Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 22, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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"Salem's Big Department Store"
A Continued Clearance of Women's
Suits) Coats, Dresses, Waists
and Skirts Selling in Manv
Cases at Below Cost Prices Si
SCHOMAKKR To Mr. nnd Mrs. Dean
A. Schomnker, .Inly 22, 191H, t the
Salem hospital, twin girls.
-Mr. Schomaker is essociatod with I
the city delicery, ami lives at 441
North Twentt'fourth street.
CARDEN To Mr. an 1 Mrs. Kverett
Carden, July 21, lillfi, a daughter. I
Mr. tardea, feiiera!ly known n
'Mark'' lives on route 3, south of the.
city about six miles. I
Dr. O. A. Olson, dentist, 2i2 Masonic I
lil. IK. i'bone 440. I
Special Sale of Linen Dresses at $8.95
Here's an excellent assortment of stylish Linen Dresses, plain white linen, color
pink, blue, brown and combinations, in the season's newest effects. Dresses that
sold up to $13.95. Extra Special for one week, jour choice 95
Wednesday Surprise Sale
An Extra Value Offering of
Children 's Beach Rompers
only 23c each
Here are strong, serviceable, well made Rompers
for Children stripe patterns of blues, grey, pink
in a ripplette or crepe effect which requires no
ironing, sizes 2, :5 and 4 years.'
Extra Special Next Wednesday . . ...... 23c each
, Sale starts at 8:'50. See the window display.
A Bathing Contest for Swimmers to Be Held
by the Meyers Store the Bathing Beach
Opening Day Five Races Ten Prizes
Co-operating with the Salem Commercial Club in
making the new Public Bathing Beach a success, this
store will give eight prizes in these races to be held
opening day announcement of which will be made
later. 'a Ijjft
1st Race 75-feet for girls under 16 years, first and
second prizes.
2nd Race 100-feet for boys under 16 years first
and second prizes.
3rd Race 50-yards for women, and misses first
and second prizes.
4th Race IflO-yards for men and boys first and
second prizes.
Special Race 75-feet for boys and girls (13 and un
der) first and second prizes. '
The Breakfast club, composed of
young lailies who really en joy wall:-1
ing, is now en.invinir n vacation camn-
M"g out at Mill City. Next Tuesday,
i they will fold up their tent and make
!S the walk home to Salem.
The Maccabees will hold their an
nual picnic tomorrow nt Blako lake.
The party will gather at 1U o'clock tu
morrow morning at Marion square and
make the trip lv nutos. As this pic
nic happens l)out once in every twelve
l.vonths, a largo attendance is expected.
0 --
Joseph Haimovitz of Portland has
purchased the Togge-.y" from Win-tl-
oij Hammond and will ut en up for
business with a special sale as soon as
the stock can be arranged. He says
that the store will continue to be run
iiinler the name of "The Toggery."
Dr. R. T. Mclntire, physician and
surgeon, 214 .Masonic hlilg. 1 none 440.
The children continue to make the
municipal plnvground in the Albert
pasture their hcadnuaiters, as every
day this week more than 20O have
been picknicking and enjoying the
games, llie (lain lias been enlarged.
The I'omniitee in charge already owns
one tent fir a dressing room and would
greatly appreciate the genorositv ot
any one who would either loan or ghc
another tent.
Dr. Alice Bancroft, over Stockton's,
Eye and Nerve Specialist. m
The Salem Floral society with its
two or three hundred members will
picnic next Monday afternoon and
evening at the fair grounds. The lunch
will be served at 0 o'clock and after
this important part of the picnic,
there will be a program of music and
talking. Mrs. U. V. Wallace is in
charge of the evening's program. It
has lieen suggested that members b;ing
a basket properly equipped, a la picnic.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses.
Your baking pans will accord it a warm welcome-
it makes honest-to-goodness Bread
Afik for It at All Groceries
er parts of town boys have been doing
lot of thieving, but this is the first
case in which a report has been made
of the then of valuables.
We Show An Unusually Large
Line of Bathing Suits for Men,
Women and Children
The largest assortment in the city
showing all the most wanted styles and
colorings in both cotton and wool garment.-.
You'll find Meyers' prices low
. . ME NT OF
Xretonnes, Art Tickings and
Curtain Draperies
They will be ready for your inspection
Men's Straws and Panama
Hats Your Pick of the
Stock at 1-2 Price
Aier years of watchful waiting,
thorn really is prospects of the fair
grounds road. Today, workmen were
busv limine stakes for the curbinir.
Ilitill of which indicates that within a
few days the curbing crew will be
a working and following this crew', the
!! pavin men nnd machine and then
II 'those who have been waiting for n gen
SI ! oration for a decent Toad to the fair
jlj (grounds may remark mat everything
I comes to him who waits.
m 0
1 1 The excursion to Marshfield start
ing Friday morning, August 25, will
leost it I tt.SO, on the following basis:
railway fare, 7.25: three days eating
' m i... . ...... ii
on the diner, ifti Pullman fare, i3.o
The Pullman fare is based on all berths Philadelphia
being taken. If not, there will be a
slightly advanced -lnrge for the berth.
The $3.55 price is made on the esti
Mlmnte of 38 to the ear. Those who want
JJIhii entile section will have the privi
II ; lege of paying for the upper berth
llj extra.
Special services will be held tomor
row at the Central Congregational
church, now that the additiou to the
church has been eoiiiplo,tod, permitting
of a much larger congregation.
For the evening, the following pro
gram will be given:
Anthem " I'nto Thee, Our fiod"....
Chas. H. Gabriel
Solo "The Plains of Peace"
IVAuverg ne Barnard
H. C. Stover
Duett "I Saw A Golden Sunbeam
1'all' Henry Leslie
Miss Alma Ashhy and
Miss Pearl -Kyre
Anthem "Praise The Lord All Ye
Nations" M. C. South
Solo "The Gates of The West".
Mrs. C. C. Cory
Trio "Xot A Sparrow r'alleth''
'. Will I.. Thompson
Duett "Come .Jesus, Redeemer"'
William G. Hammond
Mrs. (Hazel Nugent and
Mr. Everet Craven
Anthem ' Fear Not Ye, O Israel" ....
C. M. Leroy
is)c 3c sjc sfc sjc sc sjc jjc sc sc sjc sfc sft
New York
Penitt and Karideu;
First game
Pittsburg ....
Pfefl'er nnd McCarthy;
Cooper and Wilson.
Boston '.
St. Louis -
Kngan, Barnes and dowdy;
and (ionales.
R. H. E.
.... 2 (i 1
... 5 9 1
Vaughn nnd
R. H. K.
... 7 13 8
... 1 K 1
IT. K.
(I 1
10 0
AH Around Town
. !
. July 17-23 Epworth League In-
stitut-e, Willamette University
v am pus.
July 24-25-2o "The Birth of
a Nation," Grand Opera
July 8. Wisconsin society re
union at State fair grounds.
July 30. Salem Street Railway
excursion to Newport. '
July Si-August J. Comic op
era, "The Mikado," oper
house, auspices .douse lodge.
Aug. 2o. Cherriuu excursion
to Marshfield.
Dance at Aninsville tonight,
floor and music.
Sept. 25-30 Oregon State Fair.
Bids on 62 cords 2d growth fir; 8
cords largo ouk; 40 eorda slab wood.
Delivered. Quote prices on each item
ami on complete order. Address Ivan
G. Me Darnel, Mgr. Salem Coin'l club.
Salem hag been Just a little short on
lawyers, as eleven marched away with
vompany i. nut the proportion is
now geuing iibck to normal as the
following passed at the recent exami
nations: Miller K. McGlhhrlst, Paul
H. Smith and Howard K. Zimmerman.
Anotner of those popular summer
dunces at Aumaville tonight. Good
floor and music.
Intercity League pennant race is
somo fight. Four teams close. Don't
miss the game Sunday ,lulv 23d, Bat
tling Bradfords ts. Lojus. League
iirouiids. 3 n. m. inlv'o
- ii j
Dr. Mendelsohn, Specialist, flu glaase-
eorrectly, U. S. Bank. Bldj.
e - 1 Open air services will be held Sun-
Drink Cereo. the lioni fond Ti.i 'Kv evening in William park at 0:30
than coffee or tea. Ask your grocer, tf i , ,'1",, k' An "''"'"l"" wilt n"'l by
n in new it. a, avi son on, "The l'roti-
A permit to build a one story frame
dwelling at 12i0 Shipping street has
been imued to K. A, Hemiett by the
city recorder. The estimated cost of
the building is $500.
Drink Cereo, Uie liquid food, the
health drink. Ask your grocer. tf
Deoisen's Baths, foot of State street.
af, cooveoient, first class. tf
The Salem police were notified this
morning of the escape from the state
industrial school oT Harrv McDonald,
aged 17. He is a lad of dark complexion
nd whan he ran away wore the regula
tion uniform.
While others ajsreiucliif ws are
increasing our stock. There's a rea
oaf wk us. Gardner A Keene, jewel
ers and opticians.
lem of Mexico." The services in the
park are in the way of a linion, as half
a dozen of the leading churches will
take part
Baseball Sunday July 23, 3 p, m.
Lo.pis vs. Battling Bradfords. The
liradiords are some scrappers and are
coming back strong to retrieve their
ueieat uie lourtu. julySi!
Our prices are right, no reduction
necessary. Gardner A Keene, jewelers
and optician. '
Salem military band will frunish
usie at IVniwiu's baths tomorrow be
ginning at 2 p. m., foot of state
...Salvation Army. Don't forget the
Rev. 11. ('. Stover will preach at the
Salvation Army hall tonight Everyone
is extended a, hearty welcome.
Trespass notices for tale at Journal
Steusloff Bros., Inc., will pay 8 8-4
cents tor top hogs. tf
o -
The federal limit of passengers for
tne (irnliamoua is em and more than
mm miiiiucr win not no allowed on
tiie bout for the excursion tomorrow
ot Hie Knights ot Columbus. Those
holding tickets will be given permis
sion to board the boat, but the late
comers are taking a risk of not being
Tiespass notices for sale at Journal
Dance at Brooks tonight. Music Sa
lem orchestra.
Arthur tt Wilson, Dr. Robertson
and Kussell Brooks left this morning
on a fishing trip to Lake Eleanor,
whero it is said the rainbow trout
may bo hnd for the asking. This is
the lake that Arthur H. Wilson claims
to have discovered about a year ago,
and is to be found by driving to the
end of the road and then walking six
Trespass notices for sale at Journal
Dance at Brooks tonight Music Sa
lem orchestra.
The Rev. Carl D. Elliott will speak
next Sunday morning at the regular
services on "Seeking First the King
dom" and will apply the principle lo
cally to the Sunday chautauqua. He
will also discuss the promised union
of Alnauy college and Pacific Vniver
sily, aul t.ho general work of the
Synod of Oregon. Mr. Elliott relum
ed Into Friday evening from Eugene.
Camping time is here, get your sup
plies from E. L. Stiff & Son.
Salem's only resort Music tomorrow
by Salem 's military band, Penison '
foot of State street.
The Wisconsin People's association
will hold its annual picnic next Fri
day at the fair grounds beginning at
10 o'clock in the morning. A good
program including music, readings and
impromptu speeches has been arrang
ed. Wiscousiu folks to the number of
about 250 live in this vicinity and a
big attendance ia expected. AH are
asked to bring more than they can
eat, that the stranger who happens to
not be so fortunate as to come from
Wisconsin, may he properly fed. W.
U Ciimmings is president.
T .,, " ' rice at Aoenieea, nu
Dr. L. G. Altman, homeopathic phy- of Portland will be
s.ciuu, 2!ib N. Liberty. Phone 147, , .Knlislments are for
. ? the privilege of an
' "USB Di""i concert at Deni-i ,.),,..,,, t the end or tinee,
son s baths tomorrow ut 2 n. m., foot I
oi riaie st reel.
Sergeant Schuster reports business
good at the recruiting statin in t lie I ami Nunainnker.
Keiith hotel. He has ,iust returi'CiI
from Dallas, Black Rock and Falls
City ami reports several good prospects
George H. Hendee, age is, is the latest
to join the colors, going to Portland
today. Sergeant Sc'miUer will leave
in a few days to open a recruiting of
fice at Aberdeen, and Sergeant Brock
jn charge here.
seven years, with
the privilege of an honorable dis-
Chulmers nnd Killifei ; Moscley and
R. H. K.
St. Louis 0 -1 0
New York 1 7 0
Davenport and Severoi.l; Minwkey
Chicago 1
Washington 2
Benz, Russell and Schalk:
Johnson and Henry, Ainsmith.
First game R.
Detroit '
Boston 3
7 0
10 1
H. r..
11 1
0 1
George W. Eyre shipped a car load
of hogs to North Portland. Ho reports
a strong market.
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation,' examination pr prescription.
Trade In your old stove as part pay
ment, on ftne of our new Orbon De
Luxe ranges, the host guaranteed
range in America. E. L. Stiff & Son.
Mitchell and MeKe; Shore
Foster and ( adv.
Cleveland-Philadelphia, postponed,
wet grounds.
(Ccutinued from Page One.)
Mrs. .1. W. Wilsou is visiting friciuls
ill Portland.
Keith White is spending the week
end in Portland.
R. F. Richardson was in Monitor
yesterday on business.
T. G. Bligh and Claude Bcllo will re
turn this evening from Newport.
A. (). Stevens of Oregon City m
registered yesterday at tho Capital
W. H. Norton of Portland was at
tending to business affairs, in the city
I. II. Ilogau returner) to his home at
Hosclnirg this morning after a short,
visit in the city.
.1. S. Johnson a prominent fnrim r
of Polk county, is t ransacting . lu'ei
ness in the city.
C. .S. Piper returned today from a
Cleveland motorcycle trip to McMiuit
ville ami Portland.
Miss Genevieve Frnzier will return
this evening from Corvullis wiiere she
has been attending a summer institute.
Ifnel Wilcox of Kmerprjse, Oregon,
is visiting iiis parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Wilcox, I32U North Sixteenth
.Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Morris of Wuh
peton, N. D., are visiting the former's
brother, Hen Morris, Salem Heights.
S. S. Smitii, manager of the Mod
ford Sim is in the city. He is a
member of the state executive com
mittee of the republican party.
E. .1. Ciinatscy mid family left this
afternoon for their auto trip to south
ern California, where they will spend
the winter, Mr. Cnntasey intended to
start a week ago, but importnnt busi
ness matters kept him in the city until
today. '
Winthron Hammond returned to
Portland after spondh' a few days in
the city in connection with "The. Toa-
gory." .ur. Hammond is now pm-t.
owner and active manager of the liiif
fum & Pendleton clothing store on
Morrison street, Portland.
Tn nrdmr- Mint th fiherrinTl riinilAr
and dance nt the fair grounds may be!
an unqualified success, the following;
special committee was appointed at the j
Ckerrian meeting lasi evening: Dr.l
II. H. Olinger, chairman; Chas. L.I , , , ,, ; , . ,
Dick, Hal D. Pntton. George Graves, tory districts auue.i ineir sarin snrieK
Theodore Roth. William II. Lerchen, g to the dm. Atter this outburst the
James Youag. Curtis Cross and Frank j parnders took up the work of march
Spears. A jitnev dance will 'follow the i"g earnest. .
evening repast, nnd as this is an affair! Each division swung into line in its
in which all are iateiested, an invita-1 appointed place on time and the thou-1
tion is extended to everybody to come'snnils past the reviewing stnnd in a eon- j
-pi, i..,. i,.v' a imo.l I tiuuous stream. It will be several hours
O. .W. Elgin and family will leave i .i .':.,. ,i, ii,n.rin,. mis-1 before the last of the 115 divisions
by auto tomorrow morning for Idaho, the expenses of taking the band to' begin to march.
where they will visit Mrs. K'Kin' Marshfield. , . No business was transacted, praeti-
pw re at a, who have a farm in the irri-1 ' ' 0 ' eally every business house having closed
gated district at the flourishins new jrs. W. Carlton Smith reports the at i o'clock. The parade included ev-;
town of Pnriiin, near Boise. Mr. Elgin nos9 ilv tlet-t ot a ,iiamond pin sur-ery form of ogniiizutian. Employes of
- '"- nuiiiiiiH !! roundeil nv tiearls ami a platinum an or ine raiiroaus, many iraiernai or-;
chain with diamond and pearl lavallier. I ganizations. every patriotic orgauiza-1
Mrs. Smith tirst discovered that they tion, a big percentage of the native)
were missing Thursday afternoon sons, and native daughters, former na-j
about 1 o'clock. It is feared that the tional guardsmen, the regiment from;
jewelry has been stolen by a gang of. the citizens training camp at Monterey,
young boys who have been committing' civic clubs from every section of the
numerous thefts in the neighborhood. bay district, employes of banks, stores, '
This information is given in the be- i telephone and telegraph companies, hun-
lief that should the boys who commit-1 d reels of foreign born American negroes, :
ted the theft attempt to dispose oi any Hnwniiaas and scores of other distiiic-!
part of tiie jewelry, the police w'dl tie tive organizations and closses were rep-1
notified. It is uudrestood that in oth-1 resented. Thousands from Oakland,
Berkeley, Sacramento, Sau Jose and oth-1
er towns have been pouring in since
early morning on special trains and j
iiwuo iu huh men I'icaciicc iu mr j'u-
ing and seeing the sig'.its of eastern
Oregon ami Washington. Mtnnately
ho expects to go into business at Par
ma. If its building materials, come to us.
Falls Citv-Salem Lumber Co., 340 S.
12th. Phone S13.
Licensed Lady
Moderate Prices
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Pkon724. SAlem, Ore
Does the Sun Hurt
Your Eyes ?
Do you sauint? Do vou
pull your hat -brim down
over your eyes in a vain ef
fort to shield them?
Then you are in need of
properly fitted glasses such
as we supply. We have the
experience and the equip
ment, and satisfaction goes
with every pair.
Miss A. McCuiloch,
291 N. Commercial St., Ground Floor
Hcurs 9 to 5. Fhone 025
t The Korean Restaurant
is now opened in our new loca-
tion at 110 1-2 Coml street.
Everything new and clean. All
kinds of Chinese and Spanish
dishes. Pay us a visit.
Will Have Street Dance
Next Tuesday Evening
Here is a new one for Salem. While ; utilize the sweet strains over on Court
(the Cherrian band is playing its sweet-! street for tne dancers, thus showing a
est music at the public concert next
Tuesday evening, those who prefer to
dance will be given the privilege. It
is just like this. The Salem Patriotic
league is desirous of raising funds for
the members of Company M and to
also assist m tne relief worK anil m
order to do this, a street dance will oe
given on Court and Winter streets.
By permission of the mayor, part of
the street will be roped off for the
dancers, who will be -allowed to enjoy
themselves at the rate of one jitney per
dauce. It has been figured that the
hand can furnish enough music for
those in the park and at the same time,
double amount of efficiency
Tickets with five eouions on each i
will be sold for 25 cents and it has been
figured that many who are not inter
ested in dancing will buy a ticket, just
from patriotic motives. I
To stimulate a little rivalrv in the.
nay of ticket selling, a prize of a box
of candy Will be given to the boy and
girl who disposes of the most tickets.
For the convenience of those selling or
wanting tickets, they may be found at
the Scott & Bynon real estate office,
South Liberty street. The. Salem Pa
triotic leagnue is co-operating with the
city committee in giving the dance.
Automobile Passenger and Bag-
gage Transfer
Furnished Tents and Cottages
Correspondence Promptly
I S. PICKENS, Box 274
Cars of any kind for any place
at any time.
Office, Bligh Hotel