Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 22, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Dr. Morgan to Make Closing
AddressMay Meet In-,
1917 at Jefferson
The fourth annual Kpworth League
sow in (session on the University cam
pus will close Sunday evening with an
address by Dr. Morgan of New York
City. ...
V'esterday 65 of the students accept
ed an invitation to visit Jefferson to
look over the camp grounds in order to
be fully advised as to whether the
fifth session should "ot be held at
Jefferson. . '
The enrollment was larger this year
than a year ago and delegates were
present representing all the churches
in the district.
The mornings of the week have been
given to "study and 'instruction, with
the afternoons mostly to recreation.
Lectures were delivered each evening
and last night, Governor Withyeombe
accepted an invitation for "Tiuner at
linsannc hall, delivering a short ad
dress. The enrollment for this year is as
follows, all attending as delegates:
Leslie M. E. church, Snlem: Alma
Nye Vlrich Helen Ingrey, Florence Mil
ler,' Grace Sherwood and Mrs. ,1. C.
Jason Lee church, Snlem: Leonore
Koon, Inez Tyler and Lois Tyler.
Eugene: Frank finrdinier. i
Ashland: Pearl Good.
Mcdford: Curtis Darby.
Grant Pass: Vivian Jshnm, Hubert
Wilkin, Mrs. Melville T. Wire, Irene
Clatskanie: Bertha Lewison.
N'ebaleui: Bernice Knight.
Turner: Marie . Durfee, Mrs. Fred
Portland: Centenary (Leslie), Mrs.
H. B. Saxton; Centenary (Thobnrn),
Raymond Parrott; Sunnyside, Leva
Jackson and Clarence Whitcomb; Mt.
Tabor, Hnttie McEvers and Walter
Hearnes; Montaville, Ida Matson;
Lents, Minnie Davis; Laurelwood Sadie
Carlson; Sellwood, Clara Manny; St.
Johns, Oliver Zimmerman F.dna Hollen
beck. Newberg: Ellen Gregory and Arville
University Park: Belle Lent.
Springfield: Herbert Moore and
Randall Scott.
Forest Grove: Constance. Geiger and
Cecil Shotwell.
Cornelius: Margaret Mann and Helen
Marshfield: Josrjih Knotts and Les
lie Holmes.
Yamhill: Esther Wilson and Bertha
Roseburg: Anna Caldwell and Ber
nice .lurgenese.
Willamina: Carolino Shoppert.
North liend: A. C. Hisey and Karl
Astoria: Otto Schuman.
Falls City: Sybil Wilson and Lorena
Hillsboro: Rose Cove.
First Methodist church, Snlem, Ruth
The Rev. J. W. Dongnl, president of
the Portland district, is president of
the Board of Control. Rev. T. B.
Ford is superintendent of the Salem
Women's Night at
First Baptist Church
In the scries of Sunday evening serv
ices at the First Buptist church, tomor
row evening, will be women's night.
The women will have entire charge of
the service, acting as ushers, taking the
offering, forming the chorus cnoir ana
participating otherwise in the program.
The order of service will be as follows:
Organ Prelude Mrs. O. N. Gookins.
Song Service Led by a Women's
Ladies' Quartette -"Softly Now the
Light of Day," by Von Weber.
Scripture Heading .Mrs. i. t. non
Solo "The Day is F.uded." By
Eortlett. .Miss Kutn rugate.
Beading "O Happy Day." Mrs. I.
. Curtis.
Offertory Violin Solo. "La Fon
taine." Bv Lvsherg. Miss Lillian
Ladies' Quartette "Ashamed of Jes
ttu "
Sermon "A Woman Who Possessed
the One Thing Needed." The Pastor.
The ladies composing the quartette
. -. i . i.:
innr win renuer iwo BeiecuoiiH urw .mibb
Abbie Davis, Mrs: H. P. Harlan, Miss
Kmmie Busnneii, .Mrs. i ti. onrnetr
Everyone is cordially invited to the ser
Our Want Ads
Light the Way
ta Greater Result
Free Methodist
.io. 1228 North Winter street. Sun
say services: Sabbath school ' 9:4S.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and: 7:45 p. m.
Prayer -meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m.
W. J. Johnston, pastor. '
SalTition Army." '
Sunday services as follows: Knee
drill, 9:30. a. m. Sunday school and
Bible . class, 10:30 a .m. Christian
praise meeting, 3 p. m. - Y. P. L., 6:15
p. m. Salvation meeting, 7-: 45 p. m.
Week night services every night except
Monday and Thursday. - Capt. and Mrs.
Kelso. -
. Lutheran.
East State and Eighteenth streets,
G. Koehler, pastor. Sunday school at
10 o'clock. Holy communion and
preaching service nt 10:30 a. in. .There
will be no evening service.
First Baptist.
Corner Marion and North .Liberty
streets, Rev. G. F. Holt, D. D., pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. in. Public wor
ship, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Young Peo
ple's meeting, 7 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Morning
topic, "Trumpeting the Gospel." Ev
ening, "A Woman Who Possessed the
One Thing Needful."
t Jason Lee Memorial.
At the corner of Jefferson and North
Summer streets, J. Montcalm Brown,
pastor. Sunday Bchool nt 9:45 a. m., R.
A. Harris, superintendent; Miss Emma
Minton, superintendent primary depart
mcn. Preaching servict at 11 a. m.
Class meeting at '12:15. No evening
First Methodist
State and Church streets, Richafd N.
Avison, minister. 9:00 a. m., Class
meeting. 9:45 a. ni., Sabbath school.
11:00 a. m., Sermon by Rev. W. H. Mor
gan, D. D.,.. of Calvary Methodist
church, New York City." 3:00 p. m..
Fellowship meeting and sacrameutal
service by Rev. H. J. Talbott, D. D.
0:45 p. m., Epworth League service.
7:45 p. m., Closiog session of the insti
tute. . Address, President Carl Gregg
First Congregational.
James Elvis, pastor. Sunday school
meets at 10 o'clock, W. I. Stoley, super
intendent. Morning service at T
o'clock. Music morning and evening by
chorus choir, direction of Win, McGil
christ, Sr. Subject for morning ser
mon, "In the linage of God." Chris
tian Endeavor at 7 o'clock. Pleasant
Sunday evening service at R o'clock.
Good music and fellowship. A delight
ful way in which to spend Sunday ev
ening. Interesting and instructive ad
dress by Lieutenant Niemeyer of the
Canadian contingent lately returned
from the trenches in France. Beautiful
motion pictures, "French Army Engin
eers nt Work." Everybody invited and
evervbody welcome. The mid-week ser
vice i discontinued for the remainder
of the Summer. - Sunday evening, July
30, the magnificent picture. "From the
Munger to the Cross," will be thrown
on the screen. Save the date.
St Paul's Episcopal.
Holy communion, 7:30 a. m. Matins
with address at 11 o'clock. Suiiduy
school, 9:43 a. m. There will be no ev
ening service. Both morning services
will be conducted by Arch Deacon H.
D. Chambers, of Portland, and all mem
bers of the parish lire urged to help
bring a good congregation to hear him.
A cordial invitation is also extended to
the public.
First Christian,
Coruer High and Outer streets, F. T,
Porter, minister. Bible school, 9:45 a.
m., Dr. H. O. Epley, director. Wide
awake school, great orchestra. 11:00 a
m., Worship and sermon, subject "Time
Tables." Mary Schultz, violinist. H:.'iO
p. m., I nion services at Willson Park.
7:30 p. m., Baptism at the church.
United Evangelical.
G. L. Lovell, pastor. Sunday school
at 10 a. m. and preaching service at 11
in the W. C. T. IT. hall. The congrega-4
tion will join in the union service at
0:30 p. m. in Willson park. The serv
ices will be omitted next Sunday as the
camp meeting will be in session nt
Quinaby park beginning July 25 and
continuing till August 6.
German M. E.
Corner Thirteenth and Center streets,
A. J. Weigle, minister. Sunday school
at 10 a. m., and sermon by Prof. E. S.
Hammond at 11 o'clock. There will be
no meeting in the evening at the church.
Swedish Tabernacle, M. E.
Corner South Fifteenth and Mill
streets. Rev. Ovall, pastor! Sunday
school at 2:30 p. m., Mrs. Ed Olson, su
perintendent. All welcome.
Rural Chapel.
H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school
at 10 a. m. .Morning worship nt 11
o'clock.1 Christian Endeavor at 7:30 p.
Central Congregational.
Corner South Nineteenth and Ferry
streets, H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday
school at 10 a. ni. - Christian Endeavor
at 7:15 p. m. . Sacred concert at 8 p. m.
Sonth Salem Friends.
Corner . of South Commercial and
Washington streets. Bible school at 10
a. m., B. C. Miles, superintendent.
Meeting for worship and preaching at
11 a. m. and 8 p. m. C. E. will meet at
7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday,, at
8 p. m. . . .
.- Hightland Friends. . ... ,
Corner of Highland and Elm streets.
Sabbath school, 0 a. m., Mrs. Myrtle
Kenworthy, superintendent. .Meetings
for worship, 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Junior in church annex, 11 a. m. Chris
tian Endeavor, 8:30 p. m. Praver meet
ing Thursday, 8 p. m. All are invited.
Josephine Hockett, pastor. Phone
The Church of God camp meeting in
the gTove here began last FrJTIay and
will close Sunday evening after a very
successful spiritual meeting. While
the attendance is not so large as last
vear the interest shown is as great.
Many were prevented from being pres
ent on account of the late harvests and
the inclemency of the weather.
There arc about 50 tents ai tit more
coming in. The population is over
250. The sanitary conditions arecare
fully looked after and no case of
sickness has been contracted since ar
rival in ciinip. People are there from
Washington, Iduho and different" parts
of Oregon. Among the prominent
ministers present from a distance arc
Brothers E. E. Masters, Simon Decker
and Woods of Seattle, the latter being
accompanied by his wife; Sister Chap
man of Everett, Wash., Brothers W.
W. Christ of Middleton. Idnho, Henry
Cooper, Colfax, Wash., and James Bani
ford, Blaine, Wash. The pastor, Bro
ther Oscar Lewis, is kept busy looking
after the comfort of the visiting breth
ren, among whom is our former towns
man, Brother J. L. Green, of Grants
Pass. Among the campers are Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Parry, of near Myrtle Point,
Coos county, and John Watkins, of Ban
don. The daily arrangement is as follows:
0:30 Morning warship.
8:00 to 9:00 a. m Ministers ' meet
ing. 9:00 to 9:45 Children's meeting, con
ducted by Gracie Clark of Eugene.
10:00 to 12:00 m. Regular morning
1:00 to 2:00 p. ni. Ministers' meet
ing. 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. Regulur after
noon service.
0:00. Young People's meeting.
7:43 Regular evening service.
Woodburn Independent.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dental,
a nine pound girl, Saturday, July 15,
at' their home northeast of Aurora.
Mr. and Mrs.. Kenneth Grimm went
to Portland last Saturday.- Mrs.. Grimm
continuing her stay throughout the
Mrs. M. J. Courtright, of .Fortjniid.
vTsIted'hcT'brotlier, Rev. C. H. Purccll,
from Thursday until Saturday the past
week. .. . ...
The. city council' meets Thursday
night of this week to issue a call for
bids for construction of 24 blocks of
sewer mains.
E. 8. Miller and family are attending
the Church of God camp meeting at
Woodburn and report a great meeting
is in progress. - ,
; A-fiiie linby girl was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Moomaw Monday,
July .17. ' The little miss weighed 6 1-2
pounds.-' Iris Carmine is the name.
, Southern Pacific surveyors were in
Hubbard Tuesday running lines about
the station grounds, presumably the
preliminary work to erecting a new
passenger station.
Miss Keith VanWinkle, of Albany,
was a guest nf Miss 1-ois Siirima last
week. Miss VanWinkle is a graduate
of Willamette university. The ladies
taught in the Scotts Mills schools last
Mr. and Mrs.. O. E. Brookins. of Can
by, were guests of the Enterprise fam
ily Thursday evening. Mrs. Brookins
had returned Monday from a three
months' visit with relatives in Kansas
and other states east.
Adam Misbler returned from Wen-
Did you ever stop to think why it was necessary to put on
sales to dispose of high grade merchandise. It is not necessary,
if the stock is always kept up as it should be kept, but if you have
been a little careless in your buying and have lots of odds and
ends and they are carried for 20 or 30 years why it is absolute
ly necessary for you to put on a sale.
This store has never found it necessary to put on a furniture
sale, or have we ever misled the people by placing ficticious
prices on furniture and then marking it down. We keep our
expenses as low as possible and buy so as to get all discounts
that can be obtained, and sell to the people at a smaller margin
of profit than any store in the Willamette Valley.
Our steady stream of satisfied buyers will be evidence enough
of the truth in the above statements, and of the quality and prices
of the furniture we sell.
This store will ever maintain the high standard of furniture,
and will as it always has, keep its stock complete, and the prices
of any other store (whether a sale is on or not) will be met.
Thanking all the people in Salem and vicinity for their
generous patronage in the past, we will endeavor to please all in
the future. '
Yours very truly,
Furniture Store.
atchee, Wash., Tuesday evening after
registering in the laud drawing that
will lie held in the lolville Jiidinn reser
vation lands July 27. About three thou
sand will huve registered by that time.
Mrs. Livenspiro and daughter, Miss
E. Livenspire, returned Monday 'from a
two weeks' visit at The Dalles. They
were accompanied by Aiiss Greta Liven
spire, who will visit in Hubbard a few
Mrs. J. Koruick returned to her
home in Portland Tuesday afternoon
after spending a week with Mr. and
Mrs. .Lis. Johnston. The families were
friends ill Nebraska. The Mr. Kor
uick at the head of the famous Kor
uick stock conditioner firm, is a son
of Mrs. J. Koruick.
Tuesday afternoon Octav Voget re
ceived two full blooded Guernsey cows
from Bcllingliant by express. One of the
cows had a fine calf by her side. This
is the third animal of this breed in Mr.
Vuget's possession. -
About the time contractors were
ready to begin the construction of a
residence last week for Mrs. Coleman ou
the north part of the Jackson property,
a change in pluns nns made and the
building located opposite the Catholic
Miss Mary Rnyniaeher and Miss Hen
rietta Raymnclicr, of Fresno, Cnl., are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmer,
urriving Wednesday. The young ludies
will make an extended visit and are
pleased with the appearance of Oregon
as compared with California.
Last Friday Clyde Ainaworth closed
a deal with Joseph Ryan by which he
exchanges his Hubburd property on
Second street for property 'located at
Wiseacres. Mr. Rynu will move to Hub
bard about the first of the month.
A delightful affair was the stepping
pnrty at the armory Monday night
when I'rsule Wolfer entertained, honor
ing his friend, C. Jay Crittenden, who
is to leave soon for San Francisco. The
merry gathering of young people includ
ed many of Woodburn 's and Hubbard 'b
younger set.
G. W. Whitney received a. letter Mon
day from his sen, J. A. Whitney, living
in Sacramento. The letter indicates that
all things arc moving right along down
there. He has recently- purchased an
auto and is getting acquainted with all
the surrounding country. .
Charles Will, visiting friends at Oak
Harbor, the past two weeks, writes that
after a 'fine time at Oak Harbor, he will
stop at Seattle and call at the home of
Rev. Dick, formerly pastor of the Hub
bard Congregational church. He doesn't
ssy when he w ill be home. '..
H. J. Hewctt has a contract with" a
Salem firm whereby he will handle ev
ergreen black berries this year the same
as in other years at the G W. Knight
store. Crates and boxes furnished.
Come in and make arrangements for de-
l;.... Than, -ill l.o I,.!- l.rri.l
this year and will it pay to pick every-
Jay Crittenden has resigned his posi
tion at the S. P. station to enter the
station school conducted at San Fran
cisco for the benefit of employes. Albin
Frederickson applied for the place and
went to Portland Wednesday morning
to take the physical examination requir
ed. Jay expects to go south on receipt
of transportation. Jay has rendered
good service for the company and gen
eral public the past two years and we
expect to see him continue to make
! good. Enterprise.
vvuni uvuufa lUiiiu
....Oswohl I'Vlsmiiii, arrested Thursday
night nt. Woodburn on information re
ceived from tiie sheriff nt Missoula
.Montana, wtis released yesterday on
receipt ot iiiloiinntinn linm the .Mou
tana citv that the case in which he
was involved hud been settled. A
gran, I larceny charge had been made
against J'elsinan.
Reports have been filed in the coun
ty court by the appraisers appointed
in the estates of Peter Laurcr and
Geurge St'itst. The l.aurer estate is
valued at if34t)0, and the Stitz estate
nt. IXi4.
Anglers' licenses huve been issued 4y
the county clerk to Edwin M. Unfiled
and F. E. Dnlrymple.
Tiie case of H. J. Fnrnir vs. Johu P.
Wilher was filed in the circuit court
yesterday. The plaintiff claims $190.
20 ilue iiim for labor performed.
The case of Griinle vs. Howell has
been settled out of court.
A suit has been filed in the circuit
court bv Dcl'u. McDonald against Ev
erett llanscoiii and May lliiiiscom, .In
bez W. Ilerwick and Mary I. Herwick
unci George M. Shaver to collect 4750
alleged to be due on u promissory note
Foreclosure of a mortgage is asked, at
torney fees amounting to $75 and tax
es amounting to $IS."i0.
Department No. 1 or . the circuit
court has been a busy place during the
past -several days. What was thought
would be a short term of court has
developed ii.to a long ami lively grind.
It now appears probable that tho ses
sion will run well into next week.
The case of Ward K. Richardson vs.
A. A. llrown. and. .1 nines Kiihns was
concluded yesterday, the jury giving
n verdict, for Defendant Brown. A de
fault and judgment was i ntercd against
llel'ciidaut Kiihns in the sum of 147.
51. In the case of J. C. Davis vs. Dor
othy Kun.uu, trustee, a verdict was
given the plaintiff in I lie sum of if'.hi.
In the mutter of the Portland, Kail
day, Light and rower company vs. II.
II. Vamlervort settlement wus made
out oty court.
Oil account of insufficient evidence'
the ease of the stno vs. Charles E.
Siliith was dismissed on motion of tiie
district attorney.
The receiver In the mntter of Alli
iiiicc Trust Co., Limited, vi, Fannie E.
Hubbard et al has been ordered to pay
to Kan tiie E. Hubbard the sum of K0
from rentals from the Hubbard build
ing tor services rendered in enre ami
supervision of said building.
When the heirs of the late Tl. Forst
ner made claim that they - should be
allowed their share of the estate be
fore the dentil of M-k. Korstuer, she
brought suit against John llier et al
for the purpose of gelling an interpre
tation of the will of her husband and
of uuietiug title. Thai the will, a very
short one, bequeathed the property to
Mrs. Fnrstner and made provision that
Hie property be divided equally be
tween the heirs of ci.eh upon iier
ilea ill was the decision made yesterday
bv Judge (iullowaf. The property cov
ers ii I mi I le business buildings on Com
mercial street, Sulein, At the time of
the death of Mr. Foihluer there was a
mortgage on the property for firiilO,
which Mrs. Fnrstner has since paid off
from the income, ami in view of this
fact Judge Galloway iieerees that slie
shall have a lien of l."ou upon I lie de
fendants' ultimate interest in the. prop
city. Arguments in the case nf llery Fuwk
vs. 1). N. Mclntiirff were made this
morning. This was an action to recov
er possession of certain promissory
notes. A verdict was returned for the
plu in tiff.
Jinlie Galloway tl'is morning i'r ant
ed n decree of divorce in the case of
J. J. Sommers vs. Rosa Sommcrs,
Tho hearing of th? case of Ray
Steams of Oakland, who chums to be
illegally confined in the state hospital
lor tiie insane, was continued by
Judge Galloway this morning until
.-iiignst 3.
Miss Margaret Smith of Albany is
visiting with home folks this week.
Frank Habberiuaii ami wife and Mr.
and Mrs. M. F. livuu and daughter
motored to Albany Saturday.
Lee and Max Shelton and Ray and
Lionel McKnight of Hcio spent Sunday
with their grand parents, W, H. Ray
and wife.
The Misses Edna Ray and Ha el Lam
bert called at the Mrs. H. Shank home
Darrel Downs of Staytou is visiting
at the P. H. I.nmbert home.
B. F. Lambert called nt the Dave
Aegerter home Sunday. .
The Misses Effie, Zona and Corn Ray
called at the H. Shank home Friday. '
Mrs. G. H. Hu.v and daughter calico
at P. H. Lambert 's Wednesday.
Mrs. H. R. Shank spent Saturday
with home folks.
John Flick and John Aegerter called
at J. H. Klobers Monduy.
Eldnn (iriffith who has been em
ployed at the Floyd Shelton home for
the pnst four years, left last week to
work for Tom Flemniing.
Ben Tliaver of Scio called.nl the F.
Shelton home Monday.
Leo Downing is hauling tics for the
Juugwirtli Brothers,
Miss Freda Thayer of Scio is visiting
with her sister, Mrs. F. Shelton.
Joe Sens was seen on the business
streets of Mt. Pleasant Tuesday, Stuy
ton Mail.
500,000 rnbbits which will supply food
for the allies' armies, composed a part
of the cargo of the British steamer
Cumberland, which arrived in Norfolk,
Va., from Wellington, New Zealand, to
coal, en route to Liverpool,
i Market Was Lifeless
Little Change In Prices
New Vork, July 22. The New York
Evening Sun financial review oi'uy
Midsummer week end conditions of
lassitude and lack of all public inter
est witc very pronounced in the short
session of this stock market today. A
few professional traders who with
stood the teiiiptntion'-to leave the tor
rid cily little to do nml a minimum of
opportunity influence prices of securi
ties one way or the other. There whs
practically no news or either foreign
or domestic origin which nitght Tie mid
lo have influence stock dealings in the,
slightest degree.
With the second quarterly report for
this year of the I'nited States Steel
corporation forthcoming on Tuesday of
next week, with the promise of record
earnings there continued a strengthen
ing influence on tho shares of that
company which moved narrowly
around S5 3-4. The motor mid zinc
stocks were particularly strong rela
tively with gains of from one to two
points and more. The general indus
trial list was nnrrow with a slight up
ward trend desccrnible, but business
was of the must pcrf uuctory nature.
The rails made small fractional gains
us a rule, though many lu this list were
not dealt ill nt all.
Steel ndvaneed fractionally on good
demand in the Inter trading, crossing
111. The mliotor stocks also showed
further Improvement of moderate pro
portions, but there, was littlo change in
the remainder oi the list.
81 A 82