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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1916)
TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM; OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1916. i i "Salem's Big Department Store" Special Sale of Women's and Misses' New Smocks Special Sale of Women's and Misses' New Middy Blouses for Thursday, Friday and Saturday at - - 89c Special Showing and Sale of Kiddies' Play Sets Consists of a cover-all Apron and a nifty Sunbonnet to match. Made of a good grade washable fabric. Extra Special only 39c a Set Sizes 2 years to 6 years. See window display. Meyers' Swimming Contest Postponed On account of unfavorable weather, the Opening of the Public Bathing Beach has been postponed one week and the time of the Meyers Swimming Race has accordingly been extended to that date. TOOK 36 HOURS TO GET ELECTRICMINE LIPS Criminal Negligence -of Of-ficials-ll Bodies Still In Tunnel Cleveland, Ohio, July 26. With elec tric mine lamps secured today 36 hours after more than a score of lives were snuffed out with the tunnel disaster, rescue work was resumed, Cherrian Picnic at Fair Grounds Thursday The Cherrian iicni'c and dance at the state fair grounds Thursday evening promises to be one of the big affairs of the season. The picnic is given to raise funds necessary to pay the expenses inciden tal to carrying" the Cherrian hand to Marshfield at the Coos Bay celebration August 25, and for this reason, the pic nic and dance is a city affair, and the committee in charge wishes it to be so understood. Hand bills to the number of 1,000 were attributed in the city yesterday announcing several of the main features of the evening. The dinner will be served in the big dining room of the fair grounds restau rant, and will be of the picnic order in nuii;ii every uouy urings ineir own eat NEWS FROM TOWEL SECTION A new shipment of Baby Bath Towels, Turkish weave, pink or blue border, size 13x24 ; 25c each Turkish Bath Towels, full size, 24x44, pink or blue border 85c each Fancy Turkish Bath Rugs, pink or blue borders, size 25x44 $1.25 each Crocheted Turkish Towel sets, neatly crocheted edges, 1 large bath towel and two face towels in each set, ask to see these, priced $1.50 a Set Fancy Wash Cloths, pink or blue borders 10c each Attempts were made todav to recover the bodies of 11 workmen trapped and . incr. Those who nnve fnileil n nrn. suffocated in the death hole under the j vide will be properly taken care o'f by lake Monday night. William McOilrhrisr, Jr., who has been H. H. Ehinehalt, chief engineer at appointed by the Cherrians to run a hot cno no. o warned tne teoeral mine inspectors to watch out for more deadly gas, dog and coffee stand, the profits of which are to go into the general fund. The litnev dnneo in tho manlinapv xien in iiBuie io ureas loose in mat, nan will Begin promptly on time, which hole any time," said Bhinehnlt. "En-1 means, according to the instructions of gines working all night pumped fresh the committee, as soon as the dinner and air into the tunnel, raising the pressure, a few incidental program numbers arc iu puiuiuB per square men. , over, len men guve up their lives in a he roic effort to free the entombed men. a uozen otners tnced death in a sim- iiur attempt, iney went Uown into the death hole without helmets and fever ishly worked to revive those overcome, though pulmotors were lacking. ' Flags flew at half mast today in honor of the 10 men who died trying to save their fellow men. Meanwhile a triple probe -- federal, county ana municipal was to be held to try to tix responsibility DIED 8W1KXIXK At the family home, 105 Miller street. South Salem, July Will, Miss Harriet Swienink, in her 2"ith year. Her death was due to a stroke of tin 1'lllvttis nlimlt tlit'f'f vnn i-u nun nml The inves- nervous exhaustion. She was formerly ligutors will try to find out why nolemploved at the Barnes store, precautions were taken against a pos- She is survived bv her father and Slide accident in the tunnel. There ! mother. Mr. and .Mrs (i. Su-eininkr were no safety first devices or first aid implements. MAY SEND THEM HOME 36 years of Sue cessful Merchan dising in Salem QUALITY AND SERVICE 77 1 A If i7fiIO I i a "'"'"''WMWIWII I Mrs. nna McMillan has rturned to i El Paso, Texas, July 20. Major flen. Task or H. Bliss of th general stall', stated tins afternoon he would recom mend to secretary of War linker that militiamen on the bonier discontented with camp life be sent back home as soon as military necessity permits. Wins was displeased with reports of discomforts of the militiamen en route and in camp. a. brother Jack Sweinink, employed at the Hay Ij. Farmer hardware store and a grandfather, A. J. Swienink. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Thiirsdnv afternoon from the chapel of Webb & ('lough. Burial willl be in the ( it- View ceineterv Convincing the Old-fashioned Cook At first she says that she and her family are satisfied with the shortening she always has used. It is pretty hard to improve upon her pie crust and cake. But someone induces her to try (RISCO For Frying-Fon Shortening For Cake Making BORN U b l 1 r i l t l MATLOCK To Mr. and Mrs. X. X. .uatlock. 171HI Waller street, Tuesday July ii.-, J !!!, a .laughter. Tord agents do not expect any change in tne price nor in the general ! ,. , " style of the car for the coming vear, K 1 N( To Mr- 1111(1 lls- V llll,lm Kl''K iillhiini'h definite,.iinc,.ni..i,t 'will: -Moli'llii. Oregon, at the Salem hos- uot he made by the factory until Aug ust I. J no ror.l buyers tins week arc: Frank I'ntterlin and the Archcrd im plement company of Salem; A. W. Meyer of route ti, and Miss Susun Cap linger of rural route ."). All Around Town . COMING EVENTS TONIGHT July 24-2-:!(l. "The Birth of a Nation," Grand Opera House, July 2H. Opening of swim ming beach. Special program, July 27. Cherrian dinner Had dance at Fair grounds. July 28. Wisconsin society re union at State fair grounds, July HO. Salem Street Uuilnay excursion to Newport. July 31-August 1. Comic op era, "The Mikado," oper house, auspices Moose lodge. Aug. 25, Cherrian excursion, to Murshfield. Sept. 25-30 Oregon State Fair. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glosse N correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bid,;. Lee Hiiig, the Chinaman wanted here on a statutory charge, has been nr rested In l'ortluud. Constable Cooper goes after him this afternoon. o Steusloff Bros., Inc., will pay 8 3-4 cents for top hogs, tf o The building at 4U7 State street is undergoing repairs ami will bo occu pied in a short time by Mrs. Agnes McKvoy as a millinery and drygoods store. A 8up Will teach and Bell my bus iness. Owens, Hatter, 1115 Court St. tf John 8. Richie, postmaster at Scotta Mills is in the city. Besides serving his country an iiostmaster for the past nine years Mr. Kichie is a former mem ber of the state legislature. He cele brated his 7tith birthday last Sundav. Drink Cereo, tne liquid food. Better man cot fee or tea. Ask your grocer, tf . Taking of evidence In the case of the State vs. Lee Jeans, indicted for as sault en the person of Hubert Hunsak er at Turner April 1 lust, whs begun in Department 1 of the circuit court this afternoon. Drink CereoT the liquid food, the health drink. Ask your grocer. tf The rocial and reception for the Bev. and Mrs. lieorge V. Holt to be given by the ladies of too First Bap tist church this evening has been post poned. It will be given some time next week at the parsonage, 54H North Liberty. Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed, bleeding gums anil pyorrhea. 4 Hi I'. S. Hank llldg. I'honis'lSii. Mrs. A. L. LarSUn, news of whose escape from tho state hospital for the insane was published yesterday, was captured today at the I'oniherton resi dence, 1455 South Ciiininenial street, where she had applied for work, unci returned to the institution. o If its building materials! Come to us. Falls Cit.y Snlem Lumber Co., 34ii S. 12th St. I'lione 813. E, Ccoke Patton returned yesterday from a businewi trip down south. A mong former Salem people, he reports having had the pleasure of meeting Harry Thompson, now- with the Hunk of Brownsville and Dick liew-ellyn at Albany whom ho hud not seen for 35 years. Do It jiow , Tho Halles apricots are now ready for preserving. $150 per crate. Hoth ti roc. Co. 0 Tomorrow the Associated Charitieu of Cortland will give file children of that city n vacation mid Salem has been selected as the location for the day's outing. The Southern I'mific has given the train. Besides the free picnic, tho children will each bo given a ticket entitling every child to one ieo crenm cone. Another Large Shipment Of those god Turlock cantaloupes duo this morning. Three and four for 23 cents. Hoth Uroe. Co. DenlMn'a Baths, foot of State ttreet Safe, convenient, first class. tf Don t Delay The Dallea apricots are now at their best. Order quickly. $1.30 crate, Koth Uroc. Co. Until tills morning no rain had fal len for eight days, resulting in a grad ual falling of tho river until the gunge today recorded 1.8 feet above low water. And while the east and central state are revrting many deatiis from the excessively hot weath er, Salem and the valley 'is experienc ing an unusually cool spell, with the maximum yesterday at 75 degrees, the minimum 53, Dr. M. P. Mendelshon, who has been on an extended vacation for the bene fit of his health, is back verv much improved and will be at his office to morrow, where he will be very glad to receive his friends. Regardless of weather conditions, the excursion of the falom street rail way employes to Newport will take place Suudav. Having iiostpoued the excursion once on account of rain, the committee in charge announces that weather conditions will have nothing to do with the trip, as the train will leave on schedule time, which is n:.IO o clock in tne morning. The Sa lem Street Kuilway band will accom pany and give a concert during the af ternoon. CARD OF"tHANKS We wish to express our thanks to those who so kindly assisted iu our sad bereavement, jir, and Mrs. M. K. Bliven aud fniui- 'jr. Mrs. j-iima McMillan has rturned to her home in Highland after spending a three month's vacation at her form er lionie in Iowa. This was her first visit to her home uftor an absence of IS years. J. T. Pomeroy of this city and A. Feld eiiheiinei' of I'orthiud were elected as member itt' the executive committee to serve with the officers of the Ore gun iietail Jewelers association, at their meeting this week in Albany. The Pythian Sisters of the Grand Temple of Oregon will hold their 23d uiimial convention in Portland begin ning Friday. Many of the delegates from Salem anil surrounding bulges will remain in l'ortlnnd until next week to attend tiio National Session of l'ythiau Sisters. The Freeburg, Hanover, St. Peters burg nml St. I 'aul mining claims situ ated on the north fork of the Sautiam river in the Lester mining district, this county, have been sold by Onirics Wolz to James V. Mnys, through tho agency of i). M. Wilson & Co. A deed to the property has been deposit ed iu escrow, to be delivered upon the payment of $10,000. ftw is the time to can apricots. There is just one week iu the yenr when the time is just exactly ripe for apricot canning aud that week will begin tomorrow. Apricots from Tiie Dalles and Wenatchee are now on the market, the fruit is in fine condition for canning and the prices as low as may be expected during the aprieor season. And iu addition to all this, the price, of sugar has not advanced for several months. Prof. J. O. Hall, professor of social science of Willamette I'niversity, has just returned from Ashland where he was engaged as one of the speakers and instructors for th,v Ashland Chau tauqua, lie will speak Friday after noon at tho Wisconsin picnic held at the state fair grounds and has been engaged by the department of the in terior to deliver nil address August 8 at the Chemawa institute on, "Reme dies Against Poverty. " Clara Hastings, living on South Six teenth street showed true salesmanship Inst evening by selling 32 tickets at the dance given on Court street by the Salem Patriotic League, and by sell ing this number was given the prize, a box of candy, for selling the great est number of tickets of the many who were aiding the League. Clara is only nine years old but demonstrated in a short time that she could sell tickets faster than the average young lady twice her age. Beginning next Tuesday morning, street ear patrons will be given the privilege of boarding cars ou tho near side of the street. The only exception to the rule will be mad ou State street and Commercial and again on State and Liberty. On account of traffic conditions at the intersection of these streets, tho present methods of stop ping will lie niaintaineii. muse have been getting on the cars at the Ladd & Hush bank and the Portland Kuilway, Light aad Tower comer may do so in the future, and also those ac customed to waiting for the ear at the corner of the Snle.i Bank of Com merce nuilding will find the stop jrjst as in the pant. Hut after Angust 1, all other car stops will le made en the uear side of the street. Try the Journal Classified Ads. lital, HMd, a son. KLLIS To Mr. ami Mrs. William 1. Kllis. 5!S -North Seventeenth street July 25, l!Hil, a daughter. CKONN to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cronn. at their home iu Salcni, July 25, .l'.MH, a son. LETTER IS DELIVERED Berlin, July 2li. American Anibas- The ladies of tne Salem Patriotic League report a net profit of about j 50 from the dance given last night I on Court street during the band con cert and for nil hour afterwards. The spirit of luirtiotisin nianilited itself to such an extent that, the ladies in ' s!uIor Werard today delivered to Minis charge of the worlt wish to thank the;fl" tlf Foreign Affairs Von Jagow, public ill general for the liberal sup-President Wilson 's Polish relief appeal, port and announce- that from time to The message was taken to Kaiser Wil tinie as there is the need, other enter-! helm at the ensternf ront. Iniiiiiients will be given. The money j ' 1 received from the dunce will go into ; Vnnl',n rI, I7 the general relief fund. i I UUllUIl 1 I Uli 1 Ul o George C. L. rfnyder has been pre sented with a KrngJor'fcnsen rifle by the members of the Salem Rifle club in recognition of the interest he has taken in the organization of the club and in securing members. The mem bers who received their guns Monday are already engaged in rifle practice. Another shipment of 40 guns from the government arsenal at Venetia, Calif., will arrive in a few days. The regu lar school of instruction. Will be held at the armory Thursday evening. The Ten-Year-Olds The pessimists who said the fair grounds road would never lie paved, not at lenst during the life of the present generation, should take a lit tle trip out in Hint direction and just watch the full crew puttiirg out stakes for the curbing ami the big road roll er at work and the big plow turning up the ground for the curbing. In addition to the city crew working, tae water company is preparing to extend its niaius north on Summer street a long the fair grounds road to a point north of the Highland load. A six inch am in will be placed along these streets For the first time in many years, the public will have the pleasure of see ing a home talent show at the opera house, in comic opera. George T. Wil son, who is giviii" the opera under the auspices of the Moose lodge is a vet eran in the comic opera field and be sides being a singer and composer, possesses the unusual r.bility to direct the dramatic work necessary in a com ic opera. "The Mikado" is perhaps the most tuneful of all comic operas.! From the opening of the first chorus of Japanese men, the music maintains the interest to the close, llie opera will be given next Monday and Tues- lay evenings at the opera house. While ten and fifteen cents is about the average that the ordinary citizen is pleased to pay for a movie, yet when a film is announced that has at tracted world-wide attention, the price apiars to be of little considera tion. Hegiiining Monday nignt, wun prices for the lower floor 2 and $1.50, the opern house has been taxed to seat ing capacitv by the erowits ttrnwn iy "The Birth of a Nation." This af ternoon at 1 o'clock the street was crowded with hundreds awaiting their chance for a ticket. And the general opinion is that the film is a worth the ntoney and then some. o A fine program of address, music and readings will feature the picnic to be given next Saturday, July 21) on the old Highland church grounds, on the Oaii Orove road. It will be given under the direction or the " Parent Teachers association of the Mountain View school, and will be for the gen eral public, the only requirement be ing tnat all who attead bring a basket lunch for their individual party, it will lie an all day gathering and will lie tilled with interesting entertain ment. Stands will be ereited for ices and leverages, the proceeds to go to the Parent-Teachers association. Cof fee will be served free. I I si Perhaps it is her daughter who has used it at Domestic Science School, or a neighbor who has obtained excellent results. After the first trial, the old-fashioned cook slowly but surely comes to use Criscoforall cooking. She has become a Crisco enthusiast. She has found these advantages: Frying. There is no smoke nor odor. Fried foods are free from the taste of grease. Now they are tasty and crisp and digestible. The same Crisco can be used to fry fish, onions, doughnuts, etc., merely by straining out the food particles after each frying. Shortening. Crisco gives pastry a new flakiness and digestibility. Cake Making. Crisco gives richness at smaller coM-. It brings cake making back to popularity. j(C 3C 3C sj . 5C 3fC )c 3jC 5C St Jjc TODAY'S BALL SCORES I Nationals. Cincinnati New York . Schneider and Wiugo; Itaridcn. First game. St. Louis Brooklyn Meadows and (lonzales; Meyers. Second game. St. Louis IL IT. K. .401 .. 2 5 . 3 Salle and U. H. K. .. 3 10 3 .. 2 3 3 Smith and K. H. E. II 5 4 5 7 1 and Snyder; Pfeffer and Brooklyn ., Williams McCarthy. First game. Pittsburg 'Philadelphia Adams, Carpenter and Alexander and Killifer. Second game. Pittsburg Philadelphia Miller and Wilson; Hixey Chicago Boston Vaughn and Clements; How dy. BRAVE SCOUT A CRIMINAL Columbus. N . M ., July 2ii. luy llartmnn, whose bravery as scout tor the punitive expedition in Mexico earned official praise, today admitted his identity, following lour days of de nials, lie expressed his willingness' to return to Fort Smith. Ark., to faco charges in connection with the great internal revenue frauds. To STOP MINORS Washington. July 2ii. The senate this afternoon adopted an amendment to the army appropriation bill imikinic enlistments in the regular unify or mi litia invalid unless with the written af firmative consent of the parents. U. H. K. . 1 10 1 . 7 14 0 Schmidt; ! K. II. E. 5 8 0 .2 5 3 and Hums. R. H. E. .022 . 1 2 0 Allen and American R. If. K. New York 0 1 0 Chicnirn 2 7 1 Mogridge aud Niniuinaker; Cicotte ami Schalk. R. If. E. 1 Boston 3 S Oj Cleveland 2 S (l: Slavs and Thomas; lieebe and OV Neil. " , ! First game ft. If. K. i Philadelphia 11 10 0 St. Louis 5 ' " Myers ami Pienich; Weilmah and Severoid. i R. If. E. ' Washington X 3; lVtroit "10 J; Johnson and Ainsmiih; .Mitchell, ihi-1 line and SlcKee. , When In SALEM, OREGON, itoa it BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths BATES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PES DAT The only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatres ai-d Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home. T. O. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Free Anto Bui. RESIDENCE PARLORS Licensed Lady Assistant Moderate Pricei Perfect Service Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Ort. BORED WITH LIFE? Buff gingham, combined with a brown white and red plaid cut kilt, makes an attractive frock for the sturdy girl. ( The smocking is confined by a stitched ; on belt, the F.ton collar and cuffs le- ing white pique. This model is so prac ticul that mother will enjoy it. 3 All Hands Point to Our Want Acb as the Result Producers ' Everybody watclei tkem Tkey fcriof timely reiilti The Korean Restaurant is now opened in our new loca tion at 110 1-2 Coral street. Everything new and clean. All kinds of Chinese and Spanish dishes. Pay us a visit. Does the Sun Hurt Your Eyes ? Do you squint? Do you pull your hat brim down over your eyes in a vain ef fort to shield them? Then you are in need of properly fitted glasses such! as we supply. We have the' experience and the equip- ment, and satisfaction goes' with every pair. Miss A. McCuIIoch, PTOMETRIST. NEWPORT-NYE BEACH : Automobile Passenger and Bag- w gage Transfer Furnished Tents and Cottages Correspondence Promptly Answered L. D. PICKENS, Box 271 291 N. Commercial Hours 9 to 5. St., Ground Floor Phone 925 Um .Airily Any kimd ..vDf.nfP p; r-.i. Any time .