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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1916)
EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1916. "Salem's .Big Department Store" II A Continued Clearance of Women's Wear Special Sale of Linen Dresses at $8.95 Here's an excellent assortment of stylish Linen Dresses, plain white, linen color j)ink, blue, brown and combinations, in the season's newest effects. . Dresses that sold up to $13.95. , Extra Special for one week, your choice .............. $8.95 A Sale of Sport Stripe Pongees at $1.19 a Yard These new fabrics are fashion's favorite for beach or general summer wear. Just the thing for cool, dainty dresses, waists or suits. A brocaded pongee back ground with choice of old rose or green sport stripes. Exclusive patterns shown only by us; 36 inches wide, and the usual price is $1.50. Extra value, commenc ing Monday, in our Silk Section $1.19 a Yard A Bathing Contest (or Swimmers to Be Held by the Meyers Store the Bathing Beach Tomorrow Evening the 26th 5 Races 10 Prizes Co-operating with the Salem Commercial Club in making the new Public Bathing Beach a success, this store will give ten prizes in these races to be held opening day, 4th Race 100-yards for men and boys first and second prizes. Special Race 75 feet for boys and girls (13 and un der) first and second prizes. 1st Race 75-feet for girls under 16 years, first and second prizes. 2nd Race 100-feet for boys under 16 years first and second prizes. 3rd Race 50-yards for women, and misses first , and second prizes. We Show an Unusually Large Line of Bathing Suits for Men, Women and Children The largest assortment in the city, showing all the most wanted styles and colorings, in both cotton and wool garments. .You'll find Meyers' prices ,'Jow. News From Towel Section Anew shipment of Baby Bath Towels, Turkish weave, pink or blue border, size 13x21 25c each Turkish Buth Towels, full el re, 24x44, pink or blue bonier .... 86c eacn Fancy Turkish Btith Rugs," pink or blue borders, sine 25x14 J1.25 each Crocheted Turkish Towel Bets, neatly crocheted edges, 1 large bnth towel and two face towels in euoh set, ask to see these, priced $1.50 a get Funcy Wash Cloths, pink or blue borders 10c each QUALITY AND SERVICE ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ft I I II U II n ii ii ii El ii a n ii ii I! n i All Around Town COMING EVENTS TONIGHT July 24-25-Sd. "The Birth of a Natiou," Grand Upcra House. July 25. Dance on Court street, auspices Kiilem Patri otic League. Hand concert. July 2il. Opening of swim ming beach. .Special pro gram. July 27. ( lierriau dinner and ( dance at Fair ground. July 28. Wisconsin society re- ' union at State fair grounds. July 30. Salem Htreet Kuilway excursion to Newport. July 31-August 1. Comic op era, ''The Mikado," oper house, auspices Mouse lodge. Aug. 25. Cherrian excursion to Mnridifield. ' 1 Sept, 25 30 Oregon State Fair. Steusloff Bros., Inc., will pay 8 3-4 cents for top hogs. tf o Turkish bath towels, 20c values Jlc. liureii & 1 1 in i 1 1 on . Geo. v M. Elgin, with his wife and daughter, left this morning by uuto for ltelknnp Springs, Crater Ijike ami Medford. They will return by way of n. Klainiilli. Hon. I and The Dulles. iTliey will be gone about a mouth. A Snap Will teach and sell my bus iness. Owens, Hatter, 4U5 Court St. tf Only a short time to take advantage inf our hit Urn sule prices. Hurei & Hamilton. I o Sergeant Schuster of the U. S. ar- my was in eommnnd of the Kiflo club j auxiliary at their meeting Inst evening, I putting thorn through the drill nl- Trade in your old stove Pa part pay nient on one of our new Oibo:i L)e l.uxe ranges. K. L. Stiff & Son. o ' Mrs.' A. F. Adams and daughter, Alice, ami Miss Lueile Wolfe, intend to spend n two weeks' vacation on n walking tour that will include Aums ville, Stnyton, and on to the foot hills of the Cascades. After a visit with friends, they will return by way of Sublimity. o Replace your broken ..dishes now from our stock of Derby, Queen Louise uud ltansom china. Union & 11 n milt on The first annual picoic of the fiutrm Floral society was held lint owning tit the fair ground, with an attendance! of about 75. The program besl I s Ihr eating of the picnic dinner included short talks by Judge (ialloway, the liev. A. A. Moore and Mrs. Edyth To- r.ior We.therred and sex oral impromptu musical numbers. Get your camp chaiis, camp stoves, tents, awnings, wagon covers, ham mocks and other outing supplies nt K. Ii. Stiff & Son's. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse at correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bldj. o O. M. Elliott, former superintendent o. .the city school will leave this learned, ami adding a little.' wurk on flank movements. About 40 1 lined up for the drill. I Rugs, carpets and liuoieum at disso lution sule prices. Huron & Hamilton, o Dr. Alice Bancroft, over Stockton's Eye and Nerve Specialist. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Rawson, Miss Dellu Haw son and Miss Waldorf wi M i . . ,, , , I'fiiit iittnnuii mill r..K rur,, wnere no , tomorrow for a motor trip to Til- hi r Z V", v 'T"1!0"? Ol!h..nook, Cannon Bench and Seaside, the LewiMun State Normal school. All,r ,ll01.t vWt , ,.oa tluv 0 I will i.nntimiA thuii trn, n Spnttio. Ta- Drink Cereo, Uie liauid food. Better..,,,.,., .,.i i,,. i..- nt i.,rii.,,,,i tf than coffee or tea. Ask your grocer, Mr. and Mrs. M. i. pruuk returned today from an outing nt Newport. Mr. 1'runk was formerly wi!li the Ones house drug store. . He will leave in a few day . lor The Dalles. n Drink Cereo, the liquid food, the fcealta drink. Ask your grocer, o 0. T. Pomeroy, who Is attending the annual meeting of the Oregon State Jewelers' asuoclatiun nt Albany, has bea appointed a member of the exec utive committee and also one of three on entertainment. wuv of 1'ortlnnd Thev expect to be away about two weeks. Vudor porch shades are cheaper thin any other makes. Let us figure on your shades. Burou & Hamilton, i The Associated Charities of Portland will liriiicr ntwiiit lillll diil.ti-oii tn ShIoiii tflnext Thursdav for a day's liicnie nt the fair grounds. The special train, given free, by the Southern Pacific, will leave Portland at S:UI Thursday morning, nrrlviiw at the grounds at :45. Deolaon's Baths, foot of State street Safe, convenient, first claai. . tf . . .. -" o . necesaair. Uardaer . Keeps, jewelers and crucians. Trunks, bags and suit cases for your vacation trip. lKssolutiou sale prici s. Din en & Hamilton. While others are reducing we are Increasing- our stock. There's a rea son f ask us. Gardner A Eeeue, jewel' er and opticians, - The" Polk-Yamhill-Marion Medical society will meet tonight at Dallas, I Oregon, taking dinner at the Imperial I hotel. Dr. C. II. Cashult, health off i-j cer for Marion county, will rend a, paper on infantile paralysis mid nr. F. 11. Thompson will tell of his recent trip in the oust and of his visits to the eastern medical centers. o Get our prices on lumber, lath. shingles, builders hardware and build ers supplies. tiills l ity-saiem iiuin ber Co., 349 S. 12th St, Phono SIS. 0 ' Spraying experiments for brown rot and leaf spot will be continued in the Sunnyside district this week, under the direction of Prof. Bars of the plant pathology extension department of the O. A. 0 The spraying this week will be done ly K. C Elmer and H. 1). Van Gundia, assistants of Prof. Bnrrs. The first spraying was done in' April and the spraying of this week will be the fifth for the season. o Fire damaged the dwelling a 1644 Chemeketa street, occupied by A. C. lVVoe, to the extent of 150 or 200 between 3 and 4 o'clock yesterday af ternoon. The blaze started in the roof near the chimney, and most of the damage was confined to the roof. C. 1). Stone is the owuer of the property. For three hours the large audience at the opera house last night sat spell bound while the greatest moving pic ture ever produced, "The Birth of a Nation" waa thrown on the screeu. From, the first Scenes showing the auc tion slave blocks to the final appear ance of the "Prince of Peae" the in terest was absorbing. . Adding greatly to the dramatic effects, was the music by the special orchestra of 30 pieces, one of the finest orchestras that has visited the city for mauy years. The film is on again tiiis evening and will be showu for the last time in Salem to morrow lit' tor noon mid evening. News from the dock. The river Is falling, with a gunge today of 2.1 feet a novo low w ater. The maximum torn perature 'yesterday was SI and the minimum 55 degrees nbove. The (Ira linmona hereafter will leave for Port land t 7 o'clock on the mornings of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In dependence is now the end of the trip but with tiie fulling of the water the next week, the. boat will probably run no farther south than Salem. Now that he Oherrians have decided to go to Marshfiold and help make the last day of the celebration a great event, the Hosnriniis of Portland have changed the date of their visit from the first week in September to August 2ti, the day that. Snlcra will siend in the Coos bay country. San Vranciseo will also send a delegation to do its snare in the celebrating ami incident ully get in line with the business men of the Coos bay country. Througiv. the generosity of the Siaulding Logging company and Coun cilman Jones, a oath house will soon bo built ut the inn iioipul pliiygroumls in the Albert pasture. Workmen, as sisted by Mr. .lones were busy today luittiuii the house in shniie nod within a day or so the girls will have a dress ing room properly ciupH'ii. With tne completion of the dam and the bath houses, the grounds are now properly equipped for bathers tins summer. Free Methodist camp meeting are now in session daily nt Broadway and JeftVrson streets. The order of ser vices include a love least at 0 o'clock each morning, follownl by preaching. A regular service is held in the after noon and evening. The missionary .junior rally will be called for Saturday afternoon at 2 o clocis. w. .1. John stone of 122S North Winter street is the district elder ill charge. The com mittee having the genera) care of t:ie amp meeting is eoniosed of T. K. Burr, tSeorge Wilbur, W. B. Helm and V. J. Johnstone. BORN .lONF.S To Mr. and MVs. W. H. Jones . of Brooks, Monday 21, 19 Hi, a daugh ter. BATHING BEACH 10 BE II Fine Program Arranged, Prizes for Contests Cherrian Band There with Robin Hood Not a Money Maker Two Teachers Re signOther Business DARBY To Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge lar bv. at their home I S3 7 North Winter atreet, July 22; l!)lr), a son. Bathing suits of the wide stripe pat tern seem to be the proper thing nt At lantic City and the beach there presents a wonderful symphony of color. What will be the prevailing style in Salem nt the beach on the river is still unknown, but with the opening tomorrow even ing, the matter of color and pattern will be definitely settled, at least for the season. All of which menus that the bathing beach just across the river, established under the auspices of the Civic depart ment of the Commercial club will be officially opened tomorrow evening with baud music, song, addresses and contests. . The evening's program will begin with the assembling of nutos at the Ma rion hotel at 0:45 for the parade which will take place in the business section of the town, going east as 'far Church street, traveling on Court and State and north on Commercial to the bridge, then across to the camping grounds near the bench. Name Wanted for Beach. The Cherrian band will lead the pa rade and will give a concert on the bench. Mrs. Hnllie Punish Hinges will sing, and impromptu talks will be made. For the swimming contests offered by the Meyers store, the following en tries for the young folks' cluss have beeu made: (iirla ' swimming race, Flor ence Leggett, 14; Elizabeth Bayne, 15; Maxine Buren, 15; Alice McClellnn, 14; Florence Valentine, 18. Iu the boys' swimming races, the following have ent ered: Louis Walker, 15; Bittner Hudel son, 14, and Raymond Wilson, 10. The names of the ladies taking part in the swimming contests have not been an nounced. Ureat interest has also been shown in the selection of a suitable name for the beach, esueeiallv as the party who selects the winning name win be given a season ticket. Among those already suggested aro: Willowwood Bathing Bench, Sandy Beach, and Civic Bnth Tub. The mime selected by the judges will be announced at the beach Wednes day evening. No Charge First Night. For the opening evening, there will be no charge for bathers or automobiles or any person entering tne grounds. The river, the privileges of the beach and the right to have a good time and enjoy the band concert will all be absolutely free. For those who would like a fine place to camp, the grounds will be available and season campers' tickets will be sold by the committeo in charge. There are accommodations for about 50 campers. The conditions are ideal as there is free woml, good water DuO the 'Willamette river. Today, 20 men are working on the grounds and bench and by tomorrow ev ening, the be3t bathing facilities and picnic grounds ever offered Salem will be ready for the public. Everything is free tomorrow evening. For the summer, a chnrge of five cents will be made, just to defray expenses. Children under 15 years may enjoy the beach free. RILEY L The lonely old house is deserted and still, And the villagers mourn as they pass; For its master has gone, ns a good mas ter will, When the life-sands are run from his glass. Yet still in the hearts of the comrades he knew Happy songs that he sang in his joy Yet are echoing true, as a fond song will do, Like a jest in the heart of a boy. The swallows that shouted him chal lenge at morn Only stammer anil flit in the eaves. And the urchins trudge by, snd as pil grims forlorn, Drooping lifeless ns foliage leaves. The pets that were his vainly wait his caress, And the chambers are hushed as a tomb; And his dreams nud his quests are a mansion of guests The producing of the comic opera "Bobiu Hood" by the music depart ment of the high school under the direc tion of Miss Minctta Magers was not an especially profitable event, according to the report given to the board of education at Ihe meeting last night. The total receipts were 242, with the ex penses amounting to $230.21. Two members of the teaching force presented their resignations through Superintendent Elliott lust evening, -diss Benlah Balderee, primary teacher in the Richmond school will accept a position elsewhere, and William P. 5lur phy of the science department will enter a medical chool this fall. The proposition of reducing the insur ance on severnl of the buildings was presented by Director Clark but this was not regarded as good business by the majority of the board uud instruc tions were given to the insurance com mittee to renew the stiunliug policies for a period of three years. The position of assistant librarian, vacated by the resignation of Miss Ash by, was not filled, but will be taken up at the next meeting of the board. Miss Ashby had chnrge of the Washing ton junior high school library and re signed to become second assistant of the Salem public library. The county tuition law and just what action the bourd will take was not tak en up, nwniting notion of Mr. Bingham, the board's attorney. Superintendent O. M. Elliott made his final reports and officially turned over the office of superintendent to John W. Todd, who will arrive August 1. Cherrian Picnic at Fair Grounds Thursday The first annual Cherrian picnic will be held Thursday afternoon and even ing at tha fair grounds, beginning at 4 o'clock, with the dinner at 0:30 and j later a Jitney dance. Besides having a good time, the ob Iject. of the picnic is to raise funds to defray the expenses of taking the Cherrian band to MarshHeld August 25. This is a eitiy affair, and a general invitation is extended to all. The com mittee in charge, which includes Fred S. Bynon, promisee everybody a good time and a fine dance following the program. Circulars were distributed today giv ing the following inside information as to what may be expected: Bill Leichen's famous wild west bar room will bo reproduced exactly as it was in Denver, to the minutest detail. Bill MKlilohrist will have ciuirge of the Pound. Charlie Pomeroy will sing an alto solo in Chinese. Charlie Knowland has promised not to sing. . Weather permitting, Hoc. Kpley will be with the Hand. Oeorge Snyder will give nn illus trated lecture on the Buttle of Manila Cigars (Donated by (ieo. Waters). Take the word of the committee and believe that there will be some time for all who attend. l TODAY'S BALL SCORES I Stocks Weafat Opening But Closed Stronger Xew York, July 25. The New York Evening Sun finnucial review today said: .. .. David Lloyd George's prediction in the house of "commons yesterday of vic tory for the allies within a few months was utilized by the bearish element in Wall street to depress prices this morn ing. Under the argument that an early peace would make for a genera read justment in values which the majority of Wall street observers regard with misgivings, professional traders offered some of the conspicuous specialties freely, but they failed to dislodge long stock or force extensive liquidation and after a general moderate decline prices rallied irregularly. Thereafter the market relapsed into the familiar rut of inactivity which has characterized the dealings for a long time past. As is usual on nn occasion of tho kind, the financial district engaged in many conjectures ns to what the steel corporation would show in the way of earnings and estimates ranged all tho way from ifliO.OOO.OOO to $$0,000,000. Nothing could be more uninteresting than the stock market in tho lute after noon. Progressive dullness characterized the trading and barely more than 25. 000 shares changed hands iu the fourth hour. 1251 TODAY -TOMORROW And THURSDAY JESSK L. LAS K V Presents BLANCHE SWEET "'THE THOUSAND DOLLAR HUSBAND" Paramount Weekly Salem's Only Exclusive Picture Theatre. .. Jn a Class Separate American. ,K. H. E. Boston 4 ! 1 Cleveland 5 ! 1 Huth and Thomas; Bngby and Duly. i r TODAY - TOMORROW fl "THE IRON CLAW and ; Helen Holmes in "THE GIRL AND THE . GAME" BLIGII THEATRE K. II. E. Philadelphia 3 10 1 St. Louis 3 14 0 l.anniu, Slieehnii and Carroll; Koob and Severoid. B. Washington 5 Detroit 0 Harper, Avers, (iallia uud Jumes, Bolnud und Baker. H. E. 0 1 0 0 Henry; B. H. E. I Mew York i.1 1 Chicago 13 0. 2 Cnldnell and .Nunniiuiker: Lu'otte, Hushed and silent with sorrow and! Russell nud Schulk. gloom. No more the dear sound of his pace will they hear, Xnr llif it'Kt nn I11M liiiM thnt lie aniil- And his lute lies unmnstered, nor tuned ' to the ear That is listening, now, with the dead. And only the clock on the maute) surveys Where he sat in the spell of his song Singing sweetly the' lays of tho halcyon days, When the twilight would linger too long. ' The streets and the meadows his feet loved to roam Lie as hushed as a valley of snow; They are mourning today, for a soul has gone Home From a mansion in Lockerbie row. And ever they wreathe for him gar lands of love To remember the garlands he flung; For the dreunis that he wove in the - chambers above . Ever live with the old and the voung. ERNEST EVER HART BAKER. Woman "What is the train stop ping fort" Conductor "Nothing special. . .We are just taking on some train robbers." Puck. Wedding Announcements, In- Tltations, and Calling Cards printed to your order at- tha Capital Journal Job office. Phone 81. ' - National. Chicago Boston Heudrix and Fischer; Gowdy, Trugressor. K. H. E. . . 3 . 0 O ..2 4 2 Barnes and RESIDENCE PARLORS Licensed Lady Assistant Moderate Pricet Perfect Service Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Or. All other National games postponed, wet grounds. Wrote She Had Changed Her Boarding Place Mrs. A. L. Larkin, former resident of Portland and Corvallis, who escaped from the state asylum for the insiine Saturday night by picking the lock of a window with a hairpin, was almost cap tured this morning. When she depart ed from the asylum she left a note say ing that she had gone "for a walk" and would return Sunday at 4 p. m. she failed to return. It now appears that soon after leav ing the asylum she secured employment at the Depit motel. Last night she ap peared at the Southern Pacific depot and filed a telegram to J. R. Leach at Portland. The message said, "Please send me SlO. I have changed my board ing place. I went out by the win dow." It was signed "Altha Lairkin." she was recognized by the operator at tho depot, and he notified the hos pital authorities, who dispatched two employes to the Depot hotel to bring her back to the institution. When they reached the hotel the woman was not there. She is still at large. It 'a a waste of time to tell a hair- raising story to a bald-headed man. - ! The Korean Restaurant I is now opened in our new loca- tion at 110 1-2 Coral street. 4 ; Everything new and clean. All kinds of Chinese and Spanish ' dishes. Pay us a visit. . NEWPORT-NYE BEACH J Automobile Passenger and Bag- gage Transfer Furnished Tents and Cottages..- Correspondence Promptly Answered L. D. PICKENS, Box 274 TAR5 Of J AMY KIND plate: Any time .