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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1916)
"THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 24, 1916. SEVEN i A i 4 NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES ; Bate per word New Today: Each insertion, per word , .lc One week (6 insertions), per word 5c One month (26 insertions) per word 17c The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion (or errors in Classified Advertisements. Bead your advertisement the first day It appears and notify us immediately if it contains -in error. Minimum charge, 15c. PHONE 937 For wood snw. tf HARRY Window washer. Phone 768 AugS EUBBER Stamps made 105 S. Com'l tf FRONT APARTMENTS Cf round floor 491 K. Cottage. TRESPASS NOTICES FOR SALE at Journal office. FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap- ital Journal office. tf FOR SALE, Or trade for wood, gnso . line engine. Phone 431. tf FOR SALE Large young team. Mrs. E. Thomas, Marion, Oregon. augl7 WANTED One hundred conli seeond growth fir. Price Shoe Co. " july25 I WILL TAY-M'S.OO per hundred for top hogs. Phone 2200 M. july24 WANTED To buy two tons of well cured, good hay. Phone july'JO WANTED Wood cutter near Inde pendence. Apply Monday. Phone 092. july24 SIX CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments $5, worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard bldg. july31 $R.00, FOR RENT 5 room modern cot tage. 1023 N. 17th St. on Englewood car line. july24 COW FOR SALE Guernsey -Jersey, cheap if taken now. Chas. I.omas, Turner, Rt. 1. july24 FURNISH HD Rooms and housekeep ing apartments, rates reasonable, close in, 100 Court. tf FOR SALE Two very fine Scotch collies, male and female, one year old. 2390 Church -St tf HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS For rent, electric lights, gas range, price reas onable. 157 South Winter. ju!y24 FOR SALE Good fresh Jersey cow and S weeks old heifer calf. Phone 2501 -J-r, call after 7 p. m. ,iuly24 $12.00, FOR RENT Furnished com pletely modern 0 room cottage, 1023 N. 17th St. Englewood car. ,iuly24 FOB RENT ADS under this heading Is a word. Read for profit; use for results. FOR SALE A new Davton motor bi cycle. Cost $105. Will sell for S0. Terms. Call at Morse & Ramsilen. july25 FOR SALE First class young Jersey cow and heifer calf ." weeks old. nb ' solutelv gentle. Phone 425 evenings. ,iuly24 FOR SALE 3V'i half truck Studabnk er wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon, cordwood or stnmpage. 27S6 Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf FOR SALE By owner one of the pret tiest bungalows in Salem, just com pleted, modern, price below cost, terms. 1255 N. Cottage St. tf I'ARM FOR SALE Hy owner: cheap, 102 i.j acres on Lake Lanish, 4 lj miles north of Salem. Will sell nil or in tracts. Phone 034-J. .. tf LOST On Jefferson rond about ten miles out of Salem, a gray raincoat, Finder please liring to A. .1. Rahii, IJoters Paper Co., Salem, Or. july2ti TAKEN UP An est ray horse, bay with 2 white hind feet, shod all n round, owner can have the Same by paying costs. 910 North Capitol street. jnly-4 FOR RENT Furnisher, or unfurnish ed sleeping rooms. Office rooms and housekeeping rooms, reasonable rates . W. H. Morris, . Rec. Hubbard Bldg. . Room 304. ' tf FOR SALE One two drawer and one siugle drawer National ah register Have been, used but are as good us new. Call- or- write to. room 10, Or era house, ' july25 CAPITAL' EXCHANGE Phone 493. 337 Court St. From $2 to $0 paid for 2d hand Biefls suits. We buy, trade and sell jewelry, musical instruments tools and guns. augll FOR SALE,. SNAP Acre trnct, 6 room house, good well, 20 bearing Royal Anue cherrir, other fruit, large garden, large chicken - park Call and see it, 2015 Brooks Ave. , ... - : . jly24 STENOGRAPHERS 1 Why Not Use V Colombia QUALITY Carbons? s) a) Made In Oregon -- " 100 Copies Guaranteed from . " s) Each Sheet. He Colombia Carbon Fa?er Jiff. Oo. 13rd ft Broadway, Portland, Ore. 4 CHICHESTER S PILLS V41?l AakjMrUruRlrt ritUtn tni C44 B-r.iihc h-.n, Asd voti Vlu Ri!m. liUia Mkrr. CnyfttMir v ll.MIN ltKM fiM ti earLaoa:uBst.bie, Aty Keiutt SOLO BY DRVflGISTS EVERYWHERF HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Call at K90 Oak St., iu the forenoon, july'J'i FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished rooms modern, upstairs. 1296 Center St. jl2(i FOR SALE Horse, buggy, harness, cheap, leaving town. 071 N. Capitol St. july23 WANTEO .Iau to feed power hay press. Call Hubbard farm, Harden road. july24 LOST lu South Salem, small sack . containing silver an.t keys. Return to this office. Reward. julyitll WANTED A small light spring wax on to carry 500 poinds, suitable for small horse. L. A. Grote. Route 2. julyitl FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 acre peach orchard all in bearing. 11 miles from town, for few acre tir city property. 1290 Center St. julyiti MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE HaTley. Davidson twin, two speed, model 1914, tandem seat, presto light. In good condition. Phone 979. jnlviO DEUTSCHLAND IS (Continued from Fag One.) company office or on board, bnt Man ngor Hilken only answers his invariable and non-comniitul "it is possible." As the story goes the money was tak en from the interned German liner Prin xessin Cecile at Boston, and significant ly, Hilkeu has recently made a secret journey to the Hub. While "doping out" the Dent sen laud's departure time is the leading di version hereabouts, her crew takes life lightly. A Germnu band aboard the Ncckar. nenilv. puffs out very fine music, mingling "die Watch nm Rhino," with the "Star Spangled Ban ner" and "Die Lorelei" with "Hello, Hawaii, How are You?" And out over the Pntnqsco comes the wheezing of aa unneutral graphofone playing, "It's a Long, Long Way to Tippcrary." while the Germans grunt their dcrisiou. Some of the crew are soutinicutaU and all are heroes to the fair Ucnuun madchen of the hyphen section of the city. There are moonlight launches, time of departure mattering not iu the young lives of the sailor lotharios. It is believed that the Deutschlnnd is really at last getting ready to leave port! An officer of the United States navy went aboard here today with S. It. Y. Cadmus, the' locul radio inspector, when the latter went to the Deutschlnnd to seal her wireless. This visit is be lieved to have been to make sure that the Deutschlnnd had not been convert ed into n fighting craft during her pres ence in Baltimore. The masts of the -ship were lowered and,tji.cre were pther signs that she was getting ready to go. r ! v Patrol Fleet Gets Busy. NorfalU. Ya., July 24. Whether the allied patrol has received n tip as to the movements of the submarine freigh ter Bremen, twin of the Deutschlnnd, now at Baltimore, was the question which nrose today when the pntrol which has been off the Virginia capes suddenly was spit, one of the vessels heading' out to sea seemingly at full steam. The other vessel, after cavort ing around apparently without definite purpose retreated to a distance from the coast. A choppy sen is running. Her Wireless Sealed. Baltimore, Md.. Julv 24. The wire less instruments of the Ueutschlund were scaled by federal officials this attcraoeu under the neutrality laws. The representatives of the customs ser vice affixed the federal soul to the sub marine's wireless apparatus after mak ing u thorough investigation of the wireless plant. , Meantime pipes lind been run from (lie nearby liner Neckar to the submarine and a supply of fresh water was pumped aboard the Deutsch lnnd. The tug Timmins, standing by, wns uinler full head of stenm nud the sub marine slip buzzed with activity. Not Hopeful About Her. Washington, .luly 24. The possibil ity that the German submarine 'freigh ter Deutschland may serve as a fuel base for German armed submarines raft er she passes the three mile limit, is causing fhe British government more anxiety than the thought that she mny evade the blockading cruisers off the capes and reach Germany, it was stated today by British officials here. They admitted the chance of the Deutschland 's safe return ure greatly in her. favor. RENEWED TESTIMONY No one in Snlom lm nffr l.tir-l;. ache, headaches, or 'distressing uriuarv! breakfast in its original glory, by those ills can. afford to ignore, this Knleni i w,' dalb' live the Io nian 's twice-told storv. It is confirmed i There remain but two scenes to testimonv that no Salem resident can , be photographed before Veda the nin dunlit.. ' " IP're will be a reul movie, screened 111 a W. C. Johnston. 1021 Mill St., Salem,! ,lia,'''e ' alt'1,l''l u.v an' number of savs:l had pain iu mv- back, across j audiences. Mr. Tarpley promises also, mv kidnevs. Mv back ached at night' 8 surprise in the development of aiid l-was lame in the morning. i;Veda. Following the Portland prod tired easilv and was languid and nerv- uctiun, Salem audiences will be given ous. 1 also had headaches and dizzv !n opportunity to vent their euthus spells and my sight burred. The kid-j j"'". over t,le "' ty movie, sometime nev secretions rtmtaiiiWt sediment nnd.'n August. lidu't pass often enough. I used1 Doan's Kidney Pills and they 'soon re lieved mo. I am going to continue taking them expecting to be cured." A Later Statement. On April II. 1010, Mr. Johnston said: "It has been iieuly two years since I have had oecasi-m to. take a kidney medicine. I couldn't recom mend anything equal to Donn 's Kid ney Pills for lame back and kidney disorders." Price iirtc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidnev remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills th same that Mr. .luhnston has twice publicly recom mended. Foster-Milburn to., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Flies blaze the way for funerals. SALEM BOY HIES Is On Battleship South Dakota Mexicans Threatened ! to Fire On Them Here .just a " is a letter from a Sulem boy little further south than the It is written bv Pearl Bark us. bonier. who is on the South Dakota, which wan anchored off Mazatlun, Mexico, July 0. The letter reads in part: "We are sure having plenty of ex citement dowu here. ' You see, the Sau Diego left for Guaymas- as soon as we got here but the Maryland and the Annapolis is .still here. We brought ammunition aud coal for them and when we started transferring the am munition, the Mexicans got scared and we could see them manning their guns, Thev had a bunch of soldiers on the bench and they sent us word that if we did not leave within 12 hours, they would commence firing. " Well, as soon as we got that word, we trained all of the guus on one side of the ship on the fort and town, with 15 rounds of ammunition beside each gun. The gun crews stood by their guus night aud day. "1 am on one of th? 30 inch search lights at night. We have eight of and we idnved them on the .ort unci- harbor all ni'ilit, but the doggone Mexicans would not shoot. We cau fire every gun on one side of the ship in 30 sec onds. If thev-wouM lire ou us, we .would firo all the "uns at ouce and then send the landing arty ashore. Then we would man the guns and keep on firing when our landing party would net ou the beai h and keep ou firing' over their headi, to demolish the fort and town. The lauding, party pari- would take it anil hold it until the nrmy came and then they would go ou to the next place. "We. have what they call range finders. We can set them at an ob ject we want to iiit with the guns and it will tell you how manv yards awav it is. We have the range -on every thing of any importance ami if they start anything, they will be sorry. "It sure is warm down here. 1 nm now going up bv mv luu and try anil get some sleep for 1 was on the search lights all night. The letter was written to his parents -ir. and -mis. l T. isurkns, NHj South Commercial street. - - IT'S YOURKIDNEYS - You have swollen feet, and hands! Stitf, achy joints! Sharp shooting rneuniutic pains torture you. i ou have aching back, pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty when urinating! Look out! These are danger signals. Trouble is with your kidneys. Uric acid poisoning iu one form or another, has set in. It may lend to dropsy or fatal Bright 'g disease if not checked. Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules immediately. They are an old preparation, used all over the world for centuries; combining natural healing oil and herbs, well-known to physicians and used . by thousands in their daily practice. I he Capsules are not an experimental, make-shift "pat ent medicine, " or "salt", whose effect is only temporary. They are a stand ard remedy, and act naturally, gently and quickly. But when you go to the druggist, insist on getting the pure, original Haarlem Oil in Capsules. Be suro the name GOLD MEDAL is on the box, and thus protect yourself against counterfeits. - ' " 1 D . 1 ifllT dflglllg IU I I CdCUl Veda the Vampire Ford Tarpley, author and director of the society movie, " Veda the umpire," now being staged in Port land, spent the week-end in Snlcin, pre paring to screen the film in a local theatre. The scenario is a mild bur lesque and employing, as it does, a cast composed of persons prominent in Portland society, it has stimulated curiosity to a high pitch,, both within nud outside its home environs, Salem is specially interested, having directly contributed to the talent of the prod uction in Mr. Tarpley and Philip Pat terson, both former residents. The various scenes have been photo graphed in fashionable Portland homes, in the down town district at the Wuv- erly golf course, including some dyed-in-the-wool, movie thrillers along the Columbia Highway. Nor can it be said that any hair breadth escapes and other spinetingling sensations of the regulation movie code will be lacking in Veda the Vampire. And many of us, no doubt will fulfill that secret de sire for an unchecked glimpse of mi lady in her own boudoir, the butler on I his native carpet, and a wedding -"r- larpicy was mm-11 enconrageu as to its prounme reception nere. ine proceeds are for the People's Institute in Portland. (Costinncd from page on.) hite held a conference at the mav- or's office during which White is be lieved to have made a definite report of progress in the hunt for the slayer. The mavor declined to discuss the confer ence, but indicated that he was pleased with the situation. All San Franrineo agitators and pro mulgators of violent propaganda are to nil? madvctc - tl 01 lllii lOfllUVLi 1 J The following price for fruiti and vegetable are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the producer. Correction are made daily. With Portland quotations as a basis, hens are worth in Salem today l.'ic and broilers from 14c to 15c. As a general proposition, the quota tions of the Portland dailies for eggs are not to be depended on, according to I the opinion of several commission men in Salem. The Portland quotations! look good, but there ig generally an off-set in the way of candling that is discouraging to those who ship com mission houses in Portland when the return check comes along. The private opinion of those who know about the egg market is that the Portland papers do not really quote the correct market aud that the quotations are controlled by special interests. Ibis., opinion niight be tried out' by shipping several cases to Portland and compare receipts with the papers' prices quoted on the' day of shipment. Crrauu. Wheat : 80c Oats ; e Rolled barle S.W Corn 439.00. Cracked corn 40.00 Bran 27.00 Shorts, per ton .". '...'.. 31.00 Alfalfa, California, ton (20.00 Butter. Butterfat 26c Creamery butter, per pound 29e Country butter - . 20c22e Egg and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash 2lc Eggs, trade 22 I S Hens, pound--..:.. 13c Roosters, old, per pound 8c Broilers, under .2 pounds .14c(fi loc Fork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed .- 10 l-2c Pork, dressed 1010 l-2o Pork, on foot 7 l-2(ff8 l-2c Snrinir lnmbs. 1910 Kal l-2c Steers 5(S0 1-2C Cows 4(q,0C Bulls 3(3 l-2c Ewes : ii l-2c Wethers OC Vegetable. Tomatoes, California $1.00 Cabbage '"c Cucumbers 40(g75c 8tring garlic ; i 15e Potatoes, new 1 l-2fS 1 2-4c Beets 4"C Radishes 40t Green onions 40s Greeu peppers 10c Carrots, dozen .-.. 40c Onions, California $3.50 Beans, green and waxed tic Onions, Walla Wajlu, crate $1.8-3 ,. Fpults, Watermelons" .-A '. Peaches Oranges, Valencies .'!$2.00 . . 5U(S 75c $4.00 o.50(S)6.00 Lemons, per box Cantaloupes Bananas, pound California grape fruit Florida grope fruit .... Pineapples .. $3.00(g3.50 Ol .. $2.50 .... $0.00 8c .... $3.50 ... $1.50 .. $1.75 Honey California plums Apricots Retail Price. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 23c Sugar, cane $8.75 Sugar, beet $8.55 Creamery butter ..- 35c Flour, hard wheat $1.00(5 1.70 Flour, valley $1.25 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Ore, duly 24. Wheat: Club, 9.'Sc. Bluestem, $l.n.1. Fortyfold. O.'lc. Red Russian, H2c. Oals: i'o, 1 white feed, $27.00. Barlev, feed. $27.50. Hogs," best live, $0.10, Prime steers, $8.00. Fancy cows, $0.50. Calves, $7.50. Spring lambs. $8.0li 8.25. Butter: City creamery, 2!'c. Country butter. 27c. Eggs, selected local ex., 27(o Sc, Hens, 15c Broilers, 10(7 10 l-2c. (leesc, 10(T; 1 lc. Copper, 28c. RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY Whereas, It has pleased our Heaven Father to call home our porthy and be loved sister, Mrs. Abbie Von Est-hen, we are culled to mourn her departure. On behalf of the Marion Lawrence Bible class of which she was a faithful and efficient member, we extend to the bereaved husband and sons our deep est heartfelt sympathy in this their great loss. Resolved, That, while we bow in submission to the Divine Will we shnll miss the presence, wise counsel, and Christian sympathy of her whose gain is our loss. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions of love and sympathy be print' ed in the papers of this city and record ed by the secretary of this class, and a copy be furnished the bereaved hus band. ' MARIOX LAWRENCE" CLASH. I driven out of the city through com bined action by the police and the dis trict attorney's office, District Attor ney Fickert declared this afternoon. He intimated that special legislation gov erning' the activities of such agitators may be asked as the result of Satur day's appalling tragedy. Fickert said steps had been taken to locate all organizations of an ultra rad ical nature and to remove them. He believed the bomb wis planted, not . by one man, but by three men, members of an organization with branches all over the country. , LOGANBERRY JUICE PLANT AT WOODBURN BUSY A visit to the Pheasant Fruit Juice company plant at Woodburn, that is now operating at almost run capacity, Classified Advertising Page i- MM is very interesting and instructive.! Interesting from the standpoint of see-1 ing how the delicioiu product of the! loganberry vino is converted into a rich dark red liquid that delights the palate and without harmful results. j Monday was an easy day ut the plant, but they make up for it the rest of; the time. By Monday afternoon loads! of berries began to arrive from the fields from the morning's pick and the1 boys began to move. Before leaving, we had the pleasure of meeting Dr. ' Chapman, who is operating, a 2u-acre . field or logunocrries near Monitor. There are several good fields of logan berries in the district, but Mr. Bentley thinks Geo. Hall,- south of Hubbard, has the best two aero field in the state without exception. Mr. Hall has given some tune and attention to bring ing his field to its present efficiency and is well pleased with his returns. He is a member of the association. As iwc understand it, association members I are those who took one share of stock) representing $100 to be paid for fromi receipts of the last half of the crop. I Association members receive three i cents per pound for their berries. Those not members of the association receive two cents per pound for their berries. ' At the beginning very few were re ceived from non-association growers, not until the Pheasant company was, sure it could redeem all its pledges, Iu Mr. Bentley' opinion the Wood burn plant will extract 80,000 gallons this year and doublo the capacity for next year's crop. He also predicts there will not be a gallon unsold in a very short time after the close of the extracting season. There are 30 grow ers signed up with tho plant and Mr. Bentley estimates there, will be $25,000 paid theso growers for their berries. There wcro $500' paid in wages for the first half of July, which also helps a little. Berries are coming from Donald, Fargo, Broadacres, Monitor and terri tory surrounding. One car of juice was shipped to Denver last Tuesday and ono car to Chicago ou Friday. Hubbard Enterprise. CHTBOPRACTlO-SPrNOLOGIST DB. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro- ?ractic's Fountain Ho id, Davenport, owe. If you have tried everything and got no .relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Besidence Main 828-R. DENTISTS. DR. O. A. OLSON', Dentist Adminis ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas. Room 214. Masonic Temple. Phone 440, ttatrnn. Oreeon FOR SALE HOP BASKETS Morley's Pt. braced style. Depot American Fence. Door and Window Screens. Paints, Oil and Varnish. Stoves repaired and sold, R. B. Fleming, 2o0 Court. FOR SALE 130 acres of good valley land, county road, close to station: good buildings, 80 acres in crop all good; 14 head cattle including 10 cows, hogs, poultry, with all equip ment. Price $100 per acre, terms reasonable. Square Deal Realty Co., 202 V. S. Bank bldg. LODGE DIRECTORY k. O. U. W. Protection Lodge, No. 2, Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the McCornack hall, corner C'surt and Liberty streets. It. O. Donaldson, M. W. ; S. A, McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, financier. 1AI.EM I.OnfiE No. 4, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications first Friday In each month at 1 .'M p. m. '.n the Masonic Temple. Chas. McCarter, W. M. ; H. Z, Culver, secretary, SALEM HUMANU HOCIKTY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. I. on Tlllson, secretary. All caae of cruelty or neglect of dumb ant mala should be reported to the secretary for Investigation. CENTRAL LOWiG, No. 18, K. of P. Mc- Cornack bulmlng. Tuesday evening or each week at 7 :H0. J. G. llcltzel, C. C. ; W. B. Ullson, K. of It. and 8. 8. N. OIT A. "Oregon Grape Camp," No. 1860, meets every Thursday evening Id McCornack building. Court and Liberty streets-; elevator. Mra. Hylvla Rihaupp, 1791 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Per lona, reconler, 12'JU North Commercial. Phone 143U M. UODErtN WOODMEN OP AMERICA Ore gen Cedar Camp, No. B24H, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Mc Cornack hall, corner Court aud Liberty streets. Klcrntor service. Geo. lielnohl, V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk. CHADWICK CnAlTKR, No. 87, O. B. R. Regular meeting every . first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Mueller, W. M. ; Ida M. Babcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF TI1B WORLD Meet every Frldav nlaht at 8 o'clock In McCornack block, 0. VV. Hirous, C. C; L. 8. Occr Clerk, 007 Lourt street, i-uane ova. lGJ KOI.AI tV ,.11 .11 n I'l. 11 1 , . w, ... " Regular conclave fourth Frblny In each month at 8 o'clock, p m In Musonlc Tem ple. Rojourolng Hlr Kulghta are courte ously inritco lo meet wuu urn t.ui u. Pearce, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly, No. 84. meets everv Wednesday at 8 p. m. la Moose hall. C. O. Matlock, M. A.; C. Z. Kandall, secretary, Baleia Bank of Commerce. HODHON COUNfML, No. 1, R. 8. M. Stated assembly flrst Monday In each month. Masonic Temple. N. P. Kaamua sen. Thrice Illustrious Master; Glean C. Mica, recorder. SALEM COUNCIL NO. 2622 Knlghfa ant Ladlea of Hi-curlty lieeta every 2ud and 4th Wednesday eacB montn at uurst nan. Visiting mcmbcra are Invited to attend. B. f. Walton, financier, 480 8. 14th Ut Stated communications third Friday In each moinh at 7 :30 p. nj. In tha ataaODIC lempie. Iiai v. duuius, n. m Brnmt II. i lcate. aecretarr MISCELLANEOUS REDUCED FREIGHT BATES To and tmm all nnlnfa east, on all household ;oods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car Old service. Capital City Transfer Company, agent tor racmc loan forwarding company, 101 douio (nercial street. Phone Main 33. tMMMMttetTttMM ! A J n I THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory 7 A Quick, handy reference for busy people TtepaM EVERYTHING ELEOTBIOAIi '' Salem. Eleetrl Co, Masonl Temple, 127 North High Mala llOff PLUMBING, STEAM xTTTINO AND TINlfTNO T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Ml 111 TRANSFER AND DRAYAGB Salem Truck h Dray Co, corner State ana front street Ifala T I Dry Zensal Moist Zensal TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC, NORTH BOUND No. IS Oregon Express 8:60 a. nv No. 24 Eugene Limited 8 :02 p. m. No. 28 Willamette Limited... 9:22a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited 11:55 a.m. No. 18 Portland Passenger ... 1 :27 p. m. No. 20 Portland Passenger. . . B .00 p. m. No. 1 4 Portland Express . . . . . 8 :04 p. m. No. 222 Portland fast Freight 10 .80 p. m. No. 2211 Local way Freight. .. .10:85 a. m. SOUTH BOUND No. 15 California Express.,.. 8:82a.m. No. 17 Roseburg Passenger ..11:20. m. Na. 2: ICugene Limited 10 :1 a. m. No. 19 Colt ii ge Grove Puss. ..4:16 p.m. Make connection with No. 74 Geer branch. No. II Shasta Limited B :43 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited. .. :iup. m. No. 18 Nan Francisco Express 10 :30 p. m. No. 221 San Francisco Fast Frelcht lz :ui a. m. No. 220 Local way Freight. . .11 :4o a. m. Baliu-Gicbb Lis. No. 73 Arrives at Salem 9:1BS. m. lo. 7M Leaves 8a em' u:oua. m. No. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2 :00 p. m. No. 74 Leave Salem 4 :20 p. m. No connection soutn i ueer. Salbsi, Falls City and Wbstbbn. No. 101 Lv. Salem, motor 7:00. m. No. 103 Lv Salem, motor 9:45a.m. No. 165 Lv. Salem tor Monmouth and Alrlle n :ia. m. No. 167 Lv. Salem, motar .... 4:00p.m. No. lfl! Lv. Salem, motor 6:15 p.m. No. 2.10 way ir t lv. saiem. ... o :oo a. m. No. 162 Ar. Salem 8"40a. m. No. i4 Ar. Salem 11:10a. m. No. Mil Ar. Salem :iop. m. No. 168 Ar. Salem 6 :0O p. m. No. 17D Ar. Salem T :4 p.m. No. 24U Way Fr't ar. Salem... 1:85p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER BOUTB r n fi.. TrananAi-tltlnn ComDlllf Leave Portland for Oregon City, Buttevlllj, Newlwrg. Mission raui), nurauuiu, Sulem (dally except Sunday) . .8 :45 a. B l.eavi Portland for Independence. Albany-Corvallls, (Tnea., Thurs., Sat.) Returning Leave . , Corvallls ....... m. Mob., Wed., frt Albany , .7 a. m.-M.,n., Wed., Frt Indeoenaence. .. . aiu., "-. Halein 10 a. m. aon., yv ea., in Baiem 6 a. m. Tue., Thur., Bat You can make ana Bave mon- New Today columns. ? 1 ' 1 ' - ' THKRAPxiOTICS HAUEV TA IftAN WELTMEB BYSTBM Of uggestiva lllUriCI IU LUrtll TherapeuUca practiced by Dr. W. T. ON Good Real Estate Security. TompKins, 8. T. Most powerful, nat- THOS. K. FORD uril and auccessful treatment known Orer Ladd it Bush Bank, Salem. Oregon ,0 science for the relief and cure of ' - headache, stomach, liver and kidney MONEY TO LOAN I have made ar- trouble; rheumatism, constipation, rangementa for loaning eastern infantile paralysis aud all femal money, will make very low rate of complaints, heart, lung and throa interest on highly improved farm. trouble; all diseases of the eye; can Homer H. Smith, room 5 McCornack cer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv Bldg, Balem, Ore. Puine 90. ousness or any curonic disease. 8ujt- i ' 1 gestive therapeutics properly applied b g to a diseased body is positive, surs OSTEOPATH and permanent in its result. Hoar ' ' ' -' " " g j0 jo a m, 1 to S p. m., p'aoB UBS. B. n. WHITE and B. W. WAl gn offK.e roomt 1( 2 and i Biya TON Osteopathic physicians ind Wlff 341 ptMte st ) Balem, Oregon, nerve specialists, Graduatos of Amer- ican school tf Osteopathy, Kirksvill tKmmmKKtmmammtm Mo. Post graduate and specialized li. nerve diaeises it Los Angeles college.! I M U II II Tret acute nd chronio diseases.' ' w ui Consultation free. Lady attendanL! Care Of Office oOS-500 U. 8. National Bank! vinrOAinAvri Building. Phone 859. Residence 313! YICK SO TONG North apit.ijitreet. phone 469. j Chinese Medicine and go avanqeb w i Tea Company i salem scavenger charies Boo.! Has medicine which will proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all , .llrp flT1v ktlfiwri HiPflP kinds removed on monthly contract Cure any imOWIl QlSeaSe. at reasonable rates. Yard aad cess- 153 SOUlh High Street, Sakm,Ore. Phone 233 TOTJERTAAERa WEBB k CLOUGH CO C. B. Webb. A. M., Clou J) morticians aad funeral directors Latest modern methods .jr. VP known to the profession employed j, iKDCll lOU llO m Court St. Main 120, Maia ML to colmtrS. CMnp RIODON-RICHARDUON CO. Funeral mountain or resort for the director and undertaker, 252 North ummer, notify . .' High .tree,. D.v and night phon, - ' and your paper will be sent n . . -WATEB CQMgX there as Ion a you want to SALEM WATER COMPANY Office clU tot to cireu- eoraer Commercial and Trade tret. laUon Department, Phona 81. For water service apply at offic. '- Bill payable monthly in advance. . The fact that Zensal is made to reach the two distinct types of Eczema should ap peal to all skin sufferers. . Tetter, salt rheum and dry eczema should be treated with Dry Zensal. For weep ing skin use Moist Zensal. 50c a jar at CENTRAL PHARMACY 4 OREGON ELECTRIC RA1LWAI CO. HOBTB BOUND Lv. Salem Train No. Ar. Portland 4 :35 a. m. 2 Owl 6 :B5 a. na. 7:15 . m. 6 ..... 9:23am. 9 :45 a. m. .... 10 Limited . . . .11 :35 a. m. II :20 a. m 12 11 :30 p. a. 1 :BO p. m 14 4 :O0 p. m. 4 :O0 p. m 16 Limited ... B :BO p. m. 5::io p. m 20 7:40p.m. 7:65 p. m. 22 10:00 p.m. OUTH BOUND POKTLAND TO SaLIM Portland. 30 a. m. Salem 8 :8r Eugen 10 :6B a. L 30 a. m. ... B Limited .... 10:11 a. a. 45 a. m 7 12:6Sp.m. OS p. m. 9 4 :15 p. aa. 40 p. m. ... is Limited .... o:op.r, 05 p. m 17 Local .... 8:10 p. 20 p. m lit .......11:20p.m. 43 p. m. 21 Owl X 'M p. NORTH BOUND Carvallls Ar. Salem 10 p. m 20 .B :30p. na. Eua-ene. Ar. BrO :35 a. m 10 Limited .... 9 :4B a. aa. :,'..-, p. m 10 Limited.... 4:00p.m. 25 p. m -it r :oo p. oa, 00 p. m 2 Owl ...... 4 liii a. oa. OUTH BOUND Salem Ar. Huge :03 a. m 21 Owl ..... 6:50a.m. :15 a. m B Limit . .. .12 :2.1 p. aa. Salem Ar. Aibaajt 05 p. m T 1 :BO p. ov Stop at Corvalllo Salem. Ar. Albany :16 p. oi 0 B :10 p. a. m r. aiuu 19 ffl 7 :35 a. m. Lv. Salea Ar. Bogea U:40 p. m 13 8:B0p, a. CORVALLIS CONNBCTION NOXTH BOUND Lv. Corvalll Ar. dalata 8 :2B a. m 10 :4B a a. 12 :12 p. m 14 1 :4B p. av 2 :41 p. ni 10 4 :0O p. a. 4 :1D p. m 20 B :3f) p. ou 6:18 p. m. 22 T :68 p. Bh BOOTH BOUND Lv. Salem Ar. Corvellli 10:15 a. m B 11:88 a r. 4:1.1 p. m 9 B :30 p.m. 12:85 p. m 7 2:20 p. av 6 :40 p. in 18 8:00 B. a ! Wedding Invitations, Announcement i and Calling Cards Printed at the Jour nal Job Department.