Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 26, 1916, STREET EDITION, Image 1

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Soldiers of the Colonies Force Their Wa iFoot by Foot
Through the Town Until It Is AH Theirs--This Will Force
Germans to Retreat From Part of FrontRussians Haye
Turks Demoralized and In Flight and March Ahead Meet
ing But Little Resistance
London, July 26. After three days of desperate hand
fco hand fighting, grubbing in mud and crumbled masonry,
the Anzac soldiers of Great Britain's army have finally
taken the whole of the village of Pozieres.
"The whole of Pozieres is now in our hands," General
Sir Douglas Haig reported briefly today. "Westward the
territorials have further advanced capturing two strong
trenches and a number of prisoners, including five of
ficers. Elsewhere there is no change."
The war has seen no more desperate fighting than that
which has resulted in the ejection of the Teutons from this
French village. An important point on the main highway
toward Bapaume was the object of the first great thrust
of the British offensive.
Late last week Australian and New Zealand soldiers
gained a foothold in the village itself. A series of furious
German counter attacks failed to dislodge them. Cling
ing desperately to makeshift barriers to the southeast of
the town barriers for the most part made of the crum
bled ruins of the town's houses the British forces stub
bornly repulsed their assailants and steadily pushed them
back almost inch by inch.
The rain of machine gun fire was incessant, save when
forces on both sides swarmed out from their barriers and
with clubbed rifles and bayonets swayed back and forth
in hand to hand grips. Threatened for weeks the Ger
mans had time to make emplacements in houses for their
machine guns to buttress up their positions with concrete
and steel. They turned a windmill to the northwest of the
town into a veritable fortress, from which machine guns
rattled death. Nearby was a cemetery and among the
graves of the dead were placed the terrible modern death
dealing implements of war.
bles above the earth.
Capture of the Pozieres end-augers So far the Grand Puke has made his
the German forces fighting in the sa- phenomenal advance without any aid in
lietn from Thiepval to Pozieres. It was ! administering his supplies.
noted here today that the territorials!
having ejected the Teuptons from the i Erzingin is Taken,
village immediately began a westwnrd Pctrograd, Julv 20. Capture of Er
eucireling movement, menacing the en- j Ki,1(rin iy forces of the Grand Duke
emy contained in this loop of the line. Nicholas, and small advances against
A retirement from this curve is ex- Teutonic defenders northwest of Barnn
pected. A further British enveloping ; owitcht. following fierce battle, were
movement eastward from Thiepval was : announced in the war office statement
anticipated today to increase the pres-! today.
sure on this "kink" in the line, forcing I It wa8 ns0 fitnted that the enemy had
the Germans to straighten it out by a )een repulsed after crossing the river
retreat. jShara.
. .. , I Tho capture of Erzingan clenrs all
On Way to Constantinople. 'Turks from Armenia and further opens
Petrograd. July 2(5. The Grand Duke the way for an advanoe across Asia
Nicholas and his army have completed Minor peninsula toward Angora and
nearly one-quarter of the journey to feivas.
Angorn. Russian troops are forcing Besides advancing slightly northwest
lmck demoralized Turkish forces and of Baranowitchi against the Austro
establishiug almost a record for quick German lino on the eastern front in
advance. Their rate of progress has Europe, Russian forces withstood suc
lieen nlmost that of a marching army cessfully attacks which sought to bend
in peace times. Erzingnn is nbout to back the first line in the region of
"fall into Russian hands and apparently Kemnerno. The enemy lost heavily in
the Grand Duke's troops will hnvo lit- these fruitless attempts, the wnr office
tie difficulty in pressing onward. reported.
Angora is the eastern terminus of thej "In the region of Slonevki to the left
railroad which lends to Contsantinople. of the river we continue to press the
Tt is the immediate objective of the retreating enemy," the statement con
Russian advance. Sivas, about 150 miles eluded,
from the Russian lino now is pressing;
forward, is n smaller railway center i . . Berlin Admits Loss,
tapping the Black sea port of Samsum. Berlin, July 2(1. "After a stubborn
Mrs. Tipton Budd has decided not t'
Timt her aged mother in Illinoy this
fall as she'd rather put th' money
in rugs. Don't a feller feel good aft
er he gits out of a store where be near
ly bought somethin'f
The cemetery is new a sham
fight, the British established them
selves la Pozieres," the German of
ficial statement declared today.
The war office reported repulse of en
emy attacks in Foureux wood, near
I.ongueval and at Trones woods and
claimed a "small advance" ngainst
French forces entrenched on Hill 304.
In the eastern theatre of war, cast
and southeast of Gorodishchc and
northwest of BeresleczRo the statement
asserted that Russian attacks had been
repulsed with severe losses.
May Change Minds.
Berlin, July 20. "The allies will not
talk pence while their hopes of victory
are aroused but it may be well for
them to talk peace when the Russians
Lrctreat," declared Count Julius Andras-
sy, Buda Pest opposition leader today.
He was commenting on the Teutonic
Russian conflict in the Carpathians, and
expressed the belief tnat the Austro-
German troops would hold the Russians
"The Carpathians are a natural bar
rier," be said. "The only danger point
is along the Stokhod river and around
I .em berg. Responsible officers all de
clare that sooner or later the Russians
will be pushed back, if we hold our
present lines."
Review of Situation,
Br Ed L Keen.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
London, July 20 Pozieres has fallen.
(Continued on psge nine.)
Peaceful Picketing
Resumed , in Portland
Portland, Or., July 2(5. With" peace
ful picketing resumed along the water
front, Federal Judge Woivertou con
vened court today for tlio purpose of
deciding whether to issue a permanent
injunction against strikers interfering
with the San Francisco and Portland
Steamship company. As attorneys for
the striking longshoremen were not
ready to proceed, however, it was prac
tically certain that the hearing would
be postponed until tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Judge Wolverton's tem
porary injunction is in effect. The
strikers say it does not hamper them,
as they never committed any of the
alleged effenses which the court order
prohibits. At the same time they ob
jected to the injunction being in force
09 it puts them in the light of would
be law breakers, they declare.
Is Held On Charge of Murder
ing Girl with Whom He
Was Intimate
OIney, III., July 20. Wealthy rela
tives of Hoy Itintcrliter, young farmer
held to the grand jury without bond
for the alleged murder of seventeou
year old F.lizubctii Knlcliffe, nro mak
ing strenuous efforts today to secure
his release on bnil.
The relatives propose to get a hear
ing of the evidence with a view to hav
ing the bail fixed by the circuit court.
The manner of death is declared by
Dr. Frank 11. Weber of tho Olney In
stitute, to be freakish. He knows of
no other case under similar circum
stances. The autopsy disclosed thei
presence of air in the arteries, collect
ed about the brain and hearfc This
was tlie only cause of death a commis
sion of physicians could find.
"With the accidental discovery of nn
instrument) for an illegal operation,
by .which physicians behove Hmtcrlin
ter blew nir into tho girl's arteries in1
an effort to produce abortion, the statu,
obtained a start upon which to work.
The work of producing evidence, n
loug these lines has progressed fur
enough to warrant Ilinterlniler bein;;
held to the grand jury. Tho authori
ties refuse to disclose all of the evi
dence obtained, but declare they have
the confessions of several boy friends
of llinterlinter. This evidence will be
placed before the grand jury when the
case is presented to It in November,
llinterlinter refuses to throw any light
on the murder, and' maintains that he
knows nothing of the case other than
the girl fainted while she was riding
with him.
Honest Effort Apparently Be
ing Made to Prevent
Further Clashes
By Webb Miller
(United Press staff correspondent)
Columbus, N. M., July 20. The Car
ranzista soldiers in Northern Chihua
hua are giving the American exedi
tionary forces a wide berth, accord
ing to reports hero today. Gen. Tre
vino hns withdrawn his cavalry pa
trols from the immediato vicinity of
the American lines. Gen Pershing's
scouts have not encountered any Mex
ican troops Cor many days find fears of
a repetition of the (,'arrizal incident
are almost entirely dissipated. Wheth
er the de facto government troops have
been withdrawn for the Villa cam
paign farther south, is not known.
Forty truck drivers recruited in
eastern states, arrived here during the
night to pilot the new motor trains
being forinuriled to increase facilities
for transporting supplies to Pershing
The contracts of many chauffeurs
with the expedition terminates soon
and many have signified their inten
tion of quitting the service on account
of hardships, rough trails and contin
uous driving.
Requisitions for winter clothing and
tent stoves arc being prepared today
by the corps of the New Mexico and
Massachusetts militia. Officials stat
ed that this action did not necessari
ly mean the militia would remain on
the border throughout the coming win
ter. The requisitions are a precaution
ary measure as tne papers must De
prepared several months oefore the ma
terials can be obtained.
New York, July 26. Standard Oil
of Indiana today declared its regular
quarterly dividend of three per cent.
Shortly before the dividend was an
nounced tne stock sold at bV.s, a new
high record, and an advance of 13
points for the day.
As a eneral thing, it is when a girl
gets too big for a spanking that sho
needs it the most. Ex.
. i
Story Is One That Makes
Average Novel Plot Seem
Claim Made Mrs. Matters
Wanted Baby to Secure
Chicngo, July 20.- The fight for the
famous Matter baby by two women,
one a fashionably gowned and beautiful
woman of society, tike other a little
Canadian backwoods girl, was begun in
Federal Judge Saudis' court today.
Mrs. Annie fiollio Ledgcrwood" Mat
ters, of C'hicoJti, and "Margaret Ry
an" unwed war bride of tho village
blacksmith of lu'r Canadian home town,
were the womf. Both claim to be
mother of the child.
Wster St. Celestine, mother superior
of the Misercordia hospital, Ottawa,
f'niimln tvnu .!, fiiuf T..ll.:.
in u iov voice, uirocuy to jnuge l.nn
dis, she told of Mrs. Matters' visit to
tho hospital last July.
"She suid sliif had to adopt a child.
Her husband was wenlthy, she told me,
but they had no children," said Wa
ter St. Celestiud. "She suid she want- j
ed it to appear as though the child was i
really her own. She didn't want her I
husband to know'the truth."
Bister Tells of Birth. j
The r.ister then went on and told of
how a baby born to "Margaret Rvau"l
her real name is not given for obvious 1
renscpis'-wns ti.en to the room of Mrs.
Matters and nn operation performed
upon the woman. "Miss Ryan" was
told the baby died.
Both Mrs. Matters and "Mnrgnret"
were in court. The baby was brought in
shortly after their arrival. When n
court attache took it to Mi.i. Matters,
"Margaret" broke down and cobbed.
Sister St. Celestine was followed on
the stand by Sister Mary also of Miser
cordia hospital. Her testimony was a
corrobrution of the mother superior's.
The Mutters bnby case, to date, has
unfolded a story that would furnish a
de Muupnussnnt with plots for a doz
on novels. It began when December
mated with June when Frederick Mat-
ters, Areola, j.u., moving picrure mag-
natc, a man Hearing 70, married Anna
Dolhe Lcdgerwood, a womnn of 20. j
iiit-u .uniaia iiiimi, iL-uviii 11
$200,000 estate. A few weeks after his
Mrs. Matters appeared with n
Wanted the Estate.
It was hers, she said, born to her at
Misercnrdin hospital, at Ottawa, Can
ada. Other heirs to the estatc question
etii hor cluim of a posthumous heir. In
the first place, they said, parenthood
was a physical impossibility to Mat
ters. Physicians enmo from the hnspitnl
nnd testified for Mrs. Matters. It was
her baby, they said. Then, months Int
er, Dr. L. C. Kmilo Bercaid, chief oh-
stearician of tho hospital, camo to Chi-
cngo, ami said ins conscience hart trou- in the market around 78 anil tins check
bled him, thnt ho wanted to change bis ed the further improvement in the stock
story. j in tho early trading.
This time he snid lie was telling the I Steel common, itself, dipped under
truth. The bnby was not Mrs. Mnttcfs' lust night's closing figures, reaching a
at all. It was born to Margaret Bryan, point or so from the top. Elsewhere
a young Cunadian girl, who had stir- the entire market sold off, but only in
rendered to love when the village bluck
smith in her town went nwnv to wnr
with the Cnnndian contingent. Tho bnby
was taken from Margaret at its birth,
Dr. Bercard said, and tuken to a room
where Mrs. Matters lay, Margaret was
told her baby had died at birth. She
lay listlessly and sadly in her cot in the
nubUc ward while Mrs, Matters, known
to the "poor ward," ns the "million
aire lady" crooned over child.-
Dr. Bercard detailed the surgical pre
cations that had been taken to make it
appenr Mrs. Matters was the mother.
Whon the trial of Mrs. Mntters on n
criminal charge begun, the state sprung
a surprise, it brought Margaret Jlrv-
an to Chicago and the pretty Cunadisu
girl told the jury her story. But it did
not convict Mrs. Matters.
Pay Day Brings No
Disorder On Border
Son Antonio, Texas, July 2(1. This
city passed an unusually quiet night,
despite the fact that yesterday wus
pay day. General Funston had pro
vided for any dijiorderliness by increas
ing the number and equipmcut of the
provost guard. Coloael Deaison, coin
manner of the Eighth Illinois( negro)
infantry, detailed seven sergeants to
watch the men from that unit who had
received passes.
No official action bas been taken in
the alleged attack by several negro sol
diers on a white attorney from New
Braunfels. Monday night.
Anynow, ine iniateu Irish republic-
paid ns a compliment. It chose a
schoolmaster for president. Oary Times
Six-Year-Old Acrobat v
Hanged by Accident
Los Angeles, Cal., July 20. Little 6
year old Curtis Peck told playmates on
his street today that he'll never go to
a circus again as long as he lives.
Yesterday, on a crude trapeze, above
a "circus ring" in the back yard of
( urtut' home, he saw- bix your old
Charlie Samuels hanged to death.
Tue diminutive acrobat, for better
balance, had slipped a rope noose over
bis head while attempting a difficult
"trick." His foot slipped from an
iron ring which spanned his wrist, and
the nooso tightened with a jerk. For
a time the lone little spectator thought
Charlie was just playing dead. Then
he ran to the house and told the maid.
The child was dead with a fractured
vertabrao when lifted from the tra
Charge Against Atwood Is
Changed to Murder When '
Victim Died
Boston, Mnss., July 20. Dr. Wilfrid
E. Harris died early today nt the city
hospital without n word or hint to the
police which might throw light on Bos
ton's tragedy of the eternal triuugle.
For a week the osteopath lingered un
conscious from tho three bullets with
which lie was shot down by Dr. Eldridgo
D. Atwood.
In the triangle the womnn, Dr. Celia
Adams died from poisoning, believed
to have been self -administered. It wus;
her denih, after a confession to her
fiancee, Dr. Atnoud, taut Harris hud
betrayed her, thut precipitated the
shooting. 1
Atwood was to lie arraigned todny
and the charge against him chunged j
from felonious assault to first degreo !
minder. He indicated his defense will1
be a mixture uf the brainstorm and!
unwritten law pleas, His version sup-1
ported by discovery of n razor in his
pocket when arrested was thnt he call
ed at Harris' offices merely with the
intention of mutilating tho osteopath,
but thut ho went temporarily mnd.
Market Sold Off In
Nearly All Stocks
New York, July 20. Tho New York
Evening Sun's fiunncinl review todny
Speculative Wall street is familial
with the phenomen of "selling upon
geod news," but it Is doubtful if the
rank and file among the traders ai'tici
pnted reactionary market following
tea reactionary market following
8 publication of the truly remarkable
owing of the Lmted States Steel cor-
rat.oa for the second quarter of the
poratioa for the second quarter of the
current year. The issue registered j Anglo-French drive was inevitably sue
wule opening w th 15 1)00 sl.nrcs Chang. ce8sfll, nnd wh ,h 0 nf()lthl,
intr liniida nf Kit in N7 thn pvlrpmn 1 , ... '
ing hands nt H(l 3-4 to 87, the extreme
figure mnrking nil advance of n full
point. Other issues and particularly
those of the independent iron and steel
companies, like Lncknwnnun and Re
public, which moved up 1 1-4 and 1 1-2
points respectively were fuvornbly in
fluciiced by tho improvement in the
market leader. But the betterment was
not long continued, and before the ex-1 tijll drend.iniiglit off the Orkney is
pirntiou of the tirst half hour reae-; i,.,i nr,r,ii., . r:.mn .i.t.w-
"7 'eou'-Ni ios ii. veinpiMi. I
Without question, heavy selling or-
ders iu United Stntes Steel, possibly i
representing Kuropeau liquidation, were
the ease of certain industrial speciul-
ties did the losses much, if uny, exceed
Iowa Soldiers Are Biggest
in the World Says Sheppard
"-State Has Quaker Squad
By William O. Shepherd
(United I'ress staff correspondent)
Brownsville. Texus. July 2)1. Hli!if
than any of the average run of soldiers
1 saw in the armies in Kuroie uro the
men of tho Third Iowa regiment, who
today ore fighting the cnetus and
greaswood on their car.ip grounds near
They compared in size and appear
ance with thn "hand picked" grena-
dier guards of the royal household in I
l-oihlon. t'ut them In the splendid un-jln
irorms or tne rottsiinmmer guards in
Berlin and in physical appearance they
would undoubtedly outshine the famous
organization. One crock Italian regi
ment of Tyrolenns, r.ie biggest men 1
saw in I'll rope, is the only thing that
prevent the statement that the lowana
are bigger than any troops in the Eu
ropean conflict.
Forty Iowa cavalrymen are not com
in( to Brownsville. They're called
"slackers'-by the troops. When 1
sought Information about the forty
"slackers" I ran across Cautain IVed
rl. Jltrd. He's nobody in particulni
only the Iowa rifleman who went to
Stockholm, Sweden, in 1H12 and wonQunker have a Red Cross hospital.
Is So Confident Lines Will
Hold, He Goes to Eastern
German Officials Say Allies
Failed to Follow Up Gains
In Time
By Carl W. Ackerman. . .
(United Press staff correspondent.)
With the German Army at Pcroune,
July 24. (Via Berlin, Amsterdam and
London.) The Gcrmiin line has with
stood the first shock of the combined
British and French offensive, spelling
failure for the entire allied drive. This
lis tho individual opinion of officers
and men here where the Bhock of the
French thrust was most formidable.
Lack of co-operatioa and inability of
.the allies to "follow up" their initial
I forward movement have given complete
confidence to tho German army thut it
can withstand whatever else the allies
! may have in store.
I That complete confidence is felt is il
lustrated in the fact that Kaiser Wil-
helm, having viewed the German lines,
I departed for the east front, certain of
the ability of his troops to hold their
i: : i.ii.. .1
u riunuc
The wedge with which the Fronch
pushed forward in their drive is mm
reully dangerous to them since the Ger
man artillery has seized the opportunity
to flay their flanks.
. The Freuch are attempting to extend
this wedge by thrusting toward the
south, in the direction of Roye but in
tho opinion of all with whom I talked
here, this attempt comes too late.
What the French might have obtained
hud they followed up their first swing
is now impossible of attainment. Pe
roune Itself has not suffered so fnr in
the fighting but Chuulnes hns been
heavily bombarded. Barleux Maison
nette, at the extreme point of the
French wedge, is being violently show
ered by shrapnel. Aminrentlv the
iiy oenTed. '
I was accorded an opportunity Yrom
ll8erVtttion poillt w ,'cre ,
of ,h C8twBr,, wpr , ,,
viHiU1 of , J
fmrv ,,,,;,, .. . "r
ago, knowing it would bo successful,
nun prepared to stop it beyond n certain
Berlin, vin Sayville wireless, July
t-". i wo torpciin hits were registered
. ttIT f, (!nml, ullllliin.iilA Bin.:..., n !..!
statement today
0 juy oq
The action occurreil
"Wjnit ruined your business?" "Ad
vertisiug." "How?" "I let it all be
done by my competitors."
a full point.
Selling pressure relaxed somewhat in
the late trading, but the market devel
oped no pronounced rally and the mo
notony was relieved by iateresting fen-
tiie' world's Olympic cup,
"You think we've got about the
biggest soldiers in the world" ho re
marked. "Well, we've got something
unusual in iowa. We've got Quaker
cavalry, a whole squadron of them. It's
the only layous of its kind on earth.
There are 21 of them and they wore
oraguiy-ed a year ago In the Quaker
district of lown.
"When the call came for mobiliz-
ing, the cavalry was in a camp right
the heart of tue Quaker country
The wives and sweethcurts of the eav
alrymcn came to the ramp and talked
pence. There was nobody but Quakers
around tho ramp and when the time
came to take the federal oath, over 170
of the 280 refused to swear in.
" We moved the camp right away to
another rt of the state, where the
Quaker cavalrymen mixed witi other
militiamen and got the war spirit from
them. At last we got all but forty of
the Quakers to take the federal oath
and the squadron will be on the bor
der in a few days."
All Quakers are excused from mili
tia service in England, though the
Wi in II
lb 10.1
Deutschland Still at Her
Wharf with Tug, Steam Up,
Standing By
British Motor: Beats Uaiting
to Trail Her arj An
nounce &art
Boston, July 20. Early morn
ing reports from Providence to
the quarantine station showed
Massachusetts bay lying calm
under a hoavy fog today. No
reports or even rumors have
been circulated, however, as to
tho arrival o'f the giant subma
rine Bremen, sister ship of the
Officials at the quarantine
station on Gallup island declur
cd that if the subersubmarine
wns ready to enter Boston har
bor, it would be heard to find a
better time. Activities of two
tugs and an unusual stir at the
North-German Lloyd docks in
East Boston, indicate that
"something" is expetted.
By Carl D. Gror.t.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Baltimore, Md., July 2(i. Cuptain
ICoenig and his, crew had one besetting
fear today over success of the return
trip of their Sub-sea freighter Deutsch
land. That was the possibility that al
lied patrols off tho Virginia capes
would be zealous to capture the sub
marine nnd would overstep the three)
mile limit law.
Mysterous maneuvers of the allied
guard ships and the contraction of their
line furnished basis for their 'fears and
while Kocnig waited upon the arrival
of the sister ship Bremen, a British
tramp anchored across the path of the
Deutschlund, wns in position to report
his movements immediately.
Only n fow hundred feet beyond the.
Deutsihlnnd, British agents equipped
with a fast motor boat were under or
ders to truil her down the bay and to
flnsli nshoro word of her departure im
mediately. In tho early morning hours the tug
Timmins, tow bout for the Deutschland,
engaged in some Bt range loading, and
there were numerous conferences
aboard, Several times her lights were
extinguished lest press boat watcher
get a line on what passed within.
Thero was somo doubt that the Oer
mnn ambassador will ' come here as
scheduled, to consult with the Deutsch
land promoters about voluntary inter
ment or departure.
Winnipeg, Man., July 20. Dwpatchea
from Fernie, B. C, the center of the coal
mining district, Btated that 2,000 strik
ing miners and coke oven workers re
sumed work todny, being prevailed on
by the leaders to do so and await the
outcome of another conference with the
Baltimore, Md., July 2fi.
Clearance papers were granted
to tho Germnn submarine
Deutschland must leave port
customs house late this after
noon. The papers were handed Cap
tain Kocnig. Tho captain ad
mitted it nnd the customs of
ficials confirmed it. The
Deptschlnnd must leave port
within 48 hours or reclear.
Oregon: To
night and Thura
d a y g c a eraliy
fair, south ' and
east portions, un
settled, probably
showers north
west portion;
spill aV)1 .