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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1916)
TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 24, 1916. S OCIE T Y By ALINE THOMPSON The tennis tournament which open ed today in Portland at the Waverly -country club in attracting considerable attention and a number of Halem de votees of the raquet are planning to motor down (luring trie week. Entries have been made from Wash ington. Idaho, California and numer ous Oregon rities, many prominent players being among the entrants. Walter u. Mctiougai ana ueorge x. Badgers will be among those partici pating in the tourney, both having en tered for the men's singles. Mr. Rod ders will play Walter A. Gobs, and Mr. McUougal, tiouis K. mnce. . Mrs. Anthonr Klein went to Port land Saturday for a few days visit with uer daughters, Mrs. worman Jourtney and Mrs. Claude I'luliber. Mrs. George Pcaree and daughters the Misses helen and Dorothy Pearce nave gone to Newport for the summer. They were accompanied by Mrs. J'eurce s mother, Mrs. 1;. small. k 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Moores, accompanied by Mrs. James I. Sebultz Motored to Salem from Portland Sat urday and were the guest of Mr. and , Mrs. Charles Weller. They returned Hunday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Merwin and mall son, Paul Henry, motored home Haturdav for a few days visit in fort land. Mr. and Mm. Merwin had plan ned to leave Portland with friends on jl motor trip to Astoria, Seaside and Tillamook, but were called home. They expect to continue their trip the last of the week. SatfeMUc Infant Invalids HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL HALTED MILK Hick milk, malted train, in powder form. For infanta, invalids 'growing children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding 1st whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers ui the aged. More nutritious than tea, coffee, etc Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking. Snlititutei Cost YOU Same Price Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Minto and small son, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. fry and family, .Mr. anil Mrs. John t rai and Mass iiernice Crnig, Mr. mid Mjs. hugar Hartley and Miss Katherme Hartley and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hteus loff were among those who made up a party and motored to Sodnville tor a picnic Hunday. Mrs. Frank P. Talklngton had as her week end guest Mrs. VMlIinm Mohlan- der of Portland. Dr. ami Mrs Ttnrrv IT. Olinoei hfiVA as their house guest Miss Creta Olinger of Dr. Olinger. Miss Olinger will spend several weeks in Salem visiting relatives. m An informal lawn party was given Friday by Mrs. E. B. Millard and Mrs. S. C. DeLona at the home of the lat ter. About a dozen matrons of the Agenda club gathered to share in the pleasures of an afternoon of sewing. Later l party was augmented by the men, who came for supper. Assisting the hostesses were Mrs. V. U. Holt, Mrs. A. E. Hunt and Mrs. J. A. Mills. After supper the evening was gaily rounded out by games and music. The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hunt and sun, Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. DeLong and daughter, Blanche; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kuntz and sons, Miss Leluh McCaddam, Mr. and Mrs. U. O. Holt and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills, Henry Vanilervort and Miss Jennelle Vandervort, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Voorhies and daughters, Henri ett and Catherine; T. J. Kuntz and Miss Lucille Kuntz, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lee and sons, Paul and Lyod, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Vincent mid chil dren. N Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Allen and chil dren accompanied by their guest, Mrs. A. Clump of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Kolliu K. Page lett last week for a motor trip to the MeKenzie river, where they will enjoy a several days outing. ' Friday the members of the Auxiliary of the Spanish War Veterans were en tertained at the home of .Mrs. James II. Chenoweth, 70 Xorth liith street. Flags, pink rose's and greenery were used to decorate the rooms and the guests devoted the afternoon to sew ing. Later the hostess served a colla tion. Those nresent were Mesdames Fred Thompson, W. O. Asseln, D. L. Smith, Chester Buker,George liorton, Charles Me Kjii ev. K. O. Cumrow, J. is. K.en neth .1. Smith and the Misses Sclma Cumrow, Dorothy Baker, Myrtle Hor ton, Ruth Chenoweth, Marguerite Smith, Marjorie McKinley, Loreta Da vis and .Florence enmrcw. . Ford Tarpley of Portland was the week end guest or Ins grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Tarpley. Mr. Tar pley came to Salem to make arrange ments with the local theater men to show the big society photo play "Veda the Vampire," which was just com pleted in Portland last week. The ex hibition of this film will be of great interest to Salem society since Mr. Tai-p'ey is the producer and author of the play, and dozens of Portland's smart set are screened in it. The film will be shown sometime in August. ' .' Five Are Drowned As Result of Cloudburst Guernsey, Wyo., July 24. The bod ip wpfa recovered tntlnv nf five per sons drowned last night when a cloud burst converted a creek below Sun- riaa Wrn intn a torrent which swent - - i j j - i an automobile party Into a canyon. The dead: O. Et Talbott. Mrs. Talbot and child. Mrs. Frank Pine. Harold Meyers, a boy. CHLOROFORM KATE MAKES A-NOTHXR FAILURE San Francisco, July 24 " Chloroform Kate," aged 32, added another attempt todny to her many ineffectual efforts at suicide. This time she drank the entire contents of a small vial of chloroform. She was sent to jail. While official count has been lost it is believed she has made several hundred attempts to end her own life. The longest time on record for which a swimmer has remained under water is sim minutes 2D 4 5 seconds. HAVE YOUR Capital Journal Sent to Tour Summer Vacation Address. PHONE 81 s(c sc sc 3c sc sc sc jc 5c sc sfc sc s(( TXE have extended our special offer on WA TER y HEATERS until July 29. A $3.50 Automa tic Gas Stove Lighter FREE with each tank heater sold this week. til""" "' ''rr 1 ' 111 1 11 ' ..Jil;SJL:..;.i..r:. P 2 A LL over the house every hot water Zj faucet supplied plenty for the toilet and bath ample quantities for the kitchen and laundry, and all with very little atten tion and at a low cost for fuel. You simply connect a Ruud Tank Water Heater to your range boiler, light a match and turn on the gas; in a few minutes you have hot water at every faucet. The quick results are made possible by the long copper coll which exposes a large heating surface to the high-power burner. Unless you have a gas water heater, you are los ing time and money. This little heater is thoroughly guaranteed in workman ship and material and will give you many years of steady, re liable hot water service. Let us give you complete details. Demonstrations Daily at the Gas Office THE GAS CO. Phone 85 DC PERSONALS 4c - Mrs. F. A. Moore of Forest City is in the city. J Miss Eva Zigler of Portland spent Sunday in the city. , Mrs. Frank Collins was in the city yesterday from Portland. Miss Jessie and Miss Sylvia Miller are visiting: relatives ir. Seattle. Miss Alice Schroedcr returned yes terday from a two weeks' vacation. Lloyd Rijjdon is spending part of his vacation visiting with relatives at Jefferson. R. H. Waters, wife and mother left yesterday for a visit with relatives in Minnesota. Miss Gessamy Roberts of' Portland is visiting in the city, the guest of Miss Frazier. George Lewis returned from Port land Saturday, driving; a new six cyl inder Haines automobile. Miss Hazel Scott is home from Dal las where she lias been on professional business for the past week. Miss Edna Purely, manager of the Albany Nurseries, was in the city yes terday visiting with relatives. Mrs. Charles Kreft, wife of the Asy lum avenne grocer, returned yesterday after a visit of several weeks in Colo rado. Leo Hansett returned Saturday from a moiorcycle trip of a week which in cluded stops at Vancouver, B. C, and Spokane. J. 11. Littler of the i'nee sue store left this morning for a two weeks' vacation. Ivan Or. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watts and Miss Leonia Peterson left this morning for a ten days' visit at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Unruh and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Unruh returned Satur day evening from a two weeks outing at Neskowin. Miss Mvrtle Knowland was in the (ity Sunday visitjng with relatives. She is now associated with the firm of Bush & Lane, in Portland. W. A. Ringo, formerly of the Crown Prug store, returned this morning to Brownsville where is now' the proprie tor of a Crown drug store of his own. Mr. and Ms. Leon DeMars of St. Marie, Idaho, are in the city, the guests of Mrs. J. E. Godfrey. From Portland, they were accompanied by Mrs. John Campbell. Mrs. DeMars is a sister of Mrs. Godfrey. Mr. and Mrs. DeMars will spend several weeks motoring in this part of the state be fore returning home bv way of Tilla mook. I COURT HOUSE NEWS I sc sc jc sc sjc sjt st sc sfc s(t ic sc sjc )(c A marriage license was issued today at high noon to Hugh Clifford Bud long, aged 22, of Portland, and Miss Julia Hickman, aged --, of Salem. Anglers' licenses have been issued tp iMlwm M. Matrnell, r. j. Sherman Harry Hutton. W. D. Clarke and Kob: ert Farmer, all of Salem. A hunter "s license was issued to Norwain Kennedy of Salem. Combination licenses were issued to W. H. Parker and M. Sil- bott. Fred A. Dixon, a minor child of W, II. Dixon and Hattie May Dixon, has tieen adopted by r U. Blumhart and Sarah liliimhart. Papers in the mat tcr have been filed in t'ne county court.- The adoption s made with the consent of thehild s parents. Notice of appeal in the case- of Stu debnker Brothers Co. vs. George Swe- gle, in which a decree was entered m tho circuit court eurly in July, was tiled by the attorneys for the defend ant Saturday. y The case of J. V. Davis vs. Russell Clearwater, set for trial at the present term of court has been taken from the docket on motion of he plaintiff. A divorce was granted Saturday by Judge Galloway to the plaintiff in the ease or J. II. Shields vs. Jane Ann Shields.' By stipulation the answer in the case whs withdrawn. Custody of the minor children is given tie plain tiff, but the defendant is to be per mitted to visit them. Property rights were settled out of court. A motion for an order setting for trial the injunction proceedings filed by Alderman Frank S. Ward against tho city to prevent the city from pur chasing paving machinery has been filed by City Attorney Macy, n & m,. i.-.,. ;., oil,, ...i 500 from Nina Veloroiis Kays and El mer Kavs, together with interest at S per cent from June 20, 1914, according to a decree issued by the circuit court Saturday. Neither of the defendants appeared in the case, and Judge Gal- Iniirnv ftPilAra.t , I . .1 . nr itii ira lr-n. .li.a.1.! and the sheriff to -make levy and sale of the lands in question. State Printer Arthur W. Lawrence has filed a suit for on mages against the Southern Pacific company, a cor poration, asking the sum of $1115.00. The arcidenMii which the plaintiff al leges he was 'injured occurred last Feb ruary near the intersection of Cottage and Chemeketa streets, when a motor cycle he was riding collided with a street car. It is alleged iu the com plaint that the car had defective brakes and was otherwise not in son formitv with the law. Norman S. Richards, Indicted for assault and battery, was arraigned in Dept. 1 of the circuit court this morn ing and demurred to the indictmeut Time for hearing the demurrer has not been set. EVERYTHING READY SAVE THOSE NEEDED Plenty of Harness But No Horses Lots of Music But No Garbage Cans By William G. Shepherd (United Press staff correspondent) Brownsville, Texas., July 24. Mili tia from President Wilson's own home town was no more ready to go into Mexico than any other state militia along the border. Col. W. J. Perry of the First Vir ginia, whoso home is in Staunton, spoke smilingly today In his tent ol what he hoped would be sent him in the way of supplies. Hi has a machine gun company that is already to go in to Mexico except that it has no ma chine guns. He has 20 fine transport wagons ready for immediate uce; the harness is in excellent shape, with buckles and everything, but be has no norses. Fewer than hall his officers have mounts. The band comes from the president's town, has plenty of horns and drums, but the incinerator tins, which are uned-iii destroying garbage have not arrived. "In a pinch, if we had to go into Mexico, officers could ride in Fords," said Col. Perry. "We could hitch our wagons beuind motor trucks." "How much time would you want to prepare your regiment to go into Mex ico! " I asked. "It would require two months. " The president's home regiment ar rived with 975 men, bm two of them were Indian graduates of Carlvsle and were dismissed by inspectors of the regular army under the rule that they are not citizens, but wards of the na tion, t Except for these troubles, the regi ment is in excellent shape. Picturesque Hats Are Summer's Mark SSnipIeys iL-.V.WS J A 1 tlNQ THfZ' TRIUMPH This English model is white chip with a wonderful tilt. The only trimming is two pink tulle roses with glossy 'foilage front and aft, while one long streamer of saxe blue velvet ribbon fulls grace fully over the left shoulder. Unprecedented Sale on Comfortable, Pretty Practical House Dresses All House and Porch Dresses are on sale at unprecedented prices. We have arranged good bargains for the careful buyer at this sale. -i Prominent prices are 79c, $1.25, $1.48 and $1.75 Each dress worth the money and more. Our House Dresses are near perfection, being well made, reasonably priced, tasteful, and have a style that is really delightful. JUST RECEIVED A new lot of Two-piece Breakfast Sets, made of good quality Ging hams, in plaids checks, stripes and plain colors. AH sizes from 36 to 44. U. G. Shipley Co. Quality Merchandise Popular Prices 145 N. Liberty Street , Salem, Oregon City Market Ice & Coal Co. Distilled Water Ice mm On account of the backward season we have decided to reduce the price of ice greatly. If you are not getting your ice at reduced rates see us and we will explain the system. Originators of immediate delivery. We deliver to any part of Salem. PHONE 474 - 141 N. HIGH STREET POLICE HAVE CLEWS TO E Get Description of Man Who Left Suit Case On Side walk $5,000 Reward A water-cooled motorcycle has been invented by an Englishman. The ease of F. B. Wines Co. vs. Allen A. Flesher, an appeal from justice court, is being heard by a jury in Judge Kelly 'a court this afternoon. beeu set for hearing in the morning. Tomorrow afternoon, at 1 o'clock is the time set for hearing the case of the Stat vs. Lee Jeans ol Turner. An action to recover damages has been filed, in the circuit court by Sam uel Shaffer against Earl Gardiner. GrapeNuts embodies the full, rich nutriment of whole wheat combined with malted barley. This combina tion gives It a distinctive, de licious flavor unknown to foods made from wheat alone. Only selected grain is used In making Grape-Nuts and, through skillful processing it comes from tha package fresh, ensp, un touched by hand and ready to eat. Through long baking, the 'en ergy producing starches of the grain are made wonderfully easy of digestion. A daily ration of this splendid food yields a marvelous return of health and comfort. There's a Reason" Sold by Grocers everywhere. San Francisco, July ?4 To run down the dynamiter w.iose hand dealt death Saturdny of nix prsoiis and in jured 3li when a bomb exploded on Market street during the preparedness parade, nil the energies of the city San Francisco were called into ni-tiou to day. Following the announcement by Mayor Kolph that he would personally guarantee a reward of. $",(MR) for the apiirelionsion of the criminal. Chief nf 'Police David White established a sep arate and exclusive bureau in the de fective department, devoted wholly to jthis case. The new bureau will "con jtinue to exist "as long as tho dynn j miter is at large," The aid of other j large cities, whose olice departments have anarchist experts, has been asked and it said that their detectives best informed on anarchist groups will co operate with the local men. Chief White expressed the opinion today that tho dynamiter was an an archist, and he believes the man was taught to mane such a powerful, dead ly contrivance by other anarchists. Meanwhile, the defectives are work ing on several clews, and are still holding Frank Josefson, who was de tained Saturday becuuse of remarks he was heard to make after the ex plosion. The most promising clew was turmshetl by William lnylor, an aged peddler, who said ho saw a man leave a suitcase ou the spot where the bomb exploded, at 1:30 p. m. half an hour before the explosion. He remarked to the man, he said, that it was a poor place to leave his grip, but the strang er walked hurriedly away. Taylor was able to give only a meagnr description of him. - The list of deathers, as the result of tue outrage, still remained at six to dny, although' Miss I'earl email whose leg was blown otf, and William Turn- bull, whose skull was fractured, were in a critical condition. All the less seriously injured were removed from the emergency hospital to their homes or private hospitals today. OFFEBS $1,000 REWAUD Sacramento, Cal., July 24. In behalf of the state, Governor Hiram Johnson this afternoon offered a reward of 1.000 for the apprehension and con viction of the person or persons re sponsible for the bomb outrage in San Francisco. This is the maximum re ward allowed by state law. ! One of Embezzlers Caught In Colorado Olvmpiu. Wash., July 24. Henry Roberts, who hroke jut I iiere two weckt1 ago with .1. F. (iillics, serving a sent eiue for embezzling state industrial insurance funds, hs been recaptured lit Brighton, Colo., according to infor mation received here today by Slierifl McCorkle from the marshal of Brigh ton Roberts, according to the dispatch, said that tiillies, in company with u woman, is attempting to escape from a' Florida or other southern seaport to licuiioe Ay res. " ... Sheriff McOoiklo will leave tonight, with extradition papers to Teturn Hob erM to Washington. HEAT FLASHES, DIZZY, NERVOUS Mrs. Wynn Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her During Change of Life. Richmond, Vs. "After taking seven bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-, pound I feel like a new woman, . I al ways had a headache during the Change, of Life and wasslso troubled with other bad feelings com mon at that time dizzy spells, nervous feelings and heat flashes. Now I am in better health than I ever was and recommend your remedies to all my friends. " Mrs. Lena Wynn, 2812 E. O Street, Richmond, Va. While Change of Life is a most crit ical period of a woman's existence, the annoying symptoms which accompany it may be controlled, and normal health restored by the timely use of Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound. Such warning symptoms are a senso of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil,, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, variable ap petite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness. For these abnormal conditions do not fail to take Lydia & Flnkbam's Vegu' table Compound. lljklffl Mew Today ads In the Journal will be read in all live Marion county homes. sji . -1 . . ; ; I