 pages is now available for dis
tribution. It can be had by address-1
ing ine state engineer, paiem, ure., or :
the L. . Reclamation .Service, Was
ington, D. C.
Some of the smallest autos have the
largest houks.
President Hill appears to think that
all we need from him is advice. This
valley is already suffering from too
much of this crop.
Ice cream served out of doors in a
cool wind is a test of patriotism which
a good many Salemites were equal to
last night.
A man sometimes never finds out how
fast he can run until his house catches
More than one tearful mother can tes
tify that chickens do not always come
home to roost.
Will Submit Plan
for Relief of Poland
London, July 20 The British for
ei)u office will submit to American
Ambassador Page tomorrow a proposal
that President Wilson appoint a com
mittee of citizens of neutral nations
for Polish" relief work. This commit
tee would administer relief funds,
handle food supplies and grant gen
eral aid to inhabitants oi' Poland, Ser
bia and Montenegro.
President Wilson's appeal for gome
sort of an agreement between Knglaml,
Russia, Germany and France be ar
ranged so that reliei could be extend
ed to Poland was recently addressed
to Kin" George. Czar Nicholas. Kaiser
Wilhelm and President Poineare. Jt
made no mention of relief work iu
Serbia cr Montenegro. Big relief
funds and food supplies already col
lected aud arranged fur to be distrib
uted in Poland have heretofore been
iieiu up because the British govern
ment fears they would be diverted by
the Germans to their own use, thus de
feating the British "starvation block
ade. ' '
Country's Fruit Crop
Will Be Below Normal
Washington, July 20. The IP 16 fruit
crop will be below that of 1013 in prac
tically every class, it was predicted
today by the United States Bureau of
Crop Estimates.
Especially marked will be the decline
in the peach crop, if present indica
tions hold good. In this line, the out
put, it is estimated, will fall off 11,000,
000 bushels for the year, the govern
ment experts placing the probable fig
urns at 42,123.000 bushels.
The national yield in apples, the fore
most fruit crop, will decline, says the
department, from a total of 70,070.000
barrels in 14I5 to 72,531,000 for the
present season.
Little loss is expected in the pear
Newport Excursion
on Sunday, July 30
Salem Street Car Employes
and Band
Leaves Salem 6:30 a. m., Sunday, July 30
Leaves Albany 7:30 a. m., Sunday, July 30
Arrives Newport 12:15 p. m., Sunday, July 30
Leaves Newport 6:30 p. m., Sunday, July 30
Arrives Albany 10:45 p. m., Sunday, July 30
Arrives Salem 11:49 p. m., Sunday, July 30
Is the Round Trip Fare.
Special street cars leave both ends of Commercial
street and end of Asylum line at 6 a. m. for Southern
Pacific station. Special cars will leave station after
arrival of special train at 11:49 p. m. for Commercial
street and Asylum lines. Secure tickets from street
car employes or at S. P. Station.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agt., Portland, Or
Coos Bay Railroad Celebration Marshfield and
North Bend, Aug. 24, 25 and 26. Low round trip fare
crop, the estimate being 10,70.1,000 bush- Mrs. Chatter seems to be quite a con
els, a loss of half a million bushels. I versationalist.
The grape outlook is disappointing, a Yes. She has three cars to bragg
drop ef. about 3,000,000 bushels from arlout and six servants to complain ofc
last year's figures of 85,100,000 bush- Boston Globe,
els being anticipated. i
' Disciplining a boy is frequently like-
Neglected adenoids and defective censoring the war news, it takes all
teeth in childhood menace adult heulth. the interesting features out. Ex.
Trust Prices Cut in Half
Painless Parker
50 Less
Hours 8:30 to 6:30; closed Sundays.
Bigger Office, Bigger Business, Better Methods, Better System,
More Patients, More Hygienic
We examine your teeth (not your pocketbook) free of charge.
Tart of every dollar you give a Trust Dentist goes to help keep up
the Trust in Oregon. Can you afford to pay $2 for $1 worth of old
style dentistry just to help the dental combine crush competition?
Painless Parker Dentist
326i2 Washington St., Portland
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Jose, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Every Cold Should
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So ay the best medical authorities.
Unless promptly checked, often they
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monary trouble! which may- prove
If your cough or cold has not re
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on timely use of Eckmana Altera
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For more than twenty years It has
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disorders. It 1 especially indicated
where the system demands lime, tor
It contains calcium chlorid o com
blned as to be easily assimilated by
the average person.
Safe to try because It contains no
harmful or habit-forming drugs ot
any sort whatsoever.
At your druggist's.
Ueksaaa Laboratory, Philadelphia.
why Not Uh
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Junk, metal, robber, hides and fort. I pay 2o per pound for aid raft.
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I !