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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1916, THREE g I . II II I! IS II U m Si II nc: II! II II. Some One Will surely get a $35.00 Rocker, Refrigerator, Rug or Baby Buggy FREE Get a Number every day You do not have to buy ! I i ii II II, l II IT II II II II II li ii U n 11 !! U n ii M El 11 n a n 11 11 11 u n 13 II II li $14.75 Solid Oak Dining Table, wax finish, square pedestal, 42-in. top, extends to 6 feet, $9.85 . BP -MR $19.50 Quartered Oak Lib rary Table, 3 1-2-in. posts, plank top, size 30x48 inches, $14.85 Brass and Iron Beds Our prices are less than eastern wholesale prices to day. They range from $3.25 to $24.25 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dressers Sold regularly at $12.50 to $25.00. Elegant assortment of styles in stock from $9.75 to $19.75 n 11 II ll ll II ll ll mm Our determination to dispose of every article of Furniture, every Range, Rug, n Bed, Mattress, Blanket, etc., before moving into our new location has prompted the Greatest Reductions on every article in stock SEE OUR PRICES. fi Dining Room Sets 42-in. Extension Tables and 6 Chairs to match $16.65 42-in. 6-ft. Extension Table, 6 Chairs to match $24.75 45-in. 8-ft. Extension Table, 6 Chairs to match $28.90 Willamette Valley News - 1. Turner Tidings . (Capital Journal Special Service.) Turner, Ore., July 25. Silas Ri'ail. of Corvaltis, was in Turner a visitor over Sunday. ... ' , Win. MeCuleb enjoyed n visit Inst week with his brother. J. Stiller Me Caleb, and nephew, Mr. Brissler, both of Mojimouth. M rs. .Miioreu lniossen enierinineo me , II ! Presbyterian Missionary society last i Thursday. , m : Geo. Fan-in and family spent Sun--lav-with -Mr. and .Mrs. John Funis on : Fifth street. j Mrs. M. T. Miller has a II II II u wife's father, Mr. M. I.niiK, back 'to Nome, Alaska, for the snuimer. The two gentlemen left this vicinity a fort night ago for their long nnrthern trip. ft-; BEST HO.uE THEATMENT i FOR ALL HAIRY GROWTHS (The Modern Beauty) I Kvery woman should have a small i package of dclntnue '.imidy, for its! timely use will keep tha shin free from benutv-uuirring hairv growths. To defendant neglecting to support his' family; that when Liey were destitute, ilefemlant sat idly around and would not work, and when plaintiff urged him to hunt work and provide food he replied that "the ravens would feed them through the window." Pluiutii'f asked tho custody of two children- and 50 per month nlinionv. An answer has been filed in the caso . of W. I,, (iilbert vs. The (ilobe & Knt gcrs Fire Insurance company of Now i York. fur Ladies' Writing Desks At every " price from $5.50 up. - $15.00 Quar tered Oak Desk with three drawers and pig eon holes . $11.75 ii u n ii ii The work of securing the jury remove hair or fuzz, make a thick the trial of Lev Jeans, indicted for tho sprained paste with some of the pondered dela-1 crime of assault on the pen-im of Rol- Itilie mill wuit-r. lu nun. Bin- i-iv j I uiisunn , nil) pivuaui. tiv ivk'ii ..'-: r - i i 'fiice niwl nt'ter 2 nr .'t minutes i-illi of f! this nf tcrtuioll. This case is A result .urs. .Aiiuie muiiiiug huh sun. rrni r , ,. - , ... . ,, 7i ... ... . ., r I 7 . .. spent' Sunday at the home of Georgt I w,Vh ,,1 8k".' 01111 Wl". be ?ree n.'om op tlle disturbance which took place at Atnnrii inuir or oiciuisn. io uvoui disappoint i i inner last. .iini. ankle, Airs, Mr. Durfee and daughter, Nellie Run- nine, aud granddaughter, Marie Duife. :have been in Salem the past week. Mrs. H. tf. miggs was a Sulem visitor 0" -Inst Friday. ' Dr. Mnsscy's family came homo from .Newport the fist. of last week. I Mrs. Clarence Simernl accompanied n li ii ii lisapioint- ' meut, be sure you get real delatoue. KAISER BOY DROWNS The drowning of Raymond jllivens of Kaist'r Kotlom was one of tho mist tragic events of the year. 18 years old, a leader among his young com panions, Raymond Hlivens held a w inn place in the heart of people, here. On Sunday at L':.1U in tne aiterniin Room Size Rugs $22.50 9x12 size Tap estry Brussels $17.50 $28 9x12 size Axmin ster Rugs .... $22.25 $32.50 9x12 Body Brussels Rugs $25.75 $39.50 9x12 German Axm'st'r Rugs $31.50 $54 9x12 genuine Wil ton Rugs $42.95 $70 9x12 French Wil ton Rugs .....$55.75 1 Rag Rugs 85c 24x36 Rug ...65c $1.50 27x54 Rug $1.15 $2.00 30x60 Rug $1.65 (Also in room size.) Blankets $1.25 Blankets . . .95c $2.00 Blankets.. $1.50 $2.75 Blankets $2.10 $4.50 Wove B'ks $3.35 Rockers and Comfort At Greatly Reduced v-aicuia pm-4ijy i rices $5.00 Rockers . .$3.95 $13.50 Rockers $10.50 $6.00 Rockers ..$4.65 $17.50 Rockers $13.75 $8.50 Rockers . .$6.75 $22.50 Rockers $17.85 $12.50 Rockers $9.75 $27.00 Rockers $21.50 . Office Desks Refrigerators Flat or Roll Top, from pHces are tQ $15.75 to $35.75 and less. We have Quartered Oak Desk them fr0m $1025 to Quai tei ed Uak Desk, $;g ?5 R lar $28 ?5 sTde dXr? si S ?efrator, 100 lbs. $21.50. $16.95 $19.90 Couches and Sewing Machines . . P?!?! $27-50 Ported Mell- From $2.45 to $27.50 . Covered with denim, ,ville Machine. .$21.75 tapestry, chase or $35.00 Zenith. .$27.75 real leather Monarch $45-00 Zenith $3575 Bed Couch, full size, .c .! regular $22.50 $55 The Free $40.00 $13.85 $65 The Free $45.00 Dressing Tables In Oak, Circassian Walnut, Mahogany and enamel 59.75 to $16.75 Buffets' Large plate mirrors, draw ers and cabinets; they range in price from $9.50 to $27.50 11 11 ii 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 u n a a a 11 11 n her husband to Salem on Saturday to remain over Sundny with their Bon, mire. I ...,.,.. i,.,.,, i m ;,..,., t,,.,n,. M-rs. Belknap is visitinc old friends ,,iH ,nl.liu,r. ..went Tor Ikiinu is one of the . , .... ,.,,.., , w, ,.. lie sank ininieuiately, an I in Turner. Mrs. Belknap popular teachers in our public school, i jllm;g " 1 1 Ins uodv was rescuen a tew morocms old home at Ooldendale, Wash., also , n,r ,h ,t t wUtfre ho SH!l,. ..:it...rnJiViniiiiv'ininHllanu4Atin(ll-a. I 1 Tho iuMtst H.vmpiitny is xttuitlea to ii ll ! will aiionil ihn aumnmr 111 enutern Ore. I Ron, returning to Turner in the early fall. Hollis Ransom is at Mill fity for a few weeks while Freddie and Oarlyn Ransom are spendiiig their vacation nt Astoria and Seaside. Mrs. (i. B. Cornelius received the nd news of the death o'f Dr. Ash ford, hus band of her niece. Etta Whitmau Ash ford. Pr. -Asliford was a skilled physi cian and will be grontly missed. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Hansom have been visiting friends and their dnuglifw-in-law, Mrs. Edith Ransom, of Turner. Dr. Rnusom was a practicing physician here for years. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Thomnson enter tained Miss Elizabeth Cornelius at their country home this week. Miss Cornelius reports that the fields of growing flax. as to yields per acre and to fineness of fiber, will place Mr. Thonin-snn in good line to become the chnmpion flax grow er in the county. Irvin Robertson and Mr. Xnderman both have new "Overbinds." Mr. Nn derinnn lias two new autos this year, the other being a Dodge. John Cnnnnn has also purchased a new car and has been seen running about the streets of Turner, ouch round with an increase of speed. "Be careful John, or you will ex ceed the speed limit." Pineapple Juice Is Fine for Stomach his stricken parents here. ft l COURT HOUSE NEWS I Willamette Valley Fireman's Tournament Association to Meet The Willamette Valley Firemen's Tournament association will hold its annual meeting this year at Corvallis on September 5 and tf. All entries for the contests must be made by August 15th. . . . The CorvalliB fire department invites every department in the state to join the contests. Besides the races and contests, several of the best posted meu in the country will attend and who will be invited to speak on fire protection, fire prevention aud tire fighting. The social side of the meeting has not been overlooked as arrangements have been mnde for a receptiou, banquet and grand ball. Teams will be allowed to run with their own equipment or will be furnish ed, with equipment on request. Hose must be tho standard 50 foot length, stnndnrdthiekness ami .with the regula tion full thread service coupling. Noy.- A marriaKe license was issued yes-1 " " lu " "ul ,,," terdnv afternoon to Homer Carl beisy i 111 . . , , 22, and Bertha Elvina Koth, 20, both1 1' race, areo include what Is term of rratum: This morning a license was!'1 ,he Yor,k eeV ""' . issued to Oswold Empev, 25, and Mnr- 'n 100 ' to a hydrant, and the thn Kuhnke, 23, both of Salem. '"'h "'. ot 100 yarls . :t a nydrant and the laying out ot JoO V. W. fleer has begun suit in the! fv,'!,' l!08C; . , , , , circuit court to collect on n pro.nissorv T J "rd race s known as the hub (,.., v a ii.,,. ,,i ti.o u.i and hub or race against tunc in which Licenses to fish were, issued -yesterday to E. M. Roland and l'ercy I'ugli of Salem. A liceuso to bunt was . is sued to (ieorge M. Elgin of Salem. mount asked is ifiiOO with interest at Hi nine men are allowed to a team. No. 4 Our customers; say XATOL PIXE- API'EE f'KI'SIX COMI'Ol'XD made Hi from juice of fresh pineapples, pure ; hcuic pepsin n n ii u u Dining Chairs Of every description and price from the plain hard wood to the elegant quar tered oak, at 98c to $5.75 i m i Sf GEER & KRUEGER BcaBDaDBCaaDCBCDnnc3saoiDaESBBaaacDcancisacanncac3DDcaaB n B D B 5 B u n i li ii u a ami other scientifically recoiiiii.ed ingredients, is the finest thing thiA have ever used for stomnch trouble. We sell oOi-and 1.0(1 bottles with n money back guarantee, but those who try it say they would not exchange, the benefit's derived for ten times the cost. See what it will do for von. .1. C. Perry. Claxtar Items Overlook the Principle In volved In Their Greed . for Business Washington, July 25. That the Bri- I have been niaintaiuiug Oermany 's trac le! League to raise funds for general re- relations w ith South America and were; lief work. Squads will be detailed to iu a position to do so only because they rope off the street and to care for the. domiciled in u iieulral country. two entrances. Xot only will the club With the boycott in force it is claim-, lU its shllri, in this pnr',ioi(. vmi llllt ed that practically the nnlv competition i ., . . .. . . , .. agniust American liusim-ss-would be re-i1 ""''-"bed for 100 ot the 2., moved and that the business outlook Tori' en!' . i ,i Itawe banks which recently have estnb- . 'a,-v" V ' ,,u" H"; i- ui i . u v..i --I street tor. the ance am having placed bshed branches in South Ame a and,,, ,.,;,, ,;,,, wi mllke 11(Mltll are now training many o yes in ? . rn,rairion ,,iK New York for tha Held, would be - ,.!; is also given to the League, terially brightened .. ; .,. J Manager tiralier of the Cherrian In discussing the blaeyhst with be Ualld bas proillis(M , ,,Hy msi, (u,t. bankers, the British officials pointed , fw ,,,,., The .!0(-rert ,, ,,,!,,. out that there would be ly no , iu lrhomyty at 8 oV0,k. For diminution in American trade, but o.ilyithe enrTU ,.,,,,'veuieiice, tickets with a transfer ot the business of foreign ;,.upollH (nr five ,an,.M wiu be . firniM from the hovootted Louen to oth i .i . tish blacvlist of American firms was;er8 I10t ulljer ,jan' 0u the othl.r ilali"" r' ''." r,n ",m " "u ... . . 1 . ... 7 " . ! . , I not. dance will be given an opportunitv not published until the acquieseuce of they aid, the necessity uf British )nlv ouf of the ti-kcts, just for the the approval of several large banking 1 f'f"' being relieved of the uncertain j K0Ol the ,.aufle A , Ju' mes iustitutions of New York had first been . character of the American connections, 1 8ft,e frlm llt .listrict this discovered the accident aud eight men, led by (iustave C. VanDusen, supcrin tendent of construction, made u heroic attempt to save the trapped men, but v. ere themselves caught behind heavy steel doors, which were automatically locked by the nus pressure. VanDusen was taken out unconscious, but alive at H::iu a. nrT The gas pocket wlilrh had nil the power of the big gushers in commercial fields near here, was struck by the workmen who were digging with hand shovels to extend the 10 foot tunnel shoreward. There was no explosion, workmen say. Rescuers believe that most of tha en tombed workmen are in the second com partment behind two heavy steel doors. Mike Keough, one of the first to vol unteer with Foreman John Johnson to (Capital Journal Special Service.) Claxtar,- Ore., July 25. Married, Wednesday, July 10, Mr. Walter Isuacw Newton, of Claxtar. to Miss Lena Cole man, of Los Angeles, nt the home of the bride's father, in Los Angeles. Mr. Walter Newton is well known, having been employed for some time nt the Perkins hotel ill Portland. The bride's father is one of the foremen employed at the oil wells near Los Angeles. The young couple will be at home at their pleasant bungalow ut Ocean Park, Oil., after a short honeymoon. Mr. Walter Newton is the eldest son of Air. and Mrs. (!. I. Newton, of Claxtar. Loganberries are being gathered in immense quantities here this week. The output from yurds here is being en re tail LMitherc'il -and graded. Nothing j but thoroughly ripe fruit being supplied by the Kickman ynriis nere. Many here plan to uttend Quinaby camp meeting which opens Tuesday, July 25, nt yuinnby park. Mr. and Mrs. John Westlcy accom panied by Mis. Alex S. Hidden and Muster Merle Hidden, motored to Am ity mid spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. (ieorge Alderman, of Amity. Attorney and Mrs. I. II. VanWiakle, of Salem, motored out and took dinner with Claxtar relatives this week. Mrs, VanWtnkle is the niece of Mrs. John Westlcv. of this place. Archie Pot wind, together with his wife and snitil) child, left this.week for Salt Lake, I tnh, where .Mr. Pot wine will be engaged in tunning neur that city. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, formerly of Hnyesville, are now pleasantly locat ed at Imperial Valley, California. An other well known Salem man who owns (property there is Mr. Chns. Poyscr, who is the uncle oi Mm, Jones. Kaiser school house is being rapidly ! tint into place and all indications point I to the conclusion that the new building will be rendy for full occupancy. I Mrs. Lee Yates and her two iliiugh Iters, Miss Lily and Klsie Yates, visited per cent from January 2ii, 1012 50 attorney fees. Foreclosure mortgage is asked. Iul, i is the Siniese race, No. 5, the hose coup- of n! ""B race, anil -o. o is tne test ot t" men in piitciiing a iciik in ine nose. rue. two day's port will also include tha A non suit was declared in the easel following contests: No. 7. hose and of F. It. Wines Co. vs. Allen A. Kleslier ; bidder; .M. K, holder race; An. u, ladil. r on motion of the defendant. This case, race; .No. 10, aorskey liox test; .No. II, an appeal from justice court, was up in ! circulator no.zle; No. 12, water fight, Dent, 1 of the circuit court yesterday ; nve men io me iciim; aho. i.i, am .yarn afternoon. I Hash, que man Irom eaen department; i .No. .14, relay race, lour men troin eacii Arguments are being innde In tho' department. use of (ion, ling vs. Covle, nil action! 1 1 - to collect money, in the circuit court I The hngbsh language is estimated this afternoon. i "e sposen ny iihi,oihi,oih people. Next in order is the Herman language, K. Otjeu which is spoken by 11.1,0(10,(1(10 people. Alfred Ot-IThe others in their order are: Kussiuu An order appointing It. guanliaa of his minor sou. jell, aged l.'l, has been iiiinle by Coun ty Judge Hushey. Alleging cruel and iiiiiiiuuii treat ment, omelia :. ossalmaii has tiled suit for divorce troin Joseph N. ( os- su I inn n. The petition sets forth that tho parties were married at Monmouth in Dereinher, 1010; that plaintiff was subjected to personal violence iiml a bnsive language; that she was com pelled to work for what money she hniljme)' 100,0110,000; French 70,0110.000; Itulian n ad Spuuish 50,0110,000 each; and Por tugese 25,000,000. In I SOI the F.ngl'di language ranked fifth. He who lives well is the best preach er. ( 'ervantes. "Will you he my wife?" . "You must see mother first."' "Yes, but suppose she doesn't refuse Hurry!! Hurry!! assured, was the statement made to the Vnited Press today on good authority. This fact is considered responsible for there not being more "h. hnnitffra tiiok rne sinna nnen ine. wo. l,piti discussed that onlv ! interests which required the publication of the list. This situation may result iu strong j i.n11,i firms on the list. ! pressure being brought to bear on theof ejoviK i stand when the j government by the powerful financial at th'e'j-am will l;eneiit DV tlioi ulack t mnritinir niiiimimtil tlmt imrtipM rpiiiur. I I - l" I ing :tu uf the tickets would be ou to eniov the unique distinction a bund concert and a dance at the amp time. enter the death hole, came out gasp ing for breath. He said he recognized i Claxtar friends Sunday. blacklist to prevent diastic against Kngland being tuken. those houses having a direct trading re lntioo with fiermnnv aud whose busi- - M:i:.., v.,ial ness was pruuurn m n mn,.... . ( wn rt i ll JTmau 8"""" ',hou,', be! Salem Rifle Club When the question of the effect of the blacklist on South American trade mas reached the bonks referred to were ronvinced that the Luited states would action Aids in Good Cause The Salem Rifle dub with its 125 profit hr tho bovcott rather than suf-; members volunteered its services for fer injuries. Mo'nv of the blacklisted i the dance to be given this evening on firms, the British officials pointed out, j Court street by the falcm "Patriotic (Coatlnued from page one.) men went down the -shaft. Early Story of Tragedy. Fifteen workmen were overcome at last night when gas burt into the tube. Other workmen on the water crib the two Imdics in the first compartment as those of Superintendent VanDusen and Harry Hatcher. "It was about 9 o'clock when Fore man Johnson telephoned down to the men in the tunnel who had gone to work Miss Tressa Hall spent the week at Woodburti as the guest of her cousin. Miss Margaret Hall. (1. I. Newton, the depot agent o'f Clax tar, has a badly sprained wrist to con tend with this week caused by a fall re nt 4 p. ni.," said Kenngh. "(Inn had ceived while placing new goods on high been coming up through the shaft all day. Then we suspected the worst. Johnson went down the elevtor shaft accompanied by a fireman. They call ed for volunteers. Kight responded. All who entered the tunnel got into the chamber somehow and could not get outv "Then we knew something had hap pened and we began to blow the whistles." -shelves iu his store here, Abuer McKnight is here from Polph, Oregon, this week. Mr. McKnight brings word that the farm house on his place ut the coast was completely destroyed hy fire two weeks ago. This is particu larly a hardship nt this time as times are unusually busy, and the home will necessarily have to be rebuilt immendi atcly. Hugh P. Allen has accompanied his The Great Free Pants Offer at the Scotch Woolen Mills Store Will Soon Close Now Remember you get an EXTRA PAIR of Trousers absolutely Free with every suit ordered now. You cannot afford to miss this chance. The same high-grade all wool materials. The same low prices. Remember the place. Scotch Woolen Mills mm 357 State Street Salem, Oregon