Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 22, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 12

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;' I
Copyright, Tht Frank A. Munsey Company
iiwiiOTtTtaniiiTiiTiTiianriMmfci'itMi'iatiiiititi -
T WA9 pretty Weather In nrjrth.
ern Alabama. The Tennessee
! river was In tide, owing to long
r.ilns In central Tennessee, and tha
.water was pouring over the banks
Into the swamps along the south side.
Hut the sun was warm, the ducks
. were shooting northward, and coons
n4 possums were basking on the
t''ii of hollow sycamore limbs.
Coming down the river were people
ftolrig West." Some were In shanty
'finals, some In skiffs and a few were.
n log rafts on which had been built
little lean-to camps. They were
farmers out of Clinch, French Broad,
1 .11 tie Tennessee, Hlwasse and other
nil-en ma, bound for Tejas by way of
, he Ohio, Mississippi and Atchafa
' liiya. '
i They had heard from friends whd
.. Iwent before that down In Texas one
Could get two-bale cotton land for
itlie price of hog wallows on the
. flanks of the Cumberlands. So they,
littd sold out their holdings, built lit
tie craft of some sort, and wore most
r them destined to become happy,
1 wliiiity-boaters on the lower Missis
! Slpl.
; Among the rest Were Gene Dundort
f And his wife. This was their honey
! I Moon as well as their home-seeking.
Ij'J'hey had slipped away from Tase
'j.vell county after a secret marriage
I lieforga kindly old person, Hathaway
'Mske. Old Hnthawoy loved the young
eople. He liked to see the stalwart
woung mountaineer "steal his girl,"
In spite of opposition, and "run her'
'to some new home,
t He knew dene Dundon and Hattle
ftrown. Why shouldn't he? Hattle
Ijwas a pretty girl, who snng at revl
!;,vals, and flene could shoot the head
t ff a squirrel at sixty yards. What
liithnwuy did not know was the ex
j iHtencs of Lottie Kemple, up Nau
ru. an's Rlilse way, whore Dundon hud
1 li en a frequent visitor.
Hhe hod sent word down to Dundon
Ifliat he muHt come to see her, and
' It lie next night but one Dundon
"started west" with Huttle Ttrown.
; Jmnann did not quite understand
: Lottie. He thought she would for
J "t. R-ven If she did not, she ,"ould
Is Looked Upon As First
Move In Allies In Starting
Trade War
H.in IVanitiHOtf, July 21. Tlio n'nl of
all uonat porta is being enlisted, today
by the rU mber of roiiiineree, which is
ninking representations to have the
Hlnle ili'iuu'tmeut fully investigate the
Brit inn lihi.'klistinii of American firms.
anil 1o have sirring retaliatory measures
prepared if the rolm shows these justi
fied. Telegrams have been sent to OiH
fitruia's eouressionl delegation, to
t lie state department, anil to orgnnizu
Summer Tours
$32 Round Trip
Good for 30 Days.
Ninety Day Ticket $35.00
Meals anil berth Included on the
Twin Palaces 8. 8. Northern
Pacifie and Great Northern
only 2ti hours at sea. Most de
lightful trip on tho West Coast.
Oregon Electric
North Bank Bond
8. & Northern Pacific
' 8. 8. Great Northern
Low rrs for Bound TACT
Trips to all dUes of the LAO I
Direct via the Most Heenic
Houtes of America, or ia
( alifurnia. r,
Catsop Beach for
jr. W. RITCHIE, Agent,
H )-! Il(,s,on'
I ) riiwi 1 j i Hie three
. y ' r I
, ITTl I Harris is
11 I'.lihidt'e
flof know what Ha3 BecoTrTS bit him next nfghT. Tfien she rode On down
until he was well on hi way. to. the valley, whers there was a second
Texas. . . v-s cousin, beyond whose home she had
It was week after Ce had started, neither friends nor relatives. -when
Lottie Kemple rods down ta Three days later she rie through
Clinch and heard tha truth from the Knoxvllle at noon, sunbonneted, rosy
parson's own lips. Bhe wept for an , cheeked, with her rifle across her lap.
hour, wlille the white-haired old mart .
patted her head, tried to comfort' her,
and assured her that he would be -
her best friend. She dried her eyes
at last, smiled faintly, and, after a
bite to eat, asked the parson's wife
for a "snack" to last her on her way,
Finally she rode away on her ppnj-
Into the coming night. . -
. "I shore must be goln'l" she Cried
"I shore must. Hit's a long road, an'
time's sho't-yassuh!' - '
, She galloped up the. trail till she
was OUt Of Sight Of the parson'
house. Then she reined her pony,
Into the woods, up the ridge back to
the hill path. Turning her face south
wnrd, she started down the river,
All night she rode, but not at ff
gallop, because It was a long race,
and she must save her horBe. She
knew the way she had read the stars
many a night by Dundon's side, from
some point of rock above the valleys.
She laughed mirthlessly as she rode.
She had been happy once.
' It was a wild country, and the
bridle path lay through a mountain
forest. She could look down nearly
JOOO feet upon narrow, level bottoms,
where she detected an occasional red
dish glow, the reflection ot Are or
smoke above a stlck-and-mud chim
ney. Once, stopping to rest her horse,
she heard a rabbit running away In
the brush.
Dawn found her with tired eyes
staring at the path ahead. A few
miles farther on, and she turned down,
'from the tkls:e road and arrived all
Campbell's store house. Campbell's
wife was a first cousin.
"I'm travelln'," Lottie laughed glee"- '
"H, fn .".'M0".""!?.-.. Sh' :
I be n goln' all night yifssuh
"Shoo!" Mrs. Campbell exclaimed.
"Borne man stole yo', Lottie?"
"Nossuhl I'm goln' to steal a man
huhl" Lottie answered.
Mrs. Campbell laiiKhed at that, and
Lottie remained with her over the
tions in other Pacific coast ports. The
local fli'KH'iiKntioii feels that the black
listing cannot bo justified as a neces
sity of war, but is really the beginning
ot nil international trade war, which,
t in,i.,.i,...t!,, ...,i,,i 4, ,,;,.,, I
g'oo.ls in all llritisli possessions,' is -son
matter of serious importance to the ,
May Cauee Eeurisols. i
Washington, .lulv 21.- Denouncing!
the itrilish blacklist as an "outrageous
.,i ..::...... tt..a ,it.... 'i .
IISKIIIIII, UH l-m.flin HI linn iwiii.ii...
Senator Thomas of t'olonido, today ad
VOCttteil reprisals Ol u Severn niuuiu.
.The ne'ed for strong navy is
pWs.zrd by this boycott. l.icl. (Ireat
Untiiin announces ngninst some of our.
vocated reprisals of a severe nature.
citiwwK." lie sniil discussing the naval
bill, "t cniinot understand the wide
spread sympathy for the allied cause n ,
tliiu einiiitrv when KiiL'Innd continually i
ronenlu its liiilldozinir nttacks on our
commerce. I do not believe in Hostili
ties, but I do believe ill any means of
reprisal and I believe this administra
tion will use every nieims or force
with which we furnish it to rectify the
Mvsfwv Increases ' !
In Boston Tragedy
July 21. Police activity in
cornered, mystery in which
Adams is dead, Or. Wilfrid J
in i ue city hospital, and lr. I
Atwond iield for attempted!
murder, is expected to be diverted In-(
In new channels today. Following the
discovery of mercury ns the iustrii-i
i moot tuilt caused the death of Ir. Ad-
ams, medical Kxaminer Mcllrnth ,ad,
Detective Sergeant. Hutherlord made1
nn examination of the dead woman's
office. It is their findings that arei
I expected to lie given the police today
and which it is believed may mase im-j
lease lav more sensational tiinii it in-
1 resdv has proven.
i ' illnodless" surgery is expected to.
Slilnv ifn iiiiK)rtnnt part when the iiiys-j
jtery is unraveled. Signs of extreme
! suffering and indications tiint in the
jngnuien that luter caused her rteiith,
the voting woman attempted to sum
! moil ' help over the telephone were
tunud in lr. Ailnm s office.
Aged Indian Fighters
March In San Francisco's
Preparedness Parade
San Fnincisco. .Tulv 22. Veterans of
the Civil War, Spanish War Veterans,
aged men who participated in tne tii-
dinn "campaigns in the early days in
I California were the most prominent f ig
I irres In Hon Frnneineo's preparedness
! parade here today.
It was estimated when the parade be
Igan Unit between 15.1)00 and 20,000 men
! would have marched past the review-
inn J ii nil before the demonstration o
! finished. '
All the fruteriml ornullir.utiotlS of the
eity were represented, each marching
'as an individual Mint.
riverside just above the Holson
French Broad fork. He had gone
by. the week before In a little red
shanty boat, and the girl with him
. had been all smiles, Dundon was
good to. her, ut-jot. rfc m
p was In a: strange country
n0W an(1 tne pe0pie she met along
h, stared at her. She did not
gmlIe now. ner Kemp,8 jp, were Mt
and a Uttle drooping.
v, nIght came hs gtoppea al
' Hveratil rnrmhrnmo Rho
going, she told the people, to see rel
atives, to visit her brother, to find
her sister any excuse served her. Her
only concern was to remember In the
morning the story she had told the
night before.
Once she let slip the truth. It was
at the Stone Shoals. She had forded
them, and on the far side she found
a white man mending hoopnets. He
was talkative, and when she asked
If shanty boaters went down the
river, he answered:
''Right smart, yassuh. Ho law!
They was a mountain man drapped
down three days ago. Hit war right
windy, and that man got blowed out
the channel hit's on'y two foot deep,
anyhow. An' hlsn's bo't got stuck
onto the buffalo bar, right yonder,
lyassuh. An', say, he was Jes' the
tomfoollngest manl He and' his wom
an was all scalrt up."
"A little red Bhapty boat a wom
an with black hair?" f
"Tassuhl He had ft scar Onto his
r. IWo tl,ro rlv.l" T.nltU r.re.A
,. get that man, Vassuh!"
"Slio!" the fisherman exclaimed.
'.Tut ,n ' to, klU ,thfl "T "
But oltle Ieaped lnt0 the, aadd'
&n- galloped away, while the
old fisherman rose stlflly to his feet
and stared after her, his net-needle
in his hand. '
President Appeals
to Rulers for Poles
Washintrlon. .Tulv 21. President Wil-
has signed a personal letter urging
q""'K solution oi mo roiisu ren ot
problem ami it was iiispateneu immcui-
ntely to tho rulers of Knglanil. France,
Kussin, German-, and Austria-Hungary.
, F"!!wi"K '- -nlet meeting today
White House ...ado public this state-
mt in ;
The president lins sent personal let
ters to the king of Knglniul, the ei-
, !...,...,. tl, .,.,,.
J suggesting
,., ,lF, 'i, f n,n ,
or Russia,
the nre'i-
1 ho taking
up entirely ufresli of tho mutter or tne
relief of the overwhelming sufefriiig
in Poland, anil the offering of kindly of-
fu,fi( of g0VIrilmpllt iu mcthod of
,. ...v., - i ,
such relief mid any plan proposed to
be of such character ns to be adapted
to the accomplishment of no other e
suit than that of the relief of tho dis
tressed inhabitants of Poland."
What Did He Mean?
A girl and a man sut under a palm
in n rose garden.
"Is your love truef" tho girl asked.
As true," the man answered, in
missionnle tones, "as the delicate
isfi on your cheek."
i Oh er all," the girl stammered,
hurriedly, "isn't that or don't that
rose smell sweet!"
When you have a bilious at
tack, or when you feel illness ,
coming on promptly move the
bowels, start the liver working
and put your entire digestive
system in good shape with a
dose or two of the time-tested .
You will welcome the quick
relief and often ward off a
severe illness. Beecham's Pills
are carefully compounded from
vegetable products mild,
harmless, and not habit-forming.
Buy a box now. You
don't know when you may need
Beecham's Pills. A reliable
family remedy that always
Should Be
at Hand
Urn 8U kmr MIUIm la . WUL
SUM, 10, Ma.
She had heard of Dundon on the
XI Eoudon Gene Dundon and his
wife heard bad news. Gene had left
his address with his brother Jim, and
now, at the end of two weeks, Jim
had sent a letter in order that Gene
might know whether Hattle Brown's
folks were following him or not.
? The letter read! 'Ci'M--
"Dear a ne Th. folk's la In w ll'
" iTmi .t!.?i. - k,1 i. ,, '
and paw kill anuther hawg las nlte
an we got the uper lot plowd las
evlng and I saw delp Brown after yo
got away an he was mad but sad he
wud kll yo when yo got back so 1
think he ant mad enuf to get yo by
that time but lottle kempel Is gon an
her poney an she past Qrale ford two
das later an has her skurel gun an
nobu'ddy nos Is she alive or ded or
war she Is wel 1 reckln thar aln much
to tel for it Is lat candel lite an we
air goln to plow the corn tomorer an
maw plant the gardlng good by Jim."
When Gene read that Lottie had
left home, he remembered many things
about Lottie Kemple which he had
forgotten under the spell of Hattle
Brown's pretty eyes and gentle voice.
Lottie had said once that the man
who tried to "get shet" of her would
surely "dread It," and now he had
done that. He wondered what he had
to dread? After the letter's arrival,
he began to hurry down the river.
He started early In the morning,' and
floated till almost dark.but as he float
ed It seemed as though he was the
chosen companion Of misfortune. He
had lost hours of good floating by go
ing aground on Stone Shoals. Day
after day he had been held back by
dry gales out of the south. Storms
held him, and when the drift was
running his wife tormented his heart
.with Uie fear that some of the flotsam
would crush the thin sides of his
shanty boat.
iWhlle Dundort . lost time, Lottie
gained. She sold her pony at Wal
nut and bought a canoe a long, light
plank canoe and she drove It down
stream, hugging the banks when the
Winds blew and seeking the swiftest
Current when the day was calm. Her
journeys down the Holston on rafts
and In small boats, visiting her rela-
Fruit Market Agencies
Will Improve Service
The new fruit market ing agency de
veloped by the 1'nited States depart
ment of agriculture will give the north
west fruit growers such u service for
their marketing products as they have
never had before, said ProfcssM C. I.
Lewis upon his return from a coufVenre
with -Cuptnin Paul Wcyruueh, president
of tho Fruit Growing Agency, Inc., C.
T. Moore, of the office of Mnrkety and
Kurul Organization of tho 1'nited States
department of agriculture, and O. A.
Nahstnl, of the Federal bureau with
headquarters- nt North Ynkimn.
Professor Lewis, representing the O.
A. ('. extension service, was culled Thto
conference with these marketing special
ists to consider the best menus of putt
ing into etteet the uniform contract
marketing plan nuil to devise the best ! impossible, to arrive at an understand
methods of physical handling so that the ling of the condition. This informntiou
fruit products will meet the standard-1 is necessary to the success of uniform
izntiim requirements. The conference i marketing plans and it is hoped that
agreed to recommend activities by mem-1 the uniform account sales pluu will
bers of the fruit marketing agency nl-bc accepted by a large majority of
oug four distinct lines ns follows: growers and distributors.
Securing and distributing accurate re-1 "A careful study will be made of
ports of crop conditions; securing a uni-; tho fruit from the" time it leaves tli
firm system of harvesting; improve the j tree until it reaches the consumer, and
storage and packing service; and sec-'.every effort will bo made to fit it pro
ur? standardization of account Rules iperlv to go into the best and most pro-
"Heretofore," says Professor Lewis,
"no enact or complete information has
been obtainable of the amount and con
ditions of horticultural -crops, drawers
and distributors of the northwest have
been compelled to rely upon guesses for
this information and consequently hnve
mnde ninny mistnkes. Other and lnrger
agencies in other pnrts of the country
liuve been aide to get a good deal more
complete nud exact information tluin the
iocui men mm nicy nave f-npmiti.vu I lie ry jis firm.
mistakes of the northwest growers and 1 National Bank of Commerce,
handlers. It is hoped that we can now Toledo, O.
develop a system of collecting nud -re- Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
porting the exact conditions, thus giv-jly, acting directly upon tno blood and
nig us a tremendous advantage that we i mucous surfaces of the system. Testi
avo not before enjoyed. moniala sent free. Price 75 cents per
"The uniform harvesting system bottle. Sold bv all druggists,
should supply large quantities of fruit Take Hall's Family rills for consti-
ui inn. mini nun line tiegree or nniiur-
itv. Too often iu the past the fruit
has dribbled in iu small quantities, too
small to attract the attention of Inrge
dealers, and it has been of varying de
grees of maturity, some over-green,
some just ripe enough and some over
ripe, a liese conditions must be im
proved if the best markets nre to be
made accessible.
'This is a critical time for the horti
cultural industries of the northwest and
s great deal of the future success of the
industry depends upon the present im
provement of parking and storage ser
vice. The Fruit Growers' agency will
make a systematic studv of the relative
merits of the packs of the small indi
vidual growers and of the community
packs. By community pack we mean
the pack put up by a number of grow
ers, three or more noting together.
"Packs' put up in this way will be
of necessity more nearly uniform than
those put up bv individuals acting in
dependently. The system will permit a
specialization in the division of labor
or tho employment of more expert as-
tlves, had prepared her for the long
She stopped on shanty boats, and
at Vulture Island she heard that aha
was only a day behind the little red
shanty boat. ' But now she had a
chance to travel with an old farmer's
ft"nl,sr' 11 waB threatening weather
"he Bprlns" crP ralnB seemed to be
at hand-and 'or a week she floated
,,. , ,, i
no more than a few miles a day, hop
ing for clear weather. v-. 'jtJy
The next time she heard of the little
red shanty boat It was only three
days ahead. Then, one murky morn f
lng, she abandoned her friends, took
to her canoe again, and started on.
As she paddled, the clouds brok'
away, the sun came out, and the girt
anew mai sne naa uone wen v, iqi-
low In the canoe.
The river was full td thebank.
Orioles were singing In the elms, and
bluejays were screaming In flocks.
At night the mocking birds were
dreaming In the willows, -
Lottie paddled all day long, n&'
when night came she did not go ashore,,
The river, she knew, was safe for the
100 miles to Mussel Shoals. Tired out
at last, the vengeance seeker curled
down on the straw in the bottom of
the canoe and went to sleep. The sua
awakened her.
It was a glorious spring day,
sun;, the scent of countless blossoms
filled the air, the pale green of new
born leaves colored the landscape,
and the river itself was the color of
liquid gold. In her heart the girl felt
that the chase was nearlng an end.
She was weary and sad, and the
thought pleased her. ' f
She scanned the shores carefully,
watching the Inlets lest the little red
shanty boat be tied up In one. All
Decatur she studied the shanty-boat
town till she had seen every boat In
It. A fewmlles below she saw the
big floating sawmill, and one of the
deckhands warned her that the shoals
were not far below.
Just before sundown she spied S
shanty boat making toward the south
bank in the bend below her. She ran
her cunoe Into the shadow of the
trees unit flouted slowly toward the
sistunts in the work of packing and will
increase the rapidity of handling. An
other big advantage of the cooperative
plan is the economy. Now look here.
Suppose five nieu invest two. thousand
dollars each in a packing house and
packing equipment for handling their
own individual fruit. Suppose five
other men go together and erect one
packing house and buy one set of equip
ment. The cost of the fite growers
under the former plan is $10,000. To
the five growers under the second plan
it is 2000. Of course the larger grow
ers may own their own individual ware
house and packing plant but it is a
charge on the industries that the busi
ness of the small grower will not
"The adoption of a uniform sales
account system will enable the investi
gator to sco at a glance the condition ;
of the business. Heretofore, the radi
cally different svstems of recording the
account sales made it difficult, if not
fitnblo market."
We offer One HiffTdred Dollars He
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
We, Uie undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for tho last 13 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
i able to carry out any obligations mads
Washington, July 22. The state de
partment has sent both England and
Vrnuce a request for an answer to this
government's last note of protest
against allied mail seizures, the state
department announced today.
The American note was dispatched
about two months ago.
Why Not Vm
OolunbU QUALITY Oaxboni?
Had in Oregon
100 Copies Guaranteed from .
Each Sheet.
OolambU Carbon Pser ldf(. Oo.
83rd tc Broadway, Portland, Or.
craft. The frian al the sweeps was
Gene Dundon, and the woman by his
side was the one who had been Hattle
Brown. Catching a branch, Lojtle
Kemple waited for the night to fall.
She dropped down to within 100 yards
of the boat, and then tied fast.
& she could hear the sound of voices;' "
ahe heard Hattle begin to sing. The
g0Und cut the deserted girl to the
? . . " .
heart. The shadow on the window
curtain was that of Gene; she saw:
that he was at the table, about to!
eat supper. After a time, Hattle
f.ame and sat down at the same side.
of the table with him. The sight of
he silhouette wounded the other
woman cruelly, but she held her
breath, ---t-r-
v, The mInufeB flragged along. AtteP
a time the light was blown out and
Jj0ttie watthed the stars to make sure
lnat ghe eld not thlnk a ag6 had
V pagsed wnen only mlnuteg nad gon.
bjr slowIyi the roar o( the
Mussel Shoato became more and
more audible as the night grew older.
It was only a little way to the canal
wing dam, and below that was the
Water tumbling over ledges of rocks,
splitting on the points of Islands,
Jumping up and down In the wild
abandon of a mile wide river, torn by
Jagged stone and whipped Into foam
by sawyer snags. :
At last, when a pale star had pass-
ed through the breadth of a tree,
Lottie let go her hold and floated
down the slack water to the little
cabin boat. She was in the shadow,
and all was quiet within. The suck
ing of the water along the bank help
ed to conceal her movements. v
fc The boat was tied to the bank by,
two long ropes, one from each gun
wale. They hung slack most of the
time, but occasionally the current
tugged at the silent craft, straight
ening out the lines. . Lottie slipped
the lines from their stakes, and when
next the current tugged, the shanty
boat came away,
Lottie watched the craft clear the
brush and saw it drawn steadily into
the main current. Then she drove
httr canoe Into the wake and, sitting.
Watson Millions Go
To Make Little Crip-'
pled Girls Happy
Pittsburg, July 22. David T. AVat
son's millions will go to make little
crippled girls happy. The noted law
yer, who died here in February, left his
fortune to his wife, Mrs. Margaret H.
W. Watson, with the request that at
her death the money should go to found
a home for crippled female children be
tween the ages of three and sixteen.
A few days ago Mrs. Watsou died nt
"Sunny Hill" the summer home at
Leetsdnle. Her will showed that she
faithfully enrried out her husband's
wishes. The estate is valued at 3,
1000,000. According to the directions
the home is to be founded and well en
dowed. A special clinic will restore to
normal those crippled children who may
be treated that whv.
I like the man who likes
and tells tho people so.
Who's never Heard to run it down and
loves to see it grow.
The fellow wiio will advertise and take
a little chance,
T think the man is doubly wise who
makes his town advance.
He is the aian who pnves the way and
causes things to hum;
The fellow who will never soy. "The
Mown is on the bum."
I like the man who loves to walk
along the sunny side,
And every time you hear iiira talk
he speaks of home with pride.
He picks the city's virtues out to her
ald far and near.
And says to people all about, "We'll
build a city here."
I like the man who wears a grin when
everything seems wrong,
Kolls un his sleeves and pitches in and
siii's a merry song;
The fellow who will do his best what
ever may betide.
And always tries to lend the rest in
making home his pride.
The man who lends a helping hand to
someone falling-down.
And makes voii plainlv understand
he's here to help the town.
But from the "eronk' and "crank'
and "crab" great God deliver me,
tiis tablet be a puncheon slab, his bier!
some hollow tree, I
Or in some cavern dnmp and lone, go
deeply put him down.
The fellow who will chew the bone
and tU.il iiis own home town.
I like to see the sunburned face and
manly calloused hand.
Which instruments of toil have graced
the fellow with the sand,
Who marches forth in each good deal.
free handed, without fear.
And makes his brother townsmen feel
"We'll build a eitv here." Ex.
Des't forget your friends on their
vacation they will want to see a home
paper. Phone 61.
with her chin on her fists, and her
elbows on her knees, she floated will
the shanty boat, a few yards behind,
toward the leaping waters.
. Ahead of her, a mile away, was the)
light marking the entrance to tha
canal. Below that, a gray haze hung
above the gloomy river, and out
the haze came the roar, heaving I
rolling as the water pounded ui
the rocks,
rne xto&t floated along steadily and)
-juietiy. There were no waves on tha
water, no wind In the air. The huge,
dark masses of the bank seemed tat'
be marching past the stars above tha
tree tops. On the water, a few gleama
of light flickered and darted. Tha
light at the entrance to the canal
grew plainer as it became nearer.
The canoe and the shanty boat
Coated on down, turning from slda
to side as the eddies In the current!
caught them. The shanty boat camel
between the canoe and the light, and)
the girl saw a little halo of light
along the roof of the boat, showing
that there was a faint shadow cast
by the light, it was so near. '
f. Ahead the gray mist became whiter,
and to right and left, two banks o0
trees on Islands marked the way to)
the wing dam. Down the center ol
the way led the shanty boat. Nowi
the roar became furious and tumultu
ous. The light had been passed. Tha
girl In the canoe made no morion and
uttered no sound.
Suddenly a light flashed in tha
shanty boat It flickered a moment,
and then burned steadily. The front
door Opened and a beam of light
yellow lamp light shot out Into tha
night. It struck against the gray
fogbank above the leaping water.
Then the shadow of a human form
Was thrown against the gray mist,
with the arms raised lit astonishment.
The next Instant a far-?ard scream
a man's scream cut through tV.s
roar of the waters. Then tl-.o shanty
boat pitched over, down and o t of
sight. A moment later the canon
dipped at the fall and the irl, hr
eyes shut, but her position unchanged,
followed her faithless sweetheart
Sixth and Everett streets, Port
land, Ore., 4 blocks from Union
Station. Under new manage
ment. All rooms newly deco
Bates: 50c, 73c, $1, $1.50 per day
q ui-. 1.110T. Iir.AMI. A
.r !. II Ak ! I'n,,. .1-1 for .
Lk-.u C'lil.rbca-lcrBltianiDnd llr.MlA
lllM4N HRAI tMLLA, for
years known as Best, Safest, AUiyi Ke!iM
re superior to iblum
of Copoloa, Cubebi or
24 HCUr.3 tha
lama diioasei with
out litconvanionca.
Seltl bv all draovMj.
.VefatTetuc: in Price
Capital Journal
Sent to Your Bummer Vacation
UST worj Mr.Tw
lat . Mr. Hems Lo-?r
UST nt.r Hotel NoW
tonii'i hatplttbu docfl
UST sslect large, chW
ful ream fot you stay
UST stop long, Jong
bmi ..off a lnrt, artort tun
UST try service that euv
tlripataa evrytliin-aa arena
phars that cMishts ,
UST make) a start toward
battst haalth--nio? tha macs
lng. noon. evening meai-
UST mast and Hobnob
with friends In the airy lobby
USTrsrt -your'weery bonaV
en a truly lumrWua bad eaal
urrandef to plaaoant elf eamr
UST the thing that appeal
Roams with Brmlatt of bath ft
of mere the day. Rooms visit
prWats bath $U 0 ot mere tha aV
"v. N
. - .